Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 6A000 del fabbricante Cabletron Systems
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SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 35 Industrial Way Rochester, NH 03866 USA (603) 332-9400 Part Number 04-0045-0 2 Rev-A Order Number 9032539.
ii SmartCell 6A000 User Guide NOTICE Cabletron Systems reserves the right to m ake changes in specifications and o ther information contained in this document without prior notice. The r eader should in all cases consult Cabletron Systems to d etermine whether any such changes have been made.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide iii FCC CLASS A NOTICE This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operatio n is subject to the following two cond itions: (1) this device may not c ause harmful interf erence, and (2) this device must accept any interference r eceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
iv SmartCell 6A000 User Guide DECLARA TION OF CONFORMITY ADDEN DUM Application o f Council Directive(s): 89/336/EEC 73/23/EEC Manufacturer’ s N ame: Cabl etro n Syst ems , Inc. Manufacturer’ s Address: 35 Indust rial W ay P . O. Box 5005 Rocheste r , NH 03866 Product Name: SmartCell 6A000 European Re presentative Name: Mr .
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide v SAFETY INFORMA TION CLASS 1 L ASER TRANSCEIVERS The 6A-IOM-29 -4, 6A-IOM-29-4-IR, 6A-IOM-29-4- LR, 6A-IOM-39-1 and 6 A- IOM-39 -1- LR c onnectors use Class 1 Laser transceivers. Read the fol low ing safety informati on before installin g o r operating the 6A-IOM-29-4.
vi SmartCell 6A000 User Guide FIBER OP TIC PROTECTIVE CAPS Caution RE A D BEFO RE REMOVING FIBER OP TIC PROTECTIVE CAPS . Cable assemblies and MMF/SMF ports are shipped with protective caps to prevent contamination. T o avoid contamination, replac e port caps on all fiber optic devices when not in use.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide vii REGULA TOR Y COMPLIANCE SUMMARY SAFETY The SmartCell 6A000 meets the safet y requirem ents of UL 1 950, CSA C22.2 No . 950, EN 609 50, IEC 950, and 73/23/ EEC. EMC The SmartCell 6A000 meets the EMC requirements of FCC Part 15, EN 55022, CSA C1 08.
viii SmartCell 6A000 User Guide REVISION HISTORY Document Name: SmartCel l 6A00 0 User Gui de Document Part Number: 04-0045 -02 Rev-A Document Or der number: 9032539 Author: Bruce Jordan Editor: Carre.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide ix T A BLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introductio n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 2 Switch In stallation and Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
x SmartCell 6A000 User Guide TA BLE O F C ONTE NTS 4.5 PVC Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 4.5.1 Point-to-Point PVCs . . . . . . . . . . .
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide xi TABLE OF CO NT ENTS C.3 Electronic Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1 C.4 Placing A Suppo rt Call . . . . . . . . .
xii SmartCell 6A000 User Guide TA BLE O F C ONTE NTS.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide xiii LIST OF FI GURES Figure 2-1 6A000-04 and 6A000-02 front panels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Figure 2-2 Installin g th e Sm artCel l 6A000 . . . .
xiv SmartCell 6A000 User Guide List of F igures.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide xv LIST OF T ABLES Table 2-1 I/O module ID nu mbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Table 2-2 DS3 and E3 Modu le settings . . . . . .
xvi SmartCell 6A000 User Guide List of Tables.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 1-1 1 INTRODUCTION W elcome to th e SmartCell 6 A000 User Guide. The SmartC ell 6A000 A TM switch is a module that fits in to the SmartSwi tch 6000 ch assis. Y ou can install as many as five SmartCel l 6A000 sw itches into a Smart Switch 600 0 chassis (using the 6C 305-3 pow er supply).
1-2 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Introduction.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 2-1 2 SWITCH INSTAL LATION AND SETUP After you read this chapter , you will b e able to perform the following tasks: U Install the SmartCell 6A0 00 switch module int o the S.
2-2 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Inspecting the Swi tch S witch Installation and Setup Figure 2-1 6A000 -04 and 6 A000-02 f ront pane ls Inspect the switch and make certain that its configuration correspond s to what was ordered. Also, make certain that the input/output (I/O) mod ules are of the correct type and number (See T able 2-1).
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 2-3 Switch Installation and Setup Installing the Switch If the hardware configuration is incor rect, contact Cabletron customer support im mediately . 2.2. 1 DS3 and E3 I/O Mo dule Con figura tion T able 2-2 shows the pre-configured values for both the DS 3 (6A-IOM-67-4) an d E3 (6A-IOM-77-4) I/O mod ules.
2-4 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Installing the Switch S witch Installation and Setup 2 p›F A single 6C2 05-1 po wer supply (t he older version of the 6C 205-3) can s upport only two SmartCell 6A00 0s within a SmartSwitch 60 00 chassis.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 2-5 Switch Installation and Setup Configuring the Switch Figure 2-2 Instal ling the SmartCel l 6A000 2.4 CONFIGURING THE SWITCH Initial configu r atio n of your SmartCell 6A0 0 0 switch consists of s ettin g the name, Ethernet IP add r ess, an d subnet mask.
2-6 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Configuring the Swi tch S witch Installation and Setup ¢• Config ure dum b terminals or PCs runnin g emulation s oftware with the foll owing co mmunicati on parameter.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 2-7 Switch Installation and Setup Configuring the Switch Figure 2-3 6A000 console and ne twork co nnection s –• Start the dumb terminal or PC and its terminal emulation softw a re. •• As soon as power is applied to th e SmartCell 6A000, the module emits a series of diagn ostic messages.
2-8 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Using the Console S witch Installation and Setup s¥ After you enter th ese parameters and reboot the switc h, log of f the local cons ole connection. Perform additional configuration s teps over your network using a telnet co nnection.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 2-9 Switch Installation and Setup Using the Console start : Start a process on the switch; for example, start the LAN Emu lation Configuration Server . restart : Restart a process on the switch; fo r example, restart a client.
2-10 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Using the Console S witch Installation and Setup 2 p›F When you accept the ( all ) default fo r show , the infor mation d isplay ed is of ten abridged. 2.5. 2 Con sole T ime-o ut The conso le can be conf ig ured to exit if it does no t sen se a key s t ro ke wit hi n a d efi ned l engt h of ti me.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 2-11 Switch Installation and Setup Using the Console 2.5. 4 Amb iguous C omma nds If you enter part of a command, and that part is not unique, the console displays a numbered list of possible matching commands. Fo r example, entering show pnnin is ambiguous because there ar e several commands that start with “pnnin.
2-12 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide SmartSwitch ATM Administrator S witch Installation and Setup T o obtain an explanation of a command and its param eters, enter the word help (or ?) bef ore the command.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 2-13 Switch Installat ion and Setup SmartSwitch ATM Administrator Figure 2-4 Smar tSwitch A TM A dminist rator 2 p›F Capabilities that are not available from the SmartSwi tch A TM Adminis trator are debug ging and tracing.
2-14 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide SmartSwitch ATM Administrator S witch Installation and Setup s• If you are using diskettes , make backup copies of the SmartSwitch A TM Administrato r diskettes . Put the original diskettes in a safe place; use them if your backu p copies become unusable.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 2-15 Switch Installat ion and Setup SmartSwitch ATM Administrator ¢• Enter the default user name, admin . The user name is case sensitive. •• Enter the default password, admin , and click the OK button or press Enter .
2-16 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide SmartSwitch ATM Administrator S witch Installation and Setup.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 3-1 3 IP OVER A TM AND LANE This chapt er describes wo rking with th e SmartCell 6A00 0 IP over A TM VLAN and emulated LAN capabilit ies. At the end of t his chapter you will be able to use yo ur Sma rtCell 6A0 00 switch t o • Create an IP over A TM VLAN • Create an emulated Ethernet LAN ( L AN E) 3.
3-2 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide % •F"›am V˜"m˜ ,6 ˜p¦F• ˜ ":1 ˜ =/" 2 ˜˜ ,6 ˜ 3 ¦F•˜ ":1 ˜" m=˜ /"2' 3. Enter the show client command to ma k e sure the client is operational and to obt ain the 20-byte A TM address of the ARP server .
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 3-3 ,6 ˜ 3 ¦F•˜ ":1 ˜"m=˜ /"2' % •F"› amV˜ "m˜ ' h¤d"›F=˜ /"2 ˜˜ Note If configured devices fail to join the VLAN, see Chapter 4, Sectio n 4.2.2, “UNI Routes.
3-4 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide % •F"›am V˜"m˜ ' h¤d "› F=˜ /"2 ˜˜ ,6 ˜ 3 ¦F•˜ ":1 ˜"m=˜ /"2' 1. Enter the start LECS command to activate LANE server services on this switch. SmartCell ZX # start lecs NOTICE - 'LECS' ***** LECS started ***** SmartCell ZX # 2.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 3-5 ,6 ˜ 3 ¦F•˜ ":1 ˜"m=˜ /"2' % •F"› amV˜ "m˜ ' h¤d"›F=˜ /"2 ˜˜ 4.
3-6 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide % •F"›am V˜"m˜ ' h¤d "› F=˜ /"2 ˜˜ ,6 ˜ 3 ¦F•˜ ":1 ˜"m=˜ /"2' 3.2. 1 A TM Addressi ng for LAN Em ulation The SmartCell 6A000 provides a default fo rmat for A TM addresses used by LAN emulation.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 3-7 ,6 ˜ 3 ¦F•˜ ":1 ˜"m=˜ /"2' % •F"› amV˜ "m˜ ' h¤d"›F=˜ /"2 ˜˜ This is analogou s to a phone company that su pports a communicati on syst em.
3-8 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide % •F"›am V˜"m˜ ' h¤d "› F=˜ /"2 ˜˜ ,6 ˜ 3 ¦F•˜ ":1 ˜"m=˜ /"2'.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 4-1 4 SWITCH ADMINISTRATION This chapt er contai ns software an d hardware procedures t hat you might need to perform on your SmartCell 6A000 switch.
4-2 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide ATM Routing Switch Administration The switch stor es the IP address of the TF TP server , the path, and th e backup fi le name. The next time yo u enter the backup or restore commands, these values are presented as the default IP address and path.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 4-3 Switch Administration ATM Routing 4. Enter the add ATMRoute command to create a static rout e to the IISP device: SmartCell ZX # add atmroute PortNumber(A1) : b2 AtmAddr.
4-4 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide ATM Routing Switch Administration Note Dotted lines in the diagrams belo w represent one-wa y routes to the devices pointed to by the arr owheads. E ach route is defined on the device fro m which the dotted line orig in ates.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 4-5 Switch Administration ATM Routing 4.2.2 UNI Routes Use the add ATMRoute command to create UNI routes. For examp le, connect an end station adapter (with MAC address 00:1 1:22:33: 44:55) to port A2 of the S martCell 6A000.
4-6 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide ATM Routing Switch Administration 4.2.3 Route Metrics Route metri cs are assigned to routes us ing a metric tag (o ne of the input paramet ers for add ATMRoute ). The metric tag specifies a particular pair of incoming and outgoing metrics contained within a list of metrics.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 4-7 Switch Administration IP Routing Enter show PNNIMetric to view the newly created metric pair: SmartCell ZX # show pnnimetrics Metrics(ALL) : Metrics Metrics Tag Directio.
4-8 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide IP Routing Switch Administration Note SmartCell 6A000 IP routing perf ormance is in adequate for routing between VLANs. If you need to create rou tes between VLANs on your SmartCell 6A000, use a router equipped with an A TM interface.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 4-9 Switch Administration Events and Alarms Figure 4-3 IP ro uting thr ough SW1 for connec tivity to the Ether net networ k 4.4 EVENTS AND ALARMS The SmartCell 6A000 switch record s and repor ts its operation in real-time thr ough the use of events and alarms.
4-10 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Events and Alarms Switch Administration 4.4. 2 Vi ewin g Even ts and A larms Use the show events command to view a list of the curr ently logged events.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 4-11 Switch Administration PVC Connections Use the show alarms command to view a list of the currently logged alarms. For example, SmartCell ZX # show alarms Index(ALL) : 0 .
4-12 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide PVC Connections Switch Adminis tra tion 4.5. 1 Point-t o-Poi nt PVCs The procedu re for setting up a PVC conn ection between two end no des through the SmartC ell 6A000 consists of specifying the ports and the virtual path and v irtual channel iden tifiers (VPI and VCI).
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 4-13 Switch Administration PVC Connections 1. Use add trafficdescriptor to create two new traf fic descriptors, one for the forward direction , the other for the backward direction. For this example, fo r the forwar d traffic d escriptor , we select UBR and accept the def aults.
4-14 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide PVC Connections Switch Adminis tra tion 6. Config ure the wor k stations for th e same subnet and VPI/ VCI pair = 0/101. The broadcasting wo rkstation on port A1 can send traffic to the receiving work stations on ports B2, B3, an d C1.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 4-15 Switch Administration PVC Connections Use the show vccmask command to view the f our preconfig ured VPI/VCI combination s.
4-16 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide PVC Connections Switch Adminis tra tion 3. Use the set portconfig command to recon figure a port to use the new values for VPI and VCI.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 4-17 Switch Administration Traffic Managem ent 4.6 T RAF F IC MANAGEMENT This sec tion des cribe s h ow the Sm artC ell 6A00 0 man a ges ban dwidt h and c onge st ion. It brie f ly desc r ibes c o nsole commands that af fect how the SmartCell 6A000 manages traffic.
4-18 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Traffic Management Switch Administration Use the trafficdescriptor commands to view , create, and delete traf fic descriptors. For example, enter t he show trafficdescriptor command to view all currently d efined traf fic descriptors.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 4-19 Switch Administration Traffic Managem ent A user-defined PVC must have u ser-defined traf fic descriptors. For instance, if a video link o ver a PVC requires a constant.
4-20 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Traffic Management Switch Administration Use the command show CACEqBwAllocScheme to view the current CAC policies used by each port for each QoS and referenced by VPI .
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 4-21 Switch Administration Traffic Managem ent For example, enter t he show porttrafficcongestion comman d to view current buf fer utilization.
4-22 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Traffic Management Switch Administration Quality of Servic e Queue Allocation Guidel ines The following v alues are recommend ed settings for the Min and Max thresholds for the Qo S queues under sp ecific sustained traffic conditions.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 4-23 Switch Administration Upgrading and Changing Software Along with EFCI and back ward RM cell marking, the SmartCell 6A000 uses standard RM cell mark ing.
4-24 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Upgrading and Changing Software Switch Administration 4.7. 2 Boot Lo ad Commands The following table d escribes the com mands available from the b o ot load prompt, their use, and their associated parameters.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 4-25 Switch Administration Upgrading and Changing Software Figure 4-4 Memor y locat ions affected by the boo t load c ommands 4.7. 3 Upgradin g Boot Lo ad Software T wo images of the boot load software reside in flash RAM. The two images are identified as boot load image 0 and boot lo ad image 1.
4-26 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Upgrading and Changing Software Switch Administration 5. Set up the TF TP/Bootp s e rver tables (or equivalent file) with: - SmartCell 6A000 MAC address - IP address of the SmartCell 6A000 Ethern et interface - path to the image file on the TF TP/Bootp server 6.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 4-27 Switch Administration Upgrading and Changing Software Changing the Defaul t Boot Load Image Continuing with the example above, p erform the following steps to set boot load imag e 0 back to being the default. 1. Reboot the SmartCel l 6A0 0 0.
4-28 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Upgrading and Changing Software Switch Administration ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ...........
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 4-29 Switch Administration Upgrading and Changing Software ........................................................................... ................................................... Validity checks of the Switch Software Downloaded file.
4-30 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Saving Core Dumps Switch Administration If the prob lem is corrected, enter the update firmware command to contin ue with the upgrade process.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 4-31 Switch Administration Savi ng Core Du mps Enter the set CoreDump command to enab le the core dump f eat ure. For example, SmartCell ZX # set coredump EnableCoreDump(n) : y < “y” to enabl e core du m p feat ure ServerIP() : 204.
4-32 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Saving Core Dumps Switch Administration If a system failure occur s while the core dum p feature is enable d, the SmartCell 6A000 console app ears similar to the example below . The SmartCell 6A0 00 then begins sending images of its memory to the core dump files on the TF TP server .
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 5-1 5 T ROUBLESHOOTING This chapte r provides basic trou bleshooting for diag nosing and fixing problems with VLAN, emulated LANs, and A TM t raff ic congestion. 5.1 T ROUBLESHOOTING IP OVER A TM Y ou ha ve configur ed an IP over A TM VLAN, but y our network appl ications are n ot working.
5-2 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Troubleshooting LAN Emulation Troubleshooting 5. If working through these question s does not sol ve the probl em, contact Cablet ron Systems Customer Service.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 5-3 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting PNNI Links 6. If working through these question s does not sol ve the probl em, contact Cablet ron Systems Customer Service.
5-4 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Troubleshooting Congestion Troubleshooting 5.4. 1 Diagno sing C ongesti on 1. Enter the show portstats command, and tak e the default o f ( all ). 2. If cells are not being dropped on all ports, pro ceed to the “Port Cong estion” section.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide 5-5 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Congestion 5.4.3 Port Co ngest ion 1. Enter the show portstats command a few times, no ting the value for cells dropped an d unknown VCs dropped. Is the differ ence for cells dropped equal to the difference for VCs dropped? • If yes, t he switc h is impr operly s et up.
5-6 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Troubleshooting Congestion Troubleshooting.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide A-1 APPENDIX A SPECIFICATIONS This appendix de scribes SmartCell 6A000 switch hardware, prod uct features, technical specifications, and adapter pin-o ut descr iptions . " •s )832: ˜ 6"2'/ This section describes the h ardware components of the SmartCell 6A000 A TM switch.
A-2 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Technical Specifications Specifications Figure A -1 Front pane l " •¢ : ' %+2,%"/ ˜ 96'%,),%":,329 T a ble A-2 Hardwa re Spec ificatio ns Specification V al ue Processo r i960 CF , 33 MHz Switchin g engine 2.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide A-3 Specifications Technical Specifications Max I/O por ts 7 for 6A 000-02; 15 for 6A00 0-04 Switch la tenc y 10 m icro se cond s CPU DRAM memory 32 MB Buff er memory (cells) 32 K flash memory 8 MB Serial por t RS-232c compliant; R J -45 connector Ethernet port IEEE 802.
A-4 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Technical Specifications Specifications Cat. 5 UTP 155 Mbps STS-3 or STM-1 RJ-45 v -- -- - - 100 m 75 ohm coax 44.7 Mbps DS-3 nonc hannelized BNC, female n/a n/a n/a n /a 150 m to DSX 75 ohm coax 44.7 Mbps DS-3 nonc hannelized BNC, female n/a n/a n/a n /a 150 m to DSX 75 ohm coax 34.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide A-5 Specifications Technical Specifications T a ble A-6 Manage ment Stand ards and Specifi cations Management Protocol Supported MIBs SNMPv2c MIB II (RFC 1213) Interface T able MIB (RFC 1573) A T oM MIB (RFC 1695) A T oM2 MIB (pre-standard) LANE MIB (A TM Forum) ILMI 4.
A-6 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Technical Specifications Specifications.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Appendix B-1 APPENDIX B AGENT SUPPORT This append ix briefly descr i bes the supp ort prov ided for m anaging the SmartC ell 6A000 u s ing Sim ple Network Management Prot ocol (SNMP).
Appendix B-2 SmartCell 6A000 U ser Guide MIB, SMI, MIB Fi les and Internet MIB Hierarchy Agent Support Fig ure B-1 I n ternet MIB hi erarch y B.1.1 ZeitNe t Cabletr on Pro prietary MIBs The location of some of ZeitNet prop rietary MIBs in the Internet hiera rchy is shown in Fig ure B-2.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Appendix B-3 Agent S upport MIB, SMI, MIB Files and Internet MIB Hierarc hy . Figure B -2 ZeitNet Pr ivate MIB s In Figur e B-2, the ZeitNet p roprietary g roup is identifi ed by 1.3 . .1295; i ts subgr oup, called znPr oducts, is identified by 1; and the first variable is znManagedObjects with a value of 2.
Appendix B-4 SmartCell 6A000 U ser Guide MIB, SMI, MIB Fi les and Internet MIB Hierarchy Agent Support : Figure B -3 ZeitNet C abletron 6A000 MIB object i dentifier exampl e B.1.3 Supp orted p rotoc ols The SmartCell 6A000 supports Simp le Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Appendix B-5 Agent S upport MIB, SMI, MIB Files and Internet MIB Hierarc hy B.1.6 Sma rtCell 6A 000 MIB Sup port The SmartCell 6A 000 is ship ped with the follow ing MIBs: �.
Appendix B-6 SmartCell 6A000 U ser Guide MIB, SMI, MIB Fi les and Internet MIB Hierarchy Agent Support Note Along with the MIBs, the diskette also contains a README file and the r elease note.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Appendix B-7 Agent Support Managing the Sma rtCell 6A000 • atmIfAdminAd drT able • atmVclAddrBindT able • atmAddrVclT able • atmVplStatT able • atmVplLogical PortT able • atmVclGenT able • atmfMyOsiNmNs apAddress • atmfVpcT able • lecRouteDescrT able • leRDArpT able B.
Appendix B-8 SmartCell 6A000 U ser Guide Managing the SmartCell 6A000 Agent Support.
S m artCell 6A000 User Guid e A ppendix C - 1 APPENDIX C T ECHNICAL SUPPORT This append ix tells y ou what to do i f you need techni cal support f o r your SmartC ell 6A000 switch. Cabletro n o f fe r s se v e ral sup p ort a n d s er v ice p r ogra m s t h at p r ovid e hi g h -q u alit y s u p p ort t o o u r cus tome r s .
Appendix C-2 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Hardware Warranty Technical Support • Detailed d escription of t he issu e (inclu ding his tory , what you've t ried, and conditio ns under wh ich you se.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide A ppendix D-1 APPENDIX D ACRONYMS A B AAL A TM A dap tation Laye r AAL1 A TM Ada p tation Laye r T ype 1 AAL2 A TM Ada p ter La yer T yp e 2 AAL3/4 A TM Adapter Layer T ype .
Appendix D-2 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Acronyms C BOOTP Boot Protoc ol BUS Broadcast and Unkno wn Server CAC Call Admission Control CAN Campus Area Net work CA T-3 Category 3 unsh i elded twisted pai.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide A ppendix D-3 Acronyms D E DCC Digital Cross Connec t , gene ric DACS or Di rect Conn ect Card, d ata interface module DF Download Flash DS-0 Digi tal Si gna lin g 0 DS-1 Di.
Appendix D-4 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Acronyms F G H I FCS Frame Che ck Sequence FIFO Firs t In Fir st Ou t FT P File T ransfer Protoc ol GB/S Gigabits per second GCAC Generic Cal l Admissio n Contr.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide A ppendix D-5 Acronyms J K L ILMI Integ rated Loca l Manage ment Interfa ce I/O Input/Out put IOM Input/Out put Modul e IP Interne t Protocol IP/A TM Inter net Prot ocol ove.
Appendix D-6 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Acronyms M N LECSELA N LAN Emulation Co nfiguration Server Emulated LAN LES LANE Server LESELAN LANE Server Emulated LAN LIS Logical I P Subnet work LLC Logical.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide A ppendix D-7 Acronyms O P NETBEUI NetBI OS E x tens io n Us er Inte rfa ce NFS Network File Syst em NIC Netwo rk In terf ac e Con troll er/Ca rd NLS Natural La nguage S ynt.
Appendix D-8 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Acronyms Q R PDU Protocol Data Unit PGL Peer Group L eader PMD Physic al Media Dependent Su b-layer PMP Point- to-Multi point P-NNI Private Network Nod e Interf.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide A ppendix D-9 Acronyms S RM Resource Mana gement RMA Return Me rchandis e Authorization RQU Receive Que ue Underrun RS-# Recommended Standard d efined by Electr onic Indus t.
Appendix D-10 SmartCell 6A000 Us er Guide Acronyms T U SVC Switch ed V irtual Circ uit SVCC Swit ched V irtual Channe l Connec tion T-1 T ransmission System 1 T-3 T ransmission System 3 TA X I T ransp.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide A ppendix D-11 Acronyms V W VBR/RT V ari abl e B i t Rate /R eal Time VBR/NRT V a ri abl e Bit Ra te/No n-re al Time VC V irtual Circuit VCC V irtual Channel Connectio n VCI.
Appendix D-12 SmartCell 6A000 Us er Guide Acronyms.
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide I-1 INDEX Numerics 6A000-02 .......................... ........................ 2-1 6A000-04 .......................... ........................ 2-1 6A-IOM-21-4 ................... .................. ...... 2-2 6A-IOM-22-4 .
I-2 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide In dex RM cells ......................... .................. 4-22 trouble shooting ....................... ........... 5-3 console commands ............... .................... 2-8 add .................................. .
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide I-3 Index G go .................... .................. ...................... 4-24 H hard ware speci fications ........................... A-2 hard ware warran ty .............................. ..... C-2 he .. ..............
I-4 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide In dex P parall el routes ....................... .................... 4-7 partia l commands .......................... ......... 2-11 PC seria l port ada pter pin- out ........ .......... A-5 peak cell ra te ...........
SmartCell 6A000 User Guide I-5 Index spec ificati ons ATM ports .......................... .............. A-3 front p anel .................................... ..... A-1 management s tandards ...................... A-5 physica l ......................
I-6 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide In dex viewing r oute metri cs ............................... 4-7 VPI non-z ero value s ....................... ......... 4-14 VPI bits ........................ ........................... 4-14 VPI/VCI pairs ...........
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Cabletron Systems 6A000 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Cabletron Systems 6A000 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Cabletron Systems 6A000 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Cabletron Systems 6A000 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Cabletron Systems 6A000, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Cabletron Systems 6A000.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Cabletron Systems 6A000. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Cabletron Systems 6A000 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.