Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MP640 del fabbricante Canon
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How to Use This Manual Printing This Manual MC-4194-V1.00 Basic Guide Describe s the summa ry of this prod uct. A dvanced Gui de Describe s the detailed function of this product.
How to Use This Manual Printing This Manual Printing o n DVD/CDs MP-3833-V1.10 Advanced Guide Contents Overview of the M achine Main Components How to Navigate Menus on th e LCD Printing from a Me mor.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Over view of the Machine Overview of the Machine This section shows the com ponent names of the machine and desc ribes the basic oper ations you need to know before using i t.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Overv iew of the Machine > Main Co m ponents Main Components Front View Rear View Inside View Operation Panel Front View (1) Document Cove r Open to load an origi nal on the Platen Glass. (2) Operation Pan el Use to change the settings of the machine or to operate it.
(7) Paper Output Tray Opens automatically when printing or copying starts and printed paper is ejected. (8) Output Tray Extension Open to support the printouts. Open it when printing or copying. (9) Platen Glass Load an original to copy or scan. (10) Cassette Load A4, B5, A5, or Letter-sized plain paper an d insert it into the machine.
For information on the Scanning Uni t (Cover), see Scanning Un it (Cover) . Rear View (15) Wired LA N Conn ector Plug in the LAN cable to connect the machine to a LAN. Important Do not touch the metal casing. Note Remove the LAN connector cap before conn ecting the LAN cable.
See Checking the Ink Status . (20) Print Head L ock Lever Locks the Print Head into pla ce. Important Do not raise this lever after in stalling the Print Hea d. (21) Print Head Hol der Install the Print Hea d. (22) Scanning Unit (Cover) Scans origina ls.
See How to Navigate Menus on the LCD . Resolves an erro r when printing is in progre ss or resumes the machine' s normal operatio n after removing jamm ed paper. (4) [+] [-] buttons Specifies the number of copies to copy or pr int. (5) Stop button Cancels operation w hen a print, copy, or scan job is in progress.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Overv iew of the Machine > How to Navigate Menus on the LCD How to Nav igate Menus on t he LCD This mach ine allo ws you to print ph otos on a memor y card or USB flas h drive, ma ke cop ies, or s can an original without a com puter.
2. Turn around the Easy-Scroll Wheel (B) to select the menu to use, and pres s the OK button (C). You can also use the or button on t he Easy-Scroll Wheel (B) to select the menu. The selected menu s creen will appea r. The following menus are availa ble on the HOME screen.
The screen will return to the print confirmation sc reen in Select and print. Other Operatio ns Selecting I tems at the Bottom of the LCD You can use the two Function bu ttons (F) to selec t items displayed at the bo ttom of th e LCD.
Note W hen y ou press the Back butto n while the NAVI screen appears, the HOME screen will appear. 2. Use the Easy-Scroll Wheel (the or button) to select the item, and p ress the OK button.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Printing from a Memory Card Printing from a Memory Card You can preview each photo from a mem ory card or USB fl ash drive o n the LCD, to select and print the desired photo. You can als o print your fa vorite photo s in variou s layouts or use th em for ma king a calenda r or stic ker.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Printing from a Memory Card > Printing Photos Saved on the Memory Card / USB F lash Dri ve Printing Pho tos Saved on the Memory Card / USB Fl ash Drive Preview each photo from the memory ca rd or USB flas h drive on th e LCD, to se lect and print the desired photo.
2. Insert a memory card or USB flash drive. (1) Select Memory card on the HOME s creen, and p ress the OK button. See Selecting Menu s on the HOME Screen . (2) Select Select and print , and press the OK button. (3) Insert the memory card or USB flash drive.
(B) Memory card Note The scr een can also be changed to the photo selection scre en in Select and prin t of Memory card by inserting a memory card or USB flash dr ive while the HOME screen or any screen of Copy and Easy photo reprint appears. You can also select useful printing functions other than Select and print.
4. Start printing. (1) Conf irm the page size, media ty pe, print quality, etc. Here we confirm that 4"x6" (10x15cm) is selected for Page size and the t ype of loaded photo pa per for Media type. To change the settings, use the Ea sy-Scroll Wheel (the or button) (F) to select the item to change, and press the OK button (G).
(1) Page size Select the page size of the paper to print: 4"x6" (10x15cm), A4, etc. (2) Media ty pe Select the media type of the paper to print: Plus Glossy I I, Plain pape r, etc.
Page top Page 19 of 988 pages Printing Photos Saved on the Memory Card / USB Flash Drive.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Printing from a Memory Card > Using Variou s Functions Using Various Functions You can print photos i n various ways when you se lect Memory card on the HOME screen. You can also use the u seful f unctions to prin t photos.
Wide (1 6:9) Standard (4: 3) Trimming Search Correcting Image s You can corre ct imag es by press ing the left Func tion button t o select Auto photo fix when Advanced appears at the bot tom of th e screen . You can co rrect ima ges auto matica lly or manu ally, suc h as adjusting brigh tness, contrast, and color hue, or add eff ects to images.
Page top Page 22 of 988 pages Using Various Functions.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Printing from a Memory Card > Inserting the Memory Card Inserting the Memory Card Before Ins erting the Memory Card The following ty pes of memory cards and image da ta are compatible w ith the mach ine.
RS-MMC *3 Memory St ick Micro *4 *1 Use the speci al "SD Card Ada pter". *2 Require s purcha se of a separate compac t flash card ada pter for xD-Picture Card . *3 Use the special ca rd adapter. *4 Use the speci al Duo si ze adapter or full si ze adapter.
3. Insert only one memory card into the Card Slot. The location to insert a memory card varies dependi ng on each type of memory card. I nsert your memory card straightforward W ITH THE LABELED SIDE FACING TO THE LEFT into the Card Slot, according to the insert location in the figur e below.
Do not insert more than one memory card at a time. 4. Close the Ca rd Slot Cover. Removing the Memory Card Important If y ou used the Card Slot as the memory card drive of a computer, you must perf orm the "safe removal" operation on your computer before physically removing the memory card fro m the machine.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Printing from a Memory Card > Inserting the USB Flash Drive Inserting the USB Flash Drive Inserting the USB Flash Drive Note Before inserting the USB f.
Page top Page 28 of 988 pages Inserting the USB Flash Drive.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Copying Copying You can copy in the various method s such as enl arging/red ucing o r copying two orig inal pa ges onto a single sheet of paper .
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Copying > Making Copies Making Copies This secti on desc ribes th e proced ure to co py a docum ent of A4 s ize on pla in paper. For the operation, see the notes and oper ation procedure described in the reference page.
(5) Load an original on the Platen Glass. See Loading Originals . Load th e original W ITH T HE SIDE T O COPY FACING DOW N and align it with the alignm ent m ark as shown belo w. Then close the Documen t Cover gently. Note For details on the types and conditions of the original which can be copied, see Origina ls You Can Load .
(2) Press the [ + ] or [ - ] button (E) to specify the num ber of cop ies. (3) Press the Color button (F) f or color copying, or the Black button (G) for black & white copyi ng . The machine starts copying. Remove the origi nal on the Platen Glass af ter copying is completed.
Note If y ou do no t select the page size and media type correctly , the machine may feed paper from the wrong paper sou rce or may not prin t wi th the proper pr int quality. See Paper Source to Load Paper . (5) Print quality Adjust the print quality according to the origina l to copy: High (quality-priority), Standard , etc.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Copying > Usin g Various Copy Functions Using Various Copy Functions You can mak e various k inds o f copies if you pres s the le ft Fu nction button to se lect Special copy at the bottom o f the Copy sc reen.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Printing Pho tos from Printed Photos Printing Photos from Printed Photos You can reprin t printed photos i n various l ayouts.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Printing Ph otos from Printed Photos > Reprinting Pri nted Photos Reprinting Printed Photos Reprint printe d photos. This secti on desc ribes th e proced ure to sc an printe d photos and prin t them o n 4" x 6" / 10 x 15 cm photo paper.
(1) Open the Do cument Co ver. (2) Load the photos W ITH THE SIDE TO SCAN FACING DOW N on the Platen Glass. See Loading Originals . (A) To load four photos on the Platen Glass (B) To load two photos on the Platen Glass Note Place the p hoto(s) at least 0.
Note If appears next to the photo on the screen, it m ay not have been scanned proper ly. Press the Back button, and press the le ft F unctio n button to select Rescan . Confirm the message, and repea t the procedures from step 2 to scan the photo ag ain.
scanned imag e data. Page top Page 39 of 988 pages Reprinting Printed Photos.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Printing Ph otos from Printed Photos > Using Various Function s Using Various Functions This secti on introd uces a few of the usef ul funct ions in the Easy pho to reprint menu. For detail s, refer to the on-s creen m anual: Advanced Guide .
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Scanning Scanning You can forward sca nned da ta to your co mputer, a nd edit o r process them with th e suppl ied soft ware applic ation. You ca n also s ave scann ed data o n a mem ory card or USB fl ash drive i nserted into the machine.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Scanning > Forwarding Scanne d Data to the Computer Forw arding Scanned Data to the Compu ter You can forward sca nned da ta to the c ompute r with the USB cabl e or via a ne twork.
If Y ou Are Using Mac OS X v.10.3.9 You need to s et MP Navigator EX as the sta rting so ftware applica tion in Image Capt ure under Applications of Mac OS X.
Make sure to load the origi nal correctly according to the ty pe of original that you have selected. See Loading Originals . Note Characters and lines written with a light colored pen or high light pen m ay not be scanned properly. 3. Press the Color or Black button to start scann ing.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Scanning > Using Vari ous Scan Functions Using Various Scan Functions You can forward the d ata sca nned with the m achin e to a co mputer, a nd also save them on a USB flas h drive or mem ory card in serted in to the ma chine.
Page top Page 46 of 988 pages Using Various Scan Functions.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Printing from Your Computer Printing from Your Computer This section describes th e procedure to p rint documents or photos with a computer. You can easi ly print pho tos tak en with your digi tal cam era by usin g Easy-PhotoPrin t EX supplied with the machine.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Printing from Your Computer > Printing Photos (Easy-Photo Print EX) Printing Photos (Easy-PhotoPrint EX) Print ima ge data s aved on your c omputer b y using Eas y-PhotoPrint EX supp lied with the machin e.
Select the Go menu, Application s, Canon Utilities, Easy-PhotoPrint EX, t hen double-cli ck Easy - PhotoPrint EX. Note To start Easy -PhotoPrint EX from Solution Menu , double-click (Solutio n Menu) on the desktop and click (Print photos or albums, etc.
4. Select the loaded paper. (1) Make sure that your machine's name is selected in Printer. (2) Make sure that Autom atically Select is selected in Paper Source. Note For details on other settings for Pap er Source, refer to the on-screen manual: Advanced Guide .
(2) Click Print. Note To cancel a print job in progress, press the Stop button on the machine or click Cancel Prin ting on the printer status monitor. After cancel ing the print job, blan k sheets of paper may be ejected.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Printing from Your Computer > Printing Photos (Easy-Phot oPrint EX) > Using Various Functions of Easy- PhotoPrint EX Using Vario us Function s of Easy -PhotoPrin t EX This secti on introd uces a few of the usef ul funct ions of Easy-PhotoPrint EX.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Printing from Your Computer > Printin g Documents (W indows) Printing Documents (Win dow s) This secti on desc ribes th e proced ure to prin t a docu ment of A4 size on p lain pap er. For detail s, refer to the on-s creen m anual: Advanced Guide .
6. Specify the required print settings. (1) Select Bus iness Doc ument in Comm only Use d Settings. Note W hen the pri nt object such as Business Docu ment or Photo Printing is selected in Commonly Used Settings, the items in Additional Features will be selected automatica lly.
Y ou can na me the changed settings an d add to Commonly Used Settings. For details, refer to the on-screen manual: Advanced Guide . If the Alway s Print with Current Settings check bo x is selected, the current settings will be applied from the next print job onw ard.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Printing from Your Computer > Printin g Documents (Macintosh) Printing Documents (Macinto sh) This secti on desc ribes th e proced ure to prin t a docu ment of A4 size on p lain pap er. For detail s, refer to the on-s creen m anual: Advanced Guide .
(2) Select the page size of the loaded paper in Paper Size. Here we sel ect A4. (3) Select Quality & Media in the pop -up m enu. (4) Select the media type of the loaded paper in Media Ty pe.
7. Start printing. Click Print to start printing. Note Click the printer icon in the Dock to display the list of print jobs in progress. To cancel a print job in prog ress, select the desired job in the Name list and click Del ete. To temporarily stop a job in progress, click Hold.
6. Specify the required print settings. (1) Select Print on the File menu in your softw are application. The Print dialog box will appea r. (2) Make sure that your machine's name is selected in Printer. (3) Select Quality & Media in the pop -up m enu.
7. Start printing. Click Print to start printing. Note Click the printer icon in the Dock to display the list of print jobs in progress. To cancel a print job in prog ress, select the desired job in the Name list and click Del ete. To temporarily stop a job in progress, click Hold.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Other Usages Other Usages This secti on introd uces th e proced ure to prin t the tem plate form s suc h as not ebook p aper, etc. , the setting items o f the mac hine, a nd the fun ction to print di rectly from a digital camera or mobi le phone .
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Other Usages > Printing the Template Forms such as Notebook Pap er Printing the T emplate Forms such as Notebook Paper This section describes th e procedure to se lect and print the te mplate forms. You need to prepare: A4, B5, or Letter -sized plai n paper.
Note For details on the availab le template forms, see Printin g the Various Template Forms . 3. Start printing. (1) Conf irm Page size and Duplex/simplex printing. To change the setting, use the Easy-Scroll Wheel ( the or button) to select the item to change , and press the OK button.
Staff paper 1 Staff paper 10 staves Staff paper 2 Staff paper 12 staves Handwriting paper Rows of three lines W eekly schedule Vertical type Monthly schedule Calenda r ty pe Page top Page 64 of 988 pa.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Other Usages > Printing Photos Directly from Your Digi tal Camera or Mobile Phone Printing Photos Directly from Your Digital Camera or Mobile Phone Pri.
If the opt ional Blu etooth Uni t BU-30 is c onnecte d to the m achine , you can p rint ima ge data with wireles s comm unication from Bluetooth compatible mobile phon es or compu ters. For detail s on the operatio n, refer to the on-sc reen ma nual: Advanced Guide .
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Other Usages > Machine Settings Machine Settings This secti on desc ribes th e items you can s et or cha nge in Devic e settin gs of the Settings menu. F or details on setti ng or ch anging, refer to the on-scree n manua l: Advanced Guide .
Date display Selects the forma t of date t hat is p rinted or d isplayed on the sc reen. Read/wr ite attri bute Selects whether to use the Card Slo t of the m achine as the m emory card drive of a c omputer.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Other Usages > Useful Software Applications Useful Softw are A pplications The machin e can be used with us eful so ftware applica tions s uch as Solution Menu, My Print er, and Eas y -W ebPrint EX.
Double-click (My Printer) on the de sktop. Note Y ou can al so start My Printer from Solu tion Menu or the taskbar. Install My Printer fro m the Set up CD-ROM when it has not been installed or has bee n uninstalle d. To install My Printer, select My Printer in Custom Install.
For details o n printing w eb pages, click (Help) t o view the online help. Note Installing Easy-WebPrint EX If Easy -W ebPrint EX is not installed, the guidan ce for installa tion of Easy-W ebPrint EX may app ear from the taskbar on the desktop. To install Easy-W ebPrint EX, click the displayed guidance and f ollow the instructions on the screen .
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Loading Pap er / Originals Loading Paper / Originals This section describes ty pes of paper or o riginals you can loa d, how to load printing paper in the Rear Tray or Cassette, a nd how to load origina ls to co py or scan.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Loading Pap er / Originals > Loading Paper Loading Pap er Paper Source to Load Paper Loading Paper in the Cassette Loading Paper in th e Rear Tray Medi.
Page top Page 74 of 988 pages Loading Paper.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Loading Pap er / Originals > Loading Paper > Loading Pape r in the Cassette Loadin g Paper in the Cassette You can load only A4, B5, A5 , or Letter-s ized plai n paper i n the Cass ette. Load oth er sizes or types of pap er in the Rear Tray.
The Pape r Guide (A) will stop w hen it align s with the corresponding mark of page size. Note There may be a li ttle space between the Paper Guide (A) and the pa per stack. (4) Slide the Paper Guide (B) on the left to align completely w ith the side of the paper stac k.
See Printin g Documents (W indows) or Printing Documen ts (Macintosh) . Page top Page 77 of 988 pages Loading Paper in the Cassette.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Loading Pap er / Originals > Loading Paper > Loading Pape r in the Rear Tray Loadin g Paper in the Rear Tray You can load photo paper or envelopes in the Rear T ray.
(4) Slide the Paper Guides (A) to align them with both sides of the paper stack. Do not slide the Paper Guid es too hard. The paper may not be fed properly.
See Cha nging the Settings in "Printing Photos Saved on the Memory Card / USB F lash Drive" or Changin g the Settings in "M aking Copies". W hen pri nting with a computer, select the size and ty pe of the loaded pap er in Printer Paper Size (or Paper Size) and Media Type in the printer driver.
See Load pape r. in "Loading Photo Paper" of "Load ing Paper in the Re ar Tray" . (3) Slide the Paper Guides (A) to open them, and load the envelopes in the center of the Rear Tray W ITH THE ADDRESS SIDE FACING YOU. The fo lded flap of the e nvelope will be faced down on the left side.
Documents (Macintosh ) . Page top Page 82 of 988 pages Loading Paper in the Rear T ray.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Loading Pap er / Originals > Loading Paper > Media Types Y ou Can Use Media Ty pes You Can Use Choose pa per suit able for p rinting, for the bes t print re sults.
<MP-101> For printing busin ess documents: High Resolution Paper <HR-101N> *4 80 sheets Not loadable *5 50 sheets - High Resolution Paper For creating your ow n prints: T-Shirt Transfers &.
Note You can load plain paper of the follo wing page sizes in the Cassette: A4, B5, A5, and Letter sizes Plain pape r of other sizes cannot be loade d in the Cassette. Load them in the Rear Tray. In Macintosh, Choukei 3 and Choukei 4 are not avai lable.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Loading Pap er / Originals > Loading Paper > Media Types You Cannot Use Media Ty pes You Cannot Use Do not use the foll owing types of p aper. Usin g such p aper will cau se not o nly unsati sfactory res ults, b ut also the mach ine to jam or malfunction.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Loading Pap er / Originals > Loadin g Originals Loading Originals Loading Originals How to Load Origina ls for Eac h Funct ion Originals Y ou Can Load This section describes the procedure to load originals on the Platen Glass.
2. Close the Doc ument Cover gen tly . Page top Page 88 of 988 pages Loading Originals.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Loading Pap er / Originals > Loading Originals > How to Load Originals f or Each Function How to Loa d Origin als for Each Fun ction Load originals .
Load the original W ITH THE SIDE TO SCAN FACING DOW N in an appropriate way according to the number of originals. Load on ly one original Load the original at leas t 0.4 inc hes / 10 mm away from th e edges of the Pla ten Glass . Load tw o or more originals Place tw o or more origina ls at least 0.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Loading Pap er / Originals > Loading Originals > Originals You Can Load Original s Y ou Ca n Load You can copy or scan th e following o riginals . Ty pes of originals: Text document, mag azine, or ne wspaper Printed ph oto, post card, bus iness card, or DVD/CD Size (W x L): Max.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Routine M aintenance Routine Maintenance This secti on desc ribes th e proced ure to repl ace ink tanks when they run out o f ink, to clean the mac hine when the print r esult is faint, o r to take an actio n when paper d oes not f eed prope rly.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Routine M aintenance > Replacing an Ink Tank Replacing an Ink T ank W hen ink runs out w hile printing is in prog ress, an error m essage will ap pear on the LCD or your compute r screen . Make sure which i nk tank has run out of ink and rep lace it with a new one.
Caution Do not hold the Print Head Ho lder to stop or move it forcibly. Do not touch the Print Head Holde r until it stops completely. Important Do not place any object on the Document Cover. It will fall into the Rea r Tray when the Document Cover is op ened and cause the machine to malfun ction.
w hen r eplacing two or more ink tanks. For details on ink lamp fl ashing spee d, see Ch ecking the Ink Status . 4. Prepare the new in k tank. (1) Take a new ink tank out of its pack age, pull the orange tape ( ) in the direction of the arrow to peel it off, then remove the fil m ( ).
Do not touch the open ink port once the pro tective cap is removed, as this may prevent the ink from being ejected properl y . 5. Install the new ink tank. (1) Insert the f ront end of ink tank into the Print Head at a slant. Make sure that the position of the ink tank matches the label.
the Print Head. If printed ruled lines are mis aligned or the print head position is mis aligned, adjust the print head position. See Aligning the Print Head .
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Routine M aintenance > Replacing an Ink Tank > Checking the Ink Status Checking the Ink Status You can chec k the i nk statu s on the LCD or with the in k lamp s. W ith the LCD on the Machine (1) Make sure that the power is turned on, and press the HOME button.
..... . Repea ts The ink tank is installed in the wrong position or it is empty. Make sure that t he in k tank is installed in the correct position as ind icated by the label on the Print Head Holde r. If the position is correct but the lamp flashes, there has be en an error and the machi ne cannot print.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Routine M aintenance > W hen Printing Becomes Faint or Colors Are Incorrect When Printing Becomes Faint or Colors A re Incorrect If print res ults ar e blurred o r colors are not p rinted co rrectly, the pint hea d nozzles are p robably cl ogged.
Note Y ou can al so perform the main tenance operatio ns from your computer. For details, refer to the on-screen manual: Advanced Guide . Page top Page 101 of 988 pages When Printing Becomes Faint or .
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Routine M aintenance > W hen Printing Becomes Faint or Colors Are Incorrect > Printing the Nozzle Check Pattern Printing the No zzle Check Patter n Print the n ozzle check pattern to determin e whether the i nk ejec ts prope rly from the p rint head nozzles.
Page top Page 103 of 988 pages Printing the Nozzle Check Pattern.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Routine M aintenance > W hen Printing Becomes Faint or Colors Are Incorrect > Examining the Nozzle Check Pattern Examining the No zzle Check Pattern Examine the nozzle c heck pa ttern, and clean t he Print Hea d if nec essary.
Note Press the HOME button to exit t he Setting s menu and displa y the HOME sc reen. For (B) (lines are missing or horizontal white streaks are present) in (1) or (2) , or in both (1) and (2) : (1) The cleaning is required. Select Also B and press the OK button.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Routine M aintenance > W hen Printing Becomes Faint or Colors Are Incorrect > Cleaning the P rint Head Cleaning the Print Hea d Clean the Print Head i f lines are miss ing or i f horizontal white streaks are pres ent in th e printed nozzle check pattern.
Note Press the HOME button to exit t he Setting s menu and displa y the HOME sc reen. If the problem is not resolved after cleanin g the Print Head twice, clean the Print Head dee ply.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Routine M aintenance > W hen Printing Becomes Faint or Colors Are Incorrect > Cleaning the P rint Head Deeply Cleanin g the Print Hea d Deep ly If print qu ality does not imp rove by the sta ndard cl eaning o f the Print Head, cle an the Prin t Head deep ly.
See step 1 in Examining the No zz le Ch eck Pattern . If a particular colo r is not printed properly, replace the ink tank of that color. See Replacing an Ink Tank . If the problem is not resolv ed, turn off the power and clean the Print Head d eeply again after 24 ho urs.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Routine M aintenance > W hen Printing Becomes Faint or Colors Are Incorrect > Aligning the Print Head Aligning the Print Head If printed ruled line s are misaligned or p rint results are othe rwise unsatisfactory , adjust the pr int head position.
The confirmation sc reen will appe ar. (4) Select Yes, and press the OK button. The print head ali gnment pattern will be printed and the print head posi tion will be adjusted au tomatically. This takes about 5 minutes. Note Press the HOME button to exit t he Setting s menu and displa y the HOME sc reen.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Routine M aintenance > Cleaning the Paper Feed Rolle r Cleaning the Paper Feed Roller If the Pape r Feed Roll er is di rty or paper po wder is attach ed to it, paper ma y not be fed properly. In this c ase, c lean the Paper Feed Roller.
message to load three or more sheets of A4 or Letter-sized plain paper in the paper sou rce y ou selected in (5) of s tep 3. (2) Press the OK button. The machine starts cleanin g. The cleaning will be completed after the pap er is ejected. Note Press the HOME button to exit t he Setting s menu and displa y the HOME sc reen.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Routine M aintenance > Cl eaning the Pad in the Cassette Cleaning the Pad in the Cassette If the Pad i n the Cas sette is smeare d with paper po wder or dirt, two or more sheets of paper may be ejected .
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Appen dix Appendix Legal Limitations on Use of Your Product and Use of Images Tips on How to Use Your Machine Page top Page 115 of 988 pages Appendix.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Appendix > Legal Limitatio ns on Use of Your Product and Use of Images Legal Limitations on Use of Your Product and Use of Images It may be un lawful to mak e copi es of, sc an, prin t, or use reproduct ions of the follo wing docume nts.
Adv anced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Appendix > Tips on How to Use Y our Machi ne Tips on How to Use Your Machine This section introduce s the tips on how to use y our mac hine and for printing with optimal quality. Ink is used for various purposes.
Is the inside of the machine smea red w ith ink? After printi ng large quantiti es of pap er or perfo rming bo rderless printing , the area where papers go throug h may get s meared with in k. Clean the insi de of your m achine with the Bottom Plate Cleaning.
Tip!: Do n ot use or tra nsport the m achine vertically or sla nted! If the ma chine i s used or transpo rted vertica lly or slan ted, the m achine may becom e dama ged or ink ma y leak from the mac hine. Be sure no t to use or transpo rt the ma chine verti cally or sl anted.
3. Disco nnect the power plug from the wall out let, or turn off the e xtender cable c onnecto r. If you press the ON button to turn of f the power, the machin e caps the Print Hea d (nozzles) automati cally to p revent from d rying.
MC-4235-V1.00 Basic Guide Printing Scanning Copying Troubleshooting How to Use This Manual Printing This Manual Printing o n DVD/CDs Maintenance About Blue tooth Comm unicat ion Changing the Machine S.
Using the Face Brig htener Fun ction Using the Face Sha rpener Func tion Using the Digital Fa ce Smoothing Function Using the Blemish Remo v er Function Adjusting Images Correct/Enha nce Ima ges W ind.
Fit-to-Page Printing Scaled Printing Page Layout Pri nting Poster Printing Booklet Pri nting Duplex Printing Stamp/Bac kground Printing Registering a Stamp Registering Ima ge Data to be Used as a Back.
Printing Memory Card Ph otos in Various La youts Settings for Printing a Photo o n a Memory Card Printing Se veral Photos on a Sing le Sheet o f Paper (Layou t Print) Printing o n Sticke rs (Stick er .
Changing the Display Printing a Specifie d Area (Trimmi ng) Printing Photograph s Directly from a Compliant Device or a Wireless Communication Dev ice Printing Ph otographs Directly from a Compl iant .
Easy Scanni ng with One-clic k Useful MP Naviga tor EX Functions Correcting /Enhancin g Image s Automa tically Correcting /Enhancin g Image s Manually Adjusting Images Searching Images Classifying Ima.
General Tab Scanner Button Settings Tab (Save) Scanner Button Sett ings Tab (Attach to E-mail) Scanner Bu tton Settin gs Tab (Open with Appl ication ) Appendix: Opening Files Othe r than Sca nned Ima .
Scanning with W IA Driver Scanning Using th e Control Pan el (W indows XP Only) Copy ing Printing Using the Operation Panel of the Mach ine Copying Making Copies Setting Items Reducing or Enlargi ng a.
Back of t he Paper Is Smudged Vertical Lines Are Printed on the Sides of the Pri ntout Colors Are Une ven or Streak ed Printing Doe s Not Start Copying/Printi ng Stops Before It Is Complete d Machine .
Launching M P Nav igator EX W henever Pressing the Color or Blac k Button on the Machine Error Message Appe ars on a PictBridge Complia nt Device Cannot Print Properly from a W ireless Communi cation Devic e Cannot Print Properly fr om a Photo I ndex Sheet Failed to scan Ph oto Index Sheet.
Advanced Guide > How to Use This Manual How to Use This Manual Operating th e Contents Pane Operating th e Explanation W indo w Printing This Manual Using Keywords to Find a Document Registeri ng D.
Advanced Guide > How to Use This Manual > Operating the Con tents Pane Operating the Contents Pane W h en you cli ck a do cument title di splayed in the con tents pan e found to the lef t of the on -screen manual, the docu ments o f that titl e are dis played in the explanatio n window on the righ t side.
Advanced Guide > How to Use This Manual > Operating the Explanation W ind ow Operating the Explanation Windo w (1) Click the green charact ers to ju mp to the correspo nding d ocumen t.
Advanced Guide > How to Use This Manual > Printing This Man ual Printing T his Manual Click to displ ay the print p ane to th e left of the on-sc reen ma nual. Note Click to close or disp lay the print pane. W hen you click an d then c lick Pag e Setup, th e Page Setu p dialo g box appears.
Print All Doc uments Note You can sel ect the type to be pri nted, and then eas ily speci fy print set tings on the Print Setup tab. Print Current Document You can print the curren tly displ ayed docum ent.
Confirm th e number of pages to be pri nted, and then cl ick Yes. All docu ments with s elected check boxes are print ed. Print My M anual You can sel ect and p rint doc uments registere d in My Manual. For details about My Manual, see " Registering Doc uments to My M anual .
Confirm th e number of pages to be pri nted, and then cl ick Yes. All docu ments a re printed . Important A large am ount of p aper is necess ary to print a ll docu ments. Be fore print ing, be s ure to c heck the numb er of prin t pages d isplayed in the Prin t Page Coun t Confirmat ion dial og box.
Advanced Guide > How to Use This Manual > Using Keywords to Find a Document Using Keywords to Find a Docu ment You can enter a keyword to searc h for a ta rget doc ument. All documents in the currently display ed on-screen manual are search ed. 1.
The search i s starte d, and the titles of docum ents c ontainin g the ke yword are displayed in the search res ults list. W h en you execute a s earch b y entering m ultiple keywords, the se arch res ults are displa yed as shown below.
Advanced Guide > How to Use This Manual > Registerin g Documents to My Manual Registering Documents to My Manual Register fr equently rea d docum ents as My M anual d ocumen ts so th at you can refer to tho se docu ments easily at a ny time. 1. Display the document Display the docume nt to be a dded to My Manual.
4. Display M y Man ual W h en you doub le-clic k (or se lect and press En ter key) a do cument title dis played in List of My Manual, that doc ument i s disp layed in th e explanation windo w. Note To delete a d ocumen t from Li st of My Manual, select t hat docu ment tit le from th e list, and then click Delete (or p ress Dele te key).
Advanced Guide > How to Use This Manual > Symbols Used in This Document Symbols Used in This Document Warning Instructi ons tha t, if igno red, cou ld resul t in deat h or serio us pers onal inj ury caused by incorrec t operati on of the eq uipment .
Advanced Guide > How to Use This Manual > Trademarks Tradem arks Microsoft is a registe red tradem ark of Microso ft Corporatio n. W i ndows is a t rademark or regist ered trade mark of Micros oft Corporati on in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer Printing from a Comput er Printing with th e Bundled Applica tion Software Printing with Othe r Applica tion Software Page top Page 144 of 988 pages Printi.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing with the Bundled Application Software Printing with the Bundled A pplication Softw are W hat Is Easy-PhotoPrint EX? Printing Photos Creating .
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > What Is Easy-PhotoPrint EX? What Is Easy -Phot oPrint EX? Easy-PhotoPrint EX allow s you to crea te albums, calendars a nd stickers easily using pho tos taken with digital cameras .
Easy-PhotoPrint EX can be sta rted from o ther appl ication s. See the ap plicati on's man ual for de tails o n the proc edure for starting. The Photo Print f unction is availa ble with the fo llowing appl ication s: MP Navigator EX Ver.1.00 or later ZoomBrowser EX Ver.
Page top Page 148 of 988 pages What Is Easy-PhotoPrint EX?.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > P rinting Photos Printing Photos Easy -PhotoPrint EX allows y ou to pr int your favorite photos in a variety of lay outs. You can also create bor derless photos easily .
How Do I Print with Even Marg ins? Page top Page 150 of 988 pages Printing Photos.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printing Photos > Starting Easy-PhotoP rint EX Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX 1. From the Start menu, sele ct (All) Programs > Canon Utilities > Easy-PhotoPrint EX > Easy-PhotoPrint EX.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printing Photos > Selecting a Photo Selecting a Photo 1.
(Delete Im ported Im age). To delete all images f rom the se lected image area, click (Delete All Imported Images ). To print two or more copies of an im age, cl ick (Up arrow) until th e numbe r of copi es you want is reach ed. To reduce the num ber of co pies sh own in the box, clic k (Down arrow).
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printing Photos > Selecting the Paper Selecting the Paper 1.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printing Photos > Printing Printing 1. Click Layout/Print. The Layout/Print s creen ap pears. Important The thumbnails (re duced images ) displayed in the screen may appear as follows: - A black line ap pears al ong an e dge of the image.
To display the Preference s dialo g box, click (Set tings) or select Preference s... from the File menu. The photo pri nt settin gs will be di scarde d if you exit Easy-PhotoPri nt EX without saving th e settin gs. It is rec ommend ed that you save the pri nted ima ge if you want to print it a gain.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Crea ting an Album Creating an A lbum Easy-PhotoPrint EX allows you to create your own persona lized photo album. Steps 1. Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX 2.
How Can I Move (or Copy ) t he Saved File? W hat Is "C1" or "C4"? Page top Page 158 of 988 pages Creating an Album.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Crea ting an Album > Starting Easy -PhotoPrint EX Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX 1. From the Start menu, sele ct (All) Programs > Canon Utilities > Easy-PhotoPrint EX > Easy-PhotoPrint EX.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Crea ting an Album > Selecting the Paper an d Layout Selecting the Paper and L ayout 1. Click Album f rom Menu. The Page Set up screen appears. 2.
4. If you w ant to change the lay out, click Lay out.... The Change Lay out dialog box appears. In the Chan ge Layout di alog bo x, you can change the layout or selec t whether to prin t the dat e (on which the pic ture was take n) on the photo.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Crea ting an Album > Selecting a Photo Selecting a Photo 1. Click Select Imag es. The Select Images scre en appears. 2. Select the folder that contains the image you w ant to print from the folder tree area.
To delete all images f rom the se lected image area, click (Delete All Imported Images ). Note See Help for details on th e Select Images screen. Page top Page 163 of 988 pages Selecting a Photo.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Crea ting an Album > Editing Editing 1. Click Edit.
C4: Back cover Saving Note See Help fo r details on the Ed it scree n. Page top Page 165 of 988 pages Editing.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Crea ting an Album > Printing Printing 1. Click Print Settings.
3. Click Print. Note See Help fo r details on the Pri nt Setting s scree n. Page top Page 167 of 988 pages Printing.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printing a DVD/CD Printing a DVD/CD Start Easy-PhotoPri nt EX and sel ect DVD/CD Label in Menu to start CD-LabelPrint . CD-LabelPrin t allows you to print DVD/CD labels e asily.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > P rinting Calendars Printing Calendars Easy-PhotoPrint EX allows you to create your own calend ar using your favorite ph otos. Steps 1. Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX 2.
Questions and A nswers How Can I Move (or Copy ) t he Saved File? Page top Page 170 of 988 pages Printing Calendars.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printing Calendars > Starting Easy -PhotoPrint EX Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX 1. From the Start menu, sele ct (All) Programs > Canon Utilities > Easy-PhotoPrint EX > Easy-PhotoPrint EX.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printing Calendars > Selecting the Paper an d Layout Selecting the Paper and L ayout 1. Click Calendar from Menu. The Page Set up screen appears.
See Help fo r details on the Pa ge Setup s creen. Page top Page 173 of 988 pages Selecting the Paper and Layout.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printing Calendars > Selecting a Photo Selecting a Photo 1. Click Select Imag es. The Select Images scre en appears. 2. Select the folder that contains the image you w ant to print from the folder tree area.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printing Calendars > Editing Editing 1. Click Edit.
See Help fo r details on the Ed it scree n. Page top Page 176 of 988 pages Editing.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printing Calendars > Printing Printing 1. Click Print Settings.
Note See Help fo r details on the Pri nt Setting s scree n. Page top Page 178 of 988 pages Printing.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printin g Stickers Printing Stickers You can print your favorite ph otos on c ompati ble sti cker sh eets. Steps 1. Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX 2. Selecting the Paper and Lay out 3.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printin g Stickers > Starting Easy -PhotoPrint EX Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX 1. From the Start menu, sele ct (All) Programs > Canon Utilities > Easy-PhotoPrint EX > Easy-PhotoPrint EX.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printin g Stickers > Selecting the Paper an d Layout Selecting the Paper and L ayout 1. Click Stickers f rom Menu. The Page Set up screen appears.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printin g Stickers > Selecting a Photo Selecting a Photo 1. Click Select Imag es. The Select Images scre en appears. 2. Select the folder that contains the image you w ant to print from the folder tree area.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printin g Stickers > Editing Editing 1. Click Edit.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printin g Stickers > Printing Printing 1. Click Print Settings.
Page top Page 185 of 988 pages Printing.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printin g Layout Printing Lay out You can add text to your favorite photos and print them in a variety of lay outs. Steps 1. Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX 2.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printin g Layout > Starting Easy-PhotoP rint EX Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX 1. From the Start menu, sele ct (All) Programs > Canon Utilities > Easy-PhotoPrint EX > Easy-PhotoPrint EX.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printin g Layout > Selecting the Paper an d Layout Selecting the Paper and L ayout 1. Click Layout Print from Menu. The Page Set up screen appears.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printin g Layout > Selecting a Photo Selecting a Photo 1. Click Select Imag es. The Select Images scre en appears. 2. Select the folder that contains the image you w ant to print from the folder tree area.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printin g Layout > Edit ing Editing 1. Click Edit.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Printin g Layout > Printing Printing 1. Click Print Settings.
Note See Help fo r details on the Pri nt Setting s scree n. Page top Page 192 of 988 pages Printing.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Corre cting and Enhancing Phot os Correcting and Enhancing Photos You can correct and enhance images. Click (Correct/Enha nce Ima ges) in the Selec t Images or Edit s creen, or in the La yout/Print sc reen of Photo Print.
Adjusting Images Page top Page 194 of 988 pages Correcting and Enhancing Photos.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Corre cting and Enhancing Phot os > Using the Auto Photo Fix Function Using the A uto Photo Fix Functio n Apply optim um corre ctions automati cally to th e photos used fo r an albu m, cale ndar, etc .
Note If only one image i s selec ted, the thumbna il does not appe ar below Preview. 3. Make sure that Auto is selected. 4. Click Auto Photo Fix, then click OK. The entire ph oto is c orrected automati cally and the (Correction/Enh ancement) mark appea rs on the uppe r left of th e image .
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Corre cting and Enhancing Phot os > Using the Re d-Eye Correction Function Using the Red-Eye Correction Function You can corre ct red eyes caused by a came ra flash.
A uto Correction 3. Make sure that Auto is selected. 4. Click Red-Eye Correction. 5. Click OK. Red eyes are corrected and the (Correction /Enhance ment) ma rk appea rs on the upper lef t of the image. Important Areas othe r than the eyes may be corrected dependi ng on the image.
Red eye is c orrected and the (Correct ion/Enhan cement) mark ap pears on the uppe r left of th e image. Note Click Und o to undo the prec eding c orrection operation . 6. Click Save Selected Image or Save All Corrected Im ages. You can save c orrected i mages as new files .
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Corre cting and Enhancing Phot os > Using the Fac e Brightener Function Using the Face Brightener Function You can brigh ten dark faces c aused b y bright bac kground .
4. Click Face Brightener. Note Effect level s can b e change d using the sli der belo w Face Brightene r. Move the cursor over th e image . The shape o f the cu rsor chan ges to (C ross). 5. Drag to select the are a y ou want to correct, then c lick OK that appea rs over the image.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Corre cting and Enhancing Phot os > Using the Face Sharp ener Function Using the Face Sharpener Functio n You can shar pen out-of -focus fa ces in a photo.
4. Click Face Sharpene r. Note Effect level s can b e change d using the sli der belo w Face Sharpene r. 5. Click OK. The face is sharpen ed and th e (Correcti on/Enhanc ement) m ark appe ars on th e upper l eft of the image.
The facial area in and a round the selected area is sharpened and the (Correction/ Enhancem ent) mark appears on the u pper left of the im age. Note You can als o drag to ro tate the s electe d area. Click Und o to undo the prec eding c orrection operation .
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Corre cting and Enhancing Phot os > Using the Digital Face Smoothing Function Using the Digital Face Smoothing Function You can enhance skin beautifully by removing blemishes and wrinkles.
4. Click Digital Face Smoothing. Note Effect level s can b e change d using the sli der belo w Digital Face Smoothin g. 5. Click OK. Skin is enhance d beauti fully and th e (Correc tion/Enha ncemen t) mark ap pears on the uppe r left of the im age.
Skin in a nd aroun d the sel ected a rea is en hanced beautifu lly and the (Correction/En hancem ent) mark ap pears on the upper left of th e image . Note You can als o drag to ro tate the s electe d area. Click Undo to undo the preceding enhancement operation.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Corre cting and Enhancing Phot os > Using the Ble mish Remover Function Using the Blemish Remover Function You can remo ve moles. 1. Select pho tos in the Select Image s screen , then click (Correct/Enhan ce Images).
Note Move the cursor over th e image . The shape o f the cu rsor chan ges to (C ross). 5. Drag to select the area y ou want to enhance, then click OK that appears over the image. Moles in and a round the select ed area a re removed an d the (Co rrection/En hancem ent) mark appears on the upper left of the image.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Corre cting and Enhancing Phot os > Adjusting Images A djusting Images You can mak e fine ad justme nts to th e overall bri ghtness , contra st, etc.
Sharpness Blur Show-through Remo val Note Click Defaults to reset all adjustments. 5. Click Save Selected Image or Save All Corrected Im ages. You can save adjusted images as n ew files. Note To save only the im age you li k e, click Save Selected Im age.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Corre cting and Enhancing Phot os > Correct/Enhan ce Images W in dow Correct/Enhance Images Window You can correct/enhan ce images in this w indow.
(2)Task A rea Available ta sks an d settin gs may vary between th e Auto and Manual tabs. Click Aut o or Manual to di splay the c orrespo nding tab . A uto Tab Select to correct a utomati cally. A uto Photo Fix Applies automatic co rrections suitable for photo s.
shooting. Deselect this checkbox to apply corre ctions based on the im age analysis resu lts. It is recommend ed that you n ormally select this set ting. Note Exif is a standard forma t for embedding various shootin g data in digital camer a images (JPEG).
Brightness Adjusts the overall image brightness. Move the slider to the left t o darken and right to bright en the im age. Contrast Adjusts the cont rast of th e image . Adjust th e contra st when the im age is flat due to lack of contra st. Move the slider to the left t o decrea se and ri ght to in crease t he contra st of the image.
Red-Eye Correction Corrects re d eyes. You can specify the ar ea you want t o apply the ef fect to. You can adjust the eff ect level using the slider. Note For Photo Pri nt, red eyes are autom aticall.
Exit Click to close the Corre ct/Enhance Images window. Page top Page 217 of 988 pages Correct/Enhance Images Window.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Questions and Answe rs Questions and A nsw ers How Can I Move (or Copy ) t he Saved File? W h ic.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Questions and Answers > How Can I Move (or Copy) the Saved File? How Can I Move (or Copy) the.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Questions and Answers > W hi ch Side of the Displ ayed Image Does the Printing Start from? Wh.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Questions and Answers > How Do I Print with Even Margins? How Do I Print w ith Even Margins? .
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Questions and Answers > W ha t Is "C1" or " C4"? What Is "C1" or "C4"? W hen an album is pr inted, labels such as "C1" an d "C4" are printed as page numbers.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > P hoto Print Settings Photo Print Settings Printing on a DVD/CD Printing Vivid Photos Reducing P.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Photo Print Settings > Printing on a DV D/CD Printing on a DVD/CD You can print on a DVD/CD using Photo Print. Select CD-R for Pa per Size in t he Select Paper sc reen, then selec t a layout an d enter th e title.
3. Select a lay out you w ant to use. 4. Enter the title(s) and specify the details of the lay out in Advanced. Note Items th at can b e set ma y vary depending on the se lected layout. 5. Click Print. Set a DVD/CD and pri nt acc ording to the mes sage.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Photo Print Settings > Printing Vivid Pho tos Printing Viv id Photo s Select th e Vivid Photo checkb ox in the Selec t Paper sc reen to b oost the colors i n a phot o before p rinting.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Photo Print Settings > Reducing Photo Noise Reducing Photo Noise W hen a photo is taken in a dark location such as night scen e using digital camera, noise may appe ar in the image.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Photo Print Settings > Cropping Photos (Photo P rint) Cropping Photos (Pho to Print) Cropping a photo is the act of removing the unne cessa ry portions o f the pho to by selec ting the necessa ry portions.
The cropping effect a pplies only to the print resu lt. The origi nal ima ge will not be cropped . See Help fo r details on the Crop window. Page top Page 229 of 988 pages Cropping Photos (Photo Print.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Photo Print Settings > Printing Dates on Ph otos (Photo Print) Printing Dates on Photos (Phot.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Photo Print Settings > Printing M ultiple Photos on One Pa ge Printing Multiple Photos on O ne Page You can print multipl e photos on one page by sel ecting a multi ple-photo layout in t he Layout/Prin t screen .
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Photo Print Settings > Printing an Ind ex Printing an Index You can print an index of sel ected p hotos. An index print sho ws the thumbn ails of the phot os in on e page.
Page top Page 233 of 988 pages Printing an Index.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Photo Print Settings > Printing ID Ph otos (ID Pho to Print) Printing ID Photos (ID Photo Print) You can print a variety of ID photos. Important The photo ma y not quali fy as an offi cial ID p hoto dep ending o n its us e.
Page top Page 235 of 988 pages Printing ID Photos (ID Photo Print).
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Photo Print Settings > Printing Phot o Information Printing Photo Informat ion You can print the photo and the Exif information side by si de. To print them , selec t Letter 8.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Photo Print Settings > Saving Photos Sav ing Photos You can save ed ited pho tos. The info rmation of croppi ng and l ayout can b e saved. Click Save in the Layou t/Print screen.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Photo Print Settings > Opening Saved Fil es Opening S aved Fi les You can open files c reated with Eas y-PhotoPrint EX. 1. Click Library from Menu.
You can als o open a recently us ed file by clicki ng the fi le name shown in the File me nu. Page top Page 239 of 988 pages Opening Saved Files.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Other Settings Other Settings Changing Layout Changi ng Background Adding Photos Swapping Positi.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Other Settings > Changing Lay out Changing Lay out You can change the lay out of each page separately. Select the page you w ant to change the layout of in the Edit scree n, then click (Change Layout).
Important The layouts of a ll page s are ch anged to the sele cted la yout. All imag es that d o not fit in the ne w layout will be col lected o n the las t page. Note The layouts tha t can be select ed may vary depen ding on t he Paper Si ze and Orientat ion.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Other Settings > Changing Background Changing Backgroun d You can change the background of each page. Important You cannot change the background of t he Photo Print, Stickers, and Layou t Print.
Click Search backgrounds... to acce ss the Canon w ebsite from w hich you can dow nload add itional material s for free . Internet c onnecti on is re quired to acces s the website . Internet connect ion fees apply. This function may no t be available in some regions.
Note See Help fo r details on how to set the back ground i n the Chan ge Backg round di alog box. Page top Page 245 of 988 pages Changing Background.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Other Settings > Adding Photos A ddi ng Photos You can add images to p ages. Select th e page you want to add phot os in th e Edit sc reen, the n click (Add Im age).
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Other Settings > Swapping Pos itions of Photos Swapping Positio ns of Photos You can swap t he positions of images. Click (Swap I mage Positions) in the Edit scr een.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Other Settings > Replacing Photos Replacing Photos Y ou can rep lace an image with another image. Select th e image you want to replac e in the Edit sc reen, then click (Replace Se lected I mage).
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Other Settings > Changin g Position, Angle and Size of Photos Changing Position, A ngle and Size of Photos You can adjust the position , angle and size of images.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Other Settings > Cropping Photos Cropping Pho tos Cropping a n image is the a ct of rem oving the u nneces sary portion s of the i mage by s electin g the necessa ry portions.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Other Settings > F raming Photos Framing Photos You can add frames to image s. Important You cannot ad d frames to imag es in Ph oto Print, Sti ckers, and Layout Print.
selected page at one time. Various frames are available on our w ebsite besides those saved in th e application. Click Search fr ames... to access the Cano n website from which you can download additional material s for free . Internet c onnecti on is re quired to acces s the website .
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Other Settings > Printing Dates on Photos Printing Dates on Photos You can print dates on images. Select th e image you want to print t he date i n the Edit screen and cli ck (Edit Image ) or doubl e-click the image.
Page top Page 254 of 988 pages Printing Dates on Photos.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Other Settings > Attaching Comments to Photos A ttaching Comments to Photo s You can attach commen ts to images and display them in yo ur album.
Select th e Show comme nt box checkb ox. Select th e check boxes of the i tems you want to display, a nd enter c ommen ts. Set the si ze and col or of font, and pos ition of the com ments, e tc.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Other Settings > Adding Text to Photos A dding Text to Photos You can add text to photos. Click (Add Text) in the Edit screen and drag t he mouse over the area in which you want t o add text.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Other Settings > Saving Saving You can save ed ited ite ms. Click Save i n the Edit or Print Sett ings sc reen. Note The screens for Album pr inting are used as ex amples in the follow ing descriptions.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Other Settings > Setting Holidays Setting Holidays You can add h olidays to your calen dar. Click Set Holidays... in the Pag e Setup sc reen of Ca lendar, o r click (Setup Perio d/Holiday) in the Edit scre en and c lick Se t Holidays.
Enter the n ame in Ho liday Name a nd spec ify the date . Select th e Set as Hol iday chec kbox to displ ay that day as a holid ay in your cale ndar. Note See Help fo r details on eac h dialog box.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Other Settings > Setting Calenda r Display Setting Calendar Display You can cus tomize the calenda r displ ay (fonts, li nes, co lors, pos ition, size, etc.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printin g with the Bundled App lication Software > Other Settings > O pening Saved Files Opening S aved Fi les You can open files c reated with Eas y-PhotoPrint EX. 1. Click Library from Menu. The Open dialog box appears.
See the follow ing sections for details on the editing procedure s. Editing Album Editing Cal endar Editing Stickers Editing Lay out Print Note You can open files c reated with Eas y-PhotoPrint EX with the fol lowing metho ds, besi des from Library in Menu.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software Printing with Other A pplication Software Various Pri nting Methods Changing the Print Qual ity and Correc ti.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods Various Printing Methods Printing with Eas y Setup Setting a Page Size and Ori.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Printing with Easy Setup Printing with Easy S etup The simple setup pr ocedure for carry ing out appropr iate printing on this ma chine, is as follows: 1.
Click Save... to regis ter the sp ecified setting s. For in structio ns on reg isterin g setting s, see " Registering a Frequen tly Use d Printing Profile .
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Setting a Page Size and Orientation Setting a Page Size and Orientation The paper si ze and orien tation are essen tially dete rmined b y the applic ation.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Setting the Number of Co pies and Printin g Order Setting the Number of C.
Uncheck this c heck bo x to print all pa ges with the s ame pa ge numb er togethe r. 5. Complete the s etup Click OK. The specified number o f copies w ill be printed w ith the specified printing order.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Setting the Stapling Margi n Setting the Stapling Margin The procedure for setting the staple side a nd the margin w idth is as follow s: 1.
4. Complete the s etup Click OK on the Page Setup tab. W h en you execute pri nt, the da ta is pri nted with the s pecifi ed stapl e side and marg in width. Important Staple Sid e and Spec ify Margin... appea r grayed out a nd are un available when: Borderless , Poster, or Bookle t is sel ected fo r Page Layout .
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Borderless Printin g Borderless Printing The borderles s printi ng funct ion allo ws you to print da ta without any ma rgin by enl arging the data so that it extends sli ghtly off the paper.
Check the Page Size li st. W hen you want to c hange, s elect a nother pa ge size from the li st. The list displays on ly sizes that ca n be used for border less printing. 4. Adjust the amount of extension f rom the paper If neces sary, adjus t the am ount of e xtension usin g the Amo unt of Extension slider.
Page top Page 275 of 988 pages Borderless Printing.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Fit- to-Page Printing Fit-to-Page Printing The procedure for printi ng a doc ument th at is au tomatic ally enlarg ed or redu ced to fi t the pag e size to b e used is as follows: 1.
5. Complete the s etup Click OK. W h en you execute pri nt, the do cument will be enlar ged or redu ced to f it to the p age size. Page top Page 277 of 988 pages Fit-to-Page Printing.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Scaled Printing Scaled Printing The procedure for printing a document with page s enlarged or red uced is as follows: 1. Open the printer driver setup window 2.
Specify a scaling factor Directly type in a value into the Scaling box . The current s ettings are disp layed in the setting s preview on the left sid e of the p rinter driver. 5. Complete the s etup Click OK. W h en you execute pri nt, the do cument will be printe d with the spe cified scale.
Selectin g Scaled change s the pri ntable are a of the d ocumen t. Page top Page 280 of 988 pages Scaled Printing.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Page Layout Printing Page Layo ut Printing The page layout printing functio n allows you to p rint more than one page im age on a single sheet o f paper.
Pages To increase the n umber of pages to be in cluded on a single shee t of paper, select a desire d number of pages from the list. You can als o set 2-Pag e Print or 4 -Page Print o n the Quic k Setup ta b. Page Order To change th e page a rrangemen t order, se lect an icon fro m the li st to ch ange the page pla cement order.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Poster Printing Poster Printing The poster pri nting fu nction a llows you to enl arge ima ge data, divide it i nto several pages, and print these pa ges on s eparate sheets of paper.
4. Set the number of im age divisions and the pages to be printed If neces sary, clic k Speci fy..., speci fy the follo wing setting s in the Poster Print ing dial og box, and the n click OK. Image Divisions Select th e numbe r of divisio ns (vertica l x horizontal).
Note Click the deleted pages t o display them a gain. Right-cli ck the s ettings preview to selec t Print al l pages or Delete a ll page s. 2. Complete the s etup After comp leting t he page s electi on, cli ck OK. W h en you execute pri nt, only sp ecified pages will b e printed .
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Booklet Printing Booklet Printing The booklet printing functio n allows you to p rint data for a book let. Data is printe d on both sides of the paper.
Margin for stapling Select w hich side should the stap ling margin be on w hen the b ooklet is completed. Insert blank page To leave one si de of a s heet bl ank, ch eck the check box, and selec t the pag e to be l eft blank . Margin Enter the m argin width.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Duplex Printi ng Duplex Printing The procedure for printing data on both sides of a sheet of pap er is as follows: You can als o set dup lex printing in Addition al Feature s on the Quick Set up tab.
Use normal-size printing Print without red ucing th e page. Use reduce d printing Reduce th e page s lightly duri ng printi ng. 5. Specify the side to be stapled The machin e analyzes the Orientatio n and Page Layout set tings, a nd autom aticall y selects the bes t Staple Sid e.
Select Norm al-size (or Fit-to-Page, Scaled o r Page Layout) from the Pa ge Layout l ist. 4. Specify the side to be stapled The machin e analyzes the Orientatio n and Page Layout set tings, a nd autom aticall y selects the bes t Staple Sid e. W hen you want to ch ange the setting , selec t another val ue from th e list.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Stamp/Background Printin g Stamp/Background Printing This feature is unavail able when the 64-bit pri nter driver is used. The Stamp func tion al lows you to print a stamp text or a bitmap over or behi nd docu ment dat a.
The current s ettings are disp layed in the setting s preview on the left sid e of the Pa ge Setup ta b. 4. Set the stamp de tails If neces sary, spec ify the foll owing settin gs, and t hen cli ck OK. Place stamp over text To print the stam p on the front of the docum ent, check this check box.
function of book let print ing. Related Topics Registering a Stamp Registering Ima ge Data to be Used as a Background Page top Page 293 of 988 pages Stamp/Background Printing.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Stamp/Background Printin g > Registerin g a Stamp Registering a Stamp This feature is unavail able when the 64-bit pri nter driver is used.
4. Configure the stamp while view ing the preview w indow Stamp tab Select Text, Bitmap, o r Date/Time/Use r Name that matche s your purpo se for Stam p Type. For Text registration, the chara cters m ust alre ady be entere d in Stam p Text. If necessar y, change the TrueTyp e Font, Styl e, Size, and Outline settings.
2. Click Defin e Stamp... The Stamp Setti ngs dia log box opens. 3. Configure the stamp while view ing the preview w indow 4. Overwrite sav e the st amp Click Save overwrite on the Save settings tab. W hen you want to save the stam p with a different title, type a new title in the Title box and click Save.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Stamp/Background Printin g > Registerin g Image Data to be Used as a Backgroun d Registering Image Data to be Used as a Background This feature is unavail able when the 64-bit pri nter driver is used.
4. Select the image data to be registered to the background Click Select File.... Select the target bitmap file (. bmp), and then click Open. 5. Specify the follow ing settings while view ing the preview w indow Layout Method Select ho w the backgro und ima ge data i s to be p laced.
5. Complete the s etup Click OK. The Stam p/Backg round di alog box opens again. The registere d title a ppears i n the Back ground l ist. Deleting an Unneces sary Back ground 1. Click Select Background... in the Stam p/Background dialog box The Backgrou nd Setting s dialo g box opens.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Printing an E nvelope Printing an Envelope For detail s on ho w to load an en velope into the mac hine, re fer to "Lo ading Pap er in the Rear Tray" in the manual: Basic Guide .
To print the a ddresse e horizontal ly, select Landsc ape for Orie ntation. 6. Select the print quality Select Hig h or Standa rd that ma tches you r purpose for Print Qual ity. 7. Complete the s etup Click OK. W h en you execute pri nt, the in formatio n is prin ted on th e envelope .
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Switching the Paper Source to Match the Purpose Sw itching the Paper Sou rce to Match the Purpose In this m achin e, there are two paper sou rces, a re ar tray and a casse tte.
the paper source when paper runs out in one paper sourc e. Important Continuou s Autofeed is una vailable when pa per other than Plain Paper is select ed for Media Type.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Displaying the Print Results befo re Printing Displaying the Print Results before Printing You can dis play and ch eck the print res ult befo re printin g.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods > Setting Paper Dimen sions (Custom Size) Setting Paper Dimensions (Custom Size) You can spec ify the hei ght and width of paper when i ts size ca nnot be s electe d from the Page Size.
4. Set the custom paper size Specify Units, and enter the W idth and Height of the paper to be used. Then click OK. 5. Complete the s etup Click OK on the Page Setup tab. W h en you execute pri nt, the da ta is pri nted with the s pecifi ed paper size.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data Changing the Print Qu ality and Correcting Image D.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data > Selecting a Co mbination of the Print Quality.
3. Setting the print quality and halftone expression m ethod Move the Quality slider to select the quality level. Select th e expression m ethod in Halftonin g and c lick OK. Note Halftones refer to c olor sha des between th e darkes t color and the b rightest color.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data > Printing a Color Document in M onochrome Prin.
During Grayscale Printing, color inks m ay be used as well as black ink. Page top Page 311 of 988 pages Printing a Color Document in Monochrome.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data > Specif y ing Color Correction Specifyi ng Color Correction You can spec ify the co lor correc tion me thod sui ted to th e type of doc ument t o be print ed.
Driver Match ing By using Cano n Digital Photo Color, you can pri nt sRGB data with c olor tint s that m ost peop le prefer. Driver Matching is t he defau lt settin g for col or correc tion. ICM You can print by using t he color space (Adobe RGB or sRGB) of t he image data eff ectively .
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data > Specif y ing Color Correction > Optimal Ph.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data > Specif y ing Color Correction > Adjusting .
6. Set the other items If neces sary, clic k Color Ad justmen t tab, and adjust the col or balanc e of Cyan, Magenta, Yello w, and adjust Bri ghtness , Intens ity, and Contra st setti ngs, an d then cl ick OK. 7. Complete the s etup Click OK on the Main tab.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data > Specif y ing Color Correction > Printing w.
Click Matchin g tab, and selec t None for Col or Correctio n. 6. Set the other items If neces sary, clic k Color Ad justmen t tab, and adjust the col or balanc e of Cyan, Magenta, Yello w, and adjust Bri ghtness , Intens ity, and Contra st setti ngs, an d then cl ick OK.
3. Select the print quality Select Hig h, Standard , or Fast t hat matc hes your pu rpose for Print Quality. 4. Select the man ual color adjus tment Select Manual for Color/Intensity , and click Set.... Manual Color Adju stment d ialog b ox opens. 5. Select color co rrection Click Matching tab, and select ICM for Color Correction.
Select Adobe RGB (1998). Important W h en the ap plicati on software s pecifie s an inp ut profil e, the inp ut profil e settin g of the p rinter driver becom es inval id. W h en no in put ICC profil es are i nstalle d on your co mputer, Ad obe RGB (1998) i s not di splayed.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data > Adjusting Co lor Balance A djusting Color Balance You can adju st the c olor tints when printin g.
moved to th e left. For example, when cyan be comes weaker, the co lor red be comes stronger. You can als o directl y enter a value linked to the s lider. Ente r a value in the range from -50 to 50. After adjusting each color, click OK. Important Adjust th e slide r graduall y.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data > Adjusting Brightn ess A djusting Brightness You can chan ge the b rightnes s of the o verall ima ge data d uring pri nting.
4. Complete the s etup Click OK on the Main tab. W h en you execute pri nt, the da ta is pri nted at th e spec ified bri ghtness . Related Topics Selectin g a Combi nation o f the Print Qua lity Level.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data > Adjusting Intensi ty A djusting Intensity You can dilu te (bright en) or inte nsify (dark en) the co lors of t he overall i mage da ta during printing .
Important Adjust th e slide r graduall y. 4. Complete the s etup Click OK on the Main tab. W h en you execute pri nt, the im age dat a is prin ted with the ad justed intensi ty.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data > Adjusting Co ntrast A djusting Contrast You can adju st the im age co ntrast du ring print ing.
Important Adjust th e slide r graduall y. 4. Complete the s etup Click OK on the Main tab. W h en you execute pri nt, the im age is printed with th e adjus ted cont rast.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data > Simulating an Ill ustration Simulating an Ill.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data > Represe nting Image Data with a Single Col or.
grayed out and is unav ailable. Page top Page 331 of 988 pages Represen ting Image Dat a with a Single Color.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data > Presenting Image Data with Vivid Colors Presenting Image Data with Vivid Colors The Vivid Photo fu nction a llows you to pri nt image data with vivid co lors.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data > Smoothing Jagged Outlines Smoothing Jagged O .
Page top Page 334 of 988 pages Smoothing Jagged Outlines.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data > Changing Color Properties to Improve Colorati.
Important Photo Optim izer PRO does not functio n when: Backgrou nd is s et in the Stamp/Bac kground dialog b ox on the Page Set up tab. Define Stam p... is s electe d in the Stamp/Back ground d ialog b ox on the Page Setu p tab, an d the bitmapped stam p is configured .
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data > Reducing Photo Noise Reducing Photo Noise W i th the Pho to Noise Re duction functio n, you can re duce the digital camera noise and imp rove the image q uality of th e digita l print.
Depending on application softwar e or resolution of image d ata, effects of digital camera noise reductio n may not b e obvious. W h en this function is us ed for othe r than pho tos tak en by digit al came ras, ima ge may be distorted .
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Overv iew of the Printer Driver Ov ervi ew of the Printer Driver Printer Driver Operat ions Canon IJ Pr.
MA-5764-V1.00 | Instructions for Use (Prin ter Driver) | How to Use This Manual | Printing This Manual | Various Printing Method s Printing with Eas y Setup Setting a Page Size and Orientation Setting.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Overview of the Printer Driv er > Canon IJ Printer Driver Canon IJ Printer Driv er The Canon IJ p rinter driver i s software tha t is ins talled on your com puter for p rinting d ata on thi s machine.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Overview of the Printer Driv er > Canon IJ Printer Driver > How to Open the Printer Driver Setup .
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Overview of the Printer Driv er > Canon IJ Printer Driver > Maintenance Tab Mainten ance Tab The Maintenance ta b allows you to p erform m achine m aintena nce or c hange th e settin gs of the machine.
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Overview of the Printer Driv er > Canon IJ Status Moni tor Canon IJ Status Monitor The Canon IJ Sta tus Monitor is an appl ication software that s hows the stat us of the printer a nd the progress of printi ng on the W indows screen .
Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing w ith Other Application Software > Overview of the Printer Driv er > Canon IJ Preview Canon IJ Prev iew The Canon IJ Pre view is an appl ication software that d isplays what th e print res ult will loo k like before a docume nt is ac tually prin ted.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine Printing Using the Operation Panel of t he Machine Printing L ined Pape r or Graph Pape r Copying Printing fro m a Memory Card P.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing Lin ed Paper or Graph Paper Printing Li ned Paper or Graph Paper Printing Temp late Form s Such As Lined Pa per or.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing Lin ed Paper or Graph Paper > Printing Template Forms Such As Lined Pape r or Graph Paper Printing T emplate Forms Such A s Lined Paper or Graph Paper You can print a templ ate form s uch as lined p aper, grap h paper, o r check list, e tc.
Graph paper 1: Graph 5 m m Graph paper 2: Graph 3 m m Checklist You can print a notepa d with check boxes. Staff paper You can print staff pap er with 10 or 12 staves. Staff paper 1: Staff paper 10 staves Staff paper 2: Staff paper 12 staves Handw riting paper You can print handwriting pa per.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Copying Copyi ng Making Copies Using Useful Copy Function s Page top Page 350 of 988 pages Copying.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Copying > M aking Copies Making Copies For the ba sic proc edure to make c opies, refer to Copying . Setting Items Reducing or Enlargi ng a Copy Changing Intensit y Setting Displaying the Preview Screen Using Useful Copy Function s 1.
7. Press the Color button f or color copy ing, or the Black button for black & white copyin g. The machin e starts copying. Remove the o riginal o n the Plat en Glass after cop ying is co mplete. Important Do not ope n the Docu ment Cover or re move the ori ginal f rom the Pl aten Glass until c opying is complete.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Copying > M aking Copies > Setting Items Setting Items Select Copy on t he HOME screen, then press th e OK button to d isplay the Copy screen . Note Page size a nd medi a type setti ngs are s aved in ea ch mode .
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Copying > M aking Copies > Reduci ng or Enlargin g a Copy Reducing or Enl arging a Copy You can sel ect from the follo wing reductio n/enlarge ment me thods a ccordin g to your purp ose.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Copying > M aking Copies > Chang ing Intensity Setting Changing Intensity Setting Turn the Easy-Scrol l W heel cl ockwise to i ncrease intens ity or count erclock wise to decre ase it.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Copying > M aking Copies > Displa ying the Preview Screen Displayi ng the Prev iew Scree n W h en you pres s the rig ht Functi on button while Preview is dis played on th e scree n, you can p review an image o f the prin tout on th e preview screen .
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Copying > Using Useful Copy Functions Using Useful Copy Functions Special Copy Choose the copy method according to y our purpose. Note Refer to Se ttings f or Special Copy for ho w to select th e copy me thod.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Copying > Using Useful Copy Functions > Settings for Special Copy Settings for Special Copy 1. Make sure that the machine is turned on. 2. Select Copy on the HOME screen, then pres s the OK button.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Copying > Using Useful Copy Functions > Copying onto Both Sides of the Paper (Two-Sided Co py) Copying onto Both Sides of the Paper (Two-Sided Copy) You can copy two orig inal pag es onto the both s ides o f a sing le shee t of paper .
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Copying > Using Useful Copy Functions > Copying Two Pages to Fit onto a Single Page (2-on-1 Copy) Copying Two Pages to Fit ont o a Single Page (2-on-1 Copy) You can copy two orig inal pag es (A) (B) ont o a sing le shee t of paper (C) by reducin g each i mage.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Copying > Using Useful Copy Functions > Copying Four Pages to Fit onto a Single Page (4-on-1 Copy) Copying Four Pages to Fit onto a Single Page (4-on-1 Copy) You can copy fo ur origina l pages onto a s ingle s heet of p aper by reduc ing eac h imag e.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Copying > Using Useful Copy Functions > Copying w ithout Bord ers (Borderless Co py) Copyi ng w ithout Borders (Borderless Copy) You can copy im ages s o that th ey fill the entire pag e without borde rs.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Copying > Using Useful Copy Functions > Repeating an Image on a P age (Image Repeat) Repeating an Image on a Page (Image Repeat) You can copy an image multipl e times onto a s ingle p age.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Copying > Using Useful Copy Functions > Copying Thick Originals Such as Books (Frame Erase) Copyi ng Thick O riginals.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Copying > Using Useful Copy Functions > Copying a Specified Area (Trimming) Copying a Specified A r ea (Trimming) You can cli p (trim) a necess ary part of the origina l to cop y.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Copying > Using Useful Copy Functions > Copying Images with Erasing a Part (Masking) Copy ing I mages wi th Erasing a Part (Masking) You can eras e (mask ) a spec ified pa rt of the ori ginal t o copy.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card Printing from a Memory Card Printing Ph otographs Saved on a Memory Card Using Usef ul Printin.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Printing Photographs Saved on a Memory Card Printing Pho tographs Sav ed on a Memory Card For the ba sic proc edure to print from a memo ry card, refer to Printing from a Memory Card .
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Printing Photographs Saved on a Memory Card > Setting Items Setting Items Print Settin.
Use the Eas y-Scroll W heel or the button to selec t the sett ing item , then pre ss the OK button to displ ay the scre en for the selec ted item . 1. Date setting Activates/d eactivates to print the shoo ting date on a pho to. 2. File no. setting Activates/deactivates to print the fi le number o n a photo.
Note As a defa ult, Auto p hoto fix ON is appl ied when photo s on a m emory card are printe d. W hen Auto photo fix ON is applied, y ou can specify only (1) Red-Eye correction below. If the prin t result with Auto photo fix ON selected is not sat isfacto ry, select Manual correcti on, then s pecify ea ch advance d settin g item b elow.
2. Vivid photo Makes green an d blue m ore lively. 3. Photo optimizer pro Automatic ally optim izes brig htness and tone of a photo . 4. Noise reduc tion Reduces the no ise on blue areas like the sky as well as on bla ck areas. 5. Face brightener Brightens a darken ed face on the ph oto take n agains t the li ght.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Printing Photographs Saved on a Memory Card > Printing by Usin g the Photo Index Sheet.
3. Select Photo index sheet on the HOME screen, then press the OK button. 4. Make sure that Index sheet print is selected, then press the OK button. 5. Insert a memory card or a USB flash drive following the ins truction on the LCD. Important You cannot in sert both the mem ory card an d the USB flas h drive at t he same time.
A. Select th e page s ize and oth er printin g formats . B. Select "Date"/"Auto Photo Fix OFF" as necessary . C. Fill in t his ci rcle to p rint a co py of all ph otographs .
button. W h en plac ing the Ph oto Index Sheet, p lace th e front si de down, alig n the upp er left co rner of it with the alig nment m ark as s hown in the fi gure bel ow, then clos e the Docu ment Cover. The Photo Inde x Sheet is scan ned and the spec ified p hotos will be printed.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions Using Useful Printing Functio ns Printing Memory Card Photos in Various Lay outs You can sel ect the fo llowing print ing meth ods ac cording to your purpos e.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > Settings for Printin g a Photo on a Memory Card Settings for Printin g a Photo on a Memory Card 1. Make sure that the machine is turned on.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > Printing Severa l Photos on a Single She et of Paper (Layout Print) Printing Sev eral Photos on a Single Sheet of Paper (Layout Print) You can past e photos of your cho ice in t he spec ified la yout.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > Printing on Stickers (Sticker Prin t) Printing on Stickers (Sticker Print) You can print your favorite ph oto with a frame on Canon Photo Stic kers.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > Print all photos Print all photos You can print all phot os saved o n the me mory card/USB fl ash drive.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > Photo index print Photo index print You can print an index of all the phot os saved o n a mem ory card/USB flas h drive.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > DPOF print DPOF print If you have spe cified Digital Pri nt Order Forma t (DPOF) setting s on your di gital c amera, you c an print photos accor ding to these settings.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > Captured in fo print Captured info print You can print shootin g inform ation (Exif info) o n the ma rgin of the index of photo s or sel ected in dividual photos.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > Printing ID Photo-ID photo size print Printing ID Photo-ID pho to size print You can print photos o n a mem ory card/USB fla sh drive in a spec ified si ze such a s an ID pho to.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > Creating a Ca lendar-Ca lendar prin t Creating a Calendar-Calendar print You can crea te an orig inal ca lendar us ing your fa vorite photos and a c alendar .
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Display Functions Using Useful Display Functions Changing the Display W h en you pres s the le ft Functi on button when Change di splay is d isplayed on the sc reen, you c an change the way photos are displayed.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Display Functions > Prin ting a Specifi ed Area (Trimming) Printing a Specified A rea (Trimming) You can edit images displa yed on the L CD by cropping them.
wh en Edit is displayed on the screen, select Cance l trimming, then pre ss the OK button. Select Displayed ima ges only or All image s, then press the OK button.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Display Functions > Searching for Photos with the Shooting Date (Search) .
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Setting Up the Card Slot as the Memory Card Drive of the Computer Setting Up the Card Slot as the Memory Card Driv e of the Computer The Card Slot of t he mach ine can also b e used a s the m emory card d rive of the c omputer.
the scre en, conf irm that t he Access lamp i s not fla shing a nd remove th e memo ry card. Over a network, the rem oval opera tion is not neede d. On a Macintosh, d rag the Mount drive icon into the Tr ash.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a USB Flash Drive Printing from a USB Flash Drive Printing Ph otographs Saved on a USB F lash Drive Using Us.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a USB Flash Drive > Printing Photographs Saved on a USB Flash Drive Printing Pho tographs Sav ed on a USB Flash Driv e For the ba sic proc edure to print from a USB flash drive, refer to Printing from a Memory Card .
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a USB Flash Drive > Printing Photographs Saved on a USB Flash Drive > Setti ng Items Setting Items Pri.
Use the Eas y-Scroll W heel or the button to selec t the sett ing item , then pre ss the OK button to displ ay the scre en for the selec ted item . 1. Date setting Activates/d eactivates to print the shoo ting date on a pho to. 2. File no. setting Activates/deactivates to print the fi le number o n a photo.
Note As a defa ult, Auto p hoto fix ON is appl ied when photo s on a USB fl ash dri ve are printed . W hen Auto photo fix ON is applied, y ou can specify only (1) Red-Eye correction below. If the prin t result with Auto photo fix ON selected is not sat isfacto ry, select Manual correcti on, then s pecify ea ch advance d settin g item b elow.
2. Vivid photo Makes green an d blue m ore lively. 3. Photo optimizer pro Automatic ally optim izes brig htness and tone of a photo . 4. Noise reduc tion Reduces the no ise on blue areas like the sky as well as on bla ck areas. 5. Face brightener Brightens a darken ed face on the ph oto take n agains t the li ght.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Printing Photographs Saved on a Memory Card > Printing by Usin g the Photo Index Sheet.
3. Select Photo index sheet on the HOME screen, then press the OK button. 4. Make sure that Index sheet print is selected, then press the OK button. 5. Insert a memory card or a USB flash drive following the ins truction on the LCD. Important You cannot in sert both the mem ory card an d the USB flas h drive at t he same time.
A. Select th e page s ize and oth er printin g formats . B. Select "Date"/"Auto Photo Fix OFF" as necessary . C. Fill in t his ci rcle to p rint a co py of all ph otographs .
button. W h en plac ing the Ph oto Index Sheet, p lace th e front si de down, alig n the upp er left co rner of it with the alig nment m ark as s hown in the fi gure bel ow, then clos e the Docu ment Cover. The Photo Inde x Sheet is scan ned and the spec ified p hotos will be printed.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a USB Flash Drive > Using Useful Printing Functions Using Useful Printing Functio ns Printing USB Flash Drive Pho tos in Vari ous Lay outs You can sel ect the fo llowing print ing meth ods ac cording to your purpos e.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a USB Flash Drive > Using Useful Printing Functions > Settings for Printin g a Photo on a USB Flash Drive Settings for Printing a Photo on a USB Flash Driv e 1.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > Printing Severa l Photos on a Single She et of Paper (Layout Print) Printing Sev eral Photos on a Single Sheet of Paper (Layout Print) You can past e photos of your cho ice in t he spec ified la yout.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > Printing on Stickers (Sticker Prin t) Printing on Stickers (Sticker Print) You can print your favorite ph oto with a frame on Canon Photo Stic kers.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > Print all photos Print all photos You can print all phot os saved o n the me mory card/USB fl ash drive.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > Photo index print Photo index print You can print an index of all the phot os saved o n a mem ory card/USB flas h drive.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > DPOF print DPOF print If you have spe cified Digital Pri nt Order Forma t (DPOF) setting s on your di gital c amera, you c an print photos accor ding to these settings.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > Captured in fo print Captured info print You can print shootin g inform ation (Exif info) o n the ma rgin of the index of photo s or sel ected in dividual photos.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > Printing ID Photo-ID photo size print Printing ID Photo-ID pho to size print You can print photos o n a mem ory card/USB fla sh drive in a spec ified si ze such a s an ID pho to.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Printing Functions > Creating a Ca lendar-Ca lendar prin t Creating a Calendar-Calendar print You can crea te an orig inal ca lendar us ing your fa vorite photos and a c alendar .
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Display Functions Using Useful Display Functions Changing the Display W h en you pres s the le ft Functi on button when Change di splay is d isplayed on the sc reen, you c an change the way photos are displayed.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Display Functions > Prin ting a Specifi ed Area (Trimming) Printing a Specified A rea (Trimming) You can edit images displa yed on the L CD by cropping them.
wh en Edit is displayed on the screen, select Cance l trimming, then pre ss the OK button. Select Displayed ima ges only or All image s, then press the OK button.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Printing fro m a Memory Card > Using Useful Display Functions > Searching for Photos with the Shooting Date (Search) .
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Photo Printing from Printed P hoto Photo Printing from Printed Phot o Printing fro m Printed Photo Using Usef ul Printing F.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Photo Printing from Printed P hoto > Pri nting from Printed Photo Printing from Printed Photo For the ba sic proc edure fo r printing from a pri nted pho to, refer to P rinting Photos fro m Printed Photos .
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Photo Printing from Printed P hoto > P rinting from Printed Photo > Setting Items Setting Items Print Settings Confir.
backli ght brigh ter to prin t. It also analyzes a s cene s uch as scenery, ni ght sce ne, pers on, etc. a nd corrects each scene with t he most suitable color, brightness, or contr asts automatically to print.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Photo Printing from Printed P hoto > Using Useful Printing Functions Using Useful Printing Functio ns Special P rinting of Photo Choose the printing method according to your purpose.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Photo Printing from Printed P hoto > Using Useful Printing Functions > Settings for Printin g a Scanned Photo Settings for Printing a Scanned Photo 1. Make sure that the machine is turned on.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Photo Printing from Printed P hoto > Using Useful Printing Functions > Printing on Stickers (Sticker Prin t) Printing on Stickers (Sticker Print) You can crea te your own stick ers from a scann ed photo using Ca non Photo Stickers .
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Photo Printing from Printed P hoto > Using Useful Printing Functions > Printing All Pho tos (Print All Photos) Printing A ll Photos (Print A ll Photos) Y ou can prin t all scanned photos.
Advanced Guide > Printing Using the Opera tion Panel of the Mach ine > Photo Printing from Printed P hoto > Using Useful Display Functions Using Useful Display Functions Changing the Display W h en you pres s the le ft Functi on button when Change di splay is d isplayed on the sc reen, you c an change the way photos are displayed.
5. Press the OK button to finalize y our selection of cropping area. The area to be cropped is specified, and th e original photo is display ed. Note The cropping area is displa yed only for pho tos which ha ve been cro pped.
Advanced Guide > Scanning Scanning Scanning Images Saving Scann ed Data on the USB Flas h Drive/Memory Card Using t he Operation Panel of the Machine Forwarding Scan ned Data to PC Using the Operat.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scan ning Images Scanning Images Scanning Images Before Scan ning Placing Docum ents Page top Page 428 of 988 pages Scanning Images.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning Images > Scanning Images Scanning Images You can scan images from the machine to a comput er without printing them and save them in popular image d ata, suc h as JPEG, TIFF, b itmaps , or PDF. You can a lso sa ve scanned images in a PDF o r JPEG data format on th e memory car d or USB flash drive.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning Images > Before Scanning Before Scanning Before scanning image s, confirm the following: Does the original to be scanne d meet the re quirements for a n original to be set on the Platen Glass? If you save the data to PC, ref er to Placing Docum ents for details .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning Images > Placing Docum ents Placing Documents Learn how to pl ace doc uments on the m achine 's Platen. Pl ace doc uments correctl y accordin g to the t ype of docum ent to b e scann ed. Otherwise, do cuments may not b e scann ed correc tly.
that can not be pl aced away from th e edges / arrow (alignme nt mark) o f the Plate n may be saved as PDF files. To sa ve in a form at other than PDF, scan by specify ing the file format . Placing Multiple Docu ments Allow 3/8 inches (1 cm) or mor e space between the edges of the Platen and documents, and betw een documents.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Savi ng Scanned Data on the USB Flash Drive/Memory Card Using the Operation Panel of the Machine Sav ing Scanned Data on the USB Flash Drive/Memory Card Using the Ope.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Savi ng Scanned Data on the USB Flash Drive/Memory Card Using the Operation Panel of the Machine > Saving Scanned Data on the USB Flash Dri ve/Memory Card Using th.
6. Specif y the nec essary settings, then press the OK button. Setting Items 7. Load the original on the Platen Glass following the instruct ion on the LCD. Note Refer to Loading Paper / Or iginals for ho w to load the o riginal o n the Plat en Glass.
the Direct Print Port. Removing the USB Flash Drive 1. Make sure tha t the machine is not w riting data to the USB flash drive. Check if the writing ope ration is compl ete on th e LCD. Important Do not remo ve the USB flas h drive or turn off the p ower while the mac hine is operatin g.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Savi ng Scanned Data on the USB Flash Drive/Memory Card Using the Operation Panel of the Machine > Saving Scanned Data on the USB Flash Dri ve/Memory Card Using th.
if you want to acc entuate the outli ne of the scann ed data. 3. Descreen* A printout consis ts of mi nute dot s to mak e chara cters or g raphs. In terfering with each dot may result i n uneven sh ades or a striped pattern. Se lect Des creen ON if you n otice a ny uneven shades or a striped pattern on the scanned image.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Savi ng Scanned Data on the USB Flash Drive/Memory Card Using the Operation Panel of the Machine > Saving Scanned Data on the USB Flash Dri ve/Memory Card Using th.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Forwardin g Scanned Data to PC Using the Operation Panel of the Machine Forwarding Scanned Dat a to PC Using the Operation Panel of the Machine Forwarding Scan ned Da.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Forwardin g Scanned Data to PC Using the Operation Panel of the Machine > Forwarding Scanned Data to PC Using the Operation Panel of the Machine Forwarding Scanned Dat a to PC Using the Operation Panel of the Machine You can forward sca nned da ta to PC usi ng the Opera tion Pane l of the m achine .
4. Select Scan o n the HOME screen, then press the OK button. The screen f or selec ting to which you forward the dat a is dis played. 5. Select PC, then p ress the OK button. 6. Use the button to select the PC to forward the sca nned da ta, then press the OK button.
Note Options fo r scan o perations can be speci fied in MP Navigator EX. For de tails, re fer to Selecting a Respons e to Comm ands fro m the Opera tion Pane l Using MP Navigator EX . 9. Press the Color or Black button. The settings config ured by MP Navigator EX are appl ied when sca nning.
Note You can use a TW AI N- or W IA- (W indows Vista and W indows XP only ) com pliant application software and th e Control Pa nel (W indows Vist a and W indows XP only) to s can orig inals with this machine. For detail s, refer to Other Scanni ng Methods .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Savi ng Scanned Data to PC Usin g the Operation Panel of the Machine > Appendix: Various Scan Settings A ppendix: Various Scan Settings Enabling ne tw ork scan nin.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Savi ng Scanned Data to PC Usin g the Operation Panel of the Machine > Appendix: Various Scan Settings > Network Scan Settings Network Scan Settings You can connect the ma chine to a netw ork to share it amon g multiple computers o r scan images into a specified computer.
For USB conne ction, s elect (m odel na me) seri es for Prod uct Name. 4. Click OK. The Preference s dialo g box closes. You can now scan via a network co nnectio n.
W h en mult iple sc anners a re conne cted via a network, you can select up to thre e scann ers. See " Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Menu and Sett ing Screen " fo r details on Canon IJ Network Scan Utility .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Savi ng Scanned Data to PC Usin g the Operation Panel of the Machine > Appendix: Various Scan Settings > Selecting a Response to Commands from the Operation Pan.
Note See the section b elow for details. Scanner Button Settings Tab (Save) Scanner Button Sett ings Tab (Attach to E-mail) Scanner Bu tton Settin gs Tab (Open with Appl ication ) 4. Click OK. The operation will be perform ed acc ording to the set tings when you p ress the Color Start or Black Start button on the m achine .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software Scanning with the Bundled A pplication Softw are W h at Is MP Navigator EX (Supplie d Scanne r Software)? Let's Tr.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > W hat Is MP Navigator E X (Supplied Scanner Softwa re)? What Is MP Nav igator EX (Supplied Scanner Software)? MP Navigator EX is an appli cation that enab les you to easily sc an photo s and do cument s.
Scan/Import Window Use the Scan/Impo rt window to scan ph otos and document s, or import images sa v ed on mem ory cards. View & Use Window Use the Vie w & Use window to select what you want to do with the sc anned i mages.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Let's Try Scannin g Let's Try Scannin g Try scanni ng using MP Navigator EX. Starting MP Navigator EX Starting MP Navigator EX Scanning documents, photos, magazines, etc.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Let's Try Scanning > Starting MP Navigator EX Starting MP Nav igator EX Note To scan via a network conne ction, s tart MP Navigator EX and set u p the net work environment before scanning.
The One-click Mode screen a ppears. Note Select th e Show this window at star tup chec kbox in the Naviga tion Mode scre en to always ope n the Navigatio n Mode screen at startup . If this check box is not sel ected, th e last u sed sc reen appears at startup.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Let's Try Scanning > Scann ing Photos and Documents Scanning Pho tos and Documents Scan photos an d documents placed o n the Platen. 1. Start MP Navigator EX and open the Navigation Mode screen.
Scan Setti ngs dia log box. Select Text(OCR) to extract the text in the im age and convert to editable text data using MP Navigator EX. This sett ing is not available wh en the Compress scann ed images w hen transferri ng chec kbox is sele cted on the General tab of the Preference s dialo g box.
6. Edit the scann ed images as required. Use Edit Tools to rotate images , selec t a part of an imag e, etc. See the Edi t Tools in " Photos/Doc uments (Platen) Scre en (Scan/ Import W indow) " for detai ls. Note First select imag es to edit.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Let's Try Scanning > Scanning Multi ple Documents at One Tim e Scanning Mul tiple Documents at One Time .
5. Click Spec ify. ... Select Aut o Detect (Multipl e Docume nts) for Doc ument Si ze. W h en setti ng is c omplete d, clic k OK. Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents) 6.
Multiple docume nts are scanned at one time. W h en sca nning is compl eted, the Scan Comp lete dia log box opens . Select Sc an or Exit. Selec t Scan to scan the next document, or select Exit to end. The scanned im ages appear in the Thumb nail window.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Let's Try Scanning > Scann ing Images Larger than the Platen (Stitch Ass ist) Scanning Images Larger tha.
4. Click Spec ify. ... Select Sti tch Assi st for Doc ument Size, then spe cify the sc anning resoluti on as re quired. W h en setti ng is c omplete d, clic k OK.
The Stitch-assist window open s. 6. Place the left half of the document face-down on the Platen. 7. Click Scan . The left half of the document is scann ed and appears in the Stitch-assist w indow. 8. Place the right half of the docum ent face-down on the Platen.
(Sw ap Left & Right) Swaps the left a nd right halves. Important This function is not available w hile the image is enlar ged/reduced. Rotate 180° Rotates rig ht half o f the im age 180 d egrees. Important This function is not available w hile the image is enlar ged/reduced.
The combined image appears in the Thumbnail window. W h en sca nning is compl eted, the Scan Comp lete dia log box opens . Select Sc an or Exit. Selec t Scan to scan the next document, or select Exit to end.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Let's Try Scanning > Easy Scanning w ith One -click Easy S canning w ith On e-click You can com plete fro m scan ning to s aving, etc . at one ti me by sim ply clic king th e corresp onding i con.
4. Click the corresp onding ico n. Custom Sc an with One-clic k Tab One-click Mode Screen 5. Select Docu ment Type accordin g to the docume nt to be scan ned. 6. Set the docu ment size and scann ing resolution as required. 7. Start scanning . Scanning starts.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Useful MP Naviga tor EX Functions Useful MP Nav igator EX Functions W i th MP Navigator EX, you can co rrect/enha nce sc anned im ages b eautiful ly, and sea rch saved i mages quickly .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Useful MP Naviga tor EX Functions > Correcting/Enha ncing Images Automatical ly Correcting/Enhancing Images Automatically MP Navigator EX w ill analyze and c orrect/en hance s canned images automa tically.
Note If you sele cted onl y one imag e in the View & Use window, the thumb nail li st does not appe ar and only the prev iew image appears. 4. Make sure that Auto is selected.
6. Click OK. The entire im age is corrected /enhanc ed autom atical ly and (Cor rect/Enhan ce) appe ars on the upper lef t of the th umbnail and previe w image. Note Click Res et Selec ted Imag e to undo the corre ction/en hancem ent. Select th e Apply to al l image s chec kbox to correct /enhanc e all se lected images .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Useful MP Naviga tor EX Functions > Correcting/Enha ncing Images Manua lly Correcting/Enhancing I mages Manually You can correct/enhan ce scanned images ma nually.
Note If you sele cted onl y one imag e in the View & Use window, the thumb nail li st does not appe ar and only the prev iew image appears. 4. Click Manual, then click Correct/Enhance. 5. Click Face Brightener, Face Sharpener, Digital Fac e Smoothing or Blemish Remover.
The portion i n and arou nd the s elected area is correcte d/enhanc ed and (Correct/Enhanc e) appears on the up per left o f the thum bnail a nd preview image . Note You can als o drag to ro tate the r ectangle . Click Und o to undo the late st correc tion/enh anceme nt.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Useful MP Naviga tor EX Functions > Adjusting Images A djusting Images You can mak e fine ad justme nts to th e overall bri ghtness , contra st, etc. of image s.
Note If you sele cted onl y one imag e in the View & Use window, the thumb nail li st does not appe ar and only the prev iew image appears. 4. Click Manual, then click Adjust. 5. Move the slider of the item you w ant to adjust and set the eff ect level.
The file form at of adj usted im ages i s JPEG/Exif. 7. Click Exit. Important The adjustments w ill be lost if you e xit before saving adjusted imag es.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Useful MP Naviga tor EX Functions > Searching Image s Searching Images In the Vie w & Use window of the Navigation Mode screen, you can sea rch ima ges saved on your compute r and ope n them i n MP Navigator EX.
Search in If you know where to loo k for, se lect the drive, folde r or network from Specify Fol der. File Name If you know the file name, enter it. A w ord or phrase in the file Enter a word or phra se inc luded in the item s sel ected in More Advanced Option s.
check box, text in M ake r, Model, Descrip tion and User Comm ent is s earched . If you sel ect the PDF text checkbox, text in PDF files is searched. Important Text in password-protecte d PDF files cannot be searc hed. Search subfold ers Select th is chec kbox to searc h subfol ders.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Useful MP Naviga tor EX Functions > Classifying Images into Catego ries Classifying Images into Categories Display im ages sc anned with MP Navigator EX by categ ory.
Images are sorted into the follow ing categories. Photos: Po rtrait, Others Document s: Busin ess Card, Postcard, Standard Si ze, PDF File, Othe rs Custom catego ries: Displays your custom categories. To create cu stom ca tegories , see " Creating Cus tom Categories .
Categories. The Edit Custom Catego ries dialog box op ens. 2. Click Add to List. The Add C ategory dialog box opens. 3. Enter Category name and click OK . Note You can crea te up to 2 0 custo m categ ories. Up to 50 s ingle-byte c haracte rs can b e used fo r a categ ory name.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Utiliz ing Images in MP Naviga tor EX Utilizing Images in MP Navigator EX You can sca n image s usin g MP Navigator EX and edit or print the s aved imag es. See the corre sponding sections be low for details on sa ving scanne d images.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Utiliz ing Images in MP Na vigator EX > Saving Saving Save images scann ed with MP Navigator EX to a comp uter. 1. Select the che ckboxes of the image s y ou want to save, then c lick Save.
3. Click Save. Scanned images are saved according to the settings. To further use /edit the scanne d image s on MP Navigator EX, clic k Open sa ved locatio n in the Save Complete dialog box.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Utiliz ing Images in MP Na vigator EX > Saving as PDF Files Saving as PDF Files Save images scann ed with MP Navigator EX as PDF files . 1. Select the che ckboxes of the image s y ou want to save, then c lick Save as PDF file.
Save each of the sel ected im ages a s a sep arate PDF fil e. PDF(Multiple Pages) Save multiple images in one PDF file. Note PDF(Multiple Pages) is displayed when multiple images are selected. PDF(A dd Page) Add the s canned i mages to a PDF file . The image s are add ed to the end of th e PDF file.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Utiliz ing Images in MP Na vigator EX > Creating/Editing PDF Files Creating/Editing PDF Files Create/edit PDF files u sing MP Navigator EX.
Note If a pass word-protected PDF file is selec ted, you will be p rompted to enter th e password. Opening/Editing Passw ord-pro tected PDF Files 3. Add/delete pages as required. To add an existing file, cl ick Add Page and select the file . To delete a page, se lect it a nd clic k Delete Selected Pages.
For PDF files, you can only select those created with MP Navigator EX. You cannot select PDF files created w ith other application s. PDF files edited in other applicat ions cannot be selected as well. 2. Click Open PD F file on the list. The applica tion as sociate d with the .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Utiliz ing Images in MP Na vigator EX > Printing Documents Printing Documents You can print multipl e scan ned ima ges at o ne time, print at s pecifi c quali ty, etc.
Important At normal-siz e (100%), some imag es may be prin ted small or w ith some portions cr opped. In that cas e, sele ct Auto to resize the p rint in p roportion to the pap er size. 4. Click Print. Printing starts. Note W h en printi ng a mul tiple-pa ge PDF file via Print Docu ment, pri nting m ay take tim e depend ing on your com puter.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Utiliz ing Images in MP Na vigator EX > Printing Phot os Printing Photos You can print photos u sing MP Navigator EX or an a pplicat ion that accomp anies t he mach ine.
2. Click Print Photo on the list. 3. Specif y print settings as required. In the di splayed di alog box, spec ify paper s ize, print c ount, etc . Print Photo Dialog Box 4.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Utiliz ing Images in MP Na vigator EX > Sending via E-mail Sending via E -mail Send scanned im ages via e-m ail.
Note You can sel ect a co mpress ion type when se nding J PEG images via e-mail. Click Set ... to open a dialog box and select a comp ression type from High( Low Comp ression), Standard or Low(High Compr ession). 4. Click OK. Files are saved accor ding to the settings, a nd the e-mail softw are program starts.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Utiliz ing Images in MP Na vigator EX > Editing Files Editing Files You can edit images or convert th em to te xt using MP Navigator EX or an appli cation that acc ompani es the mac hine.
Converting Documents to Text Scan text in scanned magaz ines and new spapers and displa y it in Notepad (inclu ded with Windows). Important PDF files cannot be converted to text. 1. Select image s and click Ed it/Convert. 2. Click Convert to text file on the list.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Utiliz ing Images in MP Na vigator EX > Setting Passwords for PDF Files Setting Passwords for PDF Files Set passw ords for opening, ed iting and printing PDF files.
The Password Securi ty -Settings d ialog b ox opens. Note You can als o open th e Password Secu rity -Settings dialog box by clickin g Set..., the n selec ting Password Securi ty for Securit y in the PDF Setti ngs dia log box.
Document Open Passw ord Permiss ions Password 5. Re-enter the pas sword and click OK. The Save as PDF fil e dialog box returns. Important If you clos e the Save as PDF file d ialog bo x w itho ut clic king Save, th e settin gs in th e Password Security -Setti ngs dia log box will be dele ted.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Utiliz ing Images in MP Na vigator EX > Opening/Editin g Password-protected PDF Files Opening/Editing P assword-protected PDF Files Enter a pas sword to open or edit/p rint pass word-protected PDF files.
2. The Password dialog box opens. Enter the pa ssword and c lick OK. The PDF file ope ns in th e Zoom i n dialo g box. Note To reopen the file afte r closi ng the Zoo m in di alog box, re-ente r the pas sword. Entering a Password (Permi ssions Password) to Edit or Pr int a File 1.
2. To create a PDF file or edit the file, select Create/Edit PDF f ile on the list. To print the file, click Print Docu ment. In the Pas sword dialog box, you will be prompte d to ente r a pass word. Note If the Document Ope n Password is se t as well, the Document Open Passw ord w ill be required, then the Permissio ns Password will be required.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens MP Nav igator EX Screens Learn abo ut the sc reens a nd funct ions of MP Navigator EX.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Navigation Mo de Screen Navi gation Mode Screen This is one of the s tartup sc reens o f MP Navigator EX. Point to th e icon at the top of the sc reen to d isplay ea ch tab.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Scan / Import Documents or Images Tab Scan/Import Documents or Images T ab Point to Sc an/Impo rt in the Navig ation Mode sc reen to di splay the Sc an/Impo rt Docume nts or Im ages tab.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > View & Use Images on your Computer Tab View & Use Images on y our Computer Tab Point to Vi ew & Use in the Navig ation Mode scre en to di splay the Vi ew & Use Images on your Comp uter tab.
The Preference s dialo g box opens. In the Preferen ces di alog box, you can make ad vanced se ttings t o MP Navigator EX functions. Preference s Dialog Box (Guide) Opens this guide.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Cus tom Scan with One-click Tab Custom Scan wit h One-click Tab Point to One- click in the Naviga tion Mode scre en to dis play the Cus tom Sca n with One-clic k tab.
W h en you cli ck this icon, the Custom dialog box opens and you can s pecify the s can/sa ve and application settings. Custom Dialog Box Note For further p rocedure s, refer to the appl ication 's manual . Start scanning by clicking the button Select th is chec kbox and cli ck an i con to s tart sca nning i mmedia tely.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Pho tos/ Documents (Platen) Scree n (Scan/Import W ind ow) Photos/Documents (Platen.
You cannot s elect Doc ument Type if t he Use the scanne r driver chec kbox is sel ected. Specify.. . Specify the docume nt size, res olution , and othe r advanced scan s ettings. Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Doc uments) Important Specify... is not avail able if t he Use the scanne r driver chec kbox is sel ected.
Selects all images in the Thumbna il window. (Cancel A ll) Cancels all imag e selections in the Thumbnail window. (Rotate Left) Rotates the ta rget image (outline d in orange) 90 d egrees counter-clo ck wise. (Rotate Right) Rotates the ta rget image (outline d in orange) 90 d egrees clockwise.
(Cancel Selection) Cancels the selection of the target image ( outlined in orange) in the Selected Images a rea. Selected Im ages Area Images selec ted in the Thumbnail window are displayed.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents) Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documen ts) The Scan Settin gs dial og box opens when you click Specify.
Note The following sc anning resoluti ons can be spec ified when Doc ument Type is Text(OC R). 300 dpi / 400 dpi Descreen Select th is chec kbox to reduc e moire p atterns.
- Documen ts in which t he text lines a re incli ned more than 10 degrees or the ang les vary by line - Documen ts conta ining b oth vertical and hori zontal text - Documents w ith ext remely large o .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Save Dialog Box Sav e Dialog Box The Save dialog box opens when you cli ck Save in the Scan /Import window. In the Save di alog bo x, you can make s ettings for saving images to a co mputer.
Select th is chec kbox to create a subfo lder in th e folder specifi ed in Save i n with the curre nt date a nd save scan ned file s in it. A subfol der with a name such a s "2009 _01_01" (Year_Month_Date) will be created. If this c heckbo x is not sele cted, fil es are s aved direc tly in the fo lder spe cified i n Save in.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Save as PDF file Dial og Box Sav e as PDF file Dialog Box In the Save as PDF file d ialog bo x, you can make advanced s ettings for saving scanne d image s as PDF files.
PDF Save each of the sel ected im ages a s a sep arate PDF fil e. PDF(Multiple Pages) Save multiple images in on e PDF file. Note PDF(Multiple Pages) is displayed when multiple images are selected. PDF(A dd Page) Add the s canned i mages to a PDF file .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > PDF Settings Dialog Box PDF Settings Dialog Box In the PDF Sett ings di alog box, you can specif y the PDF comp ression type and ot her advance d settin gs for creati ng PDF files .
Standard It is recommen ded that you normally select th is setting. High Compress es the fi le size when s aving, allo wing you to reduc e the lo ad on your ne twork/server. Important Highly com pressed PDF images may degra de if you rep eatedly save t hem with high compression.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Memo ry Card Screen (Scan/Import W indow) Memory Card Screen (Scan/Import Wi ndow ).
Jump to Main Menu Jumps to the Main Menu. Toolbar Preferences The Preference s dialo g box opens. In the Preferen ces di alog box, you can make ad vanced se ttings to MP Navigator EX functions. Preference s Dialog Box (Guide) Opens this guide. Edit Tools (Select A ll) Selects all images in the Thumbna il window.
Page top Page 530 of 988 pages Memory Card Screen (Scan/Import Windo w).
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > View & Use W indow View & Use Window Point to View & Use in the Navigation Mod e screen and click My Box (Scanned/Import ed Images), Specify Folder or Re cently Saved Im ages to open the View & Use window.
Scan/Import w indow opens. Photos/Doc uments (Platen) Sc reen (Scan /Import W indo w) My Box (Scanned/Imported I mages) Displays fo lders of images (grouped by year, year/month and year/mo nth/date) in My Box in tree view. Select a fol der to dis play its contents in the Thum bnail window to the right.
(Image Correction/Enhancement) Allows you to co rrect the t arget ima ge (outli ned in o range). Clic k this button to open the Correct/ Enhance Image s window in w hich you can cor rect/enhance image s and also adjust the brightnes s, con trast, etc .
Note A lock i con app ears for PDF f iles with Docu ment Open Password set. Thumbn ails may ap pear as "?" in the following cases. - Opening unsupported images - File size is too large and t.
A ll Categories Displays all categories and image s. Note Click Spe cific Ca tegories to chan ge to All Ca tegories . Edit Custom Catego ries W h en My Box (Sca nned/Imp orted Ima ges) or Spe cify Folde r is dis played, the Edit Custom Categories dialog box opens.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Cre ate/ Edit PDF file W indow Create/Edit PDF file Window Click PDF i n the View & Use window, then click Create/Edit PDF file on the list to open the Create/Ed it PDF file window.
A dd Page Allows you to se lect and add an e xisting PDF file. Note A password will be required to add a password-pro tected PDF file. Undo Cancels the la test change made. Reset Cancels all the changes made. Sav e Selected Pages Opens the Save as PDF file dialog box.
(Full-screen) Enlarges/ reduces the ima ge to dis play it ful ly in Preview. (Thumbnail Mode) Switches to Thumbnail Mode. Thumbn ails of f iles are display ed.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Print Document Dialog Box Print Document Dialog Box Click Prin t in the View & Use window, then cli ck Print Do cument on the li st to ope n the Prin t Documen t dialog box.
Note Auto Duplex is di splayed when Pag e Layout is Normal-s ize Printing o r Scaled Printing, a nd available when Media Type is Plain Pap er. Staple Side Select a stapling side from the list. Note Staple Sid e is avail able when Auto Duplex On is set.
Select th is chec kbox to disp lay the print result b efore prin ting. Defaults Restores the d efault settings. Print Start printing w ith the spe cif ied settings. Note To cancel while spooli ng, clic k Cance l. To cance l while printi ng, cli ck Cance l Printing in the confirm ation window for the printer st atus.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Print Photo Dialog Box Print Photo Dialog Box Click Prin t in the View & Use window, then cli ck Print Ph oto on th e list to open the Print Photo dialog box.
Select th is chec kbox to print t he imag e on an e ntire she et of pap er without marg ins. Important Page Lay out setting w ill be disabled w hen you select Bor derless Printing. This setting is only available with printe rs that support bo rderless printing.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Send via E-ma il Dialog Box Send v ia E-mail Dialog Box Click Sen d in the View & Use window, then cli ck Attac h to E-mai l on the list to o pen the Se nd via E-mai l dialog box.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Co rrect/ Enhance Im ages W indow Correct/Enhance Images Window Click (Image Correc tion/Enh anceme nt) in the View & Use window or click Fix photo ima ges in t he Task Button a rea to ope n the Correc t/Enhanc e Images window.
A uto Photo Fix Applies automatic co rrections suitable for photo s. Prioritize Exif Info Select th is chec kbox to apply co rrection s primari ly based o n the se ttings m ade at th e time o f shooting. Deselect this checkbox to apply corre ctions based on the im age analysis resu lts.
A djustment Brightness Adjusts the overall image brightness. Move the slider to the left t o darken and right to bright en the im age. Contrast Adjusts the cont rast of th e image . Adjust th e contra st when the im age is flat due to lack of contra st.
Face Brightener Corrects the e ntire image so that the selected facial area is brigh tened. You can adju st the ef fect level using th e slide r. Face Sharpener Corrects th e entire i mage to sharpen the face . You can spe cify the are a you want to appl y the effec t to.
(Inv ert) Inverts the i mage ho rizontally. (Trimming) Trimming is the ac t of sele cting th e area you want to keep in a photo a nd disc arding t he rest. I n the disp layed window, drag the white frame to specify th e trimmi ng area. Move the c ursor ins ide the white frame and drag to move the trimmi ng area.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > One-cl ick Mode Screen One-click Mode Screen Click (Switch Mode) at the bottom left of the Navigation Mode screen to display the One-click Mode screen.
Switches to Naviga tion Mode. The Navigatio n Mode screen appears. Custom Sc an with One-clic k Tab Preferences The Preference s dialo g box opens. In the Preferen ces di alog box, you can make ad vanced se ttings t o MP Navigator EX functions. Preference s Dialog Box (Guide) Opens this guide.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Auto Scan Dialog Box A uto Scan Dialog Box Click Auto Scan on the Custom Scan with One-click tab or click Auto in the One-click Mode screen to open the Auto Scan dialog box.
Text documents m ay not be sc anned c orrectly si nce the y may be correc ted as p hotos dependi ng on how you pla ce the d ocumen t. In that c ase, de select the che ckbox and sc an. Note If you select a format other than JPEG/Exif for Save as t ype and then select this checkbox, a messa ge appea rs and Save a s type will be s et to Auto.
W indows XP: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures f older W indows 2000: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures f older Save to a Subfolder w ith Current Date Select th is chec kbox to create a subfo lder in th e folder specifi ed in Save i n with the curre nt date a nd save scan ned file s in it.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Save Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen) Sav e Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen) Click Save to PC on the Custom Scan with One-click tab or click Save in the One-click Mode screen to open the Save dialog box.
To reduce mo ire, set Document Type to Magazine. Color Mode Select ho w to scan the docume nt. Document Size Select th e size of th e docum ent to be scann ed. W h en you sel ect Custo m, a sc reen in which you can s pecify the d ocumen t size app ears.
Auto. In tha t case, select a file fo rmat sui table fo r the doc ument to be scan ned. Images cann ot be added to pa ssword-p rotected PDF files. You cannot select JPEG/Exif when Colo r Mode is Black and W hite. Note W h en Auto is selec ted, file s are sa ved in the following form ats acc ording t o the doc ument type.
underscore is added to the beg inning of the file name. (Exam ple: g) Open the sa ve dialog box after scanning the image (Input Exif information) Select th is to op en the Save d ialog bo x after scannin g the im ages an d speci fy the save s ettings such as destinat ion folder, file name and Exif information.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Scan Settings Dialog Box Scan Settings Dialog Box Make advanced s ettings for scan ning with one- click or scann ing usi ng the Oper ation Pane l of the machine.
Select th e size of th e docum ent to be scann ed. W h en you sel ect Custo m, a sc reen in which you can s pecify the d ocumen t size app ears. Sele ct a Units, the n enter th e W idth and He ight and click OK. Important W h en you sel ect Auto De tect, the image m ay not be s canned at the co rrect pos ition an d size.
- Documen ts in which t he text lines a re incli ned more than 10 degrees or the ang les vary by line - Documen ts conta ining b oth vertical and hori zontal text - Documents w ith ext remely large o .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Save Dialog Box Sav e Dialog Box The Save dialog box opens when you sc an from Sa v.
Important PDF, PDF(Multiple Pages ) and PDF(Add Page) can not be se lected for image s sca nned usi ng the Operation Pa nel of the machi ne. You cannot select JPEG/Exif when Colo r Mode is Black and W hite. Set... When Save as type is JPEG/Exif You can spec ify a com pressio n type for JPEG fi les.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Exif Settings Dialog Box Exif Settings Dialog Box You can inpu t Exif informatio n into a file to be saved. Exif is a s tandard format for embeddi ng various shooting data in digital camera imag es (JPEG).
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > PDF Dialog Box PDF Dialog Box Click Save a s PDF file on the Cus tom Scan with One-click tab or c lick PDF i n the One-c lick Mode sc reen to open t he PDF dialo g box.
docume nt with the co rner at the arrow (alignmen t mark) o f the Plate n. Resolution Select the resolut ion at which to scan documents. Resolution Specify.. . Click to open the Scan Setti ngs dia log box in which you c an mak e advanced scan s ettings .
settings such as des tination folder and file nam e. Save as PDF file Dialo g Box Note To set pass words for PDF file s, sele ct Open the save dial og box after sca nning th e image . After scanni ng, you can set the passwords in the Save as PDF file di alog box.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Save as PDF file Dial og Box Sav e as PDF file Dialog Box The Save as PDF fil e dia.
PDF(Add Page) c annot be select ed for im ages sc anned u sing th e Operation Panel of th e machine. If a passw ord-protected PDF file is edited , the passw ords will be d eleted. Reset the passwords. Setting Passw ords for PDF Files Set... Make advanced s ettings for creati ng PDF files .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Mail Dialog Box Mail Dialog Box Click Atta ch to E-m ail on th e Custom Scan with One-cl ick tab or clic k Mail in the One-click Mode screen to open the M ail dialog box.
Resolution Select the resolut ion at which to scan documents. Resolution Use the scanner driver Select th is chec kbox to disp lay the Scan Gear (scann er driver) sc reen and make ad vanced sc an settings. Color Mode, Docum ent Size, Reso lution a nd other s ettings in the Mail di alog box will be di sabled.
Mail Program Specify an e -mail s oftware program. Note Select Add ... to ope n the Sele ct Mail Program d ialog b ox in which you can s elect an e-mail software program . If the e -mail s oftware program you want to use i s not li sted, cl ick Add to List and select it.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > OCR Dialog Box OCR Dialog Box Click OCR on t he Custom Scan with One-cl ick tab or in the One-clic k Mode screen to open t he OCR dialog box.
settings. Color Mode, Docum ent Size, Reso lution a nd other s ettings in the OCR dia log box will be dis abled. Specify thes e setti ngs in t he ScanGear (scanne r driver) scre en. Specify.. . Click to open the Scan Setti ngs dia log box in which you c an mak e advanced scan s ettings .
W h en sca nning m ultiple docume nts, you ca n colle ct the extracted text into one fi le. General Tab Text displayed in Notep ad (incl uded with W indows) is for guida nce onl y. Tex t in the ima ge of the follo wing types of do cuments may not b e detecte d correc tly.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Cus tom Dialog Box Custom Dialog Box Click Cus tom on t he Custom Scan with One-cl ick ta b or in the One-clic k Mode screen to open t he Custom dialog b ox.
To reduce mo ire, set Document Type to Magazine. Color Mode Select ho w to scan the docume nt. Document Size Select th e size of th e docum ent to be scann ed. W h en you sel ect Custo m, a sc reen in which you can s pecify the d ocumen t size app ears.
depending on how y ou place the document. See " Placing Doc uments " for details o n how to place docum ents. Large doc uments (such a s A4 size p hotos) th at canno t be plac ed away from the edges/a rrow (alignm ent mark ) of the Pla ten may not be saved i n the co rrect file format when Save a s type is Auto.
underscore is added to the beg inning of the file name. (Exam ple: g) Open the sa ve dialog box after scanning the image (Input Exif information) Select th is to op en the Save d ialog bo x after scannin g the im ages an d speci fy the save s ettings such as destinat ion folder, file name and Exif information.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Preference s Dialog Box Preferences Dialog Box Click Pref erences to open t he Preferenc es dia log box.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Gene ral Tab General Tab On the General tab, you can speci fy general MP Naviga tor EX settings. Product Name Displays th e produc t name o f the mac hine tha t MP Navigator EX is currentl y configure d to use .
- Black a nd W hite ca nnot be s elected in the c olor mo de setti ngs for One- click Mode. - Remove gutte r shadow is n ot availabl e. - Save the JPEG/Exif file in AdobeRGB for One-click Mode is not available.
Notepad. Combine multiple text conversion results W h en sca nning m ultiple docume nts, sel ect the c heckb ox to collect the convers ion resu lts (text) into one file. This c heckb ox is selecte d by defaul t. W h en the c heckbo x is selected , you can s can up to 99 pag es at on e time.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Scan ner Button Settings Tab (Save) Scanner Button Settings T ab (Sav e) On the Scann er Button Se ttings ta b, you can specif y the following s ettings .
specif y the docum ent type or s ize. - Documents o ther than photos, postcards, business car ds, magazines, n ewspaper s, text docume nts and CD/DVD - A4 size pho tos - Text docu ments smaller than 2.
Select a file type to save the s canned images . W hen saving to a computer, select Auto, JPEG/Exif, TIFF or BMP. Auto is displayed and selected by default when Doc ument Type is Auto Scan .
If this c heckbo x is not sele cted, fil es are s aved direc tly in the fo lder spe cified i n Save in. Open the sa ve dialog box after scanning the image Select th is to op en the sa ve dialog box after scann ing the i mages and spec ify the sa ve settings such as dest ination folder, fi le name and Exif informa tion.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Scan ner Button Settings Tab (Attach to E-mail) Scanner Button Settings Tab (A ttach to E-mail) On the Scann er Button Se ttings ta b, you can specif y the following s ettings .
Important W h en you sel ect Auto De tect, the image m ay not be s canned at the co rrect pos ition an d size. In that cas e, chan ge the si ze to the ac tual doc ument s ize (A4, Lett er, etc.) a nd align a corner of the docume nt with the co rner at the arrow (alignmen t mark) o f the Plate n.
Mail Program Specify an e -mail s oftware program. Related Topic Scanner Button Settings Tab (Save) Scanner Bu tton Settin gs Tab (Open with Appl ication ) Page top Page 590 of 988 pages Scanner Butto.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Scan ner Button Settings Tab (Open with Application) Scanner Button Settings Tab (Open w ith A pplication) On the Scann er Button Se ttings ta b, you can specif y the following s ettings .
Important W h en you sel ect Auto De tect, the image m ay not be s canned at the co rrect pos ition an d size. In that cas e, chan ge the si ze to the ac tual doc ument s ize (A4, Lett er, etc.) a nd align a corner of the docume nt with the co rner at the arrow (alignmen t mark) o f the Plate n.
Scanner Button Sett ings Tab (Attach to E-mail) Page top Page 593 of 988 pages Scanner Button Settings Tab (Open with App lication).
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Appendix: Opening Files Other than Scanned Im ages A ppendix: Opening Files Other th an Scanned Images You can save or print data other tha n scann ed imag es usi ng MP Navigator EX.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Appendix: Opening Files Other than Scanned Im ages > Importing Images Saved on a Memory Card Importing Images.
W i ndows Vista: Select the Alway s do this for pictures checkbox and click MP Navigator EX Ver3.0. W i ndows XP: Select MP Navigator EX Ver3.0, then select the Alway s do the selected action.
Note W i th network con nection , the Map Network Drive dial og box may open when a memory card is ins erted into the mac hine for the first time. Spe cify a drive le tter to ma p. 3. Select the che ckboxes of the image s and PDF f iles y ou want to import, then click Import.
See the correspondin g sections below for details on using the imp orted images and PDF files . Creating/Edi ting PDF Fil es Printing Documents Printing Photos Sending via E-mail Editing Files Page to.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith the Bun dled Application Software > Appendix: Opening Files Other than Scanned Im ages > Openi ng Images Saved on a Comp uter Opening I mages Saved on a Computer You can open images saved on a compu ter and pri nt them or attach them to e -mail u sing MP Navigator EX.
4. Select the image s y ou want to use , then select what you want t o do with them. See the correspondin g sections below for details on using im ages.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with Other Application Software Scanning with Other A pplication Software W hat Is ScanGear (Scanner Driver)? Scanning with Advanced Set tings Usi ng ScanGea.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > W hat Is ScanGear (Scanner Driver)? What Is ScanGear (Scanner Driv er)? ScanGear (sc anner dri ver) is soft ware required fo r scanni ng docu ments. It enable s you to sp ecify the output siz e and make image corre ctions when scanning.
A uto Scan M ode Use Auto Sc an Mode to sca n easil y by simply pla cing the docum ent on the Platen an d clic king Sc an. Page top Page 603 of 988 pages What Is ScanGear (Scanner Driver)?.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > S canning with Advanced Settings Using ScanGear (Scanner Driver ) Scanning with A dvanced Settings Using ScanGear (Scan.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Scanning with Advanced Settings Using ScanGear (Scanner Driver ) > Starting ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Starting ScanGear (Scanner Driv er) Use ScanGear (sca nner driver) to make image co rrections and color a djustments w hen scanning.
Starting MP Navigator EX 2. Click the corresp onding ico n. The correspond ing dialog box o pens. 3. Select the Use the scanne r driver checkbox in Sca n Settings, then click Scan. The ScanGear (sc anner dri ver) screen appears. Important Use the s canner d river is not displayed in the PDF d ialog bo x or Auto Scan dia log box.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Scanning with Advanced Settings Using ScanGear (Scanner Driver ) > Scan ning in Basic Mode Scanning in Basic Mode In Basic Mode, you can sc an easi ly by following the on-scre en steps .
3. Click Preview . Preview image app ears in the Preview area. Note Colors are adjus ted based on the docume nt ty pe selec ted in Select Source. 4. Set Destination. 5. Set Output Size. Output size o ptions vary by the items s electe d in Desti nation.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Scanning with Advanced Settings Using ScanGear (Scanner Driver ) > Scan ning in Advance d Mode Scanning in A dv anced Mode In Advanced Mode, you can spe cify the c olor mod e, output resoluti on, ima ge brightn ess, c olor tone , etc.
Settings are no t retained w hen you sw itch betw een modes. 3. Set Color Mode. Input Setti ngs 4. Click Preview . Preview image app ears in the Preview area. Note If you scan without preview, the s how-through redu ction fun ction will b e active. This functio n is useful when scan ning magazines.
Page top Page 611 of 988 pages Scanning in Advanced Mode.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Scanning with Advanced Settings Using ScanGear (Scanner Driver ) > Scan ning in Auto Scan Mode Scanning in A uto Sca.
Page top Page 613 of 988 pages Scanning in Auto Scan Mode.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Scanning with Advanced Settings Using ScanGear (Scanner Driver ) > Scan ning Multipl e Documents at One Time with Sc.
3. Click Preview . Thumbnails of the preview images appear in the Preview are a. Images are cro pped (scan areas are specif ied) autom atical ly accordi ng to the docume nt size. 4. Set Destination. 5. Set Output Size. 6. Adjust the sca n areas (crop ping frames ) and set Image c orrections as required.
8. Click Scan . Scanning M ultiple Documents in W hole Image View Follow these steps i f thumbn ails are not dis played corre ctly when previewed or if you want to scan multiple docum ents as a single image. Note Positions of slanted docum ents are not corr ected in wh ole image view.
Note ScanGear's response af ter scanning can be sp ecified in Status of ScanGear dialog af ter scanning on the Sc an tab of the Preferen ces dia log box.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Correctin g Images and Adjustin g Colors with ScanGear (Scanner Driver ) Correcting Images and A djusting Col ors wi th.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Correctin g Images and Adjustin g Colors with ScanGear (Scanner Driver ) > Co rrecting Images (Unsha rp Mask, Reduce Dust and Scratches, Fading Correction, etc.) Correcting Images (Unsharp Mask, Reduce Dust and Scratches, Fading Correction, etc.
None Auto Sharpening slightly out-of-focu s i mages Set Unsharp Mask to ON. OFF ON Reducing gradations and s tripe patterns Set Descree n to ON. OFF ON Note "Moire" is a phe nomenon w here uneven grada tion or a stripe patt ern appears w hen such pho tos or pictures printed with fine dots are sca nned.
Reducing graininess Set Grain Correc tion to L ow, Medium or High ac cording to the deg ree of gra ininess . None Medium Correcting backli t images Set Backl ight Correc tion to L ow, M edi um or High accord ing to the degree o f backl ight.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Correctin g Images and Adjustin g Colors with ScanGear (Scanner Driver ) > Adj usting Colors Usi ng a Color Pattern .
It is recommen ded that you fi nd a port ion in the image w here it should be white, a nd adjust the colors so that the p ortion turn s white. Preview image app ears in the cente r. Preview image c olors c hange as you adjus t them. Below is a n example of corre cting a bluish image.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Correctin g Images and Adjustin g Colors with ScanGear (Scanner Driver ) > Adj usting Saturation and Color Balance A djusting Saturation and Color Balance In ScanGear's Advanced Mode tab, click (Saturation/Color Bal ance).
Move (slider) un der Color Bal ance to the left o r right to emphas ize the corre spondi ng colo r. Cy an & Red Magenta & Green Yellow & Blue These are co mpleme ntary color pairs (ea ch pair p roduces a shad e of gray when mixed).
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Correctin g Images and Adjustin g Colors with ScanGear (Scanner Driver ) > Adj usting Brightness and Contrast A djusting Brightness and Contrast In ScanGear's Advanced Mode tab, click (Brightness/Contrast).
Note Only Grayscale will be displa yed in Channe l when Color Mode is Grayscale. Brightness Adjust th e image brightne ss. Move (slider) un der Brightn ess to the left to darken and right to brighte n the imag e. You can al so ente r a value (-12 7 to 127).
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Correctin g Images and Adjustin g Colors with ScanGear (Scanner Driver ) > Adj usting Histogram A djusting Histogram In ScanGear's Advanced Mode tab, click (Hi stogram).
(1) Bright are a (2) Dark area (3) W h ole ima ge More data is di stributed to the highlight side. More data is di stributed to the shadow side. Data is w idely distributed between the highlight and shadow.
Moving the M id-point Slider Move the Mid-point Slider to speci fy the level to be set a s the mi ddle of the tonal range. Images w ith more data distributed to the highlight side Move the Mid-point Slider to ward the highl ight si de. Images w ith more data distributed to t he shadow si de Move the Mid-point Slider to ward the shado w side.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Correctin g Images and Adjustin g Colors with ScanGear (Scanner Driver ) > Adj usting Tone Curve A djusting Ton e Curve In ScanGear's Advanced Mode tab, click (Tone Curve Settings).
A djusting Tone Curve In Select Tone Curve, selec t a tone curve from No correcti on, Overexposure, Undere xposure, High contrast , Reverse the negative/po sitive im age and Ed it cust om curve.
Edit custom curv e You can drag s pecifi c point s on the Tone Curve to freely ad just the brightne ss of th e corresp onding areas. Page top Page 633 of 988 pages Adjusting Tone Curve.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Correctin g Images and Adjustin g Colors with ScanGear (Scanner Driver ) > Setting Thresh old Setting T hreshold The brightness of color and grayscale images is expressed in a value between 0 and 255.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > S canGear (Scanner Drive r) Screens ScanGear (Scanner Driv er) Screens The following se ctions describe ScanGear's scree ns and functions, and how to use ScanGe ar (scanner driver).
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens > Basic Mode Tab Basic Mode Tab This mode allow s you to sca n easily by follow ing the on-scr een steps. This section describes th e settings and functions available in Basic Mo de.
Preview Performs a trial scan. Note W h en usin g the ma chine fo r the firs t time, s canner c alibrat ion start s autom aticall y. W ai t a while until the pre v iew im age appears. Destination Select what you want to d o with the sc anned im age. Print Select th is to pri nt the sc anned i mage on a printer.
A croppin g frame o f the sel ected m onitor s ize will be dis played and the portio n within the cropping frame will b e scann ed. You can d rag the c ropping fr ame to en large/red uce it while maintaining th e aspect ratio. A dd/Delete... Opens the Add/Delete t he Output Size d ialog bo x, in which you can s pecify cus tom out put sizes.
Image corrections Fading co rrection Corrects a nd scan s photos that have f aded with tim e or have a c olorcas t. Backlight correction Corrects p hotos tha t have been shot aga inst li ght. Gutter shadow correction Corrects shadows that appear between pages when scanning ope n booklets.
(Thumbnail)/ (Whole Image) Switches the vie w in the Preview area. Preview Area (Rotate Left) Rotates the pr eview image 90 d egrees counter- clock wise. - The result w ill be reflected in the sca nned image. - The image re turns to its origi nal sta te when you preview again.
checkbox selected will be scanne d. Note W hen multiple images a re previewed, d if ferent outlines indicat e diff erent selection status. - Focus Fr ame (thick blue outline): The disp layed settings w ill be applied. - Selected Frame (th in blue outline): The setting s will be app lied to t he Focus Frame a nd Selected Fram es simultaneously.
Scanning in Basi c Mode Page top Page 642 of 988 pages Basic Mode Tab.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens > Advanced Mode Tab A dvanced Mode Tab This mode allow s you to m ake adv anced scan se ttings such as the color mode, output reso lution, image brightnes s and color tone.
Enter Settin g Name and click Add. The nam e appear s in Favorit e Settings List. W h en you cli ck Save, the item ap pears in the Favorite Settings list an d can be selec ted, alon g with the prede f ined items. To delete an item, s elect it in Favorite Settings L ist and click Delete.
Performs a trial scan. Scan Starts scanning. Note W hen scanning starts, the progress w ill be displayed . Click Cancel to cancel th e scan. W h en sca nning is compl eted, a d ialog bo x prompting you to select the next action may open. Follow the prom pt to co mplete.
Switches the vie w in the Preview area. Preview Area (Clear) Click th is butto n to dele te the pre view image. It also resets t he Toolbar and color ad justment settings.
Displays th e version o f ScanGear (s canner d river) and the current s can se ttings (d ocumen t type, etc.). (Open Guide) This page appears. Preview Area Preview A rea This is where a tri al ima ge is di splayed af ter you clic k Preview. You can al so chec k the re sults o f the settings (image corrections, color ad justments, etc.
Note You can spec ify the sc an area (c ropping frame) on the dis played ima ge. In thu mbnail view, you can only create one crop ping fram e per im age.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens > Input Settings Input Settings Input Settings a llows you to set the followin g items: Select Source The type of docu ment to be scan ned is d isplayed.
renders th e image in 256 levels (8 b it) of bla ck and white. Black and White Select this mode to scan photos and do cuments in black and w hite. This mode rend ers the image i n black and white. The c ontrast i n the im age is d ivided at c ertain le vels (thres hold level ) into bla ck and white and is rendered i n two colors.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens > Output Settings Output Sett ings Output Settings allows y ou to set the following items: Output Resolution Select th e resolu tion to s can at.
Output Settings or specify a value (by 1%) for %. The m aximum value availabl e for % depends on the Outp ut Resolu tion. % c an be s pecifie d for up to 19200 d pi (the m aximum available output reso lution). Paper Size (L, etc.) & Monitor Size (1024 x 768 pixels, et c.
W h en the fi le size exceeds a certai n size, the value appe ars in re d. In that case, a warning message app ears whe n you click Scan. It is recomme nded that you adjust the settings to reduce Data Size.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens > Image Settings Image Settings Important Do not app ly these fun ctions to imag es without mo ire, dus t/scratc hes or fa ded col ors.
Select th is to ap ply Image Ad justme nt to mag azines. News paper Select this to apply Image Adjustment to newspa pers. Document Select th is to ap ply Image Ad justme nt to text docum ents.
Fading correc tion will not be applied. Low Select th is to co rrect a s mall am ount of f ading an d colorc ast. Medium It is recommen ded that you normally select th is setting. High Select th is to co rrect a la rge amou nt of fadi ng and c olorcas t.
setting Unsharp Mask to OFF may reduc e the noi se patte rns. Gutter Shadow Correction Use this function to corr ect shadow s that appear be tween pa ges when scanning open booklets. W h en you set the Gutter Sha dow Correction s etting in the preview ima ge, the res ult will be r eflected .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens > Color Adjustment Buttons Color A djustment Buttons The Color Adjus tment But tons all ow you to make f ine corre ctions to the im age brig htness and colo r tones.
(Histogram) A histogra m allo ws you to see the data co ncentrati on at eac h bright ness le vel of an i mage. You ca n specif y the darkes t level (sh adow) and brigh test level (highlig ht) within an i mage, c ut the le vels and expand t he middle of the tonal range of the image.
Enter Settin g Name and click Add. The nam e appear s in Tone Curve Set tings Li st or Thresho ld Settings List. Click Save to save. You can load and app ly the saved to ne curve/thre shold s ettings to a previe w image. To load t he settings, select th e saved item from the pull-dow n menu.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens > Au to Scan Mode Tab A uto Scan Mode Tab This mode allow s you to sca n easily by simp ly placing docume nts on the Platen and click ing a button.
Scan Scanning starts. Note W hen scanning starts, the progress w ill be displayed . Click Cancel to cancel th e scan. W h en sca nning is compl eted, a d ialog bo x prompting you to select the next action may open.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens > Preference s Dialog Box Preferences Dialog Box Click Pref erences ... in the ScanGear (sc anner dri ver) screen to open Pre ferences dialog box.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens > Scanner Tab Scanner T ab On the Scann er tab, you c an spec ify the fol lowing settin gs. Quiet Mode Select th is chec kbox to reduc e scann er sound by slowing down the s canner head when previewing o r scanni ng docu ments.
Page top Page 665 of 988 pages Scanner Tab.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens > Preview Tab Prev iew Tab On the Preview tab, you c an spec ify the foll owing settin gs. Prev iew at Start of ScanGear Select what to d o with Preview when ScanGear (sc anner dri ver) is starte d.
No croppin g frame will be displ ayed after p reviewing. Cropping Size for Thumbnail View Select th e croppi ng size for thumbnai ls of s canned docume nts. Stand ard is s elected by default. Larger Displays 1 05% (in width a nd heigh t) of the a rea disp layed for the standard size.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens > Scan Tab Scan Tab On the Scan tab, you ca n speci fy the follo wing settings . Status of ScanGear dialog after scanning Select what to d o with ScanGear (s canner d river) after s canning images .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens > Color Settings Tab Color Settings T ab On the Color Se ttings ta b, you can specif y the following s ettings . Color A djustment Select ei ther of th e following.
default val ue set i n ScanGear (s canner d river), and th e colors of the ori ginal i mage are not acc urately reflected in the m onitor. Click Defa ults to return to th e defaul t Monitor Gamma valu e (2.20). Note Refer to the manual of your moni tor to ch eck its gamma value.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Appen dix: Useful Informatio n on Scanning A ppendix: Useful Information on Scanning A djusting the cr opping frame (sc.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Appen dix: Useful Informatio n on Scanning > Adjusting Crop ping Frames A djusting Cropping F ram es You can spec ify the sc an area b y creating a croppi ng frame o n the im age dis played in the Preview area of the Sca nGear (sca nner driver) s creen.
The cursor will change into (Crosshair arro w) w hen it is positioned within a crop ping frame. Click and drag the mous e to move t he entire croppin g frame. Note In Advanced Mode, y ou can specify the cropping frame size by entering the values into (Width) and (Hei ght) in In put Setting s.
You can crea te multi ple crop ping fram es and apply differe nt scan setting s to eac h croppi ng frame . You can also select multiple cro pping frames by clicking them w hile pressing t he Ctrl key.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Appen dix: Useful Informatio n on Scanning > Resolution Resolution What is Resolution? The data in th e image you have sc anned is a coll ection o f dots c arrying info rmation a bout brig htness and color.
the Advanced Mode tab. Example of Appropriate Resolution w hen Printing to Sca le The scanning reso lution is automatically set so that the value set in Ou tput Resolution w ill be the resoluti on of the scanne d image .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Appen dix: Useful Informatio n on Scanning > File Formats File Formats You can select a file format w hen saving scanned images. Y ou should sp ecify the most suitable format accordi ng to how you want to us e the im age on which applic ation.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning w ith Other Application Software > Appen dix: Useful Informatio n on Scanning > Color Matching Color Matching Color Matching adjusts devices as show n below to match the colors of an ima ge displayed on a monitor or a printe d image with the col ors of the original docum ent.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Ca non IJ Network Scan Utility Screens Canon IJ Netw ork Scan Utility Scr eens Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Men u and Setting Screen Page top Page 679 of 988 pages C.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Ca non IJ Network Scan Utility Screens > Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Menu and Setting Screen Canon IJ Netw ork Scan Utility Menu and Setting Screen Set up Canon IJ Network Scan Utility to s can ima ges int o a com puter over a n etwork using the Operatio n Panel of t he mach ine.
Select th e produc t you want to use. Scanners that are re gistered to the s ystem are d isplayed. Select th e check box of the produ ct you want to use.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Other Scanni ng Methods Other Scanning Metho ds Scanning with W IA Driver Scanning Using th e Control Pan el (W indows XP Only) Page top Page 682 of 988 pages Other S.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Other Scanni ng Methods > Scanning with W IA Drive r Scanning with WIA Dr iver You can sca n an im age from a W IA-compli ant appli cation and use the ima ge in tha t applic ation. The procedure v aries depending on the application.
Paper size This setting is not available for this ma chine. Color format Select ho w to scan the docume nt. File type Select a file format from JPEG, BMP, PNG and TIFF. Resolution (DPI) Enter the re solutio n. Specif y a value between 50 dpi and 600 dpi.
Note To scan with the val ues previou sly set in Adjust t he quali ty of the sc anned pi cture, s elect Custom Settings. 4. Click Adjust the quality of the scanned picture and set the preferences as required. Brightness Move the slider to adjust t he bright ness.
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Other Scanni ng Methods > Scanning Usin g the Control Panel (W indows XP Only ) Scanning Using the Cont rol Panel (Windows XP Only) You can sca n image s via the Con trol Panel of W indows XP using th e W IA driver.
Brightness Move the slider to adjust t he bright ness. Move it to th e left to darken a nd right t o brighte n the image. You c an also enter a valu e (-127 to 127). Contrast Move the slider to adjust t he contra st. Moving it to th e left will de crease t he contra st of the image, thus so ftening t he imag e.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs Printing on DVD/CDs Printing o n the Lab el Side o f DVD/CDs Troubleshooting Page top Page 688 of 988 pages Printing on DVD/CDs.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Printing on the Label Side of DVD/CDs Printing on the Label Side of DVD/CDs Items to Prepare Cautions W h en Printin g on DVD/CDs Attaching/Removing the C.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Printing on the Labe l Side of DVD/CDs > Items to Prepare Items to Prepare The following ite ms are n eeded to print on DVD/CDs: CD-R Tray "G" is on the uppe r side. 8 cm CD-R A dap ter Needed on ly when printing o n 8 cm DVD/CDs.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Printing on the Labe l Side of DVD/CDs > Cautions W hen Printing on DVD/CDs Cautions When Printing on DVD/CDs Be sure to use the CD-R Tray supplied with thi s mach ine. It h as an "G" on the up per side .
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Printing on the Labe l Side of DVD/CDs > Attaching /Removing the CD-R Tray A ttaching/Remov ing t he CD-R Tray The ex ternal appearance may differ depending on t he machine you are using.
1. Align th e protrusi ons on both edge s of the 8 cm CD-R Adap ter with indent ations o n the CD-R Tray. 2. Place th e 8 cm disc on the CD-R Tray with the printi ng surfac e facin g up. 4. A ttach the CD-R Tray to the machine . Note The CD-R Tray may be ejected after a s pecifie d period of time h as elap sed.
Removing the CD-R Tray 1. Pull out the CD-R Tray. 2. Close the Inne r Cover. Important If the Inn er Cover is ope ned, you c annot prin t on pape r as it will n ot feed p roperly. Make sure that the Inner Cover is clo sed. 3. Remove the DVD/CD from the CD-R Tray .
8 cm DVD/CD: 1. Remove the 8 cm CD-R Adapter fr om the CD-R Tray . 2. Remove the 8 cm di sc from the CD-R Tray. Important The CD-R Tray cannot be us ed if it become s warped.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Printing on the Labe l Side of DVD/CDs > Printin g on the Label Side of DVD/CDs Printing on the Label Side of DVD/CDs The CD-R Tray (supplied) al lows the prin ting of i mages o n printab le DVD/CDs. This section describes h ow to pr int scanned photos or images on printable DVD/CDs.
4. Select Print setti ngs, then press the OK button. 5. Select DVD/CD print area ad just, then press the OK button. 6. Use the button to select Right/left or Top/bottom and use the button to adjust the print area. You can adju st the pri nting are a by 0.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Printing on the Labe l Side of DVD/CDs > Printing from DVD/CD Label Printing from DVD/CD Label Copy the label of an existing DVD/CD and pr int it on a printable DVD/CD. Important You cannot pri nt on 8 c m DVD/CDs.
Press the Black button for black & white copyi ng. To change print settings, press the Back button repeated ly until the screen for the s etting ite m to change appears, then change the setting. Important Do not see the light source directly while copy ing is in progress.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Printing on the Labe l Side of DVD/CDs > Printin g from a Memory Card Printing from a Memory Card Print an im age on a memory c ard onto a printabl e DVD/CD. Important You cannot pri nt on 8 c m DVD/CDs.
Note Other option s Printing a Specifie d Area (Trimmi ng) Searching for Photos with the Shooti ng Date (Sea rch) 10. Check the print se ttings, then press the OK button.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Printing on the Labe l Side of DVD/CDs > Printin g from a USB Flash Drive Printing from a USB Flash Drive Print an im age on a USB flash d rive onto a printable DVD/CD. Important You cannot pri nt on 8 c m DVD/CDs.
Note Other option s Printing a Specifie d Area (Trimmi ng) Searching for Photos with the Shooti ng Date (Sea rch) 10. Check the print se ttings, then press the OK button.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Printing on the Labe l Side of DVD/CDs > Printing from Printed Photo Printing from Printed Photo Print an im age on a printed photo on to a printa ble DVD/CD. Important You cannot pri nt on 8 c m DVD/CDs.
Back button, then repeat th e proced ure from s tep 7. 9. Confirm the print image on the DVD/CD, then press the OK button. Note Other option s "Printing a Specifi ed Area (Trimm ing)" in Using Us eful Display Functions 10. Check the print se ttings, then press the OK button.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Printing on the Labe l Side of DVD/CDs > Printing from Film (MP990 series) Printing from Film (MP990 series) Print an im age on a film (3 5 mm ne gative/pos itive (strip /slide)) o nto a pri ntable DVD/CD.
Do not see the light source directly while scann ing is in progress. 9. Use the button to select the photo to print, then press the OK button. Note If appears on the pre view screen, the photos may be not scanned properly. Pres s the Back button, then repeat th e proced ure from s tep 8.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Printing on the Labe l Side of DVD/CDs > Printin g with CD-LabelPrin t from the Computer Printing with CD-LabelPrint from the Comp uter CD-LabelPrint is bund led appl ication software that a llows you to edi t and mo dify data b efore printing.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Printing on the Labe l Side of DVD/CDs > Printing from a PictBridge Compliant Device Printing from a PictBridge Compliant Device This section describes h ow to pr int photos on DVD/CDs (printable discs) from a PictBridge compliant device.
The Device settings screen is displa yed. 4. Select PictBridge print settings, then press the OK button. The PictBridge print settin gs screen is displayed . 5. Select DVD/CD print setting, then press the OK button. The screen t o change the prin t area is displa yed.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Printing on the Labe l Side of DVD/CDs > Printin g Area Printing A rea Printable DVD/CDs The printing area of bo th printab le DVDs and CDs is the area excluding the 1 m m area fro m the internal and external dia meters of the lab el.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Troubleshooting Troubleshoo ting An Error Message Is Displayed on the LCD Message Appears on the Computer Sc reen Cannot Print on DVD/CDs Error Message Ap.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Troubleshooting > An Error Messag e Is Displayed on the LCD A n Error Mess age Is Display ed on the LCD If an error me ssage is displayed on the LCD, take the correspo nding action described below. Message Action Open the in ner cover, pl ace the CD-R tray and pres s OK.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Troubleshooting > Messag e Appears on the Comp uter Screen Message A pp ear s on the Computer Screen Errors About DVD/CD Printing Are Display ed Messag.
Place the CD-R Tray properly then pre ss the OK butt on. Make sure that you are usin g the CD-R Tray suppl ied with the m achine ("G" is on the uppe r side). For detail s on ho w to place the CD-R Tray, see Attaching/Removing the CD-R Tray .
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Troubleshooting > Cannot Print on DVD/CDs Cannot Print on DVD/CDs DVD/CD Printing Do es Not Start CD-R Tray Does Not Feed Properly CD-R Tray Jammed DVD.
W h en printi ng is o ver, select the Detect s a print able dis c in th e CD-R tray check box and cli ck Send. Note If you left c leared Det ects a p rintable disc i n the CD-R tray che ck box and st art printin g another DVD/CD, pri nting m ay start without th e DVD/CD loaded.
Advanced Guide > Printing on DV D/CDs > Troubleshooting > Error Messag e Appears on a PictBridg e Complian t Device Error Message A ppears on a PictBridge Compliant Dev ice The following are the poss ible erro rs that m ay occur when pri nting di rectly from a PictBridg e comp liant device and the cou ntermeas ures to c lear the m.
Advanced Guide > Printing Photograp hs Directly from a Compliant Device or a W ireless Co mmunication De vice Printing Photographs Directly from a Compliant Device or a Wireless Communication Devi .
Advanced Guide > Printing Photograp hs Directly from a Compliant Device or a W ireless Co mmunication De vice > Printing Photographs Di rectly fro m a Compliant Devi ce Printing Photographs Dire.
Advanced Guide > Printing Photograp hs Directly from a Compliant Device or a W ireless Co mmunication De vice > Printin g Photographs Di rectly fro m a Compliant Devi ce > Printing Photograp .
6. Specify the print settings such as the paper ty pe and lay out. You can perform settin gs usi ng the m enu on th e LCD of your Pic tBridge co mplian t device.
Advanced Guide > Printing Photograp hs Directly from a Compliant Device or a W ireless Co mmunication De vice > Printin g Photographs Di rectly fro m a Compliant Devi ce > About PictBridge Pr.
Trimming Default (Off: No trimm ing), On (fol low the camera 's settin g), Off Settings on the Mac hine You can chan ge the Pi ctBridge p rint sett ings from the Pic tBridge pri nt settin gs scre en. Set the print settings to Defaul t on the Pi ctBridge compli ant device when you want to print a ccordin g to the settings on the machine.
Advanced Guide > Printing Photograp hs Directly from a Compliant Device or a W ireless Co mmunication De vice > Printing Photographs f rom a W irel ess Communicatio n Device Printing Photographs.
Advanced Guide > Printing Photograp hs Directly from a Compliant Device or a W ireless Co mmunication De vice > Printin g Photographs f rom a W irel ess Communicatio n Device > Printing Photo.
Advanced Guide > Printing Photograp hs Directly from a Compliant Device or a W ireless Co mmunication De vice > Printin g Photographs f rom a W irel ess Communicatio n Device > Printing via Infrared Communication Printing via Infrared Commu nication You can print photos s aved on your m obile p hone via in frared co mmunic ation.
is interrupted , send the data from th e mobile phone ag ain. Depending on your devic e, the pri nt quali ty may be degra ded due t o the res triction on the infrared tra nsfer ca pacity. W e recomm end prin ting on s ticker when the print q uality on o ther types o f paper is not fin e.
Advanced Guide > Printing Photograp hs Directly from a Compliant Device or a W ireless Co mmunication De vice > Printin g Photographs f rom a W irel ess Communicatio n Device > Printing via B.
For the device name, select the default value Canon XXX-1 (w here "XXX" is your machine's name). If y ou are required to input a passke y , input the default value " 0000". You can chan ge the d evice nam e of the m achine , passk ey, and so on from th e Bluetooth setting s screen.
Advanced Guide > Printing Photograp hs Directly from a Compliant Device or a W ireless Co mmunication De vice > Printin g Photographs f rom a W irel ess Communicatio n Device > Printing via B.
Advanced Guide > Printing Photograp hs Directly from a Compliant Device or a W ireless Co mmunication De vice > Printin g Photographs f rom a W irel ess Communicatio n Device > Setting the Pa.
Advanced Guide > Maintenance Maintenance Cleaning Your Machine Aligning the Print He ad Manually Performing Maintenance f rom a Comp uter Page top Page 733 of 988 pages Maintenance.
Advanced Guide > Maintenance > Cle aning Your Machine Cleaning Your Machin e Cleaning Cleaning the Exterior of the Machine Cleaning the Platen Glass and Docum ent Cover Cleaning the Insi de of t.
Advanced Guide > Maintenance > Cle aning Your Machine > Cleaning Cleaning This section describes th e cleaning procedur e that is needed to maintain your machine. Important Do not use tissue paper, paper to wels, roug h-textured clo th, or similar materia ls f or cleaning so as not to scratch the surface.
Advanced Guide > Maintenance > Cle aning Your Machine > Cle aning the Exterior of the Machin e Cleaning the Exterior of th e Machine Be sure to use a s oft clot h such a s eyeglas ses cl eaning cloth an d wipe off dirt on the s urface ge ntly.
Advanced Guide > Maintenance > Cle aning Your Machine > Cle aning the Platen Glass an d Document Cover Cleaning the Platen G lass and Document Cov er Important Be sure to turn off th e power and dis connec t the po wer plug before cleanin g the ma chine.
Advanced Guide > Maintenance > Cle aning Your Machine > Cleaning the Inside of the M achine (Bottom Plate Cleani ng) Cleaning the Inside of the Machine (Bo ttom Plate Cleaning) This secti on explains h ow to clean th e insid e of the m achine .
(A) Load the paper after unfolding it. The paper clean s the inside of the machine a s it feeds through the ma chine. Check the folded part of the ejected paper. If it is s mudged with i nk, perfo rm Bottom Plate Clean ing again. If the problem is no t resolved after performing cleaning again, the protru sions inside the machine may be stained.
Advanced Guide > Maintenance > Cle aning Your Machine > Cle aning the Protrusion s Inside the Machine Cleaning the Protrusion s Inside the Machine If protrusions inside t he machine are stain ed, wipe o f f any ink from the prot rusions using a cotton sw ab or the like.
Advanced Guide > Maintenance > A ligning the Print Hea d Manually A ligning the Print Head Manually Manual Print Head Al ignmen t Page top Page 741 of 988 pages Aligning the Print Head Manually.
Advanced Guide > Maintenance > Aligning the Print He ad Manually > Manual Print Head Alignment Manual Print Head A lignment This section describes h ow to align the Print Head manually .
9. Check the printed patterns, and use the button to input the number of the pattern in column A that has the least noticeable vertical streaks. Note If it is difficul t to pic k the bes t pattern , pick t he setti ng that pro duces the leas t notice able vertic al wh ite streaks.
If it is difficul t to pic k the bes t pattern , pick t he setti ng that pro duces the leas t notice able horizontal white streaks . (C) Less noticea ble horizontal w hite streaks (D) More noticeabl e horizontal white streak s 11. Confirm the displa y ed mes sage a nd press the OK button.
13. Repeat the same procedure until y ou f inish inputting the pattern number for colum ns I to Q, then press the OK button. 14. Confirm the displa y ed mes sage a nd press the OK button. The third patt ern is pri nted. Important Do not ope n the Scan ning Unit (Cover) while printin g is in progress .
Advanced Guide > Maintenance > Perf orming Mainten ance from a Comp uter Performing Maintenance from a Computer Cleaning the Print Heads Cleaning the Pape r Feed Rollers Aligning the Print He ad.
Advanced Guide > Maintenance > Perf orming Mainten ance from a Comp uter > Cleaning the Pri nt Heads Cleaning the Print Heads The print hea d cleani ng func tion all ows you to uncl og clogg ed nozzles i n the prin t head.
5. Check the results To check wheth er the print quality has improved, click Print Check Pattern. To cancel the check process , clic k Cancel . Important Cleaning cons umes a sm all amount of ink. Deep Clean ing consum es a larger amou nt of ink than Cleaning.
Advanced Guide > Maintenance > Perf orming Mainten ance from a Comp uter > Cleaning the Pa per Feed Rollers Cleaning the Paper Feed Rollers Cleans th e paper fe ed rolle r. Perform fe ed roller cleanin g when there are paper pa rticles sticki ng to the paper fee d roller a nd paper i s not fe d properly.
Advanced Guide > Maintenance > Perf orming Mainten ance from a Comp uter > Aligning th e Print Head Position A ligning the Print Head Position Print head alignm ent corrects the inst allation positions of the print h ead and improves deviated colors and lines.
Advanced Guide > Maintenance > Perf orming Mainten ance from a Comp uter > Checking the Prin t Head Nozzles Checking the Print Head Nozzles The nozzle check functi on allows you to check whether the prin t heads are working pro perly by printin g a nozzle check pattern.
Advanced Guide > Maintenance > Perf orming Mainten ance from a Comp uter > Cleaning Inside the Machine Cleaning Insid e the Machine Perform bot tom plat e clean ing befo re you execute dupl ex printing to p revent smud ges on the back side of the paper.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation A bout Bluetooth Comm unication Handling Precautions Preparation to Use th e Bluetoot h Unit Printing Dat a via Blueto oth Commu nicatio n Basic Proc.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Hand ling Precaution s Handling Precautions Shipping the Produc t Page top Page 754 of 988 pages Handling Precautions.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Hand ling Precaution s > Shipp ing the Product Shipping the Product This produc t may not be used in countri es or regi ons oth er than the country or re gion where it was purchased d ue to local law s and regulations.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Prepara tion to Use the Bluetooth Unit Preparation to Use the Bluetooth Unit Bluetooth Unit Attaching to and Rem oving from the Printe r Page to.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Prepara tion to Use the Bluetooth Unit > Bluetooth Unit Bluetooth Un it The Bluetooth Unit BU-30 (here after referre d to as t he Blueto oth unit) i s an ad aptor which c an be us ed with a Canon IJ printer with Blue tooth in terface.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Prepara tion to Use the Bluetooth Unit > Att aching to and Removing from the Printer A ttaching to and Removing from the Printer Attaching th.
Note W h en the Blu etooth un it is pr operly attac hed to the printer, t he Pow er lamp on the pri nter flashes twice. Removing the Bluetooth Unit from the Printer Remove the Bl uetooth u nit from t he Direct Pri nt Port of t he printer in acc ordance with th e following procedure.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Printing Data via Blueto oth Comm unication Printing Data via Blueto oth Commun ication Preparation Install ing the MP Drivers Setting the Print.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Printing Data via Blue tooth Comm unication > Preparation Preparation In order t o print via Bluetooth communicat ion with Windows, the follow ing system r equirements must b e satisfied.
Bluetooth Settings can be s tarted by c lickin g Start and select ing All Pro grams, TOSHIBA, Bluetooth , and Blue tooth Setti ngs. For detail s on Blu etooth Sett ings, ref er to the s oftware applic ation's i nstruct ion man ual. The operation s may vary depen ding on you r operatin g program .
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Printing Data via Blue tooth Comm unication > Installing the MP Drivers Installing the MP Drivers Note If you use t he printer connec ting with a co mputer, t he MP Drivers have alread y been inst alled.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Printing Data via Blue tooth Comm unication > Setting the Printer Setting the Printer This secti on desc ribes th e proced ures for c hecki ng the se ttings o f the Blue tooth uni t on the L CD of the printer in preparati on for Blue tooth pri nting.
different device nam e to eac h printer is reco mmende d for eas y identific ation of the printe r you will use . See Bluetooth Settings Screen . After chec king th e device n ame, pres s the OK button on the pri nter. After chec king th e Bluetoot h settin gs usin g the LCD, re gister th e printer o n your comp uter.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Printing Data via Blue tooth Comm unication > Registeri ng the Printer Registering the Printer Register th e printer as a Blue tooth devic e using Bluetoot h Devices un der Control Panel.
5. Select the device name of the printer and click Next. Select th e same device nam e as th at check ed unde r Setting the Printe r . Note If the devic e name is not di splayed, s ee Check 3: Is the printer na me which you want to re gister displayed in Printer List? .
Note If you set a passk ey on the pri nter, sel ect Use th e pass key found i n the doc umentat ion and input the passk ey then cl ick Next. For more i nformati on about a passk ey, see Bl uetooth Settings Sc reen . 7. Click Finish. 8. Check that the device name s elected at step 5 is registered on the De vices sheet, and click OK.
Now, the setting s for prin ting via Blu etooth c ommuni cation a re ready. Note In W indows Vista, the W indows need s to ins tall dri ver software for your Blu etooth Peri pheral Device screen may be displayed au tomatically. In this ca se, click Don't show this messag e again fo r this de vice.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Printing Data via Blue tooth Comm unication > Deleting the Printe r Deleting the Printer This section describes th e procedure to d elete the registere d printer.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Basic Procedu re for Printing via Bluetooth Communi cation Basic Procedure for Printing v ia Bluetooth Co mmunication Printing w ith Computers P.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Basic Procedu re for Printing via Bluetooth Communi cation > Printing with Computers Printing with Computers W hen using Bluetooth co mmunication, also refer to the computer's instruction manual.
1. Select the print setting in Commonly Used Settings. 2. Confirm the required print set tings i n Media Type, Printer Paper Size, and so on. Note You can spec ify the advan ced prin t setting s on Main she et and Pag e Setup sh eet. For details on the p rint setti ngs, refe r to Various Printing Methods .
W hen you use a USB cable for printing, select Canon XXX Printer from Select Printer. To cancel a print job in progress, press the Stop butto n on the p rinter or c lick Ca ncel Prin ting on the pri nter stat us moni tor. After pri nting is cance led, a s heet of p aper may be ejected with no printing results.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Basic Procedu re for Printing via Bluetooth Communi cation > Printing with Bluetooth Complia nt Devices other than a Compu ter Printing with .
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Bluetooth Setting s Bluetooth Setting s Setting Blu etooth Prin ting Bluetooth Settings Screen Page top Page 776 of 988 pages Bluetooth Settings.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Bluetooth Setting s > Set ting Bluetooth Printi ng Setting Bluetooth Printing 1. Make sure that the printer is turned on, and attach the Bluetooth unit. Note W h en the Blu etooth un it is pr operly attac hed to the printer, t he Pow er lamp on the pri nter flashes twice.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Bluetooth Setting s > Bluetooth Settings Screen Bluetooth Settings Screen The screens may differ dependi ng on the printer you a re using . 1. Device name Displays th e device n ame of th e printer to which the Bl uetooth u nit is a ttached.
W h en you sea rch from a Bluetoot h device, you can enab le or dis able th e displ ay of the pri nter name. ON Disables searching f rom a Bluetoo th device. OFF (Default setting) Enables searc hing and printing from a Bluetooth device. Security Scre en Enable Selecting Enable allow s you to choose either of the secu rity modes below .
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Troubleshooting Troubleshoo ting Troubleshooting Printer Cannot be Registered Printing Doe s Not Start Page top Page 780 of 988 pages Troublesho.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting Troubleshoo ting This section describes h ow to solve the pr oblems occurred du ring the use of the Bluetoo th unit. Problems relate d to the printer's har dware, M P Driv ers installation, a nd so on, are also d escribed in Troubleshooting .
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Troubleshooting > Printer Cannot be Reg istered Printer Cannot be Registered Check 1: Have MP Drivers been installed? If MP Drivers are not yet installed, insert the Setup CD-ROM int o the com puter's di sc drive, then perform Cus tom Ins tall and selec t MP Drivers.
Page top Page 783 of 988 pages Printer Cannot be Registered.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Troubleshooting > Printing Does Not Start Printing Does Not Start Check 1: Is Bluetooth unit ready for use? Make sure that the Blueto oth setti ngs sc reen can be disp layed on th e LCD of the printer.
6. Click OK. Check 4: Is the message "This document failed to print" displayed ? Do not retry prin ting. Chec k the er ror mess age on th e LCD.
Advanced Guide > About Bluetooth Communi cation > Speci fications Specifications Communicatio n method Bluetooth v2.0 Max imum Speed 1.44 Mbps Output Bluetooth Pow er Class 2 Communicatio n distance Line-of-s ight dis tance: a pprox.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings Changing the Machi ne Settings Changing the Machine Sett ings on the LCD Changing Machine Setting s from Your Com puter Page top Page 787 of 988 pages.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng the Machine Settings on the LCD Changing the Machine Setting s on the LCD Changing the Machine Sett ings on the LCD Plain paper feed se.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng the Machine Settings on the LCD > Changing the Machine Settings on the LCD Changing the Machi ne Settings on the LCD This section describes th e procedure to ch ange the settings in the Device settings screen, taking the steps to speci fy Extended copy amou nt as an example.
Plain paper feed settings Print settings LAN settings Advanced s ettings Mobile phone print setting Bluetooth settings PictBridge print setting s Language selection Reset setting Page top Page 790 of .
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng the Machine Settings on the LCD > Plai n paper fee d settings Plain paper feed settings Specifie s the pa per sourc e for A4, Le tter, A5, an d B5 plai n paper. Note A4, Letter, A5, and B5 p aper can be load ed in the Cassette .
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng the Machine Settings on the LCD > Print settings Print settings Prevent paper abrasion Use this setting on ly if the print surface become s smudged. Important Be sure to set this back to OFF after pri nting s ince it may result in lower printi ng spee d or lower print qua lity.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng the Machine Settings on the LCD > LAN setting s LA N settings Change wir eless/w i red Activates/d eactivates wireless LAN. Note W h en you cha nge the c onnecti on meth od (wired or wireless ), set up the mac hine ac cording to the meth od you will use .
MAC address XX :XX :XX :XX :XX:X X XX :XX :XX :XX :XX:X X IPsec setting - Enable (ESP)/Ena ble (ESP & AH)/ Enable (AH)/Disable Pre-shared key - XX XX XX XX XX X Printer name XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X.
W SD s ettings Activates/d eactivates the W SD (one of the network prot ocols s upported in W indows Vista ) setting. Note W hen you set W SD settings to Active, the printer icon is display ed on the Network Explorer in W indows Vista . LLTD setting Activates/deactivates the Link Layer Topology Discovery (LLTD) sett ing.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng the Machine Settings on the LCD > Adv anced setting s A dvanced settings Date display Changes the d isplay format of shooting da tes when p rinted.
Page top Page 797 of 988 pages Advanced settings.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng the Machine Settings on the LCD > Mobile phone prin t setting Mobile phone print settin g W hen printing from a mo bile phone throug h infrared communication o r Bluetooth communicat ion, select the print settings such as page size, med ia type, layout , and so on.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng the Machine Settings on the LCD > Blue tooth settings Bluetooth settin gs You can chan ge the d evice nam e of the m achine , passk ey, and so on in the Bluetooth setting s.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng the Machine Settings on the LCD > PictBridg e print settings PictBridge print settings You can chan ge the p rint setti ngs when prin ting from a PictBrid ge comp liant de vice.
person, etc. and corrects each sce ne with th e most suitable color, b rightness, or contra sts automati cally to p rint. Note After selecting Auto photo fix ON, select Red-Eye correc. ON or Red-Eye correc. OFF. W h en Manual corre ction is selec ted, the setting items 6 to 15 bel ow can be sp ecified .
11. Red-Ey e correction Corrects re d eyes in p ortraits c aused b y flash ph otography. Depending on the type of the ph oto, red eyes may not be correcte d or parts other tha n the eyes may be c orrected . 12. Brightness Adjust brightne ss. 13. Contrast Adjust c ontrast.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng the Machine Settings on the LCD > Language selection Language selection Changes the language for LCD mes sages and m enus.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng the Machine Settings on the LCD > Reset setting Reset setting You can chan ge the s ettings back to the defa ult.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng Machine Settings f rom Your Computer Changing Machine Settings from Your Computer Changing the Print Options Registeri ng a Frequ ently.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng Machine Settings f rom Your Computer > Chan ging the Print Options Changing the Print Op tions You change th e detail ed print driver settin gs for pri nt data th at is s ent from a n appli cation s oftware.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng Machine Settings f rom Your Computer > Registering a Frequently Used Printing Profile Registering a Frequently Used Printing Profile You can regis ter the fre quently us ed printi ng profil e to Comm only Used Sett ings on the Quick Setup tab .
Important To save the pag e size, orie ntation, and num ber of co pies tha t was set in e ach sh eet, cli ck Options..., and che ck eac h item. Note W h en you ins tall the printer dri ver again or upgrade th e version o f the prin ter driver, the print se ttings you re gistered w ill be deleted from Commonly Used Settings.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng Machine Settings f rom Your Computer > Sett ing the Pap er Source for Plai n Paper Setting the Paper Source for Pl ain Paper W h en you sel ect Autom aticall y Select from Paper Sou rce, you can use the printer d river to sele ct the paper so urce for p lain pap er.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng Machine Settings f rom Your Computer > M anaging the Machine Pow er Managing the Machin e Pow er This functi on allows you to manage the mac hine po wer from the prin ter driver.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng Machine Settings f rom Your Computer > Reducing the Machine Noi se Reducing the Machine Noise This functi on allows you to reduce t he operat ing nois e of the machin e. Select when you wish to reduc e the opera ting noi se of the printer at night, et c.
Advanced Guide > Changing the Machine Settings > Changi ng Machine Settings f rom Your Computer > Chan ging the Machine Operatio n Mode Changing the Machi ne Operation Mode If necessar y, switch between various modes of m achine opera tion. The procedure for configuring settings is as follow s: Custom Settings 1.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshooting Troubleshoo ting Troubleshooting If an Error Occurs The Machine Cannot Be Powered On An Error Message Is Displayed on the LCD LCD Cannot Be Seen At All An Unintende.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > T roubleshooting Troubleshoo ting This section desc ribes troublesho oting tips for problems you may encou nter when using the machine. For trouble shootin g tips re lated to the setu p, refer to the Network Setup Troub leshooting .
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > I f an Error Occurs If an Error Occurs W hen an error o ccurs in printing such as the machine is out of pape r or paper is jamm ed, a troublesho oting message is displa yed au tomatically . Take t he approp riate action described in the messa ge.
Page top Page 816 of 988 pages If an Error Occurs.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > T he Machine Cann ot Be Powere d On The Machin e Cannot Be Pow ered On Check 1: Press the ON button. Check 2: Make sure that the power plug is securely plugged into the Pow er Cord Connector of the machine, then turn it back on.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > An Error Message Is Displayed on the LCD A n Error Mess age Is Display ed on the LCD If an error me ssage is displayed on the LCD, take the correspo nding action described below. Message Action The following ink may have run out.
U150 Insta ll an ap propriate ink tank . Routine M aintenance An ink ta nk error ha s occu rred. (The lam p on the i nk tank is off.) Replace t he ink t ank. Routine M aintenance The following ink has run out. Replace t he ink t ank. U163 Ink has run out.
have to turn o n your device or selec t Play mode manual ly after con necting the device to the m achine. Perform necess ary operatio ns before connec ting your de vice referring to its instr uction manual. If the err or is still not resolved, check if you can print another photograph.
machine f rom the power supply. After a while, pl ug the po wer cord of the machin e back in, and then turn on th e machi ne. If the same e rror occu rs, contact the service center. The card is currently writable from PC. Set to [Not writabl e from PC].
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > LCD Cannot Be Seen At All LCD Cannot Be Seen A t A ll If the Pow er lamp is off: The machin e is not powered on. Conn ect the p ower cord and p ress the ON button. If the Pow er lamp is lit: The LCD may be in the scre en-saver mo de.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > An Unintended Language Is Display ed on the LCD A n Unintended Language Is Displayed on the LCD Select th e langua ge you want to be displayed accordi ng to the following pro cedure. 1. Press the HOME button and wait for about 5 seconds.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Cannot Install the MP Drivers Cannot Install the MP Drivers Important If you cann ot instal l the MP Drivers when you use the mac hine over L AN, refer to the setup m anual.
If you are una ble to p roceed b eyond the Prin ter Connec tion sc reen, mak e sure t hat the USB c able is securel y plugged i nto the USB p ort of the m achin e and is connec ted to th e compu ter, and th en follow the proc edure be low to reinsta ll the MP Drivers.
If you reins tall the MP Drivers, perform Custo m Insta ll on the Setup CD-ROM , then select MP Drivers. Note If the ins taller was fo rced to b e termina ted due t o a W indows error, th e system may be in a n unstabl e condi tion and you may not be able to install the drivers.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Can not Connect to Computer with a USB Cable Prop erly Cannot Connect t o Computer w ith a USB Cable Properly Printing or Scanning Spe ed Is Slow /Hi-Spe ed U.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Print Resu lts Not Satisfactory Print Results Not Satisfac tory If the prin t result is not s atisfac tory due to white s treaks, misal igned li nes, or u neven colo rs, conf irm the paper and print qua lity setti ngs firs t.
device. Check 3: If the problem i s not resolved, there may be oth er causes. See also the sections below: Cannot Print to End of Job Part of the Page Is Not Printed No Printing Results/Pri nting Is B.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Print Resu lts Not Satisfactory > Cannot Print to End of Job Cannot Print to End of Job Check 1: Is the si ze of the print data extremel y l arge? Click Prin t Options on the Pag e Setup sh eet. Then, se lect the Prevent loss of print data ch eck box in the displayed dialog.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Print Resu lts Not Satisfactory > Part of the Page Is Not Printed Part of the Page Is Not Printed Check: When performing automatic dup lex printing, the reason below is possible. W h en perform ing auto matic duplex printing , the prin table area at the to p of the p age will be 0 .
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Print Resu lts Not Satisfactory > No Printing Re sults/Printing Is Blurred/Col ors Are W ron g/W hite Streaks No Printing Results/Printing Is Blurred/Color.
Check 1: Did you confirm the paper and print quality settings? Print Resul ts Not Satis factory Check 2: Check the status of ink tanks. Replace the ink tank if t he ink has run out.
Glass. Loading Paper / Originals Check 8: Is the ori ginal loaded w ith the side to be copied facing dow n on the Platen Glass? Check 9: Did you copy a printout don e by this machine? Print from the mem ory card, from the USB flas h drive, or fro m the di gital c amera di rectly, or rep rint from the c ompute r.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Print Resu lts Not Satisfactory > Lines Are Misal igned Lines A re Misaligned Check 1: Did you confirm the paper and print quality settings? Print Resul ts Not Satis factory Check 2: Perform Pr int Head A lignment.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Print Resu lts Not Satisfactory > Printed Paper Cu rls or Has Ink Blots Printed Paper Curls or Has Ink Blots Check 1: Did you confirm the paper and print q.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Print Resu lts Not Satisfactory > Paper Is Smudged/Prin ted Surface Is Scratched Paper Is Smudged/Printed Surface Is Scratched Check 1: Did you confirm the.
2. Check th at the pa per is no w flat. W e recomm end prin ting curl -correcte d paper o ne shee t at a tim e. Note Depending on the m edia type, the paper may be sm udged or may not be f ed properl y even if it is not curled inw ard. In su ch cases, follow the procedure describe d below to curl the paper outward within 0.
1. Open the printer properties dialog box. Opening th e Printer Prop erties Dia log Box (W i ndows) Click Here: Printer Driver * Before cli cking here to op en the pri nter prope rties di alog box, quit t he runnin g appli cation software. 2. On the Main sheet, select Manual for Color/Intensity, and the n click Set.
Check 10: Set Ink Drying Wait Time longer. Doing so gives the p rinted s urface en ough tim e to dry so that pape r smudge d and s cratched are prevented. 1. Make sure that the machine is turned on. 2. Open the printer properties dialog box. Opening th e Printer Prop erties Dia log Box (W i ndows) 3.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Print Resu lts Not Satisfactory > Back of the Paper Is Smudged Back of the Paper Is Smudged Check 1: Did you confirm the paper and print quality settings? Print Resul ts Not Satis factory Check 2: Perform the Bottom Plate Cleaning to clean the inside of the machine.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Print Resu lts Not Satisfactory > Vertical Line s Are Printed on the Sides of the Printout Vertical Lines A re Printed on th e Sides of the Printout Check .
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Print Resu lts Not Satisfactory > Colors Are Une ven or Streaked Colors A re Uneven or Streaked Check 1: Did you confirm the paper and print quality settin.
Routine M aintenance Note If the prob lem is not reso lved after pe rforming the Print Hea d Alignm ent, perfo rm Print Head Alignme nt manua lly referring to Manual Prin t Head Alig nment .
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Printing Does Not Start Printing Does Not Start Check 1: Make sure that the power plug is securely plugged in, then turn the machine on. W hile the Pow er lamp is flashing green, th e machine is initializing. W ait until the Powe r lamp stops flashing and rem ains lit green.
In W indows, mak e sure th at your mach ine's nam e is s elected in the Pri nt dialo g box. In Macintosh, make s ure that your m achin e's name i s sele cted in Printer in the Print di alog bo x.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Cop ying/Printing Stops Before It Is Completed Copying/Printing Stops Before It Is Completed Check 1: Is the I nner Cove r opened while printing on paper? Close the Inner Cover, the n press the OK button on t he machine.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Machine Moves But Ink Is Not Ejected Machine Mov es But Ink Is Not Ejected Check 1: A re the Print Head nozzles cl ogged? Print the Nozzle Che ck Pattern to determ ine whether th e ink ej ects pro perly from th e print h ead nozz les.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Printin g Speed Is Not as Fast as Expected Printing Speed Is Not as Fast as Expected Check 1: Is pri nting performed in Quiet Mode? Print spee d is red uced if you speci fied to pr int in Quie t Mode in the pri nter driver or Ope ration Pan el.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Print Hea d Holder Doe s Not Move to the Position for Repl acing Print Head Holder Does Not Move to the Position for Replacing Check 1: Is the Pow er lamp off? Check if the Power lamp is lit green. The Print Head Hol der will not m ove unless the power is on.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Pape r Does Not Feed Properly Paper Does Not Feed Properly Check 1: Make sure of the follow ing w hen you l oad paper. W h en loadi ng two or more sheets of paper, f lip throu gh the pa per before loading . W hen loading tw o or more sh eets of paper, align the e dges of the sheets before load ing.
Check 6: Make sure that there are not any foreign ob jects in the Rear Tray . If the paper t ears in the Rear Tray, see Pap er Jams to rem ove it. If there are any foreign objects in the Rear Tray, be sure to turn off th e mach ine, unp lug it fro m the power supply, the n remove the foreign object.
Refer to O verview of the Machine for the position of t he Rear Cover. Page top Page 853 of 988 pages Paper Does Not Feed Properly.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Pape r Does Not Feed from the Paper Sour ce Specified in the Printer Driver Paper Does Not Feed from the Paper Source Specified in the Printer Driv er Check: .
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Paper Jams Paper Jam s Note If you need t o turn off the mac hine to re move jamm ed pape r during p rinting, p ress the Stop button to canc el print j obs bef ore turnin g off the m achine .
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Paper Jams > Paper Is Jammed in the Paper Output Slot or the Rear Tray Paper Is Jammed in the Paper Output Sl ot or the Rear Tray Remove the paper follow ing the procedure below . 1. Slowly pull the paper out, either from the Rear Tray or from the Paper Output Slot, whichever is easier.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Paper Jams > Paper Is Jammed inside the Machin e at the Transport Unit Paper Is Jammed inside the Machine at the T ransport Unit Remove the paper follow ing the procedure below . 1. Detach the Re ar Cover. 2.
6. If any paper is sticking out of the Cassette, remove the paper, align and reload the paper in the Cas sette. If you did n ot remove the jamme d paper o ut in ste p 1 to 5 when a utomatic duplex printi ng, chec k the duplex transpor t sectio n.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Paper Jams > Jammed Paper Is Not Removed out W hen Automatic Duplex Printing Jammed Paper Is Not Remove d out When A utomatic Duplex Printing Before rem oving the jammed paper, see Paper Is Jamme d insid e the Machine a t the Transpo rt Unit to remove it fro m Transport Uni t.
Page top Page 860 of 988 pages Jammed Paper Is Not Removed out W hen Automatic Dupl ex Printing.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Paper Jams > In Other Cases In Other Cases Make sure of th e following: Check 1: A re there any foreign obj ects around the Paper Output Slot? Check 2: A r.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Messag e Appears on the Compu ter Screen Message A pp ear s on the Computer Screen Error Number: B200 A print er error has occurre d. Turn the pri nter off an d unplug the power cord of the printer from the power su pply.
6000 Is Displayed If any objec t is pl aced in front of th e machi ne, remo ve it. Open the Paper Output Tray gently , then turn t he power off and back on. Four-Digit A lphanumeric and "Printer er ror has occurre d." Is Displa y ed Turn off the m achine, and unpl ug the po wer cord of the machin e from th e power supply.
If you are us ing a rel ay device su ch as a USB hub, dis connec t it, con nect the machi ne directly to the com puter, and try printing again. If printing starts n ormally, the re is a problem with the relay devic e. Consul t the rese ller of th e relay devic e for detai ls.
Error Number: 1700 Is Display ed Check: See The ink a bsorber is a lmost full. in A n Error Message Is Display ed on the LCD and take the appropriate action. Ink Info Number: 1600 Is Displayed Check: See T he follow ing ink may have run out. in A n Err or Message Is Display ed on the LCD and take the approp riate action.
Check: If an error message is displayed outside the printer status monitor, chec k the follow ing: "Could not spoo l successfully due to insufficient disk space" Delete any un necess ary files t o increa se the am ount of free spac e on the disk.
To uninstall the Inkjet Printer/ Scanner/Fax Extended Surv ey Program: To uninstal l the Ink jet Printe r/Scanner/F ax Ex tended Survey Program, c lick Uni nstall , then follow the on-screen instruction s. Changing the confirmation scre en setting: 1.
If y ou agree to participa te in the surve y program: Click Agree, then follow the on-scree n instructions. The printer usage inf ormation will be sent via the Inte rnet.
Changing the setting: To display the confirm ation sc reen every tim e the prin ter usage informa tion is sent or to resume surveying, foll ow the proced ure below. 1. Select Ap plicati ons from the Go me nu, and d ouble-cl ick th e Canon Util ities fo lder, then the Inkj et Extended Survey Program folder.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Can not Print Properly with Automatic Duplex Printing Cannot Print Properly with A utomatic Duplex Printing Check: Is the paper siz e or media type approp riate? Make sure that the actua l size of t he paper i s suit able for a utomatic duplex printi ng.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > For W indows Users For Windows Users Printer Status Monitor Is Not Displayed Check: Is the printer status monitor enabled? Make sure that Enable Stat us Monitor is s electe d on the Opt ion men u of the p rinter sta tus monitor.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Error Messag e Appears on a PictBridge Compliant Devi ce Error Message A ppears on a PictBridge Compliant Dev ice The following are the poss ible erro rs that m ay occur when pri nting di rectly from a PictBridg e comp liant device and the cou ntermeas ures to c lear the m.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Can not Print Properly from a W irele ss Communication Device Cannot Print Properly from a Wireless Commu nication Device Does y our mobile phones store IrDA .
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Can not Print Properly from a Photo Index Sheet Cannot Print Properly from a Photo In dex Sheet Failed to sca n Photo Index Sheet. Is Displayed Check: Check the followi ng, press the OK button, then perform the Scan s heet and print menu again.
If the me mory card or USB flash dri ve is remo ved while printin g, the s tored data may be damaged or the selected photo may not be pr inted as the reading of the photo on the memory ca rd or USB flas h drive and t he printi ng of the photo are simult aneous.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Cannot Remove a Memory Card Cannot Remov e a Memory Card Contact the service center. Important Never attempt to remove a m emory card using a thin s tick or t weezers. Doing so may damag e the machine. Note Exclusive adapter s are requ ired for th e following m emory cards .
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Probl ems with Scanning Problems with Scanning Scanner Doe s Not W ork ScanGear (Sca nner Driver) Does Not Start Error Message Appe ars and t he ScanGear (Sca.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Probl ems with Scanning > Scanner Doe s Not W ork Scanner Does Not Work Check 1: Make sure that the machine is turned on.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Probl ems with Scanning > ScanGear (Scanne r Driver) Does Not Start ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Does Not Start Check 1 : M ake su re that the MP Drivers is installed. If it is not insta lled, i nsert the Setup CD-ROM into the computer's dis c drive, then select Custom Install and ins tall MP Drivers.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Probl ems with Scanning > Error Message Appears and the ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screen Doe s Not Appear Error Message A ppears and the ScanGear (Scanner Driver ) Screen Does Not A p pear Check 1: Make sure that the machine is turned on.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Probl ems with Scanning > Scan Quality (Image Displayed on the Monitor) Is Poor Scan Quality (Image Displayed on the Monitor) Is Poor Check 1: Increase the scanning resolution. Resolution Check 2: Set the scale to 100%.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Probl ems with Scanning > Scanned Image Is Surrounded by Ex tra W hite Areas Scanned Image Is Surround ed by Extra White A reas Check: Specify the scan area. Click (Auto Crop ) in ScanGea r (scanne r driver) to au tomatic ally disp lay the crop ping fram e (scan area) acc ording to the doc ument s ize.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Probl ems with Scanning > Cannot Scan Multi ple Documents at One Time Cannot Scan Multiple Documents at One Time Check 1: Make sure that the documen ts ar e placed correctly on the Platen. Placing Docum ents Check 2: Scan each item individually.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Probl ems with Scanning > Canno t Scan Properly in Auto Scan Mode Cannot Scan Properly in A uto Scan Mode Check 1: Make sure that the documen ts ar e placed correctly on the Platen. Placing Docum ents Check 2: Multiple image scanning may not be supported.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Probl ems with Scanning > Slow Scanning Speed Slow Scanning Speed Check 1: To view the i mage on a monitor, set the output resolution to around 150 dpi. To print, set it to around 300 dpi. Resolution Check 2: Set Fading Correction, Grain Correction, etc.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Probl ems with Scanning > "There is not enough memory." Message Is Displayed "There is not enough memory." Message Is Displ ayed Check 1: Exit other applicati ons and try again. Check 2: Reduce the resolution or output size and scan again.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Probl ems with Scanning > Computer Stops Operatin g during Scann ing Computer Stops Operating d uring Scanning Check 1: Restart the computer, reduce the output resolution in ScanGear (scanner driver) and scan again.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Probl ems with Scanning > Scanner Doe s Not W ork After Up grading W indows Scanner Does Not Work A f ter Upgrading Window s Check: Disconnect the machine from the computer, then uninstall and reinstall the M P Drivers and M P Navigator EX.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > S oftware Problems Softw are Problems E-mail Sof tware Program You W ant to Us e Does Not Ap pear in th e Screen f or Selecti ng an E-m ail Software Program S.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Software Problems > E-mail Software Program You W ant to Use Does Not Appear in the Screen for Sele cting an E-mail Sof tware Program E-mail Software Progr.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Software Problems > Scanned Image Is Printed Enlarged (Reduced) Scanned Image Is Printed Enl arged (Reduced) Check: Set the printing size in the application.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Software Problems > Scanned Image Is Enlarged (Red uced) on the Compu ter Monitor Scanned Image Is Enlarged (Reduced) on the Comp uter Monitor Check 1: Change the display setting in the application. You cannot red uce the displa y size in "Pai nt.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Software Problems > Scanned Image Does Not Open Scanned Image Does Not Open Check: If the file forma t is not supporte d by the application, scan t he image again and sa ve it in a popular file format suc h as JPEG.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > MP Nav igator E X Problems MP Nav igator EX Problems Cannot Sca n at the Corre ct Size Position or Size of the Image Can not be Dete cted Correc tly W hen Sca.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > MP Nav igator EX Problem s > Cannot Scan at the Correct Size Cannot Scan at the Correct Size Check 1: Make sure that the documen ts ar e placed correctly on the Platen. Placing Docum ents Check 2: Set Document Size to the actual document size and scan again.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > MP Nav igator EX Problem s > Position or Size of the Image Canno t be Detected Correctly W hen Scannin g Using the Operation Pan el Position or Size of the.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > MP Nav igator EX Problem s > Document Is Placed Correctly, but the Scanned Image Is Slanted Document Is Placed Correctly, but the Scanned Image Is Slanted Check: In MP Navigator EX, deselect the Correct slanted document checkbox a nd scan agai n.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > MP Nav igator EX Problem s > Document Is Placed Correctly, but the Orientation Changes in the Scanned Image Document Is Placed Correctly, but the Orientati.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > If You Cannot Resolve the Probl em If You Cannot Resolve the Problem If you cann ot resolve th e proble m with any of the workarounds i n this c hapter, pl ease c ontact th e selle r of the mac hine or th e service center.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > FAQs FA Qs No Printing Results/Pri nting Is Blurred/Col ors Are W rong/W hite Streaks Machine Move s But I nk Is Not Ejected Cannot Ins tall the MP Drivers Pr.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Instructions fo r Use (Printer Driver) Instructions for Use (Printer Driver ) This printer driver is subject to the following r estrictions.
1. Select Co ntrol Pane l from the Start menu . 2. Select Ap pearanc e and Pers onalizatio n -> Person alization -> Theme. The Theme Setting s dialo g box opens. 3. At the Theme Settings dialog b ox, click the Themes tab , and se lect W indows Clas sic fro m Theme.
Advanced Guide > Troubleshootin g > Genera l Notes (Scanner Driver) General Notes (Scanner Driv er) ScanGear (scan ner driver) is subject to the following restrictions. Keep these points in mind when usin g it. Scanner Driver Restrictions W h en usin g the NTFS file s ystem, the TW AIN da ta sourc e may not be invoked.
You cannot s can im ages with Media Center includ ed in W indows Vis ta and W indo ws XP M edia Center Editi on 2005. Scan with other applic ations s uch as MP Navigator EX. In some applic ations, you may enco unter a pro blem when you s witch to thum bnail view in th e Advanced Mode tab of ScanGear (s canner driver).
Advanced Guide > Appen dix A ppendix Printing Area Deleting the Unde sired Print Job Updating the MP Drivers Uninstalling the On- Screen Manuals Transporting the Machine Opening th e Printer Prop e.
Advanced Guide > Appendix > Printing Area Printing A rea To ensure the best print quality, t he ma chine allows a margin along eac h edge of media. The actual printable area will be the area inside these margins . Recom mended printing are a : Canon recom mends that you prin t within this area.
Advanced Guide > Appendix > Printing Area > Other Sizes t han Letter, Legal, Envelopes Other Sizes than Letter, Legal, Env elopes Size Printable Area (width x height) A5 5.56 x 7.95 inc hes / 14 1.2 x 202.0 mm A4 8.00 x 11.38 inc hes / 2 03.2 x 289.
Advanced Guide > Appendix > Printing Area > Letter, Legal Letter, Legal Size Printable Area (width x height) Letter 8.00 x 10.69 inc hes / 2 03.2 x 271.4 mm Legal* 8.00 x 13.69 i nches / 203.2 x 347.6 m m * This page s ize can be used on ly when printing from your co mputer.
Advanced Guide > Appendix > Printing Area > Envelopes Envelopes Size Recommended Pri nting Area (width x height) European DL* 4.06 x 7.07 inc hes / 10 3.2 x 179.6 mm US Comm. Env. #1 0* 3.86 x 7.91 in ches / 98.0 x 200.9 mm * This page s ize can be used on ly when printing from your co mputer.
Advanced Guide > Appendix > Deleting the Und esired Print Job Deleting the Undesired Print Job If the prin ter does not start printing, the print job data cancel led or fa iled ma y be remain ing. Delete the undesi red print j ob by usin g the Cano n IJ Status Monitor.
Advanced Guide > Appendix > Updating the M P Drivers Updating the MP Drivers Obtaining the Lates t MP Drivers Deleting t he Unnece ssary MP Drivers Before Ins talling the MP Drivers Install ing .
Advanced Guide > Appendix > Updating the M P Drivers > Obtain ing the Latest MP Drivers Obtaining the Latest MP Drivers The MP Drivers include a printe r driver and scanner dr iv er (ScanGear ). By updating t he MP Drivers to the la test versio n of the MP Drivers, unr esolved pro blems may be sol ved.
Advanced Guide > Appendix > Updating the M P Drivers > De leting the Unne cessary MP Drivers Deleting the Unnecessary MP Driv ers The MP Drivers you no longer u se can be delet ed. W h en delet ing the MP Drivers, firs t exit all prog rams tha t are runni ng.
Press the Alt key. On the File me nu, sel ect Run as admini strator, a nd then c lick Server Properties .... W h en the Use r Accoun t Control di alog bo x appears, clic k Contin ue. Click th e Drivers tab. In the Ins talled p rinter drivers list, c lick the printe r to delet e.
Advanced Guide > Appendix > Updating the M P Drivers > Bef ore Installing the MP Drivers Before Installing the MP Drivers This section describes th e items that yo u should check before installing the M P Driv ers. Y ou should also refer to thi s sect ion if th e MP Drivers cannot be instal led.
Advanced Guide > Appendix > Updating the M P Drivers > Ins talling th e MP Drivers Installing the MP Driv ers You can acc ess ou r web site throu gh the Int ernet and download the l atest MP Drivers for your m odel. The procedure for installing the downloaded MP Drivers is as follows: 1.
Related Topics Obtaining the Lates t MP Drivers Before Ins talling the MP Drivers Page top Page 917 of 988 pages Installing the MP Drivers.
Advanced Guide > Appendix > Uninstallin g the On-Screen Manual s Uninstalling the On- Screen Manuals Follow the procedure below to u ninstall all of the installed on-scre en manuals from yo ur computer. Before uninstalling the o n-screen manuals, exit all on-screen manuals that are o pening.
Advanced Guide > Appendix > Transporting the Machin e Transporting t he Machin e W hen relocating the machine, pack the machine u sing the original packing mate rials. If you do not have the ori ginal pa cking material s, pack the ma chine c arefully us ing prote ctive mate rial and plac e it ins ide a s turdy box.
Advanced Guide > Appendix > Opening the Printer Propertie s Dialog Box (W i ndows) Opening the Printer Properties Dialog Box (Window s) The printer dri ver setup window can b e displ ayed through the appl icatio n software in u se or the Start menu of the W indows.
Advanced Guide > Appendix > Opening the Page Setup an d Print Dialog Box (Macintosh) Opening the Page Setup and Print Dialog Bo x (Macintosh) You can open the Page Se tup dial og box and the Pri nt dialo g box from the a pplicat ion progra m you are using.
Advanced Guide > Appendix > Opening the Cano n IJ Printer Utility (Macin tosh) Opening the Cano n IJ Printer Utility (Macintosh) To open the Can on IJ Prin ter Utility, fo llow the proce dure belo w. In Mac OS X v.10.5.x 1. Select Sy stem Preferences on the Apple menu.
In Mac O S X v.10 .4.x or M ac OS X v 10.3 .9 1. Select A pplications on the Go menu. 2. Double-click the Utilities folder, and then double-click the Printer Setup Utility icon. The Printer List opens. 3. Select your machine's name in the Name list and click Utility .
Advanced Guide > Using Easy-Pho toPrint EX Using Easy-PhotoPrint EX --- Transforming Your Photo s into Creative Works of A rt --- Easy-PhotoPrint EX allow s you to crea te albums, calendars a nd stickers easily using pho tos taken with digital cameras .
CHECK! Select Alb um to ad d text and frame s. You canno t decorate photos with Photo Print. Create a Cale ndar Using Your Favorite Photos Create cal endars e asily with Easy-Photo Print EX. Create your own cal endar us ing your favorit e photos ! It'll be exciting to turn th e calen dar pages .
Page top Page 926 of 988 pages Using Easy-PhotoPrint EX.
Advanced Guide > Using MP Naviga tor EX Using MP Nav igator EX MP Navigator EX is an appli cation that enab les you to easily sc an photo s and do cument s.
Scan w ith One-cli ck In One-click Mode, MP Navigator EX completes f rom scanning to saving, with a click of an icon. One-click Mode also allows y ou to scan and sa ve images as PDF files or attach them to e-mail automatica lly. Scan and Correc t/Enhance Photos You can easi ly correct/ enhance scanne d photos using MP Navigator EX.
Advanced Guide > About Solution Menu A bout Solution Menu Quick Shortcut!! Solution Menu Solution Menu is a menu window t hat provide s quick acc ess from your desktop to Canon applications, manuals, and online pro duct inform ation.
(large or sm all). Solution Menu opens with t he last used window size next t ime it is started. W hen screen size is sm all Starting an Application 1. Point to a button on the w indow to display the description of each application. 2. By clicking each button, the introduced application starts.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication A bout Network Commu nication Changing and Confirming Networ k Settings Troubleshooting Appendix Glossary Page top Page 931 of 988 pages About Network C.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Changing and Confir ming Network Settings Changing and Con firming Netw ork Settings Canon IJ Ne twork Tool Canon IJ Ne twork Tool Dialog Box Canon.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Changing and Confir ming Network Settings > Canon IJ Network Tool Canon IJ Network Tool The Canon IJ Net work Tool is a uti lity that en ables you to displ ay and mod ify the mac hine ne twork settings.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Changing and Confir ming Network Settings > Canon IJ Network Tool Dialog Box Canon IJ Netw ork Tool Dialog Box This section describes th e items displayed on the Canon IJ Netw ork Tool dialog box .
This item has the sam e function as Configuration in the Settings menu. Page top Page 935 of 988 pages Canon IJ Network Tool Dialog Box.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Changing and Confir ming Network Settings > Canon IJ Network Tool Menus Canon IJ Netw ork Tool Menus This section describes th e menus in the Cano n IJ Network Tool dialog b ox. 1. File menu Exit Exits the Canon IJ Network Tool.
3. Settings menu Configuration Displays th e Configura tion dia log box to con figure se ttings o f the sel ected p rinter. Note This item h as the s ame fun ction as Configura tion in the Canon I J Network Tool dial og box. A ssociate Port Displays th e Assoc iate Port d ialog bo x and you can ass ociate a port with the printer.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Changing and Confir ming Network Settings > Changing the Settings in the W ire less LAN Sheet Changing the Setting s in the Wireless LA N Sheet To change th e wireless ne twork setting s of the printer, c onnect th e printer and the c omputer with a USB cable te mporaril y.
3. Search The Search di alog box is di splayed to select an acc ess poi nt to con nect to. Search dialog box Note W h en the Can on IJ Network Tool ru ns over a LAN, t he button is grayed o ut and c annot be select ed. Connec t the prin ter and th e compu ter with a USB cabl e tempo rarily to cha nge the settings.
1. Detected Ac cess Po ints The signal strength from the a ccess point, e ncryption type , name o f acces s point , and the radio channel can be confirmed. Important If you conn ect to a n etwork that is not prote cted with sec urity meas ures, the re is a ri sk of disclosing data such as your per sonal information to a third party.
Specify the printer W EP setti ngs. W hen c hanging the pas sword (W EP key), the sam e chan ge must be made to the pa ssword (W EP key) of the a ccess point.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Changing and Confir ming Network Settings > Changing the W PA or W PA2 Detailed S ettings Changing the WPA or WPA 2 Detailed Settings To change th e wireless ne twork setting s of the printer, c onnect th e printer and the c omputer with a USB cable te mporaril y.
1. Authentication Typ e Type of authenti cation u sed for c lient a uthentic ation is displ ayed. This machine suppor ts the PSK authentication met hod. PSK This authentication t ype uses a passp hrase entered in t he next screen . 8. Enter the pass phrase, co nfirm the ty pe of dynamic encry ption an d click Next.
Important If the prin ter cann ot comm unicate with the com puter afte r the enc ryption type of t he printer was switched, ma ke sure that enc ryption types f or the co mputer an d the ac cess p oint mat ches th at set to th e printer.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Changing and Confir ming Network Settings > Changing the Settings in the W ire d LAN Sheet Changing the Setting s in the Wired LA N Sheet Note Select W ired LAN active in the Change wireless/wired on the Operatio n Panel to change the settings in the W i red LAN she et.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Changing and Confir ming Network Settings > Changing the Settings in the Admin P assword Sheet Changing the Setting s in the A dmin Password Sheet 1. Start up the Canon IJ Netw ork Tool. Starting up Canon IJ Network Tool 2.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Changing and Confir ming Network Settings > Monitoring W ireless Network Status Monitoring Wireless Network Status Note W hen using the pr inter over the W ired LAN, Signal Strength, Link Quality, or Advanced Measurement is not available.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Changing and Confir ming Network Settings > Initializing the Network Settings of the Machine Initializing the Netw ork Settings of th e Machine .
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Changing and Confir ming Network Settings > Viewing the Mod ified Settings Viewing the Mod ified Settings The Confirmation dialog b ox is displayed when y ou modified the printer settings on the Configuratio n dialog b ox.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Changing and Confir ming Network Settings > Printing Out Network Setting Information Printing Ou t Netw ork Setting Information You can print out the n etwork setting s of the machin e such as its I P address and SSID.
Link Status Status of the W ired LAN Active/Inactive MAC Address MA C Address XX :XX :XX :XX :XX:X X TCP/IP Version T CP/IP Versi on IPv4/IPv6 IP Address IP Ad dress XX X.X XX .XX X.XX X Default Gateway Default Gateway XX X.X XX .XX X.XX X Subnet Mask*1 Subnet Mask XX X.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshooting Troubleshoo ting Troubleshooting How to Set a Network Key/Network Pass word Cannot Comm unicat e W ith the Machine /Cannot Prin t f.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > Troubleshooting Troubleshoo ting This section desc ribes troublesho oting tips for problems you may encou nter when using the machine. For trouble shootin g tips re lated to the setu p, refer to the Network Setup Troub leshooting .
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > How to Set a Network Key/Netw ork Password How to Set a Netw ork Key/Network Pa ssw ord Cannot Connect with an Access Point t.
Page top Page 955 of 988 pages How to Set a Network Key/Network Pa ssword.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > Cannot Communicate With the Machine/Cannot Print from the Machine Cannot Commu nicate With the Machine/Cannot Print from t he.
Check 3: If a netw ork key is set to the acce ss point, set the m achine to match it. How to Set a W EP/W PA/W PA2 Key Check 4: M ake sure that the valid w ire less cha nnel is use d. The wireless channel to be used m ay be limited depending on wireless network devices install ed in the compu ter.
Check 1: Make sure that t he machine is turned on. Check 2: Is Change w ireles s/w ired in Dev ice se ttings set to Wireless LA N ac tive or Wired LAN active? Changing the Machine Sett ings on the LCD Check 3: When using w i red LAN, make sure that the LAN cable is connecte d properly .
point and th e machine. The Machine Cannot Be Detec ted in the Netw ork Check 1: Make sure that t he machine is turned on. Check 2: M ake sure that the USB cable is connected properly. Refer to the setup m anual of the mac hine to connec t the USB cab le properl y.
set the security software to alway s allow access. If using any program s that s witch the network en vironment, check their set tings. Som e programs w ill enable a firew all by default. Check 14: When us ing a router, connec t the printer and computer to the LAN side (same netw ork segment).
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > The Following Screen Is Displayed During Setup The Fo llow ing Screen Is Display ed During Setup The Enter Pass word Dialog B.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > Printer Status Monitor of the Machine Does Not Operate Printer Status Monitor of the Machine Does Not Operate Use the printe r driver with bidire ctional communication.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > Cannot Print, Scan, or Access the Card Slot from a Computer Conn ected to the Network Cannot Print, Scan, or A ccess the Card Slot from a Computer Connected to th e Network Check 1: Make sure that the netw ork settings of the computer are correct.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > It Takes a Long Time for Printing to Start It Takes a Long Time for Printing to Start Check 1: The machine may be printing out or scanning a large job issued from another computer.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > The Admin Password Set to t he Mach ine W a s Forgotten The A d min Password Set to th e Machine Was Forgotten Initiali ze the LAN set tings.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > Checking Information ab out the Network Checking Information abo ut the Netw ork Checking the IP Address or t he MAC Address .
of the ma chine. Changing the Machine Sett ings on the LCD Printing Out Network Setting In formation Page top Page 967 of 988 pages Checking Information about the Network.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > Restoring the Machine's Network Settings to Factory Default Restoring the Machine's Netwo rk Settings to Factory De.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > Updati ng the MP Drivers Updating the MP Driv ers Download the la test MP Drivers in advan ce. After unins talling the MP Drivers, insta ll the l atest MP Drivers acc ording to the regul ar proced ure.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > Uninstall ing the Canon IJ Network Tool/Canon IJ Network Scan Utility Uninstalling the Canon IJ Network Tool/Canon IJ Netw ork Scan Utility Uninstalling the Canon I J Netw ork Tool Follow the proc edure be low to uninst all the Ca non IJ Network Tool from your co mputer.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > Cannot M ount the Card Slot Cannot Mount the Card Slot The Availabl e Drive Letter Cannot Be Selected on the Network Setup of.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > Cannot Use the Card Slot Cannot Use the Card Slot Check 1: Is the i con of the Card Slot display ed? To use the Card Slot over network , you have to mount the Card Slot as the network dr ive of the computer.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > Cannot Access to the Memory Card in the Ca rd Slot Using M P Navigator EX Cannot A ccess to the Memory Card in the Card Slot .
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > Cannot Access to t he Card Slot Because of Some Security Settings on the Computer Cannot A cces s to the Card Slot Because of Some Security Settings on the Comp uter Check 1 : M ake su re that Rea d/write attribute in Device settings is set to Writable from LA N PC.
5. Use the same procedure to open the other ports (138TCP, 138UDP, 139TCP, and 139UDP). 6. Confirm that the po rt names are add ed on the Excep tions shee t, and click OK. Check 5: Change the w orkgroup name to "WORK GROUP" follow ing the procedure below .
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Troubleshoot ing > Date Modified of File s Changes W hen Saving Them on the Memory Card over Network Date Modified of Files Changes When Saving .
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Appen dix A ppendix Restrictions Initial Values Set at Factory (Network) Using the Card Slot over a Network Page top Page 977 of 988 pages Appendix.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Appendix > Restrictions Restrictions If you use a printer over t he wireless L AN, the prin ter may reco gnize nearby wireles s system s, you should set a ne twork key (W EP, W PA, or W PA2) to the ac cess point to encrypt wireless transmi ssion .
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Appendix > Initial Values Set at Factory (Netw ork) Initial Value s Set at Fac tory (Netw ork) Item Initial Values Change wireless/wired Disable.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Appendix > Using the Card Slot over a Network Using the Card Slot over a Network Confirmin g W hether the Card Slot is Mounted Mounting the Card.
6. Confirm that the canon_me mory icon for the Card Slot app ears on Com puter (or My Computer). Note If the Card Sl ot canno t be mou nted prop erly, see Cannot Mo unt the Card Slot . Restrictions on Card Slot Use ov er a Network The Card Slot can be sha red by multiple computers , if the machine is connected to a netw ork.
to the Internet via a router. For information on using a r outer, contact y our Internet servic e provider or a netw ork devic e manufacturer. If y ou w rite files to a m emory card ove r a netw ork w hen the Canon IJ Netw ork Scan Utility is not running, the Da te Modified of the files may not be proper.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Glossary Glossary About Techni cal Terms Page top Page 983 of 988 pages Glossary.
Advanced Guide > About Network Communication > Glossary > About Technical Terms A bout T echnical T erms In this section, te chnical terms used in th e manual are ex plained.
point. Open System In this authen tication method, the communication partn er is authenticated w ithout using W EP ke y even if "Use W EP" i s selec ted. Shared Key In this authen tication method, the communication partn er is authenticated u sing the W EP k ey that was set for encryption.
automati cally. For the pro cedure to check the IP add ress of the printe r, see Checkin g the IP Add ress or t he MAC Address of the Machine . IPv4/IPv 6 They are internetwork-l ayer protocol used o n the int ernet. IPv4 us es 32-bi t address es and IPv6 uses 128-bit addres ses.
PSK An encryp tion m ethod employed by W PA/W PA2. R Router A relay device to connect to another network. S Signal Strength The strength of the si gnal rec eived by the pri nter from the acc ess poi nt is i ndicate d with a value from 0 to 100%. SSID Unique label for w ireless LAN.
WEP/WEP Key An encryp tion m ethod employed by IEEE 802.11. Shared security key used to encryp t and decrypt data sent over wireles s networks. This printer s upports key length of 64 bi ts or 128 bits, key format of ASCII code or Hexadecimal, and k ey num ber of 1 t o 4.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Canon MP640 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Canon MP640 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Canon MP640 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Canon MP640 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Canon MP640, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Canon MP640.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Canon MP640. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Canon MP640 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.