Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 6 del fabbricante Citrix Systems
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Citrix X enServer ® 6.0 Administr at or's Guide Published Friday , 02 March 2012 1.1 Edition.
Citrix XenServer ® 6.0 Adminis trat or's Guide Copyright © 2012 Citrix S ystems. Inc. All Righ ts Reserved. V ersion: 6.0 Citrix, Inc. 851 W est Cypress Creek R oad Fort Lauder dale, FL 33309 United Sta tes of America Disclaimers This document is furnished "AS IS.
iii Cont ents Document Overview .......................................................................................... 1 In tr od uc in g X en Se rv er ...............................................................................................
iv Ho st s an d R es ou r ce P oo ls Ov er vi ew .................................................................................. 22 R eq ui re me nt s f or Cr ea tin g R es ou r ce Po ol s ...........................................................
v St or a ge Ov erv ie w ............................................................................................................. 34 St or a ge Re po si to rie s (S Rs ) ............................................................................
vi L VM ov er Ha r dw ar e HB A ........................................................................................... 49 St or a ge Co nf ig ur at io n .............................................................................................
vii x e CL I Com ma nd s ............................................................................................................. 64 Di sp la y th e St at ic Me mo ry Pr op er ti es of a VM ........................................................
viii Cr ea ti ng a NI C bo nd ......................................................................................... 79 Co nt ro ll in g th e MA C Add re ss of th e Bo nd .......................................................... 79 R ev er ti ng NI C bo nds .
ix vA pp s ............................................................................................................................... 92 Us in g th e Ma na g e vA pp s di al og bo x in Xe nC en te r ...............................................
x Al er ts ............................................................................................................................. 10 6 Cu st om iz in g Al er ts ...................................................................................
xi Bo nd Pa r am et er s ............................................................................................ 118 bo nd -c re at e .................................................................................................... 11 8 bo nd -d es tr oy .
xii ho st -b ug re po rt -u pl oad .................................................................................... 12 9 ho st -c r as hd ump -d es tr o y .................................................................................. 12 9 ho st -c r as hd ump -u pl oa d .
xiii Lo g Co mm an ds ....................................................................................................... 13 6 lo g- se t- out pu t ................................................................................................. 13 6 Me ss ag e Co mm an ds .
xiv pi f- un pl ug ....................................................................................................... 14 4 P oo l Co mm an ds ...................................................................................................... 144 P oo l P ar am et er s .
xv t em pl a t e- ex po rt .............................................................................................. 15 7 Up da te Co mm an ds ................................................................................................. 15 7 up da te -u pl oad .
xvi VL AN Com ma nd s .................................................................................................... 166 vl an -c re at e ..................................................................................................... 16 7 po ol -v la n- cr ea te .
xvii vm -r ec ov er ..................................................................................................... 17 9 vm -r es e t- po we r s t a t e ....................................................................................... 17 9 vm -r es um e .
xviii Modifying the W orkload Balancing configura tion options . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 187 Editing the W orkload Balancing configura tion file . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .
1 Document Ov er view This document is a syst em administrat or's guide for Citrix XenServer ® , the complete server virtualiza tion platf orm from Citrix ® .
2 • Increasing portability of VM imag es, as one VM image will work on a r ange of deployment infras tructures Administ ering XenServer There are two methods by which to administer XenServer: XenCenter and the XenServer Command-Line Interface (CLI).
3 Rolling P ool Upgrade Wizar d: • Simplify upgrades (automated or semi-automated) to XenServer 6.0 with a wizar d that performs pre-checks with a step-by-s tep process that blocks unsupport ed upgrades. Microsoft SCVMM and SCOM Support: • Manage XenServer hosts and VMs with Syst em Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) 2012.
4 VM Prot ection and Recovery: • Now av ailable for Adv anced, Enterprise and Pla tinum Edition cust omers. NFS Support f or High Av ailability: • HA Heartbeat disk can now r eside on a NFS st orag e repository .
5 Managing User s Defining users, gr oups, roles and permissions allows you to contr ol who has access to your XenServer hosts and pools and what actions they can perf orm. When you first inst all XenServer , a user account is added to XenServer automatically .
6 Unders tanding Active Dir ectory Authentica tion in the XenServer En vironmen t Ev en though XenServers are Linux-based, XenServer lets you use Active Directory accounts for XenServer user accounts. T o do so, it passes Active Dir ectory credentials t o the Active Directory domain c ontroller .
7 Note the f ollowing: • XenServer labels its AD entry on the AD database using its hostname. Theref ore, if two XenServer hosts have the same hos tname and ar e joined t o the same AD domain, the s.
8 Note: XenServer uses Likewise (Lik ewise uses Kerberos) to authenticate the AD user in the AD server , and to encrypt communic ations with the AD server .
9 you wish to manage user permissions in Active Dir ectory , you could crea te a single group that y ou then add and remov e users to/fr om; alternatively , you can add and r emove individual users fr om XenServer , or a combination of users and groups as your would be appropriate for your authentication requir ements.
10 they may be able to continue to access the pool using XenCen ter or other API sessions that they have already creat ed. In order to terminate these sessions forcefully , XenCent er and the CLI provide facilities to terminate individual sessions, or all currently active sessions.
11 RBAC depends on Active Directory for authentication services. Specifically , XenServer k eeps a list of authorized users based on Active Directory user and group accounts. As a result, you must join the pool to the domain and add Active Direct ory accounts bef ore you can assign r oles.
12 Note: Y ou cannot add, remove or modify r oles in this version of X enSer ver . W arning: Y ou c an not assign the role of pool-admin to an AD group which has mor e than 500 member s, if you wan t users of the AD gr oup to hav e SSH access.
13 Role permissions Pool Admin Pool Opera tor VM Power Admin VM Admin VM Opera tor Read Only Cancel task of any user X X Pool management X X VM advanced opera tions XXX VM cr eate/ destr oy opera tion.
14 Role permissions Pool Admin Pool Opera tor VM Power Admin VM Admin VM Opera tor Read Only Connect to pool and read all pool metada ta XXXXXX Definitions of P ermissions The following t able provides additional details about permissions: T able 2.
15 Permission Allows Assignee T o Rationale/Comments Pool manag ement • Set pool properties (naming , def ault SRs) • Enable, disable, and configure HA • Set per-VM HA res tart priorities • En.
16 Permission Allows Assignee T o Rationale/Comments VM advanced oper ations • Adjust VM memory (through Dynamic Memory Control) • Creat e a VM snapshot with memory , tak e VM snapshots, and roll-.
17 Permission Allows Assignee T o Rationale/Comments Accept WLB Placement Rec ommendations • Select one of the servers W orkload Balancing recommends f or placement ("star" r ecommendation.
18 uuid( RO): 0165f154-ba3e-034e-6b27-5d271af109ba name ( RO): pool-admin description ( RO): The Pool Administrator role can do anything uuid ( RO): b9ce9791-0604-50cd-0649-09b3284c7dfd name ( RO): po.
19 uuid ( RO): bb6dd239-1fa9-a06b-a497-3be28b8dca44 subject-identifier ( RO): S-1-5-21-1539997073-1618981536-2562117463-2244 other-config (MRO): subject-name: example01user_vm_admin; subject-upn: user_vm_admin@XENDT.
20 1. Run the commands: xe subject-role-remove uuid= < subject uuid > role-name= < role_name_to_remove > xe subject-role-add uuid= < subject uuid > role-name= < role_name_to_add.
21 In this illustration, since Subject 2 (Group 2) is the P ool Operator and User 1 is a member of Group 2, when Subject 3 (User 1) tries to log in, he or she inherits both Subject 3 (VM Operator) and Group 2 (P ool Operator) roles.
22 X enSer ver Hos ts and Resour ce P ools This chapter describes how resour ce pools can be created through a series of examples using the xe command line interf ace (CLI). A simple NFS-based shared stor age configuration is present ed and a number of simple VM management e xamples ar e discussed.
23 The requiremen t f or a XenServer host to ha ve a sta tic IP address to be part of a r esource pool also applies to server s providing shared NF S or iSCSI storag e for the pool.
24 XenServer 6.0 simplifies expanding deployments over time by allowing dispar ate host har dware to be joined into a resource pool, known as heterogeneous resour ce pools.
25 subsequently join will also be connected to the storag e. The Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the creat ed stor age repository will be printed on the scr een.
26 W arning: Citrix highly recommends rebooting all XenServer s prior to installing an update and then verifying their configur ation. This is because some configura tion changes only tak e eff ect when a XenServer is rebooted, so the reboot may uncover configur ation problems that would cause the updat e to fail.
27 Block Devices (VBDs) and networks can aff ect which VMs may be restart ed on which hosts. Currently it is not possible for XenServer to check all actions befor e they occur and determine if they will cause violation of HA demands. However an as ynchronous notification is sent if HA bec omes unsustainable.
28 • it must have its virtual disks on shared s tor age (any type of shared storage may be used; the iSCSI, NFS or Fibr e Channel LUN is only required for the stor age heartbeat and can be used for .
29 best-effort priority set ting are not part of the failover plan and are not guar anteed to be k ept running, since capacity is not reserved for them. If the pool experiences server f ailures and enter s a s tat e where the number of toler able f ailures dr ops to zer o, the pr otected VMs will no longer be guarant eed to be res tarted.
30 Reco vering an Unreachable Hos t If for some reason a host cannot access the HA sta tefile, it is possible that a host may become unreachable. T o recover your XenServer installation it may be nece.
31 • Hewlett-P ackard Int egrated Lights-Out (iL O) . T o use XenServer with iL O, you mus t enable iL O on the host and connect int erface to the ne twork. For mor e informa tion, see HP ’ s iLO documen tation. • A custom script based on the XenAPI that enables you to turn the power on and off through XenServer .
32 When you create a custom script, run it from the command line each time you want to control power remotely on X enServer . Alternatively , y ou can specify it in XenCent er and use the X enCenter UI f eatures t o int eract with it.
33 The result is only displa yed when the script is unsuccessful. import XenAPI def custom( session , remote_host , power_on_config ): result ="Power On Not Successful" for key in power_on_config.
34 Stor age This chapt er discusses the fr amework f or stor age abstr actions. It describes the way ph ysical s torag e hardw are of various kinds is mapped to VMs, and the software objects used by the XenServer host API to perform stor age- relat ed tasks.
35 Virtual Block Devices (VBDs) Virtual Block Devices are connector objects (similar to the PBD described abov e) that allows mappings between VDIs and VMs.
36 unused space on the underlying CoW inst ance disk is reclaimed when a snapshot or clone occurs. The diff erence between the two beha viors can be charact erized in the f ollowing way: • For L VM-.
37 opera tions are mapped directly onto the array APIs using a LUN per VDI represen tation. This includes activating the data pa th on demand such as when a VM is start ed or migrat ed to another host. Managed NetApp LUNs are accessible using the NetApp SR driver type, and are hosted on a Network Appliance device running a version of Ontap 7.
38 By default, XenServer uses the local disk on the physic al host on which it is installed. The Linux Logical V olume Manager (L VM) is used to manage VM stor age. A VDI is implemented in VHD format in an L VM logical volume of the specified size. XenServer versions prior to 6.
39 xe sr-create host-uuid= < valid_uuid > content-type=iso type=iso name-label= < "Example ISO SR" > device_config:location= < nfs server:path> > Softwar e iSCSI Support XenServer pr ovides support for shared SRs on iSCSI LUNs.
40 For mor e informa tion on using CSL SR types with XenCent er , see the XenCent er online help. Because the CSL SR can be used to access diff erent storag e arra ys, the ex act fea tures av ailable for a given CSL SR depend on the capabilities of the arr ay .
41 Par ameter name Description Optional? targ et The server name or IP address of the arra y management console No stor ageSyst emId The stor age syst em ID to use for allocating s torag e No stor age.
42 T o Crea te a CSL SR Using the CLI 1. Use the sr-probe c ommand with the device-config:target par ameter and username and password credentials t o identify the av ailable stor age syst em IDs.
43 xe sr-probe type=cslg device-config:adapterid=NETAPP device-config:username=**** device-config:password=**** device-config:target=**** <csl__storageSystemInfoList> <csl__storageSystemInf.
44 Y ou can use grep to filt er the sr-probe output to jus t display the st orage s ystem IDs: xe sr-probe type=cslg device-config:adapterid=NETAPP device-config:username=xxxx device-config:password=.
45 /opt/QLogic_Corporation/SANsurferiCLI/iscli -ipdhcp 0 2. Add a persis tent iSCSI tar get to port 0 of the HBA. /opt/QLogic_Corporation/SANsurferiCLI/iscli -pa 0 < iscsi_target_ip_address > 3. Use the xe sr-probe command to force a rescan of the HBA controller and display available LUNs.
46 Par ameter Name Description Required? port the network port number on which to query the t arget no usediscoverynumber the specific iSCSI recor d index to use no incoming_chapuser the username that.
47 xe sr-probe type=lvmohba host-uuid=1212c7b3-f333-4a8d-a6fb-80c5b79b5b31 Error code: SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_90 Error parameters: , The request is missing the device parameter, <?xml version="1.
48 the zoning for the aff ected hosts and use the Repair Storag e Repository function instead of removing and r e-creating the SR. NFS VHD The NFS VHD type st ores disks as VHD files on a r emote NFS filesy stem. NFS is a ubiquitous form of stor age infrastructur e that is available in many envir onments.
49 Creating a Shar ed NFS SR (NFS) Device-config par ameters f or NFS SRs: Par ameter Name Description Required? server IP address or hostname of the NFS server Y es serverpath path, including the NF S mount point, to the NFS server that hosts the SR Y es T o creat e a shared NFS SR on 192.
50 There are tw o basic steps involved in crea ting a new s tor age repository for use on a XenServer host using the CLI: 1. Probe the SR type to de termine values f or any required par ameters. 2. Creat e the SR to initializ e the SR object and associated PBD objects, plug the PBDs, and activ ate the SR.
51 T o check if an SR has been upgraded, verify that its sm-config:use_vhd key is true . T o check if a VDI was creat ed with type=raw , check its sm-config map. The sr-param-list and vdi-param-lis t xe commands can be used respectively f or this purpose.
52 xe sr-probe type=lvmoiscsi device-config:target= device-config:targetIQN=iqn. Error code: SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_107 Error parameters: , The SCSIid parameter is missing or incorrect, <?xml version="1.
53 SR type device-config paramet er , in order of dependency Can be probed? Required f or sr-create? chapuser No No chappasswor d No No aggrega te No * Y es FlexV ols No No allocation No No asis No No.
54 † Storage pool probing is only possible at sr-create time. It needs to be done there so that the aggregate can be specified at the point that the SR is created. ‡ If the username, password, or port configuration of the StorageLink service are changed from the default value then the appropriate parameter and value must be specified.
55 Multipath support in EqualLogic arra ys does not encompass Stor age IO multipathing in the traditional sense of the term. Multipathing must be handled at the network/NIC bond level. Re fer to the EqualLogic documenta tion for informa tion about configuring network failover for E qualLogic SRs/L VMoISCSI SRs.
56 The following e xample introduces a SR of type lvmoiscsi. 1. Probe the e xisting SR to det ermine its UUID: xe sr-probe type=lvmoiscsi device-config:target= < > device-config:targetIQN= < > device-config:SCSIid= < 149455400000000000000000002000000b70200000f000000 > 2.
57 6. Click Repair to cr eate and plug a PBD for each hos t in the pool. Moving Virtual Disk Images (VDIs) Betw een SRs The set of VDIs associated with a VM can be copied from one SR to another to accommodate maintenance requir ements or tiered stor age configurations.
58 to the SR. The c orresponding PBD must be unplugged and re-plugged f or the scheduler parameter to tak e ef fect. The disk scheduler can be adjust ed using the following c ommand: xe sr-param-set other-config:scheduler=noop|cfq|anticipatory|deadline uuid= < valid_sr_uuid > Note: This will not eff ect EqualLogic, NetApp or NFS s torag e.
59 2. This c ommand suspends the VM (unless it is alr eady power ed down), initia tes the space reclamation process, and then resumes the VM. Note: Citrix recommends that, before ex ecuting the off-line coalesce tool, you shutdown or suspend the VM manually (using either XenCent er or the XenServer CLI).
60 xe vbd-param-set uuid= < vbd_uuid > qos_algorithm_type=ionice xe vbd-param-set uuid= < vbd_uuid > qos_algorithm_params:sched=rt xe vbd-param-set uuid= < vbd_uuid > qos_algorithm_p.
61 Configuring VM Memory When a VM is first creat ed, it is allocated a fixed amount of memory . T o improv e the utilisation of phy sical memor y in your XenServer environment, you can use Dynamic Memory Contr ol (DMC), a memory management feature that enables dynamic realloc ation of memory between VMs.
62 For e xample, if the Dynamic Minimum Memory was set at 512 MB and the Dynamic Maximum Memory was se t at 1024 MB this would give the VM a Dynamic Memor y Range (DMR) of 512 - 1024 MB, within which, it would opera te. With DMC, X enServer guarantees at all times t o assign each VM memory within its specified DMR.
63 XenServer to repartition host memory dynamically in response to changing numbers of guests, or changing host memory pressure. XenServer chooses a targ et from within the range and adjusts the guest's memory allocation t o meet the targ et.
64 Opera ting Sys tem Supported Memory Limits 4.5 - 4.8 x86 ≥ 256 MB ≤ 16 GB 5.0 - 5.6 x86 x64 ≥ 512 MB ≤ 16 GB x86 ≥ 512 MB ≤ 8 GB RedHa t Enterprise Linux 6.0 x64 ≥ 512 MB ≤ 32 GB x86 ≥ 512 MB ≤ 64 GB 5.0 - 5.6 x64 ≥ 512 MB ≤ 128 GB x86 ≥ 512 MB ≤ 8 GB Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.
65 xe vm-param-get uuid= < uuid > param-name=memory-static-{min,max} For example, the following displays the static maximum memory properties for the VM with the uuid beginning ec77: xe vm-param.
66 xe vm-memory-limits-set uuid= < uuid > static-min= < value > dynamic-min= < value > dynamic-max= < value > static-max= < value > Note: • T o alloc ate a specific amount memory to a VM that won't change, set the Dynamic Maximum and Dynamic Minimum to the same v alue.
67 X en Memory Usage When calculating the memor y footprin t of a Xen host there are two components that must be taken into consider ation. First there is the memory consumed by the X en hypervisor itself; then there is the memory consumed by the control domain of the host.
68 name default description memory-overhead 1048576 (for e xample) The memory overhead due to virtualization Dynamic memory values must be within the boundaries set by the static memory values. Additionally the memory tar get must f all in the rang e between the dynamic memory values.
69 Netw orking This chapter provides an overview of XenServer networking, including networks, VLANs, and NIC bonds. It also discusses how to manage y our networking configur ation and troubleshoot it.
70 • Provides det ailed visibility into the behavior and perf ormance of all traf fic sent in the virtual network envir onment. A vSwitch grea tly simplifies IT administr ation in virtualized networ.
71 • A network , which is a virtual Ethernet swit ch on a XenServer hos t. Netw ork objects ha ve a name and description, a globally unique UUID , and the collection of VIFs and PIF s connected to them.
72 together so they logically function as one network card. Both NICs have the same MAC address and, in the case of management in terfaces, ha ve one IP address. If one NIC in the bond fails, the host's network traffic is automatically redirect ed through the second NIC.
73 When bonded NICs ar e used for VM (guest) traffic, you do not need to configure an IP address f or the bond. This is because the bond oper ates a t Lay er 2 of the OSI model, the da ta link la yer , and no IP addr essing is used a t this lay er .
74 This illustration shows how two NICs in a bonded pair use the same network se ttings, as represented by the networks in each hos t. The NICs in the bonds connect to diff erent switches f or redundancy .
75 This illustration shows how , when configured in Active-active mode, the links that are active in bonds vary according t o traffic type. In the top picture of a management network, NIC 1 is active and NIC 2 is passive. F or the VM traffic, both NICs in the bond are active.
76 Tip: Configuring active-passive mode in XenCent er is easy . Y ou simply select Activ e-passive as the bond mode when you crea te the bond. Important: After y ou ha ve cr eated VIFs or your pool is in production, be extremely careful about making changes to bonds or cr eating new bonds.
77 Creating cross-server privat e networks requires Citrix XenServer Advanced editions or higher . T o learn more about XenServer editions, and to find out how to upgrade, visit the Citrix website her e .
78 T o add or remov e networks using X enCenter , ref er to the XenCen ter online Help. T o add a new netw ork using the CLI 1. Open the XenServer hos t text c onsole.
79 This section describes how to use the x e CLI to bond NIC interf aces on a XenServer hos t that is not in a pool. See the section called “Creating NIC bonds in resource pools” for details on using the xe CLI to create NIC bonds on XenServer hos ts that comprise a r esource pool.
80 Rev erting NIC bonds If reverting a X enSer ver host to a non-bonded configur ation, be aware that the bond-destr oy command automatic ally configures the primary-slave as the interf ace to be used for the primary management interface. Consequently , all VIFs will be moved t o the primary management int erface.
81 • Use the host-list c ommand to find the UUID of the host being con figured: xe host-list Adding NIC bonds to an e xisting pool W arning: Do not attempt to create network bonds while HA is enabled.
82 If you want to use a stor age interface that can be routed from the primary management interface also (bearing in mind that this configur ation is not the best practice), y ou have tw o options: .
83 The QoS value limits the rate of transmission from the VM. The QoS setting does not limit the amount of data the VM can receive. If such a limit is desired, Citrix recommends limiting the ra te of incoming packets higher up in the network (f or ex ample, at the switch le vel).
84 Hostname The system hostname, also known as the domain or DNS name, is defined in the pool-wide database and modified using the xe hos t-set-hostname-liv e CLI command as follow s: xe host-set-host.
85 T o change the IP addr ess of the pool master 1. Use the pif-reconfigure-ip CLI command to set the IP address as desired. See Appendix A, Command Line Interf ace for de tails on the par ameters of the pif-r econfigure-ip command: xe pif-reconfigure-ip uuid= < pif_uuid > mode=DHCP 2.
86 Diagnosing network corrup tion Some network card models require firmwar e upgrades from the vendor to work reliably under load, or when certain optimiza tions ar e turned on. If y ou are seeing c orrupted traf fic t o VMs, then you should fir st try to ob tain the lates t recommended firmw are fr om your vendor and apply a BIOS updat e.
87 Disas ter R ecov er y and Backup The XenServer Disaster Recov ery (DR) featur e is designed to allow you to recover virtual machines (VMs) and vApps from a catas trophic failure of hardware which disables or destroy s a whole pool or site.
88 and Universal Unique Identifier (UUID), and its memory , virtual CPU and networking and storag e configur ation. It also includes the VM startup options – start order , dela y in terval and HA rest art priority – which are used when rest arting the VM in an HA or DR envir onment.
89 Deployment Considerations Please review the f ollowing steps bef ore enabling Disaster R ecovery . Steps t o T ak e Before a Disas ter The following section describes the s teps to t ake bef ore disaster . • Configure y our VMs and vApps. • Note how y our VMs and vApps are mapped t o SRs, and the SRs to L UNs.
90 Informa tion for all VMs in the pool is stored, VMs do not need to be independently selected for pr otection. 3. Click OK . Y our pool is now protected. Recovering VMs and vApps in the Event of Disaster (Failover) This section explains how t o recov er your VMs and vApps on the secondary (rec overy) site.
91 1. In XenCenter select the secondary pool, and on the Pool menu, click Disaster Reco very to open the Disaster Recov ery wizard. This wizard gives three recovery options: Failover , Failback , and T est Failov er . T o restor e VMs and vApps to your primary site, select F ailback and then click Next .
92 If you use Fibre Channel shared storage with LUN mirroring to replicat e the data to the secondary site, before you attemp t to recover data, mirroring must be brok en so that the secondary site has R ead/W rite access. 3. Select the stor age repositories (SRs) containing the pool metadat a for the VMs and vApps that you want to rec over .
93 useful in the Disaster Recov ery situation where an Administrat or may choose to group all VMs which reside on the same Stor age Reposit ory , or which relat e to the same Service Level Agr eement (SLA). Creating vApp s T o group VMs tog ether in a vApp follo w the procedure: 1.
94 Citrix recommends that you frequently perform as many of the following backup procedur es as possible to reco ver from possible server and/ or software f ailure. T o backup pool me tadata 1. Run the command: xe pool-dump-database file-name= < backup > 2.
95 Backing up single host ins tallations Use the CLI to backup the pool database. T o obtain a consistent pool metadat a backup file, run pool-dump- database on the XenServer host and archive the resulting file. The backup file will contain sensitive authentica tion inf ormation about the pool, so ensure it is secur ely stored.
96 section called “Backing up Virtual Machine metada ta” ). This backup method should always be considered c omplementary to backing up the pool me tadata. Using the xe commands host-backup and host-res tore is another approach that you can tak e.
97 VM Snapshots XenServer provides a con venient snapshotting mechanism that can tak e a snapshot of a VM stor age and metada ta at a given time. Wher e necessary , IO is temporarily halted while the snapshot is being t ak en t o ensure that a self- consist ent disk image can be c aptured.
98 xe vm-snapshot vm= < vm uuid > new-name-label= < vm_snapshot_name > xe vm-snapshot-with-quiesce vm= < vm uuid > new-name-label= < vm_snapshot_name > Creating a snap shot wit.
99 For ex ample, specif ying power-stat e=halted will select all VMs whose power-sta te field is equal to 'halted'. Where multiple VMs are matching, the option --multiple must be specified to perform the operation. The full list of fields that can be ma tched can be obt ained by the command x e vm-list par ams=all .
100 2. Note the UUID of the snapshot, and then run the snapshot-unins tall command to r emove it: xe snapshot-uninstall snapshot-uuid= < snapshot-uuid > 3.
101 1. Use the command snapshot-e xport-to-templat e to create a new t emplate file: xe snapshot-export-to template snapshot-uuid= < snapshot-uuid > filename= < template- filename > For e.
102 VSS snap of volumes hosted on dynamic disks in the Windows Guest : The vm-snapshot-with-quiesce CLI and the XenServer VSS hardwar e pr ovider do not support snap shots of volumes hosted on dynamic disks on the Windows VM. Note: Using EqualLogic or NetApp storag e requires a Citrix XenServer Advanced Edition or higher license.
103 Member failur es In the absence of HA, master nodes detect the failur es of members by receiving regular heartbeat messages. If no heartbeat has been received for 600 seconds, the master assumes the member is dead. There are two way s to rec over from this pr oblem: • Repair the dead host (e.
104 If the master is really dead, choose one of the members and run the command xe pool-emergency-tr ansition- to-mast er on it. Once it has become the master , run the command xe pool-recover-sla ves and the members will now point to the ne w master .
105 xe pool-emergency-transition-to-master xe pool-recover-slaves 2. If the commands succeed, res tart the VMs. T o res tore a pool with all hos ts failed 1. Run the command: xe pool-restore-database file-name= < backup > W arning: This command will only succeed if the target machine has an appropriate number of appropria tely named NICs.
106 Monitoring and Managing X enSer ver XenServer and XenCent er provide access to alerts that are generat ed when noteworthy things happen. XenCen ter provides v arious mechanisms of grouping and maint aining metadat a about managed VMs, hosts, st orage repositories, and so on.
107 The following alerts appear on the performance graphs in XenCenter . See the XenCent er online help for more inf ormation: • vm_cloned • vm_crashed • vm_rebooted • vm_resumed • vm_shutdo.
108 alarm_trigger_period number of seconds that values above or below the alarm threshold can be r eceived bef ore an alarm is sent (def ault 60 ) alarm_auto_inhibit_period number of seconds this alar.
109 The def ault priority level is 5 . Note: Some SMTP server s only forw ard mails with addresses that use F QDNs. If y ou find that emails are not being forwarded it may be for this reason, in which case you can set the server hostname to the F QDN so this is used when connecting to your mail server .
110 T r oubleshooting Citrix provides two forms of support: free, self-help support on the Citrix Support website and paid-for Support Services, which you can purchase from the Support site. With Citrix T echnical Support, you can open a Support Case online or cont act the support center by phone if y ou experience technic al difficulties.
111 xe host-param-set uuid= < xenserver_host_uuid > logging:syslog_destination= < hostname > 2. Issue the command: xe host-syslog-reconfigure uuid= < xenserver_host_uuid > to enf orce the change. (Y ou can also ex ecute this command remot ely by specifying the host paramet er .
112 Appendix A. Command Line Int erface This chapter describes the XenServer command line interface (CLI). The xe CLI enables the writing of scripts for automating s ystem administr ation tasks and allows in tegra tion of XenServer in to an exis ting IT infras tructure.
113 -u username -pw passwor d -pwf passwor d file -p port -s server Example: On a r emote XenServer host: xe vm-list -u < myuser > -pw < mypassword > -s < hostname > Arguments are also tak en from the environmen t variable XE_EXTRA_ARGS , in the form of comma-separ ated k ey/value pairs.
114 • < class > -param-g et • < class > -param-se t • < class > -param-lis t • < class > -param-add • < class > -param-r emove • < class > -param-clear .
115 platform (MRW): acpi: true; apic: true; pae: true; nx: false allowed-operations (SRO): pause; clean_shutdown; clean_reboot; hard_shutdown; hard_reboot; suspend The platform paramet er has a list of items that repr esent key/v alue pairs. The k ey names are followed by a colon char acter (:).
116 xe vm-list params=all Note that some parameter s that are expensive to calculat e will not be shown by the list command. These parame ters will be shown as, f or example: allowed-VBD-devices (SRO).
117 Creat es an appliance/vApp. For e xample: xe appliance-create name-label=my_appliance Add VMs to the appliance: xe vm-param-set uuid= < VM-UUID > appliance= < appliance-uuid > xe vm-p.
118 xe audit-log-get since=2009-09-24T17:56:20.530Z filename=/tmp/auditlog-pool-actions.out Bonding Commands Commands f or working with netw ork bonds, for r esilience with physical interf ace failov er . See the section called “Creating NIC Bonds on a St andalone Host” for details.
119 Par ameter Name Description Type sr-uuid The unique identifier/ object ref erence for the SR this CD is part of read only sr-name-label The name for the SR this CD is part of read only vbd-uuids A.
120 List the CDs and ISOs (CD image files) on the X enServer host or pool, filt ering on the optional argument params . If the optional argument params is used, the value of params is a string cont aining a list of parame ters of this object that you want to display .
121 sr-whitelist lis ts SR UUIDs, drtask-create will only intr oduce and connect to an SR which has one of the whitelist ed UUIDs drtask-destr oy drtask-destroy uuid= < dr-task-uuid > Destr oys a disast er recov ery task and for gets the introduced SR.
122 On the primary site, enable dat abase replication: xe sr-database-replication uuid= < sr=uuid > In the event of disaster , on the secondary site, connect to the SR:(note device-config has the same fields as sr- probe ).
123 Class name Description pbd The physical block devices thr ough which hosts access SRs even t-wait event-wait class= < class_name > [ < param-name > = < param_value > ] [ < par.
124 Par ameter Name Description T ype gpu-group-name-label The name of the GPU group to which the pGPU is assigned Read only host-uuid The unique identifier/object ref erence for the XenServer host to.
125 Par ameter Name Description T ype vm-uuid The unique identifier/object ref erence for the VM to which the vGPU is assigned Read only vm-name-label The name of the VM to which the vGPU is assigned .
126 Host P arameter s XenServer hos ts have the f ollowing parameter s: Par ameter Name Description T ype uuid The unique identifier/object ref erence for the XenServer host read only name-label The n.
127 Par ameter Name Description T ype license-server • A list of k ey/value pairs that specify information about the license server • The def ault port for communica tions with Citrix products is 27000. For inf ormation on changing port numbers due to conflicts, see the Licensing Y our Pr oduct section on Citrix eDocs .
128 Par ameter Name Description T ype external-auth-type T ype of external authentication, for e xample, Active Directory . read only external-auth-service-name The name of the external authentica tion service read only external-auth-c onfigura tion Configuration inf ormation for the ext ernal authentication service.
129 Par ameter Name Description Type size size of the cr ashdump, in bytes read only host-back up host-backup file-name= < backup_filename > hos t= < host_name > Download a backup of the control domain of the specified XenServer host to the machine that the command is inv oked fr om, and save it there as a file with the name file-name .
130 Get a Xen dmesg (the output of the k ernel ring buff er) from specified X enServer hosts. The host(s) on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see host selectors above). Optional arguments can be any number of the host paramet ers listed at the beginning of this section.
131 Download sys tem sta tus informa tion into the specified file. The optional paramet er entries is a comma- separa ted list of syst em status entries, tak en from the capabilities XML fragmen t returned by the host-g et- sys tem-st atus-capabilities command.
132 The host(s) on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see host selector s above). host-is-in-emer gency-mode host-is-in-emergency-mode Returns true if the host the CLI is talking to is currently in emergency mode, false otherwise.
133 W arning: Be extr emely care ful when using this CLI command off-hos t, since once it is run it will not be possible to connect t o the control domain r emotely over the network to r e-enable it.
134 Reboot the specified XenServer hosts. The specified hosts must be disabled first using the x e host-disable command, otherwise a HOST_IN_USE error messag e is displayed. The host(s) on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see host selectors above).
135 The host(s) on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see host selectors above). Optional arguments can be any number of the host paramet ers listed at the beginning of this section. host-dat a-source-lis t host-data-source-list [ < host-selectors > = < hos t selector value > .
136 Log Commands Commands for w orking with logs. log-set-output log-set-output output=nil | stderr | file: < filename > | syslog: < s ysloglocation > [ke y= < k ey > ] [level= debug | inf o | warning | error] Set the output of the specified logger .
137 message-destr oy message-destroy {uuid= < message_uuid > } Destr oys an exis ting message. Y ou can build a script to destr oy all messages. For ex ample: # Dismiss all alerts IFS=",&q.
138 Par ameter Name Description Type other-config:eth tool- autoneg set to no to disable autonegotiation of the phy sical interf ace or bridge. Default is yes .
139 Par ameter Name Description Type name-label The name of the patch read only name-description The description string of the pat ch read only applied Whether or not the patch has been applied; true .
140 Par ameter Name Description Type uuid The unique identifier/ object ref erence f or the PBD. read only sr-uuid the storage repository that the PBD points to read only device-config additional conf.
141 PIF Par ameters PIFs ha ve the f ollowing paramet ers: Par ameter Name Description Type uuid the unique identifier/ object ref erence for the PIF read only device machine-readable name of the interf ace (for ex ample, eth0) read only MAC the MAC address of the PIF read only other-config Additional PIF configur ation name:value pairs.
142 Par ameter Name Description Type netmask Netmask of the PIF , defined here if IP- configur ation-mode is static; undefined if supplied by DHCP read only ga tewa y Gatewa y address of the PIF , def.
143 Par ameter Name Description Type other-config:eth tool-gso set to on to enable generic segmenta tion offload, off to disable read write other-config:domain comma-separ ated list used to set the DN.
144 Using static IP addresses on physical network interf aces connected to a port on a swit ch using Spanning T ree Protocol with STP Fast Link turned off (or unsupported) results in a period during which there is no tr affic. pif-scan pif-scan host-uuid= < UUID of X enServer host > Scan f or new physic al interf aces on a XenServer host.
145 Par ameter Name Description T ype other-config a list of key/v alue pairs that specify additional configur ation paramet ers for the pool read/write map par ameter supported-sr-types SR types that.
146 pool-eject pool-eject host-uuid= < UUID of X enServer host to eject > Instruct the specified X enServer host to lea ve an exis ting pool. pool-emergency-r eset-master pool-emergency-reset-ma.
147 For ce the pool database to be s ynchroniz ed across all hos ts in the resour ce pool. This is not necessary in normal opera tion since the database is regularly automatically replica ted, but can be useful for ensuring changes are rapidly r eplicat ed after perf orming a significant set of CLI oper ations.
148 Par ameter Name Description Type allowed-oper ations list of the opera tions allowed on the SR in this sta te read only set par ameter current-oper ations list of the operations that are currently.
149 The ex act device-config parame ters dif fer depending on the device type . See Storage for de tails of these parame ters acr oss the diff erent s tor age back ends. sr-destr oy sr-destroy uuid= < sr_uuid > Destr oys the specified SR on the X enServer host.
150 For ce an SR scan, syncing the xapi da tabase with VDIs presen t in the underlying stor age substr ate. T ask Commands Commands for working with long-running asynchronous tasks.
151 Par ameter Name Description Type subtasks contains the UUID(s) of all the subtasks of this task read only task-cancel task-cancel [uuid= < task_uuid > ] Direct the specified T ask to cancel and r eturn. T emplate Commands Commands for w orking with VM templates.
152 Par ameter Name Description T ype memory-dynamic-max dynamic maximum memor y in bytes. Currently unused, but if changed the follo wing constr aint must be obeyed: memory_static_max >= memory_dynamic_max >= memory_dynamic_min >= memory_static_min .
153 Par ameter Name Description T ype VCPUs-par ams configura tion parameter s for the selected VCPU policy . Y ou can tune a VCPU's pinning with xe template-param-set uuid= < template_uuid > VCPUs-params:mask=1,2,3 A VM cr eated from this templat e will then run on phy sical CPUs 1, 2, and 3 only .
154 Par ameter Name Description T ype allowed-oper ations list of the operations allowed in this sta te read only set par ameter current-oper ations list of the oper ations tha t ar e currently in pro.
155 Par ameter Name Description T ype resident-on the XenServer host on which a VM based on this template is currently resident; appears as <not in database> for a templat e read only affinity a.
156 Par ameter Name Description T ype PV-driver s-version the ver sions of the para virtualized drivers for a VM based on this template; appears as <not in database> for a templat e read only ma.
157 Par ameter Name Description T ype recommenda tions XML specification of recommended values and rang es f or pr operties of this VM read only x enstore-da ta data to be inserted into the x enstore tree (/local/domain/ <domid>/vm-data) after the VM is creat ed.
158 update-upload update-upload file-name= < name_of_upload_file > Streams a new software image to a OEM edition XenServer host. Y ou must then rest art the host for this to tak e eff ect.
159 Par ameter Name Description T ype mode the mode the VBD should be mounted with read/write type how the VBD appears to the VM, for e xample disk or CD read/write currently-a ttached True if the VBD.
160 vdi-uuid= < uuid_of_the_vdi_the_vbd_will_connect_t o > [bootable=true] [type= < Disk | CD > ] [mode= < RW | R O > ] Creat e a new VBD on a VM. Appropria te values for the device field are listed in the parameter allowed-VBD-devices on the specified VM.
161 The VDI objects can be list ed with the s tandard object lis ting c ommand ( x e vdi-lis t ), and the par ameters manipulated with the standar d paramet er commands.
162 Par ameter Name Description Type x enstore-da ta data to be inserted into the xens tore tree ( /local/domain/0/backend/ vbd/ < domid > / < device-id > /sm- data ) after the VDI is attached. This is generally set by the SM backends on vdi_at tach .
163 SR types that support sparse allocation of disks (such as Local VHD and NFS) do not enforce virtual allocation of disks. Users should there for e t ak e great care when over-alloc ating virtual disk space on an SR.
164 vdi-snapshot vdi-snapshot uuid= < uuid_of_the_vdi > [driver-par ams= < params > ] Produces a read-write version of a VDI that can be used as a ref erence for backup and/or template creation purposes. Y ou can perform a backup from a snapshot rather than installing and running backup software inside the VM.
165 Par ameter Name Description T ype MTU Ma ximum T ransmission Unit of the VIF in bytes. This paramet er is read-only , but you can override the MTU setting with the mtu ke y using the other-config map paramet er .
166 Par ameter Name Description T ype other-config:pr omiscuous true to a VIF to be promiscuous on the bridge, so that it sees all tra ffic over the bridge.
167 vlan-creat e vlan-create pif-uuid= < uuid_of_pif > vlan= < vlan_number > network-uuid= < uuid_of_network > Creat e a new VLAN on a XenServer hos t.
168 Par ameter Name Description T ype ver sion the number of times this VM has been recov ered - if a user wishes to over write a new VM with an older ver sion, then they must call vm-r ecover read on.
169 Par ameter Name Description T ype VCPUs-par ams configura tion parameter s for the selected VCPU policy . Y ou can tune a VCPU's pinning with xe vm-param-set uuid= < vm_uuid > VCPUs-params:mask=1,2,3 The selected VM will then run on physical CPUs 1, 2, and 3 only .
170 Par ameter Name Description T ype actions-after-cr ash action to t ak e if the VM crashes. For PV guests, valid parameter s are: preserve (f or analysis only), coredump_and_r estart (recor d a cor.
171 Par ameter Name Description T ype PV-k ernel path to the k ernel read/write PV-ramdisk path to the initr d read/write PV-args string of k ernel command line arguments read/write PV-legacy-ar gs st.
172 Par ameter Name Description T ype VCPUs-number the number of virtual CPUs assigned to the VM For a paravirtualiz ed Linux VM, this number can differ from VCPUS-max and can be changed without r ebooting the VM using the vm- vcpu-hotplug command. See the section called “vm-vcpu- hotplug ” .
173 Par ameter Name Description T ype actions-after-shut down action to tak e after the VM has shutdown read/write actions-after-r eboot action to tak e after the VM has rebooted read/write possible-h.
174 vm-assert-can-be-reco vered vm-assert-can-be-recovered < uuid > [ < database > ] < vdi-uuid > T ests whether s torag e is available t o recov er this VM. vm-cd-add vm-cd-add cd-name= < name_of_new_cd > device= < int eger_value_of_an_available_vbd > [ < vm-selector > = < vm_selector_value > .
175 The VM or VMs on which this oper ation should be perf ormed are selected using the s tandard selection mechanism (see VM selectors ). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM paramet ers listed at the beginning of this section.
176 List cr ashdumps associated with the specified VMs. If the optional argument params is used, the value of params is a string cont aining a list of parame ters of this object that you want to display . Alternativ ely , you can use the ke yword all to show all paramet ers.
177 Display the specified da ta source f or a VM. Select the VM(s) on which to perform this operation by using the standard selection mechanism (see VM selector s ). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM parameter s listed at the beginning of this section.
178 If the metadata parameter is true , then the disks are not exported, and only the VM metadata is written to the output file. This is intended to be used when the underlying storag e is transf erred through other mechanisms, and permits the VM inf ormation to be recr eated (see the section called “vm-import ” ).
179 vm-memory-shadow-multiplier-set vm-memory-shadow-multiplier-set [ < vm-selector > = < vm_selector_value > ...] [multiplier= < float_memory_multiplier > ] Set the shadow memory multiplier for the specified VM. This is an advanced option which modifies the amoun t of shadow memory assigned to a hardw are-assist ed VM.
180 The VM or VMs on which this oper ation should be perf ormed are selected using the s tandard selection mechanism (see VM selectors ). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM paramet ers listed at the beginning of this section. This is an advanced command only to be used when a member host in a pool goes down.
181 vm-uninstall vm-uninstall [ < vm-selector > = < vm_selector_value > ...] [f orce= < true | false > ] Uninstall a VM, destr oying its disks (those VDIs that are marked RW and c onnected t o this VM only) as well as its metada ta recor d.
182 pool-retriev e-wlb-diagnostics Use the pool-retriev e-wlb-diagnostics command to return the full contents of the W orkload Balancing Log file for the W orkload Balancing server that the pool is currently using. This command also returns some version inf ormation.
183 pool-deconfigure-wlb Permanen tly deletes all workload balancing c onfigura tion. pool-retriev e-wlb-configuration Prints all W orkload Balancing configura tion informa tion to st andard out. pool-retriev e-wlb-recommendations Prints all W orkload Balancing recommendations t o standar d out.
184 xe pool-retrieve-wlb-report report=pool_health_history LocaleCode= < en > Start= < -3 > End= < 0 > PoolID= < c75f9ee9-422f-9cde-4781-24f6cbd9279c > UTCOffset= < -5 > filename= < /pool_health_history > .
185 config:HostPifR eadThresholdCritical= < HostPifR eadThresholdCritical=value > config:HostPifR eadThresholdHigh= < HostPifReadThresholdHigh=value > config:set_host_configur ation= < true | false > .
186 Appendix B. W orkload Balancing Ser vice Commands Service Commands Run the following ser vice commands on the W orkload Balancing appliance. T o do so, you must log in to the W orkload Balancing virtual appliance. Logging in to the W orkload Balancing Virtual Appliance Bef ore you can run any ser vice commands or edit the wlb.
187 Modifying the W orkload Balancing configura tion options Many W orkload Balancing configurations, such as the database and web-service configuration options, are stor ed in the wlb.conf file, a configur ation file on the W orkload Balancing virtual appliance.
188 Double-check any values you en ter in the wlb.conf file: W orkload Balancing does not validat e values in the wlb.conf file. Consequen tly , if the configur ation par ameter s you specify ar e not within the requir ed range, W orkload Balancing does not gener ate an err or log.
189 Logging Option T race Flag Benefit or Purpose Data Save T race DataSa veT race Logs de tails about the pool being sav ed to the dat abase. Score Host T race ScoreHos tT race Logs details about how W orkload Balancing is arriving at a score for a hos t.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Citrix Systems 6 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Citrix Systems 6 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Citrix Systems 6 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Citrix Systems 6 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Citrix Systems 6, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Citrix Systems 6.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Citrix Systems 6. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Citrix Systems 6 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.