Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto EPC3825 del fabbricante Cisco Systems
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Cisco Mod el DPC 382 5 and EPC3825 8x4 DOCSI S 3.0 Wir eless Residentia l Gateway User Guide In This Docum ent IMPORTA NT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................... 2 Introduction ......................
2 4021196 Rev B IMPORTANT SAF ETY IN STRUCT IONS IMPORTAN T SAFETY INS TRUCTIO NS Notice t o Installer s The servicing instruct ions in this notice are for use by qu alified service personnel onl y.
4021196 Rev B 3 IMPORTANT SAF ET Y INSTRUCT IONS Mitteilung für CA TV - T echniker Die in d ieser Mit teilu ng aufgef ührten Wa rtungs anweisu ngen sind ausschli eßlich für qual ifiziert es Fach person al bestimmt.
4 4021196 Rev B IMPORTANT SAF ETY IN STRUCT IONS IMPORT ANT SAFET Y INSTRUCTI ONS 1) Read these instructions. 2) Keep these instructions. 3) He ed all w arnings. 4) Follow all instruct ions. 5) D o not us e this appar atus ne ar wat er. 6) Cl ean only with dry c loth.
4021196 Rev B 5 IMPORTANT SAF ET Y INSTRUCT IONS Protect the Product f rom Lightning In addition to disconnect ing the AC power from t he wall outlet, disconnect the si gnal inputs. V er ify the Power Source fr om the On/Off Power Light When the on/off power lig ht is not illuminated, the apparatus may still be connected t o the power source.
6 4021196 Rev B IMPORTANT SAF ETY IN STRUCT IONS Check Pr oduct Safet y Upon completion of any se rvice or repairs to this produc t, the service technician must perform safety checks t o determ ine that this p roduct is in prop er operat ing cond ition.
IMPORTANT SAF ET Y INSTRUCT IONS 4021196 Rev B 7 Unite d State s FCC C omplia nce This dev ice has be en teste d and found to c omply with the limits for a Class B digi tal dev ice, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. Thes e limits are designed to pro vide reasonable protecti on against suc h interfer ence in a reside ntial insta llation.
IMPORTANT SAF ETY IN STRUCT IONS 8 4021196 Rev B Dynamic Frequency Sel ection (DFS) Dual Band Fre quencies Some co nfigura tions of this pr oduct may o pera te in the 515 0 - 5250MHz an d 5470 - 5725MHz bands. If y ou sel ect a channel in th ese frequency ranges, th e product is restricted to indoor operation only per FCC guidance.
IMPORTAN T SAFET Y INSTRU C TION S 4021196 Rev B 9 CE Com plianc e Declarat ion of Conf ormi ty with Regard t o the EU Direct ive 199 9/5/EC (R&TTE Di rectiv e) This decla r ation is o nly va lid for configura tions ( combi nations of s oftwar e, firmwa re a nd hardware) suppo rted or provided by Cis co Systems for use within the EU.
IMPORTANT SAF ETY IN STRUCT IONS 10 4021196 Rev B Note: The full dec laration of conf ormity f or this pr oduc t can be f ound in the D eclar ations of Confor mity and Regula tory Infor mation se ctio n of the a ppropria te produc t hardw are installat ion guide, w hich is ava ilable on Cisc o.
IMPORTANT SAF ET Y INSTRUCT IONS 4021196 Rev B 11 Latvia The outd oor usa ge of the 2 .4 GHz b and requir es an aut horiza tion fro m the Elec tronic Communicat ions Office. Pleas e check fo r more details. 2,4 GHz frekvenču jo slas izmantošanai ārpus telp ām nepieciešama atļauja no Elektronisko sakaru direkcij as.
12 4021196 Rev B Introduction Intro ductio n Welcome to the exciting world of h igh -speed Int ernet s ervice. Your new Cisc o ® Model DPC 3825 DOCSIS ® 3.0 or EPC382 5 EuroDOCSIS™ Wireless Residential Gateway is a cable mo dem that meets i ndustry standards for high- speed data connectivity.
4021196 Rev B 13 Introduction Color -coded interface po rts and correspo nding cables simplify installation and setup DOCSIS -5 compliant LED label ing and behavior provides a user and technic.
14 4021196 Rev B What's In the C arton? What's In the Carton? When you receive your wireless residential gateway, you should check the equipment and acce ssories to verify that each item is i n the carton and th at each item is undamaged.
4021196 Rev B 15 Front Pane l Descr iption Front Pan el Description The front panel of you r residential ga teway provi des LED status indi cators that indicate how wel l and at what state you r residential gatew ay is op erating.
16 4021196 Rev B Back Panel Description Back Panel Description The fol lowing illustrat io ns show t he desc riptio n and fu nction o f the bac k panel c omponents on the Cisco DPC 3825 reside ntial gateway.
4021196 Rev B 17 Back Panel Description 8 RESET — A momentary pressing ( 1 -2 seconds) o f this switch rebo ots the EMTA. Pressing the switc h for more than ten seconds first cau ses a reset-to-factor y- defaul t of all s ettings and the n reboots the gatew ay CAUTIO N: The Reset butto n is for maintenanc e purposes only .
18 4021196 Rev B What Are the System Requirement s f or Internet Ser vice? What Are the System Requirements for Internet Service? To ensure that yo ur residential gate way operates efficie ntly for hi.
4021196 Rev B 19 How Do I S ubscribe to H igh - Speed Internet Service? How Do I S ubs cribe to High - S peed Internet Service? Before you can use your residential gateway, you need to have a high -speed Internet access account.
20 4021196 Rev B Where Is the Best Location for My DOCSIS Residential Gateway? Where Is the Best Location for My DOCSIS Residential Gateway? The idea l locat ion for you r reside ntial gat eway is where it has ac cess to outlets a nd other devices.
4021 196 Rev B 21 How Do I Mount t he Modem on a Wall? (O ptional) How Do I M oun t the Mo dem on a Wall ? (Optio nal) You can mount the resid ential g ateway on a w all using two wa ll anc hors, t wo screws, and the mounting slots located on the unit.
22 4021196 Rev B How Do I Mount the Mode m on a W all? (Optional) Locatio n and Dimen sions of the W all - Mo unting Slot s The fol lowing illustrat io n shows t he locat ion and dimens ions o f the w all - mounting slots on the bottom of the modem. Use the information on this page as a guide for mounting your modem to the wall.
4021196 Rev B 23 How Do I Mount t he Modem on a Wall? (O ptional) Mounting t he Reside ntial Gatew ay on a W all 1 Using a d rill with a 3 /16 -inch bit, dri ll two holes at the s ame height and 4 inches apart. Note: T he preceding gra phic illustrates the location of t he m oun ting ho les on t he bac k of the resid enti al gat eway .
24 4021196 Rev B How Do I Connect My Gateway for Internet Service? How Do I Connect My Gateway for Internet Service? You can use you r residential gate way to provide Internet access, and yo u can share that I ntern et co nnec tion with o ther I nter net de vic es in yo ur home o r off ice.
4021196 Rev B 25 How Do I Connect My Gateway for Internet Service? 3 Connect the active R F coaxial cable from y our service pr ovider to the co ax connector labeled CA BLE on the back o f the residential gate way.
26 4021196 Rev B How Do I Configure My DOCSIS Residential Gateway? How Do I Configure My DOCSIS Residential Gateway? To configure yo ur residential gate way, you must first access the WebWi zard configuration pag es.
4021196 Rev B 27 How Do I Configure My DOCSIS Residential Gateway? 2 In the address field, enter the following IP address: 192.168 .0.1 . A Status DOCSIS WAN login pag e similar to the follo wing page op ens. 3 On the Status DOCS IS WAN page, lea ve the User Name and Password fie ld blank an d click Log In .
28 4021196 Rev B How Do I Configure My DOCSIS Residential Gateway? 4 On the Administratio n Management pag e, create a User Nam e and Passwor d and the n click Save Settings . Once you save t he settings for your User Name and Password on the Administration Man agement pag e, the Setup Quick Setu p page opens.
4021196 Rev B 29 How Do I Configure My DOCSIS Residential Gateway? Configuring Quick Settings Use the description s and instruct ions in the followi ng table to configure t he network setting s for the device. After you make your selections, click Save Settings to apply your changes or click Cancel Changes to cance l.
30 4021196 Rev B How Do I Configure My DOCSIS Residential Gateway? Section Field Descriptio n WLAN Wireless Network Allows yo u to enable or d isable the wire less net work . Select the desire d option: Enable Disable Wireless Network Name (SSID) Allows you to enter a name for your w ireless network or to use the default value.
4021196 Rev B 31 How Do I Configure My DOCSIS Residential Gateway? Setup > L an Setup The Setup Lan Setup p age allows you to configure the set tings for the Loc al Area Network (LAN) in your hom e.
32 4021196 Rev B How Do I Configure My DOCSIS Residential Gateway? Section Field Descriptio n Network Addr ess Server Settings (DHCP) DHCP Serve r Allows yo u to enable or d isable the DHCP server in the residentia l gateway. The DHCP serve r is used to au tomatically allocate IP addres ses to devices as th ey are attached to your hom e networ k.
4021196 Rev B 33 How Do I Configure My DOCSIS Residential Gateway? Section Field Descriptio n Maximum Number of DHCP Users Enter t he maxi mum numbe r of use rs to whic h the DH CP server can assign I P addresses f or use in the LAN. This numb er cannot be greater than 25 4 minus the startin g IP address d escribe d above .
34 4021196 Rev B How Do I Configure My DOCSIS Residential Gateway? Section Fie ld Description DDNS Service Disabl ing DDNS (Fac tory Default Settings) To disable D DNS, select Di sabled from the drop - down list a nd click Save Settings .
4021196 Rev B 35 Configure Wireless Settings Configure Wireless Settings This section descri bes the options a vailable from the Wireless page s that you can use to configure the pa rameters of the W AP to meet y our specific requireme nts and needs.
36 4021196 Rev B Con figure Wireless S ettings Wireless Configuration Wi - Fi Protected Setup Exampl e Wireless Configuration Wi - Fi Protected Setup Page Des cription Use the description s and instruct ions in the followi ng table to configure t he ba sic settings for Wi- Fi Protected Setup for the residential gateway.
4021196 Rev B 37 Configure Wireless Settings Section Field Descriptio n WPS Setup Using Your Wi -Fi Adapter PIN ( Optio n 2 ) This is the m ost secure opti on to register a wireless clie nt with the gateway. You n eed the Wi - Fi Protected Setup PIN nu mber, which is found i n the clie nt Wi - Fi Pr otected Setup util ity.
38 4021196 Rev B Configure Wireless Settings Section Field D escription Bas ic Settings Wireles s Network Enable or Disable the wirel ess network Wireless Conf iguration The defa ult is WPS . See Wi- Fi Protec ted Setup (W PS) ( on pa ge 3 5) for more informat ion about usin g WPS .
4021196 Rev B 39 Configure Wireless Settings Section Field Descriptio n Wireless Networ k Name ( SSID ) The SSID is t he name of your wirele ss network. The SSID is used by wireles s techn ology to id entify your networ k from other wi reless network s in the a rea.
40 4021196 Rev B Configure Wireless Settings Wireless Secur ity Page D escription Use the following table to configu re the wireless security for the reside ntial gateway. After you make your selections, click Save Sett i ngs to apply your chan ges or C ancel Changes to cance l.
4021196 Rev B 41 Configure Wireless Settings Section Field Descriptio n WPA Security fo r Personal Netw orks – WPA or WP A2 Personal Modes Wi- Fi Protec ted Access ( WPA) is a more secure wireless tech nology t han WEP . WPA ca n be used for both En terprise (corporate appl ications) and Personal (hom e network) wireless networks.
42 4021196 Rev B Configure Wireless Settings Section Field Descriptio n Security fo r Enterprise Netw orks - WPA- Enterprise Modes This opti on features WPA used in coord ination wit h a RADIUS serv er for client a uthenticatio n. (This shou ld only be used when a RADIU S se rver is connected to t he device.
4021196 Rev B 43 Configure Wireless Settings Wireless > M AC Filter The MAC Filter feature is used to eit her allow or block ac cess to your w ireless LAN based on the MAC Address of the w ireless client de vices.
44 4021196 Rev B Configure Wireless Settings Section Field Descriptio n Access Restriction Access Restriction Allows yo u to permit or bl ock computers f rom accessi ng the wireles s network. Th e choice that you make here affects the addresses li sted on this page.
4021196 Rev B 45 Configur e W ireless Settings Wireless Adv anced Setting s Page Descr iption Use the description s and instru ct ions in t he follo wing t able to configur e the advanced wireless se ttings for yo ur residential ga teway. After you make y our selections, click Save Settings to apply your changes or Cancel Changes to c ance l.
46 4021196 Rev B Configure Wireless Settings Section Field Descriptio n Advanced Wireless N Transmissio n Rate The ra te of da ta transmiss ion sh ould be set depend ing on the speed of your Wireless - N network ing.
4021196 Rev B 47 Configure Wireless Settings Section Field Descriptio n DTIM Int erval The Deliver y Traffic Indication Message (DTIM) indicates the interval be tween Broadca sts/Multica st transmissio ns. DTIM field is a countdo wn field infor ming clients of the next window for listenin g to broadcast a nd multica st messages.
48 4021196 Rev B Configure Wi reless Settings Wi reless > WDS Set tings The Wireless Dis tribution System (WDS) Settings p age allows you to ex pand the coverage of your wireless network by deploying signal repeaters. Make sure the channel settings ar e the same for al l WDS enabled devices.
4021196 Rev B 49 Configure Wireless Settings Wi reless > QoS Quality of Service (QoS ) ensures better service to hig h- priorit y types of network traffic, which may i nvolve demanding, rea l-time app lications, such as vide o co nferencing. QoS s ettings allo w you to specify p riorities for diffe rent types of traffic.
50 4021196 Rev B Configure Wireless Settings Section Field Descriptio n No ACK Allows yo u to enable or d isable NO A CK . This f eature is recommended for data serv ices where transmissi on is important a nd packet lo ss is tolerable to a certain de gree.
4021196 Rev B 51 Configure Security Configure Security Securit y > Firewall Advance d firewal l technology deters hackers and protects the home network from unauthorized acces s. Use this pag e to configure a firewa ll that can filter o ut various types of unwanted traffic on the gateway’s local network.
52 4021196 Rev B Configure Security Section Field Description Filters Filter Pr oxy Enables/di sables filter proxy. If loc al users have a ccess to WAN proxy serve rs, they may be able to circumvent the con tent filters and access Int ernet sites blocked by the device.
4021196 Rev B 53 Configure Security Securit y > VPN Passt hrough Use this page to co nfigure Virtu al Private Network (VPN) support . Enabling the settings on this pag e allows VPN tu nnels using IP sec or PPTP protoco ls to pass through the gate way's fire wall .
54 4021196 Rev B Configure Security Security > VPN A Virtual Private Net work (VPN) is a co nnection betwee n two endpoints in different networks that allo ws private data to be sent secure ly over p ublic networks or other private networks. T his is accompli shed by creatin g a "VPN tunnel.
4021196 Rev B 55 Configure Securit y Security VPN Tunnel Page D escription Use t he desc rip tions and instru cti ons in t he f ollo wing tab le t o co nfigure the V PN tunnel for your gateway. After you make your selections, click Save Settings to apply your changes or Cancel Changes to cance l.
56 4021196 Rev B Configure Security Section Field Descriptio n Remote Secure Gateway Select the desi red option, IP Addr. , Any , o r FQDN . If the remote gateway has a dynamic I P address, se lect Any o r FQDN . If Any is selected, then th e Gateway will accept request s from any IP address.
4021196 Rev B 57 Configure Security Section Field Descriptio n Key Management (conti nued) Selec t one of the f ollowi ng opti ons for the key exc hange method: Auto (IKE) – Encryption: The Encrypti on met hod deter mines t he lengt h of the ke y used to encryp t/decry pt ESP pa ckets.
58 4021196 Rev B Configure Security Section Field Descriptio n Status This field shows t he connec tion status for t he selected t unnel. The st ate is either Connected or Disconnecte d . Buttons Con nect Click th is butto n to estab lish a connecti on for the curre nt VPN tun nel.
4021196 Rev B 59 Configure Security View Log The Security VPN Vie w Log page sho ws events captur ed by the firewall. T he log display s the fo llowi ng item s: Description of the event Number.
60 4021196 Rev B Control A ccess to the Gateway Control Access to the Gat eway Access Rest ricti ons > IP Address Fil tering Use the Access Re strictions IP Filt ering page to co nfigure IP address fil ters. These filters block a r ange of IP addr esses from accessin g the Internet.
4021196 Rev B 61 Control Access to the Gateway Select the MAC Address Filtering tab to open t he Access Restrict ions MAC Addr ess Filtering page. The Block/Pass drop down menu allows you to block or pass Internet access to the MAC addresses of t he devices you l ist in the MAC Addr ess Filte rs table.
62 4021196 Rev B Control A ccess to the Gateway Access Re stricti ons > Basic Rul es Access re strictions allow you to block or allow specific kinds of Internet usage and traffic, such as Intern et access, design ated applications, websites, and inbo und traffic during specific day s and times.
4021196 Rev B 63 Control Access to the Gateway Use the description s and instruct ions in the following tabl e to configure t he access restrictions basic ru les for yo ur residential gatewa y. After you m ake your selections, click Save Settings to apply your changes or Can cel Changes to ca ncel.
64 4021196 Rev B Control A ccess to the Gateway Section Field Descriptio n Overrid e the Password Password Allows yo u to create a p assword to tempora ri ly override user access r estrictions to a bl.
4021196 Rev B 65 Control Access to the Gateway Use the Keyword List to enter the keywords you wish to block. If any of these keywords appears i n the URL of a website, access to the site will be blocke d. Note that only the URL is check, not the conte nt of each webpage .
66 4021196 Rev B Control A ccess to the Gateway Section Field D escription Tod Filter Add Allows yo u to add a new Time of Day access fi lter or rule. Enter the n ame of the filter and click the Add key t o add the filter to t he list. Time of Day rules are used to restric t Internet access ba sed on the day an d time.
4021196 Rev B 67 Control Access to the Gateway Access Restr ictions User Setup P age Description Use the description s and instruct ions in the followi ng table to configure t he us er setup for your residential gateway . After you ma ke your selectio ns, click Save Settings to apply your changes or Cancel Changes to cancel.
68 4021196 Rev B Control A ccess to the Gateway Section Field Descriptio n Inactivity T ime 60 minutes [F ac tory defa ult when a user i s created. Otherwise, it is 0 (zero)] . Enter the amount of time durin g a user session where there is no Internet access activ ity, indicating t hat the user is no longer onl ine.
4021196 Rev B 69 Configure Applications an d Gaming Config ure A pplica tions a nd Gami ng Overvi ew Most well- kno w n Intern et applications are su pp orted by Application Layer Gateways (ALGs). ALGs automatically ad just the g ateway firewall to allo w data to pass without maki ng any custom setti ngs.
70 4021196 Rev B Configure Applications an d Gami ng Section Field Descriptio n Port Filter ing Start Port: This is th e beginning of the port rang e. Enter the begin ning of the range of port numbers (external ports ) used by the server or Intern et applic ation.
4021196 Rev B 71 Configure Applications an d Gaming Applications and Gaming Po rt Range Forward Page Description Use the description s and instruct ions in the followi ng table to configure t he port range forwarding for the resident ial gateway. Sel ect enable for eac h.
72 4021196 Rev B Configure Applications an d Gami ng App licat ions & Gami ng > Port Range T rigger ing Port range trigger ing is a way to dy namically for ward ports to a L AN PC that needs them at a particular t ime. That parti cular time is when it runs a certai n application that performs so me event that trig ger the router.
4021196 Rev B 73 Configure Applications an d Gami ng Section Field Descriptio n End Port For the En d port, select a port from the reco mmended 49152 - 65535 range. Keep in mind that port s used are progra m specific so check which ones the program requires to be forwarded.
74 4021196 Rev B Configure Applications an d Gami ng Applications and Gaming DMZ Page Description Use the description s and instruct ions in the followi ng table to configure t he port range triggering for t he residential ga teway. Select e nable for each DMZ H ost IP address.
4021196 Rev B 75 Manage the Gateway Manage th e Gateway Admini strati on > Management The Administratio n Management page allows the network ’s administrator to manage specific gat eway functions for access and secu rity. Select the Management tab to open the Admi nistration M anagement page .
76 4021196 Rev B Manage the Gateway Field Description Gateway Setup (WAN) Internet Connectio n Type Connection Mo de This sett ing allows y ou t o determ ine how t he WAN (or gateway int erface to the Internet ) obtains its IP address.
4021196 Rev B 77 Manage the Gateway Field Description MTU Gateway Access Local Access Internet IP Addr ess Enter the g ateway’s IP address (as seen from the Internet) Subnet Mask Enter the gateway �.
78 4021196 Rev B Manage the Gateway Field Description Remote Access Remote Man agement Allows yo u to enable to dis able remote ma nagemen t. This featu re a llows you to a ccess and ma nage your gatewa y setting s from the Internet wh en you are away from hom e.
4021196 Rev B 79 Manage the Gateway Admini strati on > Report ing Administration reporting allows you to emai l various system act ivities to your email address . Select the Reporting tab to open the Administration Reporting page. Use the description s and instruct ions in the followi ng table to configure t he reporting feature on the gateway.
80 40211 96 Rev B Manage the Gateway V iew Log To view the logs, complete the following steps. 1 Click View Log . A new window opens with the log data page .
4021196 Rev B 81 Manage the Gateway Admini strati on > Diagnosti cs Administration d iagnostics allow you to check the statu s of your Internet connection by using a Ping te st. Select the Diagnostics tab to open the Administration Diagnostics page.
82 4021196 Rev B Manage the Gateway Admini strati on > Backup & Re store Administration Backup & Restore allows you to back up you configuration of the Gateway and store it on your com puter. You can use this fil e to restore a p reviously saved configuratio n for your Gateway.
4021196 Rev B 83 Manage the Gateway Admini strati on > Factor y Defaults The Administratio n Factory D efaults page allows you to restor e the configuratio n to its factory default settings. Select the Factory Defaults tab to op en th e Administration F actory Defaults page.
84 4021196 Rev B Monitor Gatew ay Status Monitor Gat ew ay Status This section descri bes the options a vailable unde r the Status tab that yo u can use to monitor the status o f the residenti al gateway and to perform diagnostics on th e device and the network.
4021196 Rev B 85 Monitor Gateway Status Section Field D escription Internet Connectio n IP Address Display s the IP address of the WAN interf ace. This ad dress is assigned t o the gatewa y when it goes onli ne. Subnet Mask Displays the subnet ma sk for your WA N port.
86 4021196 Rev B Monitor Gateway Status Section Field Descriptio n IP Address Displays the IP addres s f or the LA N subne t Subnet Mask Displays the subnet ma sk for your LAN DHCP Serve r Displays th.
4021196 Rev B 87 Monitor Gateway Status ARP/RARP Table Click ARP/RARP T able to see a compl ete list of a ll device s that are connec ted to y our networ k . To retrieve the mo st up - to - date informat ion, click Refresh . To exit this page and return to t he Local Network pa ge, click Clos e .
88 4021196 Rev B Monitor Gateway Status Status Wirel ess Page Desc ription Use the following table to review t he status of yo ur wireless network. Section Field Descriptio n Wirele ss Network MAC Add.
4021196 Rev B 89 Monitor Gateway Status Status > DOC SIS W AN DOCSIS WAN Status di splays information about the system of your cable modem. Select the DOCSIS WAN tab to open t he Status DOCSIS WAN p age. DOCSIS WAN Pa ge Descrip tion Use the description s in the following table to revi ew the status of your DOCSIS WAN network.
90 4021196 Rev B Monitor Gateway Status Section Fie ld Description MAC Address (CM MA C Address) Displays the CM MAC A ddress. The CM MAC Add ress is a unique alphanu meric addre ss for the cable mod em coaxial int erface , which is used to conn ect to the CMTS at the headend.
4021196 Rev B 91 Frequently Asked Questions Freque ntl y As k e d Ques ti ons Q. How Do I Configu re TCP/IP Protocol? A. To configure TCP/IP protocol, you need to have an Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC) w ith TCP/IP communications protocol installed on your system.
92 4021196 Rev B Frequently Asked Questions 5 Select both Obtain an I P address automati cally and Obtain DNS se rver a ddress automa tical ly in t he In ter net Pro toco l (TC P/IP) Pro pert ies wind ow, and the n click OK . 6 Click Yes to restart your computer when the Local Network win do w opens.
4021196 Rev B 93 Frequently Asked Questions Renewing the IP Address on Windows 9 5, 98, 98SE, and ME Systems 1 Click St art , and then c lick Run to open the Run window. 2 Type winipcfg in the O pen f ield, a nd click OK to execute t he winipcfg command.
94 4021196 Rev B Fre quently Asked Questions Q. How does the residential gateway connect to my computer? A. The reside ntial gateway con nects to the PC using a wireless connection or the 10/100/1000 BAS E -T Ether net port on your PC.
4021196 Rev B 95 Tips for Impr oved Performance Tips for Impr oved P erfor mance Check an d Correct If your residential gateway does not perform as expected, the following tips may help.
96 4021196 Rev B Front Pane l LED St atus Indicator Functions Front P anel LE D Stat us Indic ator F unc tions Init ial Power Up, Calibrat ion, and Regi strat ion (AC Power ap plied) The following cha.
4021196 Rev B 97 Front Pane l LED S tatus Indicator Functions Front Pan e l LED Status Indicator s During Initial Power Up, Calibration, a nd Registration Hig h Speed Data Regis tration (continued) St.
98 4021196 Rev B Front Pane l LED St atus Indicator Functions Normal Operation s (AC Power ap plied) The following chart illustrates the ap pearance of the reside ntial gateway front panel LED status indicators du ring normal op erations when AC power is appli ed to the gateway.
4021196 Rev B 99 Front Pane l LED S tatus Indicator Functions Special Conditi ons The following chart describes the appearance of the cable modem front panel LED status indicators during special conditio ns to sho w whe n you have bee n denie d network access.
100 4021196 Rev B Notices Not ices T rademark s Cisco and the Cisc o logo are tr ademarks or registe red trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks can be found at .
4021196 Rev B 101 Notices Softwar e and Firmwar e Use The software described in this document is protected by c opyrig ht law and furnished to you under a license agreement. You may only use or copy this software in accorda nce with the te rms of your license agr eement.
102 4021196 Rev B For Infor mation For In formati on If Y ou Have Question s If you have tec hnical questions, cal l Cisco Services for assistance. Follow t he menu options to speak wi th a service e ngineer. Use the f ollowing table to fi nd the cent er in your area.
4021196 Rev B 103 F or Informati on.
Cisco Systems, Inc. 5030 Sugarloaf Parkway, Box 465447 Lawrenceville, GA 30042 678.277.1000 This document includes various trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. Please s ee the Notices section of this document for a list of the Cisco Systems, Inc.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Cisco Systems EPC3825 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Cisco Systems EPC3825 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Cisco Systems EPC3825 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Cisco Systems EPC3825 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Cisco Systems EPC3825, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Cisco Systems EPC3825.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Cisco Systems EPC3825. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Cisco Systems EPC3825 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.