Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 1300 del fabbricante Cisco Systems
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Corporate He adquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco Aironet 1 30 .
iii Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 CONTENTS Preface ix Audienc e ix Pur pose ix Organi zation ix Conv enti ons x Rela ted Publi cati ons xii Obtain ing Docu mentati on xii Cisco.
Cont ent s iv Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Operati ng Rol es for the Au tonomous Acc ess Poi nt/Bri dge 1-8 Network Ex .
Content s v Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 CHAPTER 4 Troubles hootin g Autonomous Acces s Points and Bridges 4-1 Checki ng the L.
Cont ent s vi Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Obtain ing th e Autonomo us Access Po int I mage File 5-9 APPENDI X A Transl.
Content s vii Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 APPENDI X H Load-Dump Pro tection fo r Transportation Vehicles H-1 Load- Dum p P ro.
Cont ent s viii Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06.
ix Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Preface Audience This gu ide i s for the ne tworking professi onal w ho in stalls a nd ma nages the Ci sco Airo net 13 00 Ser ies Outdoor Ac cess Point/B ridge.
x Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Pref ace Conv ent ions Chapte r 3, “Moun ting O verview ,” provide s an overview of compo nents an d fea tures use d during a ccess point/b ridge m ount ing an d ante nna alignme nt o peration s.
xi Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 Pre face Convent ions War ni n g This warning symbol means danger .
xii Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Pref ace Related Publi cations Related Publications For more in forma tion abou t au t.
xiii Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 Pre face Documen tation Fee dback Y ou can acce ss the Cisco w ebsite at this URL : http://www Y ou c an access inte rnational Cisco websites at this URL: http://www .
xiv Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Pref ace Product A lerts and Fie ld Notices A current list of security advisories, security notice s, and security responses for Cisco products is av ailable at this URL : http://www .
xv Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 Pre face Obtaining Technical Assistance A T/do/V T o registe r as a Cisco. com user, go to this URL: http://tools.
xvi Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Pref ace Obtainin g Techni cal Ass istance Locating th e Product Se rial Numbe r The acc ess poin t/bridg e seri al numbe r is locate d on the bo ttom of th e cabin et (ref er to Figure 1 ).
xvii Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 Pre face Obtaining Technical Assistance The po wer injecto r serial number is locat ed on the bott om of the cab inet ( refer to Figure 2 ).
xviii Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Pref ace Obtainin g Addi tional Publi cations and Informat ion For a complete list of Cisco T A C contacts, go to this URL: http://www .
xix Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 Pre face Obtaining Additional Publications and Information • Networking produ cts offered by Cisco, as we ll a s custom er su pport se rvice s, ca n be o btain ed a t this URL: http://www .
xx Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Pref ace Obtainin g Addi tional Publi cations and Informat ion.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 1 Overview The Cisco A ironet 130 0 Series O utdoor A ccess Point/B ridge is available in autono mous and lightwei ght products .
1-2 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Guideli nes for Usin g a Lightwei ght Access Point/Br idge Light.
1-3 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 1 Ov erview Key Fea ture s Key Features Ke y featu res of the acc ess point/b ridge: • Unlicense d IEEE 802.
1-4 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Key Feat ures Figure 1-1 sh ows the two outdoor access point/br idge con figurations.
1-5 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 1 Ov erview Key Fea ture s • Cisco Airone t Power Injector LR2T —optio nal transp.
1-6 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Key Feat ures Ethern et Ports The acc ess point/br idge dua l-co.
1-7 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 1 Ov erview Key Fea ture s LEDs Four LEDs are locate d on back of the ho using to repo rt ra dio activity , sta tus, and E ther net act i vity (see Figure 1-3 ).
1-8 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Key Feat ures Operating Roles for the Auto nomous Access Point/B.
1-9 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 1 Ov erview Network Examples with Autonomous Access Point/Bridges Network Ex amples w.
1-10 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Netwo rk Exampl es with Aut onomou s Access Point/Brid ges Root Ac cess Poin t on a Wire d LAN An auton omous access point c onnect ed dir ectly to a wi red LA N provides a c onnect ion point for w ireless users .
1-11 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 1 Ov erview Network Examples with Autonomous Access Point/Bridges Central Unit in an All-Wireless Network In an all -wireless n etwork, an a utonom ous acce ss point ac ts as a stan d-alon e root un it.
1-12 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Netwo rk Exampl es with Aut onomou s Access Point/Brid ges Poin.
1-13 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 1 Ov erview Network Examples with Lightweight Access Points Network Ex amples with Lightwe ight Access Points The lightweig ht access points support Layer 3 network operation .
1-14 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Ch apter 1 Over vi ew Netwo rk Examples with Lightwe ight Acc ess Points.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 2 Installation Overview This ch apter pro vides warnings, safety in formation, and info rmation ne eded befo re you begin the installati on of your a ccess poin t/bridge system.
2-2 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapter 2 Installation Overview Safety Warnings Safety Warnings T ranslated versions of a ll safety wa rnings are a va ilable in the saf ety warning doc ument that shipped with your ac cess poi nt or on Ci sco.
2-3 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 2 Installat ion Overvie w Safety Information installation and grounding of the antenna, pl ease refer to national and local codes (e.g. U.
2-4 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapter 2 Installation Overview Safety Inform ation Each year hundreds of people are kille d or injured when attempti ng to install an antenn a.
2-5 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 2 Installat ion Overvie w Installat ion Gui delines Typical Outd oor Insta llation Co mponents The ac cess p oint/br idge i s designe d to be instal led in an ou tdoor e n vironment , typic ally o n a tower or a tall b uilding.
2-6 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapter 2 Installation Overview Site Surveys Site Surveys Ev ery network applicatio n is a unique installation.
2-7 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 2 Installat ion Overvie w Before Beginning the Installation Note Th e external antenn a access point /bridg e configurat ion does not ship with a n external ant enna.
2-8 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapter 2 Installation Overview Before Beg innin g the Installat ion Figur e 2-2 A cce.
2-9 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 2 Installat ion Overvie w Installation Summary Figur e 2-4 P o wer M odule Figur e 2-.
2-10 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapter 2 Installation Overview Installa tion Sum mary • For outdoor installa tions, connec t the dual-c oax Etherne t cables between the po wer injecto r and the groundi ng bloc k.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 3 Mounting Overview This ch apter pr ovides an ac cess po int/bridg e mou nting ove rvie w .
3-2 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapt er 3 Mou ntin g Ov ervi ew Mounti ng the Acce ss Point/ Bridge Mounting the Access Point/Bridge T ypically , the access point/b ridge is installed on a roofto p, mast, to wer, wall, or a suitable fla t surface.
3-3 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 3 Mounting Ov erview Mount ing Hardwa re Window M ounting When a wireless link is deplo yed through a windo w , signifi cant signal loss can be introdu ced by the window .
3-4 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapt er 3 Mou ntin g Ov ervi ew Mounti ng Hardwa re Figur e 3-1 Multi-F unction Mount Access Point Bra cket The ac cess point /bridg e bracket moun ts on t he bac k side of the unit housing .
3-5 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 3 Mounting Ov erview LEDs LEDs The LEDs indicate the status, radio acti vity , and Ethernet ac ti vity . The LEDs are mounte d on the back of the housing (see Figure 3- 2 ).
3-6 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapt er 3 Mou ntin g Ov ervi ew LEDs The Install LED pro vides bridge associa tion status during installatio n mode as shown in Ta b l e 3 - 2 .
3-7 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 3 Mounting Ov erview LEDs When using L EDs to maximize the signal, adjust the antenna until a s man y LEDs as po ssible are turned on and the rest are blinki ng as fast as possible.
3-8 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapt er 3 Mou ntin g Ov ervi ew LEDs.
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 4 Troubleshooting Autonomous Acc ess Points and Bridges This c hapter provides troubl eshooti ng pr ocedure s for basic prob lems w ith the au tonomous acce ss point/b ridge (mo del: AIR- BR1310G).
4-2 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapte r 4 Trouble shooting Autonomous Access Poi nts and Bri dges Checking the LEDs o.
4-3 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 4 Troublesh ooting Au tonomo us Acces s Points and B ridges Checkin g the LEDs on an Au tonomous Access P oint/Brid ge The autonom ous access point/bridge uses a blinking co de to ide ntify v arious erro r conditions.
4-4 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapte r 4 Trouble shooting Autonomous Access Poi nts and Bri dges Checking the LEDs o n an Autono mous Ac cess Poin t/Bridg e The LED blinki ng error cod es are desc ribed in Ta b l e 4 - 2 .
4-5 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 4 Troublesh ooting Au tonomo us Acces s Points and B ridges Power Injector Power Injector When the po wer injecto r is power ed up, it applies 48-VDC to the dual- coax cables to the access point/b ridge.
4-6 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapte r 4 Trouble shooting Autonomous Access Poi nts and Bri dges Checking Power Chec.
4-7 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 4 Troublesh ooting Au tonomo us Acces s Points and B ridges Checking Basic Configuration Settings Note In Cisco IOS R elease 12.
4-8 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapte r 4 Trouble shooting Autonomous Access Poi nts and Bri dges Antenn a Alignm ent.
4-9 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 4 Troublesh ooting Au tonomo us Acces s Points and B ridges Ru nning th e Pi ng or L .
4-10 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapte r 4 Trouble shooting Autonomous Access Poi nts and Bri dges Resetting the Autono mous A ccess Point/Brid ge to the De fault Conf iguratio n When the test stops, the test results ar e displayed at the bottom of the page.
4-11 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 4 Troublesh ooting Au tonomo us Acces s Points and B ridges Reloading the Access Poi.
4-12 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapte r 4 Trouble shooting Autonomous Access Poi nts and Bri dges Relo adin g th e A.
4-13 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 4 Troublesh ooting Au tonomo us Acces s Points and B ridges Obtaining the Autonomous.
4-14 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapte r 4 Trouble shooting Autonomous Access Poi nts and Bri dges Obtain ing the Au .
4-15 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 4 Troublesh ooting Au tonomo us Acces s Points and B ridges Obtaining the TFTP Server Software Obtaining the TFTP Server Software Y ou c an download TFTP se rver software from several web site s.
4-16 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapte r 4 Trouble shooting Autonomous Access Poi nts and Bri dges Obtainin g the TFT.
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 5 Troubleshooting Lightwe ight Access Points This chapte r provide s troubleshootin g procedures for basic pro blems with the lightw eight access point (model: LAP131 0G).
5-2 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapte r 5 Trouble shootin g Lightweig ht Access P oints Checking the LEDs o n Lightw .
5-3 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting Li ghtwei ght Acces s Points Check ing the L EDs on Li ghtw eig ht Ac cess Poin ts LED Indications During access point oper ation the LEDs provide statu s information as shown in Ta b l e 5 - 1 .
5-4 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapte r 5 Trouble shootin g Lightweig ht Access P oints Power I njecto r Power Injector When the po wer injecto r is power ed up, it applies 48-VDC to the dual- coax cables to the access p oint.
5-5 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting Li ghtwei ght Acces s Points Check ing P ower The po wer injector .
5-6 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapte r 5 Trouble shootin g Lightweig ht Access P oints Manuall y Configurin g Contro.
5-7 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting Li ghtwei ght Acces s Points Manually Configuring Controller Information Using the Access Point CLI Note Th e Cisc o par t numbe r fo r the DB-9 to RJ-4 5 ser ial ca ble i s AIR-CO NCAB1 200.
5-8 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapte r 5 Trouble shootin g Lightweig ht Access P oints Retu rnin g th e Ac ces s Po .
5-9 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting Li ghtwei ght Acces s Points Obtaining the Autonomous Access Point Image File Obtaining the Autonomous Access Point Image File The auton omous ac cess poin t image f ile can be obtain ed from the Cisco.
5-10 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 Chapte r 5 Trouble shootin g Lightweig ht Access P oints Obtain ing the Au tonomo us .
A- 1 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 APPEND IX A Translated Safety Warnings For t ra n sl a t ed s a fe ty wa rn i n gs , r e f er to t he safe ty war ni ng d ocu ment t h at shipped with your acces s poi nt or th a t i s av ailable on Cisco.
A- 2 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardware Instal lation Guid e OL-5048-06 Appendix A T ranslated Safety Wa rnings.
B-1 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 APPEND IX B Declarations of Conf ormity and Regulatory Information This a ppend ix provide s de clarat ions of confo rmity and regulatory inf ormati on f or the 1300 series access point/bridg e (model: AIR- BR1310G and AIR-L AP1310G ).
B-2 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardware Instal lation Guid e OL-5048-06 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Inform ation Manufac turers Fed er.
B-3 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 Append ix B Declarat ions of Confo rmity and Reg ulatory I nforma tion VCCI Sta tem ent fo r Ja pan Cautio n The Part 15 radi o device ope rates on a n on-inter ferenc e basis w ith ot her devices o perat ing at th is freque ncy .
B-4 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardware Instal lation Guid e OL-5048-06 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Inform ation European Co mmunit y,.
B-5 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 Append ix B Declarat ions of Confo rmity and Reg ulatory I nforma tion European Community, Sw.
B-6 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardware Instal lation Guid e OL-5048-06 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Inform ation Declara tion of Confo.
B-7 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 Append ix B Declarat ions of Confo rmity and Reg ulatory I nforma tion Administrative Rules f.
B-8 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardware Instal lation Guid e OL-5048-06 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Inform ation Admini strative Rul e.
B-9 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 Append ix B Declarat ions of Confo rmity and Reg ulatory I nforma tion Operation of Cisco Air.
B-10 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardware Instal lation Guid e OL-5048-06 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Inform ation Declara tion of Conf.
B-11 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 Append ix B Declarat ions of Confo rmity and Reg ulatory I nforma tion Declar ation of C onf.
B-12 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardware Instal lation Guid e OL-5048-06 Appendix B Declarations of Conformity and Regulatory Inform ation Declara tion of Conf.
C-1 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 APPEND IX C Access Point Specifications This ap pendix pro vides technical specif ications for the access poi nt/bridge, powe r injec tor , a nd po wer module.
C-2 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardware Instal lation Guid e OL-5048-06 Appendix C Access Point Specifications Operational vibr ation SAE J1455 Po wer injecto .
C-3 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 Append ix C Access Point Sp ecificatio ns Data ra tes IEEE 802.
C-4 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardware Instal lation Guid e OL-5048-06 Appendix C Access Point Specifications Electromagn etic Compatibility (EMC) FCC Part 1 5.107 a nd 15. 109 Class B ICES-0 03 Class B (Canada) EN 5 5022 Class B EN 5 5024 EN 60601- 1-2:200 1 AS/NZS 35 48 Class B VCCI Class B EN 3 01.
D- 1 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 APPEND IX D Channels and Maximu m Power Levels For channe l and maximu m power lev el settin.
D- 2 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardware Instal lation Guid e OL-5048-06 Appendi x D Channels an d Maximum Power Levels.
E-1 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 APPEND IX E Console Serial Cable Pinouts This app endix iden tifi es the pinou ts for the co nsole ser ial cable th at connec ts to the po wer injector’ s conso le seri al port.
E-2 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardware Instal lation Guid e OL-5048-06 Appe ndix E C onsole Ser ial Ca ble P ino uts Overv iew Overview The acce ss point/ bri.
F-1 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 APPEND IX F Priming Lightweight Acces s Points Prior to Deployment Thi s sectio n de scri bes.
F-2 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardware Instal lation Guid e OL-5048-06 Appendix F Priming Lightweight Access Points Prior to Deployment Before depl oying your.
F-3 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 Appendix F Pri ming Li ghtweight Access Points P rior to Deploy ment Step 6 If the oper ating syst em do wnload is successful, the acce ss point reboots .
F-4 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardware Instal lation Guid e OL-5048-06 Appendix F Priming Lightweight Access Points Prior to Deployment.
G- 1 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 APPEND IX G Configuring DHCP Option 43 for Lightwe ight Access Points This appen dix describ.
G- 2 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardware Instal lation Guid e OL-5048-06 Appendix G Configuring DHCP Option 43 for Lightweight Access Points Overv iew Overview.
G-3 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 Append ix G Configuring D HCP Option 4 3 for Ligh tweight Ac cess Poin ts Configuring Op tion.
G- 4 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardware Instal lation Guid e OL-5048-06 Appendix G Configuring DHCP Option 43 for Lightweight Access Points Configur ing Op ti.
H-1 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 APPEND IX H Load-Dump Protection for Transporta tion Vehicles This appe ndix descri bes load -dump protect ion that is req uired for autonomo us acc ess point/b ridge (model: AIR-BR1310G) operat ion in some transportation v ehicles.
H-2 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardware Instal lation Guid e OL-5048-06 Appendi x H Load-Dump P rotect ion for Tr ansportat ion Vehicles Load-Du mp Protec tion.
GL-1 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 GLOSSAR Y Numeric 802.11 Th e IEEE sta ndard that specif ies carrier se nse medi a access co ntrol an d phys ical layer speci fications f or 1- a nd 2- megabit-per-second (Mb ps) wi reless LA Ns o peratin g in t he 2 .
Glos sary GL-2 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 broadcas t packet A single data me ssage (packet) sent to all add resses on the same subn et. bridge A wireless LAN tra nsceiver that is used to connec t two or more wire d Ethern et networks.
Glossary GL-3 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 E EAP Extens ible Aut hentica tion Prot ocol.
Glos sary GL-4 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06 multipath The ech oes cre ated a s a r adio sign al bounces off of physi cal objects. multic ast packet A single data message (pack et) sent to multipl e addresses.
Glossary GL-5 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installati on Guide OL-5048-06 RP-TNC A connec tor type uniqu e t o Cis co Airon et ra dios an d ant ennas. Part 15.2 03 of the FCC rul es covering spread sp ectrum devices limits the types of antenn as that ma y be used w ith tran smission equipment .
Glos sary GL-6 Cisco Airon et 1300 Series Wire less Outdoo r Acce ss Point/Brid ge Hardwa re In stallation Guid e OL-5048-06.
IN-1 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 INDEX A anten nas C-3 B basic settings, c hecking 4-6 bridge confi guration 1-1 C caution x .
Index IN-2 Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Insta llation Guide OL-5048-06 R regulat ory inf orma tion B-1 related p ublications xii reloadi ng bridge image 4-11.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Cisco Systems 1300 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Cisco Systems 1300 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Cisco Systems 1300 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Cisco Systems 1300 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Cisco Systems 1300, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Cisco Systems 1300.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Cisco Systems 1300. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Cisco Systems 1300 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.