Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SX6000 del fabbricante Canon
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© 2012 CANON INC. YT1-1451-000 MUL TIMEDIA PROJECT OR WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands Revision 1.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - - ii T able of Contents 1. Overview ................................................................................................................. 1 2. Communication S pecifications ..................................
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - - iii DZOOM_RA T ............................................................................................................................ 36 ERR ......................................................................
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 1 - 1. Overview These specifications describe the methods of co ntrolling both the Projecto r WX6000 / SX6000 from the PC over an RS-232C connection or LAN. V irtually all operations possible with the re mote control can be cont rolled from the PC.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 2 - 2. Communication S pecifications Communication S pecifications The projector can be cont rolled via RS-232C or LAN connection.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 3 - Usable Character Codes Use ASCII codes in the red and blue areas. No distinction is made between double-byte char acters and single-byte charac ters. Do not use double-byte or triple-byte charac ters. They will all be recogniz ed as single-byte characters.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 4 - Communication System (Serial) Item S pecifications Communication system RS-232-C Start-stop synchronization Semi- duplex communication Transmission speed 19.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 5 - Commands T ransmissions sent from the PC to the projector . T ransmission format △ <Command character strings> △ <Delimiter> <Command character st rings> Character string s consisting of 0 or more alphanumeric characters.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 6 - Response T ransmissions sent from the Projector to th e PC in response to commands from the PC. T ransmission format <Response character string> <Delimiter> <Response character string > Character strings co nsisting of one or more ASCII characters.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 7 - Other T ransmission recognition On the receiving side (the Projector), the data that is able to be received within the character interval of T c is held, and the transmission is consid ered received when the delimiter is received.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 8 - 3. Communication Flow T ransmission sent At the PC, the transmission is se nt within character intervals of T c (character interval timeout).
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 9 - 4. Command System.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 10 -.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 1 1 - 5. Command List Item Commands Description 1 6AXADJ 6-axis adjustment ON/OFF 2 6AXR-Y 6-axis correction R-Y hue/saturation settings 3 AMBADJ Ambient light correcti.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 12 - Item Commands Description 36 KREP Key repeat 37 LAMP Lamp output setting 38 LAMPCOUNTER Lamp ON time inquiry 39 LMPWRN Lamp warning indication at startup 40 MAIN S.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 13 - 6. Details of Commands Descriptions of each comm and are prov ided starting from the next page. The command descriptions have the format s hown below . Alphabetic command name This briefly describes the command functi on.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 14 - 6AXADJ 6-axis adjustment ON / OFF Format 6AXADJ=<6-axis adjustment parameter : ID> GET □ 6AXADJ / ? △ 6AXADJ <6-axis adjustmen t parameter:ID> ON This sets the 6-axis adjustment to ON. OFF This sets the 6-axis adjustment to OFF .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 15 - 6AXR-Y 6-axis correction R-Y hu e / saturation settings Format 6AXR=<R hue:Number> ▽ <R saturation:Number> ▽ <R brightness:Number> 6AXG=<G.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 16 - AMBADJ Ambient light correction adjustment ON / OFF Format AMBADJ=<Ambient light correction adjustment parameter:ID> GET □ AMBADJ / ? △ AMBADJ <Ambient light correction adj ustment parameter:ID> ON This sets the ambient light correction adjustment to ON.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 17 - AMBLEVEL Ambient light level settings Format AMBLEVEL=<Ambient light level settings parameter:ID> GET □ AMBLEVEL / ? △ AMBLEVEL <Ambient light level settings parameter:ID> WEAK This sets the ambient light level to WEAK.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 18 - AMBTYPE Ambient light type settings Format AMBTYPE=<Ambient light type settings parameter:ID> GET □ AMBTYPE / ? △ AMBTYPE <Ambient light type settings parameter: ID> TG This sets the ambient light type to T ung sten.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 19 - ASELA1 Analog PC-1 audio termina l selection Format ASELA1=<Analog PC-1 audio terminal selection: ID> GET □ ASELA1 / ? △ ASELA1 <Analog PC-1 Audio ter.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 20 - ASELA2 Analog PC-2 Audio terminal selection Format ASELA2=<Analog PC-2 audio terminal selection: ID> GET □ ASELA2 / ? △ ASELA2 <Analog PC-2 audio term.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 21 - ASELC Component audio terminal sel ection Format ASELC=<Component audio terminal selection parameter: ID> GET □ ASELC / ? △ ASELC <Component audio ter.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 22 - ASELD Digital PC audio terminal selection Format ASELD=<Digital PC audio terminal selection parameter: ID> GET □ ASELD / ? △ ASELD <Digital PC audio t.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 23 - ASELH HDMI audio terminal selection Format ASELH=<HDMI audio terminal selection parameter: ID> GET □ ASELH / ? △ ASELH <HDMI audio terminal selection .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 24 - ASPECT Screen settings Format ASPECT=<Screen setting parameters: ID> GET □ ASPECT / ? △ ASPECT <Screen setting parameters:ID> AUTO Auto 4:3 4:3 16:.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 25 - Example Setting > ASPECT=16:9 This sets the sc reen size to 16:9. < i:OK Reference > GET ASPECT or ?ASPECT T his retrieves the screen size. < g:ASPECT=TRUE *Commands are indicated by ">", and responses are indicated by "<".
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 26 - AUTOPC Auto PC Format AUTOPC △ Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None X O X X O X X X Response "i:OK" is returned if the control was executed properly . For details on other response s, refer to the "Error List" .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 27 - AUTOSETEXE Auto setup Format AUTOSETEXE □ <Auto set parameter:ID> <Auto set parameter:ID> INPUT Automatic signal sensing execution Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None X O X - Response i:OK” is returned when the automatic processing was completed successfully .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 28 - AV O L Audio volume adjustment Format AVOL=<Audio volume level:Number> GET □ AVOL / ? △ AVOL Setting values for <Audio volu me level:Number> are 0 to 20. Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None X O X - Response "i:OK" is returned if the parameter was set properly .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 29 - BLANK BLANK function Format BLANK=<BLANK parameter:ID> GET □ BLANK / ? △ BLANK <BLANK parameter:ID> ON BLANK ON OFF BLANK OFF Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None X O X - Response "i:OK" is returned if the parameter was set properly .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 30 - BRI Brightness setting Format BRI=<Brightness setting:Number> GET □ BRI / ? △ BRI Setting values for <Brightness setting: Number> are -20 to 20. Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None X O X - Response "i:OK" is returned if the parameter was set properly .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 31 - COLOR_TEMP Color temperature setting Format COLOR_TEMP=<Color temperature setting:Number> GET □ COLOR_TEMP / ? △ COLOR_TEMP Setting values for <Color temperat ure setting:Number> are -17 to 21.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 32 - COMVER User command version inquir y Format GET □ COMVER / ? △ COMVER Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None - - Response Returns the use.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 33 - CONT Contrast setting Format CONT=<Contrast setting:Number> GET □ CONT / ? △ CONT Setting values for <Contrast setting:Number > are -20 to 20. Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None X O X - Response "i:OK" is returned if the parameter was set properly .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 34 - DGAMMA Dynamic gamma Format DGAMMA=<Dynamic gamma setting parameter:ID> GET □ DGAMMA / ? △ DGAMMA <Dynamic gamma setting parameter:ID> OFF Off WEAK.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 35 - DZOOM_POS DZOOM position setting Format DZOOM_POS=<DZOOM position X:Number>,<DZOOM position Y:Number> GET □ DZOOM_POS / ? △ DZOOM_POS <DZOOM p osition X / Y :Number> is a signed integer indica ting the central posi tion of the enlarge d input image.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 36 - DZOOM_RA T DZOOM ratio setting Format DZOOM_RAT=<DZOOM ratio parameter:ID> GET □ DZOOM_RAT / ? △ DZOOM_RAT <DZOOM ratio parameter:ID> 1 same size (DZOOM disabled) 1.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 37 - ERR Error information inquiry Format GET □ ERR / ? △ ERR Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None - - Response Returns the current erro r information as 'g:ERR=<ErrorID:Character string>' For details on other response s, refer to the "Error List" .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 38 - FINE_GAMMA_R Fine gamma (R) adjustment Format FINE_GAMMA_R=<Fine gamma (R) adjustment point 1 adjustment value:Number>, <Fine gamma (R) adjustment point 2.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 39 - FINE_GAMMA_G Fine gamma (G) adjustment Format FINE_GAMMA_G=<Fine gamma (G) adjustment point 1 adjustment value:Number>, <Fine gamma (G) adjustment point 2.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 40 - FINE_GAMMA_B Fine gamma (B) adjustment Format FINE_GAMMA_B=<Fine gamma (B) adjustment point 1 adjustment value:Number>, <Fine gamma (B) adjustment point 2.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 41 - FL TW RN Filter warning indication at startup Format FLTWRN=<Filter warning parameter: ID> GET □ FLTWRN / ? △ FLTWRN <Filter warning parameter: ID>.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 42 - FREEZE Freeze status Format FREEZE=<FREEZE parameter:ID> GET □ FREEZE / ? △ FREEZE <FREEZE parameter:ID> ON Image now frozen OFF Image now not froz.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 43 - GAMMA Gamma adjustment Format GAMMA=<Gamma adjustment:Number> GET □ GAMMA / ? △ GAMMA Setting values for <Gamma adjustment: Number > are -10 to 10. Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None X O X - Response "i:OK" is returned if the parameter was set properly .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 44 - HDMI_IN HDMI input setting Format HDMI_IN=<HDMI input setting parameter:ID> GET □ HDMI_IN / ? △ HDMI_IN <HDMI input setting parameter:ID> AUTO Select this when connecting t o an A V equipment. Image processing and menu displays are adjusted r espective to the connected video equipment.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 45 - HDMI_OVSCAN HDMI overscan setting Format HDMI_OVSCAN=<HDMI overscan setting parameter:ID> GET □ HDMI_OVSCAN / ? △ HDMI_OVSCAN <HDMI overscan setting p.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 46 - HUE Hue setting Format HUE=<Hue setting value:Number> GET □ HUE / ? △ HUE Setting values for <Hue setting value:Number> are -20 to 20. Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None X O X - Response "i:OK" is returned if the parameter was set properly .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 47 - IMAGE Image mode setting Format IMAGE=<Image mode setting parameter:ID> GET □ IMAGE / ? △ IMAGE <Image mode setting parameter:ID> ST ANDARD Standar.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 48 - Setting Commands related to the settings Dynamic gamma FINE_GAMMA_R ∼ B Memory color adjustment MEMCADJ RGB gain / offset adjustment RGBGAIN / RGBOFFSET Lamp mode LAMP 6-axis adjustment 6AXADJ 6-axis color correction 6AXR ∼ Y (5) The current image quality can be acquired using the applicable GET c ommand.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 49 - IMAGEFLIP Flip display Format IMAGEFLIP=<Image flip setting parameters:ID> GET □ IMAGEFLIP / ? △ IMAGEFLIP <Image flip setting parameters:ID> NONE .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 50 - INPUT Input selection Format INPUT=<Input selection parameters:ID> GET □ INPUT / ? △ INPUT <Input selection parameters:ID> D-RGB Digital PC A-RGB1 .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 51 - KREP Key repeat Format KREP=<Key repeat parameter: ID> GET □ KREP / ? △ KREP <Key repeat paramet er: ID> OFF T urned off ON T urned on Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None X O X - Response "i:OK" is returned when Key repeat parameter was completed successfully .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 52 - LAMP Lamp output setting Format LAMP=<Lamp output setting parameters:ID> GET □ LAMP / ? △ LAMP <Lamp output setting parameters:ID> NORMAL Normal SI.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 53 - LAMPCOUNTER Lamp ON time inquiry Format GET □ LAMPCOUNTER / ? △ LAMPCOUNTER Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None - - Response Returns c.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 54 - LMPWRN Lamp warning indication at startup Format LMPWRN=<Lamp warning parameter: ID> GET □ LMPWRN / ? △ LMPWRN <Lamp warning paramet er: ID> OFF T .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 55 - MAIN Side control operation emulation Format MAIN □ <Side control emulation button parameters:ID> <Side control emulation button parameters:ID> POWER.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 56 - MEMCADJ Memory color adjustment Format MEMCADJ=<Memory color adjustment parameter:ID> GET □ MEMCADJ / ? △ MEMCADJ <Memory color adjustment parameter:I.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 57 - MODE Control mode switch Format REMOTE LOCAL GET □ MODE / ? △ MODE Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None - - Response "i:OK" is always returned with the cont rol mode switch setting.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 58 - MUTE Mute control Format MUTE=<Mute control parameter: ID> GET □ MUTE / ? △ MUTE <Mute control para meter: ID> ON Disables the audio / beep sound.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 59 - NR Noise reduction Format NR=<Noise reduction setting parameter:ID> GET □ NR / ? △ NR <Noise reduction setting pa rameter:ID> OFF Off WEAK W eak MI.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 60 - POWER This controls the power supply Format POWER □ <Parameter:ID> GET □ POWER / ? △ POWER <Parameter:ID> ON Power ON OFF Power OFF Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None - - Response "i:OK" is returned if the parameter was set properly .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 61 - PRODCODE Product information inquiry Format GET □ PRODCODE / ? △ PRODCODE Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None - - Response Product name is returned as g:PRODCODE="<Product name:Character string>" For details on other response s, refer to the "Error List" .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 62 - RC Remote control operation emu late Format RC □ <Remote control emulation button parameters:ID> <Remote control emulatio n button parameters:ID> POW.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 63 - * After setting the status of the button to be pressed down, send a command from t he PC to release the pressed status after predetermined time.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 64 - RGBGAIN RGB gain adjustment Format RGBGAIN=<R gain setting:Number> ▽ <G gain setting:Number> ▽ <B gain setting:Number> GET □ RGBGAIN / ? △ RGBGAIN Setting values for <R/G/B gain setting:Number> are -60 to 60.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 65 - RGBOFFSET RGB offset adjustment Format RGBOFFSET=<R offset setting:Number> ▽ <G offset setting:Number> ▽ <B offset setting:Number> GET □ RGBOFFSET / ? △ RGBOFFSET Setting values for <R/G/B offset setting :Number> are -60 to 60.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 66 - ROMVER ROM version inquiry Format GET □ ROMVER / ? △ ROMVER Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None - - Response ROM version of the firmwa re is returned as g:ROMVER="<ROM version:Character string>" For details on other response s, refer to the "Error List" .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 67 - SA T Color saturati on setting Format RGBGAIN=<R gain setting:Number> ▽ <G gain setting:Number> ▽ <B gain setting:Number> GET □ RGBGAIN / ? △ RGBGAIN Setting values for <Color saturation setting value:Number> are -20 to 20.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 68 - SA VEIMGPRO F Create, save, delete user memory / Create user memory s tatus Format SAVEIMGPROF=<User memory save to parameter:ID> <User memory save to par.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 69 - SCRNASPECT Screen aspect setting Format SCRNASPECT=<Screen aspect setting parameter:ID> GET □ SCRNASPECT / ? △ SCRNASPECT <Screen aspect setting param.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 70 - SHARP Sharpness setting Format SHARP=<Sharpness setting:Number> GET □ SHARP / ? △ SHARP Setting values for <Shar pness setting:Number> are -10 to 10. Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None X O X - Response "i:OK" is returned if the parameter was set properly .
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 71 - SIGNAL_INFO Input signal information inquiry Format GET □ SIGNAL_INFO / ? △ SIGNAL_INFO Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None X O X - Re.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 72 - SIGNALST A TUS Signal status inquiry Format GET □ SIGNALSTATUS / ? △ SIGNALSTATUS Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None X O X - Response.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 73 - TEMP T emperature sensor value inquiry Format GET □ TEMP / ? △ TEMP Environment Power Input OFF ON PM D-RGB A-RGB COMP HDMI None - - Response For ' GET TE.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 74 - TPTN T est pa ttern Format TPTN=<Test pattern parameter: ID> GET □ TPTN / ? △ TPTN < T est pattern parameter: ID> OFF T urned off CB1 Color bar SSH1 Stair step H No.1 SSH2 Stair step H No.2 SSH3 Stair step H No.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 75 - Reference > GET TPTN or ?TPTN GET TPTN or ?TPTN T est pa ttern is acquired. < g:TPTN=OFF *Commands are indicated by ">", and responses are indicated by "<".
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 76 - 7. Error List Item Code TYPE Error character s trings Error Remedy 1 0001 e BAD_SEQUENCE Communication sequence err or Wait until a response is receiv ed before sending the next command. 2 0002 e INVALID_COMMAND Invalid (undefined) command.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 77 - Item Code TYPE Error character s trings Error Remedy 201F e INVALID_SIGNAL Cannot execute command with current input signal. Change the input signal. 17 0801 e INVALID_VALUE Numerical parameters are invalid or outside the specified range.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 78 - 8. Error Processing YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES E rror j u d gmen t ST ART Invalid command format? "INV ALID_FORMA T" Command exe.
WX6000 / SX6000 User Commands - 79 - YES YES YES YES NO YES YES Incorrect inpu t source? "INV ALID_SOURCE ( ** ) " Limitations in in p ut source? Re q uires in p ut si g nal? No in p ut si g.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Canon SX6000 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Canon SX6000 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Canon SX6000 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Canon SX6000 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Canon SX6000, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Canon SX6000.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Canon SX6000. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Canon SX6000 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.