Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto TINSEB258WRRZ-EL01 del fabbricante Electrolux
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316902426 TINSEB258WRRZ-EL01 U se & Car e Guide Ov er the Range Micro wav e Oven ORM 2.0_En.indd 1 ORM 2.0_En.indd 1 10.1.6 1:02:25 PM 10.1.6 1:02:25 PM.
E 2 P REC A UT IONS T O A V OID POS SIBLE EX P O S U R E T O EX C E SS I VE MIC RO W A VE ENER G Y ( a ) Do not at tempt to operate this oven with the door ope n since ope n-d oor ope ration can re sult i n h a r m f u l e x p o s u r e t o m i c r o w a v e e n e r g y .
E 3 FINDING INFORMA TION .................................. 2 PRECAUTIONS TO A VOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROW A VE ENERGY ............... 2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS .................................... 3 IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ..........
E 4 When u sing ele ctrica l applian ces bas ic safet y precauti ons shoul d be followed, including the fo llowing: T o r e d u c e t h e r i s k o f b u r n s , e l e c t r i c s h o c k , f i r e , i n j u r y t o p e r s o n s o r e x p o s u r e to exce s sive mic rowave en er gy : SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS 1.
E 5 Ope n the bottom of the ca r t on, b end the car ton fl aps back an d tilt the ov en over to rest on pl asticfoam pad. Lif t ca rton of f oven and remove all packin g materials, WALL and TOP CABINE T TEMPLA TES. SA VE THE CARTON AS IT MA Y MA KE INST ALL A TION E ASIER.
E 6 GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS Figure 1 Ground Receptacle Op enin g for Power C ord This appliance must be grounded. This ov en is equipped with a cord ha ving a grounding wire with a ground- ing plug.
E 7 Abou t Y ou r Ov en This Use a nd Care Guid e is valuable : read it ca refully and a lwa ys s av e it fo r referenc e. NEVER use the oven without the tu rntabl e and supp or t nor tur n the turnta ble ov e r so that a lar ge dish co uld be place d in the ov en.
E 8 Childre n below the age of 7 sho uld use the microw av e ov en with a supe rvising person ver y near to them. Bet ween the ag es of 7 and 1 2, the supe rv ising per son sh ould be in the sam e room. The chil d must be able to reac h the o ven co mfor t - ably ; if not, he /s he should s tand on a stu rdy stool.
E 9 Abo ut F oo d Food Do Don't Eggs, sausages, nuts, seeds, fruits & vegetables • Puncture egg y olks bef ore cooking to prev ent “ explosion” . • Pierce skins o f potatoes, apples, squa sh, hot dog s and sau sage s so that steam esc apes.
E 10 Abou t Utensi ls and Cov er ings Th e foll owin g coveri ngs a re i dea l : • P ape r t ow els are good for covering f oods for reheating a nd absor bing fat while cooki ng bacon.
E 11 1 Microwa ve ov e n door with see -through win- dow 2 Door hinges 3 Wa veguide co ver: DO NO T REMO VE. 4 T ur ntable m ot o r shaf t 5 Mic row ave ov en lig ht I t w i l l l i g h t w h e n m i c r o w a v e o v e n i s o p e r a t i n g o r door is open.
E 12 Numbe r ne x t to the control panel illu stration indicate s pages on whi ch there a re feature de scripti ons and us age infor mation. W ords in the lower portion of the display will light to indicate what function is in progr ess. CONTROL PANEL 29 16 26 24 14 29 29 13, 28 18-19 20-21 27-28 18 13 23 22 29 29 13 18-19 25 ORM 2.
E 13 • Before o perating your new oven make sure you read an d under stand thi s Use and Care Gu ide completely . • Before the O v e r the Range Mi crowa ve Oven can be used , fo llow these procedures: 1 . Plug in the oven. Close the doo r . The oven display will show ENJO Y Y OUR OV EN T OUC H CL EAR AND T OUCH CL OCK .
E 14 • Suppo se you want to defrost for 5 minu tes at 30% . Proce dure Step T ouch 1 . Enter def rosting time. 0 0 5 2. T ouc h the power l evel pad ei ght times to enter a power level of 30 % . power le vel x 8 3. T ouch the ST ART ad d 30 s ec pad.
E 15 MANUAL OPERATION T h e s e n s o r i s a s e m i - c o n d u c t o r d e v i c e t h a t d e t e c t s the vapor ( mois ture and humidit y) e mitted f rom the food as it he ats. The sens or adjusts the c ooking times a nd power level for vari ous food s and quantiti es.
E 16 Se nsor Cook The re are 5 food s (f roz e n entree s, ground me at, rice, f lash / seafood, a nd chicken b reast ) unde r the SENSOR COOK th at uses the se nsor . Y ou can c ook many food s by t ouc hing the sensor cook pad and the fo od number .
E 17 SENSOR MODES Sensor C ook char t Food Am oun t Proc ed ure 1 . Froz e n Entrees * 6 - 1 7 oz 1 70 - 480 g Use this pad fo r frozen, convenienc e foods. It will give satis factor y resul ts for most b rands . Y ou m ay wish to try several a nd choos e your fav or ite.
E 18 <F r o z e n V e g g i e s ・ Baked Potato ・ Sensor Reheat > • Sup pose you want to reheat soup. Proce dure Step T ouch To u c h t h e sensor reheat pad for so up. sensor reheat <P o p c o r n ・ Fr e s h Veg g ie s > • Supp ose you want to cook po pcor n.
E 19 Sensor Reheat char t Food Am oun t Proc ed ure Sensor Reheat * 4 - 3 6 o z 0. 1 2 - 1 .0 kg Pla ce in di sh or casserole slightl y larger t han amount to be r e h e a t e d . F l a t t e n , i f p o s s i b l e . C o v e r w i t h l i d , p l a s t i c w r a p or w ax p ap er .
E 20 Food Am oun t Proc ed ure 1. F r o z e n Breakfast * 3 -6 oz 85 - 1 70 g Th is s et ti ng wo rks well for f roze n br ea k fas t e ntre e s, p anc ake s, wa f fle s, bur ritos etc. F ollow manu facture r’ s di rection s for how to p repare fo r microwaving.
E 21 AUTO MODES < D in ner R eci pes ( r eci pe s ser v e 6 ) > 5. C HICK EN A ND RIC E Place in a 3 qua rt c asse role : 1 packa ge ( 5 - 8 ounce s ) yellow rice mix with flavor pack et 2 cups c hicken broth Stir well and c ov er . T ouch the auto cook pad, number 5 a nd touch the ST ART a dd 3 0 se c pad .
E 22 AUTO MODES K e e p w a r m a l l o w s y o u t o k e e p f o o d w a r m f o r 30 minutes at the ma ximum. Direct use • S uppos e you want to k ee p a cup of soup war m for 30 minutes. Proce dure Step T ouch 1. To u c h t h e ke ep wa rm pad. kee p warm 2.
E 23 AUTO MODES Melt, sof ten automatica lly computes the co rrect heating time a nd microwa ve power level for melting and sof tening foo ds shown in the cha r t. The re are 4 foo ds ( but ter , cho colate, ice cr eam an d crea m chee se ) unde r the melt, sof ten.
E 24 AUTO MODES Sna ck s Snacks are f or cooking /heating foods that take a sho rt a mount of time ! The re are 7 foo ds (f roz e n mw pizza , hand he ld snacks ( 3 - 4 o z / 0 . 0 8 5 - 0 . 1 1 3 k g ) , h a n d h e l d s n a c k s ( 5 - 6 o z / 0. 1 42-0.
E 25 AUTO MODES The re are 4 foods ( fre sh rolls / muff ins, frozen rolls / muff ins, pasta a nd bev e rage ) unde r the auto reheat. <F r e s h R o l l s/M u ff i n s , F r o z e n Roll s / Muf f ins , Pas ta , Bever age > • Supp ose you want to re heat 2 fres h muff ins with auto reheat.
E 26 Aut o Defrost char t Food Am oun t Proc ed ure 1 . Ground M eat 0.5 - 3.0 lb 0.3 - 1 .3 kg Remove any thawed pie ces af ter eac h stage. Let st and, covered, fo r 5 to 1 0 minutes.
E 27 CONVENIENT FEATURES User Pr ef U s e r p r e f p r o v i d e s 4 f e a t u r e s t h a t m a k e u s i n g y o u r o v e n e a s y b e c a u s e s p e c i f i c i n s t r u c t i o n s a r e provided in the intera ctive display . 1 . Child Lock The Child Lo ck prevents unw a nt e d o ven ope ration such a s by small chil dren.
E 28 CONVENIENT FEATURES 4. La nguage Sel ectio n The oven come s set for Engli sh and U.S. Customa ry Unit -pounds. Y our o ven can be select ed 3 La nguages, English, S panis h or French, and 2 u nits, pou nds or kilo grams fo r each la nguag e. T o ch ange, touch the user pref pad and nu mber 4.
E 29 CONVENIENT FEATURES Help Each set ting has a c ooking hint. If you wish to che ck, touch the user pref pad whenev e r HE L P is ligh ted in the Interactive Di splay for these a nd other manu al operation hints. Timer • Sup pose you want to time a 3-minute long dista nce pho ne call.
E 30 (Front of microwave oven) (Rear of microwave oven) Grease filters Tabs BOTTOM VIEW CLEANING AND CARE EXT ER IO R The ou tside su r face is pre coated stee l and plas tic. Clean the o utside with mil d soap and water; r inse and dr y wi th a soft c loth.
E 31 CLEANING AND CARE CHARC O AL FIL TERS Charcoal Filt er s, which are at tached with Hood Louver , a re used for n onv ented, re circulated ins tal- lation. T he filter s hould be c hange d ever y 6 to 1 2 months depending on use. 1 . D i sc onn ec t p ower to th e mi cr owave ove n at the circuit b reaker pane l or by unplugging.
E 32 SERVICE CALL CHECK Please c heck the foll o win g before callin g for ser vic e: Place one cu p of wat er in a gl ass mea suring cu p in the o ven a nd close the do or secure ly .
E 33 SPECIFICATIONS AC Line V olt age : Singl e phase 1 20V , 60 Hz, AC only AC P ower Require d : 1 650 W 1 4.3 am ps. (for EI30 SM55JB, EI30SM55JW , EI30SM55JS ) 1 5 00 W 1 3.
E 34 WARRANTY INFORMATIONS Major Appliance W arranty Information Y o ur a ppli anc e is cove re d by a one ye ar li mite d warr ant y . Fo r one ye ar f rom you r or igin al da te of pur cha se, El ec.
E 35 ORM 2.0_En.indd 35 ORM 2.0_En.indd 35 10.1.6 1:02:50 PM 10.1.6 1:02:50 PM.
©20 08 Ele ctrol ux Hom e Produc ts, In c. Post O f fice B ox 2 1 2378, Augu sta Ge orgi a 3091 7 , USA All r ight r ese rve d. Printe d in the Th aila nd For toll-free telep hone supp or t in the U .S. an d Canada 1 - 877 - 4E LECTROLUX (1 - 877 - 4 35 - 32 87) For online supp or t and intern et produc t informatio n: www .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Electrolux TINSEB258WRRZ-EL01 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Electrolux TINSEB258WRRZ-EL01 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Electrolux TINSEB258WRRZ-EL01 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Electrolux TINSEB258WRRZ-EL01 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Electrolux TINSEB258WRRZ-EL01, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Electrolux TINSEB258WRRZ-EL01.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Electrolux TINSEB258WRRZ-EL01. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Electrolux TINSEB258WRRZ-EL01 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.