Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto A3300ISBK del fabbricante Canon
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Camera User Guide ENGLISH • Make sur e you read this g uide, incl uding the Safety Precaution s before u sing the ca mera. • Reading this guide will help you le arn to use the camera properly. • Store thi s guide sa fely so that you can u se it in the fut ure.
2 Check if the following i tems are incl uded in yo ur camera pa ckage. If anything is missing, c ontact the retailer wher e you purc hased the camera.
3 Test Shots and Disclaimer Take some init ial test sh ots and play them ba ck to make sure t he images were recorde d correctly . Please note tha t Canon Inc.
4 What Do You Want to Do? 4 z Shoot, leaving it to the camera to make settings ......................... 24 z Just take pictures (Easy mode) .................................................... 29 Iw P At the beach (p. 69) Against snow (p. 70) V Kids and pets (p.
What Do You Want to Do? 5 1 z Look at my pictures ...................................................................... 27 z Easy playback (Easy Mode)......................................................... 29 z Automatically play back pi ctures (slideshow) .
6 Chapters 1 – 3 explain th e basic opera tions and freq uently used f unctions of this came ra. Chapte rs 4 onward explain the advanc ed function s, letti ng you learn more a s you read each chapte r. Checking the Package Contents .......2 Read This First .
Table of Contents 7 Shooting in Program A E .... ............. 84 Adjusting the Brightness (Exposure Compensat ion) ............ 85 Turning th e Flash On ........... ........... 85 Adjusting the White Ba lance ........... 86 Changing the ISO Speed ...
Table of Contents 8 Changing Camera Settings..... .......150 Changing Shooting Functi on Settings .......... ............. ............. ....157 Changing Playback Function Settings .......... ............. ............. ....161 Using Househ old Power .
9 • Icons are use d in the text to re present the c amera buttons and dials. • Language th at display s on the scre en appears i nside [ ] ( square brac kets). • The direction al buttons an d FUNC./SET butt on are repres ented by the following icons.
10 • Before using the product, please ensure that you read the safety precautions described below. Always ensure that the product is used correctly. • The safety precautions noted on the following pages are intended to prevent injuries to yourself and other persons, or damage to the equipment.
Safety Precautions 11 • Turn the camera off in places where camera use is prohibited. The electromagnetic waves emitted by the camera may interfere with the o peration of electronic instruments and other devices.
Safety Precautions 12 • Remove and store the battery when you are not using the camera. If the battery is left inside the camera, damage caused by leakage ma y occur. • Before you discard the battery, cover the terminals with tape or other insulators.
13 Getting Started This chapter explains preparations before shooting, how to shoot in A mode, and then how to view and erase the images you take. The latter part of this chapter explains how to shoot and view images in Easy mode, how to shoot and view movies, and how to transfer images to a computer.
14 Use the incl uded char ger to charg e the batte ry. Be sure to charge the ba ttery as it is not c harged at the ti me of purchase. Remove the cover. Insert the battery. z Align the o marks on the battery and charger, t hen insert the batt ery by sli ding it in ( ) and down ( ).
Charging the Battery 15 Number of Possible Shots • The number of shots that can be taken is based on the Camera & Ima ging Products Association (CIPA) measurement standard. • Under some shooting conditions, the number of shots that can be take n may be less than mentioned above.
16 The cards bel ow can be used wit hout restrict ions on their ca pacities. • SD memory cards* • SDHC memory cards* • SDXC memo ry cards* • MultiMedia Cards • MMC plus memory cards • HC MMC plus memory cards * This memory card complies with the SD standards.
Inserting the Battery and Memory Card 17 Insert the memory card. z Insert the me mory card as shown until it locks into place with a click. z Be sure the memor y card is orient ed correctly . Inserti ng the memory card in t he wrong direct ion could damage t he camera.
Inserting the Battery and Memory Card 18 Removing the Battery and Memory Card Remove t he battery . z Open the cove r and press the battery lock in the direc tion of the arro w. X The battery will pop up. Remove the memory card. z Push the memory card i n until you hear a click, then slowly re lease it.
19 The Date/Time se ttings screen will appear th e first time th e camera is turn ed on. Since th e dates and times re corded into yo ur images are ba sed on these settings, b e sure to s et them. Turn on the camera. z Press the power button. X The Date/Time screen will ap pear.
Setting the Date and Time 20 Changing the Date and Time You can change the current da te and time set tings. Display the menu. z Press the n butt on. Choose [Date/Time] from the 3 tab. z Move the zoo m lever to choo se the 3 tab. z Press the op but tons to choose [Date/Time ], then p ress the m button.
21 You can change the language t hat display s on the screen. Enter Playback mode. z Press the 1 butt on. Display the settings scr een. z Press and hold the m button, then immediately pr ess the n button. Set the disp lay languag e. z Press the opqr buttons to c hoose a language, t hen press the m button.
22 Before you us e a new memory card or one that has be en formatted in other devices, y ou should f ormat the ca rd with this c amera. Formattin g (initializ ing) a memory car d erases all d ata on the memory card. As you canno t retrieve the erased dat a, exercise a dequate caut ion before formatting the memory card.
Pressing the Shutter Button 23 Complete formatting. X When formatti ng ends, [Memor y card formattin g complete] will appear on the screen. z Press the m butt on. To take imag es that are in focus, be sure to first press the shutter button lightly (hal fway) to focu s, then pre ss fully to shoot.
24 Since the ca mera can determi ne the subje ct and shooting conditions, you can let it automa tically sele ct the best settings fo r the scene a nd just shoot . The camera can a lso detect and focus on faces, se tting the colo r and brig htness to optimal le vels.
Taking Pictures (Smart Auto) 25 X When the came ra focuses, it will beep twice and AF fram es will ap pear wh ere the camera focuse d. Several AF fr ames will appear wh en the camera focuse s on more than one point. Shoot. z Press the s hutter butto n fully to s hoot.
Taking Pictures (Smart Auto) 26 • What if a flashing appears? Attach the camera to a tri pod so that the camera does not move and blur the image. • What if the camera does not play any sounds? Pressing the l button while turning on the camera power will turn off all sounds.
27 You can view th e images you ha ve taken on the scr een. Enter Playback mode. z Press the 1 butt on. X The last image y ou took will ap pear. Choose an image. z Pressing the q button wi ll cycle throu gh the images fr om newest to oldest . z Pressing the r button will cycl e through the images fr om oldest to new est.
28 You can ch oose and er ase images o ne at a ti me. Please no te that eras ed images canno t be recovered . Exercise ad equate caution before erasi ng an image. Enter Playback mode. z Press the 1 butt on. X The last image y ou took will ap pear. Choose an image to erase .
29 In Easy mode, op erational ins tructions are displayed on th e screen, and t he camera is set so that only th e buttons and the zoom lever ex plained on th is page are fun ctional. This prevents inc orrect operat ion of the came ra, allowing even beginn ers to take worr y-free pictu res.
30 The camera can aut omaticall y select all sett ings so that you can shoot movies just by pres sing the shut ter button. Enter E mode. z Set the mode dial to E . Compose the shot. z Moving the zoom lev er toward i will zoom in on your sub ject, making it appear larger.
Shooting Movies 31 X Recording w ill start, and [ Rec] and the elapsed time will appear on th e screen. z Once shooti ng begins, take your fi nger off the shutter but ton. z If you chan ge the compo sition of yo ur shot during sh ooting, the focus will sta y the same, but the b rightness and t one will automatical ly adjust.
Viewing Movies 32 Shooting Time • Shooting times are based on default settings. • Maximum clip length is approx. 10 minutes. • Recording may stop even if the maximum clip length has not been reache d on some memory cards. SD Speed Class 4 or higher memory cards are recommended.
Viewing Movies 33 Play the movie. z Press the qr buttons to choo se (Play), th en press th e m button. X The movie will play . z If you press the m button , you can pause or resume play back. z Press the op buttons to adjust the volume. X After the mov ie finishes, appears.
34 You can use t he include d software t o transfer i mages you h ave shot with t he camera to a co mputer for view ing. If you a re already us ing softwar e included with anothe r Canon-brand compact digita l camera, inst all the softwa re from the includ ed CD-ROM, overwr iting your cu rrent insta llation.
Transferring Images to a Computer for Viewing 35 Preparations Windows Vist a and Mac OS X (v10.5) are used for thes e explanati ons. Install the Software. Windows Place the CD in the computer’ s CD- ROM drive. z Place the suppl ied CD-ROM (DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk ) (p.
Transferring Images to a Computer for Viewing 36 Connect the camera to th e computer. z Turn off the c amera. z Open the cove r and insert the inc luded interface cable’s sm aller plug ( p. 2) firmly into the ca mera terminal in the dire ction shown.
Transferring Images to a Computer for Viewing 37 Transfer and View Images z Click [Import Images from Came ra], and then click [Import Un transferre d Images]. X All images not previously transferre d will transfer to th e computer. Tr ansferred images will be sorted b y date and s aved in separate fo lders in the Pi ctures fol der.
38 Accessories Interface Cable IFC-400PCU* AV Cable A VC-DC400* DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk Wrist Strap WS-800 Supplied wi th Camera USB card re ader Windows/Ma cintosh TV Memory Card Canon-Bran d PictBridge Comp liant Printers *Also availabl e for purchase separately.
39 The followi ng camera accessor ies are sold separ ately. Some access ories are not sold in some region s, or may no longer be available. Power Supplies Battery Charger CB-2LA/2LAE z A charger for char ging Bat tery Pack N B- 8L. Battery Pack NB-8L z Recharge able lithium- ion battery .
Separately Sold Accessories 40 Printers Canon-Brand PictBridge Comp liant Printers z By conne cting your ca mera to a Ca non- brand PictBr idge compliant printer, you can print you r images without having to use a computer . For more info rmation, vi sit your ne arest Canon retai ler.
41 Learning More This chapter explains the parts of the camera and what appears on the screen, as well as the bas ic operating instructions. 2 C OP Y.
42 Components Guide A3300 IS A3200 IS Lens Mode Dial Zoom Lever Shooting: i (Telephoto) / j (Wide Angle) (pp. 24, 30, 57) Playback: k (Magnify) / g (Index) (pp. 114, 118) Shutter Button (p. 23) Power Button (p. 19) Microphone (p. 31) Flash (pp. 56, 85) Lamp (pp.
Components Guide 43 A2200 Lens Mode Dial Zoom Lever Shooting: i (Telephoto) / j (Wide Angle) (pp. 24, 30, 57) Playback: k (Magnify) / g (Index) (pp. 114, 118) Shutter Button (p. 23) Power Button (p. 19) Microphone (p. 31) Flash (pp. 56, 85) Lamp (pp. 60, 61, 62, 80, 157) Tripod Socket DC Coupler Terminal Cover (p.
Components Guide 44 Mode Dial Use the mo de dial t o change t he Shooting mode. If you turn the mode dial while in Playback mode, the camera will switch t o Shooting mode. Movie Mode For shooting movies (pp. 30, 105). You can use the largest possible portion of the screen to shoot movies (p.
Components Guide 45 A3300 IS A3200 IS Screen (LCD Monitor) (pp. 46, 171, 173) Speaker 0 (Face Selector) Button (p. 98) 1 (Playback) Button (pp. 27, 113) Indicator (p. 47) l (Display) Button (p. 46) n Button (p. 49) b (Exposure Compensation) (p. 85) / d (Jump) (p.
46 Switching th e Display You can change the screen d isplay using th e l button. Refer to p. 171 for detail s on informat ion that appe ars on the scre en. Shooting Playback Screen Display Information Display No Information Display You can also switch the display by pressing the l button while the image displays right after shooting .
Indicator 47 Screen Display in Dark Shooting Conditions The display automatical ly brightens wh en shooting i n dark condit ions, allowing y ou to chec k the compo sition (Nig ht Display function). However, th e brightnes s of the ima ge on the scr een, and th e brightnes s of the act ual image recorded may be different.
48 You can set commo nly used shoot ing function s using the FUNC. menu. The menu items an d options dif fer depending o n the Shooting mode (pp. 176 – 183). Display the FUNC. menu. z Press the m butt on. Choose a menu item. z Press the op buttons to choose a menu item.
49 Various fu nctions can be se t from the me nus. The menu it ems are organize d under tabs , such as f or shooting ( 4 ) and playba ck ( 1 ). The options differ depending o n the Shooting mode and the Play back mode (pp. 18 4 – 193). Display the menu.
50 You can silenc e or adjust the volu me of camera sounds. Muting Sounds Display the menu. z Press the n butt on. Choose [Mute]. z Move the zoo m lever to choo se the 3 tab. z Press the op but tons to choose [Mute], then press t he qr buttons to choose [O n].
Changing the Sound Settings 51 Adjusting the Volume Display the menu. z Press the n butt on. Choose [Volume]. z Move the zoo m lever to choo se the 3 tab. z Press the op but tons to choose [Volume], the n press the m bu tton. Change th e volume. z Press the op b uttons to choo se an item, then press th e qr buttons to adjust th e volume.
52 You can adjus t the brightnes s of the screen . Display the menu. z Press the n butt on. Choose [LCD Brightness]. z Move the zoo m lever to choo se the 3 tab. z Press the op but tons to c hoose [LCD Brightness ]. Adjust the brig htness. z Press the qr buttons to adj ust the brightness .
53 When you have mis takenly chan ged a setting , you can reset th e camera to the default sett ings. Display the menu. z Press the n butt on. Choose [Reset All]. z Move the zoo m lever to choo se the 3 tab. z Press the op but tons to choose [Reset All], then pres s the m button.
54 To save ba ttery power, the screen turns of f, and the c amera shuts d own automatic ally when it is no t operated fo r a certain time . Power Saving du ring Shoo ting The screen wil l turn off ap proximatel y 1 minute afte r you stop oper ating the camera.
55 Shooting with Commonly Used Functions This chapter explains how to use common functions, such as the self- timer, and how to turn off the flash. • This chapte r assumes tha t the camera is set to A mode. When shooti ng in another mode, check wh ich function s are avail able in tha t mode (pp.
56 You can shoot with the flas h turned off. Press the r button. Choose ! . z Press the qr buttons to choo se ! , then press the m button. X Once set, ! will appear on the scre en.
57 You can use the digit al zoom to zo om up to to approximatel y 20x max imum , and approxima tely 16x maximum and capture subjects th at are too far away fo r the optic al zoom to en large. However, dep ending on the r ecording pix el setting (p. 63 ) and zoom facto r, the images ma y appear c oarse (the zoom factor will appea r in blue).
Zooming in More Closely on Subjects (Digital Zoom) 58 Digital Tele-Converter The focal l ength of th e lens can be set as f ollows: Approximate ly. 1.6x or appr oximately 2.
59 You can inser t the shooting d ate and time in the lower right corner of an image. Once in serted, ho wever, the y cannot b e deleted. B e sure to c heck beforehand that the d ate and time are correc tly set (p. 1 9). Display the menu. z Press the n butt on.
Using the Self-Timer 60 The self-t imer can be used t o shoot a group photo that in cludes the photograph er. The camera will sh oot approximatel y 10 seconds after th e shutter but ton is pr essed. Press the p button. Choose Ò . z Press the op buttons to cho ose Ò , then press the m button.
Using the Self-Timer 61 Shoot. z Press the s hutter butto n halfway to focus on the subjec t, then pre ss it ful ly. X When the sel f-timer s tarts, th e lamp blin ks and the self- timer sou nd plays. X Two seco nds before the shut ter release s, the lamp an d sound sp eed up (the lamp remains lit wh en the flas h will fire) .
Using the Self-Timer 62 Customizing the Self-Timer You can set th e delay (0 – 30 sec onds) and the nu mber of shots ( 1 – 10 shots). Choose $ . z Follow Step 2 o n p. 60 to choose $ , then press the n button immediately. Choose the settings. z Press the op but tons to choose [Delay] or [Shots ].
63 You can choose from 5 recordi ng pixel setti ngs. Choose the recording pixel setting. z After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choos e . Choose an option. z Press the qr but tons to choo se an optio n, then press th e m button. X The setting will appear on the screen.
Changing the Compression Ratio (Image Quality) 64 Approximate Values for Recording Pixels and Compression Ratio • The values in the table are measured according to Canon standards an d may change depending on the subject, memory card and camera settings.
Changing the Compression Ratio (Image Quality) 65 Approximate Va lues for Paper Si ze z For sending i mages as e-mail attachments. z For displa ying on wide- screen HD TVs with an as pect ratio of 16:9. A2 (16.5 x 23.4 in.) A3 – A5 (11.7 x 16.5 – 5.
66 C OP Y.
67 Adding Effects and Shooting in Various Conditions This chapter explains how to add e ffects and how to shoot in various conditions. 4 C OP Y.
68 The camera wil l select t he necessary s ettings for t he conditi ons in which yo u wish to shoot wh en you choose the matching mo de. Enter K mode.
Shooting in Various Conditions 69 J Take landscapes (Lan dscape) z Lets you sh oot majesti c landscap es with a real sen se of dept h. V Take shots of kids and pets (Kids&Pets) z Lets you capt ure subjects that move around, such as children an d pets, withou t missing phot o opportuniti es.
Shooting in Various Conditions 70 P Take shots of pe ople in snow (Snow) z Lets you take br ight, natu ral-color ed shots of people aga inst snowy bac kgrounds. t Take shots of firewo rks (Fireworks) z Lets you t ake shot s of firewo rks in vivi d colors.
71 You can easil y change the br ightness, co lor and tone to mat ch your preferen ces when shoo ting. Set the camera to mode. z Set the mode dial to . Press the m button. X The setting screen will appe ar. Adjust the setting. z Press the op but tons to choose an option, the n press th e qr butt ons while watching the screen to adjust the setting.
72 You can shoot with camera soun ds muted, and t he flash and lamp deactivat ed. Use this mode i n areas where ca mera sounds, lig hts and flash are not permitt ed. Set the camera to mode. z Set the mode dial to . Shoot. You can ad d variou s effects to images w hen shooti ng.
Adding Effects and Shooting (Creative Filters) 73 Shoot images with v ivid colors (Super Vivid) z Lets you take sho ts with vivid, i ntense colors. Take posterize d shots (Poster Effect) z Lets you take sho ts that l ook like an old poster or illu stration.
Adding Effects and Shooting (Creative Filters) 74 Take Shots That Look Like a Miniat ure Model (Miniature Effect) Blurs chos en portions in the top and bottom of a n image to pr oduce the ef fect of a miniature model . Choose . z Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p.
Adding Effects and Shooting (Creative Filters) 75 Shoot with the Effect s of a Toy Camer a (Toy Camera Effect) This effec t darkens and blur s the corners of the image, a nd changes the overall col or so that i t looks li ke an image sh ot with a to y camera.
Adding Effects and Shooting (Creative Filters) 76 Shooting in Monoc hrome You can s hoot imag es in black and whi te, sepia or blue an d white. Choose . z Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p. 72 to choose . Choose a color tone. z Press the l butt on. X [Color Tone] will appear o n the screen.
77 Detecting a Smile and Shoo ting The camera wil l shoot, even w ithout pressi ng the shutter b utton, when i t detects a s mile. Choose . z Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p. 68 to choos e , then press th e l button. z Press the qr button s to choose , t hen press the l button.
Detecting a Face and Shooting (Smart Shutter) 78 Using the Wink Self-Timer Point the ca mera at a person and pr ess the shutt er button full y. The camera will shoot approx imately two second s after it detects a wink. Choose . z Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p.
Detecting a Face and Shooting (Smart Shutter) 79 What if a wink is not detected? • Wink a bit slowly. • A wink may not be detected if eyes are covered by hair or a hat, or when wearing glasses. Changing the nu mber of shots After choosing in Step 1, press the op buttons.
Detecting a Face and Shooting (Smart Shutter) 80 Using the Fa ce Self-Time r The shutter will release appr oximately two seconds after the camera detects a new face (p. 9 2). You can use t his when the photo grapher want s to be in the image, such as a group ph oto.
Shooting Long Exposures 81 You can set t he shutter s peed to a rang e between 1 and 15 seconds to shoot long exposu res. However , you should attach the c amera to a trip od to prevent the camera f rom moving an d blurrin g the image. Choose ≈ . z Follow Steps 1 – 2 on p.
82 C OP Y.
83 Choosing Settings Yourself In this chapter you will learn how to use t he various functions in G mode to progressively advanc e your shooting skills. • This chapter assumes that yo u have set the mode d ial to G mode. • G stands for Prog ram AE.
84 You can choo se the setti ngs for vario us function s to suit your preferences . AE stands for Auto Exposure. The focusing range is as follows: At maximum wide angle ( j ): approxim ately 5.0 cm (2 .0 in.) – in finity. At maximum teleph oto ( i ): approximately 90 cm (3.
85 You can adju st the st andard expos ure set by the camera in 1/3-stop increments in the range of -2 to +2. Enter Exposure Compensation mode. z Press the o button. Adjust the brightnes s. z While watching the screen, pr ess the qr buttons to ad just the brigh tness, then press the m button.
86 The white balance (WB ) function se ts the optima l white bal ance for na tural looking col ors to match the s hooting cond itions. Choose the white balance function. z After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choos e . Choose an option.
87 Choose the ISO spee d. z After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choos e . Choose an option. z Press the qr but tons to choo se an optio n, then press th e m button. X The setting will appear on the screen. Changing the ISO Speed Automatically adjusts the ISO speed to the Shooting mode and shooting conditions.
88 The camera can d etect areas i n the scene, such as faces or backg rounds, that are too brig ht or dar k and aut omatically adjust the m to th e optimum brightness when shootin g. Also, wh en the overall image is lacki ng in contra st, the camera wil l automatic ally correct the image for a sh arper impres sion when shoot ing.
89 You can shoot continuousl y at a maximum speed of approximate ly 0.8 images/sec ond , an d 0.9 images/s econd while the shutter button is p ressed ful ly and held . Choose a Drive mode. z After pres sing the m button, press the op buttons to choos e .
90 You can change the tone of an i mage, for exampl e to sepia or b lack and white, when shooting. Choose My Colors. z After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choos e . Choose an option. z Press the qr but tons to choo se an optio n, then press th e m button.
91 You can shoot an object at a close dis tance or even sh oot extreme close-ups of it. The foc using rang e is approx imately 3.0 – 50 cm (1.2 in. – 1.6 ft.) from the end of the lens at max imum wide angle ( j ). Choose e . z After pressi ng the q button, press the qr buttons to ch oose e , then press the m button.
92 You can change the AF (Auto Focu s) frame mode to match the scene y ou want to shoo t. Choose [AF Frame]. z Press the n button to choos e [AF Frame] fr om the 4 tab, then pres s the qr buttons to ch oose an optio n. Face AiAF • Detects peop le’s faces and sets the f ocus, exposu re (evaluat ive metering only) and white ba lance ( only).
Changing the AF Frame Mode 93 Tracking AF You can choose the subject yo u want to focus on and shoot (p. 94) . Center The AF fram e is locked to the cen ter. This is effective f or focusing on a specific poin t. Changing th e Composition wi th the Focus Lock While you keep the shutter button pressed ha lfway, the foc us and exposu re are locked.
94 You can choose the subject yo u want to focus on and shoot. Choose [Tracking AF ]. z Press the n button to choos e [AF Frame] fr om the 4 tab, then pres s the qr buttons to choose [Track ing AF]. X will appea r in the center o f the screen. Choose the subject to focus on.
Magnifying the Focal Point 95 If you pr ess the shutt er button halfway, the AF frame wil l magnify and you can check the fo cus. Choose [AF-Poi nt Zoom]. z Press the n button to choos e [AF- Point Zoom] fr om the 4 tab, then press the qr buttons to choo se [On].
96 The focus can be loc ked. After l ocking the fo cus, the foc al distanc e will not change ev en when you release yo ur finger fr om the shutt er button. Lock the focus. z Keep the shutt er button pres sed halfway and press the q button. X The focus loc ks and % appears on the screen.
97 While the shu tter button is pressed half way, the focu s and exposure wi ll continue t o adjust, al lowing you to tak e pictures of moving subjec ts without missing a shot. Choose [Servo AF]. z Press the n button to choos e [Servo AF] from the 4 tab, then press the qr buttons to ch oose [On].
98 You can choose a specific per son’s face t o focus on and th en shoot. Enter Face Select mode. z Point the camera toward th e face of th e subject and p ress the 0 butt on. X After [Fac e Select : On ] appears, a face frame will appear aro und the face detected as t he main subjec t.
99 You can change the metering me thod (brightn ess measuring function) to match the sh ooting con ditions. Choose the metering method. z After pres sing the m button, press th e op buttons to choos e . Choose an option. z Press the qr but tons to choo se an optio n, then press th e m button.
100 You can lock t he exposure and shoot, or set the focus and ex posure separatel y to shoot. AE sta nds for “Auto Ex posure”. Choose ! (p. 56). Lock the exp osure. z Point the camera toward the subjec t and press the o button while pr essing th e shutter butto n halfway.
101 You can make t he main subj ect, such a s people, ap pear bright b y having th e camera provi de the approp riate illuminat ion with the f lash. At t he same time, you can u se a slow shutter s peed to br ighten t he backgrou nd that t he light from the flash cannot reach.
102 You can automa tically cor rect red-eye t hat occurs in i mages taken wit h the flash. Choose [Flash Settings]. z Press the n button to choos e [Flash Settings] fro m the 4 tab, the n press th e m button. Choose the setting. z Press the op but tons to choose [Red- Eye Corr.
103 When the camera det ects the possib ility that peop le have their ey es shut, appears on th e screen. Choose [Blink Detection]. z Press the n button to choos e [Blink Detection] from the 4 tab, then press the qr buttons to cho ose [On]. Shoot. X When a perso n with shut eyes is detected, a frame and appe ar on the scree n.
104 C OP Y.
105 Using Various Functions for Shooting Movies This chapter serves as a more advanced version of the “Shooting Movies” and “Viewing Movies” sections in Chapter 1, and explains how to use various functions fo r shooting and viewing movies. • This chapter assumes that yo u have set the mode d ial to E .
106 You can choose among 2 differ ent Movie modes. Choose a Movie mode. z After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choos e E . z Press the qr buttons to choo se a Movie mode, then pres s the m button. You can sh oot movies that look like moving miniature mode ls.
Shoot Movies That Look Like a Miniature Model (Miniature Effect) 107 Choose a playback sp eed. z Press the n butt on. z Press the qr buttons to choo se a playback s peed. z Press the n button to complete the setting and restore the s hooting scre en. Shoot.
108 You can choose among 3 differ ent image qual ity settings . Choose the image quality setting. z After pres sing the m button, press the op buttons to choos e . Choose an option. z Press the qr but tons to choo se an optio n, then press th e m button.
109 You can lock t he exposure or c hange it in 1/3 st eps within a r ange of ±2 before sho oting. Focus. z Press the s hutter butto n halfway to focus. Lock the exp osure. z After re leasing the shutter bu tton, press the o button to lock t he exposure .
110 The followin g functions can be used in the sa me way as for still images. Some functions, however, may not be ava ilable depe nding on th e Shooting mode. Refer to “Fun ctions Availab le in Each Shoot ing Mode” and “Sh ooting Menu” (pp. 176 – 191).
111 You can trim t he beginning s and ends of record ed movies. Choose * . z Follow Steps 1 – 3 on p. 32 to choos e * , then press th e m button. X The movie editing panel and the movie editing bar will appear. Set the editing range. z Press the op but tons and ch oose or .
Editing 112 Save the e dited mo vie. z Press the op butt ons to choose , then press the m button. z Press the qr buttons to choo se [New File], then pre ss the m butt on. X The movie will be s aved as a new file. • When [Overwrite] is chosen in Step 4, the unedited movie is overwritten with the edited movie, erasing the orig inal.
113 Using Various Playback and Editing Functions This chapter explains various ways to play back and edit images. • Press the 1 button to enter Pla yback mode bef ore operati ng the camera.
114 Searching I mages Using In dex Display Displaying multi ple images a t the same time l ets you quickly find the image you want. Move the zoom lever toward g . X Images will di splay in an index. z The number of images increas e each time you move th e lever towa rd g .
115 When there a re many images on the memory card, you can search t hem by a specified method or i mage unit. Choose a jump method. z In single ima ge playback, press the o button. X The jump method and the positi on of the currently dis played image will ap pear at the bottom of the screen.
116 You can automa tically play b ack images re corded to a memor y card. Choose [Slideshow]. z Press the n button to choos e [Slideshow ] from the 1 tab, then press t he m button. Choose a setting. z Press the op buttons to choose a menu item, then pr ess the qr buttons to choose an option .
117 You can magni fy the area of a recorded im age that was ins ide the AF Fra me to check th e focus. Press the l button to switch to the focus check display (p. 46). z For images wit h detected fa ces, you can also switch to the focus check display by pressing t he 0 button.
118 Move the zoom lever toward k . z The display will zoom in on the image and will appear. If you conti nue to hold the zoom lever, it wi ll zoom in up to a maximum factor of approximat ely 10x. z If you press the opqr buttons, you can move the lo cation of th e displaye d area.
119 The camera wil l choose four im ages based on t he displayed ima ge. If you choose on e of those images, the ca mera will select four more images letting you e njoy playing back images in an unexpected or der. This will wor k best if you tak e many shots of va rious scenes .
120 You can choose fr om 3 transiti on effects when swit ching betwee n images in single imag e playback. Choose [Transition]. z Press the n button to choos e [Transition] from th e 1 tab, the n press th e qr buttons t o choose a tr ansition ef fect. Using th e supplied A V cable (p.
Viewing Images on a TV 121 Turn on the TV and switch it to the input the cable is connected to. Turn on the camera. z Press the 1 button to turn o n the camera . X The image will appear on the TV ( nothing will appear on the screen of th e camera). z After you finish, turn off the camera and TV, and unplug the cable.
122 You can pro tect impor tant image s so that t hey cannot be acciden tally erased with the camera (pp. 28, 125). Choose a selection method Choose [Protect]. z Press the n button to choos e [Protect] f rom the 1 tab, then press the m button. Choose a selectio n method.
Protecting Images 123 Protect the image. z If you press the n button, a confirmatio n screen will a ppear. z Press the qr bu ttons to choos e [OK], then press the m button. Select Range Choose [Select Range]. z Follow Step 2 on p. 122 to choose [Sele ct Range], then press the m butt on.
Protecting Images 124 Choose an ending image. z Press the r button to choose [Last image ], then press th e m button. z Press the qr but tons to cho ose an image, then press th e m button. z You cann ot choose images before t he first image. Protect images.
125 You can erase al l images at once. Since erased im ages cannot be re covered, exercise ade quate caut ion before er asing. Protec ted images (p. 122) cannot be erased. Choose a selection method Choose [Erase]. z Press the n butt on to choose [Erase] from the 1 tab, then press t he m button.
Erasing All Images 126 Erase. z If you press the n button, a confirmatio n screen will a ppear. z Press the qr bu ttons to choos e [OK], then press the m button. Select Range Choose [Select Range]. z Follow Ste p 2 on p. 125 to choose [Sel ect Range], then press the m butt on.
127 When you tag images as favorite s, you can easily categorize j ust those images. You ca n also filt er out just th ose images for viewing (p. 11 5). Choose [Fav orites]. z Press the n button to choos e [Favorite s] from the 1 tab, then press the m button.
128 You can organiz e images into cat egories, th en choose the cate gories to filt er and play bac k (p. 115). Choosing a Sele ction Method Choose [My Category]. z Press the n button to choose [My Category] from the 1 tab, then pres s the m button. Choose a selectio n method.
Organizing Images by Category (My Category) 129 X will appear on t he screen. z Press the m button ag ain to deselec t the image. will disapp ear. z To choose addi tional image s, repeat the above procedu re. Complete th e setting. z If you press the n button, a confirmatio n screen will a ppear.
130 You can change the orientat ion of an image and save it. Choose [Rotate]. z Press the n butto n to choose [ Rotate] from the 1 tab, then press t he m button. Rotate the image. z Press the qr b uttons to ch oose an image. X The image will rotate 90° wit h each press of the m butto n.
131 You can res ize images to a lowe r pixel set ting and sa ve the res ized image as a separate file. Choose [Resize]. z Press the n button to choos e [Resize] from the 1 tab, then pre ss the m button. Choose an image. z Press the qr but tons to choo se an image, then press th e m button.
132 You can cut out a po rtion of a reco rded image and sav e it as a new image file. Choose [Trimming]. z Press the n button to choos e [Trimming] from the 1 tab, then pr ess the m button. Choose an image. z Press the qr but tons to cho ose an image, then press th e m button.
Trimming 133 • Images recorded at a pixel setting of or (p. 64), or imag es resized to (p. 131) cannot be ed ited. • The width and heigh t ratio of an image th at can be trimmed is fixed at 4:3. • The number of r ecorded pixels in a t rimmed image will be smaller than before trimming.
134 The camera can d etect areas i n an image, such as faces or back grounds, tha t are too da rk and aut omatically ad just them to the optimum b rightness. Also, when the over all image is la cking in contr ast, the camer a will automati cally correct t he image for a s harper im pression.
135 You can automa tically corre ct red eyes in i mages and save th em as new files. Choose [Red-Eye Correct ion]. z Press the n button to choos e [Red- Eye Correcti on] from the 1 ta b, then press the m button. Choose an image. z Press the qr b uttons to ch oose an image.
136 C OP Y.
137 Printing This chapter explains how to c hoose images for printing, and print using a Canon-brand PictBridge compli ant printer (sold separately). Canon-Brand PictBridge Compliant Printers This chapter uses Canon-brand SELPHY CP series printers in the explanations.
138 Easy Print You can easil y print the pict ures you take by connectin g the camera to a PictBridge compliant p rinter (sold separately ) using the supplied int erface cable (p. 2). Turn off the camera and p rinter. Connect the camera to th e printer.
Printing Images 139 X will appear on the screen. Choose an image. z Press the qr but tons to choo se an image, then press th e m button. Print images. z Press the op buttons to choose [Print], then press th e m button. X Printing will start. z If you want to pri nt additiona l images, repeat Steps 5 and 6 after pr inting has completed.
Printing Images 140 Making Print Setti ngs Connect the camera to th e printer. z Follow Ste ps 1 – 5 on p. 138 t o display the screen on the l eft. Choose a menu option. z Press the op but tons to choose an option. Choose the option settings. z Press the qr but tons to choo se the opti on setting.
Printing Images 141 Trimming and Printing (Tri mming) You can cut out a portion of an image for print ing. Choose [T rimming] . z Follow Ste ps 1 – 2 on p. 1 40 to choo se [Trimming], then p ress the m button. X A frame will ap pear around th e portion of the image to be trimmed.
Printing Images 142 Choosing the Paper Size and Layout for Printing Choose [Paper Settings]. z Follow Ste ps 1 – 2 on p. 1 40 to choo se [Paper Sett ings], th en press the m button. Choose a paper size . z Press the op but tons to choose an option, the n press the m button.
Printing Images 143 Available Lay out Options Printing ID Photos Choose [ID Photo]. z Follow Ste ps 1 – 4 on p. 1 42 to choo se [ID Photo], then pr ess the m butto n. Choose the length of the lon g side and short side. z Press the op but tons to c hoose an item.
Printing Images 144 Printing Movies Connect the camera to th e printer. z Follow St eps 1 – 5 on p. 138 to choos e a movie. z Press the qr buttons to choo se 2 , then press the m button to display the screen on the left. Choose a printing metho d. z Press the op butt ons to choose , then press the qr butt ons to choos e a printing method.
145 You can cho ose up to 998 images on a memory c ard for pr inting and specify settings such as the number of copies so th at they can be pr inted togeth er (p. 148) or proces sed at a photo devel oper servic e. These selec tion methods comply with the DPOF (Digital Pr int Order Fo rmat) standa rds.
Choosing Images for Printing (DPOF) 146 Choosing the Number of Copies Choose [Select Images & Qty.]. z Press the n butt on to choose [Select Images & Qty.] f rom the 2 tab, th en press the m button. Choose an image. z Press the qr but tons to cho ose an image, then press th e m button.
Choosing Images for Printing (DPOF) 147 Select Range Choose [Select Range]. z Follow Step 1 on p. 146 to choose [Sele ct Range], then press the m butt on. Choose images. z Follow Step s 2 and 3 on p. 123 to choose images. Make print settings. z Press the op buttons to choo se [Order], then press th e m button.
Choosing Images for Printing (DPOF) 148 Printing chosen images (DPOF) • When there are images added t o the print list (pp. 145 – 147), the screen on the left will appear when you connect the camera to a PictBridge compliant printer.
149 Customizing Camera Settings You can customize various settings to suit your shooting pr eferences. The first part of this chapter ex plains convenient and common ly used functions. The latter part expl ains how to change shooting and playback settings to suit your purposes.
150 You can custo mize conven ient and commonl y used functi ons from the 3 ta b (p. 49). Changing Sounds You can change each of the camer a’s operati on sounds. z Choose [Sound Options], then press the m button. z Press the op buttons to choose a menu item.
Changing Camera Settings 151 Low Level Memory Card Formatting Perform low lev el formatti ng when [Memory c ard error] ap pears, the ca mera does not oper ate properl y, you think t hat the recor ding/readin g speed of a memory card has dropped, or re cording sudd enly stops whi le shooting a movie.
Changing Camera Settings 152 Changing the Start-up Screen You can change the start-u p screen that appe ars when you turn on the camera. z Choose [S tart-up Im age], the n press the m button.
Changing Camera Settings 153 Changing the File Number Assignment Images you sho ot are automat ically assig ned file numbe rs in the order th ey were taken, from 0001 – 9999, and saved to fold ers of up to 2,0 00 images. You can change the file numbe r assignment.
Changing Camera Settings 154 Creating Folders by Shoo ting Date Images a re saved in to fold ers create d each mont h, however , you can also create fold ers by sho oting date. z Choose [Creat e Folder], the n press the qr buttons to cho ose [Daily ].
Changing Camera Settings 155 Setting the Screen Shut-Off Time You can adjust the time the scre en takes to sh ut off automati cally (p. 54). This also works when [Auto Power Down ] is set to [Off]. z Choose [Po wer Savi ng], then pres s the m button. z Press the op butt ons to choos e [Display Off], then use t he qr buttons to cho ose a time.
Changing Camera Settings 156 Set the world time zone. z Press the op but tons to choose [ World], the n press the m button. z Press the qr buttons to choose the world time zone. z You can also set the daylight s aving time as in Ste p 1. z Press the m butt on.
157 If you set t he mode dial to G , you c an change th e settings in the 4 tab (p. 49). Turning Off the AF Assist Beam The lamp will auto matically light to assist focusin g in low light cond itions when you press the shutter button hal fway. You can turn of f the lamp.
Changing Shooting Function Settings 158 Changing the Imag e Display Time Right After Shooting You can chan ge the length of time the imag es display rig ht after shoo ting.
Changing Shooting Function Settings 159 Displaying the Overlay You can disp lay grid li nes for vertic al and hor izontal gu idance, or a 3 :2 guide to confirm t he printable ar ea for 3.5" x 5" and postcard si ze prints. z Choose [Dis p. Overlay] , then press t he qr buttons to ch oose an optio n.
Changing Shooting Function Settings 160 Changing the I S-Mode Settings z Choose [IS Mode ], then press the qr buttons to ch oose an optio n. A3300 IS A3200 IS Continuous Image stabilization is always on. You can confirm the effects directly on the display, which makes it easier to check the composition or focus.
161 You can adju st the se ttings in th e 1 tab by pressing t he 1 button (p. 4 9). Choosing the Imag e that First Displays in Playback z Choose [R esume], t hen press the qr buttons to ch oose an optio n.
162 C OP Y.
163 Useful Information This chapter introduces how to use the AC adapter kit (sold separately), troubleshooting tips, and contain s lists of functions and items that appear on the screen.
164 If you use AC Adapte r Kit ACK- DC60 (sol d separate ly), you c an use the camera witho ut worrying abou t how much charge is left in the ba ttery. Turn off the camera. Insert the coupler. z Follow Step 2 o n p. 16 to open th e cover, then inse rt the couple r as shown unt il it locks into place with a click.
165 If you think the re is a problem with th e camera, first c heck the followi ng. If the items below d o not solve your pr oblem, conta ct a Canon Custome r Support Help Desk as li sted on the incl uded customer support list. Power You pressed the power button, bu t nothing happened.
Troubleshooting 166 Image is blurred. • Press the shutter button halfway to focus on the subject, t hen press fully to shoot (p. 23). • Shoot the subject within the focusing distance (p. 194). • Set the [AF-assist Beam] to [On] (p. 157). • Confirm that functions which you do not intend to use (macro, etc.
Troubleshooting 167 Recording images to the memory car d takes a long time, or continuous shooting slows down. • Perform a low-level format of the memory card in the camera (p. 151). Cannot make settings for shooting functions or FUNC. menu. • The items in which settings can be made diffe r depending on the shooting mode.
Troubleshooting 168 Computer Cannot transfer images t o a computer. It may be possible to solve the problem when the camera is connected to a computer via cable by reducing the transfer speed. • Press the 1 button to enter Playback mode. Then press and hold the n button and press the o and m buttons together.
169 If error message s appear on the scree n, try one of the follow ing solution s. No memory card • The memory card is not installed in the correct direction. Install the memory card in the correct direction (p. 17). Memory card locked • The SD memory card, SDHC memory card or SDXC memory card’s write protect tab is set to “LOCK”.
List of Messages That Appear on the Screen 170 Invalid s election r ange • When choosing the selection range (pp. 123, 126, 129, 147), you tried to choose a starting image that was after the last image or you tried to choose an ending image that was before the starting image.
171 Shooting (Inform ation Display) * : Standard, : Held vertically When shooting, the camera detects if it is held vertically or horizontally, a nd adjusts settings accordingly for the best shot.
Information Displayed on the Screen 172 Scene Icons In A mode, the camera dis plays an icon for the sc ene it has d etermined and then au tomatically fo cuses and s elects the opt imum settings fo r subject brightnes s and color. * Appears when the scene is dark and the camera is attached to a tripod.
Information Displayed on the Screen 173 Playback (Detail ed Information Disp lay) My Category (p. 128) Shooting Mode (p. 176) ISO Speed (p. 87) Exposure Compensation Amount (p. 85), Exposure Shift Amount (p. 109) White Balance (p. 86) Histogram (p. 47) Compression (Image Quality) (p.
Information Displayed on the Screen 174 Summary of Movie Control Panel in “Viewing Movies” (p. 32) * Displays the frame of approx. 4 sec. before or after the current frame. Exit Playback Slow motion playback (You can use the qr buttons to adjust the speed.
175 • This camera i s a high-pr ecision elec tronic dev ice. Do not drop it or sub ject it to strong impacts. • Never place t he camera close to magnets, motor s or other device s that generate st rong electro magnetic fie lds. Exposur e to strong magne tic fields may cause malfu nctions or corr upt image da ta.
176 Shooting modes G A 9 K I J V Function Exposure Compensation (p. 85) { *1 —— {{{ Self-Timer (pp . 60, 61, 62) { { { {{{{ {{ { — {{{ {{ { — {{{ {{ { — {{{ Custom Timer (p. 62) Delay * 2 {{ { — {{{ Shots * 3 {{ { — {{{ Flash (pp. 56, 85, 101) { { { {{{{ {{ —— {{{ {{ *4 *4 — *5 — { { { {{{{ AE Lock (p.
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 177 K E w O P t ≈ E {{{{{{{{ — {{{{{ — { —— {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{ ——— {{{{ {{{{{{{{ — {{ ——— {{{{ {{{{{{{{ — {{ ——— {{{{ {{{{{{{.
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 178 FUNC. Menu Shooting modes G A 9 K I J V Function ISO Speed (p. 87) { { { {{{{ { — — ———— { — — ———— { — — ———— { — — ———— { — — ———— { — — ———— White Balance (p.
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 179 FUNC. Menu K E w O P t ≈ E {{{{{{{{ — {{{{{{{{{ ———————— { —————— ——— ———————— { —————— .
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 180 Shooting modes G A 9 K I J V Function Exposure Compensation (p. 85) { *1 —— {{{{ Self-Timer (pp. 60, 61, 62) { { { {{{{{ {{ { — {{ {{ {{ { — {{ {{ {{ { — {{ {{ Custom Timer (p. 62) Delay * 2 {{ { — {{{{ Shots * 3 {{ { — {{{{ Flash (pp.
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 181 K E w O P t ≈ E {{{{{{{{ — {{{{{ — { —— {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{ ——— {{{{ {{{{{{{{ — {{ ——— {{{{ {{{{{{{{ — {{ ——— {{{{ {{{{{{{.
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 182 FUNC. Menu Shooting modes G A 9 K I J V Function ISO Speed (p. 87) {{ {{ { { { { { — — ————— { — — ————— { — — ————— { — — ————— { — — ————— { — — ————— White Balance (p.
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 183 FUNC. Menu K E w O P t ≈ E {{{{{{{{ — {{{{{{{{{ ———————— { —————— ——— ———————— { —————— .
184 4 Shooting Menu Shooting Modes G A 9 K I J V Function AF Frame (p. 92) Face AiAF * 1 { { { {{{{ Tracking AF {{ *2 — {{{ Center {{ —— {{{ AF Frame Size (p. 93) * 3 Normal {{ —— {{{ Small {{ —— {{{ Digital Zoom (p. 57) Standard { { { {{{{ Off {{ { — {{{ Digital Tele-convert er * 4 {{ { — {{{ AF-Point Zoom (p.
Menus 185 K E w O P t ≈ E {{{{{{{ — { —— {{{{{{ — ——— {{{{ — { ——— {{{{ —— ——— {{{{ {{{ — {{{{{ —— ——— {{{{ {{{ — {{{{{ —— ——— {{{{ — { —.
Menus 186 Shooting Modes G A 9 K I J V Function Disp. Overlay (p. 159) Off { { { {{{{ Grid Lines {{ { — {{{ 3:2 Guide {{ { — {{{ Both {{ { — {{{ IS Mode (p. 160) Off {{ —— {{{ Continuous { { { {{{{ Shoot Only {{ —— {{{ Panning {{ —— {{{ Date Stamp (p.
Menus 187 K E w O P t ≈ E {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{ —— {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{ —— {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{ —— {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{ —— {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{ {{{ — {{{{{ —————— { —— {{{ — {{{{{ —————— { —— { Selectable, or set a utomatically.
Menus 188 Shooting Modes G A 9 K I J V Function AF Frame (p. 92) Face AiAF * 1 {{ {{ { { { { Tracking AF {{ *2 — {{{{ Center {{ —— {{{{ AF Frame Size (p. 93) * 3 Norma l {{ —— {{{{ Small {{ —— {{{{ Digital Zoom (p. 57) Standard {{ {{ — {{{ Off {{ { — {{{{ 1.
Menus 189 K E w O P t ≈ E {{{{{{{ — { —— {{{{{{ — ——— {{{{ — { ——— {{{{ —— ——— {{{{ {{{ — {{{{{ —— ——— {{{{ {{{ — {{{{{ —— ——— {{{{ — { —.
Menus 190 Shooting Modes G A 9 K I J V Function Disp. Overlay (p. 159) Off { { { {{{{{ Grid Lines {{ { — {{{{ 3:2 Guide {{ { — {{{{ Both {{ { — {{{{ Date Stamp (p.
Menus 191 K E w O P t ≈ E {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{ —— {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{ —— {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{ {{{ — {{{{{ —————— { —— {{{ — {{{{{ —————— { —— { Selectable, or set a utomatically.
Menus 192 3 Set up Menu Item Content Ref. Page Mute On/Off* p. 50 Volume Set all operation sounds (5 levels). p. 51 Sound Options Set the sounds for each camera operation. p. 150 Hints & Tips On*/Off p. 150 LCD Brightness Sets screen brightness (5 levels).
Menus 193 1 Playback Menu 2 Print Menu Item Content Ref. Page Smart Shuffle Starts Smart Shuffle. p. 119 Slideshow Plays back images automatically. p. 116 Erase Erases images (Select, Select Range, All Images). p. 125 Protect Protects i mages (Select, Sel ect Range, All Images).
194 Image Sensor Camera Effective Pixels .................. Approx. 16. 0 million pixels Approx. 14.1 millio n pixels Lens Focal Length .......................... ......... 5x zoom: 5.0 (W) – 25.0 (T) mm (35mm film eq uivalent : 28 (W) – 140 (T) mm) 4x zoom: 5.
Specifications 195 Aperture Type ................................ ................ Circular (Used together with ND f i lter) f/number ............................... ........... f/2.8 / f/8.0 ( W), f/5.9 / f/1 8 (T) f/2.8 / f/8.0 (W ), f/5.9 / f/17 (T) Flash Modes .
Specifications 196 Data Type Still Images .......... ........................... Exif 2.3 (JPEG) Movies................................ ............. MOV (Image data: H. 264; Audio data: Linear PCM (monaural)) Number of Recording Pixels Still Images .
Specifications 197 Battery Pack NB-8L Type................... ..................................Rechargeable lithium-ion batte ry Voltage ................................ ................ 3.6 V DC Capacity................. ............................
198 Numerics 3:2 Guide.................................... ............. 159 A AC Adapter Kit..... ....................... ............. 164 Accessories .............. ....................... .......... 39 AE Lock ............... .....................
Index 199 Servo AF..................................... ........ 97 Focus Check.......... ........................ .......... 117 Focus Lock ........ ........................................ 93 Focusing Range Infinity ............. ...................
Index 200 S Screen Display Language............................... 21 Information Display................... 171, 1 73 Menu J FUNC. Menu, Menu Switching the Display .................... ..... 46 SD/SDHC/SDXC Memory Card J Memory Cards Self-Timer 10 Second Self-Time r .
201 MEMO C OP Y.
202 MEMO C OP Y.
203 MEMO C OP Y.
Disclaimer • Re printing, transmitti ng, or stori ng in a retr ieval sys tem any part of this guide witho ut the permis sion of Canon is prohibite d. • Canon reserves the right to change the contents of this guid e at any time withou t prior notice .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Canon A3300ISBK è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Canon A3300ISBK - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Canon A3300ISBK imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Canon A3300ISBK ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Canon A3300ISBK, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Canon A3300ISBK.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Canon A3300ISBK. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Canon A3300ISBK insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.