Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DWL-610 del fabbricante D-Link
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M a n u a l D- L ink Ai r D WL-610 2 .4 GHz Building Netw ork s for People T M Wire le ss Ca rdb us Ada p ter v e r s i o n 1 . 02.
2 C o n t e n t s Pa ck age Cont ents ................................................................................ 3 I nt ro du c t io n ........................................................................................... 4 W ireless Ba si cs .
3 Pa ck age Contents This ma nual a pplie s speci ficall y to the D WL-610 revi sion M1. Ple a se refer t o e arl ier version s of this ma nu al if you have a previ ous version of the D W L-61 0.
4 Int rodu ctio n The D-Link Air D W L-610 W irel ess Cardbus Ada pter is a n 802.1 1b wi reless ada pter that supports high-speed wirele ss networking at home, at work or in public pla ces. T h e D W L - 61 0 i s c o m p a t i b l e w i t h e x i s t i n g 8 0 2 .
5 Link: Solid green light indicates connection to the network A CT : Blinking a mber light indi cates a ctivity on the network L E D S LED sta nds for L ight - E mitting D io de.
6 Wi r el e s s Ba s i cs D-Link wireless produc ts ar e ba s ed on industr y st a ndard s to provid e ea s y -to- use a n d compat ibl e high -spee d wir ele ss conn ecti vi ty wit hin you r home, busin ess or publ ic a ccess wirele ss netw orks.
7 The D W L-610 is compatible with 80 2.1 1b wirele ss products, which include : D-Link Ai r Plus D W L-650+ 2.4GHz W irel ess Cardbus Ada pter used wi th la ptop com puters D-Link Air D WL-510, D-Lin k Air Plus D WL -52 0+ 2.4GHz W ireless P CI cards used w ith desk top computers D-Link Air Plus D WL-900A P+ Enha nced 2.
8 There are ba sically tw o modes of netw orking: Infra structu re – using a n Access Point or Router , such a s the DI-614 + A d-Hoc – directly connecting to a nother com puter , for peer-to- peer com munication, using wireless network ad a pters on ea ch computer , such a s two or m ore D W L- 610 wi reless netw ork ada pters.
9 Ple a se remem ber that D-Link Air wirel ess devices are pr e-config ured to connect together, right ou t of the box , with their default settings. Y ou wi ll nee d broa dba nd Inter net a ccess (a .
10 Getti ng Start ed (cont inued ) Settin g up a W ir ele s s Ad Hoc Netwo rk Install the W irele ss PCI a da pter(e.g., D W L-510) into the des k top computer . (See the Quick Installation Guide included with the produc t for installa tion instr uctions .
11 Select the Wireless Netw orks tab. U n che ck the bo x in t he p ro per ties win dow that enables windows configuration. D-Link A ir D WL-610 uses the Configur ation Utility a s the m a nag ement softw are. T he utili ty provi des t he user a n e a sy interfa ce to cha nge any settings related to t he w ireless ada pter .
12 Link Info Us ing th e C onf igu ra ti on U til i ty (c ont in ued) After clicking on the Configurati on Utili ty icon, the Link Info screen w ill di splay the setti ngs fo r the D W L-610: SSID: Th e Se rv ic e S et Id e n ti fi er is th e na me a s si gne d to the wir eles s n etwo rk .
13 Wireless Mode: Authentication: Keys 1-4: Select the default key Data Encryption: IP Settings: Click on the pull-down menu; select from the following options: Infrastructure - connecting to the WLAN using an Access Point.(This is the default setting).
14 Ad-Hoc Channel: All devices in the Ad Hoc network must be set to the same channel Click Apply if you have made any changes Data Packet Parameter: Select the parameters here Profile IP Settings: Y ou can Enable or Disable the IP Settings portion of your profile here.
15 Refresh: Click on Refresh to get the most updated list of available networks. A vailable Network: The top section of the window displays the Available Networks . Scroll up and down the list and highlight the network to which you wish to connect. Click on the Connect but- ton.
16 Using the Configuration Utility (continued) Site Survey > Add If you clicked on Add, you can configure, in this window , all the properties of a profile that you wish to add to the network. In this window you can select the type of network connection.
17 Using the Configuration Utility (continued) Site Survey > Configuration > 802.1X T o use 802.1x and to configure its settings, please do the following: IEEE 802.1X - Select Enabled . Click Authentication Config Select the EAP T ype you want to use.
18 Using the Configuration Utility (continued) 802.1x > Advanced Security Settings > EAP T ypes EAP T ype Inner Authentication Protocol Information needed for Authenticating EAP-TLS EAP- MSCHAPv.
19 Using the Configuration Utility (continued) 802.1x > Advanced Security Settings > EAP T ypes (continued) EAP T ype Inner Authentication Protocol Information needed for Authenticating EAP- Gen.
20 Using the Configuration Utility (continued) Domain Name: Each server has a domain name that uniquely identifies it. That domain name is normally contained in the Subject CN field of the server certificate. A server domain name ends with the name of a larger administrative domain, to which the server belongs.
21 Using the Configuration Utility (continued) Authentication > WP A Click Configure . Select the available network to which you want to connect. After you click Authentication Config , the Advanced Security Settings screen will ap- pear . Complete the Advanced Security Settings configuration.
22 Using the Configuration Utility (continued) Click Configure . Select the available network to which you want to connect. WP A-PSK does not require a RADIUS Server in the network.
23 Using the Configuration Utility (continued) Enter the WP A Passphrase . Click OK . The configuration is done..
24 The ABOUT screen gives you the MAC Address, Utility V ersion and the Driver V ersion of the DWL-6 1 0. Using the Configuration Utility (continued) About.
25 Using the Netw ork Setup Wizard in Window s XP In this section yo u will learn how to establish a network at home or work , u s ing Microsoft Windo ws XP. Note: Plea s e refer to websites su ch a s http://www .homenethelp. com a nd http://w ww .microsoft.
26 Plea se f ollow all the instruct ion s i n this wi ndow: Networking Ba sics (continue d) Click Next In the following window , select the best description of yo ur com puter. If y our com puter connects to the internet through a g ateway/router, select the second opti on a s shown.
27 Enter a Comp uter de scription a nd a Comp uter n a m e (option al.) Networking Ba sics (continue d) Click Next Enter a Workgroup na m e. All com puters on your netw ork should hav e the sa m e Wor kgr oup na m e.
28 Plea s e wait w hile the Networ k Setup Wizard a pplies the changes. Networking Ba sics (continue d) W he n the change s are complete, clic k Next . Plea s e wait while the Netw ork Setup Wizar d configures the c ompute r . This ma y ta ke a few m inute s.
29 Networking Ba sics (continue d) In the w indow below , sele ct the option that f its your need s. In this e xa mple, Cre ate a Netw ork Setup Disk h a s been selected. Y ou will run this disk on ea ch of the com puters on y our network . Cl ick Next .
30 Networking Ba sics (continue d) Plea se read the information un der Here ’ s how i n th e screen below . After y ou complete the Netw ork Setup Wiz ard you wil l use the Netw ork Setup Disk to run the Network Setup Wizard on ce on ea ch o f the com puters on y our network.
31 Networking Ba sics (continue d) Plea se read the information on this screen, then click Finish to complete the Net wo rk Se tup W izar d . The new settings will ta k e effect wh en you restart the c omputer . Click Y es to restart the com puter. Y ou have com pleted configuring this computer .
32 n Networking Ba sics (continue d) Na mi ng y our Comput er T o na m e y our com puter , plea se fol low these direction s:I n W indow s XP : Click Start (in the lower left corner o f the sc reen) Right-click on My Co mput er Select Pro perti e s and c lick n n n n n Select the Computer Na m e T ab in the System Pro perti es wi ndow .
33 Networking Ba sics (continue d) Na mi ng y our Comput er n In this window, enter the Co mpu ter na m e Select Workgroup a nd enter the na m e of the Work group All c omputers on y our network mus t have the sa m e Workgroup n a m e .
34 Networking Ba sics (continue d) Che cking the I P Addre ss in Wind ows XP This w indow will a ppear . Click the Supp ort tab Click Close n n Assi gning a St atic IP Addre ss in Win dows XP/2000 Not.
35 Networking Ba sics (continue d) Assi gning a St atic IP Addre ss in Win dows XP/2000 n Double-clic k on Network Con necti ons n n Double-clic k on Proper ties Righ t-cl ick on Lo cal A rea Con nect.
36 Networking Ba sics (continue d) Ass igni ng a Stati c IP Add re ss in Wind ows XP/2000 Y ou have compl eted the a ssign men t of a St atic IP Ad dre ss. ( Y ou do no t need to a ssign a Static IP Addre ss if you ha ve a DHCP-ca pa ble Gateway/Rou ter .
37 Networking Ba sics (continue d) Che cking the Wir ele ss Co nne ction by Ping ing in W indow s XP and 2000* Che cking the Wir ele ss Co nne ction by P inging in Windo ws Me a nd 98* Go to Start > Run > ty pe cmd . A wi ndow similar to this one wi ll a ppe ar .
38 1 . C h ec k t h a t t h e d r i v e r s f o r t h e D W L - 61 0 a r e i n s t a l l e d p r o p e r l y . Click Device M ana ge r n Selec t th e Ha rdw a re T ab n T roub le shooting Th is cha pter provides solutions to problems that c a n occur during the instal lation a nd opera tion of the D W L-610.
39 T rouble shootin g (cont inued) n n n Dou ble- click on Netw ork A da pter s Right-click on D-Link Air D WL-610 Wirele ss Cardbus A da pter Select Properties to check that the dri vers are in- stal.
40 2. I ca nnot co nnect to the a ccess poin t or the w irel e ss router . Check to see if the D W L-610 Cardbus ada pter is fi rm ly inserted into the Cardbus slot of y our la ptop. Ma k e sure that th e SSID on th e D W L -610 Cardbus a da pter is ex a ctly the sa m e a s the SSID on the Access Point or wireless ro uter .
41 T rouble shootin g (cont inued) A . U nder T ools > select Folder Op tion s … > select Vi ew > under Hid de n fil es and f old ers > se lect S how hid den f ile s and fol der s B . Unch ec k Hi de ex te ns io n fo r k no w n fi le t yp e s > cl ic k o n A pply C.
42 Move the D W L-610 a nd Access Point or W irele ss router i nto the sa me room a nd then test the wireless connection. Cha nge the cha nnel of the Access Poi nt. Move devices withi n the line of sight Check that the Ne two rk Connec tion for the wireless client i s configur ed proper ly .
43 T e c h n i c a l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s IEE E 802. 1 1b n Sta ndards System Requirement s: T em p er a t ur e Operatin g: 3 2 º F to 131 º F (0 º C to 55 º C ) Storing: - 4 º F to 167 º.
44 T echnical Spe cification s (continue d) 1, 2, 5.5, 1 1Mbps (with Automatic Fallba ck) 1-1 1 U nited State s (FCC) n Oper ating Channels: Data Rates: n Supports 64-bit or 128-bit W EP encryption En cry ptio n: n 2.
W a r r a n t y a n d R e g i s t r a t i o n Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise 1. Bitte lese n Sie sich diese Hinweise sor gfaltig durch. 2. Heben Sie diese Anleitung fur den spater n Gebrauch auf. 3. Vor jedem Reinig en ist das Gerat vom Strom netz zu trennen.
Limited Warranty Hardware: D -L i n k w a r r a n t s it s h a r d w a r e p r o d u ct s t o be fr e e fr om d e f e ct s i n w or k m a n s h i p a n d m a t e r i a ls , u n d e r n or m a l u s e .
Software: W a r r a n t y s e r v i ce fo r s oft w a r e p r od u ct s m a y b e ob t a i n e d by con t a ct i n g a D-L i n k offi ce w i t h i n t h e a p p li ca b l e w a r r a n t y p e r i od .
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement This equipment ha s been tested an d found to comply w ith the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the F CC Rules. These limit s are designed to pro v ide re asonable protection against harmful interference in a re sidential installation.
O ffic e s Australia D-Link Australasia Unit 16, 390 Easter n Valley W ay , Rose ville, NSW 2069 Australia TEL: 61-2-9417-7 100 FAX: 61-2-9417- 1077 TOLL FREE (Aust ralia): 1800-177100 TOLL FREE (Ne w Zealand): 0800-900 900 URL: au E-MAIL: supp ort@dlink.
10F, 8-8-15 Nishi -Gotanda, Shinaga wa-ku, Tok y o 141, Jap an TEL: 81-3-5434-9 678 FAX: 81-3-5434- 9868 URL: www.d-link E -M AI L : k i d a @ d -l i n k . co.j p Netherlands D-Link Benelux Fellenoord 130 5611 ZB, Eindhoven, th e Netherlands TEL: 31-40-26687 13 FAX: 31-40-266 8666 URL: www.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il D-Link DWL-610 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del D-Link DWL-610 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso D-Link DWL-610 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul D-Link DWL-610 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il D-Link DWL-610, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del D-Link DWL-610.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il D-Link DWL-610. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo D-Link DWL-610 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.