Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DUP-B del fabbricante Delta Electronics
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Preface Thank you ve ry much for purcha sing DEL TA’s DOP-B Series Hum an Machine Inter face (hereinafter “HMI” ) products. This man ual will be he lpful in t he insta llation, ope ration an d specificat ions of Delt a HMI product a nd HMI Scre en Editor soft ware progra m.
Preface NOTE The c onte nt of th is m anual may be r evi sed w itho ut p rio r no tice. Pl ease cons ul t our dist ribu tors or download the most updated v ersion at http://w ww.
Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction............................................................................... 1-1 1.1 DOP-B Series Human Mach ine I nterface (HMI) .................................................... 1-1 1.2 Features.........
Table of Contents 3.5.5 Save as ...................................................................................................... 3-45 3.5.6 Make Ext. Memory Da ta ............................................................................. 3-45 3.
Table of Contents 3.6.16 Text Process ............................................................................................ 3-58 3.6.17 Pi cture ...................................................................................................
Table of Contents System DateTim e/Password Ta ble Setup/Enter Password/Contrast Bright ness/Low Secu rity/Syst em Me nu/Report List/Scre en Capt ure/Remove Storage/Import&Export Recipe/Ca libration/Languag e Change r .....................
Table of Contents Moving Sign ....................................................................................... 3- 143 3.8.9 Graph Displa y Elemen ts ............................................................................. 3-145 3.8.
Table of Contents 3.8.14 Keypad Elements ..................................................................................... 3- 191 3.8.15 Drawing Elements .................................................................................... 3- 194 3.
Table of Contents 3.9.15 Screen Properti es ..................................................................................... 3-212 3.10 Menu Bar and To olbar (Too ls) ......................................................................... 3-216 3.
Table of Contents 3.11.13 Backgrou nd Macr o ................................................................................. 3-266 3.11.14 Clock Macro ........................................................................................... 3- 266 3.
Table of Contents Cloc k Macro ................................................................................... 3- 286 Sub- Macro ...................................................................................... 3- 286 3.14.
Table of Contents 4.7 How to Create a Curve E lem ent ......................................................................... 4-33 Chapter 5 System Menu ............................................................................. 5-1 5.1 System Menu Int roduction .
Table of Contents Revision May, 2010 xiii Abou t this Manual … Use r In form ation Be sure to store this manual in a s afe place. Due to constantly gr owing produc t range, technical improvem ent and alteration o r changed texts, figures and diagrams, we r eserve the right of this manual contained inform ation change wit hout p rio r noti ce.
Table of Contents This page intentionally left blank. xiv Revision May, 2010.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 DOP-B Se ries Hu man Machin e Inter face (HMI ) DOP-B series H MI is man ufactured by ad opting easy-t o-use soft ware and hig h-speed hardwa re to provide a powerful an d stable pr ogrammabl e interfa ce. Scree n Editor soft ware progra m is a user-frie ndly progra m edit or of DOP-B series H MI for Windows.
Chapter 1 Intr odu ction interna l memory of H MI. Afte r the users fin ish edit ing the recipes, t he users ca n download the recipes individually. Direct Communicat ion with Three E xternal Contro llers DOP-B series HMI is cap able of con necting t o three diffe rent or t he same controlle rs directly via three communicat ion port s.
Chapter 1 Intr odu ction NOTE 1) The controller should provide RS- 485 interface. 2) Off-line/On-line simulation functions are only prov ided for some parts of the controllers. Also, the execution time of on-line simulation only can continue 30 minutes.
Chapter 1 Intr odu ction 1-4 Revision May, 2010 This page intentiona lly left bla nk.
Chapter 2 Working with Hardware Devices 2.1 Usage of SD C ard and USB Disk SD Card SD card (supports SDHC) can be used to sa ve and transmit data. The supporting file format is FAT32. Before using a SD car d, reformatting (FAT32) via HMI is needed.
Chap ter 2 Work ing w ith H ardwar e Dev ices 2-2 Revision May, 2010 This page intentionally left blank..
Chapter 3 Creating and Editing Screens In this cha pter, it will int roduce gene ral funct ions of Scree n Editor sof tware prog ram with Windows. Th e user can use it to desig n what he wants. Detail in format ion for each fun ction will be discussed in following chapters.
Chapter 3 Cr eating and Editing Scr eens Fig. 3-1-1 Open Microsoft Windows Step 2: Execute setup.exe from Windows taskbar by clicking “Sta rt” > “Ru n” . After pressing OK , sys tem w ill s etup a utom atic ally and y ou wil l get th e fo llowi ng di alog b ox to sel ect the desired display language (F ig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens After pressing OK , sys tem wi ll se tup au tom atica lly a nd you will get th e fol lowi ng dialog bo x to ch oose dest ination location (F ig.
Chapter 3 Cr eating and Editing Scr eens Fig. 3-1-4 Sel ect Screen Editor softwar e program Step 4: Then click Install button to start Screen Editor Installation (Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Fig. 3-1-6 Finish installing Screen Edi tor Step 5: Aft er finish inst alling S creen Edit or software prog ram (Fig . 3-1-6), th e system will a sk you to inst all HMI USB driver, please cl ick Yes to inst all.
Chapter 3 Cr eating and Editing Scr eens Step 6: After installing H MI USB drive r, click Close to complete t he installat ion. After t he installat ion is comple ted, conn ect HMI and PC by commu nicat ion cable via US B port. Wait for few se conds and act ivate Scree n Editor soft ware program.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Fig. 3-1-9 Star ting installation Fig. 3-1-10 Show detai ls Fig. 3-1-11 Fi nish upgradi ng Revision May, 2010 3-7.
Chapter 3 Cr eating and Editing Scr eens Fig. 3-1-12 Fi nish installation Step 3: After upgrading is finished, click Close to complet e the in stallation .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.2 How to Sta rt Screen Editor 1. Aft er setup, you can start Screen E ditor soft ware progra m by click ing Screen Editor 2.00.XX shortcut on t he desk (Fig. 3-2-1) or from Windows t askbar, click Start > Programs > Delta Industrial Automation > HMI > Screen Editor 2.
Chapter 3 Cr eating and Editing Scr eens When Scree n Edi tor s oftwa re pr ogra m is a ctiv ated f or th e fir st tim e, th e fi rst wi ndow to sho w up is as follows. There are o nly File , View , T ools , Op tions and Help on the toolbar. Fig. 3-2-3 Sc reen without editin g file 2.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3. Enter the project name, screen nam e, screen No. and select connected HMI, contro ller or printer. Then, click OK . It can cr eate a new project in Screen Editor software program as shown in the following (Fig.
Chapter 3 Cr eating and Editing Scr eens 3. Text Too lbar 4. Bitmap Toolb ar 5. Elemen t Toolb ar 6. Layout To olbar 7. Drawing Toolbar Fig. 3-2-6 To olbar of Screen Editor 3-12 Revision May, 2010.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Posit ion of too lbar can be mo ved. Fig. 3- 2-7 El ement Toolbar has been mo ved Elemen t Tool Wi ndow The Elemen t Tool wind ow provides v arious kin ds of eleme nt icons for se lection (Fig.
Chapter 3 Cr eating and Editing Scr eens Property T able The Proper ty Table displays the elem ent property settings for eac h element (Fig. 3-2- 10 & Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Record and Output Window The Record and Out put Window displays a ll the edit ing actions and output message when compile functio n is enabled (Fig. 3-2-11). When HMI program is comp iled, the system will detect the progra m automa tically.
Chapter 3 Cr eating and Editing Scr eens Status Bar Following is t he status bar of Screen E ditor (Fig. 3-2-13). Download 3-16 Revision May, 2010 Fi g.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.3 Intern al Me mory There are six kinds of regis ters for selection. They are i nternal register $, Non-vo latile Internal Register $M, Indir ect Address Register * $, Recipe Number Regi ster RCPNO, Reci pe Group Register RCPG and Recipe Regis ter RCP (Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.3.3 Indirect Address Register (Read / Wri te) : *$ Word Acces s : *$n( n : 0-65535 ) Indirect address register is an ar ea where an address is stored. The user must get the address from *$n and then ge t the values stored in this address.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.3.5 Recipe Gr oup Reg ister (R ead / Write ) : RCPG This register is used to specify the 32-bit recipe gr oup (Fig. 3-3-3). It is di fferent than RCPNO. The differenc e is that when using RCPG, not onl y the recipe number, the reci pe group also must be set.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Assume that the data size i s L and the recipe num ber is N, and the ac tual recipe da ta space is equal to L x N words, i.e. L x N recipe registers are occupied. Delta DOP- B series has a recipe buffer area (Table 3- 3-2) which stores the selected rec ipe data by the user.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Exampl e 2: In T abl e 3-3- 5, th e siz e L i s set to 3 an d the n umb er N i s set to 2 wi th th e rec ipe data. Thu s the layout of the recipe data will be shown as Table 3-3-6, i.e . RCP0~RCP8 are occupied .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Assume that the data size i s L and the recipe num ber is N, and the ac tual recipe da ta space is equal to L x N DW words, i.e. L x N recipe registers are o ccupied. Delta DOP-B seri es has a recipe buffer area (Table 3-3- 8) which stores the selec ted recipe data by the user .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Exampl e 2: In T able 3- 3-11, suppo se tha t it is built i n the f irst gr oup ( RCPG =1). T he size L is set to 2 and the n um ber N i s se t to 3 w ith the re cip e dat a. Th us th e lay out o f th e rec ipe d ata wi ll b e sh own as Table 3-3-12, i .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.4 Control Block and Statu s Block For two-way commun ication bet ween Delta DOP se ries HMI and all other brands of PLCs, the address of the control b lock and status block must be defined. These se ttings are located in the Co nfig ur at io n dialog box (Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Note: Checking of Auto res et fl ags will reset the control b lock fl ags (Bits) automatically after the desired procedure has been e xecuted. If this box is not checked, the system will ask the user to rese t the flags.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Screen Numb er Design ation Register ( SNIR) To use this regi ster, write a value o f the screen number that the user desir es to have displayed into this regis ter; then HMI will change to that screen. For ex ample (refer to Table 3-4-1), if set D0 or $15.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Fig. 3-4-3 Communication t ab F ig. 3-4-4 PLC Connections Com mun ic ati on r etr y ti me s is 3 times Enable / Disabl e Backlight Bit 1 cont rols t he backlig ht of HMI . When bit 1 is turn ed ON, th e HMI backlig ht turns OFF.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Update USB Data Bit 5 updates the USB data. When this flag is used, the user can update the stored data in alarm buffer area into the USB disk.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Curve Control Register (CUCR) Bit Binary Di splay of R elative Position (x ) Functio n 0 0000 0000 0000 000x Curve Sampling Flag 1 1 0000 0000 0000 00x 0 Curve .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Fig. 3-4-5 Cu rve Elemen ts on HMI Screen Curve Cl ear Flag Bits 8 to 11 (flags 1 to 4) clear the curve (T rend Graph, X-Y Chart, X-Y distribu tion or Curve In put) when this flag is turned ON (For more de tails on t he setting s of curve element, please refer to section 3.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-31 Corresponding Flag Corresponding Buffer Area Bit Binary Di splay of Rel ative Position (x ) Functio n Buffer Area 4 3 0000 0000 0000 x00.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Cleari ng Histor y Buffer Regi ster (HBCR) The history buffer when controlled by a PLC can also be cleared by the PLC.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens set tings , the RCPNP can chan ge to the d esig nate d rec ipe numb er a utom atic ally . To control the change rec ipe number flag again, this flag must be t urned OFF and then ON aga in. For example (refer to Table 3-4-1), if set D6 to 3 and set D5 or $20.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Designate Re cipe Group Number Bits 8 to Bi t 15 des igna te th e rec ipe gro up number. When the recipe group number is designat ed and turn ON this control flag, H MI will chan ge the value of RCPG an d change t he recipe g roup number automatically.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Mu lti- la ngu ag e Se tt ing Va lue Bits 0 to 7 save the designa ted multi-language setting v alues (Fig. 3-4-7). These setting values cont rol HMI to switch to t he specified la nguag e (For more details on multi-lan guage sett ings, please re fer to sect ion 3.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Printer Flag When this flag is turned ON, the current displ ay (Hard Copy) or the editing sc reen can be printe d out. When th is flag is turn ed OFF, th e printer fun ction is d isabled. For example (refer to Table 3-4-1), if D7 is set to 256 or set $22.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-37 Exampl e 1 (PLC register) Exampl e 2 (HMI regi ster) Word Contro l Register Address Exampl e Address Exampl e 7 General Co ntrol Stat us.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-38 Revision May, 2010 Flag Con trol Leve l ON Binary Di splay Level 6 Bi t 9, Bi t 10 Bi t 8 0000 0110 0000 0000 Level 7 Bi t 8, Bi t 9, Bi t 10 0000 0111 00.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Sampli ng History Bu ffer Status Register ( HSSR) Corresponding Flag Corresponding Buffer Area Bit Binary Di splay of Rel ati ve Posi ti on ( x) Function Buffer.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Clear ing Histor y Buffer Status Fl ag When clearing the history buffer , the clearing history buffer status flag will be set to be ON (Bits 0 t o 11 is set to ON). Aft er the clearing operat ion is completed, the clearing history buffer st at us flag will be OFF.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-41 Genera l Cont rol Sta tus Re giste r 2 (GCSR 2) Bit Binar y Display of Relative Position (x ) Functio n 0-7 0000 0000 xxxx xxxx Multi- l.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.5 Menu Bar an d Tool bar ( Fil e) 3.5. 1 New Create a New Projec t. Creates a new project by choosing Fil e > New (Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens If other project files al ready exist and are open, the user will get the following dial og box to remind the user of saving project (Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Fig. 3-5-4 Open an old project in ScrEdit 3.5. 3 Close Close Project . Closes project by clicking Fil e > Close . If project didn’t get saved before issuing the command of closing project, the user will get saving dialog box (Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.5. 5 Save as Save c urr ent pr ojec t to an othe r fil e name by cli cking Fil e > Save As . The user will get Save as dialog box ( Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Fig. 3-5-8 Make Ex t. Memory Data dialog box 3.5. 7 Open Ext. Memor y Da ta To open the screen data, sel ect F ile > O pen E xt . Me mo ry D ata or press Ctrl+I . A dialog box is displayed and the u ser selects the file that the u ser wants to open.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Fig. 3-5-10 P assword protect function is disabl ed Fig. 3-5-11 P assword settings – Security 3.5. 9 Pr int Print current screen by choosing File > Prin t , or c licking the Print icon from toolbar, or pressing Ctrl + P .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Fig. 3-5-12 P rint Preview dialog box 3.5.11 Print Setup To choose the pri nter an d paper options, select Fil e > Pri nt S etu p ( Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.5.12 File Qui ck Access By default, Scr Edit presents a list of the four most recent used files on the File m enu for quick access (F ig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.6 Menu Bar an d Tool bar ( Edi t) Adopt pull-down menu similar to Mi crosoft Office style and prov ide user-f riendly Edit pull-down menu . 3.6. 1 Und o Undo the la st action. Se lect this fun ction by choosin g Edit > Un do o r clicking the Undo ic on from toolbar, or pressing Ct rl + Z .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.6. 4 Cop y Copy the selected elemen t to the clipboard. Selec t this function by choosing Edi t > C op y from menu bar or clicking the Copy icon from toolbar, or press ing Ctrl + C . 3.6. 5 Paste Paste element from clipboard.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Find Find Wha t: This field is where the user en ters the word or phase that the user i s looking for. Fig. 3-6-1 Find dialog box Options: Current Scr een Thi s cau ses Sc rEdi t to n avig ate th e cu rre nt scr een o nly and fi nd the matc hin g word or phase that the us er is looking for.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens All Screen This causes Scr Edit to navigate all screens and fi nd the word or phase that the user is look ing for. The output window will dis play all ma tching words or phases. When the user double clicks the word or phase, ScrEdit wil l also jump to tha t loc ati on o f the m atch ing wor d or phas e.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Replace Find Wha t: This field is where the user en ters the word or phase that the user i s looking for. Replace With: Thi s field is where the user enters the word or phase that the u ser wants to replace wit h.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Data Type: Bit, WORD, DWORD If the Read Address or Write Address bu tton is selected, it is needed to select if the repla cing data t ype is Bit, W ord, or Double Word.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Fig. 3-6-5 3.6.10 Stati on Replace This function is used to replace the designa ted station number (PLC uni t number). Fig. 3-6-6 3.6.11 Group This command gro ups the selected elem ents. When the user gro ups two or more elements, they will be come one unit.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.6.12 Ungroup This command u ngroups selected elem ents. To ungroup the elem ents, select Edi t > Ung roup from menu bar or clicking the Ungrou p icon f rom t oolbar. 3.6.13 Order This command chan ges the stacking o rder of the selected el ements.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.6.15 Make Same Size This command m akes the element to be the sam e size. The users must select one elem ent first as reference object, an d then select other e lements. To use this fun ction, se lect Edi t > Make Same Size or click t he make same size i cons in the t oolbar.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Fig. 3-6-7 Du plicate dialog box Fig. 3-6-8 Du plicate Example 1 Revision May, 2010 3-59.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Fig. 3-6-9 Du plicate Example 2 3-60 Revision May, 2010.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.7 Me nu B ar and Tool bar (View ) In View option, the user can decide how toolbars and dockin g windows display . Once the user cli cks on it, it will have icon in front of it and displa y on sc r een. The user can also arrange these toolba rs and do cking wi ndows b y themse lves.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-62 Revision May, 2010 Ico n Func tio n Description New Screen Create a new screen Open Screen Open an old screen Print Pri nt cu rre nt pr ojec t About Screen editor version Table 3-7-1 Standard To olbar Status Bar Following is t he status bar of Screen E ditor (Fig .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-63 Ico n Func tion Description Align Text to Top Alig n text to t op Text Ce nter Vert ically T he space at the top/bottom sides of text will be the same.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Elemen t Toolb ar Ico n Functio n Description Butto n Met er Bar Pipe Pie 3-64 Revision May, 2010.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-65 Ico n Functio n Description Indicator Display Graphic Input Curve Sampling Alarm Keypad Table 3-7-4 Elem ent T oolbar.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Drawing Toolbar Ico n Func tion Description Line Draw a line Rectangle Draw a rectangle Circle Draw a circle Polygon Draw a pol ygon Arc Draw an arc Text Add p.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-67 Ico n Fu nctio n Description Download Screen and Recipe Download screen data and recipe Download Screen Download screen data On-line S i.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-68 Revision May, 2010 Ico n Func tion Description Down Space Evenly Make all t he element s align in a consiste nt height Make Sa me W idth Make the selected.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-69 3.7. 2 Prop erty T able The Property Tabl e displays the elemen t property settings for each elem ent (Fig. 3-7-2). All elements on the cu rrent editing screen Elemen t state selection Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-70 Revision May, 2010 3.7. 3 Recor d an d Outp ut Wi ndow c ys all the ed iting actions and o utput message when 4, The Re ord and Output Window displa compile func tion is enabled. When HMI program is com piled, the system will detect th e program a utomat ically.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.7. 4 Zoom In Zoom in to get a close look at the elements on ScrEdit work place ( Fig. 3-7-7, Fig. 3-7-8). Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.7. 5 Zoom Ou t Zoom out to see mor e look of the elements on Scr Edit work place (Fig. 3- 7-9). Fig. 3-7-9 Zoom level = 75% (After Choosing Zoom Out command) 3.7. 6 Actu al Size Retu rn to actu al s ize (100% ).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.7. 7 Full Screen Refer to Fig. 3-7-11. Ful l screen provides maximum view to edi t in ScrEdit. Full screen vi ew will hide all toolbars and dock ing windows ot her than t he ScrEdit work place itself. F ig. 3-7-11 full screen also shows the reference m acro command.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.7. 9 Gri d Setup Grid Setup is a fu nction that can hel p the user to align and position the el ement more easily and precisely. The distance (spacing) between the grid dots can be set by the user fr eely (Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.7.10 Cross Reference Table When creating a nd editing various kinds of elements, often the same address is reused. To avoid this situation, HMi provides the cross reference tabl e function for user’s convenience and quic k reference.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Fig. 3-7-16 El ement Part List dialog box 3.7.12 Memory List There are four items in memory list: 1. ROM: It is the loc ation where recipe data and screen data are stored. 2. SRAM: It is th e location whe re non-volat ile data is store d.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens See below ex ample. (1). See the memory spac e after a picture is imported. (2). See the memory spac e after a history data is created. (1). Import a picture When importing a picture on HMI screen, the m emory space of ROM and SDRAM changes.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens (2). Create a history data In this case, the o riginal occu pied memory space i s: ROM=7.29% SDAM=3.98% SRAM=0% External Sto rage=0% Cre ate a tw o wo rd his tory data a s show n as th e figu re be low. Ensur e that t his h istor y data is stored in HMI (non -volatile a rea), i.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-79.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens If the history dat a is saved in USB Disk (E xt ernal Storage), the occupied m emory space is changed as follows: ROM=7.29% SDAM=3.98% SRAM=0% External Sto rage=110Bytes For more details setting on alarm and history data, please r efer to the section 3.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-81 3.8 Menu B ar and T oo lba r (E leme nt ) 3.8. 1 Create an Elem ent There are four methods for choosing elemen ts when editing the scr eens: 1. Right-clic k the mouse in the work place and a shortcut m enu will display as Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-82 Revision May, 2010 Fig. 3-8-2 Cho ose Element co mmand from m enu bar Fig. 3-8-3 Cho ose Element ic on from toolbar.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-83 Fig. 3-8-4 Cho ose Element ico n from Object dialog box After selecting an el ement, left-cli ck and drag the mouse on wo rk place, and then a new element is created.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-84 Revision May, 2010 Fig. 3-8-6 Cr eate an element How to Creat e an Element To create an elemen t on HMI screen, first select a desired elemet from menu bar or toolbar and then click the s tarting point on the screen.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-85 Fig. 3-8-8 Sel ect a desired element from menu bar Fig. 3-8-9 Lef t-click and drag the mouse on work plac e then release the mou se butt.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-86 Revision May, 2010 Fig. 3-8-10 An el ement is created How to Move an Elemen t The user can us e the mouse to move an el ement.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-87 How to Change El ement Width The user can us e the mouse to modify the width o f an element. Wh en the mouse cur sor changes to a two-arrow icon , the user can l eft-click the mo use and modify the elemen t width (Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-88 Revision May, 2010 How to Chan ge Elemen t Width and Heigh t Simul taneously The user can use the mo use to modify the width and heigh t of an element simultaneou sly.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-89 How to Input Characters The user can input a stri ng of characters that Windows ® operating system accept s in the property table.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-90 Revision May, 2010 Rig ht- cli ck th e Mous e The user ca n find that different menu will pop up wh en right -clicking the mouse (Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-91 Fig. 3-8-17 Ri ght-cl ick the mouse on Work Place - El ement Selec tion Fig. 3-8-18 Ri ght-clic k the mouse on the element - Edi ting op.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-92 Revision May, 2010 3.8. 2 Bu tton Elem ents Fig. 3-8-19 Bu tton Elements Tabl e 3-8-1 Butto n Elemen ts Button Typ e Macro Read Wri te Functio n Set ON V V After pressing thi s button, the state o f the setting address (Bit) will always be set t o ON.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-93 Button Typ e Macro Read Wri te Functio n Moment ary ON OFF V V After pressing thi s button, the state o f the setting address (Bit) will be set to O N and execute ON Macro at the same time.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-94 Revision May, 2010 Button Typ e Macro Read Wri te Functio n Enter Password O X X After pressing this button, the u ser can enter the password. Contrast Brightne ss O X X After pressing this button, the user can adjust the contrast bright ness of HMI .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-95 Property Description o f General Buttons Write Address Read Address The link t ype can be Base Port (Cont roller) or I nterna l Memory or Internal P arameter. If the u ser is connecting to multi connec tions, the new connec tions will be added into the “L ink” d rop- down l ist.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-96 Revision May, 2010 Property Description o f General Buttons Edit On/Off Macro Edit On and Off Macro is availabl e. When pressing the button, the state of the button will be ON and the commands of ON Macro will be executed simul taneously.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-97 Property Description o f General Buttons Blink The element can bl ink to remind the u ser. The user c an decide if the element bl inks or not when the bu tton is set to be ON o r OFF s tate.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-98 Revision May, 2010 Property Description o f General Buttons Bank Picture Name In this dialog bo x, the user can double clic k the mouse to select an element. T he user can also press Ctrl and left key of the mouse to import sever al pictures into the des ignated elem ent at the same time.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-99 Property Description o f General Buttons Func tion The user can mo dify the elemen t characteristic directly witho ut re-create a new el ement.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-100 Revision May, 2010 3.8. 2.2 Multis tate Bu tton Property De scription of Multistat e Buttons Multistate bu ttons accept three kin ds units, WORD, LSB and Bi t and the state numb er will be different by the unit.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-101 Property De scription of Multistat e Buttons Set Lo w Sec uri ty Use this opti on to for ce th e cu rren t pri ori ty to be the low est a fte r the button is pressed. This can prevent the misoperation made by the user (ope rator).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-102 Revision May, 2010 3.8. 2.3 Se t Valu e Button Property Descript ion of Set Value Buttons After pressing this button on the screen, a system built-in numeric ke ypad (TEN-KEY) will show u p and the u ser can use it t o input the setting va lue direct ly.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-103 Property Descript ion of Set Value Buttons It provides diffe rent kinds of data format for different data length : Word Double Word Data F ormat 1. BCD 2. Signed BCD 3. Signed Dec imal 4.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-104 Revision May, 2010 Property Descript ion of Set Value Buttons Info the overr ange message W h e n t h i s o p t io n is se t , a n E r r o r d i a l o g b o x w i l l a pp e a r t o p ro mp t the user the inpu t value has exceeded the limit of the ran ge setting.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-105 Property Descriptio n of Set Constant Buttons Tri gger Trig ge r Typ e The user can use this se tting to trigger the designated control ler address to be ON before or a fter writ ing the sett ing value.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-106 Revision May, 2010 Property Descriptio n of Set Constant Buttons After Exec ute Mac ro If th is o pti on i s set, whe n the user presses the butt on, the system will perform the oper ation of this button first and then exec ute the com mand of thi s m acro .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-107 Property Descri ption of Increment / Decrement Buttons Tri gger Trig ge r Typ e The user can use this se tting to trigger the designated control ler address to be ON before or a fter writ ing the sett ing value.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-108 Revision May, 2010 Property Descri ption of Increment / Decrement Buttons Before E xecute Mac ro If th is o pti on i s set, whe n the user presses the butt on, the system will execute t he command of t his macro first and then perform the operation of this but ton.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-109 Property Descriptio n of Goto Screen / Previ ous Page Buttons Tri gger Trig ge r Typ e The user can use this se tting to trigger the designated control ler address to be ON before or a fter writ ing the sett ing value.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-110 Revision May, 2010 Property Descriptio n of Goto Screen / Previ ous Page Buttons Goto Screen When clicking this opt ion, the following dialog box will po.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-111 3.8. 2.7 Sy stem D ateTi me/Pas swor d Tabl e Setu p/En ter P asswor d/C ontr ast Bright ness/Lo w Securit y/Sy stem Me nu/Repo rt List.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-112 Revision May, 2010 Property Descript ion of Syste m Function B uttons Func tion Password Table Setup Even though the user can open Password Tab le, it only indicates that the us er can change the password that level is l ower than th e users’.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-113 Property Descript ion of Syste m Function B uttons Enter Password This button provides HMI a password input interface. It will open the cor responding priority by the input password. The higher level the user inpu ts, the higher priority the us er has.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-114 Revision May, 2010 Property Descript ion of Syste m Function B uttons Screen Capture After pressing thi s button, the screen data can be captured and output t o USB disk (BMP files). The file output designat ion is locat ed on USB disk.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-115 Property Descript ion of Syste m Function B uttons Tri gger Trig ge r Typ e The user can use this se tting to trigger the designated control ler address to be ON before or a fter writ ing the sett ing value.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-116 Revision May, 2010 Property Descript ion of Syste m Function B uttons Before E xecute Mac ro If th is o pti on i s set, whe n the user presses the butt on, the system will execute t he command of t his macro first and then perform the operation of this but ton.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-117 3.8. 3 Meter Elements Fig. 3-8-20 M eter Elemets Property Descript ion of Met er Elments The user can set meter appear ance in the property table, su ch as the style, the color (including bo rder color, background co lor, stitch color, scale color ) and the scale region number, etc.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-118 Revision May, 2010 Property Desc ription of Meter Elemen ts When the user has input the target valu e, minimum and maximum value, after pressing OK bu tton, HMI will exam ine the value by r eferring to th e selected data length, dat a format , integral and fractional digits.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-119 Property Desc ription of Meter Elemen ts Targ et Va lue Color The user can decide if the tar get value display or not by using th is option.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-120 Revision May, 2010 3.8. 4 Bar Elem ents Fig. 3-8-21 Bar Elements 3.8. 4.1 Nor mal Property Descri ption of Normal Bar Elem ents HMI reads the value of the corresponding PL C specific address (register ) and converts the value to norm al bar element and then di splays it on the screen.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-121 Property Descri ption of Normal Bar Elem ents When the user has input the target valu e, low & high limit, and minimum & maximum value, aft er pressing OK but ton, HMI will exami ne the value by referring to the selec ted data length and da ta format.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-122 Revision May, 2010 Property Descri ption of Normal Bar Elem ents Low Region Color High Regio n Color This option is availab le and displaye d in the prope rty table only wh en the “Ranges” option in the Detail dialog box is selected.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-123 Property Descri ption of Differential Bar Elements Standard Raised Sunken Style Display Format Horizontal: The di fferential value displ ay horizontally. Vertical: The differen tial value display v ertical ly.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-124 Revision May, 2010 Property Descri ption of Differential Bar Elements Setting For exam ple, if the data length is set to Word, the data form at is set to.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-125 3.8. 5 Pip e Elements Fig. 3-8-22 P ipe Elements 3.8.5 .1 Pipe (1 )/Pipe (2) Property Descript ion of Pipe (1) / Pipe (2) E lements HMI reads the value of the corresponding address (r egister).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-126 Revision May, 2010 Property Descript ion of Pipe (1) / Pipe (2) E lements Data Length: There are 16bits Word and 32bi ts Double W ord two opt ions. Memory F ormat: here are following data format provided: Word/ Double Word 1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-127 Property Descript ion of Pipe (1) / Pipe (2) E lements Low Region Color High Regio n Color This option is availab le and displaye d in the propert y table only when the “R anges ” opti on i n the De tail Se tup d ialo g box is selec ted.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-128 Revision May, 2010 3.8. 5.3 Pi pe(4) Property Descript ion of Pipe (4) Element It is used to connec t to water pipe elem ent. Pipe (4) element is shown as the figure below: Pipe Gauge : Use this option to set the pipe gauge.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-129 3.8.5 .5 Pipe (6 )/Pipe (7) Property Descript ion of Pi pe (6) / Pipe (7) Element Horizontal and vertical pipes. It is used to d ispl ay the d ire ctio n of wa ter f low . Read Address The address can be i nternal memory or the cont roller a ddress.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-130 Revision May, 2010 3.8.6 Pi e Elements Fig. 3-8-23 P ie Elements Property Descri ption of Pie Elements There are four kinds of Pie elements for the user to select. The user can use the el ement property table t o set the minimum & maximum value, lo w & high limit and elemen t color, etc.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-131 Property Descri ption of Pie Elements Data Length: There are 16bi ts Word and 32bits Double Word two opt ions. Memory F ormat: here are followi ng data format provided: Word/ Double Word 1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-132 Revision May, 2010 Property Descri ption of Pie Elements Low Region Color High Regio n Color This option is availa ble an d displayed in the prope rty table only when the “Ranges” opt ion in th e Detail Set up dialog bo x is select ed.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-133 3.8. 7 Indi cator Elements Fig. 3-8-24 Indi cator Elem ents 3.8. 7.1 Multi state In dicator Pro per ty Des cri ptio n of M ulti sta te In dic ator Elem ent Multistat e indicat or provides a meth od to indicat e the st ate of some specific add ress.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-134 Revision May, 2010 Pro per ty Des cri ptio n of M ulti sta te In dic ator Elem ent Bit Indi ca tor e leme nt ca n hav e two sta tes. Word Indicator elemen t can have 256 states. Data Length LSB Indicator elem ent can have 16 states.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-135 Property Desc ription of Range Indi cator Elemen t Foregroun d Color Style (Please refe r to Table 3 -8-2 Property De scription of General Butto ns.) Add/Remove State It is used to set the stat e numbers of range indicator.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-136 Revision May, 2010 Property Desc ription of Range Indi cator Elemen t X U sed to set X coor dinat e Y U sed to set Y co ordi nat e Width Used t o set the elem ent width Height Used to set the elemen t height 3.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-137 3.8.8 Data Display E lemen ts Fig. 3-8-25 Da ta Display Elements 3.8. 8.1 Num eric Di splay Property Descript ion of Numeri c Display Ele ment This element will r ead the value of the setting address and displ ay the read value immediately in the format set by the user.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-138 Revision May, 2010 Property Descript ion of Numeri c Display Ele ment Date Length T here are 16bits Word and 32bits Double Word two options. Data F ormat There are follo wing data format provided: Word 1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-139 Property Descript ion of Numeri c Display Ele ment Fast Refr esh If this option is selected, the element can be displ ayed immediately when switching the screen.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-140 Revision May, 2010 Property Description of Charact er Display Element String Lengt h The range is with 1 ~ 28 wor ds. Set the read address as Internal M emory 0, i.e. $0, set the string length to 6, and create three Numeric Entry el ements.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-141 Property Description of Charact er Display Element Fast Refr esh If this option is selected, the element can be displ ayed immediately when switching the screen.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-142 Revision May, 2010 Ti me Display Property Descri ption of Time Display Elem ent Display HMI system time.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-143 3.8. 8.6 Pres tored Message Property Descri ption of Prestored Message Element Display the state co ntent of PLC corresponding contac t or register direc tly. The user can set state number and tex t for each state.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-144 Revision May, 2010 Property Descri ption of Moving Sign Elem ent Text Text Si ze Font Text Col or The user can set th e text, text size, font and text col or provided by Wind ows ® to determine the text displ ay on the element (Pl ease refer to Table 3-8 -2 Propert y Description of General B uttons.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-145 3.8. 9 Grap h Display El ements Fig. 3-8-26 Gr aph Display Elements 3.8. 9.1 Sta te Grap hi c Property Descriptio n of Static Graphic E.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-146 Revision May, 2010 Property Descriptio n of Static Graphic Elem ent No When this option i s selected, the value of the read address will be regarded as the state number. It means that the s tate number is determ ined by the value o f the read address.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-147 Property Descriptio n of Static Graphic Elem ent Transparent If Yes is sel ected, it indicates t hat this ele ment will be d isplayed in transparent co lor. It is usually used with the transparen t color setting of the element.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-148 Revision May, 2010 Property Descriptio n of Animated Graphic El ement Read Address Use the val ue of Read Address to swi tch th e state of anim ated graphic element. Read Address+1 Use the value of Read Addr ess+1 to be the horizontal axis position of the animated graphic el ement.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-149 Dyn amic Line Property Descri ption of Dynamic Line Elem ent The dynam ic line element can be changed an d moved depending on the value of the correspondi ng conta ct or registe r.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-150 Revision May, 2010 Property Descri ption of Dynamic Line Elem ent Line Color Used to set the display color of the dynamic line elemen t. Blink The element can bli nk to remind the user. (Please refer to Table 3-8-2 Property Descriptio n of General Buttons.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-151 Property Descript ion of Dynamic R ectangle Element Read Address +2 The value of the Read Addr ess+2 can be used only when Varia ble Size optio n is s et to Yes. It is used to represent the r ight-bottom horizontal position (Right) of the element, i.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-152 Revision May, 2010 Property Descript ion of Dynamic R ectangle Element Transparent When this op tion is select ed, the ele ment will display on ly with t he border and there i s no color in the element. T he Foreground Color option will be disabled also.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-153 Property De scription of Dyn amic Ellipse Element Read Address +3 The value of the Read Addr ess+3 can be used only when V ariable Ra dius opti on i s set to Ye s. It is used to represent the ver tical radius of the elemen t, i.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-154 Revision May, 2010 Property De scription of Dyn amic Ellipse Element X Used to set X coor dinat e Y Used to set Y co ordi nat e Width Used t o set the elem ent width Height Used to set the element hei ght 3.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-155 Property Descript ion of Real I mage Element (6) int hmAbortAct ion(); (7) int hmClose(); Exam ple 4.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-156 Revision May, 2010 Property Descript ion of Real I mage Element Exam ple Explanat ion: After con verting the input image for mat int o the width and height of the element, and Bi t value, the sys tem wi ll sta rt to transm it th e imag e to HM I.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-157 3.8.10 Input Elemen ts Fig. 3-8-27 Inpu t Elemen ts Num eric Entry Property Desc ription of Numeric En try Elements After pres.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-158 Revision May, 2010 Property Desc ription of Numeric En try Elements Tri gger Trig ge r Typ e The user can use this se tting to trigger the designated control ler address to be ON before or a fter writ ing the sett ing value.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-159 Property Desc ription of Numeric En try Elements Edit Sys tem Keypad Adjust the system keypad size Set th e hei gh t of th e titl e bar.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-160 Revision May, 2010 Property Desc ription of Numeric En try Elements User Security Level Use this option to set the user prio rity for pressing this element. Only the pri ority t hat is equal t o or hig her than t he current sett ing can use this el ement.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-161 Property Desc ription of Numeric En try Elements After Exec ute Mac ro If th is o pti on i s set, whe n the user presses the butt on, the system will perform the opera tion of this button first and then execute the com mand of thi s m acro .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-162 Revision May, 2010 Pro per ty Des cri ptio n of C har acter En try El eme nts Character Le ngth The range is wit h 1 ~ 28 words .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-163 Pro per ty Des cri ptio n of C har acter En try El eme nts Display Asterisk (*) If YES is se lected, the scre en will sh ow as the followin g figure when inputting the sett ing value.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-164 Revision May, 2010 Pro per ty Des cri ptio n of C har acter En try El eme nts After Exec ute Mac ro If th is o pti on i s set, whe n the user presses the butt on, the system will perform the opera tion of this button first and then execute the com mand of thi s m acro .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-165 Property Descri ption of Character Barc ode Input Elemen ts Tri gger Trig ge r Typ e The user can use this se tting to trigger the designated control ler address to be ON before or a fter writ ing the sett ing value.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-166 Revision May, 2010 Property Descri ption of Character Barc ode Input Elemen ts Display Asterisk (*) If YES is se lected, the scre en will sh ow as the followin g figure wh en inputting the sett ing value.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-167 Property Descri ption of Character Barc ode Input Elemen ts After Exec ute Mac ro If th is o pti on i s set, whe n the user presses the butt on, the system will perform the opera tion of this button first and then execute the com mand of thi s m acro .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-168 Revision May, 2010 3.8.11 Curve Elements Fig. 3-8-28 Cu rve Elements Trend Graph Property Desc ription of Trend Graph El ements The first step for setting trend gra ph is to set the curve number in “Curve Field To tal” option (range is 1~4) in property table.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-169 Property Desc ription of Trend Graph El ements Setting Sample Num ber Max . Sa mpl e Num ber Sample Number can be set to a constant or a variable value.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-170 Revision May, 2010 Property Desc ription of Trend Graph El ements Sample Num ber Max . Sa mpl e Num ber Please note that when the s ample number is a constant, the Max. Sampl e Number opti on i s disabled.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-171 Property Descri ption of Trend Graph Elem ents Line Size Used to the di splay line width. The range is withi n 1 ~ 8 and the unit is pixel. Setting Line Color Used to set the displa y line color .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-172 Revision May, 2010 Property Descriptio n of X-Y Chart Elements Setting Sample Num ber Max . Sa mpl e Num ber Samp le Nu mber can be set to a co nsta nt or a vari abl e value.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-173 Property Descriptio n of X-Y Chart Elements Sample Num ber Max . Sa mpl e Num ber Please note that when the s ample number is a constant, th e Max.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-174 Revision May, 2010 Property Descriptio n of X-Y Chart Elements Vert. R ead Address The addres s can be inte rnal memo ry or the co ntroller address. (Please refer to T able 3.2.2 Property Description of General Buttons.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-175 X-Y Distributi on Property Descri ption of X-Y Distrubution El ements HMI will re ad and conv ert non - consecutive or consecutive data of the setti ng addressto a X-Y distribut ion graph on the scree n.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-176 Revision May, 2010 Property Descri ption of X-Y Distrubution El ements Control The address can be i nternal memory or the controlle r address. (P lease refer t o Table 3.2.2 Property Description of General Bu ttons.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-177 Property Descri ption of X-Y Distrubution El ements Conjunction Used to determine if a line i s connected between the distribution points. It can be an int ernal memory, PLC address or constant.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-178 Revision May, 2010 3.8.12 Sampli ng Elements Fig. 3-8-29 Sam pling El ements 3.8. 12.1 Histor ical Trend Grap h Property Descriptio n of Historical Trend.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-179 Property Descriptio n of Historical Trend Gr aph Elements Data Form at Word 1. BCD 2. Signed BCD 3.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-180 Revision May, 2010 Property Descriptio n of Historical Trend Gr aph Elements Enable I f this option is selected, t he following curve option s are enabled and can be set. Data N o. It is used t o set the readin g Word data when trigg ering every tim e.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-181 His torical Data Table Property Descri ption of Historical Data T able Elements Con ver t the his tory data to num eri c da ta an d display on HMI screen by a data table.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-182 Revision May, 2010 Property Descri ption of Historical Data T able Elements Time /Da te Time Form at Provide HH:MM:SS , HH:MM two kinds of formats. Date Form at Provide MM/DD/YY , DD/MM/YY , DD.MM.YY , YY.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-183 His torical Event Table Property Desc ription of Historic al Event Table El ements Property Desc ription of Historic al Event .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-184 Revision May, 2010 Property Desc ription of Historic al Event Table El ements Buffer ID Use this option to set the num ber (No.1 ~ No.X) of history buffer for reading the data of PLC corresponding address.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-185 3.8.13 Alarm Elements Fig. 3-8-30 Al arm Elements Al arm History T able Property Desc ription of Alarm History T able Elements HMI will monitor and read the read address in a fixed time automatically.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-186 Revision May, 2010 Property Desc ription of Alarm History T able Elements If this opt ion is selected, wh en the alarm occurs, the alarm number that is desi gnated in Alarm Setup dialog box will also be shown in fron t of the alarm message.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-187 Property Descriptio n of Active Alarm List Elem ents Time Fo rmat Provide HH:MM:SS , HH:MM two kinds of formats. Date F ormat Provide MM/DD/YY , DD/MM/YY , DD.MM.YY , YY.MM.DD , YY/MM/DD , MM.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-188 Revision May, 2010 Alarm Frequen cy Table Property Descriptio n of Alarm Frequency T able Elements HMI will monitor and read the read address in a fixed time automatically.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-189 Property Descriptio n of Alarm Frequency T able Elements X Used to set X coo rdin ate Y Used to se t Y co ord ina te Width Used to set the element width Height Used t o set the elem ent height 3.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-190 Revision May, 2010 Property Descript ion of Alarm Movi ng Sign Element s Alarm Num ber If this opt ion is selected, whe n the alarm occurs, t he alarm number that is designa ted in Alarm Setup dialog box will also be shown in fron t of the alarm message.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-191 3.8.14 Keyp ad Elements Fig. 3-8-31 Keypad Elements Property Description of Keypad (1) / (2) / (3) Elements Provide three kinds o f default keypad elements for selection.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-192 Revision May, 2010 Property Description of Keypad (1) / (2) / (3) Elements When the “ Tex t” op tion is i nput ted as num ber “1”, the display text on the button w ill be “1”. If the user refines it as number “2”, the di splay t ext will be chan ged to “2”.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-193 Property Description of Keypad (1) / (2) / (3) Elements Bank (Picture Bank) Picture Name (Please refe r to Table 3 -8-2 Property De scription of General Butto ns.) Transparent Effect Transparent Color (Please refe r to Table 3 -8-2 Property De scription of General Butto ns.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-194 Revision May, 2010 3.8.15 Drawing Elements Fig. 3-8-32 Dr awing Elements Li ne Property Descriptio n of Line Drawing Elem ents Left-click the m ouse to draw and edit the l ine graphic elem ent.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-195 Rectangl e Property Descript ion of R ectangle Drawing Element Left-click the mouse to draw and edit the recta ngle graphic elem ent. The user can drag the mouse acr oss work place on the screen until the rectangle i s the size that the user wants.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-196 Revision May, 2010 Circl e Property Descript ion of Circle Drawing Element The user ca n draw an ellip se or circ le by using this option. The user can drag the mouse acro ss work place on the screen unt il the ellip se or circ le is th e size that the user wants.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-197 Property Descript ion of Circle Drawing Element An ellipse that its “Transparen t” setting in the pro perty table is set to “Yes”. Curve Color It is used to set the line color o f the circle graphic elem ent.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-198 Revision May, 2010 Polygon Property Desc ription of Polygon Drawing Element Left-click the m ouse to determi ne each node of the poly gon graphic el ement.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-199 Arc Property Descri ption of Arc Drawing Elem ent Left-click the mouse to dr aw and edit the arc graphic elemen t. The user can clic k where the user wants to star t the arc and drag across the wor k place on the screen.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-200 Revision May, 2010 Text Property Descri ption of Text Drawing El ement This text graphic el ement is used to create a tex t frame, and add and edit the text on the screen.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-201 Scal e Property Desc ription of Scale Drawi ng Element The user can change the sc ale direction, main and sub scale num ber, and grid color in the property table to create a special and uniqu e scale graphic elem ent.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-202 Revision May, 2010 Property Desc ription of Scale Drawi ng Element Data F ormat There are follo wing data format provided: Word/ Double Word 1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-203 Tabl e Property Desc ription of Table Dr awing Elemen t The user can change the c ell numbers of the table, appearanc e and color in the property table to cr eate a special and uniq ue table graphic element.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-204 Revision May, 2010 Property Desc ription of Table Dr awing Elemen t Columns Header It is used to the col or of the interlacing column header of the table. The user can enabl e or disable this option by chec king the check box next to “Columns Header”.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.9 Menu Bar and Tool bar ( Screen ) In Screen options, ScrE dit provides some screen editing fun ctions. 3.9. 1 New Screen Create a new screen. The user can choo se Screen > New Scr een or click the New Screen ico n , or press Shi ft + N to op en a new editing screen.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Fig. 3-9-2 Open Sc reen dialog box 3.9. 3 Screen Manag ement When Screen Ma nagement function is enabled ( Fig. 3-9-3), the user can duplicate, pas te and cut the screen usi ng the mouse, just like the func tion of Windows Explorer in Windows ® operating syst em.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Fig. 3-9-3 Sc reen Management dial og box Fig. 3-9-4 Ri ght-click the mouse Revision May, 2010 3-207.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-208 Revision May, 2010 Fig. 3-9-5 Warn ing mes sage a fter scree n is cut Fig. 3-9-6 Dr ag the mouse to determine the sc reen saver display 3.9. 4 Cut Screen Cut whole screen to clipbo ard, just like the Micro soft Office Clipboard function.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-209 3.9. 5 Cop y Screen ser can execute thi s function by clic king Screen > Co py Screen or Shif t + C 3.9.6 Pa ste Screen en by clicking Screen > Pas te Screen or pressing Shif t + P .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-210 Revision May, 2010 3.9.10 Clear Import Data r pace by clearing the im ported data that the us er does not want 3.9.11 Screen Open Macr o r tion is selected, the Macro will be executed automatical ly e T h e use can free mo re disk s to use.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-211 3. 13 Screen Cycl e Macro r tion is selected, the Macro wi ll be executed continuously once ent .9.14 Auxili ary Key ser to determi ne the function of auxiliary keys i n each screen. Screen > Au xiliary Key 9.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.9.15 Scr een Properties This function sets the prop erties of the current scr een. The user can view and choose the properties of the current editin g screen by selec ting Screen > Scr een Prop erties or choosing Screen Prop erties from docking windows (Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Func tion Description Screen Number The range is between 1 and 65535. Each screen num ber must be unique . The user cannot use the same number t wo times. General View Screen Regarded as g eneral vi ew screen. Screen Application Apply Print Screen 1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-214 Revision May, 2010 Func tion Description Sub-scr een setting The check box next to “This screen i s a sub-screen” c an be checked only when Gener al View Scr een option is sele cted. Therefor e, before setting sub-screen function, ensu re the Genera l View Sc reen option is se lected.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-215 Func tion Description Cycle Macro Delay Time Sets Macro Cycl e Delay time every tim e this screen is ex ecuted. The range of the m acro cycle delay tim e is between 100ms to 5s. Fast Refres h Rate There ar e three levels of the Fast Refr esh Rate and they are High, Medium and Low.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.10 Men u Bar and Tool bar (Tools ) 3.10.1 Compile It is used t o compile editing screen t o the format for HMI . During compil ing, all of the compiling m essages, including any er rors, will be written to ou tput field.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3. When pressing icon to exec ute compile operation, the error m essage dialog box will pop up to warn the u ser of compiling erro r and show how many errors there are. In the followi ng figure, we can see that ther e are two errors occu rred and they are all displayed in the out put window.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 4. Once error occurs, t he correspon dent messa ge will displa y in outp ut window. The user can c lick the error messa ge and ScrE dit will swit ch to erro r element window auto ma tica lly .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Fig. 3-10-3 USB disconnec t error message Fig. 3 -10-4 Incorre ct model n ame e rror messa ge 3.10.3 Upload Screen & Reci pe After clicking File > U ploa d Screen & Rec ipe , th e password dialog bo x will show up first (F ig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Fig. 3-10-6 Sa ve as dialog box Fig. 3-10-7 Uplo ad screen and recipe data 3-220 Revision May, 2010.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Fig. 3-10-8 Envi ronment dialog box 3.10.4 Download Screen To download screen data to HMI, select Too ls > Download Screen or click icon directly or press Ctrl + F9 . The download process is the sam e as the function of Download Screen & Recipe.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.10.6 Download Recipe To download t he recipe dat a only, select Too ls > Dow nlo ad Re cipe . The file ext ension na me of a recipe file is .rc p (Fig. 3-10-9). Fig. 3-10-9 Downl oad the designated recipe data 3.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Fig, 3-10-11 On Line / Off Line Si mulation Screen 3.10.8 Off Line Simulation To test the editing scr een, the read/write addresses and the m acro command to see if they are correct, the user can run an off-line simulation.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Fig. 3-10-12 Get Firmware Information Fig. 3-10-13 Abou t Screen Editor 3-224 Revision May, 2010.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Fig. 3-10-14 Upgr ade Firmwar e 3.10.10 Get Firmware Information Connects to the HMI ov er the USB connection or via the communication (COM port) and provides t he current firmware vers ion.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.11 Menu B ar a nd T oo lbar (O pt ions) 3.11.1 Configuration To access t he config uration opt ions, select Options > Conf igurat ion . Th is dialog bo x is divided int o six tabs: Gen eral, Control B lock, COM Po rt, Print er Setup, Default and Ot her.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens General t ab in Config uration option Project Name Enter the name of the file for the pro ject. HMI T yp e Select DOP-B series HMI type for different funct ions and requiremen ts Non-volat ile data location The ba ckup me mory d ata (n on-vo l atile data) can be saved in HMI and USB disk.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens General t ab in Config uration option Upload/Download The user can select USB or PC communication port (i.e. RS-232) or Ethernet to upload a nd downloa d. Startup Delay Time Use to set de lay time fo r waiting the start up of exte rnal cont roller (i.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-229 Control B lock tab in Con figuration opt ion Auto Rese t Flag If the Auto Reset Flag box is checked, the r egister in the co ntrol block is cleared to 0 when a ny operation is finished in the control b lock.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-230 Revision May, 2010 COM Port tab i n Conf igur atio n op tion Delete Delete the existed connectin g controller (one appl ication needs to connect at least one controlle r). Add/ Delete/ Modify Mo dify Modify the connecting c ontroller or change the control ler name.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens COM Port tab i n Conf igur atio n op tion Baud Rate Communication baud rate. There are 4800, 96 00, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200 these options. The users can enter the setting value directl y also but the maximum .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Pri nter Setup tab i n Con figu rati on o ptio n HMI provides t wo print options, one is Ha rd Copy function, which can print the curre nt screen and print one page one time. The other is Pr int Typesetting function.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Default t ab in Conf igurat ion option Start up Screen Set the first di splay screen whe n HMI is power ed on and started up.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Default t ab in Conf igurat ion option Blink Time Specify the defaul t element blink rate wh en creating a n element.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Other tab in Configuration option General Setting Blue Led mode In Screen Managem ent option ( Screen > Screen Management ), there is a more detailed de scription for introducing how to drag the mouse to determ ine the screen saver display.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-236 Revision May, 2010 Other tab in Configuration option T ransition T ime Set the inte rval tim e betwe en two sc reen s aver s. The range is between 1 – 255 sec onds. Screen Saver After scree n saver program ends 1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.11.2 Alarm Setup The user can set alarm by clicking Op ti ons > Al arm Setu p . T he alarm set up should set with the ala rm func tion in element setting s. HMI will e xecut e alarm f unctio n aut omatica lly if bot h setting s are all set .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-238 Revision May, 2010 Alarm Setup Dialog Box Max . R ecor ds Use this option to retain a specific number of records. When the number o f records exceeds this settin g value, HMI will delete th e first rec ord and inse rt the n ew record int o the last addre ss.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Alarm Setup Dialog Box The following Al arm Property Setup dialog box will displa y after doub le clickin g the row. Message Display message when an alarm occurs. Color Display message colo r when an alarm occurs.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-240 Revision May, 2010 Alarm Setup Dialog Box Alarm Setting The calculatio n method of the size of the alarm frequency table is as follows: Bytes b N a Bytes.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.11.3 Hi story Buffer Setup History B uffer S etup Dialog B ox Add Pressing Add button can add a history dat a. A maximum of 12 history data can be added. After an intern al me mory address is ent ered, the follow ing Buffer Properties dialog box is displayed.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens History B uffer S etup Dialog B ox Sample Cycle (ms) Set the samp ling cycle tim e for reading the address (how lo ng it takes to read t he address one time) . If the Trigge r option is PLC , this option will be unavailable.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens History B uffer S etup Dialog B ox Retained (Non-Vo latile) Buffer Properties Export CSV F ile The data can be exported to Windows Excel CSV fil es. The system allows the user to read max. 65536 rows and 256 columns of data in the Windows Exc el environment.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-244 Revision May, 2010 History B uffer S etup Dialog B ox Export CSV F ile The column name, i. e. Time, Date, Value 1 ~13 can be user-defined. Please r efer to the following figure: Tri gger There ar e two options: Timer and PLC.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-245 History B uffer S etup Dialog B ox His tory Buffer Setup Extra hist ory data will occupy the data file symbol . Bytes b N a Bytes Size File Actual 8 ) ( ) ( a Dat a F ile Symbol b Sampling Point s Exam ple: Suppose that the user adds two hist ory da ta.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.11.4 Password Setting Thi s fu nctio n se ts th e pas swo rd ta ble a nd d eter min es th e sec uri ty ac cess lev el th at ca n change users passwords.. There are 1 ~ 7 password securi ty levels: Level 0: No security.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.11.5 Tag Table Tag table is used to replace the s pecific address wi th the user -defined words or characters. For exam ple, if the user wants to replace P LC address 1@Y0 with the word “OS”, just define i t in Ta g Ta ble opt ion in ad va nce .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.11.6 Print Typesetting Thi s fu nctio n pr ovid es mo re e ffic ient p ri nt lay out m ana gem ent fu ncti on. Ple ase r efer to th e descriptions and examples on the following pages. Print Function Printer se tup 1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Print Typesetting Funct ion The user can print many pages one time and arrange the layout of the print screen by usi ng Print Typesett ing function. The h istory data also can be printed at the same time. Please pay particular attent ion to the foll owing not es when using Print Typesett ing function.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Creat e a Print ed Re port Step 1. Create a new screen by selec ting Screen > New Screen and set it as Apply Print Screen in Screen Properties tab ( Screen > Screen Proper ties ). Then, click Op tion s > P ri nt T ype set tin g and drag the mouse to decide which screen needs to be typeset.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Pr in t Scr ee n La you t an d Ou tpu t Step 1. Select Options > Print Typesetting . Drag the mouse to decide whic h screen needs to be typeset and printed. The screens on the left are all created scr eens and the screens on the right are the selec ted screens.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Step 2. Right clic k the mouse or use the functi on key to create a Report Li st butt on on a General View Screen . Use this Report List but ton to enable the print function. Step 3. Set the properties o f the Report List opt ion.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Hard Co py Funct ion This function is avail able only when the screen is a General View Sc reen . If HMI detects the Print Ty pesetting function is already set for the edi ting screen, the Hard Copy funct ion will be ineffective.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.11.7 Recipe The Recipe function pr ovides the controller a conven ient parame ter input method. The user can t ransmit the design ated para meter t o the cont roller by using H MI recipe a fter finishing editing re cipe.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Recipe Setup dialog box Recipe Retained (Non-v olatile ) Using th is option can enable H MI to save re cipe data in SRA M wh en the power is turned off. The user can input the star ting address of recipe data he re.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Recipe Setup dialog box After sett ing length and g roup number of re cipe, the user can click Input button to edit the recipe dat a. The me mory size f or recipe is limited a nd the memor y size fo r recipe is 64K .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Recipe Setup dialog box Clear When Clear button is pressed, all input re cipe is cleared to 0 (zero). Print When Print button is pre ssed, all recipe data on the current screen wi ll be printed out .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.11.8 32 bits Recip e 32 b its r ecip e fu ncti on pr ovi des th e us er to save 32 bi ts d ata. The data for mat i nclu des Signed Decim al, Unsigned Decimal and Floating (The to tal of Integral and fractional digi ts cannot exceed 7 digi ts).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-259 32 bits recipe dialog bo x Open: Open a 32 bits recipe file Press t o open a 32 bits recipe fil e. The file format can be Recipe 32 bits File (*.rcp) and Windows E xcel CSV File (*.c sv).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-260 Revision May, 2010 32 bits recipe dialog bo x Save: Save a 32 bi ts r ecip e fil e Press to save a 32 bits recipe f ile. Th e default file format of a 32 bits recipe file is a Windows E xcel CSV file ( *.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-261 32 bits recipe dialog bo x Enable: Enable 32 bits recipe function This function sho uld be selected when the user wants to us e 32 bits recipe fun ctio n. T he no n-vo lati le a rea l oca tio n is the sa me a s the loc atio n of 16 bits recipes.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.11.9 Picture Bank The user ca n use t his funct ion to impo rt various p ictures to en rich the scre ens sele ction. Click Options > P icture Ba nk to execute this function. Picture Bank dialog box Click the Picture Bank option to browse a ll pictures saved in Pict ure Bank .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-263 Picture Bank dialog box Imp ort The user s can then conver t the pictu re color in advanc e to speed the compil e time or choos e No changed opti on to re tain the original c olor. Update After editing the picture every time (ex ecute Inverse, Gr ayscale, etc.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-264 Revision May, 2010 Picture Bank dialog box Shortc ut Menu The users can righ t-click the mouse to display a shortcu t menu shown on the fig ure below. This sh ortcut menu sh ows a list of commands re levant to the picture ba nk option .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.11.10 Text Bank Input common or frequently used text and ter ms into Text Bank. The user can select th e text from the Text Ban k and enter them on the elem ent more easily and quickly if necessary. Text Bank dialog box Add Press the Add button to add the text into the T ext Bank.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.11.11 Subm acro Use this option to edit sub-macro and to be called by other M acros. For the Macro function, please refer to section 3.14. 3.11.12 Initial Macro Use this opt ion to ed it initia l macro. The initial ma cro will b e execut ed automat ically aft er the power is applied to HMI (power on).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.11.15 Environment Use this opt ion to comp lete th e environ ment setting s of Scree n Editor. Environment Dialog Box System Path Set the loc ation where HMI saves the sy stem files, inc lud ing some system reference data and dynamic li nk library (*.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Environment Dialog Box Auto open la st file when starting ScrEdit or When this opti on i s se lec ted, HMI w ill auto mati cal ly op en th e last saved file every time when the user starts HMI. Center Drawing Area When this option i s selected, the editing screen wil l be placed in th e cen ter po siti on.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.12 Men u Bar and Toolb ar (Window) 3.12.1 Close Window It is used to hide the cur rent window, NOT exit the curren t window.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.12.5 Cascade Cascade display. Display all edi ting windows so that they overlap. The title bar of each window is visible but only the top window is fully visi ble. The user can execute thi s function by clicking Window > Cascad e .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.12.6 Ti tle Horizontal Display all editing wind ows from top to bottom. The user can ex ecute this function by clicking Window > Ti tle Horizon tal . The opened windows ar e displayed horizontally as shown as Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.12.7 Title Vert ical Display all editing wi ndows from left to r ight. The user can exec ute this function by cli cking Window > Ti tle Verti cal . The opened windows are displayed vertically as shown as Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-273 3.12.8 Wind ow Summary ScrEdit shows a list of all opened screens at the bottom of “Window” pull-down menu for quick acce ss. Just click the file name to open the file and v iew the scre en direct ly (Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.13 Men u Bar and Toolb ar (Help) 3.13.1 Help Display t he version informat ion of Scree n Editor and t he firmware informat ion of H MI (Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.14 Macr o Fu nction Delta DOP-B series HM I provides variou s kinds of macro commands, including Arithm etic, Logi cal , Data trans fer , Data conv ersi on, Compa riso n, Fl ow co ntro l, Bi t se tting, Com muni cati on (COM port) and drawing, etc.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Table 3- 14-1 Macro Command T able Mac ro N am e Descriptions On Macro The user can u se the On Macro for each specific bu tton element (Bi t). It is called the On M acro because the Macro is execu ted once upon the button elem ent (Bit) changing from OFF to O N.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Mac ro N am e Descriptions Background M acro The purpose o f the Backgrou nd Macro is to execute one or more commands simultane ously since it run s in a separate task.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens On Macr o This macro i s attached to a button elem ent. The user can us e On Macro for each specific button (Bi t). It is called the On M acro because the Macro is execu ted once upon the button elem ent (Bit) changing fr om OFF to ON.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Off Macro This macro is attached to a button el ement. The user can use Off Macro for each specific button (Bit). Sam e as ON Macro, Off Macro is started via setti ng this button. When the button is set to be O FF, Off macro will be executed ONCE.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Before Execute Macro This macro is attach ed to a button elemen t or numeric / character entr y element.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens After Execute Macro This macro is attach ed to a button elemen t or numeric / character entr y element.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.14.1. 5 Screen Op en Macro The user can use Screen Open Macro to o pen each screen. Each screen has a Scr een Open Macro. Scr een Open Macro will onl y be executed ONCE when the us er open a screen or s witch t o a new screen .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.14.1. 7 Screen Cycl e Macro The user can use Sc reen Cycle Macro to cycl e each screen. Each screen has a Sc reen Cycle Macro and it can be execu ted repeatedly for a specified period of cycle time. The user can set the M acro Cycle Delay T ime, i.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Initial Macro There is only one initial Macro in a program. It is exec uted first at the beginning of a program.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens For exam ple, suppose that there a re 25 element addresses on the scr een and Background is used (5 lines of ma cro co mmands), if t he sett ing value of backgr.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Cl ock Macro There i s only an Clo ck Macro in a program or a machi ne. Similar to Screen Cycl e Macro, it can be executed repea tedly for a specified period of prese t clock time. The user can set Clock Macro Delay T ime, i.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Sub-Macro Each project (Screen E ditor progra m) is capa ble of containing 512 sub-m acros which is labeled from 1 to 512 by default (Fig. 3-14-5, Fig. 3-14- 6). Sub-macro is similar to the subroutin e in the in prog ram.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens $0 = 10 $1 = 1 CALL 1($0 = 0) Fig. 3-14-9 E xecution process of Screen Open Macro When CALL 1 is executed, it means that Sub-M acro 1 is called and executed. After execut ing Sub-Macro, t he syste m will contin ue to execute S ceen Open Macr o till it ends.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-289 3.14.2 Macro E diting 3.14 .2.1 Ma cro E diting W idow a nd Toolba r After choosing the desired Macro command from the menu bar, the user can start editing the Macro by c licking a ny line in t he editing window shown in Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-290 Revision May, 2010 Open This comm and opens macro fi les. The nec ting to different external c ontrollers. T his user can open these fi les when con reduces the tim e to edit macros. To open a macro file, cl ick the Open icon and the the following di alog box will show up (Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-291 Cut This comman d cuts macro fi les. Th e ute this function. user can also press Ctrl+X to ex ec Copy This comman d copies mac ro files. The te this function. user can also press Ctrl+C to ex ecu Paste This command pastes macro files.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-292 Revision May, 2010 Syntax Check This co mmand exa mines if t he macro s yntax is correc t. The x is corr ect or not. If th e user can use this function to ex amine if the m acro syn ta macro s yntax is in error, the follo wing e rror messag e dialog box will pop up t o alert the user.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-293 3.1 4.2.2 Macro C omma nd Di alog B ox After clicking on icon on t he toolbar, t he Macro Command Dialog Box will display automatically (Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-294 Revision May, 2010 Upda te This comma nd updates ma cro file s. If this fun ction is not used aft er edi ting a mac ro, chang es a re no t upd ated . Wi th this fun ctio n, th e us er can kn ow if it is ne cessary t o change t he macr o or not .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-295 Command The user can typed directl Command bu use commands to edit the m acro. The command and equ ation can be , or chosen from t he menu bar (Fig. 3-14-17) or sel ected by clicking the tton (Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-296 Revision May, 2010 Fig. 3-14-20 ~ Fig. 3- 14-29 show all the macro commands. For more details, please refer to the section 3.14.3. Fig. 3-14-19 Comm ands options Fig. 3-14-20 Arithmetic Fig. 3-14-21 Logical Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-297 After macr o command is selected, the u ser can clic k on Variable button to de termine the necessary vari ables (Var1 ~ Var4) (Fig. 3-14-30, Fig. 3-14-31). Fig. 3-14-30 Fig. 3-14-31 Fig.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-298 Revision May, 2010 If D W show s afte r the m acr o comm and , it i cates that the c omm and is 3 2 Bit d ata, i f D dis pla y, i t indi cate s format of the device as Doubl e W tha e user set the form at o data .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens 3.14 .2.3 Keypa d Ent ry For the conveni ence of editing the macro, the system allows the user to edit the macro commands by keying in the comma nds manually . The syst em will che ck the va lidity automatically , if there are any err ors, a warning dialog box will pop up to alert the u ser.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.14.3 Macro Operat ion Arithmetic Operation There are two Arithm etic Operations, which inclu de Integer Operation and Floa t Opera tion. Each operand c an be the internal m emory or constant. The op erands that store output results must be the inte rnal me mory.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Exampl e Add a value of 1 to $0 and store the v alue in $0 (this is an operatio n of unsigned 16-bit data ). Add a value of $1 to $2 and store the value in $3 (this is an operation of signed 16- bit data). Add a value of $4 to $6 and store the value in $8 (this is an operation of signed 32- bit data).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-302 Revision May, 2010 ra cti on) he subtract ion of Var2 and Var3, a nd store t he subtra ction result in Var1. result can be stored as signed or unsigned WORD and D WORD. ll Var1 can be intern al memory only.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-303 Subtract a value of $4 from $6 and store the value in $8 (this is an operation of signed 32-bit data). iplication) Var1 = Var2 * Var3 the mult iplication of Var2 and Var3 , and store the multiplication result in Var1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-304 Revision May, 2010 Multiply t he value of $ 1 by $2 and st ore the va lue in $3 (t his is an operat ion of signe d 16-bit data ). Multiply t he value of $ 4 by $6 and st ore the va lue in $8 (th is is an operat ion of signe d 32-bit data ).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-305 Exampl e Divide $0 by the value of 2 and store the valu e in $0 (this is an operation of unsigned 16-bit data ). Divide $1 by $2 and store the value in $3 (this is an operation of signed 16-bi t data).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-306 Revision May, 2010 inder) Var3 he division of Var2 and Var3 , and store the remainder in Var1. result can be stored as signed or unsigned WORD and D WORD. ll rnal memory or consta nt. e contained within Var 3 cannot be equal to 0 (zero).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Revision May, 2010 3-307 Divide $5 by $7 and store the remai nder value in $9 (this is an opera tion of signed 32-bit data ). 64-bit Multiplication) Var1 = MUL64 (Var2, Var3) the mult iplication of Var2 and Var3 , and st ore the multiplicat ion result i n Var1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-308 Revision May, 2010 Multiply the value of $8 by $10 and s tore the value in $12 (this is an opera tion of signed 32-bit data). Repeated Addi tion) Var1 = ADDSUMW (Var2, Var3) ive reg isters start ing at regist er Var2 an d store the repeated addition result in Var1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Add up the values contai ned within the internal mem ory address $6, $8 and $10, and the grand total is stored in the address $12 (this is an oper ation of unsigned 32-bit data).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Add a value of $4 to $2 and store the value in $6 (this is a fl oating point operation of signed 32-bit data). FSU B (F loa ting Su btra ct ion ) Equ ati on Var1 = FSUB (Var2, Var3) Explan ation Perform t he subtract ion of Var2 and Var3, a nd store t he subtra ction result in Var1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Subtract a value of $2 from $4 and store the value in $6 (this is a floating point operation of signed 32-bit data). FMU L (F loa tin g Mu lt ipl ica tio n) Equ ati on Var1 = FMUL (Var2, Var3) Explan ation Perform th e multiplication of Var2 an d Var3 , and store t he multipl ication result in Var1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Exampl e Multiply t he value o f $0 by 2.0 and st ore the v alue in $0 (t his is a f loating point operation of signed 32-bit data). Multiply t he value of $ 2 by $4 and st ore the v alue in $6 (t his is a float ing point operation of signed 32-bit data).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Exampl e Divide the value of $0 by 2.0 and st ore the va lue in $0 (t his is a fl oating point operation of signed 32-bit data). Divide the value of $2 by $4 and store the value i n $6 (this is a floating point operation of signed 32-bit data).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Exampl e Divide $0 by the value of 2.0 and store the remainder valu e in $2 (this is a floating point operat ion of si gned 32-bit data). Divide $4 by $6 and store the remainder value i n $8 (this is a floating point operation of signed 32-bit data).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Exampl e Perform th e function o f SIN30 o a nd store the re sult in $ 0 (this is a floating point operation of signed 32-bit data). Perform th e sine funct ion of $2 and st ore the resu lt in $4 (th is is a float ing point operation of signed 32-bit data).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Exampl e Perform the fun ction of COS 30 o and store the result in $0 (t his is a float ing point operation of signed 32-bit data). Perform the co sine funct ion of $2 and store the result in $4 (this is a floating point operation of signed 32-bit data).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens The display format of the variables must be floating point . The input variable mus t be a signed decima l value without the decimal po int. Exampl e Perform th e function of TAN30 o and store the re sult in $ 0 (this is a float ing point operation of signed 32-bit data).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Var1 can be intern al memory only. Var2 can be in ternal memory or c onstant . The display format of the variables must be floating point . The input variable mus t be a signed decima l value without the decimal po int.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens The calculatio n result can be stored as signed D WORD. When the data exceeds the lengt h of designate d unit, th e data out of ra nge will be discarded. Var1 can be intern al memory only. Var2 can be in ternal memory or c onstant .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens This is t he operation of sig ned 32-bit data. The calculatio n result can be stored as signed D WORD. When the data exceeds the lengt h of designate d unit, th e data out of ra nge will be discarded. Var1 can be intern al memory only.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Logical Op eration There are six logical operations wh ich include OR, AND, XOR , NOT, Sh ift-left a nd Shift-ri ght. There are three o perands for each oper ation and each op erand can be interna l memory or con stant , but it is int ernal memor y only when outputting .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens $7 = $3 | $5 (DW) Store the result of $7. $3 = F000F000H , $5 = 0F000F00H, then $7 = FF00FF 00H. && ( Logic al AND opera tion) Equ ati on Var1 = Var2 && Var3 Explan ation Perform t he logical A ND operation on Var2 an d Var3, and save the result of this calculat ion in Var1 .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Perform the logical AND operation on $3 and $5, and sa ve the result in $7 (this is an operation of unsigned 32- bit data) $7 = $3 && $5 (DW) Store the result of $7. $3 = F000F000H, $5 = 0F000F00H, then $7 = 00000000H.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens $2 = $0 ^ $1 Store the result of $2. $0 = F100H, $1 = 0F00H, then $2 = FE00H. Perform the logical XOR operation on $3 and $5, and save the result in $7 (this is an operation of unsigned 32- bit data) $7 = $3 ^ $5 (DW) Store the result of $7.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens $1 = NOT $0 Store the result of $1. $0 = F100H, $1 = 0EFFH. Perform t he logical N OT operation on $2, an d save the re sult in $4 (t his is an operation of signed 32-bit data). $4 = NOT $2 (Signed DW) Store the result of $4.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens $2 = F1000000 H Shift-left 4 bits and becomes $4 = 10000000 H (this is an operation of unsigned 32-bit data ). >> (SHR, L ogical Shi ft-right oper ation) Equ ati on Var1 = Var2 >> Var3 Explan ation Shift Va r2 (W ORD/DWORD) dat a to right (number of b it is Var3 ).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Exampl e $0 = F100H Shift-left 4 bits and becom es $1 = 0F10H (this is an operation of unsi gned 16-bit data). $2 = F1000000 H Shift-left 4 bits and becom es $4 = 0F100000H (this is an operation of unsigned 32-bit data ).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Data Tr ansfer There ar e five commands for data transfer, i ncluding MOV, BMOV , FILL, FILLASC and FMO V. MOV (Trans fer Data) Equ ati on Var1 = Var2 Explan ation T r a n s f e r d a t a f r o m V a r 2 t o V a r 1 .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens BMOV (Block Move Co py Block ) Equ ati on BMOV (Var1, Var2, Var3) Explan ation B M O V ( V a r 1 , V a r 2 , V a r 3 ) m e a n s t o m o v e s e q u e n t i a l d a t a o f V a r 3 i n l e n g t h f r o m address Var2 to address Var1 in block.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens FILL (F ill the Memory ) Equ ati on FILL (Var1, Var2, Var3) Explan ation FILL (Var1, Var2, Va r3) mean s to fill address Var1 with dat a in address Var2 for a sequential V3 number of registers. Remark The calculation result can be st ored as unsigned or signed W ORD.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens One address can store up to two words. The exc ess word will be stored in next address in order. The low and high bit of the converted ASCII code will be exchanged. Var1 can be intern al memory only. Var2 can be in ternal memory or c onstant .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Transfer the same data of PLC 1@C200 to the internal memory address $2 (this is an operation of signed 32-bit data).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Data Conversion There are var ious kinds of commands for data co nversion. For more details , please refer to t he followin g section s. BCD (Convert BIN Data into BCD Value) Equ ati on Var1 = BCD (Var2) Explan ation The binary data in Var2 is converte d into a BCD va lue and store d in Var1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens BIN (Converts BCD Data into BIN Value ) Equ ati on Var1 = BIN (Var2) Explan ation The BCD data in Var2 is conv erted int o binary va lue and stored in Var1. Remark The calculation result can be stored as unsign ed WORD or DWORD.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Exampl e After executing T ODWORD command, the WORD val ue in $0 is converted to a D WORD value and stored in $1. As it is in DWOR D format, it in dicates t hat the value has occupied $1 and $2 these two addresses.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens TOBYTE (C onvert WOR D to BYTE) Equ ati on Var1 = TOWORD (Var2, Var3) Explan ation Conv ert Va r3 numb er of W ORD data fro m low -byt e of Va r2 to B YTE f ormat and st ore the result in Var1. This will discard hig h-byte of Var2.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens SWAP (S wap Hig h-Byt e and Lo w-Byte Data) Equ ati on SWAP (Var1, Var2, Var3) Explan ation S wa p hi g h- b yt e an d lo w -b y t e o f V a r 3 n u mb e r of wo r ds s t ar t i ng a t V a r2 a nd s av e it i n memory start ing at Var1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens The data of V1 and V2 will be exch anged after ex ecuting XCHG comm and. Exampl e Exchange the da ta of $11 and $2 (this is an operation of unsigned 16-bit data). If $11 = 1234H and $2 = 5678 H, $2 = 1234H and $1 = 5678H after executing XC HG command.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens MIN (G et Minimum Value of a Range of Data) Equ ati on Var1 = MIN (Var2, Var3) Explan ation Get the minimum valu e from Var2 and Var3 and store the result in Var1. Remark The calculati on result can be stored as signed or unsigned WORD and DWORD.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens TOH EX (Conver t 4 ASCII Code to a Four -Digi t Integer i n Hexadeci mal Format) Equ ati on Var1 = TOHEX (Var2) Explan ation Convert a single ASCII code of Var2 and the next 3 words (4 WORDS) to a hex value and stores the result in Var1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens TOASC (C onvert a Hexidec imal Va lue Var2 to Four S ingle AS CII Va lues (4 WORDS) Starting at Var1.) Equ ati on Var1 = TOASC (Var2) Explan ation Con vert V ar2 (1 WO RD in h exad ecim al fo rma t) to th e ASC II ( 4 WORD S) c ode a nd st ore the result in Var1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens FCNV (Con vert Intege r to Fl oating Point Val ue) Equ ati on Var1 = FCNV (Var2) Explan ation Convert a n integer in Var2 t o floating point value and store in Var1. Remark The calculatio n result can be stored as signed D WORD.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens If $0 = 100.0, $2 = 100 after ex ecuting ICNV command. Compari son There are v arious kind s of comma nds for co mparison.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Equ ati on IFB expression THEN GOTO LABEL iden tifier Explan ation If the command of expression is true, then i t will go to LABEL identifier and perform the program (for PLC regis ter). Remark Please refer to the followi ng Comparison command table for the comm and of expression .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Remark Please refer to the followi ng Comparison command table for the comm and of expression . Exampl e If the value in $2 is e qual t o 10, it will call sub -macro 1 and perfor m the progra m.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens IF…ELSEIF…ELSE…ENDIF Equ ati on IF expression1 Statement1 ELSE IF expressi on2 Statement2 ELSE Statement3 ENDIF Explan ation This is log ical dete rmination fr om mult iple condit ions. If expression1 is t rue, Stat eme nt1 will be exe cuted.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens FCM P (F loa ting Po int Va lue C om par iso n) Equ ati on Var1 = FCMP (Var2, Var3) Explan ation Compare the floating p oint value in Var2 and Var 3 and store the result in Var1.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Flow Control There are various k inds of comma nds for flow cont rol. For more det ails, please refer t o the follow ing sections.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens LABEL (La bel such as La bel Var1 ) Equ ati on LABEL Var1 Explan ation GOTO statement shifts the program execution to the position of LABEL uncondit ionally. Remark Var1 can be constant only. A label valu e is unique per macro and it ca nnot be used more th en once in a single macro.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Exampl e CALL RET Main Mac ro Sub-Macro A1 The right s of macr o control w ill be t ransferred t o sub-mac ro when exe cuting CALL Var1 comm and. After CALL Var1 command is execut ed and comp leted, Var1 n eeds to ret urn through RET comman d.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens END (End the Macro) Equ ati on Statemenets1 END Statements2 Explan ation End command is used to end the macro program and all statements after the END com man d wil l no t be ex ecu ted.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Remark Var1 can be the cont roller add ress or int ernal me mory (BIT). Exampl e Set th e 5t h Bit wi thi n the inte rnal mem ory $0 to be ON.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens BITNOT (Set Sp ecific Bi t to be Invers ed. ON to OFF, OFF to ON) Equ ati on BITNOT Var1 Explan ation This comman d sets the spe cific Bit to be inversed. ON to OFF , OFF to ON Remark Var1 can be the cont roller add ress or int ernal me mory (BIT).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Communi cation There ar e various kinds of commands for com munication. For more de tails, please refer to t he followin g section s.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Var2 Setting s in INITCOM (Commun ication Protocol) Item Type Code Remark COM1 0 COM2 1 COM Port COM3 2 RS232 0 RS422 1 Communication Interface RS485 2 7 Bits 0.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens No Flow Cont rol : Flow control function is disa bled. Flow Con trol : The transm ission speed and commu nication validity are en hanced during com muni catio n due to new trans mis sion te chno logy , suc h as com pres s imm ediate ly, debu g,…e tc.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Remark The calculatio n result can be stored as unsigned WORD. Var1 and V ar2 can be interna l memory on ly. Var3 ca n be int ernal me mory or consta nt. Exampl e Th e star ting addr ess is f or ca lcul atio n $0, the data len gth i s se t to 2.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens PUTCHARS (Output Characters by COM Port) Equ ati on Var1 = PUTCHARS (Var2, Var3, Var4) Explan ation This comma nd outputs ch aracters by COM port.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens GETCHARS (Get Characte rs by COM Po rt) Equ ati on Var1 = GETCHARS (Var2, Var3, Var4) Explan ation This comman d gets chara cters by CO M port.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Remark Var1 can be constant only. All communication commands will be proc essed via the COM port that the u ser select s after execut ing this co mmand. Dif ferent macros will not support each other or ha ve an y interferen ce.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens CHRCHKSUM (Cal culate Data Length of Texts or Characters and Checksum) Equ ati on Var1 = CHRCH KSUM (“Var2”, Va r3, Var4) Explan ation Thi s com mand is u sed to cal cul ate the da ta le ngt h of te xts or c harac ters and checksu m.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens LOCKCOM / UNLOCK COM (Lock COM Port / Unlock COM Port) Equ ati on Lock COM Port Var1 = LOCKCOM (Var2, Var3) Unl oc k CO M P or t Var1 = UNLOCKCOM (Var2) Explan ation LOCKCOM co mmand locks CO M port.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens When Var3 is set to 0, it indicat es that LOCK COM command will be executed twice an d HMI will c ontinuously wa it without time limit . At this t ime, H MI may have no response at all. Exampl e Explanation of LO CKCOM Command In the above macro com mands, the communicatio n commands are all us ed.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens STATIONON ( Station ON) Equ ati on STATIONON (Var1, Var2) Explan ation This command is used to enable the V ar2 number of station of Var1 COM port. Var1 rep resents as constant 0(COM1), 1( COM2) or 2(COM3, for some models only).
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Exampl e Disable th e first st ation of CO M1 port. Drawing There are vari ous kinds of drawing comm ands. For more details, please refer to the following sections. RECTAN GLE (Dr aw a Rectan gle) Equ ati on RECTANGLE (Var1) Explan ation This command is used to dr aw a rectangle on the scr een.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens Exampl e When the Scr een Open Macro command is set as and the Screen Cycl e Macro is set as the user’s screen wi ll look like the figure sho wn below. LINE (Dra w a Line ) Equ ati on LINE (Var1) Explan ation This command is used to draw a line on the screen.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Exampl e When the Scr een Open Macro command is set as and the Screen Cycl e Macro is set as the user’s screen wi ll look like the figure sho wn below. POINT (Draw a Po int) Equ ati on POINT (Var1) Explan ation This command is used to draw a point on the screen.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens and the Screen Cycl e Macro is set as the user’s screen wi ll look like the figure sho wn below. CIRC LE (D raw a n Ellip se ) Equ ati on RECTANGLE (Var1) Explan ation This comman d is used t o draw an ellip se on the scre en.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens the user’s screen wi ll look like the figure sho wn below. Others For more deta ils of other macro co mmands, p lease re fer to the following sections.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens GETLASTERROR (Get the Last Er ror Value) Equ ati on Var1 = GETLASTERROR Explan ation This command is used to get last err or value. If there is no error, the resu lt of GETLAST ERROR will be 0. Even if each M acro is executed simultaneou sly, the error messages will no t affect the macro.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens # (Comme nt) Equ ati on # Statement Explan ation This comma nd is used t o insert macro descri ptions an d make th e macro rea dable. Using this comm and will not affect the macro func tion. The user only need to put # symbol in fr ont of the equation and the macro will become re adable.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens GETS YSTE MT IME (Ge t Syst em Time ) Equ ati on Var1 = GETSYS TEMTIME Explan ation This command is used to get the system time. Var1 is the starting addr ess of continuous 7W ords in the int ernal me mory address.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens SETS YSTE MTIM E (S et Sy ste m Time ) Equ ati on SE TS YS TE MTI M E ( VA R 1) Explan ation Thi s com mand is u sed to se t the s ys tem ti me. Var 1 is th e sta rtin g ad dre ss of continuous 7W ords in the int ernal me mory address.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens GETHIS TORY (Get History Dat a) Equ ati on Var1 = GE THISTORY (Var2 , Var3, Var4 , Var5, Var6 ) Explan ation Thi s com mand is u sed to ge t the his tory data . Var1 is the internal memory addr ess where the data length is storeed.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens EXPORT ( Output Data) Equ ati on EXP ORT (Var 1) Explan ation This command is us ed to output the data to the ex ternal interfac e. The function of EXPORT macro command is t he same as th e function of Report List button element .
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3.14.4 Macro E rror Messages When comp iling, it will shows err ors in out put window for user to find out easily. The use rs can read e rror messa ges by ma cro. Once there is a n error a nd the users e xecute a correct command b efore readi ng error message s, the erro r messag e will be ove rwritten.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Screens Code – 107 Th ere is RET in Macro This error message means that there is RET comm and in Macro. The RET command sh oul d b e u se d for su b- ma cr o t o r et ur n p rog ra m. B ut in Mac ro , i t s ho uld us e E N D n ot RET.
Chapter 3 Crea ting and Editing Scr eens 3-378 Revision May, 2010 This page intentionally left blank..
Chapter 4 Examples 4.1 How to Create a 16bits Recipe Data Create a new project first. After pressing or click Fil e > New , it can create a new pr oject and the user will get a dial og box as shown in the following. Enter the proj ect name, screen name, screen No.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Click Opt ions > Recipe , it can open R ecipe Setup d ialog box. Enable the recipe func tion and set the non -volatile a rea to H MI. In this e xample, th e Length is set to 5, Group is set to 3 and Add ress is set to 1@D 100.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Then, press OK button to com plete the Contro l Block settin gs. In the editing ar ea of HMI, create Num eric Entry el ements to indicate reci pe buffer (RCP0~RCP4), recipe table (RCP5~RCP19) and recipe wri te addresses (1@D100~1@D104).
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Then, us er ’ s HMI screen will look like the figu re shown below. As the default value of RCPNO is 1, the history buffer RCP0~RCP4 will display the 1st number of recipe data . At this time, th e recipe data has not been written into PL C address 1@D100~1@D104.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Set RCPNO = 2 and the display value of history buffer RCP0~RCP4 wil l change to 2. Press Read button on the scree n and HMI will read th e recipe data in PLC and sav e the dat a in the 2nd number of recipe data. Th en, the value of 2nd number of recipe dat a will be changed.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les 4.2 How to Create a 32bits Recipe Data Create a new project first. After pressing or click Fil e > New , it can create a new pr oject and the user will get a dial og box as shown in the following Enter the proj ect name, screen name, screen No.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Click Options > 32bi tss recipe , it can open 32bits Recipe S etup dialog box. I n this example, two recipe tables are created, the write address is set to 1@D100 and the non-volatile ar ea is set to HM I. In the 1st r eci pe ta ble , se t the L en gth to 5 a nd se t the G ro up to 5.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Then, pr ess OK button to com plete the Contro l Block settin gs. In the editing ar ea of HMI, create Num eric Entry el ements to indicate reci pe buffer (RCP0~RCP4), recipe table (RCP5~RCP19) and recipe wri te addresses (1@D100~1@D108).
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Then, user ’ s HMI screen will look like the figure shown below. As t he default value of RC PG is 0 and RCPNO is 1, the value of hi story buffer RCP0~RCP4 and recipe table RCP5~RCP19 will be shown as 0. At this time, the recip e da ta has not b een wri tten into PLC add res s 1@D100~1@D108.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Press Write but ton on the screen and H MI will writ e the 1st group of recipe da ta into PLC address 1@D100~1@D108. At this time, the di splay value of 1@D100~1@D108 will become 111 shown as the figure belo w. Set RCPNO = 2, the 2nd group of recipe data will be di splayed in RCP0~RCP4 as shown as the figure belo w.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Then, the value of 2nd group of recipe data will be changed. Revision May, 2010 4-11.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les 4.3 How to Use Windows Excel CSV File There are two kinds of format accepted by r ecipe editor. One is RCP file and the other i s CSV file. RCP file can be open ed and edit ed in Scre en Editor so ftware prog ram only a nd CSV f ile can b e created and edited in M icrosoft Windows Excel environment.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les 32bits Recip e When the user opens a 32bits recipe CSV fil e in Microsoft Windows Ex cel environm ent, the first row shows the version of 32bits recipe data, i.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les 4.4 How to Use Mult i-L ang uag e Func tio n Create a new project first. After pressing or click Fil e > New , it can create a new pr oject and the user will get a dial og box as shown in the following. Enter the proj ect name, screen name, screen No.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Click Opti ons > Configur ation , select Co ntrol Bloc k tab. To c ontrol t he mult i-lang uage sel ecti on, i n thi s ex ampl e, Con trol Add ress is se t to $ 0 and the Le ngt h is set to 8. Af ter complete the above se ttings, the user ’ s scr een will look like the figure sho wn below.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Press Insert button to Add Chinese (R OC), English (e nglish), J apanese (japan ). The setting values are 1, 2 and 3 for eac h language respectively. In this exa mple, the default sett ing is set t o Chinese an d all the langua ge setting s will also be shown in the window.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Create a Text element on the screen. T hen, set the display text of Tex t element in different languag es. The user can define the font, text size and tex t color by preference. In addition, create an Incremen t button element on the sc reen.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les In property settin g of the Increm ent button elemen t, double click the tabs and enter the text in different languag es. After c omplete the above settings, the user’s scr een will look like the figur e below. Select the Compile command and perform Co mpile oper atio n to d ownl oad the d ata i nto HMI.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Then, user’s HMI screen wi ll look like the followings. T he default display language is Chi nese. The text of the Tex t element is changed to a different language by pressing the Increment button e lement.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les 4.5 How to Use Fl ash Transfer Funct ion Flash Transfer is a program whi ch is used to read the data of Historical Trend Graph, Historical Data Table and Al arm data. In this c ase, Historical Trend Graph and Alarm Historical Table ar e used for explanation.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Click Opti ons > Histor y Buffer Se tup to add a history buffer dat a for readin g the dat a of PLC corresponding address. Set the Re ad Address to $0 and select non-volatile area (Retained) to HMI shown as t he figure below.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les After OK button in History Setting dialog b ox is pressed, a history buffer is created shown as the figure below. Press OK but ton in Hist ory Buffer Setup dialog box to complete the setting s. Next, cl ick Options > Clock Macro to edit clock m acro.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Pres s OK button to comp lete the alarm settings. Create a Historic al Trend Graph element and an Alarm Data Table element on the sc reen. Complete the setti ngs of Historical Trend Graph element sho wn as the figure below. Please make sure that the B uffer ID is selected.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Next, create two Momentary button el ements in order to trigger ALA RM 1 and ALARM 2. The addresses of ALARM 1 and ALARM 2 are $100. 0 and $100.1 respectively . Then, create a Report List element and a Rem ove storage element on the sc reen.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les The user can press two Momentar y button elements to enabl e and disable the alarms. The alarm dat a will be reco rded in A larm Data Table for user ’s referen ce.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les After Report List butt on is pressed, HMI will transfer the history buffer data and alarm data saved in n on-volatile area int o the conne cting USB disk. Whe n all of the data has be en tra nsfe rre d into USB d isk , the us er can press Remove storage button to remove the USB disk.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Press Open icon and the followin g dialog box will show up on t he screen. Select th e folder where DopFlash.dft is locat ed. After OK button is pressed, the user’s sc reen will look like the figure belo w. Th e user can read the ex ported data from HMI by using Flash Transfer function.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les 4.6 How to Use Real Image Element Create a new project first. After pressing or click Fil e > New , it can create a new pr oject and the user will get a dial og box as shown in the following. Enter the proj ect name, screen name, screen No.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Create a Real Image element on the screen. In property settings o f the element, set the COM port to COM 1 and the i nter fac e to RS232 . After completing the property settings of the el ement, click Tools > Compile command to perform Compile operation and download the scr een data to HMI.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Select the pi cture that the user wants to transfer shown as the figur e below. To transfer the graphic file to HMI, a specified program, TestTr ansfer.exe is needed. Execute the TestTransfer .exe located at the def ault directory: C:Progra m Files Delta I ndustrial Auto mationS creen E ditor 2.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Select the comm unication protocol and in terface, and set the file path of the image. T hen, press Transfer button to tran sfer the image. If the image has been transferred successfu lly, the words, Connect Success will sh ow in the dialog box.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les When the im age has transferred into HMI successfully, the user ’s HMI screen will look like the figure belo w. 4-32 Revision May, 2010.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les 4.7 How to Create a Curve Element Create a new project first. After pressing or click Fil e > New , it can create a new pr oject and the user will get a dial og box as shown in the following. Enter the proj ect name, screen name, screen No.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les Click Opt ions > C onfig uration , select Cont rol Block tab and enable Auto res et flag s function. To control the elem ent, in this example, Co ntrol Address is set to $0 and the Length is set to 8. After comple te the above settings, the user ’ s screen will look like the figure shown below.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les As the read address is set to Internal Memory $100, the sampling point will be $100 、 $101 、 $102 、 $103 and $104. When Sample Flag is set to 1, it indicates that the sampli ng is enabled by the Control Block $2.0. Next, create five num eric entry elements whic h are used to input the valu e into $100~$104.
Chap ter 4 E xamp les When sampling operation is performed, after the value is input in to $100~$104, the HMI screen will look lik e the fig ure below. 4-36 Revision May, 2010 Th en, the user can pr ess Draw button to get the T rend Graph shown in the following fi gure.
Revision May, 2010 5-1 Chapter 5 System Me1B2Bnu 5.1 Sys tem Men u Intr oducti on Access System Menu 1. Press SYS key on HMI panel for tw o seconds. 2. Then press the display area on HMI screen 3. The System Menu will then be displayed as shown the figure below.
Chapt er 5 Syst em Men u System Menu Flowchart TP De lay Set d elay tim e of to uch s creen TP F orc e Set pressing force of to uch screen Touch P anel TP Ca lib rat e Touch screen calibration Dat.
Chapter 5 System Menu File Mana ger Multi-S creen F ile Multi boot display sett ing MIS C. Miscellaneous settings Securit y Password table setup Volume V olume adjus tment (R eserv ed) Audio Buzzer Bu.
Chapt er 5 Syst em Men u Draw Line Test Buzzer/LED Test ADC Test USB Test Key T est HMI D octo r Color Screen T est 5-4 Revision May, 2010.
Chapter 5 System Menu 5.2 System Setting Menu When the ground col or of the screen is in grayscale, it indicate s that th is is a preview window and it displays the setting screen.
Chapt er 5 Syst em Men u 5-6 Revision May, 2010 1. Touch Pane l The Touc h Panel option under System Setting menu pr ovides Set delay tim e of touch screen, Set pressing forc e of touch screen and Touch scr een calibration, etc. functions as the figure shown belo w.
Chapter 5 System Menu 1.1 TP D e lay – Set de lay time of to uch s cr ee n This option is used to se t the sensitivity of the touch scr een. This means that the user can speed it up or slow it down, base d on user’s own preference. Touching RIGHT icon is to decrease the d elay time and speed the screen sensitivity up.
Chapt er 5 Syst em Men u 5-8 Revision May, 2010 2. Date/Time Set th e da te an d tim e of HM I. Eac h to uch of Up a nd Do wn ic ons is to i ncr emen t and decrement the val ue by 1. Please note tha t the selected option will be lit in red color as shown the figure below.
Chapter 5 System Menu 2.2 Tim e – Set the ti me Set the valu es for the clock fields Hour , Minute, Second in order by touching UP and DOWN icons. 2.3 Alarm Clock – Se t the alarm clock ( Reserve d) 3. Displ ay (LCD Display) Thi s opti on is used to set th e LCD displ ay se ttings.
Chapt er 5 Syst em Men u 3.1 Cont ra st – A dju st the c ont ra st (R ese rve d) 3.2 Bright ness – Adjust the brig htnes s (Rese rved ) 3.3 Ga mma – Adjust LC D Gamma value 4. File Ma nager For the fun ctions provi ded by File Manager, ple ase refer to t he figure below: This is t he function ba r.
Chapter 5 System Menu 4.1 Formatting Thi s opti on i s use d to fo rma t the H MI i ntern al m emo ry or ex tern al m emo ry. If the ground co lor of t he icon on t he screen is in black , it indica tes that this option i s reserved a nd cannot be set .
Chapt er 5 Syst em Men u 4.2 Co py File – C opy t he sc reen dat a file This option is used t o copy the files betwee n interna l and exte rnal memory .
Chapter 5 System Menu When New… is selected, HMI will search the unused di rectory from HMI-000 and HMI-255 and create a designa tion directory for use. If the screen data file in the sour ce directory is password protected, HMI will ask the user to enter the highes t priority passwor d or the copy function cannot be executed.
Chapt er 5 Syst em Men u Cross Refe rence of F unction Ke ys and Screen Icons CLICK UP DOWN ENTER BACK Not es Regarding the fil e directories, only HMI-000 ~ HMI255 are provided.
Chapter 5 System Menu Cross Refe rence of F unction Ke ys and Screen Icons DEFAU LT UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT BACK 6. Security ( Password table setup) This option is used to set HMI password se curity le vel. The high est level is 7 a nd the lowest level is 0.
Chapt er 5 Syst em Men u 7. Audio For the fun ctions provi ded by this opt ion, please refer to th e figure be low: are used t o cycle t hrough Volume and Buzzer opt ions, are used to ch ange the set ting values, and is used t o exit this sett ing page.
Chapter 5 System Menu 8. COM Port For the fun ctions provi ded by this opt ion, please refer to th e figure be low: are used to cycle thro ugh the options, are used to change the setting valu e, and is used t o exit t his sett ing page. is used t o recover t he default setting, This is t he function ba r.
Chapt er 5 Syst em Men u 5.3 Up /Dow nl oad Menu There are two kinds of c ommunication modes when connec ting HMI to PC through COM serial port . 1. Standard Mode 2. Bypass Mode Cross Refe rence of F unction Ke ys and Screen Icons LEFT RIGHT CLICK BACK 1.
Chapter 5 System Menu Cross Refe rence of F unction Ke ys and Screen Icons COM1 COM2 BACK 1.1 COM1 (C OM1 up load/d ownl oad) When COM1 is s et, i t ind ica tes th at th e da ta tra nsf er w ill b e acc ess ed thr ough thi s COM serial port via the sett ings of Screen Editor software program.
Chapt er 5 Syst em Men u Cross Refe rence of F unction Ke ys and Screen Icons 1 2 1 3 2 1 LEFT RIGHT ENTER BACK 2.1 Mode 1 – COM1 COM2 By pass When this mode is selected, it indi.
Chapter 5 System Menu 5.4 System Info Menu For the fun ctions provi ded by this opt ion, please re fer to th e figure be low: CPU Clock Model Type Firmware V ersion Flash ROM Sixe Current Date and.
Chapt er 5 Syst em Men u 5.5 HMI Doctor Menu This option provides si mple text programs t o help t he user perf orm simp le and ea sy hardware testing. Ther e are seven options availabl e: LCD, Touch Panel, Buzzer, LED, USB, ADC Channel, and Hot Key. Please refe r to the fig ure below.
Chapter 5 System Menu 1. White Screen Test This option is used t o test and detect if there is an y dark pixe l (unlit pixel) or t he similar defect show n on the screen. 2. Black Screen Test This option is used to test and detec t if there is any red, blue, gr een, or white bright pixel shown on the screen.
Chapt er 5 Syst em Men u 8. ADC Test Test if ADC channe l changes corre ctly or no t . It includes pressing force, system voltage and temperature, et c. settings. 9. USB Test Test if USB disk is connected correctly. Ensure to swit ch USB Device and USB Host when testing.
Appendix A List of Functions Added A.1 New Macro Commands EXPO RT The function of EXPORT macro command is th e same as the fun ction of Re port List butt on element.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added IMRCP16/32, EXRCP16/32 IMRCP16/32 and EXRCP 16/32 macro commands are used to impor t and export the recipe data. Expo rt 1 6bits recipe Equation : Va r1 = EXRCP1 6(Var2, Va r3) Export th e 16bits reci pe data in Var2 t o the exte rnal memor y Var3 (in W indows Excel CSV file), and st ore the result in Var1 .
Appendix A List of F unctions Added Var2: Address of import/ export data Var3: Ext ernal memory 2: USB disk. 3: SD card. For ex ample: Suppose that the user needs to expor t a 16bits recipe data to the USB disk. Firs t, clic k Options > Recipe command from the menu bar to cr eate a 16bi ts recipe data shown as the fig ure below.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added In property setting of the button element, set On macro command as follows. FILLASC($100, “rcp”) Set the file name as RCP. $6789 = EXRCP16($10 0, 2) Export the recipe data in $100 to USB disk and store the result in $6789.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added The recipe file whic h is exported to the USB disk. STATIONON/STATIONOFF The user can use ST ATIONON / STATIONOFF macro commands to enable / disable the communication between H MI and the de signated externa l controlle rs.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added A.2 Print Ty pesett ing - C ustom Print In Print Typesett ing dialog box, Custom Pri nt option is availa ble to me et user’s tot al print ing needs. The corresp onding func tions of each registe r a ddresses are described in the following table.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added A.3 New Button Elemen ts Calibrat ion When the Calibratio n button element is pr essed on the screen, the user is able to execu te Cal ibr atio n fu ncti on di rectl y an d do es no t nee d to enter in to sy stem me nu.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added How to use Language C hanger elem ent: Firs t, clic k Opt io ns > Co nf igu rat io n , select Ot her t ab to enable multi-lang uage user int erface and add the display lang uages. After complete the above settings, create thre e elements on the screen.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added Then, perform Compile operation and do wnload the screen data to the user ’ s HMI screen shown as the fig ure below. When ENGLISH bu tton is pressed, the above screen will displ ay. When 中文 but ton is presse d, , the above screen will display.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added A.4 New Input Element Barcode Input This element is u sed to receive the barcodes which are sc anned by a barcode reader throu gh USB interface. T here are two options, Touch and Active in Input mode drop-d own list.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added If In put M od e is s et to Active , it needs to trigger the InterLoc k Address first. After the InterLock Address is t riggere d, the barcode input e lement will en ter int o the waiting stat us to wait t o receive the sc anned barcodes.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added A.5 New Curve Element Curve Inp ut Create a Curve Input elemen t on the screen. Set the Sample Numb er to 4, and Read Address to $0. When Read Address is set to$0, the addresses for each sampl e number are $0, $1, $2 and $3 respectively.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added Revision May, 2010 A-13.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added A.6 S how Disk Access E rror M essage When this opt ion is set, if an e rror occurs when acce ssing the alarm, history buffe r, and recipe data via USB disk , an error message will sh ow up on the screen to alert the user.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added A.7 Add iti onal Internal Parame ters There ar e several additional inter nal parameters in the drop-down li st. When Dev ice Type drop-down l ist is activ ated, it displa ys a list of interna l paramete rs, from which the user ma y select one.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added Name Explana tion Att ribute Time_Second Second Read / Write Battery_V oltage Remained voltage percenta ge of backup battery Read onl y NET_IP1 Read only NET_IP2 Read only NET_IP3 Read only NET_ IP4 HMI IP Addr ess For exam ple, if HMI IP address is set to 192.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added A.8 Invisible Address When th is option is set to On, this but ton elemen t will be in visible. The e lement s which support this function inc lude: all button ele ments, multistate indi cator elemen t, numeric entry elem ent, character elem ent, and barcode i nput element.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added A.9 A uto Reboot Af ter Firm ware U pgrading When this opti on i s se lect ed, HM I wi ll a utom atic all y re star t (po wer o ff an d the n on) afte r th e firmware upg rading is comple ted.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added A.10 USBCommMode (Data Tr ansfer via USB Dis k) USBCommMode i s a new option pro vided in HMI System Menu and used to trans fer (upload and download) the data via USB disk. After the fir mware is upd ated, the use r can press SY S key to enter into the Sy stem Menu.
Appendix A List of F unctions Added When USB CommMode is se t to 0, it in dicates t he tradition al data tra nsfer mode is sele cted. When USBC omm Mod e is s et to 1 , it i ndic ates the ne w data transfer mode via USB disk is select ed. After setting USBCo mmMode to 1, connec t HMI to PC USB port ag ain.
Appendix B New Upload/Download Function B.1 Upload and Dow nload DVP Series PLC Prog rams There is a new upload and downlo ad button provided on the system menu for upload and download the Delta DVP seri es PLC programs. The users can u se this new function to u pload and download the PLC programs direct ly.
Appendix B N ew Upload/Download Function 3. As shown as the figure below, to transfer PLC pro grams, the user should select the COM Port First. Aft er COM port is selecte d, HMI will sea rch the conn ecting DVP series PLC auto ma tica lly .
Appendix B N ew Upload/Download Function Not es: 1. The file name of PLC progra ms should be DVP-xxx.dvp (xxx must be a number between 000 to 999). 2. If the PLC p rogram is a new file , select New.. and then touc h Upl oad icon on the screen to add it int o the file d irectory.
Appendix B N ew Upload/Download Function B-4 Revision May, 2010 This page intentionally left blank..
Appendix C Multi-Link Connection This chapt er describes the conn ecting met hods used t o connect multiple H MIs to one or mor extern al controlle rs, i.e. PLCs. The connecting m ethod for multi-link connec tion is shown as the figure below. The Ethern et and COM2 serial port of HMIs are used.
Appendix C Mu lti-Link Connection The methods for se tting each un it are as follows: Setting Methods of HMI 1 1. Click Options > Conf igurat ion > CO M Port .
Appendix C Mu lti-Link Connection 5. Set HMI IP address for Ethern et to 172.16.190. 1 and press OK to complete the settings. 6. Create a Numeric Entry element on the scr een so as to read the internal r egister D0 of PLC 1. 7. After finishing the element settings , perform the compil e operation and download the screen data to HMI 1.
Appendix C Mu lti-Link Connection Setting Methods of HMI 2 1. Click Options > Conf igurat ion > CO M Port . 2. Press Add button to add a PLC conn ection under COM1 Base Port 3. Set PLC station number to 1 . 4. In Multi-lin k option, se t Active mod e to Clien t and set IP address to 172.
Appendix C Mu lti-Link Connection 6. Create a Numeric Entry element on the scr een so as to read the internal r egister D0 of PLC 1. 7. After finishing the element settings , perform the compil e operation and download the screen data to HMI 2.
Appendix C Mu lti-Link Connection Setting Methods of HMI 3 1. Click Options > Conf igurat ion > CO M Port . 2. Press Add button to add a PLC conn ection under COM3 Base Port 3. Set PLC station number to 1 . 4. In Multi-lin k option, se t Active mod e to Clien t and set IP address to 172.
Appendix C Mu lti-Link Connection 6. Create a Numeric Entry element on the scr een so as to read the internal r egister D0 of PLC 1. 7. After finishing the element settings , perform the compil e operation and download the screen data to HMI 3. Then, connect PLC 1 to HM I 1, and connect HMI1 to HMI 2 and HMI 3.
Appendix C Mu lti-Link Connection C-8 Revision May, 2010 This page intentionally left blank..
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Delta Electronics DUP-B è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Delta Electronics DUP-B - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Delta Electronics DUP-B imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Delta Electronics DUP-B ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Delta Electronics DUP-B, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Delta Electronics DUP-B.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Delta Electronics DUP-B. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Delta Electronics DUP-B insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.