Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ShareCenter del fabbricante D-Link
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USER MANUAL ShareCenter™ Pulse DNS-320 VERSION 2.0.
i D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual T able of Con tents T able of C onten ts Product Overview .............................................................. 1 Introduction ...................................................................
ii D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual T able of Con tents iT unes Ser ver ........................................................................ 64 AFP Ser vice ........................................................................... 65 NFS Ser vice .
1 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 1 - P roduct O v er view The D -Link Shar eCenter Pulse DNS-320 2-Bay Network Storage, when used with internal SA T A drives , enables you t o shar e documents, les , and digital media such as music, photos , and video with ev er yone on the home or oce network.
2 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 1 - P roduct O v er view • D -Link ShareC enter P ulse DNS-320 • CD -ROM with Manual and Sof tware • Q uick Installation Guide • Pow er.
3 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 1 - P roduct O v er view F eatur es • T w o Hard Drive Ba ys for 3.5” SA T A Hard Drives • Gigabit Ethernet Connectivity • Simplied .
4 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 1 - P roduct O v er view Har dwar e O v er view F r ont P anel C OMPONENT DESCRIPTION HDD1/HDD2 LED These lights will be solid BL UE when drives are connected but inactive The lights will blink when the drives are being accessed , formatted or synchr onized.
5 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 1 - P roduct O v er view Rear P anel ( C onnections) C OMPONENT DESCRIPTION Cov er Lock This lock is used to r emove the co ver when unlocked . Locking it will restrict the removal of the top co ver .
6 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 2 - Getting Started T o get star ted with the ShareC enter P ulse Setup W izard , inser t the supplied CD into y our CD-ROM dr ive: Getting Star ted Shar eC en ter P ulse Sof twar e CD Click the ST ART butt on to start the Share Cen ter Pulse Setup Wizard .
7 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation The Setup wizard will walk y ou through the c onguration of your Shar eCen ter Pulse devic e. Installation Setup W izard Note: The computer used to access the ShareCenter Pulse web -based conguration manager must b e on the same subnet as the ShareCenter Pulse.
8 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation Install the Hard Driv es This step shows you how to open your ShareCenter Pulse so that you can install one or two hard drives . Click Next to continue . Slide either one or t wo hard drives into the open hard drive bays of your device.
9 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation Once the hard driv es are installed , you can attach the top cover . Click Ne xt to continue. A s tandard CA T5E Ethern et c able w ith a RJ-45 connec tor is needed to connec t your ShareC enter Pulse t o your network.
10 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation P o w er and Device Selection Connect the pow er adapter to the power receptor on the back of the device . Pr ess the power button located under the faceplate L EDs to turn on the device.
11 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation A dmin passwor d This window r equests the Admin (administrat or) password . If this is the rst installation of this device then the passwor d will be blank. Click Next to continue.
12 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation Network Setup Y o u ma y u se e it h er S ta ti c I P or D H CP t o co nf ig u re t he I P n et wo r k se t ti ng s o f th e ShareC enter Pulse . If you selec t Static IP then input the IP net work settings .
13 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation Dynamic DNS Cl ic k on th e Y es rad io bu tt on if y ou alr e ad y hav e a DDN S acc ou nt t o use fo r the Sh ar eC e nt e r Pulse DDNS settings . If y ou do not have a DDNS ac count or do not want t o use one, click on the No Radio button.
14 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation DDNS A cc ount and S y stem T ime If you want a DDNS accoun t to use with your ShareCenter Pulse , D-Link pro vides a free DDNS account b y clicking on the web link shown. Y ou will need to do the follo wing: • Create an ac count with a username and passwor d.
15 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation E-mail Settings and V olume I nf ormation Y ou can congure messages to be sent aler ting you to certain oper ational conditions and drive status conditions to your e -mail account.
16 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation RAID Congur ation and Driv e Mapping Select one of the Vo lume F ile Syst ems type.
17 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation C ongura tion Summar y and Drive F ormatting Revi ew y our volu me co ngu ra tion summ ary detai ls he re befo re clic king next and sta rting the drive f ormat. If nec essar y use the PREV button t o go back and recongur e the RAID conguration of the v olume(s).
18 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation F ormat Complet e The wizard will show this window if the hard drive format(s) are successful.
19 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Installation The nal window of the installation wizard shows succ essful completion. Y our d evice is now i nstal led a nd read y for use. Y our dr ives a re n etwor k mapped fr om using the wizard so you will be able to acc ess them under you My Computer icon.
20 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 2 - Getting Started When rst pow ered on, during the initial boot sequence , the device will wait to be assig ned an IP address via DHCP . If it does not receiv e a DHCP assigned IP address the A uto-IP process will assign a 169.
21 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 2 - Getting Started Selec t the device from the list and click the Congur ation button. This will launch the computer ’ s default web brow ser and direct it to the IP address listed for the device.
22 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration The L ogin screen will appear: Sel ect Sy s te m A dmi ni str a to r and ent er the pas sword yo u cre ated dur in g th e Setup Wizar d.
23 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration If a har d disk volume has not been crea ted, then the Shar eCenter Pulse W eb UI defaults to the Management tab . Once a volume is created, then the web UI defaults to the My F avorites tab .
24 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Management Th is tab c ont ai ns the Set up Wi zar d , Dis k Manag eme nt , Ac co un t Manag em ent , Netw or k Manag eme nt , App lic at ion Man ag eme nt , Syst em Management and Status Icons .
25 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Setup W izard ( W eb UI) Click the Run W izard button to star t the setup wizar d. Click Next to con tinue. The ShareC enter P ulse has a System W izar d that allows you to quick ly congure some of the basic device settings.
26 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration It is recommended you set an admin password here . Enter the ne w pass wo r d and re- en te r it for c on rma tio n. Cli ck Ne xt to continue . Set the appropriate Time Zone for your location.
27 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Enter your workgr oup , name and descr iption, or leave the default values and click Ne xt to continue. Edit or change the LAN settings. Selecting DHCP Clien t will cause the device to obtain an IP address from the local DHCP ser ver such as a router .
28 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Se le c t Account and ente r yo ur e -m ail par ame ter s in the box es to send event al er ts from the device. Click Next to continue . Click Finish to sav e y our settings and complete the wizard .
29 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Disk Management Hard Driv e C ongur ation T o setup th e Hard Dri ve R AID conguration of your ShareCenter Pulse, click on th e Manage ment tab and then the Di sk Management icon.
30 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Hard Driv e C ongur ation W izar d When you click the Set RAID type and Re -F ormat button in the Disk Management-Har d Driv e C onguration menu, a wizard will launch allowing you to f ormat your drives and cr eate the RAID f ormat.
31 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Select the forma t desired by click ing on the RAID type bo x to highlight it in blue. I n this example the maximum data prot ection option of RAID 1 is selected. Click Next to con tinue.
32 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration If you select a RAID 0 or 1 option then yo u need to determi ne the siz e of the RAID v olume. An y extra spac e will be f ormatted as a JBOD volume . Click Next to continue .
33 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration During the formatting proc ess a progr ess bar is displayed . When the formatting is completed the wi zard displays the nished V olume Congur ation table. Click F inish to end the wizar d.
34 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration S.M.A.R.T T est S.M.A.R.T stands for “Self-Monitoring, A nalysis, and Reporting T echnology ” . This is a system on a hard drive used to monitor and repor t on the health of the drive.
35 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Schedule: By click ing the Creat e Schedule button the user can create a S.M.A.R.T . test schedule where this test will run automatically at the congur ed time. S ele c t t he f req ue nc y (D ai ly, W ee k ly, M on th ly ) a nd the Time here.
36 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Scan Disk Scan disk provides a method to t est the disk ’ s le system in your ShareC enter P ulse. Scan Disk: Scan Disk will scan your disks le system for errors and /or corrup tion .
37 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration A c coun t Management Users / Gr oups The Users / Groups menu is used to crea te and manage user and group acc ounts.
38 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration A dding New Users Wizar d Here you can enter the User Name and P asswor d f or the new user account. The passw ord needs t o be conrmed b y re- entering the password in the C onrm P asswor d eld.
39 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Here the user can congure the appropriate Network Acc ess settings for the user by simply selec ting one of the follo wing options: Read Only , Read/W rite or Den y Acc ess .
40 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Here the user can congur e the application privileges assigned to this user . Select either FTP or W ebDA V . CIFs and AFP is set as default. • CIFS is short for Common Internet F ile S ystem.
41 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Here you can congur e the Quotas settings for the user accoun t. Enter the quota amount in the block(s) indicated in M egabyt es. By entering 0Mb the quota will be set to unlimited .
42 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration A dding New Groups W izar d The follo wing section will describe how to add a new group on this device .
43 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Select the users you would like to add to your new group by checking the box. Cli ck on the Pr ev iou s butt on to re tur n t o th e prev io us win do w . Click on the Next button to accept the change and c ontinue to the next window .
44 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration S e le c t t h e a p p li c at i o n p r iv i l eg e s a s si g n ed to th i s g ro u p. Options to selec t are FTP or WebD A V . CIFS and AFP is set as default. • CIFS is short for Common Internet F ile S ystem.
45 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration A nal mes sage appea rs in dicating the group was created su cc es sf ul ly and ad de d to the Sh ar e Ce n te r Pu lse c on g ur at io n. Success: V erify the settings and click F inish .
46 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Click the Enabled button to enfor ce the quotas that are se t in the Users / Groups manag ement or the tables below . Quotas The Shar eCent er P ulse supports storage quotas f or both groups and individual users.
47 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration The Net work Shares page allows the user to congure shared folders and r ights to specic users and groups. T o be able to create new network access rules, the default rule must rst be remo ved by simply selecting it and clicking on the Delet e butt on.
48 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration A dding New Network Shar es W izar d The following section will describe how to add a new Network Share on the ShareC enter Pulse . T o add a Network Share click on the Add button.
49 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Se lec t wh ich u ser a ccou nts o r grou p are a llowe d to a ccess t his folder (s). Se lec t All Account to all ow al l a ccounts acce ss to this folder . Selec t Specic User/Group to only allow certain users or groups ac cess to this f older .
50 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration If you select Specic U ser/Group in Step 2, then this step allows yo u to set the ac ce ss right s fo r ea ch User con gu re d on the dev ic e. Click on the Pre vious button to return t o the previous window .
51 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration This step allow s you to assig n privileges to this share. Op p or t u ni st ic l oc k s ( o pl oc ks ) ar e a ch ar ac t er i st ic o f th e LA N Mana ger networkin g pro toc ol implem ent ed in the 32b it Wind ow s fa mil y .
52 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Select the FTP settings for this share. FTP ac cess can be: 1) FTP Anonymous None (No A ccess). 2) FTP Anonymous Read Only (Limited A ccess). 3) FTP Anonymous Read/W rite (F ull A ccess).
53 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration If you selec ted W ebDA V as an access method in Step 3 then this step allows y ou to set the acc ess parameters. Click on the Pre vious button to return t o the previous window .
54 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration If you select Specic User / Group in Step 2, then set the access rights for each U ser congured on the devic e. Click on the Next button to accept the change and continue to the next window .
55 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Assign acc ess privileges to this ISO Mount share. • Selec t All Accounts to assign the ISO Mount share read/deny privileges to all users.
56 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Y ou may add a comment that describes the ISO Mount Share. Click on the Pre vious button to return t o the previous window . Click on the Next button to accept the change and continue to the next window .
57 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Click Finish t o save y our settings. Click on the Pre vious button to return t o the previous window . Click on the Finish button to accept the change and complete the wizard.
58 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration A dmin P assw ord Username: The administra tor user name is admin , and this cannot be changed. P assword: E nt er the curr en t pas sw ord . (Le av e this bla nk if you have not set a passw ord y et.
59 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Network Management LAN Setup The LAN Settings allows y ou to enable LL TD and to congure the Link Speed and the IP addr ess as a DHCP client or Static IP . DHCP Client: Selec ting DHCP Client will cause the DNS-320 t o obtain an IP address from the local DHCP server .
60 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Link Speed and LL TD Settings Speed: Displays the current Ethernet bit ra te in Megabits per second. Link Speed: S e le c t ei t he r A ut o ( Aut o -N eg o ti at e) , 1 00 M bp s, o r 1000 Mbps by clicking the appropriate radio button.
61 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Dynamic DNS T h e D D N S fe a t u r e a l l o w s t h e u s e r t o h o s t a s e r v e r ( We b , F T P , G a m e S e r v e r, e t c … ) u s i n g a d o m a i n n a m e t h a t y o u h a v e p u r c h a s e d (www .
62 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration FTP Ser ver The device is equipped with a built in FTP Server . The server is easy t o congure and allows users acc ess to impor tant data whether they are on the local network or at a r emote location.
63 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration UPnP A V Ser ver The device features a UP nP A V Ser ver . T his ser ver provides the ability to stream photos, music and videos to UPnP A V compatible network media players .
64 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration iT unes Ser ver The DNS-320 f eatures an iT unes S erver . This ser ver provides the abilit y to shar e music and videos t o computers on the local network running iT unes.
65 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration AFP Ser vice The Shar eCenter Pulse supports Apple F iling Ser vice for connectivity with MA C OS based computers. If you need to use AFP service enable it here other wise leav e it disabled to reduce CPU r esource o verhead.
66 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration NFS Ser vice The device suppor ts Network File System (NFS) ser vice . T o enable this multi-platform le system on your device enable it here. Other wise disable the option to prev ent unnecessary CPU overhead.
67 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Language This menu item allows you to install language pack ages onto your system.
68 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration T ime and Dat e The Time and Dat e page c ontains several dierent options f or setting the device ’ s internal clock. I t is impor tant to set an accurate time so that backups and downloads can be accurat ely scheduled.
69 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration W orkg roup: Ente r you r Workgroup n ame here. The work group name should be the same as the computers on the ne two rk. Devi ce s usin g th e same wo rk gr ou p will ha v e additional le sharing methods available.
70 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Sy st em Settings Restar t: Click ing to reboot the devic e. Default: C l i c k t o r e s t o r e t h e d e v i c e b a c k t o t h e f a c t o r y default settings. All previous settings that hav e been congured will be er ased.
71 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Congur ation Settings: Click on the Save button to sav e the current c o n f i g u r a t i o n s e t t i n g s t o a f i l e o n y o u r comp uter .
72 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration P o w er Management The device P ower M anagement f eature allows you to congure the drives to shut down while power remains constant to the device. The dr ives will power up again when da ta is accessed.
73 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Y ou can also control the speed of the fan using three dier ent settings and you can power o the devic e at scheduled times for each day of the week. F an C ontrol: The s pe ed o f th e f an c an be c ont roll ed f rom t his section.
74 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Notications Email Settings With E-Mail Alerts, you can congur e e -mails to be sent to you that alert you to certain operational conditions and drive status conditions.
75 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration SMS Settings The same aler ts of syst em conditions that can be sent to an email box can also be sent to a mobile phone or by SMS text messages. Y ou need to have an agreement with a SMS ser vice gateway that the device can then be congured to send the aler ts to .
76 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Adding an SMS Ser vic e Pr ovider Once you hav e a SMS Ser vice provide y ou with a HT TP API URL, enter it int o the Add SMS Ser vice P rovider wizar d. Enter the URL in the rst window with an appropriate Pr ovider Name.
77 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Ev ent Settings Y ou can limit which events are sent as alerts to the Email or SMS settings by checking the events here.
78 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Logs Within the L ogs menu item y ou can setup your device t o r eceive Log Events from other ShareCenter Pulses or send the log even ts to another ShareC enter Pulse or S ysL og ser ver .
79 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration F irm w are Upgr ade The Firm ware Upgrade Page makes it simple to check for new rm ware releases and upload them t o the device. This section provides a link to check for new rm ware on the D-Link suppor t website .
80 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Sy st em Info Here you can view v arious system information some of which is sta tic and others dynamic. Sta tus LAN Information: Displays the local network settings of y our device.
81 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Hard Driv e Info This section will disp lay a su mmary of the hard drive(s) currentl y install ed. The summ ar y will include informa tion such as the hard drive manu facture r , model, serial number , tempera ture, total capacity siz e, and status.
82 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration FTP/HT TP Downloads Schedule le and f older backups from an FTP ser ver , w eb server , or local network shar e. Always test the URL bef ore applying changes . This will help to ensure a suc cessful download.
83 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Save T o: Enter the specic destination on the internal dr ives for the downloaded les or folders to be saved to .
84 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Remote Backups Remote Backups allows you to back up your device to another ShareC enter Pulse or Linux Ser ver or vice versa from a remote ShareC enter P ulse or Linux Ser ver to your device.
85 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Remote Backups - Crea te wizar d When you click the Cr eate Button abo ve the Remote Backup list this wizard will launch allo wing you to c ongure a new Remote Backup job .
86 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Local Settings: T ask (Name): The name used to refer to the backup jo b whic h will be li st ed la te r in the Remo te Ba cku p lis t. F old er P ath: Select a loc al netw ork sha re folde r or le as the target or sourc e for the backup job .
87 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Remote Settings: Remote P ath : Using the dr op- down menu, selec t the le sy stem (fol der) pat h to the remot e targe t or sour ce system f or backup.
88 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration F inished: Click on F inish if you ar e satised with all the settings of the Backup job created . Other wise click on the Previous button to go back and make changes. Alternatively click on Exit to end the conguration without adding a Remote Backup job .
89 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Local Backups Schedule local le and folder backups fr om the local network share of the device or from the local computer . Alway s test the URL bef ore applying changes.
90 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Local Backups - Time Machine This section allows the user to congure the device so that it becomes a backup destination in the Mac OS X Time Machine. I n order to use this function, the AFP ser vice is required .
91 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration P2P Downloads - Settings Within this menu y ou can congure the P2P do wnload management settings. P2P: Selec t Enable or Disable . Disable: In the block pr ovided the user can congure the runni ng sched ule f or P2P do wnload s.
92 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration P2P Downloads - Do wnloads Congur e the Peer -to-Peer do wnload manager settings. Add T orrent fr om URL: In the eld provided you can c opy and paste a link to a torrent le hosted on the I nternet.
93 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration W eb F ile Ser ver Whenever you cannot mount the network shares of your NAS, use the W eb File Ser ver to access the les using a bro wser over the Internet.
94 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base AjaXplor er This section allow s y ou to congure the AjaXplorer function. AjaXplorer is a le explor er that allows you to remot ely manage the les stor ed under the AjaXplorer f older by using a web br owser .
95 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration My F av orites The M y F avorites tab allows you to add any icon you routinely access from the Applications or Management T ab in one con venient location f or easy and quick access .
96 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration A dd an Icon to My F av orites There are two methods t o add an icon alias to My F avorites . Y ou can either right-click the icon and select A dd to My F avorites or use the Drag and Drop method as per item 2 belo w .
97 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 4 - C onguration Remov e an Icon fr om My F a vorit es T o remove an icon alias from the My F avorites tab simply right-click on it and selec t Remo ve From My F a vorite in the context selection that appears.
98 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base Knowledge Base Wha t is RAID? RAID , short for Redundant Arra y of I ndepende nt Disks, is a combi nation of two or more disks with the aim of providin g fault toleranc e and improvin g per formanc e.
99 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base Mapping a Drive Y ou can use the Easy S earch Utility to map drives t o your computer . Inser t the ShareC enter P ulse CD into your CD-ROM drive. The Easy Search Utility will load and detect any ShareC enter P ulse devices that are on the local network.
100 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base Once connected, y our mapped drive(s) will appear in My Computer . Highlight an available device . Av a i l a b l e v o l u m e s w i l l b e d i s p l a y e d u n d e r D r i v e M a p p i n g .
101 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base Dou ble - cl ick t he My Comp uter icon on your deskt op. Doubl e -cl ick t he ma pped drive to access the les and f olders.
102 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base Mapping the Rec ycle Bin If you ha ve turned on the Recycle Bin option with any of your Net work Shares created , then y ou can map the r ecycle bin as a Net work Driv e to ha ve access to it .
103 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base USB P rint Ser ver The device featur es a built-in USB print server , giving users the ability to share a printer on their local network. Connect a USB pr inter to the USB por t on the back of the device.
104 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base S e l e c t t h e p r i n t e r d r i v e r f r o m t h e i n s t a l l e d Manufacturer list or use the Ha ve Disk button to brow se for the printer driv er le. The Windows ® Add P rinter Wizar d will launch: Click OK to continue .
105 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base On ce you have s ele ct ed t he p rope r d rive r as shown in the brow se list then click OK t o install the printer . The pr inter i s n ow ins talle d and the printer queue will appear .
106 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base Y ahoo! W idget I nstallation D-Link provides an added featur e called a Y ahoo! Widget. What is a Y ahoo W idget? Y ahoo ! W id get s ar e fr ee app lic at ion plat f orms tha t ca n be used in Mic ro soft W ind ow s an d Mac OS X.
107 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base Y ahoo! W idget D ispla y The D-Link Widget is mainly used f or monitoring the activities tak ing place .
108 D-Link ShareCent er Pulse DNS-320 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Knowledge Base USB C op y F unc tion The DNS-320 suppor ts on option where the user can enter a USB st orage medium in to the USB por t a.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il D-Link ShareCenter è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del D-Link ShareCenter - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso D-Link ShareCenter imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul D-Link ShareCenter ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il D-Link ShareCenter, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del D-Link ShareCenter.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il D-Link ShareCenter. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo D-Link ShareCenter insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.