Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto UBR900 del fabbricante Cisco Systems
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Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 1 Configur ing the Cisco uBR900 Ser ies Cab le Access Routers This document addresses the follo wing topics: • Feature Overvie w on page 1 .
Feature Overview 2 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Cisco IOS Software F eature Sets This section briefly descri bes the common feature sets supported by the Cisco uBR900 series cable access routers.
Cisco IOS Software Feature Sets Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 3 Base IP Bridging Base IP Bridging includes full and DOCSIS-complia nt bridging and DOCSIS Baseline Priv acy. The Base IP Bridging feature set allows the Cisco u BR900 series cable access router to function as a DOCSIS 1.
Feature Overview 4 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T In f i re wall mode, the Cisco uBR900 series cabl e access router pro vides a high-speed Internet connection for an off ice’ s local network while prote.
Data Operations Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 5 Figure 1 T ypical Cisco Broa dband Data Cable System Operating Modes The broadband data cable system uses multiple types of access cont rol to ensure eff icient use of bandwidth over a wi de range of loading conditions.
Feature Overview 6 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Note Interactiv e games are the exception. Although low latenc y is required in gaming applications, high upstream data throughput is not demanded si nce the volume of data transmitted upstream is typically small.
Data Operations Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 7 Ser vice Assignments Each Cisco uBR900 series cable access router on the network is configured to receiv e data on a particular downstream channel. A do wnstream channel contains upstr eam segment(s).
Feature Overview 8 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T The Cisco uBR900 series complies with the DOCSIS standards for interoperable cable access routers; it supports fu ll transparent bridging as well as DOCSIS-complia nt transparent bridging.
Data Operations Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 9 Figure 3 Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Rout er in a Routing Configuratio n with a Hub Layer 2 T unneling Protocol Layer 2 .
Feature Overview 10 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Port Address T ranslation (P A T) is a similar mechanism that enables al l internal hosts to share a single registered IP address (man y- to-o ne translation).
Voice Over IP Operations Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 11 Figure 4 Simplifi ed V oIP Over Cable Network Y our comp an y can then deploy IP telephon y as a local-loop bypass service where v o ice packets are transferred from the CMTS to: • A telephony gatekeeper when using H.
Feature Overview 12 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T • In general, fax/modem cards are not supported o ver V oIP links. Contact your network management, provisioning, or operation s team to determine what your network supports.
Voice Over IP Operations Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 13 The Cisco uBR924 cable access router su pports the follo wi ng service classes: • The first CoS in the router’ s configuration f ile is conf igured as the “T iered Best Effort T ype Class” used by the router as the primary QoS for all regular data traff ic.
Feature Overview 14 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Note T o support voice conf iguratio ns in volving Cisc o gatekeeper products using RAS, the headend must ha ve IP multicast enabled. The cable interf ace must be designated as the default for RAS to discov er the gatekeeper .
Voice Over IP Operations Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 15 Back up PO TS Connection The Cisco uBR924 cable access router prov ides an RJ-11 port (Line) that connects to a standard analog telephone wall jack.
Feature Overview 16 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Note The backup PO TS connection enables on ly one of the V oIP ports on the Cisco uBR924 to function during a po wer outage.
Security Features Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 17 Firewall Cisco uBR900 series cable access routers act as bu ffers between an y connected public and priv ate networks. In fire wall mode, Cisco cable access routers use access lists and other methods to ensure the security of the priv ate network.
Feature Overview 18 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Configuration Options The Cisco uBR900 series cable access router typically ships from the f actory ready to work in the Base IP Bridging (DOCSIS-comp liant bridging) data-only mode .
Configuration Options Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 19 The following sections describe the initial power -on and provisioning sequences in more detai l, as well as the requirements that must be met b y both the cable acces s router and the CMTS before provisioning can be successful.
Feature Overview 20 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T 4 Establish IP connectivity . After the next MAP message broadcast, the router uses a shared require tim eslot to in vo ke Dynamic Host Conf iguration Protocol (DHCP) to establish IP connec tivity with the TCP/IP network at the headend.
Configuration Options Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 21 At this point the router is online and operationa l in the basic DOCSIS bridging (“plug and play”) mode.
Feature Overview 22 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T The sequence numbers shown in T able 3 are also shown in Figure 5 belo w . The Cisco uBR900 series cable access router will complete al l the steps shown in the table an d flo wchart each time it needs to reregister with the CMTS.
Basic Troubleshoot ing Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 23 Figure 6 illustrates the traffic flo w during the ini tialization process. Figure 6 Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Ac cess Router Provisioning Overview Note For more detail on the pro visioning process, see the DOCSIS 1.
Feature Overview 24 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T The following is the normal progression of states as the Cisc o uBR900 seri es re gisters with the CMTS: wait_for_link_up_state ds_channel_scanning_state.
Basic Troubleshoot ing Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 25 508148.580 CMAC_LOG_RNG_REQ_QUEUED 2 508155.820 CMAC_LOG_RNG_REQ_TRANSMITTED 508155.824 CMAC_LOG_RNG_RSP_MSG_RCVD 508155.826 CMAC_LOG_ADJUST_RANGING_OFFSET -64 508155.826 CMAC_LOG_RANGING_OFFSET_SET_TO 11954 508155.
Feature Overview 26 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T In the following paragraphs, a sample log file is broken do wn into the chronological sequence of e vent s listed below .
Basic Troubleshoot ing Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 27 The downstream frequenc y search table is arranged so that the f irst frequenci es that are scanned are abov e 450 MHz.
Feature Overview 28 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T 508148.568 CMAC_LOG_RNG_RSP_SID_ASSIGNED 2 508148.570 CMAC_LOG_ADJUST_RANGING_OFFSET 2408 508148.572 CMAC_LOG_RANGING_OFFSET_SET_TO 12018 508148.574 CMAC_LOG_ADJUST_TX_POWER 20 508148.576 CMAC_LOG_POWER_LEVEL_IS 33.
Basic Troubleshoot ing Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 29 Note “Full security” was a request made b y cable se rvice providers for a v e ry strong authorization and authentication check by the CMTS.
Benefits 30 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T 851.088 CMAC_LOG_STATE_CHANGE establish_privacy_state 851.094 CMAC_LOG_PRIVACY_FSM_STATE_CHANGE machine: KEK, event/state: EVENT_1_PROVISIONED/STATE_A_START, new state: STATE_B_AUTH_WAIT 851.102 CMAC_LOG_BPKM_REQ_TRANSMITTED 851.
Restrictions Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 31 Restrictions When using the Cisco uBR900 se ries cable access router , keep the following restrictions and limitations in mind:.
Supported Platforms 32 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Suppor ted Platf orms The Cisco uBR900 series cable access router is a stan dalone de vice; it works in conjunction with the Cisco uBR7246 and the Cisco uBR7223 universal broadband routers.
Supported MIBs and RFCs Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 33 • The CMTS system administrator must ensure a ppropriate databases are updated to activ ate and support the new su.
Supported MIBs and RFCs 34 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T • Cable-specific MIBs—These MIBs provide info rmation about the cable interface and related information on the Cisco uBR900 series cable access router . They include both DOCSIS-required MIBs and Cisco-specific ente rprise MIBs.
Supported MIBs and RFCs Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 35 The Cisco uBR900 series cable access ro uter also supports the following: • Radio Frequency Interf ace Specification—Dev elope d by the Multimedia Cable Network System (MCNS) consortium.
Configuration Tasks 36 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T — xgcpUpDownNotif ication —Notification sent when the prot ocol status changes between up and down For descriptions of supported MIBs and h o w to use MIBs, see Cisco’ s MIB web site on CCO at http://www .
Configuring a Host Name and Password Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 37 Configuring a Host Name and P ass wor d One of the first configuration tasks you might want to perform is to configure a host name and set an encrypted password.
Configuring Ethernet and Ca ble Access Router Interfaces 38 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T • Exit global configuration mode and attempt to reenter it using the new enable password: cisco# exit cisco con0 is now available Press RETURN to get started.
Configuring Rout ing Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 39 Configuring Routing DOCSIS-compliant transparent brid ging is the factory default conf igurati on of the Cisco uBR900 series cable access router .
Configuring Routing 40 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T V er ifying Routing T o verify that bridging is not configured, routing is enabled, and that Rou ting Information Protocol is configured on the interf aces, enter the show startup-conf ig command: uBR924# show startup-config Building configuration.
Configuring Bridg i ng Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 41 Configuring Bridging The Cisco uBR900 series cable access router is conf igured for DOCSIS-compliant transparent bridging by default.
Configuring Bridgin g 42 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T When the cable interface comes up, the IP address and do wnst ream channel are configured automatically .
Reestablishing DOCSIS -Compliant Bridging Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 43 interface cable-modem0 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast no ip route-cache no keepalive cable.
Customizing the Cable Access Router Interface 44 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T voice-port 0 ! ! voice-port 1 ! ! interface Ethernet0 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast no ip route-cache bridge-group .
Using Multiple PCs with the Cable Access Router Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 45 Using Multiple PCs with the Cable Access Router The MAX CPE parameter in the DOCSIS configuration file determines ho w many PCs or other CPE devic es are supported by a particular cable access router .
Configuration Examples 46 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Configuration Examples This section provides the following conf i guration examples: • Basic Internet Access Bridging Co nf ig uration on page 46.
Basic Internet Access Routing Configuration Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 47 line con 0 transport input none line vty 0 4 login ! end Basic Inter net Access Routing Configur.
Configuration Examples 48 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Multicast-Enab led Routing Configuration The following conf iguration is for a Cisco uBR900 seri es that uses PIM sparse-dense mode and belongs to a specifi c multicast gr oup. Other multicast routing proto cols such as PIM sparse-mode or PIM dense-mode can be used.
VoIP Bridging Configuration Usin g H.323v2 Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 49 V oIP Br idging Config uration Using H.323v2 In this example, the Cisco uBR900 series is confi gured for bridging, with an H.323v2 dial peer to another Cisco uBR900 series att ached to the same do wnstream interface on the headend CMTS.
Configuration Examples 50 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T V oIP Routing Configuration Using H.323v2 In this example, the Cisco uBR900 series is configur ed for IP routing, with an H.323v2 di al peer to another Cisco uBR900 series att ached to the same do wnstream interface on the headend CMTS.
NAT/PAT Configuration Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 51 line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 transport input none line vty 0 4 login ! ! end NA T/P A T Configuration Current configuration: ! ! No configuration change since last restart ! version 12.
Configuration Examples 52 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T V oIP Br idging Configuration Using SGCP In this example, Cisco uBR924 is configured to support V oIP in bridgin g mode using SGCP . Note the following in the sample configuration f ile: • SGCP is enabled.
IPSec Config uration Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 53 ! interface cable-modem0 ip address no ip directed-broadcast no ip route-cache no ip mroute-ca.
Configuration Examples 54 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T crypto ipsec transform-set test-transform ah-md5-hmac esp-des esp-md5-hmac ! crypto map test-ipsec local-address cable-modem0 crypto map test-ipsec 10 ipsec-isakmp set peer set transform-set test-transform match address 100 ! interface Ethernet0 ip address 24.
L2TP Configuration Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 55 Current configuration: ! ! Last configuration change at 20:24:59 - Thu Dec 23 1999 ! NVRAM config last updated at 20:34:52 - Thu Dec 23 1999 ! version 12.
Command Reference 56 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Command Reference This section describes the follo wi ng cable-modem interface commands for the Cisco uBR900 series cable access router for Cisco IOS Release 12.
cable-modem compliant bridge Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 57 cable-modem compliant bridge T o enable DOCSIS-compliant transp arent bridging for a cable access ro uter interface at startup, use the cable-modem compliant command from interface co nf iguration mode.
cable-modem compliant bridge 58 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Related Commands Command Description cable-modem downstr eam saved channel Modifies the sa ved do wnstream channel setting and upstream po wer value on the cable interface of a Cisco uBR900 series.
cable-modem downstre am sav ed channel Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 59 cable-modem do wnstream saved c h annel T o modify the saved do wnstream channel setting and upstream power value on a cable access router interface, enter the cable-modem downstr eam sav ed channel command from interface configuration mode.
cable-modem downstream saved channel 60 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Related Commands Command Description cable-modem compliant bridge Enables DOCSIS-compliant transparen t bridging on the Cisco uBR900 series at startup. cable-modem fast-search Enables a faster do wnstream s earch algorithm on the cable interface of a Cisco uBR900 series.
cable-modem fast-search Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 61 cable-modem fast-sear ch T o enable a faster downstream search algori thm on a cable access router interface, use the cable-modem fast-search command from interfa ce co nfiguration mode.
cable-modem fast-search 62 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Related Commands Command Description cable-modem compliant bridge Enables DOCSIS-compliant transparen t bridging on the Cisco uBR900 series at startup.
cable-modem upstream preamble qpsk Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 63 cable-modem upstream preamb le qpsk T o enable the QPSK modulati on scheme in the upstream direction from the cable access router interface to the headend, enter the cable-modem upstr e am preamble qp sk command from interface conf iguration mode.
cable-modem upstream preamble qpsk 64 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Related Commands Command Description cable-modem compliant bridge Enables DOCSIS-compliant transparen t bridging on the Cisco uBR900 series at startup.
cable-modem voip best-effort Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 65 cable-modem v oip best-effort T o allow v oice calls to be sent upstream ove r the cable interface via best ef fort, use the cable-modem voip best-eff ort command from interface conf iguration mode.
cable-modem voip best-effort 66 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Related Commands Command Description cable-modem compliant bridge Enables DOCSIS-compliant transparen t bridging on the Cisco uBR900 series at startup.
interface cable-modem Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 67 interface cable-modem T o specify the cable interface on a Cisco uBR900 series cable access router , enter the interface cable-modem command from global configuration mode.
interface cable-modem 68 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Related Commands Command Description cable-modem compliant bridge Enables DOCSIS-compliant transparen t bridging on the Cisco uBR900 series at startup.
show bridge cable-modem Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 69 show bridge cable-modem T o display bridging informa tion for a Cisco uBR900 series cable access router , enter the show bridge cable-m odem command from privile g ed EXEC mode.
show bridge cable-modem 70 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Related Commands Command Description show contr ollers cable-modem Displays the current DHCP settings on point-to -point interfaces. show interfaces cable-modem Displays information abou t the cable interface on the Cisco uBR900 series cable access router .
show con troll ers cable-modem Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 71 show contr o ller s cable-modem T o display high-lev el controller information abou t a Cisco uBR900 series cable access router , use the show controllers cable-modem comm and in pri vileged EXEC mode.
show controllers cable-modem 72 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Examples Foll owing is s ample output fo r the show contr ollers cable-modem 0 command: uBR924# show controllers cable-modem 0 BCM Cable interface 0: BCM3300 unit 0, idb 0x200EB4, ds 0x82D4748, regaddr = 0x800000, reset_mask 0x80 station address 0010.
show con troll ers cable-modem Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 73 ehdr: 01 06 02 74 34 11 01 status=0x00 bd_index=0x0001 len=0x0000 hdr_len=0x0000 ehdr: 01 06 02 74 34 11 02 s.
show controllers cable-modem 74 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T data mcf ilter MA C control filter for dat a. DS Downstream Broadcom rece i ver chip number and ID. US Upstream Broadcom trans mitter chip number and ID. T uner: status Current status of the tuner .
show con troll ers cable-modem Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 75 TX PD ring: tx_head_pd tx_tail_pd ehdr Indicates the memory location of the beginni ng of buf fer information for the transmit packet descriptor ring. Indicates current head pack et descriptor .
show controllers cable-modem 76 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Related Commands Command Description show contr ollers cable-modem bpkm Displays information abou t the baseline pri vacy k ey management exchange between the Cisco uBR900 series and the CMTS.
show controllers cable-modem bpkm Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 77 show contr ollers cable-modem bpkm T o display in formation about the b aseline pr iv acy ke y management .
show controllers cable-modem bpkm 78 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T T able 7 describes the fields shown in the display . Related Commands T able 7 show controller s cable-m odem bpkm Field Desc riptions F.
show controllers cable-modem des Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 79 show contr ollers cable-modem des T o display in formation about the D ata Encryptio n Standard (DES) engine registers, use the sho w controllers cable-modem des command in pri vi le g ed EXEC mode.
show controllers cable-modem des 80 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T pb_req_bytes_to_minislots=0x10 us_des_ctrl=0x00, us_des_sid_1= 0x1234 ds_unencrypted_length=0x0C T able 8 briefly describes some of the fields sho w n in the display . For more information, see the Broadcom documentat ion for the BCM3300 chip.
show controllers cable-modem filters Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 81 show contr o ller s cable-modem filter s T o display the registers in the MA C hardware that are used for f i ltering recei ved frames, use the show controllers cable-modem f ilters com mand in pri vileged EXEC mode.
show controllers ca ble-mode m filters 82 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Examples MA C and SID filter information is displayed in the foll o wing example: uBR924# show controllers cable-modem 0 filters downstream mac message processing: ds_mac_da_filters: filter_1=0010.
show controllers cable-modem filters Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 83 Related Commands Minislots per request Length of each registration request in mini-slots. burst_ma ps Maps the b urst profiles sa ved in the BCM30 37 registers to interv al usage codes (IUCs).
show controllers cable-modem lookup-table 84 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T show contr o ller s cable-modem lookup-table T o display the mini-slot lookup tab le inside a Cisco uBR900 series, use the show contr ollers cable-modem lookup-t able command in privileged EXEC mode.
show controll ers cable-modem look up-table Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 85 Examples The mini-slot lookup table is displayed in the following example: uBR924# show controll.
show controllers cable-modem lookup-table 86 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T 370: 3C 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 380: 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 390: 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B.
show controll ers cable-modem look up-table Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 87 88: 07BC 07BC 07BC 07BC 07BC 07BC 07BC 07BC 90: 07BC 07BC 07BC 07BC 07BC 0898 0898 0898 98: 0898.
show controllers cable-modem mac 88 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T show contr ollers cable-modem mac T o display detailed MA C-l ayer information for a Cisco uBR900 series, use the show contro llers cable-modem mac command in privileged EXEC mode.
show controllers cable-modem mac Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 89 Example 1 The following sample display sho ws the MAC log f ile for a cable-modem interface that has successfully registered with the CMTS: uBR924# show controllers cable-modem 0 mac log 00:14:24: 864.
show controllers cable-modem mac 90 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T 00:14:32: 872.856 CMAC_LOG_RANGING_SUCCESS 00:14:32: 872.874 CMAC_LOG_STATE_CHANGE dhcp_state 00:14:33: 873.386 CMAC_LOG_DHCP_ASSIGNED_IP_ADDRESS 00:14:33: 873.388 CMAC_LOG_DHCP_TFTP_SERVER_ADDRESS 4.
show controllers cable-modem mac Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 91 This output indicates that the Cisco uBR900 series acquired a downstream lock, successfully read a UCD, and successfully read a MAP . Howe ver , it was unable to communicate with the C MTS after ranging through all upstream transmit power lev els.
show controllers cable-modem mac 92 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T The follo wing example indicates that an e vent in the cable interf ace driver caus ed the interface to reset. This often occurs because a shut or clear command is currently being issued on the interfac e.
show controllers cable-modem mac Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 93 CMAC_LOG_RESET_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE The CMTS has f ailed the Cisco uBR900 series’ registration because a require d or requested class of service is not available.
show controllers cable-modem mac 94 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Example 4 The following example display for the show controllers cable-modem 0 mac hardware command sho ws the detailed configuration of the interface driv er and the MAC-layer hardware. The most interesting bit is the station address (hardware address).
show controllers cable-modem mac Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 95 TX BD ring with 8 entries at 0x201FB8, tx_count = 0 tx_head = 0x201FB8 (0), head_txp = 0x82D4888 (0) tx_tai.
show controllers cable-modem mac 96 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T burst profiles: profile 0: 01 19 1D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00.
show controllers cable-modem mac Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 97 Example 5 The show contr ollers ca ble-modem mac state command summarizes the state of the cable MA C layer and provides a list of do wnstream search frequency bands and the order in which they are searched.
show controllers cable-modem mac 98 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Burst Descriptor 0: Interval Usage Code: 1 Modulation Type: 1 Differential Encoding: 2 Preamble Length: 64 Preamble Value Offset: 56 FEC .
show controllers cable-modem mac Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Series Cable Access Routers 99 COS 1: Assigned SID: 5 Max Downstream Rate: 4000000 Max Upstream Rate: 2000000 Upstream Priority: 7 Min Ups.
show controllers cable-modem mac 100 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T DS Frequency Downstream freque nc y acquired by the Cisco u BR900 series during its last initializati on sequence. DS Symbol Rate Downstream fre quenc y in symbols per second. DS QAM Mode Downstream modu lation scheme being used by the Cisco uBR900 series.
show controllers cable-modem mac Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 101 Scrambler Seed 15-bit seed v alue loaded at the be ginning of each burst after the register has been cleared. Not used if scrambler is off. Maximum Burst Size Maximum number of mini-slots th at can be transmitted durin g this b urst type.
show controllers cable-modem mac 102 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Related Commands Ranging Backof f Start Initial back-off windo w for initial ranging contentio n, expressed as a po wer of 2. V alid values are from 0 to 15. Ranging Backof f End Final back-of f window for initial ranging co ntention, expressed as a power of 2.
show controllers cable-modem phy Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 103 show contr ollers cabl e-modem phy T o display the contents of the registers used in the do wnstr eam physical hardware of the Cisco uBR900 series cable access router , use the show contr ollers cable-modem phy command in pri vil e ged EXEC mode.
show controllers cable-modem phy 104 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T ldsft=B0EE ldsnre=0098AF ldif=0D004E ldbbi=00000000 ldbbq=00000000 ldali=032E00 ldaii=E62AF2 ldbrfo=705A05 ldbri=F9CDC200 lddrfo=007E7D .
show controllers cable-modem phy Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 105 Related Commands Command Description show contr ollers cable-modem Displays high-l e vel controller inform ation about a Cisco uBR900 series cable access router .
show controllers cable-mode m tuner 106 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T show contr o ller s cable-modem tuner T o display the settings for the upstream and downstr eam tuners used by a Cisco uBR900 series cable access router , use the sho w contr ollers cable-modem tuner command in privile ged EXEC mode.
show controllers cable-modem tuner Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 107 T able 13 show controll ers cable-modem tuner Field Descrip tions Related Commands Field Description tuner_freq Indicates the current downstream frequenc y .
show dhcp 108 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T show dhcp T o display the current DHC P settings on point-to-poi nt interfaces, enter the sho w dhcp command from privileged EXEC mode. show dhcp { lease | server } Syntax Description Def aults No default behavior or v alues.
show dhcp Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 109 Foll owing is s ample output fo r the show dhcp ser ver command: uBR924# show dhcp server DHCP server: ANY ( Leases: 1 Offers: 1 Requests: 2 Acks: 1 Naks: 0 Declines: 0 Releases: 0 Bad: 0 TFTP Server Name: SOHOSERVER TIME0: 1.
show dhcp 110 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Related Commands Acks Number of ‘ackno wledge’ messages se nt by the server to the proxy-client. Naks Number of ‘not ackno wledge’ messages sent by the server to the proxy-client. Declines Number of offers from the server that hav e been declined by the proxy-client.
show interfaces cable-m odem Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 111 show interfaces cab le-modem T o display information about the Cisco uB R900 series cable access router’ s cable interface, enter the show interfaces cable-modem command from either user EXEC mode or privileged EXEC mode.
show interfaces cable-m odem 112 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Examples T raff ic passing through the cab le access router interface is shown in the following example: uBR924# show interfaces cable-modem 0 cable-modem0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is BCM3300, address is 0050.
show interfaces cable-m odem Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 113 Last input/output Number of hours, minutes, and seconds since the last packet was successfully recei ved/transmitted b y the interface.
show interfaces cable-m odem 114 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T CRC Number of cyclic redun dancy checks ums generated by the originating LAN station or far -end device that do not matc h the checksum calculated from the data receiv ed. On a LAN, this usually indica tes noise or trans mission problems on the LAN interface or the LAN bus itself.
show interfaces cable-m odem Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 115 T o display the number of pack ets and bytes of each protocol type passing through the cable access router in.
show interfaces cable-m odem 116 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Information about routing and bridging protocols and filtering on the cable access router interface is displayed in the fol lo wing example:.
show interfaces cable-m odem Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 117 Related Commands A c t A c t i o n t o b e t a k e n w h e n t h i s a d d r e s s i s l o o k e d u p ; c h o i c e s a r e t o r e c e i v e o r d i s c a r d the packet.
Debug Commands 118 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Deb ug Commands Note T roubleshooting the Cisco uBR9 00 series cable access router is typically accomplished using the CMTS at the cable operator’ s headend facility; it is rarely done b y direc tly accessing the Cisco uBR924.
debug cable-modem bpkm Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 119 deb ug cable-modem bpkm T o debug baseline pri vacy information on a Cisco uBR900 series, use the debug cable-modem bpkm command in pr i vileged EXEC mode. T o turn th e deb ug ging messages off, use the no form of this command.
debug cable-mod em bpkm 120 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Related Commands Command Description debug cable-modem bridg e Deb ugs bridge f ilt er processing informatio n on a Cisco uBR900 series cable access router . debug cable-modem err or Enables debugging messages for th e ca ble interface driv er on a Cisco uBR900 series.
debug cable-mo dem bridge Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 121 deb ug cable-modem bridge Use the debug cable-modem bridge comm and in pri vileged EXEC mode to deb u g bridge filter processing information on a Cisco uBR900 seri es .
debug cable-mod em bridge 122 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Related Commands Command Description deb ug cable-modem bpkm Debugs baseline pri vacy information on a Cisco uBR900 series. debug cable-modem err or Enables debugging messages for th e ca ble interface driv er on a Cisco uBR900 series.
debug cable-modem error Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 123 deb ug cable-modem err or Use the the debu g cable-modem err or command in privileged EXEC mode to enable deb uggi ng messages for the cable interface driv er . T o turn the deb ugging messages of f, use the no form of this command.
debug cable-mod em error 124 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Related Commands Command Description deb ug cable-modem bpkm Debugs baseline pri vacy information on a Cisco uBR900 series. debug cable-modem bridg e Deb ugs bridge f ilt er processing informatio n on a Cisco uBR900 series.
debug cable-modem i nterrupts Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 125 deb ug cable-modem interrupts T o debug Cisco uBR900 series interrupts, use the deb ug cable-modem interrupts command in pri vileged EXEC mode . T o turn the debugging messages off, use the no form of th is command.
debug cable-modem i nterrupts 126 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Related Commands Command Description deb ug cable-modem bpkm Debugs baseline pri vacy information on a Cisco uBR900 series. debug cable-modem bridg e Deb ugs bridge f ilt er processing informatio n on a Cisco uBR900 series.
debug cable-modem mac Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 127 deb ug cable-modem mac T o troubleshoot the Cisco uBR900 series MA C l ayer , use the debug cable-modem mac command in pri vileged EXEC mode. T o turn the debugging messages of f, use the no form of this command.
debug cable-mod em mac 128 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Examples Example 1 This example shows sample display output from the debug cable-modem mac log command. The fields of the output are the time si nce bootup, the log message, and in some cases a parameter that giv es mor e detail about the l og entry .
debug cable-modem mac Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 129 0 events dropped due to lack of a chunk The line “ 0 events dropped due to lack of a chunk ” at the end of a display indicates that no log entries were discarded due to a temporary lack of memory .
debug cable-mod em mac 130 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T In addition, tran smitted REG-REQs are di splayed in hex dump format. The o utput from this command is very verbose and is usually not needed for normal interface deb ugging.
debug cable-modem mac Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 131 *Mar 7 01:44:06: Preamble Value Offset - 0 *Mar 7 01:44:06: FEC Error Correction - 5 *Mar 7 01:44:06: FEC Codeword I.
debug cable-mod em mac 132 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Related Commands Command Description deb ug cable-modem bpkm Debugs baseline pri vacy information on a Cisco uBR900 series. debug cable-modem bridg e Deb ugs bridge f ilt er processing informatio n on a Cisco uBR900 series.
debug cable-mo dem map Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 133 deb ug cable-modem map T o display the timing from MAP m essages to sync messages and the timing between MAP mess ages on a Cisco uBR900 series cable access router , use the deb ug cable-modem map command in pri vil e ged EXEC mode.
debug cable-mod em map 134 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T Related Commands Command Description deb ug cable-modem bpkm Debugs baseline pri vacy information on a Cisco uBR900 series. debug cable-modem bridg e Deb ugs bridge f ilt er processing informatio n on a Cisco uBR900 series.
Glossary Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 135 Glossary br oadband —T ransmissi on system that combines multiple independent sign als onto one cable.
Glossary 136 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T headend —Central distribution point for a CA TV system. V ideo signals are receiv ed here from satellite (either co-located or remote), frequenc y con verted to the approp riate channels, combined with locally originated signals, and rebroadcast onto the HFC plan t.
Glossary Configuring the Cisco uBR900 Seri es Cable Access Routers 137 spectrum reuse —CA TV’ s most fundamental concept. Hist orically , the over -the-air spectrum has been assigned to many purposes other than that of carrying TV signals. This has r esulted in an inadequate supply of spectrum to serv e the needs of vie wers.
Glossary 138 Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Cisco Systems UBR900 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Cisco Systems UBR900 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Cisco Systems UBR900 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Cisco Systems UBR900 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Cisco Systems UBR900, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Cisco Systems UBR900.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Cisco Systems UBR900. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Cisco Systems UBR900 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.