Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 44 del fabbricante 3M
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QUEST emp o 44 and QUEST emp o 46 User Manual © 3M 201 3. All Righ ts Reserved. F rom the Robus t C ons tr uct ion F rom the 3M P ersonal Safety Division 3M ™ QUEST emp° ™ Heat Stress Monitor.
i Cont ents Conte nts Introduc tion .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 QUESTe mpº Models .......................................
Contents ii Print ................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Reset ............................................................
Contents iii Air Pr obe Accessories ....................................................................................................................................... 31 Appendix D: 3M TM D et e ction Man agemen t Software DMS ...................
Contents iv List of Figur es Figure 1 - 1: QUE STempº 44/46 in a thermal environment ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Figure 1 - 2: Keypad explained ---------------------.
1 In troduction Up and Running overv i ew Introduction The new heat stress inst rum ent s , the Q UESTemp º 44 and QU ES T em p º 46, offer traditional heat stre ss monitoring without th e aggrav ation of maintaining a wet bulb. Through collabora t ion with Professor Dr.
2 Gettin g Started Up and Running overv i ew Getting S tarted Up and Running overview Keypad Operation The un it op erates u sing a key pad w ith 4 keys. The I /O Enter key responds w hen the k ey is r eleased whi le all other keys r esp ond when t h e key is pressed .
3 Gettin g Started Keypad Operat i on I/O Ent e r key The unit turns on with a single key press . The unit turns off by hol ding the key down while a countdown of 3 -2- 1 occu rs in the low er righ t c orner o f the displa y. This k ey is also u sed to selec t a mo de (such as Setu p or Vi ew) or enter setu p chan ges.
Getting Started Turning on/off and basic operat i on 4 Turning on/o ff and basic operation To qui ckly get you start ed w ith the Q UEST emp º 44/4 6, th e fol lowin g sectio n expl ains how to turn on the instrument, run, and stop your sessi on. 1. Press t he I/O Enter key to turn on .
Sensors About the sensor bar 5 Sensors About the sens or bar The s ensor bar , on the QT º 44/46, is calibrated to its spe cific ins trument and is n ot interchangeab le with other QT º 44/ 46 . The ins tru m ent has a sen sor bar l abel which includes t he serial n umber o f the instru ment an d a sensor bar number.
Remote, Sens ors 2 and 3 Tri - sensor w eighted average 6 Remot e, Sen sor s 2 and 3 The to p sen sor bar (sen sor 1) may be remo ved f rom th e inst rumen t and u sed thro ugh a r emote c able.
Measurement s Waterless W etbulb 7 Measur e ments The QUES Temp ° 44/ 46 data log ging are a heat stre ss monitor directly senses th ree parameters: dry bulb te mperature (DB ), globe te mperatu re (G ), and relativ e humid ity ( RH).
Meas urem ents WetBulb Globe Temperature 8 We t Bulb Globe T emperature The W BGT is a weigh ted average of the th ree temperat ure senso rs usin g the follow ing fo rmul as: • WBGT (ind oor) = 0. 7WB + 0.3G (d enoted as “W BGTi” on the display) • WBGT (outdo or) = 0.
Meas urem ents Thermal Comfort 9 T hermal C omfort Therm al comf ort r eading s for i ndoo r enviro nments are a ben efit o f Detection Managem ent Software (DMS) and are n ot di splaye d or printe d from the in strum ent directl y.
Operating Q UES Tempº 44/46 View 10 Operating QUE S T emp º 44/ 46 Use th e U p Arrow an d D own Arr ow keys to move the m ar ker in t he di splay in fro nt of th e desir ed mode. Pr essing the I/O Enter key w ill selec t t he mod e. V iew Displa ys the measu red da ta bu t does n ot lo g it.
Operating Q UESTempº 44/46 Setup for Waterless W etbulb measurement (airf low rat e) 11 • Inde x : none, ACGIH, Na v y, M arine, EPR I and sel ec t eit h er : W BGT i ( indoor), WBGT o ( outdoor ) for Index s etti ng. I ndex Setti ng N otes • TLV and action limit only apply to the A CGIH Index.
Operating Q UESTempº 44/46 Print 12 P rint Allow s printin g to a par allel or serial printer or t o a c omputer . T he Qu esTemp º 44/46 wi ll reco gnize th e cabl e plu gged i n and c onfi gure i tself f or se ri al o r parallel. If no ca ble is plu gged in , it will default to seria l.
Display ed Items Run 13 Display ed Items For the QUESTemp ° 44/46 , th e num ber in the u pper r ight corn er indic ates whic h senso r bar’s data i s displ ayed. • “ 1 ” indicat es the senso r bar pla ced on (or att ach ed to) the to p of t he i nstrum ent.
Display ed Items S ta y T ime 14 Screen 6: S tay time s (QT º 46 on ly) Figure 1 -14 : St ay time s ( ACGIH) Screen 7: T ime (24 hour format) Dat e (day, month, year ) Figure 1 -15 : Time & Date .
Data Logging S ta y T ime 15 If Flag is selected, the Flag Conditio ns for U.S. Navy/Marines C orp. Ashore warning system sc reen wil l appear. Th ere are f ive flag systems, no flag, yellow, green, re d, and black, which provide heat exp osure g uidelines for a cclimated in divid uals.
Electronic sensor check Performing an electronic s ensor check 16 Electron ic sensor ch eck A verif ication module, Quest mo del 053 - 923, may be use d to check the operation of the QUEST emp’s wet bu lb, dry bul b, and globe.
Sensor Alignment RH Sensor A lignment 17 Sensor Alignment For h ighly accur ate measur ement readin gs, you sho uld ali gn you r QUESTemp º 44 / 46 prior to data log ging.
Sensor Alignment RH Sensor A lignment 18 6. Place the Salt container , wit h the salt ali gnmen t cap r emoved, over the R H sens or (middle senso r). All ow l evel to stabilize for at least 15 m inutes. (Ref er to Figu re 1 - 23 .) • About sen sor al ignmen t: if re ading s are with in +/ - 0.
Printi ng Printi ng Serial 19 P rinting The rec orde d dat a can be sen t to a compu ter thro ugh th e se rial RS 232 po rt or to a parall el prin ter. Seri al tran smi ssion r equir es Quest cabl e #5 4 - 715. Paralle l transmi ssion requir es Qu est c able #56 - 87 5.
Parallel 20 P arallel Data ca n be s ent directl y to paral lel prin ters that accept dir ect AS CII te st inpu t with out spec ial dr ivers. Make sur e the printer is powered on a nd is online , read y to accept data , prio r to printi ng.
Airf low f unctio nalit y 21 A irflow functionality (Available using 3M’s Air Probe on QUESTemp º 46 mo del only ) Airfl ow is m easur ed in m eter s per second o ve r a r ange of 0 to 20m/s in 0.1m/s incr ements. The sensor shoul d be place d or h eld p erpendic ul ar in th e air stream.
Operation al Chec k O perating sequence 22 O perating sequence 1. Turn F low On in the setu p me nu of the QUEST emp ° 46 . 2. Plug th e Air Prob e into t he port lab eled Fl ow on th e sid e of t he QUE STem p ° 46. 3. Turn on the Air Probe ON and make sure th e gre en lam p is l it.
Power o ptions 9- Vol t Alk aline B att ery Replacement 23 P ower options There a re 3 option s for p owerin g the QU ESTemp º 46 : a 9 - volt alkaline battery, a NiM H (Nic kel Metal Hydr ide) rech argeable 6 - cell battery pac k, and an AC adapter.
Power Op tions Ni MH Batte ry Pack 24 NiMH Battery Pack WARNING : Rech arge b atteri es on ly in a non - hazardous environment. The NiM H rec hargea ble b atter y pack i s char ged in the i nstru ment usi ng 3M ’s A C 120V AC to 9 V DC adapter (par t #015 - 910 ) or 220V AC to 9 V DC adapter (part #015 - 680) .
Appendix A 25 Appendix A: S pecificat ions Measur ements • Globe t emperatu re , dry bu lb temper ature , w et bu lb tem pera ture, % r elat ive humidity , WBGTin, W BGTout, WBGT w eig hted averag e (if 3 senso r set s) , and Heat In dex / H umi dex.
Appendi x A 26 Remote Sens or Bars 2 x 15pin D - sub j acks a re loc ated o n th e sid e of th e unit for pluggin g in 1 or 2 additio nal sensor bars by usin g remo te ca bles u p to 2 00 f eet (6 1m). The to p sen sor bar can also be r emote w ith a cable.
A ppendix B A CGIH 27 Appendix B: Heat Exposure Ta b les ACGIH Screen ing Crit eria for H eat S tress Expo sure. WBGT value s in ° C. NOTE: ac cording to the ACG IH’s guid elines, the temperat ure value s repr esen t a w ork an d rest proc ess whic h is ex plain ed in t he st andar ds.
Appendix B ACGIH Clothing Corrections 28 ACGIH Clothing Cor rectio ns The fo llow ing clo thing c orrec tio ns are i n de grees Celsius. Wh en a clo thing cor rectio n is entere d into the setu p porti o n o f the Q UEST em p ° 46 , th e val ue is a dded to the WBGT only f or loo king u p the stay times.
Appendix B United States Navy 29 WBGT( F) I II III IV V VI 92.0 4:50 4:10 3:30 2:55 2:15 1:30 93.0 4:25 3:50 3:15 2:40 2:00 1:25 94.0 4:05 3:35 3:00 2:25 1:50 1:15 95.0 3:45 3:15 2:45 2:15 1:45 1:10 96.0 3:25 3:00 2:30 2:05 1:35 1:05 97.0 3:10 2:45 2:20 1:55 1:25 1:00 98.
Appendix B Flag Conditions for U.S. Navy/Marine Corp. As hore 30 Flag Conditio ns fo r U .S. Navy/Marine Corp. Ashore The following chart de tails the heat stre ss monitoring Flag Condition s for U .S. Navy/Mar i ne Corp . Ashore in Degre es Fa hrenheit a nd C elsius.
Appendix C: Acces sories A ir Probe Access ories 31 A ppendix C : Accessori es Sensor array with 2 i nch globe 5 7- 902 6 Foo t shielded remo te sensor cable 53 - 924 25 Foot shielded remot e sensor c.
32 Appen dix D : Quest S ervice Contac t ing Quest Technologies Appendix D : 3M TM Detectio n Management Software DMS The foc us of this section i s to brief l y intro duce the f ollowin g DMS topi cs: dow nl oading dat a, sett ing up para meters , and vie wi ng data i n charts, graphs, a nd report s.
Appendix B Warranty 33 4. Once s elected, see th e f ollowin g sections for do w nl oadin g or setup par ameter s to learn m ore about workin g with the QT ⁰ 44/46. • See th e subseq uent QT ⁰ 4 4/QT ⁰ 46 i n strument setup s ections to setu p or downl oa d your i ns trument .
Appendix B Warranty 34 Downloading da ta with the QT ⁰ 44/46 The Ins trument Downloa d featur e is used to downlo ad your f i les from t he QT ⁰ 44/ 46 int o t he softwar e for rev iew and a n alysis o f the dat a.
Appendix B Warranty 35 Viewing Data in DMS The fol lowing s ection out lines v iewing y o ur data with the QT ⁰ 44/46 mo dels. Selecting a session/study To vie w downlo aded dat a f rom the wel come pa ge, clic k on the butt on and the d ata finder screen will ap pear.
Appendix B Warranty 36 • Toolb ar and Co nfigur e butt on (E) – the toolbar a nd config ure butt o n are us e d to cus tomize or select di fferent meas ur ement p arameter s.
Appendix B Warranty 37 2. To change t he grap h/table data param eters , click on the button. E ac h grap h/table m ay have di f ferent confi g urable parameter s depen ding on th e paramet er s applic able t o t he specif ic panel. 3. To view th e data as a r eport, c lick t he button.
Appendix B Warranty 38 Reports a nd Printing To quic kly cr eate report s, open yo ur data (in the dat a f inder pa ge) and c lick t he qui ck r epor t button.
Appendix B Warranty 39 3M Se rvic e Contacting 3M Should your 3M equipment need to be returned for repair or for recalibration, pl ease contact the service department at the following number or access the online form via the webs ite. For technical issues, please contact T echnical S upport.
Personal Safety Division 3M Detection Solutions 1060 Corporate Center Drive Oconomowoc, WI 53066 ISO 9001 Registered Company ISO 17025 Accredited Calibra tion Lab Customer Service: 262-567-9157 T oll .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il 3M 44 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del 3M 44 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso 3M 44 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul 3M 44 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il 3M 44, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del 3M 44.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il 3M 44. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo 3M 44 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.