Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 7600 del fabbricante Cisco Systems
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Americas Hea dquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Driv e San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco 76 0 0 S e r .
iii Cisco 7600 S eries Rout er Superv isor Eng ine and Rout e Switch Pro cessor Gui de OL-10100-04 CONTENTS Preface vii Content s vii Document Histor y vii Document Orga nizati on viii Document Conv e.
Cont ent s iv Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Supervi sor En gine 2 2-14 CHAPTER 3 Instal ling and Confi gurin g Route S witch Processo rs a.
Content s v Cisco 7600 S eries Rout er Superv isor Engi ne and Rout e Switch Pro cessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Identi fyi ng a Rollov er Cabl e B-7 DB-9 Adapt er (f or Connect ing to a PC) B-8 DB-25 Adap .
Cont ent s vi Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04.
vii Cisco 7600 S eries Rout er Superv isor Eng ine and Rout e Switch Pro cessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Preface This guide d escribe s the rout e switch pro cessors an d supervis or engines supporte d by Cisco 7600 series routers. It also provides technical specif ications for these modu les and describes cable and connector specifi cations.
viii Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Preface Docum ent Organ izatio n Document Orga nization This docu ment is organized as fo llows: Document Co nventions This docu ment uses the fol lowing conventions : Cautio n Means re a d e r b e c a re f ul .
ix Cisco 7600 S eries Rout er Superv isor Engi ne and Rout e Switch Pro cessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Pre face Relat ed Docume ntation Warning Definition See Regulatory Complianc e and Saf ety Inf ormatio.
x Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Preface Obtainin g Docume ntation , Obtaining Sup port, and Se curity G uidelines Obtaining Do cumentation.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine an d Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 1 Cisco 7600 Product Overview This ch apt er p rovid es an overv iew o f th e C isc o 7600 series route rs and descr ibes interfac e and port addre sses on the ro uter s.
1-2 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 1 Cisco 7600 Pr oduct Overvie w Cisco 76 00 Series Routers Supported Hardware Cisco 7600 series .
1-3 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine an d Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Chapter 1 Cisco 7600 Product Ove rview Cisco 7600 Series R outers Features Ta b l e 1-1 lists some key feat ures of the Cisco 7600 series ro uters .
1-4 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 1 Cisco 7600 Pr oduct Overvie w Cisco 76 00 Series Routers Memory compon ents • Elec trical ly.
1-5 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine an d Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Chapter 1 Cisco 7600 Product Ove rview Por t Add ress es Port Addresses Each p ort (or in terface ) i n the Cisco 7600 se ries route r has several dif feren t types of ad dresses.
1-6 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 1 Cisco 7600 Pr oduct Overvie w Port Addre sses Figur e 1 -1 Cisco 7 609 Rou ter P ort A ddr e ss Examples The supe rvi sor en gine and rout e swi tch pro cessor h ave two or more uplink ports ( numbe red n /1 , n /2, and so on).
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine an d Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 2 Route Switch Processors and Supervisor Engines This c hapter d escrib es the ro ute sw .
2-2 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 2 Route Switch Processors an d Supervisor Engines Overv iew Overview The super visor e ngine or rou te switch pro cessor (RSP) is a module th at is insta lled in one of the card slots in th e route r .
2-3 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine an d Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Chapter 2 Route Switch Pro cessors and Supervisor Engi nes Over view Ta b l e 2-1 lists t he RSP a nd sup ervisor engine configurations suppor ted on Cisco 7600 serie s route rs.
2-4 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 2 Route Switch Processors an d Supervisor Engines Overv iew Note See the “QoS on the RSP720-10GE ” section on page 2-10 for more information about the QoS port arc hitect ure on the upli nk por ts.
2-5 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine an d Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Chapter 2 Route Switch Pro cessors and Supervisor Engi nes Over view WS-SUP 720-3 B • T wo Gigabit E.
2-6 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 2 Route Switch Processors an d Supervisor Engines Rout e Swit ch Pr ocess or 720 Route Switch Processor 720 This sec tion descri bes the Rou te Switch Pr ocessor 72 0 (RSP720) .
2-7 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine an d Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Chapter 2 Route Switch Pro cessors and Supervisor Engi nes Route Swi tch Pro cessor 720 Figur e 2-1 Ro.
2-8 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 2 Route Switch Processors an d Supervisor Engines RSP720 with 10GE Uplink Ports RSP720 with 10GE Uplink Ports Cisco IOS Re lease 12 .2SRC intro duces a ne w RSP 720 wi th 10 G iga bit Et hernet (GE) u plink ports (RSP720-1 0GE).
2-9 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine an d Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Chapter 2 Route Switch Pro cessors and Supervisor Engi nes RSP720 with 10GE Uplink Ports – 10 gigabi.
2-10 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 2 Route Switch Processors an d Supervisor Engines RSP720 with 10GE Uplink Ports • High-a v ailabili ty featur es such as NonStop F orw arding with Statef ul Switcho v er (NSF/SSO ) and In-Servic e Software Upgrade (ISSU) are no t suppor ted.
2-11 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine an d Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Chapter 2 Route Switch Pro cessors and Supervisor Engi nes RSP720 with 10GE Uplink Ports • In 10GE onl y mode, ei ght queue s are av ailable for QoS. U se the mls qos supervisor 10g- only command to enable 10GE on ly mode .
2-12 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 2 Route Switch Processors an d Supervisor Engines Supervis or Engine 7 20 and Super viso r Engi.
2-13 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine an d Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Chapter 2 Route Switch Pro cessors and Supervisor Engi nes Super viso r Engin e 720 an d Super viso r.
2-14 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 2 Route Switch Processors an d Supervisor Engines Supervisor E ngine 2 Supervisor Engine 2 Thi .
2-15 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine an d Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Chapter 2 Route Switch Pro cessors and Supervisor Engi nes Super visor Engine 2 Ta b l e 2-5 list s the L ED fu nction s on th e Supe rvis or En gine 2 .
2-16 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 2 Route Switch Processors an d Supervisor Engines Supervisor E ngine 2 SYSTE M 1 Gre en All chassis en vironmental monitors a re repo rting OK. Orange The power supply or power supply fan failed.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine an d Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 3 Installing and Configuring Route Switch Processors and Supervisor Engines This ch apt er descri bes how to inst all an d configure a rou te switc h proc essor or superv isor en gine.
3-2 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 3 Installing and Configuring Route Switch Processors and Supervisor Engines Prepar ing for Insta.
3-3 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine an d Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Chapter 3 Installing and Configuri ng Route Switc h Processors and Supe rvisor Eng ines Determining Module Location • A void conta ct be tween t he printed circu it boa rds and clo thing.
3-4 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 3 Installing and Configuring Route Switch Processors and Supervisor Engines Instal ling a Super .
3-5 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine an d Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Chapter 3 Installing and Configuri ng Route Switc h Processors and Supe rvisor Eng ines Instal ling a .
3-6 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 3 Installing and Configuring Route Switch Processors and Supervisor Engines Instal ling a Super .
3-7 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine an d Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Chapter 3 Installing and Configuri ng Route Switc h Processors and Supe rvisor Eng ines Removing a Sup.
3-8 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 3 Installing and Configuring Route Switch Processors and Supervisor Engines Hot Swa pping (OIR) .
3-9 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine an d Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Chapter 3 Installing and Configuri ng Route Switc h Processors and Supe rvisor Eng ines Connecting to .
3-10 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 3 Installing and Configuring Route Switch Processors and Supervisor Engines Connecti ng to the .
3-11 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine and Route Switc h Processor Gui de OL-10100-04 Chapter 3 Installing and Configuri ng Route Switc h Processors and Supe rvisor Eng ines Connecting to .
3-12 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 3 Installing and Configuring Route Switch Processors and Supervisor Engines Usin g Flash Memor .
3-13 Cisco 7600 S eries Router S upervisor E ngine and Route Switc h Processor Gui de OL-10100-04 Chapter 3 Installing and Configuri ng Route Switc h Processors and Supe rvisor Eng ines Using Flash Me.
3-14 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Chapter 3 Installing and Configuring Route Switch Processors and Supervisor Engines Power Man agement a.
A- 1 Cisco 7600 S eries Rout er Supervisor Engi ne and Route Swit ch Processor Gui de OL-10100-04 APPENDIX A Technical Specifications This app endix prov ides the technical s pecifica tions for the Cisco 760 0 route switch p rocessors and supervisor e ngines.
A- 2 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Appendi x A Technica l Speci fications Regulatory Standard s Com pliance.
B-1 Cisco 7600 S eries Rout er Supervisor Engi ne and Route Swit ch Processor Gui de OL-10100-04 APPENDIX B Cable and Connecto r Specifications This appe ndix list s the cable and connec tor specificati ons for the Ci sco 7 600 ro ute swit ch proc essors (RSPs) and supervi sor e ngines.
B-2 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Appendi x B Cable and Connect or Specifica tions Uplink Port Transce iver Modu les Uplink Port Trans cei.
B-3 Cisco 7600 S eries Rout er Supervisor Engi ne and Route Switch P r ocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Append ix B Cable and Conn ector Speci fications Upl ink Po rt Tr ansc eive r Mo dule s 1GE Uplink Ports and Cabling Specifications Ta b l e B-2 describes the 1GE SFP transceiv er modules that are used for Cisco 760 0 uplink po rts.
B-4 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Appendi x B Cable and Connect or Specifica tions Uplink Port Transce iver Modu les Ta b l e B-3 lists the cabling specif ications for the 1GE up link ports, which are located on SFP t ransceiv er modu les that pl ug into the fr ont pa nel.
B-5 Cisco 7600 S eries Rout er Supervisor Engi ne and Route Switch P r ocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Append ix B Cable and Conn ector Speci fications Upl ink Po rt Tr ansc eive r Mo dule s 10GE Uplink Po.
B-6 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Appendi x B Cable and Connect or Specifica tions Console Port Ca bling Specifica tions and Pino uts GBIC.
B-7 Cisco 7600 S eries Rout er Supervisor Engi ne and Route Switch P r ocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Append ix B Cable and Conn ector Speci fications Cons ole Po rt Ca blin g Spe cific atio ns an d Pin o.
B-8 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Appendi x B Cable and Connect or Specifica tions Console Port Ca bling Specifica tions and Pino uts Figu.
B-9 Cisco 7600 S eries Rout er Supervisor Engi ne and Route Switch P r ocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Append ix B Cable and Conn ector Speci fications Cons ole Po rt Ca blin g Spe cific atio ns an d Pin o.
B-10 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Appendi x B Cable and Connect or Specifica tions RJ-45 Conn ector Console P ort Mode 2 Signa ling and P.
B-11 Cisco 7600 S eries Rout er Supervisor Engi ne and Route Switch P r ocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Append ix B Cable and Conn ector Speci fications RJ-45 Conn ector Figur e B-2 RJ-45 Interf ace Cable .
B-12 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Appendi x B Cable and Connect or Specifica tions Fiber-Opt ic Conne ctors Figur e B-4 T wisted-P air Cr.
B-13 Cisco 7600 S eries Rout er Supervisor Engi ne and Route Switch P r ocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Append ix B Cable and Conn ector Speci fications Fiber -Optic Conn ectors Figur e B-5 SC Optical Conne ctor Alway s make sure th at you insert the connector completely in to the socke t.
B-14 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Appendi x B Cable and Connect or Specifica tions Fiber-Opt ic Conne ctors Make sure that you insert the conne c tor completel y into the socket.
B-15 Cisco 7600 S eries Rout er Supervisor Engi ne and Route Switch P r ocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Append ix B Cable and Conn ector Speci fications Fiber -Optic Conn ectors Clean ing the F iber-Optic Connec tors Fiber -optic con nectors are us ed to connect two f ibers togeth er .
B-16 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Appendi x B Cable and Connect or Specifica tions LX/LH GBIC an d MMF Ca ble Considerat ions LX/LH GBIC .
B-17 Cisco 7600 S eries Rout er Supervisor Engi ne and Route Switch P r ocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 Append ix B Cable and Conn ector Speci fications LX/LH GBIC a nd MMF Cable Consi derati ons Patch Cord Installation War ni n g Invisible laser radiation may be emitted from disconnected fibers or connectors.
B-18 Cisco 7600 Se ries Router Su pervisor En gine and Route S witch Processor Guide OL-10100-04 Appendi x B Cable and Connect or Specifica tions LX/LH GBIC an d MMF Ca ble Considerat ions.
IN-1 Cisco 7600 S eries Rout er Supervisor Eng ine and Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 INDE X Symbols 3-13 A acce ssories kit, con sole port 3-9, B-7 ACTIVE L ED Sup Eng 720, Sup Eng 32 2-1.
Index IN-2 Cisco 7600 Series Route r Supervisor Engin e and Route Switch Pr ocessor Guide OL-10100-04 D DB-25 ad apter B- 9 DB-9 ad apter B-8 DISK LED, Sup Eng 72 0, Sup Eng 32 2-14 DRAM, de fault 1-4.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco 7600 S eries Rout er Supervisor Eng ine and Route Switch P rocessor Gui de OL-10100-04 LINK LE D Sup Eng 2 2-16 Sup Eng 720, Sup Eng 32 2-14 link spans, excessive B-16 LX/L H GBIC B-.
Index IN-4 Cisco 7600 Series Route r Supervisor Engin e and Route Switch Pr ocessor Guide OL-10100-04 front pan el (fig ure) 2-7 uplink po rts 3-11 Route Switch Proc essor 720 (RSP720-10G E) CompactFl.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Cisco Systems 7600 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Cisco Systems 7600 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Cisco Systems 7600 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Cisco Systems 7600 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Cisco Systems 7600, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Cisco Systems 7600.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Cisco Systems 7600. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Cisco Systems 7600 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.