Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Grand C4 Picasso del fabbricante Citroën
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C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap00_couv-debut_ed01-2015 HANDBOOK.
C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap00_couv-debut_ed01-2015 On-line handbook If the "MyCITROËN" function is not available on the CITROËN public website for your country , youcanndyourhandbookatthefollowingaddress: http://service.
Key Thi skeywille nab leyout oide ntif yt hesp ec ialfe atur esof yourve hic le: C4 Picasso Gr and C 4 Pi ca sso Gr and C 4 Pi ca sso w ith 5 s eat s Gr and C 4 Pi .
Conte nts C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 0a _sommaire _ed 01 -201 5 7 -i nch t ouc h sc ree n tab let 1 1 Inst r umen tpane ls 20 Ind ic atora ndwar nin glam ps 25 Adj ustm entbu tt.
Conte nts C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 0a _sommaire _ed 01 -201 5 Direction ind icators 21 1 Ha zar dwar nin glam ps 21 1 H o r n 2 11 Emer ge ncyora ssi st anc eca ll 21 2 Warn i.
4 Ove r vi ew C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 00b _vue-ensemble _ed 01 -201 5 E x ter i o r Fuelt ank,m isf uel pre ven tion 30 6-308 Wipers, screenw ash 203 -20 7 Cha ngin gawip erbl .
. 5 Ove r vi ew C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 00b _vue-ensemble _ed 01 -201 5 Inte r i o r 3 rd rowr earse ats 85 - 8 6 Sea tmod ular it y/ configurations 87 - 88 Frontse ats.
6 Ove r vi ew C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 00b _vue-ensemble _ed 01 -201 5 In strume n tsandcon trols T ou ch sc re en ta blet (satell itenav iga tio n,mul tim edia audi osyste m,Bl.
. 7 Ove r vi ew C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 00b _vue-ensemble _ed 01 -201 5 Ha zar dwar nin glam ps 21 1 Ma nualh eadl ampb eamh eig ht adjustment 20 0 Ste er ingw hee lad.
8 Ove r vi ew C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 00b _vue-ensemble _ed 01 -201 5 Maintenanc e - T ec hnic al dat a Petr olwei ght s 325 - 32 6 Di ese lweig hts 33 0 - 33 2 Runn ingo utoff.
. 9 Eco - dr iv ing C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 0c _ec o- c onduite_ed 01 -201 5 Optimise th e use of y our gear box Wi thaman ualg ear box,m oveof fge ntlya ndc hang eupwi tho utwai tin g. Dur in gacc el era tio nch angeu pear ly.
10 Eco - dr iv ing C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 0c _ec o- c onduite_ed 01 -201 5 Limit the causes of ex ce ss consumption Spr eadl oadst hro ugh outt heveh icl e;plac eth eheav ies titem sinth e bot to moftheb oot ,asc los easpo ssi blet other earse ats .
1 11 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 7 - inc h touc h sc reen tabl et The7-i nchto uc hscr eent abl etgi vesac ce ssto: - theh .
12 Monitoring 1. Ac ce ss th e the " Air conditioning "menu. Al low sadju stme ntofth evar iou sset ti ngs fort emp erat ure,ai rf low...Seeth esec ti ons on" He ati ng","M anu alairc on dit ion ing"a nd "Automa tica irc ondi ti onin g".
1 13 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Sta te of a djust ab le syste ms Som esyste mshaveade dic ate dbut to n,to whi chi sass oc iateda nind ic atorl amp.
14 Monitoring Thef unc ti onsa cc es sib leint hisme nuar edeta ile dinth eta ble sbel ow. Butto n Corresponding function Comments Speed settings Me mor is ati onofsp ee dsforu sewi thth espe edli mite rorc rui sec ont rol.
1 15 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Butto n Corresponding function Comments V ehicle settings Acc es stoot herf unc ti onsw iths ett ing stha tcanb eadj uste d.
16 Monitoring Butto n Corresponding function Comments Lane depar ture warning Activation/Deactivation of the function. Par ki ng s ens or s Activation/Deactivation of thefunction . Automatic headlamps Activation/Deactiva tion of the function.
1 17 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Th e st at e of a fu nc ti on , a few e xam pl es: Butto n F unction Activated Deactivated Park Ass ist Blind spot mo.
18 Monitoring "Conguration " menu Thef unc ti onsava ilab let hrou ghth isme nuared eta ile dinth etab lebe low. Butto n Corresponding function Comments Audio s ettings Adj ustm entofvo lum e,bala nc e.
1 19 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Butto n Corresponding function Comments System settings Cho ic eofuni ts: - temp er atur e(°Ce lsiu sor° Fahren hei t) - dist an cean dfu elc onsu mpti on(l /100k m,mp gorkm / l).
20 Monitoring T ype1in strume ntp an el 1. Revco unte r(x100 0r pmort r/min), gra duat iona cc or dingt oeng ine(p etr olor Diesel). 2. Ge ar sh if t ind ic ator, sele cto r po siti on andg earf orane lec tr oni corauto mat ic gearbox.
1 21 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Thi sinst r umen tpane lispr ese ntedi nthef or mofa12-inc hpan ora micH Dsc ree n. Itc anbep er son alis ed.D epe ndin gonth edis playmo des ele cte d,som einfo rm ati onc anbeh idd en.
22 Monitoring Y ouc anm odi f ythea ppe ara nceo fthe inst r umen tpane l,bych oos ing: - aco lou rsc heme , - adis playmo de. Choosing the language Thi sdep end sonth eset ti ngint hetou chsc re en tablet.
1 23 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 - " MED IA":disp layofinf or mat ionr elate dto them edi abei ngpl ayedort hera dio.
24 Monitoring - " DRI VI NG ":use dfort hedis playoft he inte r-vehic leti mean dinfo rm ati onre late d toth eact ivec rui sec ont rol. Ther ec omm end edsp eedi sdis playedi n thec en tra lpar t .
1 25 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Indicator and warning lamps Ce r tai nwar nin glamp smayc omeo nin oneo ftw omod es:f ixe d( co nti nuou s )or flashing.
26 Monitoring Operation indicator lamps Ifon eofth efol lowi ngin dic ato rlamp sco meso ninth eins tr umen tpane l,th isc onf ir msth atth eco rr esp ond ingsys temhasc o meintoo per ati on.
1 27 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Automatic headlamp dipping f ixe d. Theli ght ingc ont rols tal kisint he "AUTO" po siti on, p ull ed towa rds you, a nd th e fun cti on i s act ivate d (" Driving assistance "men u ).
28 Monitoring Warning / indic ator lamp State C ause Action / Observations El ec tr ic p ar ki ng brake f ixe d. Theel ec tr icpa rk ingb rakeisa ppl ied.
1 29 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Warning / indic ator lamp State C ause Action / Observations Automatic wiping f ixe d. The w iper c on tro l is pu she d downwar ds. Auto mat icfr ontw ipin gisac ti vated.
30 Monitoring Deactivation indicator lamps Ifon eofth efol lowi ngin dic ato rlamp sco meso n,th isc onf ir mst hatth eco rr esp ond ingsys temha sbee nswit che dof fint enti ona lly.
1 31 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Warning lamp s Wh enth eengi neisr unn ingo rtheve hic lei sbein gdr iven,i llum ina.
32 Monitoring Warning / indic ator lamp State C ause Action / Observations Ser vice temporarily , ac co mpan iedbya message. On eormo remi norf ault sforw hic h the reisn ospe ci fi cwar nin glamp havebe endet ect ed.
1 33 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Warning / indic ator lamp State C ause Action / Observations Deactivation of th e au to mat ic fu nc ti on s of th e el ec tr ic p ar ki ng brake f ixe d.
34 Monitoring Braking f ixe d. Thebr akef lui dlevelh asdro ppe d signif icantly. Y oum uststo passo onasi tissa fetodos o.
1 35 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Low f ue l leve l f ixed,a cc omp ani edby anau dibl esig nalan d ames sa ge. Wh enitf ir stc ome sont herer ema ins ap pr oxim at el y 6 li tr es o f fuel in the tank.
36 Monitoring Warning / indic ator lamp State C ause Action / Observations Batter y charge f ixe d. Theba tte r ych arg ingc irc uitha sa fau lt(dir t yorlo osete rm ina ls,sl acko r cuta lter nat orbe lt,.
1 37 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Under-inflat ion f i xed,ac c ompa nie dby anau dibl esig nalan d ames sa ge. Thep res sur einon eormo ret yre sis tool ow.
38 Monitoring Warning / indic ator lamp State C ause Action / Observations AdBlue ® additive (BlueHDi Diesel) f ixed,o nswi tchi ng ont heig niti on, ac co mpan iedbya n audi bles ign alan da mes sa gein dic ati ngth e remaining dr iving range.
1 39 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Warning / indic ator lamp State Cause Action / Observations + + SCR e mi ssi on s control sy stem (BlueHDi Diesel) f .
40 Monitoring Ser vice indicator Sys temwh ichi nfo rmst hedr ive rwhe nthe nex tser v ic eisdu e,inac co rda nc ewit hthe manufacturer'sservic e schedule.
1 41 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Ser vice ov erdue For5se co ndsaf t erth eign iti onissw itc hed on, the spanner flashes to indi cat e that thes er v ic emustb eca rr ie doutass oona s possible.
42 Monitoring Ser vice indicator zero reset Foll owin gthi sop erat ion ,ifyouw ishto dis co nne ctth ebat ter y,loc ktheve hic le andwa itatle astf ivem inut esfo rthe zer ores ettobere gis tere d.
1 43 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Engine oil le vel indicator* On ve rsi ons f i tte d wit h an el ec tr ic oi l level ind ic ator,thest ateof.
44 Monitoring Distance record ers The t ota l and t rip d ist anc es a re dis playe d for thi r t ysec on dswh enth eigni ti onissw itc hedo f f, whe nthed ri ver 'sdo ori sope nedan dwh enth e vehi cl eislo ckedo runl ocke d.
1 45 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Lighting dimmer cont rol Al low sthem anua ladju stm entoft hebr igh tne ssoft hein str ume ntpan elan dtouc hsc ree ntab letto suitt heam bie ntlig htlevel .
46 Monitoring Wh endr ivi ngatni ght ,thi sfunc ti onal low s ce r ta indis playsi nthei nst rum entpa nelt o besw itc hedof ft oavoidv isu alfat igu efort he driver .
1 47 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 Se t tin gthed at eandti me F Select " A dju st t im e " or " Adj ust d at e " andm odi f ythes et tin gsusi ngth enumb er keypad,t henc o nf irm .
48 Monitoring T r ipcomp ut er T ype1in strume ntp an el Sys temth atgive syouin for mat iono nth ejour neyi npro gre ss(rang e,fu elc ons umpt ion… ). Information di spla y in the touch screen tablet Permanentdispla y: F Select the " Driving assistance "menu .
1 49 Monitoring C4 - Picasso - II_ en_Chap 01 _ controle - de- marche_ ed01- 201 5 T r ipcomp ut er T ype2in strume ntp an el Information di spla y in the instrum ent panel F Pre ss t he bu tto n on t he en d of the w ip er control stalk to displ ay the va ri ous t abs i n succession.
50 Monitoring T r ip computer , a few definitions Range (mile sorkm) The d ist anc e wh ich c an s til l be tr avelle dwit hth efue lrem aini ng inth eta nk(relate dtoth e avera gefu elc ons umpt ionove r thel astfe wmile s(ki lom etr es) travel led) .
51 2 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 re mote c o ntr ol E lectron ick e y- Sys temwh ichp er mit srem otelo ck ingo runl oc kin g ofth evehi clea swella sope nin gtheb ootan d, dep end ingo nvers ion ,ope rat ionoft heal ar m.
52 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 F Pre sst hisb ut ton. Ho ldin gth ebut tona llow sthe win dow s to be ra ise d to th e desiredposition. Normal locking If a do or o r the b oot i s not pr ope rl y cl ose d,lo ck ingdo esn ottakep lac e.
53 2 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 De adlo ck ingr end erst heint er iord oor controlsi noperative . Ital sode act ivate sthem anua lce ntr al lo cki ngbu tto n. Therefore, ne ver lea ve an yone inside theve hic lew heni tisdea dlo cked .
54 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Sys temth atall owst heunl oc kin g,lo ck ing ands tar t ingo ftheve hic lewh ileke epin gthe ele ct ron ickeyonyou rper so n.
55 2 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Ensu retha tnot hingc ou ldpr eventth e co rr ec tope rat iono fthew ind ows.
56 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Deadlocking Byth edoo rs: F W itht heel ect ro nickeyint here co gnit io n zon e A ,p res saf.
57 2 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Asas afet yme asur e( ch ildr enon boa rd),neverl eaveth evehi clew it hout ta kin gthekeyfo rtheKey les sEntr ya nd St ar t ingsys tem,eve nforas hor tpe ri od.
58 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Normal locking F T u rnt hekeytowar dsth erea roftheve hic le tolo ckt hevehi cl eco mpl etel y .
59 2 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Remote control problem - reinit ialisat ion Changi ng the bat ter y Foll owin gdis co nne cti onoft heveh ic lebat t.
60 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Lost el ec tro nic key Vi sitaCI TRO ËNde alerw it htheve hic le'sr egi str atio nce r ti fi ca te,yourp er son alid enti f ic ati ondo cum ent sandi fpos sib leth ekeycod elab el.
61 2 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Manual cent ral lockin g Centrallocking F Pre ss t his b ut ton to o per ate th e ce ntr al lo cki ngoft hevehi cl e(door sandb oot)fr om ins idet hevehi cl e.
62 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Doors Op ening F rom out sid e F Af t erunl oc kin gtheve hic leus ingt he rem otec ont rolo rtheKey les sEntr ya nd St ar ti ngsyst em,pu llth edoo rhan dle.
63 2 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Back - up control Lock ing th e dr iver 's doo r F In ser tt heint egr alkeyinth edoo rloc k,t hen tur nittot here ar . Y ou c an a lso a pply t he pr oc edu re de sc rib ed fo r thepassenger doors.
64 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Bo ot Opening the t ailgate Wi th th e ele ct ronic key / remote control With the tailgat e opening control F W itht hevehi.
65 2 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 M otor is ed t ai lgate Che ckt hatth erei seno ughs pac etoall owfo r them oveme ntofth eta ilga te.
66 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Motori sed opening Unloc king a nd op ening t he tai lgat e wi th t he ele ct roni c key / remote control Unloc king a nd op ening t .
67 2 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Manual operation Wh enop enin gandc lo sin gamoto ri sedt ail gate man uall y ,t her eisnoa ssi sta nc efro mgas -f i lle d str ut s.Res ist anc etoop eni ngan dclo sin gis the refo reen tir elyno rm al.
68 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Foral lwor konth eala rmsys tem, co nta ct a CI TRO ËN de aler o r a qualifiedw orkshop. A lar m Sys temwh ichp rote ct sandp rovi desad eter re ntaga instt hef tan dbre ak-i ns.
69 2 OFF Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Locking the veh icle with exte rior perim eter monitoring only De act ivatet heinte ri orvo lume tr icmo nito ri ng.
70 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Reac tiva tion o f the i nter ior vol umetr ic monitoring F De ac tivat etheex ter io rper im eter mon ito rin gbyunl ock ingt heveh ic leus ing ther emo teco ntr olort heKeyl essE ntr yan d St ar ti ngsyst em.
71 2 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Electr ic windows Manual operation T o op en or c lo se th e win dow, pre ss or p ull t he swi tchg entl y .Thew ind owsto psasso ona sthe swi tchi srel ease d.
72 Acc e ss C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap02 _ouver tures_ ed01-20 15 Reinitialisation of the elect ric windows Dea ct ivati ng th e rear c ont rols fo r the rear windows Inth eeventofc ont ac tdur ingo per ati on ofth ewin dows ,youmu strever seth e movem entoft hewi ndo w .
73 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 F ro nt sea ts Manual adjustment s Forward s- back wards F Raise the control bar and slide the seat for war dsorba ck war ds.
74 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Passenger's seat backrest angle F Pul lthec on tro lupwar dstoa djus tthe backre st. Wh enth ebac kre stang leisc or re ct ,rel eas ethe co ntrol.
75 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 F ro nt sea ts Elect ric adjustment s Forward s- back wards ( d river's seat ) F Pus h the c on tro l for war ds or r ear wa rds t o sli deth eseat .
76 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Sys temwh ichr egi ster sth eele ct ri ca lset tin gs ofth edri ver 'ss eat.I tena ble syoutost orean d rec al lt wopos iti onsu sin gtheb ut tonso nthe sid eofth edri ver 'sse at.
77 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Additional adjust ments Head restraint height and angle ( depending on v ersion ) Theh eadr est rai ntisf it tedw ith.
78 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Elect ric leg rest Manual p asseng er seat F Pre ss t he fr ont o r rea r par t of t he c ont rol t o unfo ldo rfol dawaythel egre st. Them oveme ntsto pswh enyour ele aset he co ntrol.
79 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Heated seats cont rol F Us ethea djus tme ntwhe eltos witc honan d sel ec tthel evelofhe ati ngre quir ed: 0 :Of f. 1 :Low. 2 :Me dium.
80 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Sec ond - row seats F or ward- backward adju stment F Raise the lev er A , lo cat ed at th e fr ont of thes eatc ush ion,a ndad justt hese attoth e desiredposition.
81 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 F Pul l the s tra p B andg uidet hese attot he r e a r. Theb ack re strec lin esan dthes eatb asepi vots s l i g h t l y.
82 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Flat floor F olding a seat From t he o ut si de F Pul lf irm lyupw ardso nstr ap C , as in dic ate d bythea rr ow,tounlo ckt hesea t;keep pul lingu ntilt hese atisf ullyf old ed.
83 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Repositioning a seat Bef oreo per atin gther ears eat s,ch eck tha t the o uter r ear se at be lts a re not lo ose,toavo idda mag ingth em.T he ce ntr ebeltm ustb estowe d.
84 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Access to the third row seat s Ac ce ss to t he th ird - row se ats i s via t he ou ter second -rowseats. F Pul l the l ever E .Thes eatun loc ksan d thes eatc ush ionc om esupa gain stth e backre st.
85 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Third row seats Concer t ina boards F olding the concer tina boards F Rem ovethel ugg agen et(seeth e"B oot fit tings" section ). F Retu rn t he se co nd -r ow c ont inui ty p anel s to the irin iti alpo sit iona ndlo ckt hem.
86 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 F Retu rn t he se co nd -r ow c ont inui ty p anel s to the irin iti alpo sit iona ndlo ckt hem. F Low erth eheadr est rai nts. F C or rec tly p osi ti on th e co nc er ti na bo ard ver t ic allyb ehi ndth eseat .
87 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Sea tmod ul arityan dcongu rati on s Examples of conf igurations 5 sea t s 4 sea t s 3 sea t s Maximum loadspac e.
88 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Examples of seat configurat ions 7 sea t s 6 sea t s Maximum loadspac e 5 sea t s 4 sea t s Forea symod if ic ati onofyo ur.
89 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Mir ror s Adjustment F M ove co ntro l A toth eri ghtort othel ef tto sel ec tthec or re spo ndi ngmir ro r . F M ove co ntro l B in al l four d ire ct ion s to adjust.
90 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Rear view mir ro r Adj ust ablem ir rorp rovi din gace ntra lrea r war dview.
91 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Steer ing w heel adjust ment F When stationar y , pu ll th e co ntr ol leve r to rel eas ethea djus tme ntmec ha nism . F Ad justt hehe ighta ndre acht osuityo ur dr ivi ngpo sit ion.
92 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 V entila tion Air intake Thea irc irc ulat ingint hepa sse nge rco mpa r tm ent isf ilt ere dando ri gin.
93 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Inor derf orth esesy stem stobef ullye f fec tive,f oll owth eope rat iona ndmai nten anc e.
94 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 H eat ing T emp erature adjustment F Pre ss o ne of t hes e but ton s, ormovet hec urs orf romb lue (cold)t ored(h ot)toadju stth e temp er atur etoyourw ish es.
95 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Dua l - zon eman ua laircond ition ingwi thtem pera tur ereg ula tion Thea irc ond iti onin gsyste mope rate swit hth e enginerunning.
96 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Air intake / Air recircu lation Thei nta keofexte ri orai rpreve ntsth efor ma tio n ofmi stonth ewin dsc ree nands idew ind ows.
97 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Dua l - zon eaut oma ticai rc ond ition ing Thi sairc on diti oni ngsyst emop era teswi thth eeng iner unn ing,b utth eventi lat iona ndit sco ntro ls areava ilab lewi thth eign iti ono n.
98 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Inc oldw eath erwi tht heeng inec ol d, thea irf lowi sinc rea sedg radu all yunti l thesy stemh aswar me dup,inor der tolim itth edel iver yofc o ldairi ntoth e passengercompartment.
99 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Y ouc anm odu latet hedis tr ibut io nofairi nthe pas sen gerc om par t mentu sin gthe seth reeb ut tons .
100 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Avoidp rol ong edop er atio nofth eair rec irc ula tio nfu nct ion(r iskofm ist ing ando fdeter io rat iono fthea irqua lit y).
101 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 "Rear " function F Pre sst hisb ut tontoac ti vate/ dea cti vatet he" Rear "f unc tio n. Thei ndi cat orla mpint hebut to n is on w hen t he f unc tio n is acti vated.
102 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 F ron tdem is t-defr os t F Pre sst hisb ut tontod emi stor def ros t the w inds cr een a nd si de win dow sasqui ck lyaspo ssi ble. Thei ndi cat orla mpint hebut to n co meso n.
103 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 R earscr eende mi st-d efro st Switching on Switching of f F Pre sst hisb ut tontod emi st / def ros t the r ear sc re en and (depen din gonver sio n )the doo rmir ro rs .
104 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Sc ent ed air freshener Thes ce nteda irfr esh ene rrel ease safr agr anc eintot hepa sse nge rco mpar tm entvi athec ent rala irvent s.
105 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Ther ec har gefo rthea irfr esh enerc on sis tsofa ca r tr id ge B and i ts se ale d co nta ine r C .
106 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 F ron tt tin gs 1. Sunv iso r . 2. Ca rdho lde r . 3. Gloveb ox. 4. Central storage. Itc ont ainst hep oweran daudi oso cket s. 5.
107 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Sl id in gsu nviso r Sli din gblin dsar eprov ide dforyo urpr otec ti on aga instb ri ghtsun lig ht.T heyca nbead juste d manually . F Sl ide t he bl ind to t he de sir ed po sit ion by pus hinga t A .
108 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 R emov ablec onsole Ther emova blec on sol eisapo r ta bles tor agesp ac esec ure dtoth elowe rcen trec on sol e. Itha saslid ingl id,ano pens tora gesp acea ndt woc upho lde rs.
109 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Centralst oragec ompar tment F T oo pent hec ent ralst ora gec omp ar tm ent, pul ltheg ripa ndlo werth ecove r . Itisi llum inat edono pen ing.
110 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 1 2 V accessory socket Thea uxi liar yso cketisl oc atedi nthec ent ral sto rag ebox.
111 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Wh en a US B por t is us ed, t he po r ta ble devi cec har gesa utom ati ca lly. Ames sa geisdi spl ayedift hepo wer co nsum pti onoft hepo r ta bled evic e excee dsth ecu rre ntsup pli edbyth e vehicle.
112 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Stora gebo x es F Ra iset hegr ipan dlowe rthes tor ageb ox c o v e r. Op ening Don otpla cehe av yobj ec tsint he boxe s. De pen dingo nequ ipme nt,st ora geboxe sare lo cate dund erth efr ontse ats.
113 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Rea r t tings Aircraf t- st yle rear table s The set abl es,f it te dtoth eback softhef ro nt sea ts, in co rp or ate a cu p -h old er re ce ss A an d a ret aini ngst rap B .
114 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Side blinds Storage we lls The rear et wosto rag ewell sunde rther ear passengers'fee t. T oop enth em,li f tth ecovera tthec uto ut.
115 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Rear multim edia Thi smult ime diasy stemal low srearp ass eng er s toc onne cto neort woex te rna lpo r tab le syste ms(audioo rvid eop layer ,gam es co nso les ,DVDpl ayer .
116 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 1. Sc ree n powe r swit ch 2. Displayadjus tmentbuttons Eac h hea dph one s et has a sw itc h, aco nne ct ioni ndic at orlam p(bl ue ) andac han nels ele cto r(AorB).
117 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Bootttings 1. Rear parcel shelf (seedet ail sonafo llow ingp age) 2. Hoo ks (seedet ail sonafo llow ingp age) 3. To r c h (seedet ail sonafo llow ingp age) 4.
118 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 T ore moveth eshe lf: F unh oo kthet woc or ds, F ra iset hesh elfs ligh tly,thenr emoveit .
119 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Bootttings 1. Lug gag ecoverb lin d (seedet ail sonafo llow ingp age) 2. T o r c h (seedet ail sonafo llow ingp age) 3. Concer tina boards 4.
120 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Luggagec ov er roller Inth e5 - sea tco nf igu rati on,i tisins tal ledb ehi nd the second- row seats, with the third-row seats fol deda way . Inth e7 -s eatc onf i gur atio n,iti sstowe dbeh ind thet hir drows eats .
121 3 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 Stowin g behi nd th e 3 rd row sea ts T o fo ld th e 3 rd row s eats w it h the r oll er stowe d at th e rea r , i t is nec e ssa r y to rai se t he co nc er ti na bo ard s in or der to a llow a cc es s to thes eatl oc kin gco ntro ls(redst rap s ).
122 Comfor t C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap03 _c onfor t _ed01-20 15 To r c h Thi sisare movab lela mp,fi tt edint hesi deof theb oot ,whi chc anb euse dtoill umin ateth e bo otorasat orc h.
123 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Afe wdriv in grecom men dat ion s Ob ser vet hedr iv ingre gul ati onsata llti mesa nd rem ainv igil antw hatevert hetr af f icc on diti ons .
124 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Star tin g - s wit chin gof ftheen gin ewith theel ectron ick e y F Pla cet hege arse lec torl ev.
125 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Ele ct ronic key le f t in the reader Ifth eele ct ron ickeyisle f tinther ead er , onop eni ngth edr iver 'sd ooram es sag e app ear stowar nyou .
126 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Star tin g - s wit chin gof ftheen gin ewith the"K e ylessE n tr yand Star tin g"s ys t em F .
127 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Emer gency starting Wh enth eele ct ron ickeyisint here co gnit io n zon eand,af t erpre ss ingt.
128 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Elect ronic k ey not recognised Ifth eele ct ron ickeyisnol ong erint he rec og nit ionz onew hend.
129 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Swit chin gtheign itiono n ( w ithout star ting ) Wi thth eign iti onon,t hesys temgo es intoe ner gyec on omymo dewh en nec es sa r ytomai nta inthes tat eof ch arg eoftheb at ter y.
130 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 E lectricpa rkingb rak e In th e event of a b att er y fa ilur e, the ele ct ri cpar ki ngbr akenolo nge rwor ks.
131 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 La bel on d oor p anel Bef orel eavin gtheve hic le,c hec kth at par ki ngbr akeisap pli ed:thei ndi cat or lam psint heins tr ume ntpane land thec on tro lleverm ustbeo nf ixed,n ot flashing.
132 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Wi thth evehi cles tat ion ar y,thepar ki ngbr ake is a uto ma ti c all y ap pl ied w he n th e en gi ne is sw it ch ed o f f bypre ssi ngth eST A RT/STOP but ton.
133 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Special c ases Ap pli cat io nofofth epar ki ngbr ake isc onf ir me dbyillu mina tio nof theb ra.
134 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Emerg ency braking Inth eeventofaf ailu reofth emai nser v ic e bra keorinanexc ept ion alsi tuat ion(e.
135 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Op erat ing faul ts Theva ri ousa ler ts itu atio nsar edes cr ibe dinth eta bleb elow.
136 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Situations Consequences Di splayo fthem ess age" Pa r kin g br ake f au lt " an d of th e followingwarninglamps : TheP ark ingB rakei sfaul ty,thema nuala ndaut omat icf unc ti onsmayn otop erat e.
137 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Hil l st ar t as si st Sys temwh ichke epsyo urvehi cl eimm obi lise d temp or ar ily(appr oxim atel y2se.
138 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 5 - speed manual g e a r b ox Engaging rev er se gear F W ithc lutc hpe dalf ullyd own,p lac eth egear leveri nneut ral . F Pus htheg earl evertot her ightt hen back wards.
139 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 E lectron icgea rbo x(ET G6 ) Ele ctr oni ca llyc ont rol ledg ear boxw hic hof fe rs ach oic ebet we enth eco mfo r toffu llyau tom atic operationandmanual g earchanging.
140 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Display s in the instr ument panel N. Neutral R. Rev erse M. (and gear engaged) Manual mode.
141 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Never s ele ct n eut ral N whendriving. Automated mode F Select position A . AUTO o r A andt hege aren gag edis dis playedi nthei nst rum entpa nel.
142 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 T oen gag erever sege ar R ,t heveh ic lemus tbe imm obi lis edwi thyou rfooto ntheb rakep eda l. F Select position R . Reve r s e Enga gem entofr evers egea risac co mpa nie d byanaud ibl esig nal.
143 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Au toma tic gearbox Thi sgea rb oxof fer st wodr ivi ngmo de s. - automated modef oraut oma tic man ag.
144 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 +. Co ntr olpa ddlef orc hang ingu p,tother igh t ofth estee ri ngwh eel. F P ull t he " + "paddl etowar dsyout ocha ngeu p.
145 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 F Ch eckt hatt hesym bold isp layedint he inst r umen tpane lagr eesw itht hepo sit io n ofth esel ec tor. F Pr ogr ess ivel yrel easet heb rakepe dal.
146 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Invalid value in manual op eration Thi ssymb oli sdisp layedi fageari s note ngag edc or re ctl y(gears ele ct or bet we ent wopo sit ion s ).
147 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Bef oresw itc hin gof fthee ngi ne,youc an ch anget opos iti on P or N t obeinn eut ral.
148 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Operat ion Ge ar shif t indic ator Sys temwh ichr edu ce sfue lco nsu mpti onbyre co mme ndin gthem osts uit abl egea r .
149 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Stop & St ar t TheS top&S ta r tsystemp utst heen gin etemp or ari lyint osta ndby-STOPm od e-dur ingst opsi nthet raf f ic(re dligh ts,t raf f icj ams,o roth er.
150 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Goin g into en gine ST AR T mod e The " ECO" wa rni ngla mpgo esof f andt heen gin esta r tsaut o.
151 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Thesy stemi sreac ti vateda utom ati cal ly ever yti meth eeng inei ssta r tedbyth e driver .
152 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Dis pl a yofi nt er -v ehi c leti me Usi ngara darlo ca tedatt hefr ontoft heveh ic le, thi s.
153 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 On cet hesp eedc on diti onsa remet ,asym boli sdisp layedi nthei nstr um entpa nel. Displa ys Symbol Associated message C omments Nove hic ledet ect edbyth erada r .
154 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Symbol Associated message C omments "SYST EMIN ACTI VE:Sp ee d unsuitable" Ifth espe edofyo urvehi cl eisou tsi deth eope rat ingr ang e.
155 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Theve hic leb ein gfoll owedm aynotb edetec ted inc er t ainc ond iti onss ucha s,forex am.
156 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Me mor ising speeds Me mor isin g Thi sfun ct iona llow sspe edst obesave d,whi chc ant henb eof .
157 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Steer ing mounted controls 6. S pee dlim itero n/paus eindi ca tio n. 7. Spe edli mite rmod esel ec tio nind ic ati on. 8. S pee dvalu eset ti ng.
158 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Switching on / Pa use F T u rnt humbt humbw he el 1 to th e "LIM IT" po siti on:th espe edli mite rmod eisse lec ted buti snotsw itc hedo n(Paus e ) .
159 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 On s har p ac ce ler atio n, as w hen des ce ndin gastee phil l,thes pee d lim iterw illn otbeab letop revent theve hic lef romexc eed ingt he programmedspeed .
160 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Steer ing mounted controls 6. C rui sec ont rolp ause/r esu mein dic ati on. 7. Cr uis eco ntro lmo dese lec ti onin dic ati on. 8. S pee dvalu eset ti ng.
161 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Switching on ( speed s etting ) On ce t he cr ui se c ontr ol i s swit che d on, yo u ca nmod if yth ecr uis ings pee d.
162 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Flas hin gofthed ash esind ic atesaf aultw itht he cr uis eco ntr ol. Haveitc he ckedbyaCI TRO ËNde alero ra qualifiedw orkshop.
163 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Active cr uise c ontrol Thi ssyste msall ows,i nadd iti ontoma int aini ngyou rvehi cle' sspe eda.
164 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 The a ct ive cr ui se c ontr ol i s switched on man uall y:itre qui rest hatth espe edoft heveh icl e be.
165 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 1. Cr uis eco ntro lmo dese lec ti onwh eel. 2. But to nforr edu cin gthec r uises pee d set ti ngorf orus ingth ecu rre ntsp eedoft he vehi cl easthec r uis espee dset ti ng.
166 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 In th e event of t he pr ese nc e of a vehi cl e detec ted by t he ra dar, if the spe edse lec tedi smuc hhig hert han.
167 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Thet ab lebe lowd esc ri best heal er t sandt heme ssa gesd isp layedfo rthed if fe rentd riv ings itu atio ns. Driving situations and associated aler ts Thed isp layofth esea ler t sisn otseq uent ial.
168 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Wh enth eact ivec rui sec ont roli sauto mati ca llyp ause d,itc anon lyber eac tivat edwh ensa feco ndi tio nsar erest ore d.
169 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Thea ct ivecr ui sec ontr olus eso nlyen gin e bra kin gtosl owtheve hic le.C ons equ ent lythe vehi cl eloo sess pee dslo wly,aswhe nrel easi ng thea cc el erat orpe dal.
170 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 In th e event of a f ault w ith t he ac tive c r uise co ntr ol,youa real er te dbyanaudi bles ign al andd ispl ayofth emes sag emes sa ge" Dr iv ing aidf unc ti onsf ault ".
171 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Coll isionris kaler t Sys tempr ovid ingawa rni ngtot hedr ivert hatt hei rvehic lei satri skofc ol lisi onw itht hevehi cl einfr ont .
172 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Thec ha ngef romo neleve lofale r t toth enex ttake splac eift hedr iv ing co ndi tio nsdon otch ange(sp eed unc han ged,n och angeo flan e.
173 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Op erat ing faul t In th e event of a f ault , you ar e ale r ted by t he dis play of t he Se r vi ce war nin glamp,ac c omp anie dbya message. Co nsul t a CIT ROËN d eal er or a qualifiedw orkshop.
174 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Lan ede pa r tur ew arni ngs yst em Sys temwh ich ,usin gaca mer awhi ch rec og nis esso lido rbro kenlin es,d etec tst he invol unta r ycr oss ingo flon gitu dina ltr af f iclan e mar ki ngso ntheg rou nd.
175 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Blind spot sensor s Operat ion Awar nin glampa ppe ar sinth edoo rmir ro ron thes idei nque sti on: - imm edi ately,whenb ein gover t aken, - af ter a d elay of a bou t one s ec ond, w hen over t aki ngavehi cl eslo wly.
176 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Thea ler tisgi venbyawar nin glam pwhi ch co meso nint hedo ormi rr oront hesi de.
177 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 F T od eac tiva tethesy stem,p res s thi sbut to nagai n;itsin dic ato r lam pgoe sof faswe llast he ass oc iate d indi ca tor in t he instrumentpanel.
178 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Thi ssyste mindi ca testh eprox imi tyo fan obs tac le(p er son,ve hic le,t ree,g ate,etc . ) whi chc om eswi thi nthef ie ldofd etec ti onof sen sor slo ca tedint hebum per.
179 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 F ront par king sensors Thes oun demi tte dbythes pea ker(fro nt orre ar)ind ic atesw heth erth eobs tac le isinf ro ntorbe hin d.
180 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Re versing cam era Cle anth erever sin gca mer areg ular ly usi ngasof t ,dr yc lot h. Ther ever singc am erai sact ivate dauto mat ic ally whenre verse gearis engaged.
181 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 36 0Vis ion Thi ssyste mprov ide savie winth einst ru ment pan eloft henea rsur rou ndi ngs.
182 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Operat ion Activating the function Wi thth eeng iner unni ng: F Select the " Driving assistance "menuo f thet ouc hsc reent ab let.
183 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 P arkAssis t Thi ssyste mprov ide sact iveas sis tan cew ith par ki ng,de tec tin gapar kin gspac eth en co ntr oll ingth estee ri ngtopa rki nthes pac e.
184 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Thes equ enc eofma noe uvr esan dthe dr ivi ngins tr uct io nsared ispl ayedint he instrumentpanel. Y ous hou ldal waysch ec kthe sur ro undi ngsofyo urveh icl ebef ore sta r ti ngaman oeu vre.
185 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Operat ion Assistance with parallel parking manoeuvres F Pre sst hisc ont ro l. F Select " Park Assist " in t he " Driving assistance "menu of th e touc h sc ree n tab let to act ivatet hef unc tio n.
186 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 F M ovefor w ardss low lyunt ilame ss agei s dis played ,acc om pani edbyana udib le sig nal,a ski ngyoutoe nga gereve rseg ear.
187 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Assi sta nce i n exiti ng from a parallel parking space F W ith t he vehi cl e sta tio nar y, pres s thi sco ntr ol. F Pre ss o n " Exit parking slot " i n thet ouc hsc reent ab let.
188 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 F O nce y ou have id ent if ied a par ki ngzon e,pre sst hisc ont rol atth estee rin gwh eel, Assi sta nce w i.
189 4 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Dur in gabaypar ki ngma noe uvr e,the Par kAs sistsy stemi sauto mati ca lly dea cti vated o nc e the r ear o f the ve hic le iswi thi n50c mofano bst acl e.
190 Driving C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 4_c onduite_ ed01- 201 5 Thesy stemi sdeac ti vatedbyp res sin gthe co ntrol. Thesy stemi sdeac ti vateda utom ati cal ly: -.
191 5 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Ex terior ligh tingc ontr ols Main lighting Theva ri ousf ro ntandr earla mpsoft heveh ic le ar.
192 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Displa ys Ill umin ati onoft hec or resp on dingi ndi cat or lam pinth einst ru mentp ane lco nf irm stha tthe lig htin gsel ec tediso n.
193 5 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Mod el wi th r ear fo glam ps onl y Rearfoglamps Rot ateandr ele aset her ing C : F fo r war dsaf ir.
194 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Op erat io nofth erearf ogl amp sis inh ibite dwi thth etai lgat eope n. Op enin gth ebootw he nthe selam psar e onc aus esth eman dthe irind ic atorl amp inth einst r umen tpane ltogoof f.
195 5 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Parking lamps Manual guide- me - home lighting Switching on F W itht heig niti onof f," f la sh"th ehead lam ps usi ngth elig htin gsta lk.
196 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Automatic illumi nation of headlamps Activation F T u rnt heri ngtot he "A U T O " p os iti on.Th e act ivat io nofthef unc ti onisa cc om pani ed bythed isp layofame ssa ge.
197 5 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Automatic headlamp dipping Sys temwh icha utom ati ca llyc hang esb et ween dip peda ndmai nbea macc .
198 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Thesy stemm aysuf fe rinter fer enc eor notwo rkc or re ct ly: - und er c ondi ti ons of p oo r visi bil it y (forexa mpl e,snow f all,h eav yrai n ort hic kfog,.
199 5 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 T oma keyourap pro acht otheve hic leea sie r , the seil lumi nate: - thez one sfac ingt .
200 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 T oavoi dca usin ganui sanc etoot herr oad use rs,t hehe adl ampss hou ldbea djus ted ac co rdin gtoth eloa dinth evehic le.
201 5 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Co rner ing lighting Thi ssyste m,iff it tedt oyourve hic le,ma kesuse ofth ebea mfro m.
202 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Direc ti onal lighting Wh enth edipp edo rmainb eamh eadl amp sare on,t hissys temal lowst heli ghtb eamst obet ter fol lowt hero ad.
203 5 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Wiper c ontrols Pr ogramming Y ou rvehi clem ayals oinc ludes om efun cti ons tha tcanb ec onf ig ured: - a utomatic rain sensitive windscreenwipers, - rea rwip ingo neng agin grever sege ar .
204 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Rear w ipe r park, Ifasi gni fi ca ntac cum ulat iono fsnowo r ic eispr ese nt,de ac tivat etheau tom atic rea r wip er vi a the " Dr iving assistance " men u,the n" Vehicle set tings ".
205 5 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Scre enwa sh and wa sher j ets Windscreen wash and headlamp wash Adj us ti ng t he j et s Thef ro ntwash er sinc ludea nadju stm entfo rthe hei ghtofd eli ver yfr omth ejet s.
206 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Don otcove rther ains ens or ,linke dwit h the s unsh ine s enso r and l oc ate d in th e centre of the windscreen behind the r ear vie wmir ro r .
207 5 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Special position of th e windscreen w ipers T oma inta inth eef fec ti vene ssoft he " f lat- bl ade".
208 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Co ur tes y lamps 1. Frontc our t esyla mp 2. Frontm aprea din glamp s 3.
209 5 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 Panoramic sunroof F Rot ate t he c ontr ol A to s lid e the r oof b lind toth edes ire dpos iti on(p osi tio ns 1 to 4 ). Clos ing the roof blind Anti- pinch Itisf it te dwit hanel ec tr ic allyc o ntro lle dbli nd.
210 Visibility C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap05 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 5 In te rior moodlighti ng Thed imm edpas se nge rco mpar tme ntlig hti ngimp rovesv isi bil it yinth evehic lew hent heli ghtis p o o r.
211 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Direction indicators F Lef t :lowe rtheli ght ingst alkp ass ingt he poi ntofre sis tan ce. F Ri ght :rai seth eligh tin gsta lkpas sin gthe poi ntofre sis tan ce.
212 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Thi ssyste mallo wsyout omakeane mer genc y oras sis tan cec al ltothee mer gen cyse r vi ce sor toth eded ic atedCI TRO ËNse r vic e.
213 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Under - in ation det ec tion Thesy stemm oni tor sthep res sur esint hefo ur t yre s,onc eth evehi cl eismov ing.
214 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Under- inflation al er t Reiniti alisat ion Thi sisgi venbyf ixedi llum inat io nof thi swar nin glamp,ac c omp anie dby anau dibl esig nalan d,de pen dingo n equ ipm ent,t hedi splayo fames sag e.
215 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Rein iti alis ati onoft hesyst emisd oneint het he tou chsc ree nta blet ,wit hth eigni tio nonan dth e vehi cl estat io nar y.
216 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Ele ctr oni cSt abil it yCo ntr ol(ESC)inc or po rat ing thef oll owi ngsyste ms: - ant i- lo ckb rak ing.
217 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Intelligent t raction control sy st em ("Snow motion ") Wh enth iswar nin glam pco meso n, co upl ed wi .
218 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Dyna mic st ab ilit y co ntro l (DSC ) and anti- slip regulation ( ASR ) Activation The sesys temsa reac tivat edaut omat ic all y eac htim etheve hic lei ssta r ted.
219 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Af te ranimp act ,haveth esesy stem s ch ecke dbyaCITR OËNd eal erora qualifiedw orkshop.
220 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Seat bel ts F ront seat belt s The f ro nt sea t belt s are f i tte d wi th a pret ensi on ingan dfor cel imit ingsy stem. Thi ssyste mimp rovess afet yint hefr ont sea tsint heeventofaf ro ntorsi deim pac t.
221 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 2 nd row s eat belt s F astenin g F Pul lthes tra p,theni nse r tthet ong ueint he buckle. F Ch eckt hatt hese atbe ltisfa sten ed co rr ec tlybypu llin gthes tra p.
222 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 2 nd row centre seat belt Thes eatb eltfo rth ece ntrer ears eatisb uilti ntoth eroo f. F astenin g F Pul lthes tra pandi nser tthet ong ue A into ther ig hthan dbuc kl e.
223 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Seat belt not fast ened and unfastened aler t s Rear se at be lt s not fa ste ned aler t Thei nst rum entp aneli nc lude sasea tbel tnot- fastenedwarning lamp A as well as a n indi ca tor of th e loc at ion o f the n on -f asten ed be lt s B .
224 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Thed ri vermus tensu reth atpas sen ger suse the s eat b elt s co rr ect ly an d tha t they ar e all res tra ine dsec ure lybef ores et tin gof f. Wherever you are seated in t he v ehicle, alw ays fast en you r seat b elt , even fo r sho r t journeys.
225 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 A irbag s Sys temde sig nedtoc o ntr ibut etowar ds imp rovi ngth esafe tyoft heo cc upan ts (wit htheexc ept iono fther earc ent re pas sen ger)int heevento fvio lentc o llis ion s.
226 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Deactivation Wh enth eigni ti oniso n,thi swar nin g lam pco mesi nthei nstr um ent pan el.Its tayso nwhi leth eair bagi s deact ivated.
227 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 T o as sure t he s afet y of you r chi ld, thep ass eng er 'sf ronta ir bagmu stbe dea cti vated w he n you ins tal l a rea r war d fac ingc hil dsea tonth efro ntpas se nge r seat.
228 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Lateral airbags Deployment Alate rala irb agisd epl oyeduni late rall yinth e eventofas eri ouss i.
230 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Siti nanor ma lupr igh tpos iti on. Wearac or re ctl yadju steds eatb elt . Don otall owany thi ngtoc om ebet wee n theo cc upa ntsa ndth eair bag s( ach ild,p et, obj ec t.
231 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Gene ralpoi ntsr ela tin gtochi ldse ats Forma xi mumsa fet y ,p lea seob ser vet he following r.
232 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Ch ild se a t at t he fr on t* Rear war d faci ng Wh enarea r war dfac ingc hil dsea tisins tal led on th e fr.
233 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Dea ctiv ati ngth epa sseng er'sfro n tai r ba g Passe nge r air bag OFF Forinf or mat iono ndea cti vati ngth e pas sen ger 'sf ro ntair bag ,refe rtothe "Air bag s"sec ti on.
234 AR BG НИКО Г АНЕи нс т ал и ра йт едет с кос т ол чен ас ед а л касА К ТИ ВИРАН Ап ре д наВЪ З ДУ ШН АВЪ ЗГЛ А ВНИ Ц А.
235 6 MT Qat tm’ghan dekt hal liti fel / tif lam ar butf ’si ggud ahr ulej nl- A ir baga tt iva,g hal iexti sta’t ik kaw zakor r ime ntse rjuj ewan kemew tlit -t ife l/ ti fl a.
236 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Child seat at the rear Rear ward facing Wh enarea r war dfac ingc hil dsea tisins tal led on a r ear p as se n.
237 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Ch ildse a tsre comme nd edb yCI TROË N Gr oup 0 +: fr om b ir t h to 13 kg L1 " RÖM ER Ba by- Saf e Plus" Inst al ledi nther ear wa rdfa cin gpo siti on.
238 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 In stal la tiono fchi ldse atsse cur edusi ngthese atbel t Seat Wei gh t of t he ch il d / indi ca tivea.
239 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 ( a ) Uni vers alc hil dseat :chi ldse atwhi chc anb e inst al ledi nallveh icl esus ingt hese atbe lt. ( b ) Gr oup0:f romb ir tht o10kg.
240 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 In stal la tiono fchi ldse atsse cur edusi ngthese atbel t Inac co rda nc ewit hEuro pea nreg ulat.
241 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 ( a ) Uni vers alc hil dseat :chi ldse atwhi chc anb e inst al ledi nallveh icl esus ingt hese atbe lt. ( b ) Gr oup0:f romb ir tht o10kg.
242 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 " ISOF IX " mountings Y ou r vehi cle h as be en ap prove d in ac co rda nce w it h the latest ISOFIX regulations .
243 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 IS OF IXchi ldse a tsre comme nd edb yCI TR OËN "R ÖM ER Ba by- S af e Plu s an d it s Ba by- S af e Plus I SO.
244 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Follo w the instructions for fit ting child seats contained in t he seat manuf acturer's installation guide.
245 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 L ocatio nsf orins tall ingIS OF IXchilds ea ts Inac co rda nc ewit hEuro pea nRegu lati ons ,thi s.
246 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 I U F: s eat su ita ble f or th e inst al lati on of a n ISO FIX U niversal seat, " F o r war dfac ing " sec ure dusi ngth eupp erst raptot heto p teth eronI SO FIXse ats.
247 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 L ocatio nsf orins tall ingIS OF IXchilds ea ts Inac co rda nc ewit hEuro pea nRegu lati ons ,thi s.
248 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 I U F: sea t suit abl e for t he in sta llat ion o f an ISO FIX U niversal seat, " F o r war dfac ing " sec ure dusi ngth eupp erst raptot heto pteth er onIS OFI Xseat s.
249 6 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Chi ld seats The i nc or rec t ins tal lati on of a c hil d sea t in a vehi cl eco mpr omi sest hech ild 'spr otec ti onin theeve ntofanac c ide nt.
250 Safety C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap0 6_ secur ite_ed 01 -201 5 Child lo ck Thi smec han ic alsyst empr eventso pen ingoft here ardo orus ingi tsinte ri orc ont rol .
251 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Thi skiti sinst all edint hest ora gebox,u nde rthe bo otf loo r . Thi skitc on sis tsofac omp re sso randas eala nt ca r tr idg e.
252 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 List of t ools *De pen dingo nequ ipme nt. Al l of th ese to ol s are sp ec if ic to yo ur veh icl e andc anva r yacc o rdin gtoequ ipm ent.D onot uset hemf orot herpu rp ose s.
253 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 A. "S eal ant "or"Ai r"p os iti onse lec tor. B. On "I" /off "O" switc h. C. Def la tio nbut to n.
254 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 1 . Sea ling Repair procedure Avoidr emov inganyf ore ignb odi es whi chh avepene trat edint othet yr e. F Un co il th e whi te pip e G fully .
255 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 F S witc hont hec omp res sorbym ovin g the s witc h B to p osit io n "I" unt il th e ty re pre ssu rere ach es2.
256 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 2. Ination F T u rn t he se lec tor A t o the "a ir " position. F Un co ilth eblac kpi pe H fully . F C onne ctt hebl ackp ipet othe valveoft hew hee l.
257 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Remo ving the car tridge F St owtheb lac kpip e. F De tac hth eangl edba sefr omth ewhi te pip e. F Su ppo r tthec o mpre ss orver t ic all y .
258 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Checking tyre pressures / inflating accessories Y ouc ana lsou seth eco mpre ss or,witho ut inj ect i.
259 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Ch angi ngawhe el The t ool s are i nst alle d in th e bo ot und er th e f l o o r.
260 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 T a king ou t the w he el F Un scr ewth ece ntra lgre ensc rew. F Li f tthes parew hee ltowa rdsyo ufro mthe r e a r. F Rem ovethew he elfr omth ebo ot.
261 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Ch angi ngawhe el Pro ce duref orc hang ingaw hee lwit hapun ctu redt yr ebythes par ewhe elus ingt hetoo lspr ovi dedw itht heveh icl e.
262 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 T a king ou t the s pare w he el The s par e whe el is s upp or te d by a car r ier underneaththe vehicle. Access to the spare wheel* F T a keoutth ewhe el/to olboxa sse mbl y fr omth erearo ftheve hic le.
263 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Apun ctu rewh eelf romt heveh ic le ca nnotb ef it tedun dert heveh icl e.It mustb eca rr ie dinth eboo t.Useac over topr otec ttheb oot .
264 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 F In ser tt heli nkpie cei nthea per t urei nthe too lbox( B - C ). F In ser tt hec entr egui deint othem idd leof thew he el.
265 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Remo ving a wheel Parking the v ehicle Imm obi lis etheve hic lewh erei tdoe snot blo ckt raf f i c:theg rou ndmus tbeleve l, sta blea ndno tslip per y.
266 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 F Pla cet hefo otofth ejac k 3 ont hegro und andc he ckth atitisd ire ctl.
267 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 F Rem ovetheb olt sands tor ethe minacl ean plac e.
268 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 F Low erth evehic lef ull y . F Fol dthej ack 3 a nddet ac hit. F Ti ghte nthes ec uri tyb oltu sin gthe wheelbrace 1 fi tt ed wi th th e sec ur it y so c ket 5 (dep endi ngone quip men t).
269 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Or ig inalt y resiz e Specific ation o f chains. 20 5/ 60R16 Ma xi mumli nksize: 9mm 20 5/5 5R1 .
270 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Ch angi ngabu lb ForH7t yp ebulb swit hlug s...takec are to ob ser ve t hei r co rr ect i nst all ati on soast oensu reth ebes tligh tin g per formanc e.
271 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Directional dipped beam headlamps (xenon model) Main beam headlamp s ( xenon model) F Rem ovethep rote ct ivepl asti ccove rby pul lingt het ab.
272 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Dipped beam headl amps (halogen model) F Rem ovethep rote ct ivepl asti ccove rby pul lingt het ab. F Pus hthec on nec tor. F Rem ovetheb ulban dch ang eit.
273 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 The d ire ct ion i ndic ato r bul b is lo ca ted be low thef ro ntlam p. F T u rn t he bul b hol der a q uar te r tur n ant i- clock wise. F Rem ovetheb ulbh old er .
274 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Y ou s hou ld c ont act a C ITRO ËN de ale r or a qua lif ie dwor ksh opfo rther epla ce mento fthe lig htemi tt ingd iod e-LED.
275 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Lamps on the tailgate Mo de l wi th L ED la mp s Ide nti f ythef ail edbul b. F O pent hebo ot. F Rem ovethea cc es scove r . Model with conv ent ional bulb la mps F Rem ovethet hre elam pfi xin gsc rews A .
276 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 1. Dir ec tio nind ic ator( PY21 Wamb er). 2. Si del amp/fo gla mp(P 21 /5 W). Rear lamps 3. Side lam p(lig htemi tt ingd iod es - LED).
277 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Lamps on the tailgate Mo de l wi th L ED la mp s Model with conv ent ional bulb la mps Ide nti f ythef ail edbul b. F O pent hebo ot. F Rem ovethea cc es scove r .
278 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Direction indicator , sidelamp and foglamp Ac ce ssisbyp ass ingaha ndun dert hebum per. F T u rn t he bul b hol der a q uar te r of a tur n an d pul litout .
279 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Bef orec han gingaf us e: F th eca useoft hefa ilur emustb eide nti fi ed and recti.
280 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 CIT ROË N will n ot ac ce pt re spo nsib ili ty fort hec osti ncu rr edinre pai rin gyour vehi cl e.
281 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 T yp e 1 fu se tab les Fu se b o x 1 Dashboard f uses Thef us eboxisl oc ate dinth elowe rdash boa rd (lef t -h ands ide). Acce ss to t he fu ses F Ref ertot hepar agr aph"Ac ce sstot heto ols".
282 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Fu se b o x 2 Fu se N ° Rating F unctions F9 15 A Rear12Vso cket .
283 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 T yp e 2 fu se tab les Fu se N ° Rating F unctions F3 3 A ST AR T/STOPbut to n. F6 A 15 A T ou chsc re enta blet ,aud ioan dnavi gati onsys tem,C Dplayer, US Bpor t sanda uxi liar yso ckets .
284 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Engine compar t ment fuses Ana ddit io nalf use boxisf it te dinfr ontoft he bat ter y,fort yp e2. Thef us eboxisp lac edi nthee ngin e co mpa r tme ntnea rtheb at ter y(l ef t- han dsid e ) .
285 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Fu se N ° Rating F unctions F18 10 A R ighth andm ainb eam. F19 10 A Le f thandm ainb eam. T yp e 2 fu se tab le Fu se N ° Rating F unctions F9 30 A M otoris edtailgate.
286 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 1 2 V bat ter y Theb at ter yi sloc ate dunde rtheb onn et.
287 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Before disconnecting the batter y Wait2mi nute saf tersw itc hin gof fth eigni ti on bef oredi sc onn ect ingt heba tte r y. Clo se th e win dow s and t he do or s befo re dis co nne cti ngth ebat ter y.
288 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Theb at ter iesc on tai nhar mf ulsub sta nce s suc hassul phu rica ci dandl ead.
289 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Exit ing econom y mode The sef unc tio nsar ereac ti vateda utom ati cal ly nex ttim etheve hic leisd ri ven.
290 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Ch angi ngawip erbl ade Before remov ing a front wiper blade F W ithi nonem inut eaf tersw itc hi.
291 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 T owi ngth ev ehi cle Thet owin geyeisin sta lledi ntheb ootu nde r thef l oor.
292 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 T owing another veh icle F O nther earbu mpe r ,u ncl ipth ecove rby pre ssi ngatt hebot to m. F Sc rewt hetow ingeyei nful ly .
293 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 T owba rwithq ui cklyde tacha blet owb all Fi t t i ng F Be lowt here arbum per,uncl ipandr emove thep rote ct ivec overont hec ar ri er .
294 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 F Un cli pandr emovet hepr otec tivec over,by tur nin gittot heri ght . Removing F Pre sst hetr ig ger B a ndre moveth etowb all bypull ingi ttowar dsyou.
295 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 T owi ngatr ai ler Werec om men dtheus eofge nuin e CIT ROË N towb ars a nd th eir h arn es ses.
296 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Driving advice Distribu tion of loads F D ist r ibute t he l oad in t he tr ail er so t hat t he heav ies titem sare.
297 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Roo f b ar s Forsa fet yrea sonsa ndtoavo iddam agi ngth e ro of, it is es sen tia l to use t ran svers e ro of bar s tha tareap prove dforyo urveh icl e.
298 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Ma xi mumlo ad,di str ibu tedovert hero of bar s,fo raloa dingh eig htnotexc eed ing 40c m: 80 kg .
299 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 V er ycoldcli ma tes cree n * Remov ablep rote ct ivesc ree nwhi chp revent sthea cc umul ati onofsn owatth erad iato rco oli ngfa n.
300 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Acc essories Awi deran geofa cc es sor ie sandg enui nepar tsi savaila blef romt heCI TRO ËNde alern et wor k.
301 7 Pract ical inf ormat ion C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap07_info-pratiques_ed01-2015 Thef i tt ingofe le ctr ic ale quip men t or ac c ess or ies w hic h ar e not rec om men dedbyC ITR.
302 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 TOT A L & C I T R O Ë N Par tners in per formanc e and protect ing the environment Innovat ion in t he sea rch fo r per f.
303 8 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 B on net F O pent helef th andf ron tdoo r . F Li f tthes afet yc atcha ndra iset hebo nnet . F Un cli pthes tayfr omit sho usin gandp lac e it in t he sup po r t slo t to hol d th e bon net open.
304 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 The va ri ous c ap s and c over s all ow ac ce ss fo r ch eck ingt heleve lsoft hevar io usf lui dsandf or rep lac ingc er t ainc om pon ent s. Pe t rol e ngines 1.
305 8 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 The va ri ous c ap s and c over s all ow ac ce ss fo r ch eck ingt heleve lsoft hevar io usf lui ds,fo r rep lac ingc er t ainc om pon ent sandf orpr imi ng thef ue lsystem .
306 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 Fu e l Cap aci tyo fthet ank :app roxi mate ly57lit re s(pet rol)o r55li tre s(Di es el).
307 8 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 Thep etr olorD ie sele ngi neofyou rvehi clei s f it ted wi th a c at aly ti c co nver ter, a devic e wh ich hel pstore duc eth elevelofh ar mfu lemi ssi ons inth eexhau stga ses.
308 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 F uel used for pet rol engines Thep etr olen gin esar eco mpat ibl ewit h E 10bi o - petr ol(co ntai nin g10%ethan ol), co nfo rm ingtoEu rop eanst and ard sEN22 8and EN15376 .
309 8 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 R un nin gou toffue l(Di esel ) Onve hic lesf i tte dwit hDi ese leng ine s,th efue l syste mmustb epr ime difyour uno utoffu el.
310 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 Chec king le vels T akec arew henwo rk in gunde rtheb onn et,asc er t ai narea softh e.
311 8 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 T op ping u p the e ngin e oil level F Lo cat etheo ilf ill erc apint heen gine co mpa r tme ntofyou rvehi cle. Refert othe" Pet role ngi ne"or" D ies el engine" section.
312 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 Coolant le vel The c o olan t level sh oul d be c los e toth e" MA X "mar kbuts houl dnever excee dit.
313 8 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 Avoidp rol ong edc ont ac tofuse doilo r f luid swit hthes kin . Mo stofth esef l uidsa reha rmf ulto hea ltho rind eedve r yco rr osi ve.
314 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 Ch ec ks 1 2 V batt er y Theb at ter yd oesn otreq uir eanymain tena nc e. How ever ,c he ckt hatth eter min alsar ecl ean andc or re ct lyti ghten ed,p ar ti cul ar lyinsu mmer andw inte r .
315 8 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 Br akeweard epe ndso nthest y le ofdr ivi ng,pa r ti cul arl yinth eca se of vehi cl es us ed in to wn, over s hor t dist an ce s.
316 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 AdB lue ® ad di tiv eandS CRs ys tem forB lu eHDiDies eleng ines T oas surer esp ec tfort he.
317 8 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 Range indicators On ce t he Ad Blu e ® ta nkisonr ese r veoraf t er dete ct iono fafaul tw.
318 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 Remaining range between 350 and 1500 m il es (6 00 a nd 2 4 0 0 km) Wh enswi tch ingo nthei gnit io n,the UR E Awar nin glampc om eson ,acc om pan ied byanaud ibl esig nalan dthed isp layofa mes sa ge(e.
319 8 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 In th e event of a faul t wi th t he th e SCR emis sion s cont rol syste m In t he eve nt o f th e de te ct io n of a f aul .
320 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 Free zi ng o f th e AdB lu e ® additive The AdBlue ® add itive f re ezes at temp er atur esbe lowar oun d- 1 1°C.
321 8 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 Recommendations on storage AdBlue ® fre eze satabo ut-1 1°Cand dete ri ora tesab ove25°C.I tisrec o mmen ded tha t bot tl es be s tore d in a c oo l area a nd pro tec tedf romdi rec tsun lig ht.
322 Chec ks C4 - Picas so -II _en _Chap 08 _v erif icati ons_ ed01-20 1 5 Impor tant : ifyou rvehi cle' s AdBlue ® ta nkisc omp lete lyem pty- whi chi sco nf .
9 323 T e chnical data C4 - Picasso- II_ en_Chap09 _caracteristiques-techniques_ed 0 1-20 15 Petrol engine V T i 12 0 Pu re Tech 130 S& S T H P 15 5 Gearbox Manual (5- speed) Manual( 5 -speed) Manual(6- speed) Model code 3D... 3E ...3 A .
324 T e chnical data C4 - Picasso- II_ en_Chap09 _caracteristiques-techniques_ed 0 1-20 15 3D... : CITR OËNC 4Pi ca sso(5 - se at). 3A...: CITRO ËNG ran dC 4Pic ass o(7-se at). 3E...: CITRO ËNG ran dC 4Pic ass o(5 - seat).
9 325 T e chnical data C4 - Picasso- II_ en_Chap09 _caracteristiques-techniques_ed 0 1-20 15 *Thew eig htvalu esarec al cul atedw ithat owba r . **T heker bwei ghti sequa ltoth eunla denwe ight+d ri ver(75kg).
326 T e chnical data C4 - Picasso- II_ en_Chap09 _caracteristiques-techniques_ed 0 1-20 15 Thew eig htofth ebra kedtra ile rca nbein cre ase d,wit hint heGT Wli mit.
9 327 T e chnical data C4 - Picasso- II_ en_Chap09 _caracteristiques-techniques_ed 0 1-20 15 Diesel engine HDi 90 e- HDi 90 BlueHDi 1 00 S&S Gearbox M anual (5- speed) ET G6electronic (6-speed) Manual (6- speed) Model code : 3D... 3D..
328 T e chnical data C4 - Picasso- II_ en_Chap09 _caracteristiques-techniques_ed 0 1-20 15 Dies elen gin esan dgearbo x es .../S:e - HD imo delf it te dwit hSto p&St ar t. 3D... : CITR OËNC 4Pi ca sso(5 - se at).
9 329 T e chnical data C4 - Picasso- II_ en_Chap09 _caracteristiques-techniques_ed 0 1-20 15 Dies elen gin esan dgearbo x es .../S:e - HD imo delf it te dwit hSto p&St ar t. 3D... : CITR OËNC 4Pi ca sso(5 - se at).
330 T e chnical data C4 - Picasso- II_ en_Chap09 _caracteristiques-techniques_ed 0 1-20 15 Diesel engine HDi 90 e- HDi 90 BlueHDi 1 00 S&S * Gearbox M anual (5- speed) ETG6electronic (6-speed) Manual(6- speed) Model code 3D... 3D...3 E .
9 331 T e chnical data C4 - Picasso- II_ en_Chap09 _caracteristiques-techniques_ed 0 1-20 15 Dies elw eigh tsan dto we dloa ds( ink g ) TheGT Wandt owedl oadval ues.
332 T e chnical data C4 - Picasso- II_ en_Chap09 _caracteristiques-techniques_ed 0 1-20 15 Dies elw eigh tsan dto we dloa ds( ink g ) *Theke rbwe ighti sequ altoth eunl adenw eig ht+dr iver( 75kg ).
9 333 T e chnical data C4 - Picasso- II_ en_Chap09 _caracteristiques-techniques_ed 0 1-20 15 Dime nsions (in mm ) The sedi men sio nshavebe enme asur edona nunl adenve hic le.
334 T e chnical data C4 - Picasso- II_ en_Chap09 _caracteristiques-techniques_ed 0 1-20 15 Dime nsions (in mm ) The sedi men sio nshavebe enme asur edona nunl adenve hic le.
9 335 T e chnical data C4 - Picasso- II_ en_Chap09 _caracteristiques-techniques_ed 0 1-20 15 Identi c ation mark ings Vario usvi sib lemar k ingsf orth eide nti fi c atio nofyou rvehic le. A. V ehicle Identificat ion Number (VI N) under the bonnet.
Audio and T e lematics 336 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10a_BT A_ed01-2015 E merge ncyora ssi sta ncec al l Ifani mpac tisd etec tedbyth eair bag control unit, and independently of thed epl oyme ntofanyai rb ags,a n eme rge ncyc al lismad eauto mat ic ally.
. Audio and T e lematics 337 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10a_BT A_ed01-2015 Localised Assistanc e Call If you p urc has ed you r vehic le o uts ide theC ITRO ËNd eale rnet wo rk ,we invi te.
. Audio and T e lematics 339 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 7 - inc h touc h sc reen tabl et GPS satellite na vigation - Multim edia audio - Bluetooth ® telephone Conte nts Fir st ste ps.
Audio and T e lematics 340 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 First steps Use t he bu tto ns on e ith er si de of t he tou ch sc ree ntab letfo rac ce sstot heme nus,t hen pre ss t he vi r tual b ut ton s in the t ouc h sc ree n tablet.
. Audio and T e lematics 341 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Wi thth eeng iner unni ng,p res sto mutet heso und. Wi thth eign iti onof f,pr esst oswit ch thesy stemo n.
Audio and T e lematics 342 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 St eeringm ou nt edc on trol s Cha nget heaud ioso urc e. Mute. De cre asevo lume . Rad io,rot ate:aut omat icse lec ti onof then ext/p revi ousr adi ofre quen cy.
. Audio and T e lematics 343 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Me dia:c hang emul tim edias our ce. T el eph one:st ar tc all . Cal linpr ogr ess:a cc es stothe tel eph onem enu(En dca ll,Se cr et mo de,Ha nds -f reem ode).
Audio and T e lematics 344 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 M enus Media Air condit ioning Driving assistance Navigation Sel ec t an aud io so urc e, a ra dio st ati on, d ispl ay photographs. Co ntr olofth eset ti ngsf ortem per atur eanda ir f l o w.
. Audio and T e lematics 345 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 T el ephone Configurat ion Connected ser vices Co nne ct a te lep hon e by Blue toot h ® .
Audio and T e lematics 346 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 M edia Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Lis t of FM s ta ti on s Pres et "M edia " Primary page.
. Audio and T e lematics 347 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Comments Media List Lis t of FM s ta ti on s Pre sso naradi ost ati ontos ele cti t. Media Source FM Ra dio Se lec tch ang eofso urc e.
Audio and T e lematics 348 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Media Photos Manage Jukebo x Lis t of FM s ta ti on s Cop y to Ju keb ox "M edia " Secondar .
. Audio and T e lematics 349 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 L evel 2 Level 3 Comments Media Secondar y page Ra dio l is t Pres et Pre ssara diost at iontos ele cti t. Update list U pdatet heli stofst ati onsr ec eive d.
Audio and T e lematics 350 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Media Sett ings Sett ings Sett ings "M edia " Secondar y page.
. Audio and T e lematics 351 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 L evel 2 Level 3 Comments Media Secondar y page Media list Pre sent ati onoft hela stmed iaus ed. Media Secondar y page Sett ings Media Sett ings Random (alltra cks): Cho oset hep layset ti ngs.
Audio and T e lematics 352 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Pre ss on M edia to displ ay the primar ypage. Pre ss Media todis playt hepr ima r y pag ethe nsel ec t" Pr ese t ". Ifne ce ss ar y ,sel ec tcha ngeo f sou rce.
. Audio and T e lematics 353 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Sel ec tcha nges our ce. Select " FM Ra di o " or " AM Ra di o ". Select a rad io station or frequency (refertot hec or res pon din gsec ti on).
Audio and T e lematics 354 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Di splayo fopti ons: ifac ti vebutnotava ila ble,t hedis playw illb egreyedo ut, ifac ti veandavai lab le,th edisp laywi llbeb lank .
. Audio and T e lematics 355 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Sel ec tcha ngeo fsou rce. Pre ss on M edia to displ ay the primar ypage. Select " DA B Ra d io ". Select " List "int hepr im ar ypa ge.
Audio and T e lematics 356 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Musi c USB pla yer Selec tion of source Thes teer in gmou nted SRC (sou rc e ) but to nca nbeuse dtogot othen ext med iaso urc e,avail abl eifth esou rce isac ti ve.
. Audio and T e lematics 357 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Thea udi oequi pme ntwil lonl yplayau dio f ile swit h" .wma,. aac,.f la c,.o ggand .mp3 " f ileex ten sio nsandw ithab itra teofbet we en 32K bpsan d320K bp s.
Audio and T e lematics 358 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Bluetooth ® audio streaming St ream inga llow saudi of ile sonyou rtele pho ne tobep layedt hrou ghth evehi cl e'sspe aker s.
. Audio and T e lematics 359 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Managing th e Jukebo x Co nne ctth edevi ce( MP 3player... )toth eUSB po r torau xili ar yJa cks ocketu singas uit abl e audi oc able .
Audio and T e lematics 360 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Na vigation Navigation Route settings "Navigation" Primary page.
. Audio and T e lematics 361 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 L evel 2 Level 3 Comments Navigation Sett ings Navigation Enter destination Display recent destinations Calculatory criter ia Fastest Cho oset henav iga tio ncr ite ri a.
Audio and T e lematics 362 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 T o us e the te lep ho ne fu nct ion s, refe r to th e " T elephone "sec ti on. Forma nagi ngc ont act sand their addresses, re fer to the " T elephone "sec ti on.
. Audio and T e lematics 363 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 L evel 2 Level 3 Comments Navigation Secondar y page Enter destination Address Cur r .loc at ion Addressse ttings Poin ts of In tere st T own centre Save S avethec ur ren taddr ess .
Audio and T e lematics 364 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Se arc h fo r a po int o f in te re st Navigation Poin t of i nt ere st d is pla yed o n th e ma p Se arc h fo r a PO I by na me .
. Audio and T e lematics 365 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 L evel 2 Level 3 Comments Navigation Secondar y page Se arc h fo r PO I Al l POI s Lis tofca tego ri esavai lab le. Af te rcho osi ngth eca teg or y,selec tth epoi ntsof intere st.
Audio and T e lematics 366 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Mov ing bet ween the t w o menus. Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 T raff ic messa ges Sett ings Diversion Ma p set t in gs Navigati.
. Audio and T e lematics 367 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 L evel 2 Leve l 3 Comment s Navigation Secondar y page T raff ic messa ges On t he r ou te Set ti ngsf orth echo ic eofme ss age sandt he f ilte rradi us.
Audio and T e lematics 368 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Na viga tion-Gu idan c e Choos ing a new destination Select " Enter destination ". Select " Save " to s ave the a ddre ss ente reda saco ntac tent r y .
. Audio and T e lematics 369 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 T owards a recent destination Select " Enter destination ". Sel ec tanad dres sfr om thel istof f ere d. Pre ss on Navigation to di spl ay the primar ypage.
Audio and T e lematics 370 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 T owards GPS coordinates Select " Enter destination ". Select " Address ". Enter t he " Longitude: " then the " Latitude : ". Select " Navigate to ".
. Audio and T e lematics 371 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Ana nnua lmap pin gupda teall owsnew poi nts of i nter est to b e pre sen ted to you. Y ouc ana lsoup datet heR iskar eas/ Dan gera reaseve r ymo nth.
Audio and T e lematics 372 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Haz ard zone / Danger zone aler t set tings Pre ss on Navigation to di spl ay the primar ypage. Pre ssont hese co nda r ypag e. Select " Sett ings ". Select " Alarm! ".
. Audio and T e lematics 373 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Sel ec tthem es sag efro m thel istof f ere d. Sel ec tthem agn if yi nggla sse sto havevoc ali nfor ma tio n. Set t ing lt er s Pre ss on Navigation to di spl ay the primar ypage.
Audio and T e lematics 374 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 Conguration Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Audio s ettings Audio s ettings Audio s ettings Choice of color s "Configurat ion .
. Audio and T e lematics 375 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 L evel 2 Level 3 Comments Configuration Audio s ettings Ambience Cho os ethes oun damb ien ce. Balance Sett hepo sit io nofth esou ndint heveh ic leusi ngt he Ar ka mys ® system.
Audio and T e lematics 376 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Units Display screen Configuration Adj us t da te a nd t im e Factory sett ings Leve l 1 Leve l 2 "Configurat ion " Sec.
Audio and T e lematics 378 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Choice of languag e Calculator Configuration Calendar Leve l 1 Leve l 2 "Configurat ion " Secondar y page.
. Audio and T e lematics 379 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Comments Configuration Secondar y page Languages Confi rm Sel ec tthel ang uaget henc o nf irm . Configuration Secondar y page Calculator Sel ec tthec al cul ator.
Audio and T e lematics 380 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Audio settings Pre ss on Conf iguration to disp lay thep ri mar yp age. Select " Audio settings ". Select " Ambi ence " or " Balance " or " S ou nd ef f ec t s " or " Ringtones " or " Voice ".
. Audio and T e lematics 381 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Ateac hch ang eofc olo ursc hem ethe tou chsc ree nta blet ' ssystemr est ar t s, sho win gablac ksc ree nforafe w mome nts.
Audio and T e lematics 382 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Pre ss on Conf iguration to disp lay thep ri mar yp aget heng ototh e secondar ypage. Pre ss on Conf iguration to disp lay thep ri mar yp aget heng ototh e secondar ypage.
Audio and T e lematics 384 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Connected ser vice s Leve l 1 Leve l 2 "Connected ser vices " Primary page Dr ivi ngas sis tan ce applications, see the "CITROËN Multi city Connect" *s ection.
. Audio and T e lematics 385 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 CITROËN Mult ic it y C onnec t The se ap pli ca tio ns us e vehic le d ata su ch as thec ur ren tspe ed,mi leag e,re main ingf uel ran georevenG PSpo sit io ntoprov idepe r ti nent information.
Audio and T e lematics 386 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 T elephone Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Contac ts Call log "T elephone" Primary page.
. Audio and T e lematics 387 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 L evel 2 Level 3 Comments T elephone Call log All calls Af te rmak ingc hoi ce s,st ar tth eca ll.
Audio and T e lematics 388 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Bluetooth (equipment) T elephone Options Devices detected T elephone connection Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 "T elephone".
. Audio and T e lematics 389 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Leve l 1 L evel 2 Level 3 Comments T elephone connection Secondar y page Bluetooth Connection Search St ar t th e sea rch f or an oth er pe rip her al dev ic e to connect. Disconnect Stop the Bluetooth c onnection to the selected peripheraldevice.
Audio and T e lematics 390 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Pairing a Bluetooth ® telephone For re aso ns of sa fet y and b ec ause t hey req uirep rol on gedat te nti onont he.
. Audio and T e lematics 391 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 The servic es av ailable depend on then et wor k,t heSI Mca rdan dthe co mpat ibi lit yoft heBl ueto othte lep hon e use d.
Audio and T e lematics 392 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Managing paired telephones Thi s fun ct ion a llow s the c on nec ti on or dis co nne cti on of a p er iph era l devic e as wella sthed ele tio nofapai ri ng. Usi ngth etele pho neisn ot rec om men dedw hil edri vin g.
. Audio and T e lematics 393 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Select " Contac ts ". Sel ec tthed esi redc ont ac tfro mth elisto f fere d. Select " Call ". Calling a recently used number Pre ss on T elephone to dis play th e primar ypage.
Audio and T e lematics 394 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Thef oll owi ngta bleg rou pstog eth erth eanswe rst othem ostf req uent lyaske dque stio nsc onc er nin gyoura udi osystem .
. Audio and T e lematics 395 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION Ce r tai ntr af f icjam salo ng the r oute a re no t indi ca ted inre alti me. Onst ar t ing ,itisseve ralm inute sbef oret hesyst embe ginst o rec ei vethet raf f i cinfo rm ati on.
Audio and T e lematics 396 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Radio QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION The q uali t y of rec ept io n of the r adi o sta tio n list ene d togr adua llyde ter ior ates or t he sto red st at ion s do notf unc ti on(nosou nd, 87 .
. Audio and T e lematics 397 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Media QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION Playb acko fmyUSB mem or yst ic ksta r tso nly af terave r ylon gwait (aroun d2to3min utes).
Audio and T e lematics 398 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION The C D pl ayer sou nd is p o o r. TheC Duse dissc ra tche dorofp oo rqual it y . Ins er tgo odq uali tyC Dsa ndsto reth emin suitablecon ditions.
. Audio and T e lematics 399 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 Set ting s QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION Inc hang ingt heset t ing of tr ebl e and ba ss t he equ alize rset ti ngis deselected. Thes ele ct iono faneq uali zerset t ingim po sest hebal anc eset t ings .
Audio and T e lematics 400 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION The re is a d if fe renc e in sou nd qua lit y bet we en t he dif f eren taudi osou rc es.
. Audio and T e lematics 401 C4-Picasso-II_en_Chap10b_SMEGplus_ed01-2015 T el ephone QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION Ica nnotc on nec tmy Bluetooth telephone . Thet ele pho ne'sB lueto othf unc ti onmayb eswit che dof fort he tel eph onem aynotbev isi ble.
402 Alphabetic al index C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap 1 1_index-alpha _ed01-20 1 5 Accessories ................................................. 300 Accessor y position ....................................... 12 9 Ac ce ss to t he 3r d row ...
. 403 Alphabetic al index C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap 1 1_index-alpha _ed01-20 1 5 DAB( Dig it alAud ioBr oad cas tin g )- Digitalradio ........................................ 35 4, 355 Date(set ti ng) ....................
404 Alphabetic al index C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap 1 1_index-alpha _ed01-20 1 5 Identification, vehicle .................................... 335 Ignition ........................................................... 12 9 Immobiliser ,electronic .
. 405 Alphabetic al index C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap 1 1_index-alpha _ed01-20 1 5 Oi lcha nge ..................................................... 31 0 Oi lco nsum pti on ............................................ 310 OIl,eng ine .
406 Alphabetic al index C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap 1 1_index-alpha _ed01-20 1 5 Safety, childr en ...................... 224, 2 27 , 231-250 Scented air freshener ................................... 10 4 Sc ree n,co ldc lima te .....
. 407 Alphabetic al index C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap 1 1_index-alpha _ed01-20 1 5 V entilation .................................... 9 2,93 ,94,9 5 Visibility ......................................................... 10 2 Vi sio n36 0° .
C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap 1 1_index-alpha _ed01-20 1 5.
C4 - Picass o- II _en _Chap 1 1_index-alpha _ed01-20 1 5.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Citroën Grand C4 Picasso è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Citroën Grand C4 Picasso - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Citroën Grand C4 Picasso imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Citroën Grand C4 Picasso ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Citroën Grand C4 Picasso, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Citroën Grand C4 Picasso.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Citroën Grand C4 Picasso. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Citroën Grand C4 Picasso insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.