Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 9310 del fabbricante DoorKing
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Model 9310 Vehicular Slide Gate Operator DoorKing, Inc. 120 Glasgow Avenue Inglewood, California 90301 U.S.A. Phone: 310-645-0023 Fax: 310-641-1586 Owner’s Manual P/N 9310-065 Rev D 5/05 Copyright 2003 DoorKing, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 Use this manual with the following models only . All 9310 models with circui t board 4403-010. IMPORTANT! The 4403 circuit board used in the model 9310 IS NOT interchangeable with the 440 2 circuit board used in the earlier model 9300 operators.
Mount operator to pad using 3/8 or 1/2 sleeve anchors . See page 14-15. 1 2 Attach chain. Adjust chain t o allow approximately 1-inch of sag per 10-feet of gate width. Be sure to remove the pin from the breather plug. See page 16-17. 3 Connect supply voltage as des cribed in sect ion 2.
9406 9406 EXIT LOOP REVERSE LOOP ON 12 3 1 DIRECTION 2 TIMER 1 Open Cycle Phot ocell 2 Close Cy cle Photoc ell 3 Open Cycle Conta ct Sensor 4 Close Cy cle Contac t Sensor 5 Common 6 Common Secondary E.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Important Notices .............................................................................................................. ........................................8 Important Safety Instructions ................................
Section 4 – Operating Instructions 4.1 Power and Reset Switches ......................................................................................................................39 4.2 Shutdown Conditions ........................................
IMPORTANT NOTICES Vehicular gate sy stems provide convenien ce to thei r users and limit vehicular t raffic onto your property. These systems can p roduce high levels of f o rce; therefore it is important that you are aware of possible hazards associated with your gate o perating system.
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING - To reduce the risk of injury or death: 1. READ AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS. 2. Never let children operate or pl ay with gate controls. Keep the remote control away from children. 3. Always keep people an d objects away from g ate.
RESTRICTIONS AND WARNINGS Install The Gate Operator Only If: • The operator is appropriate for the usage Cla ss of the appli cation and the gate is within the weight and length limitations specified for the operat or. • All openings of a horizonta l slide gate are guarded or screened from the bottom of the gate to a minimum of 4 feet (1.
ENTRAPMENT PREVENTION This vehicular gate operator is equippe d with an in herent (Type A) entrapment sensing system. This system will sense an obstructi on in both the opening and closing gate cycle s, and will cause the gate to reverse direction should an obst ruction be encoun tered.
GLOSSARY GATE – A moving barrier su ch as a swinging, slidin g, raising, lowering, or th e like, barrier, that is a stand-alone passag e barrier or is that p ortion of a wa ll or fe nce system that cont rols entrance and/or egress by persons or vehicl es an d completes the peri meter of a defined area.
SECTION 1 - INST ALLA TION Prior to beginning the installation of the slide gate operator, we suggest that you become familiar wit h the instructions, illustration s, and wiring guide-lines in this manu al. This will help insure that your installation is performed in an efficient and professio nal manner.
1.2 Concrete Pad The model 9310 vehicular gate operato r is desi gned to be mounted on a concrete pad. 1. Construct a form for the mounting pad ac cording to the specifications shown bel ow. Note that the pad for the 1 H P operator extends an a dditional 6 inches to the right to accommodate the larger cov er .
1.3 Operator Installation • Position the operator o n the pad so that there is a minimum clea rance of one (1) inch between the back of the operator housing and the gate.
1.4 Chain Installation 1. Secure the chain bra ckets to each end of the gate so that the brackets are level with the top chain cutouts in the operator housing . Brackets should be attached to the insi de of the frame so that the chain bolts, when attached, do not protrude beyond the frame of the gate.
1.6 Rear Mount 4 8 GROUND LEVEL CONCRETE PAD REMOVE BREATHER PLUG PIN Gate Brackets Idler Assembly P/N 2600-818 18.
1.7 Warning Sign Installation This DoorKing slide gate operator is shipped with two warning signs. The purpose of the warning signs is to alert uninf ormed persons, a nd to remind persons familiar with the system, that a potential hazard may exist so that appropriate action can be ta ken to avoid the hazard or to redu ce exposure to the hazard.
SECTION 2 – WIRING Before attempting to connect any wiring to the oper ator, be sure that the circuit brea ker in the electrical panel is in the OFF po sition. A separate po wer disconnect must be installed at the operator location. Perm anent wiring must be installed to the operato r as required by local electrical codes.
2.2 High Voltage Connections Use Table 1 to determine high voltage wire size re quirements. T he distance shown in the ch art is measured in feet from the operator to the power so urce. If power wiring is grea ter than the maximum distance shown, it is reco mmended that a service feeder be in stalled.
2.3 Control Wiring Controls must be far en ough from the gate so that th e user is prevented from co ming in contact with the gate while operating the c ontrols. Outdoor or easily acc essible controls should have a security feature to prev ent unauthor i zed use.
2.4 Secondary Entrapment Non-Contact Sensors • Before connecting non-contact or contact sensors, refer to pag e 32 for operation al description of these sensors. • Disconnect power to the gate operator bef ore installing the non-contact se nsors. • See diagram below for suggeste d placement of sensors.
2.5 Contact Sensors • Before connecting non-contact or contact sensors, refer to pag e 32 for operation al description of these sensors. • Disconnect power to the gate operator before in stalling the contact sensors. • Connect the contact se nsors as shown below to the auxiliary terminal strip located on the 4403 control board.
2.6 Loop Detectors Loops and loop detectors must be in stalled with this gate opera tor to prevent the gate from accidentally closing on vehicles th at may be in the path of the gate . • Loop detector wiring is sh own for DoorKing model 9406 Plug-I n loop detector only.
2.7 Gate Tracker This gate operator is equi pped with outputs from the circuit boa rd that will repo rt operator status to a companion DoorKing Acce ss Control System (Model 1833, 1835, 1837 or 18 38) when equipped wit h an optional Tracker expansion board.
2.8 Alarm Reset Switch The gate operator is equipped with a built-in re set switch that will silence the entrapment alarm an d return the operator to normal operation after a hard shutdown occurs. An auxiliary reset button may be added provided that the following con dition is met.
2.10 Master / Slave Wiring The interface wiring between the two operators require s four (4) 18 AWG wires for co ntrol. Each operator must be connect ed to it's own power so urce as described in section 2 .2. Be sure that both operators are wired to the same phase in the b reaker panel.
2.11 Secondary Entrapment Protecti on for Master / Slave Configuration Secondary entrapment p rotection for slide g ate oper ators connected in a m aster / slave configuratio n will require three sets of photo-beams to insure protection.
2.12 Main Terminal (P1) Description 1. 24 VOLT COMMON Same as terminal 13. 2. OPEN / RADIO RELAY Functions same as terminal 4. 3. 24 VOLT RADIO POWER 4. FULL OPEN / CLOSE INPUT When gate is closed, input w ill open gate to full position. When gate is open and auto clo se timer is turned on, input will re-set and hold timer.
2.13 Second ary Device Terminal (P3) External entrapment prevention devices are connected here. 1. OPEN PHOTO-BEAM This input is only active when the gate is in the opening cycle. An open photo-beam input during the opening cycle will cause the gate to stop.
SECTION 3 - ADJUSTMENTS The switch settings and adjustments in this chapte r should be made after your installation and wiri ng to the operator(s) is comp lete. Whenever any of the programming switche s on the circuit board are changed, power must be shut-off, and then turned back on for the new setting to take effect.
3.2 Switch Settings The two DIP-switches located on th e circuit board are used to p rogram the operator to operate i n various modes and to turn on or off various op erating features. When ever a switch setting is changed, power to the o perator must be turn ed OFF and then turned back o n for the new setting to take affect.
3.3 Programming Switch Description and Function 8-DIP (Top) S witch Sw it ch 1 : Set so that the operator cycles open upon initial p ower up and open command. If the operator cycles close, turn powe r o ff and change the setting on this switch. Sw it ch 2 : Turns the auto c lose timer on or off.
3.4 Limit Switch Adjustments 1. Be sure that power to the operator is OFF. 2. Push the gat e to the open po sition. Adjust the OPEN limit nut so that it is activating the OPEN limit switch. 3. Push the gat e to the close position. Adjust the CLOSE limit nut so that it is activ ating the CLOSE limit switch.
3.5 Reverse Sensitivity Adjustment This vehicular gate operator is equippe d with an in herent (Type A) entrapment sensing system. This system will sense an obstru ction in either the opening or clos ing gate cycles and will cause the gate to reverse direction should an ob struction be encountered.
SECTION 4 – OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS WARNING - To reduce the risk of injury or death: 1. READ AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS. 2. Never let children operate or play with gate co ntrols. Keep the remote control away from children. 3. Always keep people an d objects away from gate.
4.2 Shutdown Conditions Under various entrapme nt conditions the operator will assume either a soft or hard shutdown (alarm ) condition. To determine what type of reset acti on is required, y ou will nee d to understand how the different entrapment conditions affect the gate ope rat or.
Hard Shutdown A hard shutdown condition occu rs when the inhe rent entrapme nt protection system has sensed two consecutive obstruction s before the gate re aches the full open o r full closed position.
4.3 Manual Gate Operation This operator is equi pped with a manual releas e system that will allow th e gate to be pushed open in the event of a power outage or equipment failure. There are two manual release system s that are available on this gat e operator.
Fail-Secure Manual Operation The FAIL-SECURE option locks the gate whe n prim ary (AC) power is removed and requires a keyed release to place the gate in manual operation. Th e FAIL-SECURE option is typically used i n CLASS III and CLASS IV applications.
SECTION 5 – MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING Inspection and service of this gate op erator by a qualified technici an should be performed a nytime a malfunction is observed or suspected. High cycl e usa ge may req uire more frequent service checks. 5.
5.2 Operator Diagnostics This gate operator is de signed with built-in diag nost ics that will ale rt you to potential or existing problems that the micro processor has detected. Specifi c fault conditions are checked and the operator will signal that a fault exist through the built -in alarm.
5.3 Trouble Shooting Have a good VOM meter to che ck voltages and continuity. A Meg-Ohm m eter capable of checking up to 500 meg-ohms of re sistance is necessary to properly check the integrity of the gro und loops. When a malfunction occurs, isolate the problem to one of three areas: 1) the operator, 2) the loop system, 3) the key ing device s.
Gate opens a short distance, then stops and reverses. • Disconnect the gate from the gate operator and check that the gate slides freely without any binding. • Re-adjust the open reverse sensitivity . • Replace the circuit board. Gate opens but will not close.
Title: Date: Rev. Dwg . No. DOORKING, IN C., INGLEWOOD, CA 903 01 1 2 3 4 5 N.O. N.C. COM N.O. N.C. COM White Red Yellow Blue Limit Limit Partial Limit P2 P1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 .
Title: Date: Rev. Dwg . No. DOORKING, IN C., INGLEWOOD, CA 903 01 1 2 3 4 5 N.O. N.C. COM N.O. N.C. COM White Red Yellow Blue Limit Limit Partial Limit P2 P1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 .
Title: Date: Rev. Dwg . No. DOORKING, IN C., INGLEWOOD, CA 903 01 1 2 3 4 5 N.O. N.C. COM N.O. N.C. COM White Red Yellow Blue Limit Limit Partial Limit P2 P1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 .
Title: Date: Rev. Dwg . No. DOORKING, IN C., INGLEWOOD, CA 903 01 1 2 3 4 5 N.O. N.C. COM N.O. N.C. COM White Red Yellow Blue Limit Limit Partial Limit P2 P1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 .
Title: Date: Rev. Dwg . No. DOORKING, IN C., INGLEWOOD, CA 903 01 1 2 3 4 5 N.O. N.C. COM N.O. N.C. COM White Red Yellow Blue Limit Limit Partial Limit P2 P1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 .
5.4 Accessories The following accessory items can be used with the m odel 9310 slide gate operator. Contact Sensor Contact sensor s for use as a secondary ent rapment protection device. Miller Edge, Inc. ME120, ME 123, MG020, MGR20, MGS20 Photo Cell Non-contact (photo cells) sens ors for use as a secondary entrapm ent protection device.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il DoorKing 9310 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del DoorKing 9310 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso DoorKing 9310 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul DoorKing 9310 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il DoorKing 9310, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del DoorKing 9310.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il DoorKing 9310. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo DoorKing 9310 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.