Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 48HC del fabbricante Carrier
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48HC Single P ackag e Rooftop Gas Heating /Elec tric Cool ing U nit with Pur on r (R - - - 410A) Refrigera nt Siz es: 17, 20, 24, 28 Installation Instructions NOTE : Read the entire instru ction manual before star ting the ins tallation T ABLE OF CONTENTS SAFET Y CONSIDE RA TIONS 2 .
2 Field Connec tions 39 .......................... Sp ace T emper ature (S PT) S enso rs 40 ............ Indoor Air Quality (CO 2 )S e n s o r 4 0 ............. Outdoor Air Qua lity Sens or 41 ................. Space Relativ e Humidity S ensor o r Humidis tat 41 .
3 C10896 Fig. 1 - - Unit Dimensional Drawing – 17 Size Unit 48HC.
4 C10897 Fig. 1 - - Unit Dimensional Drawing – 17 Siz e Unit (cont.) 48HC.
5 C10892 Fig. 2 - - Unit Dimensional Drawing – 20 and 24 Size Units 48HC.
6 C10893 Fig. 2 - - Unit Dimensional Drawing – 20 and 24 Size Units (cont.) 48HC.
7 C10900 Fig. 3 - - Unit Dimensional Drawing – 28 Size Unit 48HC.
8 C10901 Fig. 3 - - Unit Dimensional Drawing – 28 Siz e Unit (cont.) 48HC.
9 INST ALLA TION Jobsite Survey Complete th e follow ing check s befo re installatio n. 1. Consult local buildi ng codes a nd the NEC (National Electrical Code) AN SI/N FP A 70 for special installa- tion requ irements. 2. Determ ine unit loc ation (from proje ct plans) or selec t unit loca tion.
10 Ste p 2 — Plan for Se quence o f Unit Inst allati on The support me thod used for thi s unit w il l dict ate different sequence s for the steps of unit insta llat ion. For e xample , on curb- - mounted units, some acce sso ries must be installed on the uni t before th e unit is p laced on the curb.
11 C10954 Fig. 6 - - Roof Curb D etai ls – 17 Size Unit 48HC.
12 C10955 Fig. 7 - - Roof Curb D etai ls – 20 and 24 S iz e Units 48HC.
13 C10956 Fig. 8 - - Roof Curb D etai ls – 28 Size Unit 48HC.
14 A-B 0.25” (6) B-C 0.5” (12) A-C 0.5” (12) MAXIMUM ALL OWABLE DIFFERENCE IN. (MM) A B C C10628 Fig. 9 - - Unit L eveling T olerances Ste p 5 — Field Fabric ate D uctw ork Cabinet re turn-ai r static pressure (a negat ive condition) shall not exceed 0.
15 P o s i t i o n i n go nC u r b— Po sition unit on ro of curb s o that the followin g clearances are maintained : 1 / 4 in. (6 mm) clearance betw een the ro of curb a nd the ba se ra il inside t he right and le ft, 1 / 2 in. (12 mm) clearance betw een the roof cu rb and the bas e rail insid e the fron t and back .
16 T o ass emble the outside air hood: 1. Remove hood top panel from shipping position on unit end. 2. Install four angles to the upper end pane l using the screws provided. 3. Apply seal strip to m ating fl anges on the side plat es of the hood (see Fig.
17 T able 2 – T ypical 3 / 4 - - i n NPT Fi el d Suppli ed P i ping P ar ts Item Qty CPN Descript ion 1 1 C A15RA201 90 Deg Street Elbow 2 1 C A01CA226 5 Inch Long Ni pple 3 1 C A85RA201 Ground - - .
18 Fa cto ry - - Opti on Thr u - - Base Connec ti ons — Electrica l Conn ection s: Knockouts a re loca ted in the control box area . Rem ove t he appropria te size knoc kout for high vol tage conne ction. Use the fie ld supplied connector depe nding on wiring or c onduit being utilized.
19 Ste p 1 1 — Inst all Exte rna l Condens ate T ra p and Line The uni t has one 3 / 4 -in. c ondensate dra in connec tion on the end of the condensat e pan (see Fig. 21). See Figs. 1, 2 and 3, item “E”, in the view labeled “BACK (HORIZ ONT AL DISC HARGE) ” fo r the l oca t ion o f the condensat e drain c onnecti on.
20 FIRE H AZARD Failure t o follow this warning c ould result in intermittent op eration or un satis factory perfo rmance. Do not connect al uminum wire between disconnect switch and a ir condit ioning unit . Use only copper w i r e .( S e eF i g .2 4 .
21 T wo types of convenie nce out lets are of fere d on 48HC models: Non - - unit powered a nd unit - - powere d. Both types provide a 125 - - volt GFCI (ground - - faul t circui t - - int errupte r) duplex recept acle rated at 15 - - A behind a hinged access cover , loc ated on the corne r panel of the unit.
22 2.0 50HE501288 NOTICE/AVIS Convenience Outlet Utilization Maximum Intermittent Use 15 - Amps Maximum Continuous Use 8 - Amps Observe a 50% limit on the circuit Loading above 8 - Amps Utilisation de.
23 C W2 G W1 R Y1 T ypical Thermostat Corrections O/B/ Y2 (see Note) Note: T ypical multi-function marking. Follow manufacturer’s configuration instructions to select Y2.
24 Humidi- - Mi Zer R Con tr ol Conne ct ions Humi di - - Mi Zer – Spac e RH Contro ll er — NOTE : The Humidi- - MiZer is a factory in stalled optio n. The Humidi- - MiZer dehumidif ication sys tem requir es a field- - supplied an d - - ins talled space relative hu midity contro l device.
25 C11139 Fig. 34 - - T ypical H umidi- - Mi Zer R Adap tive Deh umid ificatio n Sy stem Hum idis tat W iring Rc Rh W1 G Y2 C O/W2/B Y1 OAT RRS SRTN HUM D1 D2 V+ Vg X* C G W2 W1 Y2 Y1 R EDGE Pro THERMIDISTAT Unit CTB THERMOSTAT *Connection not required.
26 PremierLi nk t (Factory - - O pti on) C08199 Fig. 36 - - Premier Link Contr olle r The Premier Link contro ller (see Fig . 36) is compatible with Car rier Comfo rt Netwo rk r (C CN) devices .
27 C11140 Fig. 38 - - PremierL ink W iring Sch ematic 48HC.
28 C11141 Fig. 39 - - PremierL ink W iring Sch ematic wit h Humid i - - MiZer R 48HC.
29 Supply Air T em per ature (SA T) Se nsor — On FIOP- - e quipped 48HC unit, the unit is supplied with a supply- - a ir tem perature (SA T ) sensor (33ZCSENSA T). This sensor is a tubula r probe type, approx 6- - inc hes (12.7 mm) in leng th. It is a n ominal 10- - k ohm thermis tor .
30 T abl e 5 – Space Se nsor Mo de TB3 TERMINA L FIELD C ONNEC TION INPU T SIG NAL 1 T 5 5 --- S E N / T 5 6 --- S E N An alog (10k th ermi stor) 2 RMTOC C Discrete, 24VAC 3 T 5 5 --- S E N / T 5 6 .
31 Spac e Se nsors — The Premi erLi nk controll er is fact ory- - shipped c onfigured for Space Sensor Mode. A Carrier T - - 55 or T- - 56 s pac e sensor must be us ed. T - - 55 space te mperat ure s ensor provides a signal of spac e te mperat ure to t he PremierL ink control.
32 Economizer Contr ols Indoor Ai r Qua li ty (CO 2 )S e n s o r— The indoor air quality sensor access ory monitors space carbon di oxide (CO 2 ) levels.
33 J5-2 J5-3 13 11 TB3 TB3 OAQ Sensor PL 24 V AC 4-20mA SIG COM C11157 Fig. 49 - - O utdoor C O 2 Se nsor Conne ct io ns Spac e Rel ati ve Hum idi ty Senso r or Hum idi stat Conne cti ons — Spac e R.
34 Smoke De te cto r/ Fi re Shutdown (FSD) — This fun ction is available only w hen Premier Link is conf igured fo r (Space) S enso r Mode. The unit is factory- - wired f or Premier Link FS D operation wh en Premier Link is factory- - installed .
35 CCN Comm unic ati on Bus — The Premie rLink cont rolle r connects to the bus in a dai sy chain arrangement. Nega tive pins on each component must be con nected to resp ective n egative pins , an d likewis e, positive pins o n each component must be connected to res pective po sitive pin s.
36 R TU O pen Contr ol Syste m The R TU Open control is fa ctory - - mounted in the 48HC unit’ s main c ontrol box, to the right of the CTB. See Fig. 37. Factory wiri ng is comple ted t hrough harnesses connected to th e CTB. Field connections for R TU Open sensors w ill be m ade at the Phoeni x connect ors on the R T U Open board.
37 C11142 Fig. 58 - - R TU Open System Control Wiring Diagram 48HC.
38 C11143 Fig. 59 - - R TU Open System Control Wiring Diagram with H umidi- - Mi Zer R 48HC.
39 T abl e 9 – RTU Ope n Control l er Inputs a nd Out puts POINT NAME BACne t OBJ ECT NAM E TYPE OF I /O CON NECTI ON PIN NUM BE R( S) DEDICATE D INPUTS Spa ce T emp / Z one T emp zone_tem p AI (10K.
40 to the R TU Open . Conn ect to the wires to the removable Phoenix conne ctors and then re connect the c onnectors to the board. Sp ace T emperatu re ( SPT) S ens ors — There are two t ypes of SPT.
41 isolate d 24 vac power source to the sensor and t o connect the sensor to the cont rol board te rminal s. T o connect the sens or to the contro l, identify the positive (4 to 20 mA) and ground (SIG COM) terminal s on the sensor .
42 Relative Humidity Sensor (Polarized Male Connector ) J4-1 or J4-4 + 24 VDC Supply Voltage J4-2 or J4-5 (-) 4 to 20 mA Cu rrent Loop Output to RTU-OPEN 4-20 VAC GND 0-5V mA or or VDC 0 -10V SPAN ZERO C10839 Fig.
43 Com munic atio n W iring - - Pr otocols Genera l — Protocols are t he c ommuni cati on language s spoken by control devi ces. The m ain purpose of a protoc ol i s to communi cate informatio n in the most eff icient method pos sible. D iff erent pro tocols ex ist to prov ide dif ferent kinds of informat ion for different a pplica tions.
44 Loca l Acces s — BACvi ew 6 H andhe ld: The BAC view 6 is a keypad/ display interface us ed to conn ect to the R TU Open to access the control i nformat ion, rea d sensor values, a nd test the R TU, see Fig. 70. This is an accessor y interface that does n ot come with the R TU O pen contro ller and can only be us ed at the unit.
45 T able 10 – LEDs The LE Ds on the R T U Open Control Board (see Fig. 57) show the sta tus of certa in functi ons: If th is L ED is o n... Statu s is.
46 GRA BLK RED – 4-20 Main + VDC Out – 4-20 Main Out + 24-36 VDC In LOW GND 24V 7 PL6-1 (24- V) PL6-4 (COM) Outside Air Enthalpy Switch Return Air Enthalpy Sensor CTB ECON (P’LINK: to J4-2) or (RTU Open: to J2-6) C11161 Fi g.
47 T o install the r eturn air sensor samp li ng tu be: 1. Remove t he tube from its shipping loca tion. 2. Open the unit end to acces s the retur n air s ensor (loc- ated on righ t - - hand partitio n) 3. Orient the tube’ s sampling h oles into the return air flow di rection.
48 T abl e 1 1 - - Uni t W i re/F use or H ACR Breake r Siz ing Dat a (cont ) UNIT NOM. V --- P h --- H z IFM TYPE COMB USTIO N F AN MOTOR POWE R EXHAUS T w/ PWRD C .O. NO P .E . w/ P .E . (pwrd fr/ unit) FLA FLA MC A FUSE o r HACR BRKR DISC. SIZE MCA FUSE o r HACR BRKR DISC.
49 Legend and Notes for T able 1 1 LEG END: BRKR - - - C ircuit breaker CO - - - C onveni ence out let DISC - - - Discon ne ct FLA - - - Full loa d a mps LRA - - - Locke d roto r amps MCA - - - Minimu.
50 Economizer 2 Position Damper Unit Without Economizer or 2 Position Damper C10645 Fig. 76 - - Ec onoMi$er t IV Wir ing Ste p 13 — Adjus t Fac tor y- - Installe d Optio ns Eco noM i$e r IV O c cupanc y Swi tc h — Refer to Fig. 76 for general EconoMi$er IV wiring.
51 48HC.
52 Copyright 2011 Carrier Corp. D 7310 W . Morris St. D In dianapolis, IN 46231 Printed in U.S .A. Edition Date: 04/11 Manufacturer reser ves the right to change , at any time, specifications and d esigns without notice and without oblig ations.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Carrier 48HC è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Carrier 48HC - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Carrier 48HC imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Carrier 48HC ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Carrier 48HC, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Carrier 48HC.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Carrier 48HC. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Carrier 48HC insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.