Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DI-624S del fabbricante D-Link
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D-Link DI-624S High-S peed 2. 4 GHz Wir eless Stor age Ro uter Manual Bu il di ng N etw orks fo r Pe opl e Ver 1.00.
Contents Pa ckage Con t en ts .... ..... ........ ...... ........ ....... ........ ...... .......... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ... 3 Introdu ction ..... .......... ........ ...... ...... ........ ....... ...... ........ ...... ..
2 Adva nced > Firewa ll .... ...... .......... ......... ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... .......... ........ ... 44 Advan c ed > D MZ ....... ........ ...... ...... ......... ...... ........ ...... .......... ........ ....
3 Package Contents Contents of Package: • D-Link DI-624 S 2.4G H z W ireless St orage Router • Power Ad apter- DC 5V, 3A • Manual and Warrant y on CD • Quick Ins tallation Gui de • Ether net.
4 Introductio n The D-Link DI-624S Wi rele ss Storage Rout er is an 80 2 .11b /g high-performance, w i rele ss router that supports hig h- speed w ireless networking at ho me, at work or in p u blic pla c es.
5 Connections USB 2.0 C onnections . Use thes e ports to connect your USB pri nt er o r me mor y media for fil e sharing. All Ethernet Ports (W AN and LA N) are auto MDI/ MDIX, meaning you can use ei ther a straight-through or a crossover E thernet cable.
6 LEDs Pow er LED A solid light indicates a valid connection to the power supply. Status LED A blinking LED indicates the DI-624S is functioning properly. WAN LED An active LED indica te s a li nk has been established. A bli n ki ng LED indicates activity on the WAN port.
7 Features • Fully com patible wit h the 8 02.11g standar d to pro vide a wirel ess data rate of up to 54Mbps • Backwards com patible with the 802.
8 various de vices to be shar ed over a net work, such as USB stora ge devices and printers • VPN Pass Through • DMZ an d DDNS fu nctions • Statefu l Packet Insp ection for protec tion against u.
9 Wireless Basics D- Link wire les s pr odu cts are base d on in dus tr y st an dar ds to pro vi de eas y-t o- us e an d compatible h igh-speed wireless connect ivity within your home, bus iness or public access wire l ess networks. D-Link wireless products will allo w you acc ess to the data you want, whe n an d w her e y o u want it.
10 Wireless B asics (c ontinued) S ta nda rds -Bas ed Tec hn ol ogy The DI-6 24S Wirel ess Broadband Router u tilizes the n ew 802.1 1g standard. The IEEE 802.11 g standar d is an e xtens ion of the 802.1 1b standar d. It i ncreas es the data rate u p to 54 Mb ps within the 2.
11 Getting Started Setting up a Wirel ess Infrastructure Netw ork Please r emember that D-L ink Air Plus G wire less devi ces ar e pre-conf igured to c onnect together , right out of the b ox, with th eir defa ult settin gs. For a ty pical wir eless s etup at home (as sho wn abov e), please do th e follo w i ng: 1.
12 5. (See the printed Quick Installation Gu ide inc luded with the net work adapter .) 6. Instal l the D-Link DWL- G650 wireless Cardbus adapter i nto a lapto p comput er. (Se e the pri nted Quick Inst allation Guide i ncluded with the DWL- G650.) 7.
13 Using the Configuration Wizard Whene ver y ou w ant to conf igure y our netw ork or the D I- 624 S, y o u can access the Configuration Menu by opening the w e b-browser and ty p ing in the IP Addre s s of the DI -624 S.
14 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > Wirel ess WCN WCN or Window s Conn ect N ow T echno logy is used to au t omat ically configure the wireless settin gs for this device. The WCN must be previously configured o n compu ter runni n g a Windows XP operating sy stem , w hic h has Service Pack 2 installed.
15 Wireless Q oS (WMM) Clicking the Ena bled ra d io b u tton in this section will enabl e Q oS for WiFi MultiMed ia (WMM). T his function w ill give priority to audio and video information travelling over the wirless netw ork.
16 Open S y st em/S hared Ke y The Op en System/Share d Key choice for Authen ticati on will pr o duce th e same screen for the user’s configuration. The O pen System choice is for general use and ut ilizes the basic WEP encryption. The Shared Key choice is used be tw een c oo perating devices that share a common encryption key .
17 WPA WPA or Wireless Prote ction Access is a new an improved sta ndard of wireless securit y . WPA offers encryption key s of up to 256-bits that automatically chan ge fr equently.
18 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > WAN Static IP Addr ess Choose Stat ic IP Address if al l WAN IP i nformation is pro vided to y o u by y our ISP. You will need to enter in the IP address, s u bnet mask, gatew a y address, and DNS address(es) prov ided to you b y your ISP.
19 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Dynamic IP Addre ss Dyn amic Choose Dy namic IP A ddress to obtain IP addre ss informa tion automati c ally from y our ISP. T his option sho uld be selecte d if y our ISP has not su pplied you with an IP addr ess.
20 Using the Configura tion Me nu (continu ed) Home > WA N > PPPoE PP Po E Choose th is option if your I SP uses PPPoE. (M o st DS L users wi ll sele ct this option .) Dy namic PPPoE Choose this op t ion to rece iv e an I P A ddr ess automa tically from y our ISP .
21 Clone M AC Address The d ef ault MAC ad dres s is set to t he W AN’s ph ysic al interf ac e MAC address on the Broadband Router. You can use t he “Clone MAC Add res s” bu tton to copy the MA C ad dr ess o f the E the rnet C ard installed by y o ur ISP and repl ac e the WAN M A C addr ess with th e MAC address of the router.
22 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Hom e > W AN > Oth ers > PPT P PP TP Ch oos e betw een Dy na mic an d St atic IP . IP Address Enter the IP ad dr ess of th e route r for a static IP entry . Dy namic IP re quir es no inpu t here .
23 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > W A N > Oth ers > L2TP L2PT Ch oose b etw een Dy nam ic an d Stati c IP. U sing Dynamic IP, th e router w ill set your ba s ic IP parameters, such as the IP Address , Subnet Mask and Gateway .
24 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > WAN > Oth ers > BigPond C able This selection is for user s having Big Pond Cable as their ISP. En ter th e foll owing infor mation, as pro vided to you by your ISP. Use r Na me Enter the user name as provided to y ou by your ISP.
25 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > LAN IP Address The IP ad dress of th e LAN interface. T he default IP a ddress i s 192.16 8.0.
26 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > DHC P To setup DHCP for your L AN, first enable th e Router as a DHCP se rver by cl icking t h e co rres pon ding Enabled radio button in the w indow above.
27 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > File Sharing To set up the DI-624S as a fi le ser ver, the user needs to configure four parts asso ciated with t his window. Each pa rt has a c orrespon ding ra dio button an d when clicked, will open up to a new window t o configure.
28 Advance d > File Shar ing > Ser ver Set up S erv er Se tu p Click the co rresponding r ad i o button if you w ish to enable or disable the File Ser ver function on the R outer. Gr oup Ente r the name o f the s ha re gr ou p on th e int ernal netw ork wi th wh om yo u wis h t o sha r e fi le s .
29 Use r Na me Ent er th e name of the user t o be add ed to t he u ser g rou p. T his name must b e identi c al to the one the u s er will input when asked for authorization by the router. User Description Enter a description o f the us er to identify that person to the administrator.
30 Select Direct or y Pop- Up Window This windo w will appear when the Sel ect Direct or y button is clicked in the pr evious windo w. Using t his windo w, the adm inistr ator can cr eate d irectories for sharing on the network. To create a d irec tory, enter a name of your choice in the Create Dire ctor y field and click Ad d .
31 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > FT P WAN Side Setting Click the Ena bl ed radi o butt on to o pen the file sh aring system on the WAN. The user may also enter a virtual port numbe r for which to use th is protocol. T he common port number for FTP is 21.
32 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > Per sonal Web Personal Web Server Click the Enabl ed radio button to enable the DI-624S a s a Personal Web server. Inte rface Choose the inter f ace on w hich to set up y our Personal we b server.
33 Use r Name Enter t he User Na me y o u w i sh to a llot this Personal W eb page. Th is is the User Name , along w i th th e Password in t he next fiel d, t hat w ill be r equir ed to acces s th e Pers onal We b page on a USB storage device connect e d to th e Router.
34 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > UPnP AV UPn P AV Ser ver Click Enable d to enab le the DI-624S a s a UPnP ser ver. Interface Choose an interface on w hich to m a ke AV files accessible. Choosing LAN only w ill restrict v iew ing and liste ning to client s on the local netw ork.
35 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Advan ced > Virtual Ser ver To view the follow ing window, click on the A dvanced tab at the top of the w indow and th en cli ck the Vi rtual Server b utt on to the le ft .
36 • SMTP – S imple M ai l T rans fer P rotocol, used to tra nsmit e-mail messages between parties • POP3 – P ost O ffice P rotocol v ersion 3, us e d t o retri eve e-ma il from a ma il server.
37 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Ad v a nced > App licati ons Applications Click th e approp r ia te c o rrespondi ng radio button to enable or d i sable the Applications fea t ure. Trigger Port Enter th e p ort associated w ith the Name entered above.
38 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Advanc ed > F ilters Pac ket filt erin g is a ba sic s ecu rity measur e tha t sho u ld be us ed on any netw ork th at is ex po sed to a security risk. A pa cket filter system examines d ata pa cket s an d s c ruti niz es them in ord er to control network access.
39 Advance d > Fi lters > IP Filt ers IP Filters Choose whether to enable or disable this configuration for IP filtering . IP Address An IP address or range of IP addre sses that will be denied access to the In ternet. Por t A port or ra ng e of po r ts that w ill be de nied access to the Internet.
40 Advance d > Filt ers > M AC Filters Disabled MA C Filters Click this radio button t o disable MAC filtering on the Router. Only Allow Click this radio bu tton if y ou wish to allow specific c o mputer s access to the network, based on MA C address.
41 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Advanced > Par ental Contr ol Parental Control i s used to deny a ccess to certain websites a nd domain s on the In ternet.
42 Advance d > Parental Con trol > URL Blocki ng URL or Uniform Resource Lo c ator is a s peci ally formatted text string that uniquely define s an Internet w ebsite. This w indow will al lo w u sers to b l o ck c omput ers on the L AN f rom ac c es sing certain URLs.
43 Advanced > Parental Contr ol > Domain Blocking Domain blocking is a method of denying or allowing computers on the LAN access to spec ifi c domains on the Internet. T here are two available methods a vailable to the us e r to insti tute Domain blocking on the router.
44 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Ad vanc ed > F irew all Fir e wa ll Click th e correspon ding radio button if y ou wish to enable or disable the firewall function o n the Router. Name Enter a name t ha t w ill define the f irewall rule to be config ur ed.
45 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Advanc ed > DMZ Firewalls may conf li ct with ce r tain interactive appl ications such as video conferencing or p l ay ing Internet video games. Fo r these applicatio ns, a firewall by pass ca n be set up u sin g a DMZ IP address.
46 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Advanced > D DNS Note: DDNS requires th at an account be setup with one of the sup ported DDNS ser vers prior to engag ing i t on the r outer. This f unction will not work with out an accepte d account with a DDNS server.
47 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Ad v a nced > Prin ter The DI-624S ha s a special ability to s er v e as a print server w hen using a USB prin ter.
48 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Advanc ed > QoS QoS or Qual ity of Service is us ed to al lot band width and pr iority fr om t he rou ter. To allot bandwidth per p ort on the rout er, click the QoS Bandwidth radi o button and c onfigur e the paramet ers.
49 Advan ced > Qo S > MAC WA N Uplink Ban dwidt h Use t he pu ll down menu to set th e WA N Upli nk Band width . T he u ser may choose a speed fro m 64kbps to Full (100Mbps). En sure that the Bandwidth does not exceed th e incoming bandwidth from th e ISP or it will cause other device s on th e LAN to s low dow n due to decreased bandwidth.
50 Advan ced > Qo S > IP WA N Uplink Ban dwidt h Use t he pu ll down menu to set th e WA N Upli nk Band width . T he u ser may choose a speed from 64 kbps to Ful l (100Mbps).
51 A dvanced > QoS > A pplicati on Qo S Co nt ro l b y I P Click the Enabled radio butto n to enable QoS priority b y a pplication. Informati on coming from t his appl ication w ill have the highest priority on the LAN.
52 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Advance d > Performance T X Ra te Use the pull d ow n menu to sele ct the tr ansfer data rat e, in Mbps. The default s e tting of Au t o w ill au t omatically adjust the trans f er rate to the highest p os sib le rate allowed.
53 DT IM Interval DTIM (Deli very Tr affic Indi cat ion Mes sage) is a co untd own informing c lients of the ne xt window for lis tening to bro a d ca st and multic ast messa ges. The default sett ing is 3. Preambl e Type Se lect Short or Long Pre a m ble.
54 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Tools > Admin Administrator admin is the A dministrator logi n name. Pas sw or d Enter th e p assword here an d the same password in the Confirm Pass word field. This w ill b e the passwo rd that the administrator will use to gain access to the c onfigurati on menu of the device.
55 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Tools > Time The s ystem time is t he time used b y the DI-624S for s chedulin g ser vices. You can manuall y set the ti me, con nect to a NTP (Net w ork Ti me Protoc ol) server or s ynchr onize the tim e on the r outer with your P C.
56 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Tools > System Th e Sy s te m windo w has three basic fu nctions for the DI-624S ad min istrator. Configurat ion settin gs can be sa ve d to a local har d drive on your compu ter by c licking the Save button.
57 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Tools > Firmw a re You can upgrade the firm ware of th e Router here. Make sur e the fir mware you want t o use is on t he local har d driv e of the co mp uter. Click on Brow se to bro wse th e loc al hard drive an d locate th e fir mware to b e used for the upda te.
58 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Tools > Misc. Pin g Test The Ping Test is used t o send Ping packets to test if a computer is on the Internet.
59 VPN P ass Thro ugh The DI-624S supports VP N (Virtual Private Network) pass-through for both PPT P (Po int-to-Point Tunnelin g Pro toco l) an d IP Sec (I P Security). Once VPN pass-through is enabled, there is no need to op en up vi rtu al ser vic es.
60 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Tools > Cable Test The ab ove wind ow is a Vitr ual Cabl e Tester and it s hows the user the current st atus of the ports o f the Rout er. In this windo w, we can see that LAN4 por t is connected at a speed of 100M bps Fu ll (du plex) a nd all the ot her c onnectio ns do not have a valid l ink.
61 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Stat us > Devi ce Inf o LAN MAC Address : MAC address of the DI-624S IP A ddress : LAN/Private IP Address of the DI-624S Subnet Mask : LAN / Private S.
62 Subnet Mask : WAN/Publi c Subnet Ma s k Defaul t Gateway : WAN /Public Gateway IP Ad dress Domain Name Server : WAN/Public DNS IP Address Wireless 80 2.
63 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Status > Log The Rout er keeps a runnin g log of events and activi ties occurr ing on the Ro uter. If the de vi ce is reb ooted , the l og s are a utom aticall y clea red. Y ou may s av e the log files under Log Settings .
64 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Status > Statistics Th e screen above displ ays th e Traf f i c Sta tist ics. He r e you ca n view th e amou nt of packets that p ass throug h the DI-624S on both the W A N and the L AN por ts.
65 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Status > Wi rele ss The wireless client t able displa ys a lis t of c urrent conne cted wireless clients. This table also displa y s t he MAC addr ess and mode of t he connec ted wireless client. Clic k on Hel p at any time, for more in format i on.
66 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Status > Prin ter Info Th e Printer Info w i ndow dis plays a list of Pri nters tha t are using the DI-624S as a print server. These pr inters are defined b y their Queue Name and Pr inter Name . Th e s tatus of these pri nters is located t o the right un der the head ing Pr inter Ser ver St atus .
67 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Act ive S essi on Th e Active Sessi on wind ow allows users to view the packets pas sing throu gh the router, w he ther from t he sour ce or to the des tination . This windo w displays th e total TCP and UDP packets in the N A PT Session secti on.
68 Sub-di vided aga in, this window displays mor e det ailed inform ation on the TCP/ UDP actions taken by the specific IP addr ess, as stated bel ow. Protoco l Displ ays the prot ocol used b y the corres pond ing IP ad dress, whether i t be TCP or UDP.
69 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Help Th e He l p tab will give basic informat ion referrin g to various screens locted in th e Router. To view a specific sec tion, click on its hyperlinked na me. A new windo w of i nformati on will appe ar.
70 Technical Specifications Standards • IEEE 8 02.11g • IEEE 8 02.11b • IEEE 8 02.3 • IEEE 8 02.3u VPN P ass Through/ Multi-Ses s i ons • PPTP • L2TP • IPSec Device Management • Web- B.
71 Technical S pecificat ions (cont inued) Safety and Emissio n s: • EMI: FCC Cl as s B , CE Class B, C- Tick , IC • Safety : CSA I nternation al Wireless Frequency Ran ge: • 2.4G Hz to 2.4 62G Hz LEDs : • Power • WAN • LAN (1 0/100) • WLAN (Wirele ss Connecti on) Status Physical Di mens ions: • L = 7.
72 Technical S pecificat ions (cont inued) Warranty: • 3 year (depen ds on D - Link glo bal warrant y policy) Wireless Data R ates w i th Automatic Fall back: • 54 Mbps • 48 Mbps • 36 Mbps • 24 Mbps • 22 Mbps • 18 Mbps • 12 Mbps • 11 Mbps • 9 Mbps • 6 Mbps • 5.
73 Appendi x WCN and t he Wireless Set up Wizard WCN or W in do ws C onn ect N ow tec hnology has been r ecently incorp orated b y D-Link to quickly aid the user in sett ing up a sec ure wir eless envir onment.
74 Choose “ Set up a new wirele ss network ”. Click Next . Enter a network name of up to 32 char act e r s to ident ify your wir eles s network. T h is name w ill be c ommon to all user s on the w irel ess LA N. Choose “ Manually ass ign a network key ” which w ill be configured i n the next window .
75 The settings will the autom atically be up loaded to yo ur USB flash dri ve. Once sav ed the user is t o u nplug the de vice, in the proper met hod, a nd then plug that USB f lash dri ve into a ll devices that will b e access ing the wireless LAN.
76 Installing a Printer on your DI-624S The Di-6 24S can be use d as a print ser ver for devic es on y o ur LA N. Once you have installed t he USB printer t hr ough the r outer, the us er must set up t he co mputer on the LAN for th e print er as well .
77 In the Local or Netw ork Printer windo w , ch oose “ Loca l p r in t er attache d to this c omput er ”. Clic k Ne xt . Then th e user mus t choo se the type of inst allation for the wizard. Choose “ Cre ate a new port ” and use the pull-do wn menu to select “ St andar d TCP /IP Po rt ”.
78 Enter th e IP addr ess (default: 192.168. 0.1) of th e DI-6 24S to t he “ Printer Name or IP A ddr ess ” field . In the Port Na me field, be sure add a name to the r outer IP a ddress t o differ entiate it fr om other devices .(ex: IP_192. 168.
79 The final windo w wi ll be t he “ Comple ting the A dd Standard TCP /IP P rin ter Po rt W izard ” window, as sho wn to th e left. Here you can vie w the pro perties of t he added pr inter, inclu ding the IP address, pr otocol and qu eue na me. Click Finis h to complete the wizard.
Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, D-Link Systems, Inc. (“D-Link”) provides this Limited warranty for its product only to the person or entity that originally purchased the prod.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il D-Link DI-624S è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del D-Link DI-624S - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso D-Link DI-624S imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul D-Link DI-624S ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il D-Link DI-624S, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del D-Link DI-624S.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il D-Link DI-624S. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo D-Link DI-624S insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.