Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MX003 del fabbricante Dell
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METR OLOG IC INS TR UM ENTS , IN C. MS6130 Hand Held Laser Scanner and MX003 Scanner Interfaces Installation and User’s Guide.
ii L OCATI ONS C ORPORA TE H EADQUARTERS ..............................................................................................................
iii T ABLE OF C ONTENTS MS6130 Hand Held Bar Code Scanner ....................................................... 1 MX003 Series S canner Interfac es ............................................................... 2 Unpacking Li st ...................
iv T ABLE OF C ONTENTS (C ONTINUED ) Maintenanc e .............................................................................................. 27 Troubleshoot ing ......................................................................................
1 T HE MS6130 H AND H ELD B AR C ODE S CANNER MS6130 Hand Held Bar Code Sc anners ar e wireless sca nners w ith a mobility ra nge of up to 3 0 feet from the re ceiver. W hen n ot in use, th e scanner r ests in a u niversal- charging sta nd. The sc anner will be fully charged in 2 hours w hen not scann ing in the stand.
2 MX003 S ERIES S CANNER I NTERFACES Metrologic’ s MX003 Serie s Scanner Int erfaces provid e a short ran ge, one- way wireless data co mmunicati on link betw een a remote portable sc anner and an RS-232 or light pen host device. Specifica lly, M etrologic’s M S6130 Hand-Held La ser Scanners include a Liberty ® RF tran smitter boar d.
3 U NPACKING L IST Your ship ment will co ntain a set of items fro m the two grou ps listed below: Transmitter Group: • MS6130 Hand-Held S canner • Stand #45880 (optio nal) • Stand #45558, 4555 .
4 C ONNECTIONS OF THE “M X” I NTERFA CE T O THE H OST D EVICE Ex cept ve rsi on 17 1. Turn off the ho st system . 2. Connect th e MCA to the ho st device. C onnect the “M X” interface to the MCA. 3. Check the AC input require ments of th e transformer to make sure t he voltage mat ches the AC ou tlet.
5 C ONNECTIONS OF THE K EY BOAR D W EDGE “MX” I NTERFACE TO THE PC Version 17 only MX003 Scanner I nterfaces w ith a suffix of “17" are Key board Wedge versions u sed to interface w ith a PC an d keyboard. 1. Turn off the PC. 2. Plug the “MX ” receiver adapt er cable to t he PC keyboar d port.
6 C ONNECTION S OF THE MS700 I /MS720 I WI T H “MX” TO THE H OST D EVICE To avoid pote ntial probl ems, do not powe r up the scan ner until the communicati on cable is secur ed to the host . 1. Turn off the ho st system . 2. Connect th e 25-pin D-type connector on the M S700i/MS720i s canner’s head cable to the communi cat ion cable.
7 C ONFIGURATI ON OF THE MS700 I /MS720 I W IT H “MX” To perform mat ching proc edure refer to p age 18. Once the tra nsmitter is as signed an ID number, co nfigure the S7 00i/MS720i to accept R F communica tion. Although th e changes mad e in this sectio n effect the rece iver, the MS613 0 performs all scanning.
8 C ONFIGURATI ON OF THE MS700 I /MS720 I W IT H “MX” TO THE H OST S YSTE M To perform mat ching proc edure refer to p age 18. Before the M S700i/MS720i s canner ship s from the f actory, the f actory programs the scanner to a group of def ault set tings noted in the ScanSelect™ Sca nner Programm ing Guide.
9 C ONFIGURATI ON OF THE “MX” TO THE S CAN P AL ® D ATA C OLLECTOR To perform mat c hing pr ocedure refer to p age 18. The RS-232 par ameters mar ked with an a sterisk ( * ) in the chart s are the default setti ngs of the “M X”. The chart s are in the D efault Setting s of the MS6130 and “M X ” Receiver section of this guid e.
10 C ON FIGURATI ON OF THE “MX” TO THE RS-232, L IGHT P EN OR K EYBOARD W EDGE H OST S YS TE M To perform mat c hing pr ocedure refer to p age 18. The light pen, RS-232 and Keyboard W e dge parameter s marked w ith an asterisk ( * ) i n the chart s are the defa ult settings of the “MX ”.
11 K EYBOARD W EDGE (K B) I NTERFACE Scan the ENABLE KB W EDGE INTERFACE bar code if your co mmunicati on requireme nt is keyboard emulation. The scanner w ill provide keyboar d emulation by converting th e scanned bar code dat a to the PC key board scan code equiv alent.
12 K EYBOARD W EDGE (K B) I NTERFACE (C ONTI NUED ) KB Param eter – Ke yboard T ype The follow ing bar code s are used t o define the key board coun try type.
13 K EYBOARD W EDGE (K B) I NTERFACE (C ONTINUED ) Reserve d BRB Reserve d BR C Reserve d BR D Reserve d BRE Reserve d BRF KB Parameter - Caps Lock M ode When Caps Lock is u sed on the keyboard, c hoose ENABLE CAPS LOCK. Once e nabled, the scanner will sim ulate Cap s Lock key board input.
14 K EYBOARD W EDGE (K B) I NTERFACE (C ONTINUED ) KB Parameter - Alt Mode When this opt ion is ena bled, the s canner will duplicate th is keyboa rd sequenc e: Hold down the Alt key; ty pe the dec imal numb er that corresponds to the appropr iate keybo ard character.
15 C ON FIGURATI ON OF THE MS6130 H AND -H ELD To perform mat c hing pr ocedure refer to p age 18. Before the M S6130 scanner ships from the factory , the factory programs th e scanner s to a set of default sett ings. T hese default settings ca n be found in the MS4120 Progr amming Guide.
16 E NABLING THE MS700 I /MS720 I S CANNE R ’ S RF L OW S PEED O PTION Before beginni ng this pro cedure, perfor m all step s in the se ctions, M atching the Transmitt er to the Re ceiver and Configurat ion of the M S700i/MS720i with “MX” . Use the MS70 0i/MS720i sca nner to scan the fo llowing b ar codes.
17 C HANGING THE ID In order for the M S6130 to send data t o the correct re ceiver, they must have a matching ID number. The ID number is the ser ial number of the receiver. When the matching pr ocedure is completed, the receiver w ill accept data only from a M S6130 that has the matching ID n umber.
18 M ATCHING P ROCEDURE With the M S6130, scan the following ba r codes st arting from th e top down: Transmitt er Enter/Exit Program M ode ** Recall Defaults DF 1 Enable RF Com munications R3 5 Transmitt er Enter/Exit Program M ode ** Locate the m odel label on the cas e of the rece iver.
19 P ARTS OF T HE MS6130 H AND -H ELD B AR C ODE S CANNE R Becoming fa miliar with th e features of the MS6130 h and-held s canner will help when o perating one of these s canners. T he illustrat ion and list ex plain the pertin ent parts. Figure 4: S canner Parts Battery Charge Contacts Receptacl e for the batt ery charger.
20 C OMPONENTS OF T HE MS6130 S ER IES S TAN D The follow ing are the c omponents used to build t he MS6130 series s tand (MLPN: 45880). 1. Cradle 2. Stand Charger P ack 3. Pole Cover 4. Flex pole 5. Stand Base Cover 6. Stand Base 7. Charger Trans former 8.
21 I NSTALLATIO N OF THE M S 6130 S ER IES S TAN D Refer to for n umbered co mponents o n the previo us page 1. Use the st and base (6) as a template t o drill and mount the ba se to the counter usin g the mount ing screw s (9) provided.
22 I NSTALLATIO N OF THE 6000 S ER IES U NIVERSAL C HA RG ING S TAND MLPN: 45558 - 115V, 45 559 - 230V an d 45560 - 240V (UK) Figure 6: U nivers al Char ging St and P ERMANENT C OUNTER T OP I NST ALL ATIO N 1. Separate w eighted base fr om rotating base by remov ing the (4) fo ur screws.
23 N I C D B ATTERY C HARGER WITH R EC ONDITIONIN G F EATUR E MLPN: 45561 - 11 5V and 45562 - 230V How to Recondition 1. Place the sc anner into th e charge st and. 2. Push the stand tilt cup i n the extreme d own posi tion to expose th e hole for th e discharge cy cle sw itch.
24 V ISUAL I NDICATORS The scanner has red and green LEDs. W hen the scann er is on, th e LEDs indicate the status of t he scan an d scanner. No Red or Green The scanner w ill turn off if the s canner ha s been dormant f or a specif ied time . To reactivate th e unit, dire ct the out put window up then dow n toward the bar coded product.
25 A UDIBLE I NDICATORS When the sca nner and “M X” receiver are in operation, they provi de audible indicat ions. These s ounds indi cate the st atus of the scan and s canner. One Beep When the “M X” Receiv er first receiv es power, the u nit will beep once.
26 A UDIBLE I NDICATORS (C ONTINUED ) The “MX ” receiver can be progra mmed to em it three beeps w hen the timeou t occurs during co mmunicat ion between the host and re ceiver. R efer to the M S4120 Programming G uide sect ion, Audib l e In dic ato r s fo r Communicati on Timeout s to progr am this feat ure.
27 L ABEL S The MS6130 s canner is either a CDRH Class II laser system or an IEC Class 1 Laser Sy stem. Your unit w ill have a CDRH Class II cautio n label or LASERKLASSE 1 label affix ed below the model number label. T he model number/avoi d exposure label is l ocated on th e bottom of the scanner ’s head.
28 T ROUBLESHOO TING 1. The receiver can receiv e data from a MS6130 w ith its ow n ID or 10 zeroes. It’ s own ID can be receiv ed all the t ime. W hen u sing 10 zeroes, the f irst scan t he receiver gets must have 10 zeroe s as its ID and from that point on the r eceiver will a ccept both ID’ s.
29 A PPENDIX A Specifi cations RF Link Chara cteristic s Frequencies: One of the fo llowing depe nding on the country of op eration: 418 MH z 434 MH z 912 MH z Bandwidth: 220 kHz Modulation: FM Certif.
30 A PPENDIX A (C ONTINUED ) MX003 Series Scanner Interface Specifications FCC ID: L W 5003 Operating Vol tage: 5Vdc Antenna: Integral Dimensio ns: 90 mm [3.
31 A PPENDIX A (C ONTINUED ) Specifications of Batter y Pack Battery Ty pe: “AA” NiCd Recharge able Configurati on: 3 Batteries/Pack Nominal Vo ltage: 3.6 VDC Max imum Voltage: 4.8 VDC Capacity : 600 mA Charge Cycl es: Over 500 Ful l Charge/Di scharge Charge Time : 4 Hours Short Circuit Protection: Auto/Reset F use 1.
32 A PPENDIX B Default S ettings o f the M S6130 and “ MX” Receiver Before the M S6130 hand-held s canner an d “MX” Receiv er ships fro m the factory, the f actory progra ms the scann ers to a group of default settings. An asterisk ( * ) in the charts on the fo llowing page s marks th e default setti ngs of the units.
33 A PPENDIX B (C ONTINUED ) Parame ter T - Tra nsmi tter R - Rece iver De fault RS-232 L ight Pen Long R ange Acti vation i n the Stand T * ✓✓ Normal S can T * ✓✓ Pulsing Scan T ✓✓ Custom.
34 A PPENDIX B (C ONTINUED ) Parame ter T - Tra nsmi tter R - Rece iver Default RS-232 Light Pen DTR Input R ✓ Carriag e Retu rn R * ✓ Line F eed R * ✓ ETX Suf f ix R ✓ Tab Pr efix R ✓ Tab S.
35 A PPENDIX B (C ONTINUED ) PARAMETER T - TRANS MITTE R R - RECEIVER DEFAULT KEYBOARD WEDGE Key b oard Ty pe R ✓ AT R * ✓ XT R ✓ PS2 R ✓ Ke ybo ar d C o un tr y T yp e R ✓ USA R * ✓ UK R .
36 A PPENDIX C MX003 Se ries S canner In terfa ce Pin Assignmen ts The interface s are equipp ed with a shi elded, 10-pi n modular jac k manufactured by Stew ard Stamping.
37 A PPENDIX D Warranty and Disclaimer Limited Warranty The MS6130 scanners are manufactured by Met rol ogi c at its Blackwood, New Jersey, U.S.A. faci l ity.
38 A PPENDIX E Notices Caution Use of controls or adjustm ents or perf orm ance of procedures other t han thos e specified herein may result i n hazardous l aser l i ght exposure. Under no circum st ances should the customer att em pt to servic e the laser scanner.
39 A PPENDIX F Patents “Patent Infor mation This M ETROLOGIC product may be cov ered by on e or more of t he following U.S. Patents: U.S. Patent No. 4, 930,848; 4,9 58,984; 5,0 81,342; 5,26 0,553; 5.
40 I NDEX A AC 4, 6 Adapter 3 Asia ii Audible indi cators 25, 2 6 B Battery pack 31 Beep(s) 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 1 0, 16 17, 19, 23, 25, 26, 28 C Cable 3, 6 Changing ID 17 Clean 27 Clean-up bit 14 Complian .
41 I NDEX (C ONTINUE D ) R Receiver b oard 2 Red LED 1, 19, 24, 25 Rights property 40 RS-232 9, 10, 28 S ScanPal ® 2, 3, 9 ScanSelect 3, 8, 32 Shipping carton 3 South America ii Specificatio ns 29-31.
March 2002 Printed in the U SA 00 - 0221 2.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Dell MX003 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Dell MX003 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Dell MX003 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Dell MX003 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Dell MX003, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Dell MX003.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Dell MX003. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Dell MX003 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.