Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 6015a del fabbricante Agilent Technologies
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SERVICE MANUAL AUTORANGING DC POWER SUPPLY A GILENT MODELS 6010A, 6011A , 6012B and 6015A A gilent Part No. 596 4-8275 FOR INSTRUMENTS WITH SERIAL NUMBERS Agilent M odel 6010A; Serials US37110 171 and.
2 CERTIFICATION Agilent Technologies certifies that this pr oduct met its published specifications at time of shipment from the factor y. Agilent Technologies further certifies that its calibration me.
3 SAFETY SUMMARY The followi ng gener al safety p recauti ons must be obser ved during all phases of operation, service and repa ir of this instrument. F ailure t o comply w ith thes e precaution s or with spe cific warnin gs elsewhere in this manu al violates safet y standards of design, manufactur e, and inten ded us e of the instr ument.
4 Safety Symbol Definitions Symbol Description Symbol Description Direct current Terminal for L ine conductor on perm anently installed eq uipment Alternating current Caution, risk of electric shock B.
5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Scope .....................................
6 DC Power Conv ersion Subsystem .................................................................................................. .................................... 54 Output Subsystem ..............................................................
7 1 Introduction Scope This ma nual contains informati on for troubl eshooti ng the Agil ent Models 6010A , 6011A, 60 12B, or 601 5A 1000W Autoranging Power Supply to the component level. Wherever applicable, the service instructions give n in this manual refer to pertinen t informat ion provi ded in the Operati on Manual.
8 Manual Revisions Agilent Technologies instrume nts are identified by a 10-digit serial number. T he format is described as follows: first two letters indicate the country of manufacture. The next fou r digits are a code that identify either the date of manufacture or of a significant des ign change.
9 2 Calibration and V erification Introduction This section provides test a nd calibration procedures. T he operation-verification tests co m prise a short p rocedure to verify that the un it is perform ing properly , with out testing all specified parame ters.
10 Table 2- 1. Test Equ ipment R equired TYPE REQUIRED CH ARACTERIST ICS USE RECOMM ENDED MO DEL Oscilloscope Sensitivity: 1 mV Bandw idth: 20MHz & 100MHz Input: differential, 50 Ω & 10M Ω.
11 Table 2-1. Test Equipment Required (continue d) TYPE REQUIRED CH ARACTERIST ICS USE RECOMM ENDED MO DEL Load Resisto rs (6015A ) 40 Ω , ± 1%, 1000W 250 Ω , ± 1%, 10 00W P,A Current- Monitoring Resisto rs Value: 6010A 100mV @ 10A (10m Ω must be capable of 20Am ps) Accuracy : 0.
12 Initial Setup Maintenan ce described h erein is perf ormed with pow er suppl ied to the i nstrument, an d protectiv e covers removed. S uch mainten ance should be perf ormed only by service t rained personn el who are aw are of the hazards inv olved (for example, f ire and electrical shock).
13 Table 2-2. Calibration Procedure (continued) TEST T ESTED VA R IA BLE TEST POINT S TEST SEQUENC E AND ADJUSTM ENTS EXPECT ED RESULTS V-MON Zero Adj ust . V-MON VM ( + ) M ( - ) a. Set voltage and current controls to minimum setting s. b. Disable power supply as in Initial Set up step i.
14 Table 2-2. Calibration Procedure (continued) TEST T ESTED VA R IA BLE TEST POINT S TEST SEQUENC E AND ADJUSTM ENTS EXPECT ED RESULTS Pow er Limi t Adj ust . V(OUT) I(OUT) a. Perform I-MON F/S Adjust bef ore proceeding. b. Connect th e unit to the ac power line via a variable transformer.
15 Table 2-2. Calibration Procedure (continued) TEST T ESTED VA R IA BLE TEST POINT S TEST SEQUENCE AND ADJUSTM ENTS EXPECT ED RESULTS Pow er L imit Adj ust (continu ed) h. Turn A2R26 (u pper knee) fu lly counter clockwi se. Turn on th e supply an d set volt age at 200V (601 0A), 20V (60 11A), 60V (6012B), 50 0V (6015A ), and cu rrent at 5.
16 Table 2- 3. Guide to R ecalibrati on Afte r Repair Printed Circuit Board Block Name Circuit Within Ref. Designator Perform T hese Procedures* A1 M ai n Bo ar d R11 R13 (6011A ) 3 then 4 A1 M ai n B.
17 for the electronic load in the following tests: CV Source Effect (Line Regulation) CC Loa d Effec t (Lo ad Re gulatio n) Temperature C oefficient (6015A ) Drift (stability ) (6015A ) You ma y substit ute: 40 Ω 1000W l oad resis tor (6010A) 0.058 Ω 1000W l oad resis tor (601 1A) 3.
18 Constant Voltage ( CV) Tests CV Setup. If more than one meter or a meter and an oscilloscope are used, connect each to the + S and - S terminals b y a separate pair of leads to av oid mutual cou pling effects.
19 g. When the reading settles, record the output voltage again. Check that the two recorded readings differ no more than: ± 0.011Vdc ( 6010A ) ± 0.0037Vdc (6011A ) ± 0.
20 d. Reduce the res istance of th e load to draw an ou tput current of: 17.0Adc (60 10A) 120Adc (60 11A) 17.5Adc (60 12B) 5.0Adc (601 5A) Check that the unit's CV LED remains lighted. e. Check that the rms noise voltage at t he true rms voltmeter is no more than: 22mV rms (6010A ) 8.
21 60Vdc (601 2B) 200Vdc (6015A ) d. Reduce the res istance of th e load to draw an ou tput current of: 17.0Adc (60 10A) 120Adc (60 11A) 17.5Adc (60 12B) 5.0Adc (601 5A) Check that the unit's CV LED remains lighted. e. Set th e oscilloscope' s input im pedance to 50 Ω and ban dwidth t o 20MHz.
22 6010A 6011 A NOT APPLICABLE 6012B 6015 A Figure 2-6 . 20KHz Nois e, CV Peak- to-Peak P ARD Proceed as follows: a. Connect the test equ ipment as shown in Figure 2-3. Operate th e load in cons tant-current m ode and set for minimum current. b. Turn the unit's power-on, and turn up current setting to full output.
23 g. Check that the pulse width of the transi ent pulse is no more than: 150mV /2ms (6010A ) 100mV /2ms (6011A ) 100mV /2ms (6012B) 200mV /5ms (6015A ) 6010A 6011 A 6012B 6015 A Figure 2-7. Load T ransient R ecovery W aveform Temperature Coefficient.
24 200Vdc (6010A ) 20.0Vdc (6011A ) 60.0Vdc (6012B ) 500Vdc (6015A ) as read on the DVM. e. After 30 minu tes stabilization, record the temperature to th e nearest 0.1 ° C. Record t he output voltage on the DVM. f. Set oven temperature to 50 ° C. g.
25 17.5Adc (0. 0175Vdc across Rm ) (6012B) Check that th e AMPS dis play reads abou t 17.5 am ps. 2Adc (0.20Vdc ac ross Rm ) (6015A ) Check th at the AM PS display reads about 2 am ps.
26 load resistor th at is capable of saf ely dissipating 1000 w atts. Proceed as follows: a. Connect the test equ ipment as shown in Figure 2- 8. b. Switch the unit's po w er-on a nd turn the output voltage all the way up. c. Tur n up out put cur rent to: 17.
27 3 T rouble shooting Maintenan ce described h erein is perf ormed with pow er suppl ied to the i nstrument, an d protectiv e covers removed. S uch maint enance should be perform ed only by service- trained personn el who are aw are of the hazards involved (for ex ample, fire and electrical shock ).
28 Table 3- 1. Control Bo ard Test Co nnector, A2J7 PIN NO. SIGNAL NA M E Vdc WAVEFORM/CONDIT IONS SOURC E Digital-Circuits Bias & Reference Voltages 24 +5V 5.0 A2Q9 (em itter) 22 + 20V(5V UNR EG) 20.0 with 120Hz & 40KHz ri pple A1CR 2, A1CR5 14 2.
29 Electrostati c Protection The following caution outlines important precautions which shou ld be observed wh en working with static sensitive com ponents in the power su pply. Thi s instr ument uses co mponen ts whi ch ca n be da maged by stat ic cha rge.
30 To avoid the possibility of personal injury, remove the power supply from operation before opening the cabinet. Turn of f ac power and dis connect the line cord, load, an d remote s ense leads before attem pting any repair or replacem ent.
31 When installing the A4 power mesh board, lower it vertically, placing its tab into the A1 board slot first, align the connector and press in place. A 5 Diode Board Removal After rem oving the cover.
32 d. Lift the A1 board u p and tow ard the rear, then rem ove the wires from the front panel switch A3S1. A1 Design ator Wire colo r A3S1 Pos ition ( Rear View ) A white/gray Upper right B gray Upper.
33 Make most voltage m easurements (except DC-to-DC C onverter and ac m ains-connected circuits) referen ced to the unit's output comm on. The output comm on is accessible at rear-panel M terminal. All voltages are ± 5% un less a rang e is give n.
34 Figure 3-1. Main Troubleshooting Setup An isolation transf ormer provides ac voltage that is not referenced to earth grou nd, thereby reducing the possibility of accidentally touching two points having high ac potential betw een them.
35 Figure 3-2. Modified Mains Cord Set For Troubleshooting With the mains cord u nplugged proceed as follows: a. Remove t he top cover an d the inside cov er as descri bed on page 30. R em ove fuse A1F1. Failure to remove fuse AlF1 will result in damage to the unit; da mage to the external DC supply and a shock hazard to you.
36 d. Place the front pan el power-on sw itch in the off position. Rem ove the ac input cover from the rear panel and connect the "L" and "N" screw s on the barrier block to th e output of the external DC supply .
37 Table 3-2. No-Output Failures (Bias supplies and AC turn-on circ uit functioning) Status of PFET on/off-Puls es PWM -ON A2J7-26 PWM -OF F A2J7-25 DEFECTIVE BOARD CHECK FUNCT IONAL CIRCUITS lo lo A2.
38 Troubleshooting Bias Supplies +5V on A2 Control B oard . The PWM A 2U22 in cludes a clock generator (40KH z set by A2R170, A 2C79, an d A2Q10), and a curren t limit (2Adc set by 0.15Vdc acros s A2R 172). It turns off each output pu lse using the diff erence between the voltag e at voltag e divider A 2R161-A 2R163 and the 2.
39 Table 3 5. Performance Failure Symptoms (continued) S YMP T O MS DE F E CT IV E BOARD CHECK FUNCT IONAL CIRCUITS CV ov ershoots A2 A2U 5A, A2CR19, A 2R62 Output noise ( < 1KHz) A2, A1 CV Circuit.
40 Input: NODE ( + ) NODE ( - ) MEASUREMENT SOURC E A2C 55(+) A2C55(- ) ≈ 27Vdc A1U4 , AlC1 6 ( - ) A1U4, A lC18 ( - ) (6011A) Outputs: NODE ( + ) N0DE ( - ) MEASUREMENT A2J7- 21 A2U 12-3 (AD J) -1.25Vdc A2J7- 21 A2VR 4 (Anode) -12.9Vdc A2C 54 ( + ) A2C 54 ( - ) 13.
41 A2U15-10 cycle pow er transition lo to hi at 2.9 sec ( FAULT AC ) A2Q7-C cycle power transition 5.0 to 0.3Vdc at 2.5 sec ( ENABLE RELAY ) * NODE ( - ) = A2J7-4 Troubleshooting PWM & Clock The inputs to inhibit Gate A2U18A and PWM gate A2U18B are the key s to PWM troubleshooting.
42 Troubleshooting DC-To-DC Converter Par allel N OR gates A4U1, A4U2 and A4U3A act as dri vers and swit ch on FET s A4Q1 , Q2, Q 3 and Q4 through p ulse transforme r A4T1. NOR gate A4U3B tu rns off the FETs throu gh pulse transf ormer A4T2 and trans istors A4Q5 an d A4Q6.
43 Figure 3-3. Wavefo rms.
44 Outputs: NODE ( + ) EXTERN AL SUPPLY MEASUREMENT A5C3 (+) ON/OFF 10Vd c A5VR1(K) ON/OFF 6 .5Vdc A5U1-3 ON/OFF 0.2Vd c A5CR2(K) OFF 1.8Vd c A5CR 2(K) O N 0.
45 Circuits Included. Constant Current (CC ) Circuit on A 2 control board. Setup. The Main Troubleshooting Setup, pag e 33, except connect th e external supply with polarity reversed to th e unit's + OUT ( - ) and - OU T ( + ) term inals. Apply the ac mains voltage to the isolation transformer.
47 4 Principles of Operation A utoranging Power Autoranging allows the unit to be compact and light weight and yet to deliver a range of output voltage/current com binations which w ould othe rwise require th e use of more th an one su pply or a hi gher rated pow er su pply.
48 Regulation & Control Subsystem This su b-sys tem may be cons idered to be the brain s of the un it. It provi des the control pu lses to open and close th e switching elements which deliver po w er to the output.
49 Figure 4-1. 6010 A and 6015 A Simplified S chematic.
50 Figure 4-1. 6011 A and 6012B Simp lified S chematic.
51 Table 4- 1. Quick Refe rence Gu ide to M ajor Circuits Dependent Circuits Circuit Major Function Input from Output to Operation Bias Pow er Supply (BPS) Provides Bias and Reference Voltage. Mains Control Circuits Mains voltage at BVS input is converted to lower voltage levels to provide the internal operating voltages for the various circuits .
52 Table 4-1. Quick Reference Guide to Major Circuits (continued) Dependent Circuits Circuit Major Function Input from Output to Operation Drop out D etector (DOD) Shuts down out put power w hen line drops out f or m ore than one cycle.
53 When the un it is operatin g in CV mode, t he CV Con trol Voltage v aries between - 0.5Vdc and + 0.5Vdc. It is m ost negative when th e load is draw ing no pow er but as pow er output i ncreases the v oltage becomes more posit ive.
54 If the firs t pathway is taken, it is seen that prim ary power from the ac m ains enters the INPUT RECTIFIER via the inrush current limiting resistor. The rectifier converts the ac voltage to dc voltage and passes its output to the input filter. T he u nit has a feature which allows it to operate either at 110/120 or 22 0/240Vac m ains voltage.
55 panel board f rom th e A2 Cont rol Board. The V- MON an d I-MON si gnals are then . amplified by buff er amplifiers bef ore they are directed to their respective digital voltmeters for display.
56 Figure 4-3. Simplified Front Panel Schema tic.
57 5 Replace able Part s Introduction This chapter cont ains information for ordering replacem ent parts. Table 5-3 lists parts in alpha-n umeric order by reference designat ors and provi des the follow ing informat ion: a. Reference D esignators. R efer to Table 5- 1.
58 Ordering Information To order a replacem ent part, address order or inquiry to your local Ag ilent Technolgies sales office. Specify the following information for each part: Model, com plete serial.
59 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description A1 6010A, 6011A 06030-61032 M AIN BOARD ASSEMBLY A1 6012B 06032-61032 MAIN BOARD ASS EMBLY A1 6015A 06030-61033 MAIN BOARD ASSEMBLY B1 All See Chassis Electrical C1,2, 4-* 6,8 All 0180-452 8 fxd elect 1800 µ F 200V C9 Al l 0160-5932 f xd poly 0.
60 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description C34 All 0160-68 05 fx d met 0.01 µ F 400V CB1 6010A 601 2B, 6015A See Chass is Electrical CR1 All 1901-0 731 po w er rect. 400V CR2 Al l 1901-0731 po w er rect.
61 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description R29,30 6010A 0811-188 7 fx d ww .05 5% 10W R29,30 6015A 0811-355 7 fx d ww 0.
62 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description J7,8 All 1251-0600 connector, sing le contact J9,10, All 1251-561 3 connector, s ingle c.
63 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description C37 6010A, 601 1A, 6015A NOT US ED C37 6012B 0160-4 830 fx d cer 2200pf 10% 1 00V C38-40 All 0160-5 422 fx d cer .
64 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description CR1- 6 All 1901-0 033 gen prp 180V 200m a CR7,8 A ll 1901-005 0 switch ing 80V 200m a CR.
65 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description R22 All 2100-3 353 trimmer 20K 10% R23 All 2100-3 273 trimmer 2K 10% R24 All 2100-3 350 .
66 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description R50 6010A, 601 5A 0686-513 5 fxd fi lm 51K 5% 1/ 2W R50 6011A, 601 2B 0686-1 025 fxd film 1K 5% 1/2W R51 6010A, 601 2B, 6015A jumper (see W1- 3) R51 6011A 0698-34 33 fxd film 28.
67 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description R77 All 0683-4 715 fxd film 470 5% 1/4W R78 All 0698-6 322 fxd film 4K 1% 1/8W R79,80 A .
68 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description R125 All 0757-0 465 fxd film 100K 1% 1/8W R126 All 0757-0 442 fxd film 10K 1% 1/8W R127 All 0698-8 827 fxd film 1M 1% 1/8W R128 All 0698-3 136 fxd film 17.
69 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description R177 All 0683-03 35 fxd film 3.3 5% 1/4W R178,179 All 0683-4 725 fxd film 4.
70 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description All 1200-0 485 IC sock et (S1) All 1200-0 181 insulat or, (Q8) J1,2 All 1251-8417 connec.
71 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description R58 6010A 0698-0 533 fxd film 4.64K 0.1% 1/8W R58 6011A 0698-6 392 fxd film 22K 0.
72 Table 5-3. Repl aceable Pa rts List (continued) Ref. Desig. Agilent M odel A gilent Part Numbe r Description R97 All 2100-1 775 var. ww . trimm er 5K 5% R98 6010A, 601 2B, 60 15A 0698-4 457 fx d fi.
73 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description R9-11 All 0698-5139 fxd com p 3.9 5% 5W R12 All 0757-0 466 fxd film 110K 1% 1/8W R13-16 All 0698-3 609 fxd met 22 5% 2W R17-19 All 0698-513 9 fx d comp 3.
74 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description CR3 6010A, 601 2B, 60 15A 1901-0 050 diode-swi tching 80V 200m a CR2,3 6011A 1901-0050 d.
75 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description R12 6010A, 601 5A 0757-044 7 fxd film 16.2K 1% 1/8W R12,13 6011A 0698-3609 fx d met 22 5% 2W R13 6010A, 601 2B, 60 15A 0683-1 005 fx d film 10 5% 1/ 4W R14 6010A 0811-1 746 fxd ww .
76 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description C104 6010A, 601 1A, 6012 B 0160-428 1 fxd me t 2200pf 20% 25 0Vac C105 All 0160-4 962 f xd poly 1 µ F 20% 250Vac C106,107 6010A, 601 1A, 6012 B 0160-418 3 fxd m et 1000pf 20% 250Vac C106,107 6015A 0160-443 9 fxd ppr-m et .
77 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description All 5040-1 626 DC output cove r (ref. Barrier Bl ock.) 6010A, 601 5A 5040-162 7 AC out put cover (ref . AC lin e cord) 6011A, 601 2B 5060-32 37 AC ou tput cove r with strai n relief (ref .
78 Table 5- 3. Replace able Part s List (cont inued) Ref. Desig. Agilent Model A gilent Part Number Description C28 6010A 0180-3703 fx d elect 1500 µ F 250V C28 6012B 0180-3 491 fx d elect 2600 µ F 75V C28 6015A NOT USED C30 6010A 0160-4962 fx d poly 1.
79 6 Component Locati on and Circuit Dia grams This chapter cont ains component location diagrams, schema tics, and other draw ings useful for m aintenance of the power supply .
80 Table 6- 1. Schematic Diag ram Notes ( continued) 8. indicates multiple paths repr esented by only one line. Reference designators with pin numbers indicate des tination, or sign al names identify indiv idual paths. Numbers indicate num ber of paths represent ed by the line.
81 Figure 6-1. Top View, T op Covers Re moved.
82 Figure 6-2. Main Board (A1) and Filter Board (A6) Component Location.
83 Figure 6-3. Control Board (A2) Component Location.
84 Figure 6-4. Front Pane l Board ( A 3) Component Location.
85 Figure 6-5. FET Board (A4) Component Location.
86 Figure 6-6. Diode Board (A 5) Component Location.
91 A System Option 002 (6010 A , 60 1 1A , 6 012B) General Information This option facilitates the operation of the po w er supply in an automated system.
92 Table A-1. Specifications, Option 002 Remote Programming Resistance Pro gramming: 0 to 4 k ohm prov ides 0 to ma ximum rated v oltage or current outpu t. Acc ur ac y: @25 ° C ± 5 ° C CV: 0.5% ± 235m V (6010A) 0.5% ± 35m V (6011A ) 0.5% ± 7 0m V (6012B) CC: 1.
93 Table A-1. Specifications, Option 002 (continued) Voltage R ange: +4.75V to 16V Current Drain: 20 mA max imu m Status In dicator out put: Open collector outpu t: Maximum Output Voltage (logic high) : + 16V Logic Low output: + 0.4V m aximum at 8mA Remote Con trol (Trip, Reset, In hibit) Control Isolator Bias Input.
94 Table A-1. Specifications, Option 002 (continued) Pulse T iming Low Bias or AC DROPOUT will go false after 5V supply stabilizes. Bias Supplie s DC Output Ratings: (25 ° C ± 5) No Load to F ull L oad 104V to 127V l ine.
95 Installation When ins talling the board, perf orm the followi ng steps: a. Remove t he top and in ner cover of the powe r supply as discussed in Section 3 un der Repair an d Replacem ent. b. Remove th e plate next to the barrier strip on the rear panel of the supply by unscrewing the 2 M3 screws.
96 Figure A-1. Mating Connector Assembly Operation The following paragraphs prov ide the operating inst ructions necessary to interface a 002-equ ipped pow er supply into an automated system.
97 Figure A-2. 002 Option Rear Panel Connector J3 and Switches A1 and A2. Local/Remote Programming When switching to local/ control, remem ber to set Front Panel Voltage and Current Control to safe levels.
98 Figure A-3. Accessing Local Progra mming w hile in Remote Progra mming Mode If solid state circuitry is used, connect th e Control Isolator Bias to a driver capable of si nking 10mA of current, th en connect the driver's output to both of the LOC/REM terminals.
99 Figure A-4. Calculating Value of Series Dropping Resistor Remote Resist ance Programming Check switches A1 an d A2 on the rear panel, they must be in their correct positions for CV and CC resistance/ voltage prog ramming (see Figure A- 2).
100 Figure A-5. Remote Resistance Programming Figure A-6. Voltage Programming of Output Voltage and Current.
101 Current Programming (Figure A-7). Ch eck switches A1 an d A2 on the rear pan el, they must be in the correct positions for CV and CC current programming (see Figure A- 2). A current sink variable from 0 to 2mA , can be used to program the outpu t voltage or curren t from 0 to full scale (see F igure A- 7).
102 Output im pedance is l0K ohm: th e monitoring dev ice input i mpedance shou ld be at least 1M ohm to limit error to 1% + basic accu racy; 10M ohm to limit error to 0.1% + bas ic accuracy. The I. MON si gnal from the mainfram e is also brough t out throug h the 002 Opti on board.
103 Remote Trip. A ne gati ve-goi ng edge a ppl ied t o ter minal J 3-30 ( TRIP REMOTE ) will shut down the power supply , reducing the ou tput voltage to near zero. For mi nimum pulse duration an d timing considerations with respect to RESET REMOTE , see Table A-1.
104 Figure A-8. Remote Control Power-On Preset This open collector output line J3-6, pro vides a logic low pulse ( Preset - On - Power ) to the user th at can be used to initialize or delay a system's operation until + 5 V Reg. supply has stabilized.
105 A C Dropout Buf fer Circuit This circuit couples, inverts and isolates the DROPOUT s ignal (received from the A2 Control Board) of status output terminal J3-19 ( DROPOUT ).
106 If it is necessary to have all the supplies co me up simultaneously after a system shutdo wn , follow this procedure: a. First bring the INHIBIT REMOTE line lo w. b. Provide a negativ e-going pu lse to the RESET REMOTE . c. After at least one second, return INHIBIT REMOTE to a high level.
107 Troubleshooting Before attem pting to trou bleshoot th e 002 Option Board , ensu re that the faul t is with th e option itself and not wi th the main power s upply.
108 d. Put S1 in I position and see if varying voltage source from 0 to 20 volts produces a 0-5VDC level at W3 or W4. If not check relay and programming protection circuit. Figure A -11. T roubleshooting Curr ent Programming of CV Mode Figure A -12. T roubleshooting Curr ent Programming of CC Mode Troublesho oting Stat us Indicators.
109 Figure A -13. T roubleshooting S tatus Indicators To check Mode CV proceed as f ollows: a. Using test set- up, Figu re A-13, connect to end of 2K Ω resist or to J3-36. b. Turn on power s upply . c. Using "Display S etting'' set v oltage an d current or pow er su pply for 1 vol t and 1 am p.
110 b. Connect ou tput terminals of pow er supply to an electronic load capable of exceed the pow er supplies output power rati ng by 50% . c. Turn on pow er su pply. d. DVM sh ould read approxim ately 5Vdc. e. Set vol tage and cu rrent controls of power s upply t o maximum .
111 Table A-3. Replacem ent Parts REF. DESIG. M ODEL NO, P ART NO. DESCRIPTION A7 All 5060-2854 Opt. 002 In terface Board C1,2 All 0180-0 230 fx d elect. 1 µ F 20% 50V C3 All 0180-282 5 fxd elect. 22 µ F 50V C4 All 0160-483 5 fxd cer. 0.1 µ F 10% 50V C5 All 0160-455 4 fxd cer.
112 Table A-3. Replacem ent Parts REF. DESIG. M ODEL NO, PART NO. DESCRIPTION R22 A ll 0686-1 525 fx d. film 1.5K 5% 1/4W R23 A ll 0683-1 535 fx d. film 15K 5% 1/4W R24 A ll 0683-4 715 fx d. film 470 5% 1/4W R25,26 All 0683-123 5 fxd. film 12K 5% 1/4W R27 A ll 0686-1525 fxd.
113 Table A-3. Replacem ent Parts REF. DESIG. M ODEL NO, PART NO. DESCRIPT ION U19 6010A , 6011A 5060-2942 IC V oltage Reg. he atsink assy . U19 6012B 1826-0393 IC Vol tage R eg. U20 6010A , 6011A 5060-2946 IC V oltage Reg. he atsink assy . U20 6012B 1826-0607 IC Vol tage R eg.
114 Logic Symbols and Definitions High = more positive Low = less positive Indicator and Qualifier Symbols OR function Polarity indicator, s hown out side logi c symbol. Any marked in put or outpu t is active low ; any unma rked input or output is active high.
116 Schematic Notes 1. W1 in normally open position. 2. W3 & W4 jumpered. 3. Relays K1, K2 norm ally closed. 4. S1A and S1B are located at the rear panel.
117 Figure A-16. Option 002 Board, Schematic Diagram.
119 B Backdating Manu al backdating des cribes changes that must be m ade to this m anual for pow er supplies whose serial numbers are lower than those listed in the title page to this manual. Look in th e following table and locate y our Agilent Model.
120 Model 6012B Change Model 6015 A Change Serial Numbers Serial Numbers PREFIX NUMB ER PREFIX NUM BER US3543 0101- 0335 1 US 3705 0101-0145 1 3543A 04801-0536 0 1 3705A 00444-00518 1 3415A 04311-0480.
121 R6, 1.3K, p/n 0811- 1803 U2, U4, Rect ifier, p/n 1906-0006 Delete: C27, C34, 0. 01 µ F 400V, p/n 0160-6805 CR6-CR 13, pow er rectifier 400V, p/ n 1901- 0731 R24, 200 5% 1/2W, p/ n 0686- 2015 R43, R44, 2.
122 C1, C2, C 4-C6, C 8 to p/n 0180- 3460 C10 to p/n 0180- 0426 DS1 to p/n 1990-03 25 K1 to p/n 0490-1457 K2 to p/n 0490-1341 R5 to p/n 0686-301 5 R7 to p/n 0686-100 5 R8 to p/n 0686-333 5 R41 to p/n 0811- 1869 CR1 t o p/n 1901- 0028 Under AC In put Filter, change p/n to 06011-60025 Su btract 100 from all of the reference designat ors.
123 C1, C2, C 4-C6, C 8 to p/n 0180- 3460 C10 to p/n 0180- 0426 DS1 to p/n 1990-03 25 K1 to p/n 0490-1457 K2 to p/n 0490-1341 R5 to p/n 0686-301 5 R7 to p/n 0686-100 5 R8 to p/n 0686-333 5 R41 to p/n 0811- 1869 CR1 t o p/n 1901- 0028 Under AC In put Filter, change to p/n 06011-60028.
124 In the option 002 replaceable parts lis t change cov er plate from p/n 06023- 00025 to p/n 06023- 00013. A dd cover- plate p/n 06023- 00010. 6015A In the parts list f or the A 1 Main Board As sembly change U1 to p/ n 1906-0218. In th e parts lis t for th e A5 Diode Board, ch ang e L1 to p/n 06011- 80094.
125 CHANGE 13 6010A In the option 002 (A ppendix A) parts l ist and sc hematic diag ram delete R57 and solder pin p/n 0360-1300. 6011A In the parts list for the A1 Main Board Assembly change C17, C18 to 1000 µ F 50V, p/n 0180- 3019. Ch ange C 10 to 22 µ F 250V , p/n 0180- 0426.
126 CHANGE 18 6012B In the parts list for A6 AC In put Filter delete capacitor C9. CHANGE 19 6012B In the parts list for C HASSIS MECHA NICAL, ch ange front f rame casting t o p/n 021-8803; chassis to p/n 06032- 00001; f ront s ub-panel to p/n 06032- 00009; h andle ret ainer (f ront) to 5040- 7219 and ha ndle retai ner to p/n 5040-7220.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Agilent Technologies 6015a è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Agilent Technologies 6015a - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Agilent Technologies 6015a imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Agilent Technologies 6015a ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Agilent Technologies 6015a, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Agilent Technologies 6015a.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Agilent Technologies 6015a. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Agilent Technologies 6015a insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.