Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 5962-8200 del fabbricante Agilent Technologies
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Service Manual For A gilent Model 6611C, 6612C, 6613C, 6614C Sy stem DC Pow er Supply For instruments with Serial Numbers: Agilent 6611C: US37450101 and up Agilent 6612C: US37460101 and up Agilent 6613C: US37460101 and up Agilent 6614C: US37460101 and up Agilent Part No.
2 Warranty Information CER TIFICA T ION Agilent Technologies certifies that this product met its published specifications at time of shipment from the factory.
3 Safety Summary The f ollowin g g eneral sa f et y p recautions must be obser ved durin g all p hases o f o p eration o f this instrument. Failure to com p l y with these p recautions or with s p eci f ic warnin g s else where in this manual v iolates sa f et y standards o f desi g n, manu f acture, and intended use o f the instrument.
4 Safety Symbol Definitions Symbol Description Direct current Alternatin g current Both direct and alternating current Three-phase altern ating current Earth (grou nd) terminal Protective earth (groun.
5 Notice The information contain ed in this document is subject to change w ithout notice. Agilent Technologies m akes no warran ty of any kind with reg ard to this m aterial, including but not limited to, the im plied warranties of merch antability, and fitness f or a p articular purpose.
6 Table of Contents Warranty Inform ation 2 Safety Sum mary 3 Notice 4 Printing History 5 Instrument Identifi c a tion 5 Table of Cont ents 6 INTRODUCTION 9 Organization 9 Safety Considerations 9 Rela.
7 CV/CC Status Annunci a tor s T ro uble s ho oting 34 Bias and Ref erence Supplies 34 J307 Voltage Meas urement s 35 Manual Fa n Spee d Contr ol 36 Disab ling Pr ote ctio n Featur es 36 Post-repair C.
9 1 Introduction Organization This m anual con tains inf ormation for troublesh ooting and repai ring Ag ilent Models 6611C , 6612C, 6613C and 6614C Sy stem DC Pow er Supplies.
1 - Intr oduct ion 10 Rev isions Manual Revisions This manual w as written f o r d c power supplies that have the sam e manuf acturing dates (the first four digits) as those listed on the title page and w hose unique identification n umber (the last four digits) are equal to or high er than those listed in the title page.
11 2 Verification and Perfo rmance Tests Introduction This document contains test p r o cedures to verify th at the dc po wer su pp ly is operating n o rmally and is w ithin published s pecifications.
2 - Verif icat ion and Perf orm ance T ests 12 Table 2- 1. Test Equipmen t Required f or Verificatio n and Performan ce Test s Type Specifications Recomm ended M o del Curren t Monitor Res istor 15 A (0.
Verification and Per f ormance T ests - 2 13 Figure 2-1. T est Setu p Electronic Load Many of the test procedures requ ire the use of a v ariable load capable of dissipating the required power. If a variable resistor is use d, switches should b e used to e ither; co nne ct, disc onnect, o r shor t the load resistor .
2 - Verif icat ion and Perf orm ance T ests 14 Current-Monitoring Resistor To eliminate outpu t-current m easuremen t error caused by v o ltage drops in the leads and con nections, connect th e current m onitoring resis tor between the - OUT and the load as a four-term inal device.
Verification and Per f ormance T ests - 2 15 Constant Voltage (CV) Tests CV Setup If m ore than one meter or if a m eter and an oscilloscope are used, connect each to the term inals by a separate pair of leads to avoid m utual coupling ef fects.
2 - Verif icat ion and Perf orm ance T ests 16 CV Source Effect This test measures the ch ange in output voltage that results f ro m a change in ac lin e voltage from the m inimum to maxim um v alue within th e line voltage specifications. a. T urn o ff the sup ply and conne ct the ac p ower li ne thro ugh a var iab l e vol tage t r ansfo r mer.
Verification and Per f ormance T ests - 2 17 tttt t v Loading Transient Unloading Transient v t Figure 2-2. T ransient Wavef orm a. Turn off the supply and connect the output as in Figure 2-1a w ith the oscilloscope across the +S and -S termin als. b.
2 - Verif icat ion and Perf orm ance T ests 18 c. Divide the v oltage drop (DVM reading) across the cu rrent monitorin g resistor by its resistance to conv ert to amps and record this value (Iou t). Also, record the curren t reading on the f ront panel display.
Verification and Per f ormance T ests - 2 19 CC Load and Line Regulation These tests (CC Load Effect and C C Source Effect gi ven below) are tes ts of the dc regu lation of the pow er supply' s output cu rrent.
2 - Verif icat ion and Perf orm ance T ests 20 CC Source Effect This test measures the ch ange in output current that resu lts when th e AC line voltage chang es from the m inimum to the m aximum value within the specifications. a. T urn o ff the sup ply and conne ct the ac p ower li ne thro ugh a var iab l e vol tage t r ansfo r mer.
Verification and Per f ormance T ests - 2 21 Performance Test Equipment Form Test Facility: _________________________ Report Nu mber ________________________ ____________________________________ Date .
2 - Verif icat ion and Per f ormance T ests 22 Performance Test Record Form Model Agilent 6611C Report No _______________ Date __________________ Test Description Minimum Specs.
Verification and Per f ormance T ests - 2 23 Model 6612C R eport No _______________ Date __________________ Test Description Minimum Specs. Results* Maximum Specs.
2 - Verif icat ion and Perf orm ance T ests 24 Model Agilen t 6613C Report No _______________ Date __________________ Test Description Minimum Specs. Results* Maximum Specs.
Verification and Per f ormance T ests - 2 25 Model Agilen t 6614C Report No _______________ Date __________________ Test Description Minimum Specs. Results* Maximum Specs.
27 3 Troubleshooting Introduction WA RNING: SHOCK HA ZA RD. Most of the troubles hooting procedures g iven in this ch apter are perform ed wit h power applie d and protective covers removed. Su ch main tenance sh ould be perform ed only by service trained pers onnel w ho are aware of the hazards (for exam ple, fire and electrical shock ).
3 - Tr oubleshoot ing 28 Test Equipment Required Table 3-1 lis ts the test equ ipment required to troubles hoot the pow er supply . Recomm ended m odels are listed.
Troubleshoot ing - 3 29 Figure 3-1 She et 1. Troubleshooting Flowchart T urn on un i t an d obs erv e t h e dis pl ay. A ll of t h e s eg m ents an d an nu nc i at ors , th e ad dr ess and then after s elf t e s t should displ ay an er r or mess age or go to t he me t e ring mode .
3 - Tr oubleshoot ing 30 Figure 3-1 She et 2. Troubleshooting Flowchart En abl e out pu t an d pr ogr am v olt ag e an d curr ent f ull s c ale with n o load.
Troubleshoot ing - 3 31 Figure 3-1 She et 3. Troubleshooting Flowchart Fr om S h eet 2 Pr o g r am c ur r en t t o f ul l scale, vo lt age to V m ax and load to the po we r supply's rate d curre n t.
3 - Tr oubleshoot ing 32 Figure 3-1 She et 4. Troubleshooting Flowchart From S heet 3 Connect controller to the HP IB port and s end com m ands to s et the output v oltage and current and readback the output. Accepts and reads back? Rep lace A 2 No Run the P erform ance T est in Ch apter 2.
Troubleshoot ing - 3 33 Specific Troubleshooting Procedures Power-on Self-test Failures The power-on self- test seq uence tests most of the digital and DAC circu its. If the supply fails self- test, the display " E RR" annunc ia tor will come on.
3 - Tr oubleshoot ing 34 E221 Front Panel comm UART framing error A3 Front Panel/Display Bd E222 Front Panel comm UART p a rity error A3 Front Panel/Display B d E223 Front Panel firmw are inpu t buff .
Troubleshoot ing - 3 35 J307 Voltage Measurements Cable W9 conn ects J307 of the A1 Main Board Assem bly to J207 of the A 2 Interface As sembly . T able 3-4 provides a quick method of determin ing if the voltages betw een these assemblies are w ithin the norm al range.
3 - Tr oubleshoot ing 36 Manual Fan Speed Control Under som e circumstan ces such as testing acoustical devices w here the fan n oise would interf ere with the test, it w ould be advantageou s to reduce the fan speed.
Troubleshoot ing - 3 37 Post-repair Calibration Calibration is re q uired annually and wh enever cer tain co mponents are replaced. I f either A1 or A2 are replaced, the supply mu st be re-calibrated as described in A ppendix B of the User' s Guide.
3 - Tr oubleshoot ing 38 Initialization The dc pow er supply' s GPIB address and m odel num ber as w ell as other con stants w hich are requ ired to program and calibrate the supply are stored in a EEPROM on th e A2 Interface board.
Troubleshoot ing - 3 39 Disassembly Procedures The follow ing parag raphs provide in structions on how t o disassem ble various com ponents of the dc pow er supply . Once disas sembled, th e componen ts can be reassem bled by perf orming the disass embly instructions in reverse or d er.
3 - Tr oubleshoot ing 40 Cove r, Removal and Replacement a. Using a T15 Torx screw driver, unscrew the two captiv e screws w hich hold th e rear bezel to the dc pow er supply, and th en remove th e two screw s from the bottom of th e case. b. Slide the cover backward un til it clears the rear of the power supply .
Troubleshoot ing - 3 41 A 3 Front Panel Board, Removal and Replacement First remove th e front panel assembly as described under, "Front Panel Assembly , Removal and Replacem ent." Once you hav e access to the front pan el board perform these s teps: a.
3 - Tr oubleshoot ing 42 Line Voltage Wiring Figure 3-3 illustrates the prim ary wirin g configuration of the pow er transformer for various ac line v oltages.
43 4 Principles of Operatio n Introduction This section describes the different fun ctio nal circuits used in the dc power supply . First, the I/O external sign als that connect to the A gilent pow er supply are described. Nex t, the overall block diagram s for the dc pow er supply are des cribed in detail.
4 - Principles of Operat ion 44 A 3 Front Panel Circuits As s hown in Figure 6-3, the su pply's f ront panel assem bly contains a circu it board, a keypad, a display , and a rotary control (RPG) for the outpu t voltage and current. With the ex cep tio n of the RPG (A3G1), the A3 Front Panel board is an as sembly -level replaceable part.
Principles of O per ation - 4 45 The EEPROM (electrically erasable prog ramm able read-only m emory ) chip on the A2 in terface board stores a variety of data and config uration information.
4 - Principles of Operat ion 46 As show n in Figure 6-2, the ac in put rectifier and filter converts ac input to a dc level. The output regul ato r regulates this dc level at th e o utput of the power supply .
Principles of O per ation - 4 47 When the dow nprogram ming s tage is turned on (in either CV or CC m ode), the CV/CC con trol circuit causes the Control signal to go low , which in tu rn causes the downprogram ming transistors to conduct current aw ay f rom the load and s peed up downprog rammi ng.
49 5 Replaceable Parts L ist Introduction This section lists the replaceable parts for all models. Refer to Fig ures 5-1 and 5- 2 for the location of mechanical parts w ith the reference designators MP.
5 - Replaceable Parts List 50 W-3 5063-4825 1 Secondary Pow er Cable (T1 to J306) W-4 5063-3479 1 Secondary Bias Cable (T1 to J305) W-5 5063-3481 1 Output C able (EB315/ER315 to fron t panel) W-6 5063.
Replaceable Parts List - 5 51 Figure 5-1. M echan ical Parts Identif ication.
5 - Replaceable Parts List 52 Table 5- 2. Chassis, M echanical Design ator Part_Num ber Qty Descri ption MP1 5001-9873 1 Chass is MP2 5063-3413 1 Fron t Panel MP3 5040-1723 1 Side Brack et, Right MP4 .
53 6 Diagrams Introduction This chapter contains draw ings and diagram s for troubleshooting and main taining the Ag ilent Model 6611C, 6612C, 6613C and 6614C Sy stem DC Power Su pplies.
6 - Diagr am s 54 Figure 6-2. A1 Board Block Diagram.
Diagram s - 6 55 Figure 6-3. A2/A 3 Boards Block Diagram.
6 - Diagr am s 56 Figure 6-4. Rail and Bias Circuits J304 Red Blac k 1 2 1 3 + RAIL - RA IL RAIL_CT J305 F306 F303 1 2 3 +15V Sec -15V Sec T o F a n C i rc ui t +5V Sec Sec Co m U 304 U307 U 306 J303 .
57 Index —+— +OUT, 43 +sense, 43 —A— A1 block diagram , 54 A1 boar d remova l, 41 A1 Main boa rd, 45 A1 test point locations , 53 A2 boar d remova l, 40 A2 Interface Board, 44 A2/A3 block diag.
Index 58 —M— ma nual revisi ons, 10 —N— noti ce, 5 —O— -OUT, 43 out of ra nge, 37 OV_Dete ct* , 44, 47 OV_Prog , 45 OV_SCR* , 44, 46 —P— PARD, 16, 20 passw ord, 37 perf ormance test fo.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Agilent Technologies 5962-8200 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Agilent Technologies 5962-8200 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Agilent Technologies 5962-8200 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Agilent Technologies 5962-8200 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Agilent Technologies 5962-8200, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Agilent Technologies 5962-8200.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Agilent Technologies 5962-8200. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Agilent Technologies 5962-8200 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.