Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 12410 del fabbricante Check Point
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31 October 2011 Getting Started G uide Check Point 12000 Appliances Models: P-210, P-220, and P-230.
© 2011 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. T his product and related d ocumentation are protect ed by copyright and distribut ed under licensing restricting th eir use, copying, distribut ion, and decom pilation.
Important Informat ion Latest Software W e reco mmen d that you install the m ost recent software releas e to stay up - to -date with the latest functional improvem ents, stability fixes, security enhancem ents and protection aga inst new and evolving attack s.
W el come Safety, Environmental, and Electronic Emissions Notices Page 4 Safety, Environm ental, and Electronic Emissions Notic es Read the following warnings before s etting up or using the appli ance. Warning - Do not b lock air vents. A m inimum 1/2 -inch clearance is required.
W el come Safety, Environmental, and Electronic Emissions Notices Page 5 4. Circuit Overloading - Consideration sh ould be given to the co nnection of the equi pment to the suppl y circuit and the eff ect that overloading of the circ uits might have on over curr ent protection and sup ply wiring.
W el come Safety, Environmental, and Electronic Emissions Notices Page 6 Canadian Department Compliance Statement: This Class A digita l apparatus com plies with Canadian ICE S-003. Cet appareil numérique de la class e A est conforme à la norm e NMB-003 du Cana da.
Contents Important Infor mation ............................................................................................. 3 Safety , Environmental, and Elect ronic Emissions N otices .................................. 4 Introduction ..............
Replacing Hard Disk Driv es on Check Point 1240 0 and 12600 .......................... 32 Removing a Ha rd Disk Driv e .......................................................................... 33 Installing a Hard Di sk Drive ........................
Page 9 Chapter 1 Introduction In This Chapter W elco me 9 Check Point 12000 Ap pliances Overview 9 Shipping Carton Co ntents 10 Term inology 10 Welcome Thank y ou for choos ing Check Point 12000 Appliances. W e hope that you will be s atisfied with this system and our support services .
Shipping Carton Contents Introduction Page 10 Note - Screenshots i n this guide m ay apply only to the highest m odel to which this guide ap plies. Shipping Carton Contents This section desc ribes the contents of the shi pping carton.
Page 11 Chapter 2 Rack Mounting This chapter describes how to mount the appl iance in a rack . Important - T wo people are required to insta ll the appliance in a rac k in order to prevent any possible dam age.
Rack Mounting Check Point 12 200 Rack Mounting Page 12 Rack Mounting Check Point 12200 A tt aching the Ear Mount Brackets to the A ppliance Attach the two ear m ount brackets to the front of the appliance. Note - The ear m ount screws have 5 mm heads.
Rack Mounting Check Point 12200 Rack Mounting Page 13 To attach the ra il plates: 1. Attach a rail plate to an appliance rail us ing two appliance rail scre ws. 2. Do step 1 again for the other rail plate and ap pliance rail. This figure shows the as sem bled rail plate and appliance rail.
Rack Mounting Check Point 12200 Rack Mounting Page 14 Installing the A ppliance in the Rack Install the appliance i n the rack . It may be necessary to adjust the appl iance rails to secure th e appliance to the rack.
Rack Mounting Check Point 12400 and 12600 Rack Mounting Page 15 Rack Mounting Check Point 12400 and 12600 A tt aching the Ear Mount Brackets to the A ppliance Attach the two ear m ount brackets to the front of the appliance. To attach the ear mount brackets to the applianc e: 1.
Rack Mounting Check Point 12400 and 12600 Rack Mounting Page 16 To attach the ra il plates: 1. Attach a rail plate to an appliance rail us ing four appliance rai l screws. 2. Do step 1 again for the other rail plate and ap pliance rail. This figure shows the as sem bled rail plate and appliance rail.
Rack Mounting Check Point 12400 and 12600 Rack Mounting Page 17 Installing the A ppliance in the Rack Install the appliance i n the rack . It may be necessary to adjust the appl iance rails to secure th e appliance to the rack.
Page 18 Chapter 3 Configuring Check Point 1 2000 Appliances The workf low for configuring Check Point 1 2000 Appliances is: 1. Connect the cables an d power on the appliance. 2. Use the First T ime Configuration W izard to configure the appliance. 3. Add the Check Point 12000 Appliances o bject in SmartDashbo ard and install a polic y.
Using the First Time Configuration Wizard Configuring Che ck Point 12000 Appliances Page 19 3. W ait for the appliance to initialize and boot. T he status of the appliance ap pears on the LCD scree n: The appliance is re ady to use when the m odel number is displa yed.
Using the First Time Configuration Wizard Configuring Check Point 12000 Appliances Page 20 Note - The f eatures configured in the wizard are accessible after completing the wi zard via the W ebUI menu. The WebUI m enu can be accessed by navigating to https://<appliance_ip_address>:4434 .
Using the First Time Configuration Wizard Configuring Check Point 12000 Appliances Page 21 Management Type Set how the appliance is managed in the Managemen t Type page. Locally Managed Deplo yment : The appliance is a Security Gateway and a Security Managem ent server.
Creating the Network Object Configuring Check Point 12000 Appliances Page 22 Note - Do not use the Any va lue for security reason s. After you com plete the First Time Conf iguration W iz ard, m ore options are available using th e WebUI menu. SIC Setup Configure the SIC (Secure Internal Com munication) settings f or a Cent rally Managed appliance.
Page 23 Chapter 4 Check Point 1200 0 Appliances Hardware This chapter provides i nstructions for installing a nd removing hardware com ponents on Check Point 12000 Appliances.
Front Panel Components Check Point 12000 Appliances Hardware Page 24 Item Component Description 9 Keypad Perform basic m anagement operatio ns (" Using the LC D Panel " on page 28 ) Expansion Line C ard Option s Expansion line cards ca n have two, four, or e ight ports.
Front Panel Components Check Point 12000 Appliances Hardware Page 25 Item Component Description 7 LOM port LOM (Light Out Mana gement) port for the opt ional LOM card 8 Expansion line card 8 Port 10/100/1000 Base-T RJ -45.
Front Panel Components Check Point 12000 Appliances Hardware Page 26 Item Component Description 3 LCD screen 4 Keypad Perform basic m anagement operatio ns (" Using the LC D Panel " on page .
Rear Panel Components Check Point 12000 Appliances Hardware Page 27 Rear Panel Components This section desc ribes the hardware on the r ear panel of the a ppliance. Check Point 12200 Rear Panel Item Component Description 1 Power supply unit If a power suppl y fails or is not connected to the outlet, an alarm sounds continuous ly.
Using the LCD Panel Check Point 12000 Appliances Hardware Page 28 Using the LCD Panel The appliance has an LCD panel that can be used to perform basic management operations. You can select DHCP or configure the IP address, subnet n etmask, and default gatewa y of the managem ent interface.
Replacing Power Supplies Customer Replaceable Parts Page 29 To Press Change current digi t or Customer Replac eable Parts To ensure m aximum availability and ease of m aintenance, the Check Point 1200.
Replacing Expansion Line Cards Customer Replaceable Parts Page 30 Item Description 2 Power cord sock et 3 Release lever 4 Extraction handle 5 Power supply unit Removing Power Supplies This section desc ribes how to rem ove a power supply or place holder unit from the appliance.
Replacing Expansion Line Cards Customer Replaceable Parts Page 31 Check Point 12200 Appliance The built-in Ethernet ports (ETH1 - ETH7) are not custom er replaceable. Check Point 12400 and 12600 A ppliances Removing Expansion Line Cards To remov e an expansion line card : 1.
Replacing Hard Disk Drives on Check Point 12200 Customer Replaceable Parts Page 32 Replacing Hard Disk Drives on Check Point 12200 This section desc ribes how to rem ove or install a hard disk drive in a Chec k Point 12200 appliance. Removing a Hard Disk Driv e To remov e a hard disk drive in a Che ck Point 12200: 1.
Replacing Hard Disk Drives on Check Point 12400 and 12600 Customer Replaceable Parts Page 33 Removing a Hard Disk Driv e To remove a hard d isk drive from a Check Point 12400 or 12 600: 1. Using the ke y supplied i n the toolkit, unlock the drive. 2. Slide the release latch t oward the left.
Page 34 Chapter 5 Restoring Fact ory Defaults Part of troubleshoot ing can be to restore the app liance to its factor y default s ettings. To restore you r appliance, use one of these: W ebUI Console boot m enu LCD panel Important - Restori ng factor y de faults de letes all inform ation on the appliance.
Restoring Using the LCD Panel Restoring Factory Defaults Page 35 7. During the boot process , text sim ilar to that shown below appears: 8. At this point, you ha ve approximatel y four secon ds to hit any key to activate the Boot menu. 9. The Boot m enu opens.
Restoring Using the LCD Panel Restoring Factory Defaults Page 36 6. Once you have confi rmed the reset, wai t for the applianc e to restore the factor y image. While the appliance is restored t o the default im age, this message is continuousl y displayed: Reverting image don't turn off .
Page 37 Chapter 6 Registration and Support In This Chapter Registration 37 Support 37 W here To From Here? 37 Registration The appliance req uires a product- specific Check Point license. Get a license and r egister at the Check Point Appliance Registrati on site ( http://register.
Page 38 Appendix A Compliance Information This appendix contai ns declaration of c onformity, compliance, and rel ated regulatory inform ation. In This Appendix Declaration of Conf ormity 38 Declaration of Conformity Manufacturer’s Nam e: Check Point Soft ware Technologies Ltd.
Declaration of Conformity Compliance Information Page 39 EN61000-4- 2 Information Techno logy Equipment - Electrostatic Discharge Imm unity EN61000-4- 3 Information Techno logy Equipment - Radiated RF.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Check Point 12410 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Check Point 12410 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Check Point 12410 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Check Point 12410 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Check Point 12410, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Check Point 12410.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Check Point 12410. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Check Point 12410 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.