Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CR-135I del fabbricante Canon
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♦ Please read this manual before operating this scanner . Operation & Maintenance Guide.
2 ■ FCC REGULATIONS (For 120V mo del) Check Reader, Model M111071/M111021 This device complies with Part 15 of t he FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two condit ions: (1) This device .
3 ■ Tradem arks • Canon and the C anon logo are register ed trademarks of Canon I nc. in the United States and may also be trademarks or r egistered trademarks in other countries.
4 INTRO DUCTION Thank you for purc hasing the C anon Check Read er CR-135i/CR-190i. Please read this manual thoroughly before using the machine in order to familiarize yourself with its capab ilities, and to make the most of its many functions. Manual s for the CR-1 35i/CR -190i The following manuals a re provided with the C R-135i/CR-190i.
5 Table of Cont ents INTRODUCTION ............. ........... ................. ........... ............... 4 Manuals for the CR -135i/CR-190i ............... ............................ .... 4 Symbols Used in This Manual ..............................
6 Document Fe eding and Scanning This chapter describes precautions regarding documents that can be handled on this scanner and scanning operations. Documents This sectio n describes the types of documents that can be used and how to place them. CAUTION Treat the documents carefully.
7 Envelope You can also scan the envelope. W hen using separation OFF mode, you can scan an envelope with thickness up to 0.02" (0.5 mm) or weight up to 111 l b bond (413 g/m 2 ). NOTE • Disable the double feed detection function. (See “Usi ng Ultrasonic Double Feed Detection,” on p.
8 Docume nt Feedin g and Scann ing This section des cribes how t o load and scan document s. CAUTION • Avoid wearing l oose fi tting cloth ing, da ngling je welry, long ti es, or long hair th at could bec ome entangle d with movi ng parts, especially the ro llers that feed p aper through t he scanner.
9 5 Instruct scanning to start from t he softwar e applicat ion. NOTE • When Using the Accompanying Scanning Utility for CR-135i/ CR-190i: There are three scanning methods as follows. Follow the each instruction. Scan 1 page Click [Scan Page] from the [F ile] menu.
10 Troubleshooting This chapter des cribes the problem s that might occur in the CR-135i/ CR-190i, and how to remedy them. When the Scan ner Is Not Rec ogniz ed The following causes and remedies describe why your comput er may not recognize the scanner.
11 2 Press and hold the STAR T Button . The jammed docum ent is ejecte d into the Eject Poc ket. If the above procedure does not clear the pape r jam, perform the following to remove the jammed document. 3 Pull the Open B utton, and pull the Front Maint enance Cover ope n to the rig ht and left.
12 7 Close the Front Maintenance Cov er in the order shown in the diag ram below. Feed ing Troubl e If the document is not fed properly or the detection functions do not work properly, remedy the probl em by checking the following conditions. Conditi on A paper j am has o ccurred.
13 When the Sca nned Image Is Not Normal If there is a problem wit h the scanned image (the image is not sharp or stripes appear), one of the following conditions may be a probable cause. Check the following conditions, and take the appropri ate action.
14 Maintenance This chapter des cribes how to clean and m aintain the scanner. Daily Cleaning To ensure high-quality image scanni ng, regularly clean your CR-135i/ CR-190i as described below. CAUTION • Before you clean the scanner, turn OFF the scanner and computer, and disconnect the power cord from the power outlet.
15 3 Wipe the feed path with a firmly wrung cloth, mo istened slightly with water or mild detergent. Then, wipe off wit h a clean, dry cloth. 4 Close the Bac k Maintenance Cover. 5 Close the Front Maint enance Cover in the order shown in the diagram be low.
16 Cleaning the Scanning Glass and Rollers If stripes ap pear on sc anned images or if dirt appears on scanned documents, clean the scanning glass and rollers. Clean the scanning glass and rollers regularly. 1 Remove the T op Cover. 2 Pull the Open B utton, and pull the Front Maint enance Cover ope n to the rig ht and left.
17 5 Spin the rollers while wiping them clean with a firmly wrung cloth dampened with water or a mild detergent. There are 26 roller positions, as shown in the diagram b elow. NOTE • Use cotton swabs to clean the rollers in locations that are too narrow for your fingers.
18 8 Close the Front Maintenance Cov er in the order shown in the diag ram below. 9 Repla ce t he Rol ler Cove r. 10 Care full y re plac e the Top Cover . IMPORTANT If paper jams and double feeds (two papers being fed at the same time) still occur after cleaning the rollers, the rollers ma y be worn.
19 Cleaning the Magnetic Heads If the magnetic heads are dirty, then MICR characters cannot be scanned correctly. Periodically, clean the magnetic heads with a commercially available audio head cleaner. 1 Pull the Open B utton, and pull the Front Maint enance Cover ope n to the rig ht and left.
20 Cleaning the Ink Jet Nozzles Ink that collects around the ink jet nozzles may st ain your documents or cause the text or bitmap to appears as scratched. Clean the area around the ink jet nozzles periodically. Cleaning the ink jet nozzles is also efficient action when the printed text or bitmap becomes faint.
21 Cleaning with the Cleaning Cards (U.S.A. Only) If a black stripe appears on th e back-side of scanned im ages or if dirt appears on t he paper documents u pon scanning or for preventative measures, we r ecommend that you clean your Canon CR-Series scanner as needed with a cleaning card.
22 Maintena nce Make the following adjustments to maintain scanning quality. Replacing the Ink Cartridge The ink cartridge needs to be replaced i f the printed text becomes scratchy or faint even if you have cleaned the i nk jet nozzle. The ink cartridge is not included wit h the scanner.
23 3 Push the i nk cartri dge bac kward, and then rem ove th e ink cartri dge. CAUTION Do not touch t he ink jet nozzl e right af ter impr inting. The nozzle may be very hot. 4 Place t he ink cart ridge sho wn in the diagra m below . CAUTION Do not touch th e electrical conta ct on the carriag e.
24 7 Carefully replac e the Top Co ver. Replacing the ink disposal tank When the following con ditions appear, you have to replac e the ink disposal tank according to the f ollowing procedure. • When the ink cart ridge is replaced. • When clumpy ink appears on th e ink disposal tank as sh own below.
25 2 Remov e the in k disp osal tank . WARNING Do not print without the ink disposal tank. Doing so may cause a malfunction. NOTE • Be careful not to get dirty with i nk. • When you discard the ink disposal tank, put it in t he plastic bag in the box of the ink disp osal tank.
26 Replacing the Rollers When rollers are worn, paper jams and double feeds tend to occur. You can replac e the rollers (P ickup Roller, Feed Roller, and Separation Roller) according to the following procedure. The exchange roller kit is not included with the scanner.
27 4 Pinch th e Separat ion Rolle r at the rim and the fixi ng lever, and then remov e it with pressing the Separ ation OFF Mode Button. NOTE If the Separation Roller is not rem oved easily b ecause of the f ixing lever position, turn the Pickup Roller in anticl ockwise direction by hand.
28 7 Attach the Pickup Ro ller. IMPORTANT Push down t he roller until it c licks into place. 8 Attach the Feed Ro ller. Align the no tch on th e roller axis with the hole on the roll er. IMPORTANT Push down t he roller until it c licks into place. 9 Attach the Sepa ration Roll er with pushi ng the Separati on OFF Mode Button.
29 11 Repla ce t he Rol ler Cove r. 12 Carefully replac e the Top Co ver. 13 Adju st the Ad justme nt Dial to 5. For more informa tion, see “Adjusting the Separation Roller Gap” on p. 29. Adjusting the Separation Roller Gap If double feed should occur too often, adjust the Separation Roller gap according to the f ollowing procedure.
30 Index A Adjustin g the P rint Positi on......... ...... .... .... ....... .... ...... .... ....... .... ... 23 Adjustmen t Dial ....... .... .... ...... ..... ...... .... ...... ..... ...... .... .... ....... .... ... 29 Amount loaded .............
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Canon CR-135I è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Canon CR-135I - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Canon CR-135I imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Canon CR-135I ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Canon CR-135I, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Canon CR-135I.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Canon CR-135I. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Canon CR-135I insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.