Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 7912G del fabbricante Cisco Systems
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All other trademarks mentioned in this document or Web site are the property of their respective owner s. The use of the word pa rtner does not imply a partnership relati onshi p betw een Cisco and any other com pany. (0304 R) Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Administ rator Guide ( SIP) Copyright © 2 003 Cisco S ys tem s, Inc.
v Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 CONTENTS Preface xi Overvi ew xi Audienc e xi Organi zati on xii Relat ed Do cume nta tion xiii Obtain ing Docu ment at i.
Contents vi Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 SIP Overv iew 1-7 SIP Func tion s 1-7 SIP Compon ents 1-8 CHAPTER 2 Instal ling th e Cisco IP Phon e Mo dels 79.
vii Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Conte nts CHAPTER 4 Basic and Addi tional SIP Ser vices 4-1 Impo rt ant Basi c SIP Se rv ices 4-2 Requir ed Para meters.
Contents viii Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Creati ng or Upd ating a Pro fil e 6-9 Profi le C onventi ons 6-10 Creati ng a Phon e-Spec ific Prof ile 6-11.
ix Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Conte nts DialPl an P arameter Deta il 8-38 Upgrade code Par ameter Det ail 8-41 Upgrade logo Pa ramete r Detai l 8-43 C.
Contents x Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 APPENDI X D Specifi cation s for the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 791 2G D-1 Phys ical S pecif icat ions D-2 .
xi Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Preface Overview Cisco IP Ph one Mo de ls 79 05G and 79 12G Admi nistrator Gui de ( SIP) de scribe s how to install and con figure the Cisco IP P hone models 7905G a nd 7912G fo r use on a Session Initia tion proto col (SIP) network.
Preface Organization xii Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Organization This m anu al i s organiz ed a s f ol lows: Chapter 1, “Over vie w of the Cisco IP .
xiii Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Preface Rela te d Docu m e nt at i o n Related Documentation For more in formation, refer t o the f ollo wing d ocuments, which ar e a v ailable at this URL: http://www .
Preface Obtainin g Techn ical Assist ance xiv Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Ordering Docume ntation Registered CCO users ca n order the Do cumenta tion CD-ROM and other Cisco Product docu me ntation t hroug h our onl ine Subscrip tio n Serv ice s at http://www .
xv Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Preface Obta ining T echni cal As sistan ce Cisco Con nection Onlin e Cisco continues to re v olutioniz e ho w busine ss is done on the Internet.
Preface Obtaining Additional Publications and Information xvi Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 T o display th e T A C web sit e that inc ludes link s to tech nical su pport inf ormation and soft ware u pgrad es an d for req ues ting T A C support , use www .
xvii Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Preface Docume nt C onv enti ons • P acket magazin e is the Cisco quar terly pu blication that prov ides the latest .
Preface Document C onventi ons xviii Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Note Means r eader t ake note . No tes cont ain h elpf ul s ugg esti ons or r efer ence s to mater ial not covered in th e public ation .
xix Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Preface Docume nt C onv enti ons W arnings use the following conv entions: War ni ng IMPORT ANT SAFET Y INSTRUC TIONS This warning symbol means danger . Y ou are in a situation that could cause bodily injury.
Preface Document C onventi ons xx Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Attention IMPORTANTES IN FORM A TIONS DE S É CU RI TÉ Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger . Vous vou s trouvez dans une situation pouvant entraî ner des blessures ou des dommages corporels.
xxi Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Preface Docume nt C onv enti ons Adva rsel VIKTIGE S IKKERHE TSINSTRUKS JONER Dette advarselssymbolet betyr fare. Du er i en situasjon som kan føre til skade på person.
Preface Document C onventi ons xxi i Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Va r ni n g ! VIKTIGA SÄ KERHETS ANVISN INGA R Denna varningssignal signalerar fara. Du befinner dig i en situation som kan leda till personskada.
xxii i Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Preface Docume nt C onv enti ons.
Preface Document C onventi ons xxiv Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 1 Overview of the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G This cha pter desc ribes t he hardwar e and soft ware feat ures of the Cisco I P Ph one m odels 7905 G and 7912G and provides a brief overview of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
Chapter 1 Overvi ew of the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Hardw are O ve rview 1-2 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Figur e 1 -1 Cisco IP Phone Model.
1-3 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 1 O ver view of the Ci sco IP Ph one M odels 79 05 G and 791 2 G Hard ware Ov ervi ew 4 Navigation butto n Enables yo u to scroll through te xt and select feat ures displa yed on th e LCD scre en.
Chapter 1 Overvi ew of the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Software F eat ures 1-4 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Software Features The Ci sco IP Ph.
1-5 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 1 O ver view of the Ci sco IP Ph one M odels 79 05 G and 791 2 G Softwa re Fe a tures Basic Servic es The Cisc .
Chapter 1 Overvi ew of the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Software F eat ures 1-6 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 • Call tran sfer —attended and.
1-7 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 1 O ver view of the Ci sco IP Ph one M odels 79 05 G and 791 2 G SIP Overview SIP Overview Session Initiatio n Protocol (SIP) is the Internet En gineering T ask Force (IETF) standar d for real- time calls and conferenci ng ov er Internet Pr otocol (IP) .
Chapter 1 Overvi ew of the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G SIP Overview 1-8 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 party) and ter minates the se ssion between the tr ansferee and the transferring party . At the end of a cal l, SIP terminates sessions betwe en all parties.
1-9 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 1 O ver view of the Ci sco IP Ph one M odels 79 05 G and 791 2 G SIP Overview Figur e 1 -2 SIP Ar chi tec tur e.
Chapter 1 Overvi ew of the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G SIP Overview 1-10 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 SIP Se rv er s SIP serv ers include th e follo wing: • Proxy s ervers—R eceive SIP reque sts fro m a clie nt and forwa rd the m to the next SIP se rver in t he network.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 2 Installing the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G This chap ter pro vides informatio n about in stalling th e Cisco IP Phone models 7905G and 7912G at th e end user lo cati on.
Chapter 2 Installin g the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Safety 2-2 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 • A Call Control System – Proxy server—T h.
2-3 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 2 Inst alling the Ci sco IP Phone M odels 79 05 G and 7912G Safety War ni ng Read the installation instructi ons before you connect the sy stem to its power source.
Chapter 2 Installin g the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Connecti ng t o th e Network 2-4 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Related Topics • Connect.
2-5 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 2 Inst alling the Ci sco IP Phone M odels 79 05 G and 7912G Providing Power to the Cisco IP Phone Providing Pow.
Chapter 2 Installin g the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Insta l l in g the Cisc o I P Pho n e Mode l s 7905 G and 791 2G 2-6 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) O.
2-7 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 2 Inst alling the Ci sco IP Phone M odels 79 05 G and 7912G Installing the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7 91.
Chapter 2 Installin g the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Insta l l in g the Cisc o I P Pho n e Mode l s 7905 G and 791 2G 2-8 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 War ni ng To avoid electric shock, do not conn ect safety extra-low voltage (SEL V) circuits to telephone-network voltage (TNV) circuits.
2-9 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 2 Inst alling the Ci sco IP Phone M odels 79 05 G and 7912G Installing the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7 91.
Chapter 2 Installin g the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Insta l l in g the Cisc o I P Pho n e Mode l s 7905 G and 791 2G 2-10 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) .
2-11 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 2 Inst alling the Ci sco IP Phone M odels 79 05 G and 7912G Installing the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7 9.
Chapter 2 Installin g the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Insta l l in g the Cisc o I P Pho n e Mode l s 7905 G and 791 2G 2-12 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) .
2-13 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 2 Inst alling the Ci sco IP Phone M odels 79 05 G and 7912G Installing the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7 912G Step 3 Insert tw o scre ws i nto a wall stud or i nto w all an chors, matc hing the scre ws to the two screw holes on t he b ack of the p hone.
Chapter 2 Installin g the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Insta l l in g the Cisc o I P Pho n e Mode l s 7905 G and 791 2G 2-14 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Step 4 Unlock netw ork conf iguration sett ings.
2-15 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 2 Inst alling the Ci sco IP Phone M odels 79 05 G and 7912G Verifying Installation Verifying Installation If you hea r a dia l t on e w hen y ou lift the h andse t, you have installed the Cisco I P Phone p rop er ly .
Chapter 2 Installin g the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Verify ing In stalla tio n 2-16 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 3 Configuring the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G for SIP This chapte r provide s an ov ervie w o f confi guring the Cisco IP Phone to operate with the SIP f irmwa re image.
Chapter 3 Configu ring the Cisc o IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G fo r SIP Defaul t B oot Load B ehavi or 3-2 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Cisco IP Phon.
3-3 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 3 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Phone Mode ls 79 05G and 7 91 2 G for SIP Default Boot Load Behavior network con nectivity .
Chapter 3 Configu ring the Cisc o IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G fo r SIP Specifyin g a Preconfig ured VLAN I D o r Disabl ing VLAN IP Enca psulati on 3-4 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 4. The phone downloa ds a pro file f rom the TF T P server .
3-5 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 3 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Phone Mode ls 79 05G and 7 91 2 G for SIP Specifying a Preconfigured VLAN ID or Disabling VLAN IP Encapsulation • VLANSetting parameter : – Bi ts 0 -2 —Specify VLAN CoS bi t v alue (802.
Chapter 3 Configu ring the Cisc o IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G fo r SIP Basic Conf igu rat io n Steps in a TFTP Serve r Environme nt 3-6 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide .
3-7 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 3 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Phone Mode ls 79 05G and 7 91 2 G for SIP Bas i c Con f i gurat ion S teps in a .
Chapter 3 Configu ring the Cisc o IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G fo r SIP Basic Conf igu rat io n Steps in a TFTP Serve r Environme nt 3-8 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 T able 4-1 on p age 4-2 contai ns a list of all requi red SIP para meters.
3-9 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 3 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Phone Mode ls 79 05G and 7 91 2 G for SIP Minimum C onfigura tion Set tings for .
Chapter 3 Configu ring the Cisc o IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G fo r SIP Minimum Configuratio n Set tings for the Cis co IP Ph one M odels 790 5G and 7912G 3-10 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G.
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 4 Basic and Additional SIP Services This cha pter provid es info rmation ab out co nfiguring SIP serv ices that are supported on the Cisc o IP Phone models 790 5G a nd 7912G .
Chapter 4 Basic and Additi onal SIP Servi ces Important Bas ic SIP Servic es 4-2 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Important Basic SIP Service s Thi s sect i.
4-3 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 4 Basi c an d Additiona l SIP Services Important Basic SIP Services NA TI P (web pa ge o r pro file) N A T W AN IP Address (on phone menu) W AN address of the attached router/N A T ; curre nt ly on ly u sed t o su pport SIP behin d a NA T .
Chapter 4 Basic and Additi onal SIP Servi ces Addition al SIP Serv ices 4-4 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Establishing Authentication The UseLoginID pa r.
4-5 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 4 Basi c an d Additiona l SIP Services Additional SIP Services T able 4-2 A dditio nal SIP Services SIP Se rvi ce Descr ipt ion Ref eren ce Advanced au dio configurat ion.
Chapter 4 Basic and Additi onal SIP Servi ces Addition al SIP Serv ices 4-6 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Distincti ve ringing su ppo rt If an inco ming .
4-7 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 4 Basi c an d Additiona l SIP Services Additional SIP Services N A T gateway Network Address T ranslation (NA T.
Chapter 4 Basic and Additi onal SIP Servi ces Addition al SIP Serv ices 4-8 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 NA T/ P A T translation T o maintain Network Ad.
4-9 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 4 Basi c an d Additiona l SIP Services Additional SIP Services Proxy Red undan cy support The Cisco IP pho ne suppor ts next hop server redunda ncy when a fu lly q ua lified d oma in na me (FQDN) i s specified for the Prox y or Outbound Prox y param eter .
Chapter 4 Basic and Additi onal SIP Servi ces Addition al SIP Serv ices 4-10 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Setting Up and Placing a Call Without Using a SIP Proxy The Ci sco IP Ph one models 7905 G and 791 2G su ppo rt d ir ect I P-t o-IP ca lls without us ing a SIP proxy .
4-11 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 4 Basi c an d Additiona l SIP Services Additional SIP Services T o co nfigur e a Cisco IP Phone for calls that.
Chapter 4 Basic and Additi onal SIP Servi ces Complete Refe renc e of all Cisco I P Phon e SIP Ser vices 4-12 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Complete Reference of all Cisco IP Phone SIP Services Ta b l e 4 - 3 list s all configurab le featu res for the Cisco IP Phone usi ng SIP .
4-13 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 4 Basi c an d Additiona l SIP Services Complete Reference of all Cisco IP Pho ne SIP Services IP-lik e address.
Chapter 4 Basic and Additi onal SIP Servi ces Complete Refe renc e of all Cisco I P Phon e SIP Ser vices 4-14 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 SIP request s.
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 5 Configuring the Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Using th e Phone Menus The Ci sco I P Ph one incl ude.
Chapter 5 Configuring the C isco IP Pho ne Models 7 905G and 7912G Using the P hone Me nus Configurat ion Menus on th e Cisco I P Phon e 5-2 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide.
5-3 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 5 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Ph one Mode ls 79 05G and 791 2G Using the Phone Menus Confi g ura tion M enu s .
Chapter 5 Configuring the C isco IP Pho ne Models 7 905G and 7912G Using the P hone Me nus Configurat ion Menus on th e Cisco I P Phon e 5-4 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide.
5-5 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 5 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Ph one Mode ls 79 05G and 791 2G Using the Phone Menus Confi g ura tion M enu s on th e Ci sc o IP Pho n e Step 5 If your ph one disp lay s “En ter Adm in Password,” ente r you r pass word and the n press the Enter softkey .
Chapter 5 Configuring the C isco IP Pho ne Models 7 905G and 7912G Using the P hone Me nus Netwo rk Con figuration M enu 5-6 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-0.
5-7 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 5 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Ph one Mode ls 79 05G and 791 2G Using the Phone Menus Netw ork C onf i g urat i on Me nu Domain Name Network dom ain in which the phon e reside s.
Chapter 5 Configuring the C isco IP Pho ne Models 7 905G and 7912G Using the P hone Me nus Netwo rk Con figuration M enu 5-8 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 TFTP Ser ver IP addr ess or URL of the TFT P server from wh ich a phone obt a ins a prof ile.
5-9 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 5 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Ph one Mode ls 79 05G and 791 2G Using the Phone Menus Netw ork C onf i g urat i.
Chapter 5 Configuring the C isco IP Pho ne Models 7 905G and 7912G Using the P hone Me nus Netwo rk Con figuration M enu 5-10 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Operational VLAN Id Auxiliary V irtu al Local Area Network ( VLAN ) c onfigure d on a Cisco Catalyst switch in which the phone is a memb er .
5-11 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 5 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Ph one Mode ls 79 05G and 791 2G Using the Phone Menus Netw ork C onf i g urat i on Me nu CDP Enabled Indicates wheth er Cisco Disco very Protocol (CD P) is e nabl ed f or the phone.
Chapter 5 Configuring the C isco IP Pho ne Models 7 905G and 7912G Using the P hone Me nus Netwo rk Con figuration M enu 5-12 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 TFT P Enabled Enable s or disab les downloadin g of a pro fi le f rom a TFT P serv er .
5-13 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 5 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Ph one Mode ls 79 05G and 791 2G Using the Phone Menus Netw ork C onf i g urat .
Chapter 5 Configuring the C isco IP Pho ne Models 7 905G and 7912G Using the P hone Me nus SIP Configurat io n Me nu 5-14 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 SIP Configuration Me nu The SIP Configurat ion menu lets you c onfigure a variety of SIP signalin g parame ter s.
5-15 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 5 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Ph one Mode ls 79 05G and 791 2G Using the Phone Menus SIP Configuration Menu T.
Chapter 5 Configuring the C isco IP Pho ne Models 7 905G and 7912G Using the P hone Me nus SIP Configurat io n Me nu 5-16 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Local SIP Port Port where the phone listens for inco ming requ ests an d sends outg oing requ ests .
5-17 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 5 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Ph one Mode ls 79 05G and 791 2G Using the Phone Menus Model Information Menu Model Information Menu The Mode l Informa tion me nu provides in format ion that ca n assist with troublesh oot ing the p hon e.
Chapter 5 Configuring the C isco IP Pho ne Models 7 905G and 7912G Using the P hone Me nus Status M enu 5-18 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Status Menu Th.
C HAPTER 6-1 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 6 Configuring the Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Using a TFTP Server This c hapt er expl ai ns how to c onfigure the Cisc o IP P hone usi ng a Tri vial Fil e T ransfer Proto co l (T FTP) se rver .
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Ci sco IP Phone Mo dels 7905G and 7912G Using a TFTP Serv er Using Profil es with TFTP Co nfigu ration 6-2 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) .
6-3 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 6 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Ph one Mode ls 79 05G and 7 91 2 G Using a TFT P Serv er Using Profiles with TFTP Configuration TFTP conf iguration works as follo ws: 1.
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Ci sco IP Phone Mo dels 7905G and 7912G Using a TFTP Serv er Settin g Up the TFTP S erver wi th Cisc o IP Ph one Soft ware 6-4 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inis.
6-5 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 6 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Ph one Mode ls 79 05G and 7 91 2 G Using a TFT P Serv er Configuring the Cisco I.
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Ci sco IP Phone Mo dels 7905G and 7912G Using a TFTP Serv er Configu rin g the Cisco I P Phon e to O bt ai n its Configu ration File from t he TFTP Serve r 6-6 Cisco IP Phon.
6-7 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 6 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Ph one Mode ls 79 05G and 7 91 2 G Using a TFT P Serv er Configuring the Cisco I.
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Ci sco IP Phone Mo dels 7905G and 7912G Using a TFTP Serv er Configu rin g the Cisco I P Phon e to O bt ai n its Configu ration File from t he TFTP Serve r 6-8 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 can be set in the bootf ile nam e field of the DHCP header .
6-9 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 6 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Ph one Mode ls 79 05G and 7 91 2 G Using a TFT P Serv er Creating or Updating a .
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Ci sco IP Phone Mo dels 7905G and 7912G Using a TFTP Serv er Creating or Up dating a Pro file 6-10 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 you use t he parame ter tag file ca lled sip _ptag.
6-11 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 6 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Ph one Mode ls 79 05G and 7 91 2 G Using a TFT P Serv er Creating or Updating a.
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Ci sco IP Phone Mo dels 7905G and 7912G Using a TFTP Serv er Creating or Up dating a Pro file 6-12 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 configure pa rameter s in the uni que profile that a re specific to a phone .
6-13 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 6 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Ph one Mode ls 79 05G and 7 91 2 G Using a TFT P Serv er Creating or Updating a Profile • pT agFile is an option al path and f ile name (or f ile name only) of the paramete r tag f ile.
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Ci sco IP Phone Mo dels 7905G and 7912G Using a TFTP Serv er Creating or Up dating a Pro file 6-14 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-.
6-15 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 6 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Ph one Mode ls 79 05G and 7 91 2 G Using a TFT P Serv er Using Encryption Step .
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Ci sco IP Phone Mo dels 7905G and 7912G Using a TFTP Serv er Usin g En c ryp ti on 6-16 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 The En cryptKey paramet er or the profile Encrypt Ke y paramete r and th e encrypt ion key used in the cf gfmt too l comman d syntax mu st match .
6-17 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 6 Con fi guri ng the Cisc o IP Ph one Mode ls 79 05G and 7 91 2 G Using a TFT P Serv er Refreshing or Resettin.
Chapter 6 Configur ing the Ci sco IP Phone Mo dels 7905G and 7912G Using a TFTP Serv er Refreshing or Resetting the Cisco IP Phone 6-18 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP.
C HAPTER 7-1 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 7 Configuring the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Using Web Pages Each p hone h as a web page fr om whi ch you c an view and update ma ny device and network pa ra met er values.
Chapter 7 Configur ing the Ci sco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Using Web Pages Access i ng a Phone’s Web Pa ge 7-2 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Not.
7-3 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 7 Con figuring the Ci sc o IP Phone Mode ls 79 05G and 7 91 2 G Using W eb Pag es Accessin g a Phone’ s Web P.
Chapter 7 Configur ing the Ci sco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Using Web Pages Viewing Stat istica l and Operat ional Infor mation 7-4 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (S.
7-5 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 7 Con figuring the Ci sc o IP Phone Mode ls 79 05G and 7 91 2 G Using W eb Pag es Viewing Statistical and Opera.
Chapter 7 Configur ing the Ci sco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Using Web Pages Viewing Stat istica l and Operat ional Infor mation 7-6 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Network Statistics Ta b l e 7 - 3 desc ribes the fields displ ayed on th e Network Stati stics ar ea of the Cisco IP Phone we b page.
7-7 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 7 Con figuring the Ci sc o IP Phone Mode ls 79 05G and 7 91 2 G Using W eb Pag es Viewing Statistical and Opera.
Chapter 7 Configur ing the Ci sco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Using Web Pages Viewing Stat istica l and Operat ional Infor mation 7-8 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (S.
C HAPTER 8-1 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 8 Profile and Web Page Parameters and Defa ults This ch apter de scri bes the parameter s tha t you can u se to conf igure the Cisco I P Ph one m odels 7 905G and 7 912G throug h a profile or throu gh a phone’ s web pag e.
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Network Para meters 8-2 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 For instructio ns about ac cessing a p hone’ s web pa ge, see Chap ter 7, “Con figu ring the Cisc o IP Phone Mode ls 7905G and 79 12G Usin g W eb Pages.
8-3 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Network Parameters T able 8-1 Networ k P ar ameters Parameter Description UseT ftp Enable s or disab les d o wnloadi ng of a pr ofile from a T FTP ser ver .
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Network Para meters 8-4 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 CfgInt erval Numbe r of second s betwee n automati c profile refr eshes from the TFTP se rver .
8-5 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Network Parameters StaticIP Internet Proto col (IP) addres s of the phone. Y ou can use this parameter to assign the IP address if DHCP does not provid e it.
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Network Para meters 8-6 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 DNS1I P , D NS2IP I P addresses o f the pr imary and seconda ry domain name servers if DHCP is not used to pr ovide the DN S ad dre sses.
8-7 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Network Parameters OpFlags Enables or disables various operati onal feat ures.
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Network Para meters 8-8 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 VLANSe ttin g Cont rol s the u se of VL AN in the phone. • Bits 0-2: Spec ifies 802. 1Q p rior ity fo r Signa lin g IP p ackets.
8-9 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults SIP Pa r amete rs SIP Parameter s Ta b l e 8 - 2 descri bes .
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults SIP Parameters 8-10 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Ta b l e 8 - 2 S I P P a r a m e t e r s Parameter Description UID, PWD User ID and password for registra tion and authentic ation.
8-11 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults SIP Pa r amete rs SIPRegInterval SI P r egistration inte rval, in s econd s, betwe en e ach registra tion re newal to the SIP prox y s er ver .
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults SIP Parameters 8-12 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 MediaPor t Port from which the p hone tra nsmits an d recei ves media streams . This v alu e must be an e ven number; each connecti on uses the next av ailable ev en-num bere d port for R TP .
8-13 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Call Prefe re nce Pa ramet e rs Call Preference Para meters.
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Call Prefe rence Par ameters 8-14 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 T able 8-3 Call Pr efer ence P a.
8-15 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Call Prefe re nce Pa ramet e rs Bloc k Cal le r ID (on web .
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Call Prefe rence Par ameters 8-16 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Call Forw ard Number (on web page ) CallFor wardNum ber (in p rofile) Specifi es a telephon e number to whic h all calls to the phone are for warded.
8-17 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Call Prefe re nce Pa ramet e rs Ti m e F o r m a t (on web page ) Ti m e Fo r m a t (in p rofile) Specif i es the for mat fo r the t ime that appe ars o n the phon e’ s LCD s cree n.
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Call Prefe rence Par ameters 8-18 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Forw ard to VMail Delay (on web .
8-19 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Call Prefe re nce Pa ramet e rs GUI Sho w Mask (on web page ) CallP refGuiS how (in p rofile) Specif ies which pa rameters , if any , app ear on the Call Pref erences menu on the phon e.
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Call Prefe rence Par ameters 8-20 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 GUI Set Ma sk (on web page ) CallP refGuiS et (in p rofile) Specifies whic h paramet ers on the Ca ll Prefere nces menu on t he phone ca n be change d b y an end us er .
8-21 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Tone Para meter s Tone Paramete rs Ta b l e 8 - 4 de scribes the tone parameter s that you can c onfigure through a pho ne’ s profile or throu gh the T one Paramete rs area on the phone ’ s we b page.
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Tone Param et er s 8-22 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 T able 8-4 T one P a r amet ers Parameter Description SigT imer T imeout v alues for sig nal e ven ts.
8-23 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Tone Para meter s RingOn Of fT ime Specifi es the rin ger caden ce pat ter n, e xpres sed as three comma-s epa rated integers a,b,c , where: • a —Numb er of seconds to wait be fore turn ing the ring on.
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Audio Par am et ers 8-24 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Audio Parameters Ta b l e 8 - 5 d escribe.
8-25 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Audio Parame ters T able 8-5 A udio P ar amete rs Parameter Description RxCod ec Pr eferre d audio de coder (re ceiving codec ): • 1: G.
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Profile Parame ters 8-26 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Profile Parameters Ta b l e 8 - 6 desc ribes the pa rameter s that you ca n configure thro ugh a phon e’ s profile only .
8-27 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Parameter Details Parameter Details This section includ es .
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Paramete r Detail s 8-28 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 BusyTon e, CallWaitTon e, DialTone, D ial.
8-29 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Parameter Details • T Am plitude_1 and TAmplitude_2 are th e transfo rmed ampli tudes (volumes) of the f irst and second freq uencie s, respe cti ve ly .
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Paramete r Detail s 8-30 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Figur e 8-1 Cadence with T wo O n-Of f P airs • T ot alT oneT ime is the total l ength of ti me that t he tone plays.
8-31 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Parameter Details The synta x of the Reor derT one para met.
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Paramete r Detail s 8-32 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 • NumOfOnOf fP airs is the numbe r of on-of f pairs in the cadence s of the tone (0, 1, 2, or 3) .
8-33 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Parameter Details Reor de rTon e Param e ter Exam p le1 Assume that you want a reord er tone in whi ch: • The freq uenci es 900 Hz, 1 400 Hz, and 1800 Hz pla y sequen tially .
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Paramete r Detail s 8-34 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Reor de rTon e Param e ter Exam p le 2 Assume that you want a reord er tone in whi ch: • The only fr eq uency is 400 H z .
8-35 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Parameter Details T able 8-8 Reor der T one P aramet e r Ex.
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Paramete r Detail s 8-36 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 ConnectM ode Detail The Conn ectMod e parame ter sp ecif ies th e connec tion mod e for the sele cted call-sign al ing pr otocol , as de scri bed i n Ta b l e 8 - 9 .
8-37 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Parameter Details 22 Pr oce ss a r ecei ved = parameter in th e VIA h eader to e xtract t he e xterna l IP a ddresses used b y the Netw ork Ad dress T ranslati on (N A T) router .
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Paramete r Detail s 8-38 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 DialPlan Parameter Detail The Di alPlan p arameter spec ifie s dial plan rules. Note No syntax check is performed b y the implementa tion of this parameter .
8-39 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Parameter Details The Dial Plan field provide s progra mmab le strings of dia l plan tha t allow you to specify: • Special rule —I timeout to control de fault in terdigit t imeout.
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Paramete r Detail s 8-40 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 • Rules ar e applied in the listed o rder . The fir st rule that completely m atches triggers the sen d.
8-41 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Parameter Details Upgrad ecod e Pa ramete r Detail The upgradecode p arameter pro vides the phone with instructions it uses to download the la test firmware i mage from the TFTP ser ver .
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Paramete r Detail s 8-42 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 • imag e_f ile_name is the file name of the fi rmware ima ge, in the follo wi ng format. (This form at includ es spaces between element s for clarity .
8-43 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Parameter Details future upg rade s. A ph one that can pe rfo rm imag e auth en tica tio n will only re qu est a .
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Paramete r Detail s 8-44 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Before you can c hange the figure on the pho ne, y ou must us e a gra phics pr ogram to create an imag e with the follo wing attr ibu tes: • W idth of 88 pixels.
8-45 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 8 Profil e an d Web Page Pa rameters an d Defaults Parameter Details Step 3 Add the follo wing line to the Cisco I P Phone p rof ile: upgradelogo: imageID , TFTPServerIP , image .
Chapter 8 P rofile and Web Page Parameters and De faults Paramete r Detail s 8-46 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01.
C HAPTER 9-1 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 9 Troubleshooting the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G This c hapter de scribes so me basi c testing and trou bleshoot ing proc edures for the Cisco I P Ph one m odels 7905G and 791 2G.
Chapter 9 Troubleshootin g the Cis co IP P hone Models 7905G and 7912G Resolv ing Probl ems 9-2 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 • A fast- busy tone indi ca tes th at th e nu mbe r you c a lled is no t valid o r th at external ci rcuit s are busy .
9-3 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 9 Tro ubl eshooti ng t he Ci sco IP Pho ne M odels 7 9 05G and 791 2G Res olving Problems Sympto m T ime is not displa yed or is displayed incorrect ly on the phone.
Chapter 9 Troubleshootin g the Cis co IP P hone Models 7905G and 7912G Resolv ing Probl ems 9-4 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Sympto m There is n o d ial to ne on the phon e. Possible Cau se No user I D was ente red, or th e UID para me ter is set t o 0 or a period (.
9-5 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 9 Tro ubl eshooti ng t he Ci sco IP Pho ne M odels 7 9 05G and 791 2G Conta ctin g TAC Related Topics • Gener.
Chapter 9 Troubleshootin g the Cis co IP P hone Models 7905G and 7912G Debuggi ng 9-6 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 T o collect de bugging inform ation in a log file, perform th e following steps.
9-7 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Chapter 9 Tro ubl eshooti ng t he Ci sco IP Pho ne M odels 7 9 05G and 791 2G Debuggi ng Note If you want to colle ct infor mation fro m more than one Cis co IP Phone, Cisco recom mends th at yo u stor e inf ormati on in a s epa rate l isten_p ort .
Chapter 9 Troubleshootin g the Cis co IP P hone Models 7905G and 7912G Debuggi ng 9-8 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01.
A-1 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 APPEND IX A Additional End Use r Features on the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Thi s appe nd ix d escr ib es Ci sc o IP P ho ne en d us er f ea tures tha t ar e no t in cl uded i n the current v ersio n of the Cisco IP Phone end user documentatio n.
Appendi x A Add itional End U ser Feat ures on the Cisc o IP Phone Mode ls 7905G and 7 912G Call Preferen ces Menu A-2 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 T o displa y th e Call Pr eference s men u, follo w these steps: Proc edure Step 1 Press the Menu button to acc ess the Ser vices m enu.
A-3 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Administr ator Guide (SIP ) OL-4277-01 Append ix A Addi tional En d Us er Feature s on the Cisc o IP Phone Model s 790 5G and 79 12 G Call Pref eren ces Menu Do Not Distur b Specifi es whether ca lls to the phone will rece ive a b usy signa l.
Appendi x A Add itional End U ser Feat ures on the Cisc o IP Phone Mode ls 7905G and 7 912G Call Preferen ces Menu A-4 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Allo w Blind T ran sfer Specifi es whether blind call tran sfers can be made fr om t he p hone.
A-5 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Administr ator Guide (SIP ) OL-4277-01 Append ix A Addi tional En d Us er Feature s on the Cisc o IP Phone Model s 790 5G and 79 12 G Call Pref eren ces Menu Date Forma t Specifi es the format for the date that appear s on the ph one’ s L CD sc reen .
Appendi x A Add itional End U ser Feat ures on the Cisc o IP Phone Mode ls 7905G and 7 912G Softkeys A-6 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Softkeys Ta b l e.
A-7 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Administr ator Guide (SIP ) OL-4277-01 Append ix A Addi tional En d Us er Feature s on the Cisc o IP Phone Model s 790 5G and 79 12 G Ot her Fe a t ures Othe.
Appendi x A Add itional End U ser Feat ures on the Cisc o IP Phone Mode ls 7905G and 7 912G Other Feat ures A-8 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 T able A -3 Other F eatur es Feature Description Ringe r sound The ringer sou nd cann ot be chan ged on the pho ne.
B-1 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 APPEND IX B Phone Menu, Web Page, and Profile Equivalent Parameters Ta b l e B - 1 shows the configurabl e parame ters on the ph one menu s and their equiv alent para meter s in the phone co nfiguration w eb pages an d profile.
Appendi x B Phone Menu , Web Page, and Pro file Equiv ale nt Parameters B-2 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Local SIP Port SIPPort Logi n ID Login ID N A .
C-1 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 APPEND IX C SIP Cal l Flows This appendix describes some basic call flows for the Cisco I P Ph one m odels 7905G and 791 2G.
Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scen arios for Suc ces sful Calls C-2 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 The fol lowing types of response s are u sed by .
C-3 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Administr ator Guide (SIP ) OL-4277-01 Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scenarios for Successful Calls Figur e C-1 Cisco IP Phone-t o-SIP Serv er—Regis .
Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scen arios for Suc ces sful Calls C-4 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Cisco IP Phone-to-SIP Server—Registration with Authentication Figure C-2 illustr ates the Cisco IP Phone re gistering with the SI P server where authe ntica tion is requ ired for registra tion.
C-5 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Administr ator Guide (SIP ) OL-4277-01 Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scenarios for Successful Calls Figur e C-2 Cisco IP Phone-t o-SIP Serv er —Regis.
Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scen arios for Suc ces sful Calls C-6 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 T able C-4 Log Listing 1. REGISTER SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: <sip:9313@cisco.
C-7 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Administr ator Guide (SIP ) OL-4277-01 Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scenarios for Successful Calls Cisco IP Phone-to- Cisco IP Phone —Basic SIP to S.
Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scen arios for Suc ces sful Calls C-8 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Figur e C-3 Cisco IP Phone-t o-Cisco IP Phone—Basic SIP t o SIP Ca ll without A uthentication 1. INVITE IP network IP network SIP ser v er 2.
C-9 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Administr ator Guide (SIP ) OL-4277-01 Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scenarios for Successful Calls T able C-5 Action Des cr iptions Step Action Descri.
Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scen arios for Suc ces sful Calls C-10 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Step 12 BYE—SIP se rver to Cisco IP Phone B SIP server passes the BYE reque st to Cisco IP Phone B.
C-11 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Administr ator Guide (SIP ) OL-4277-01 Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scenarios for Successful Calls 2. SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received= Call-ID: 4074632257@192.
Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scen arios for Suc ces sful Calls C-12 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 5. SIP/2.0 180 Ringing Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=5b495e54-d5a8a93e-aa5f9258-be025820-1 Via: SIP/2.
C-13 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Administr ator Guide (SIP ) OL-4277-01 Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scenarios for Successful Calls 8. SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received= From: <sip:9313@cisco.
Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scen arios for Suc ces sful Calls C-14 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 11. BYE sip:9314@;user=phone SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: <sip:9313@cisco.
C-15 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Administr ator Guide (SIP ) OL-4277-01 Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scenarios for Successful Calls Cisco IP Phone-to- Cisco IP Phone—Bas ic SIP to .
Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scen arios for Suc ces sful Calls C-16 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Figur e C-4 Cisco IP Phone-to-Cisc o IP Phone—Basic SIP to SIP Call with A uthentica tion 1. INVITE IP network IP network SIP ser v er 2.
C-17 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Administr ator Guide (SIP ) OL-4277-01 Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scenarios for Successful Calls T able C-7 Action Des cr iptions Step Action Descr.
Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scen arios for Suc ces sful Calls C-18 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Step 13 A CK—Cisco I P Phone A to SIP server Cisco IP Phone A sends acknowledgment of the 200 OK re sponse to the SIP se rver to pass on to Cisco IP Phon e B.
C-19 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Administr ator Guide (SIP ) OL-4277-01 Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scenarios for Successful Calls T able C-8 Log Listing 1. INVITE;user=phone SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: <sip:9313@cisco.
Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scen arios for Suc ces sful Calls C-20 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 4. ACK;user=phone SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=192.168.
C-21 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Administr ator Guide (SIP ) OL-4277-01 Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scenarios for Successful Calls 7. INVITE sip:9314@;user=phone SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=fa2b71c3-292cb31a-a4158bcf-2cb346be-1 Via: SIP/2.
Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scen arios for Suc ces sful Calls C-22 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 10. SIP/2.0 180 Ringing Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received= From: <sip:9313@cisco.
C-23 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Administr ator Guide (SIP ) OL-4277-01 Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scenarios for Successful Calls 12. SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received= From: <sip:9313@cisco.
Appendix C SIP Call Flows Call Flow Scen arios for Suc ces sful Calls C-24 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 15. BYE sip:9314@;user=phone SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: <sip:9313@cisco.
D-1 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 APPEND IX D Specifications for the Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G This append ix pro vid es spec if icati ons for the Ci sco IP Phone model s 7905G and 7912G.
Appendi x D Specifi cat ions for the Ci sco IP Pho ne M odels 7905 G and 7912G Physic al Specifica tions D-2 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Physical Spec.
D-3 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912G Administr ator Guide (SIP ) OL-4277-01 Append ix D Specif ic ations fo r th e Cisco I P P hon e Mo dels 7905G an d 7912G Enviro nmenta l Speci fica tions Env.
Appendi x D Specifi cat ions for the Ci sco IP Pho ne M odels 7905 G and 7912G Software Sp ecifications D-4 Cisco IP Ph one Models 7905G an d 7912G Administra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Pro vis ioni n.
GL-1 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 GLOSSAR Y Numerics 10BASE-T 110-Mbps baseband Ethe rnet spe cification using two pai rs of twisted-p air cabling (Ca tegorie s 3, 4, or 5): on e pair f or transmitting data and the other for recei ving data.
Glos sary GL-2 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 CDP Cisco Disc overy Protocol . U sed prim ar ily t o obtai n prot oco l ad dre sses o f neighbori ng devices a nd di scover the platf orm o f th ose devices. C DP can als o be used to sh ow information a bout the in terfaces yo ur route r uses.
GL-3 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Glossary compr ession Th e ru nning of a d ata se t t hr ou gh an a lgor ith m th at reduc es the sp ace r equi red to store or the b andwidth r equired to transmit t he data se t.
Glos sary GL-4 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 E E.164 The interna tional public tele commu nications number ing plan.
GL-5 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Glossary G G.711 Th e 64- kbps PC M voice c od in g te chni qu e. I n G . 711, en co de d voice is al read y in the correct f ormat for digital v oice deli v ery in the PSTN or through PBXs.
Glos sary GL-6 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 ITU Internati onal T el ecommu nicati on Union. An organization e stablishe d by the United Nation s to set internatio nal teleco mmunicati ons standards and to allocate frequ encies for specif ic uses.
GL-7 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Glossary N NAT Network Ad dress T ransl ation. Mechan ism for reducin g the ne ed for globa lly unique IP addresses.
Glos sary GL-8 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 R RAS Registration, A dmission, an d Status Protocol . Protocol that is used betwe en endpoi nts and a gatekeepe r to perfor m manageme nt functi ons.
GL-9 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Glossary S SCCP Skinn y Call Control Protocol. A V oIP protocol utilize d by a Call Manager server . SDP Session Def init ion Protocol. An IETF prot ocol for the def inition of multimed ia services.
Glos sary GL-10 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 TFTP T rivial File T ransfer Protocol. Simplif ied v ersion of FTP that allo ws files to be transfer re d .
GL-11 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Glossary X XML eXtensi ble Ma rku p L angu age . X ML is an o pe n stand ard for de fining da ta element s on web pages an d in business documents.
Glos sary GL-12 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01.
IN- 1 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 INDEX Numerics 10/100 PC port 2-4 10/100 SW port 2-4 10 BASET port 2-4 802.
Index IN-2 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Block Caller I D parameter 8-15 BlockCal lerId parame ter 8-15 bmp2log o.
IN- 3 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Index parame ters A-2 to A- 6 Call Preferen ces men u para meter s Allow Blind Transfer A-4 Allow Cal l Transf er A-3.
Index IN-4 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 specifi cati on D-3 supported 1-5 transmitting 8- 25 comfort noise 4-5 conf erence cal l 8-14, A-4 Confer ence param eter 8-14 configuratio n alphabe tical listing of featu res with relat ed parame ters 4-12 authenti cation 4-4 basic 2-13 cfgfmt .
IN- 5 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Index DHCP disabling 5-11, 8-4 enab lin g 5-11, 8-4 option 1 6-8 option 15 0 6-6, 8-7 option 3 6-8 option 42 6-8 opti.
Index IN-6 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 E Edit sof tkey 5-6, 5-14 electric al specification s D-2 enab li n g S I P r eg is tr ati on 4-2 encr yption , .
IN- 7 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Index phone 5-7, 8-5 specifyi ng manuall y 3-10 IP Address para meter 3-10, 5-7 IPDi alP la n p ar am ete r 8-13 L lddefaul t.
Index IN-8 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Networ k C onfig urat ion menu pa ram ete rs Admin . VLAN Id 5-10 Alterna te DNS 5-13 Alterna te Doma in 5-13 Al.
IN- 9 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Index disabling al ternat e 5-13 enabling alte rnate 5-13 IP address of pri mary 8-6 IP address of seconda ry 8-6 NTP.
Index IN-10 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 profile about 2-7, 6-2 binary 6-9 comm on 6-13 convent ions 6-10 crea ting 6-9 default 6-13 default valu es 6-1.
IN-11 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Index registra tion renewa l, config uring second s between 4-2, 5- 17, 8-11 registra tion status i con 8-19 relate d.
Index IN-12 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 SIP Confi gurat ion men u p aram eters Backup Prox y Timeou t 5-16 Local RTP Port 4-3, 5-16 Local SIP Port 4-3,.
IN-13 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Index Defa ult A-7 DND A-7 Drop A-7 Edit 5-6, 5-14 Exit 5-3 Factory A-7 Missed A-7 No 5-6, 5-14 Restore A-7 Save 5-5 .
Index IN-14 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 URL 5-8 TFTP S e rv er pa r am ete r 5-8 TftpU RL parame ter 8-3 time, display 9-3 time fo rm at, on L CD scre .
IN-15 Cisco IP Phon e Models 7905G and 7912 G Administrator Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 Index V Validate so ftkey 5-5 VLAN auxiliary 5-10 disabling 5-10 enab lin g 5-10 IP encapsu lation, disabling 8-7 IP .
Index IN-16 Cisco IP Phone Models 7905G and 7912G Adm inistra tor Guide (SIP) OL-4277-01 X XMLDe fault .cnf.x ml p rofile 3-4 Y Yes softkey 5-6, 5-14.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Cisco Systems 7912G è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Cisco Systems 7912G - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Cisco Systems 7912G imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Cisco Systems 7912G ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Cisco Systems 7912G, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Cisco Systems 7912G.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Cisco Systems 7912G. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Cisco Systems 7912G insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.