Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MFC-J4620DW del fabbricante Brother
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Basic User’s Guide MF C-J4620D W MF C-J4625D W Ver sion 0 UK.
If you mu st co nta ct Cu stom er S e rv ice Ple as e comp let e thi s info rma tio n for fu ture re fer en ce: Mo de l N umb er : M FC-J 46 20 D W an d M F C- J4 62 5DW (Cir c le yo ur mod el num be r) Seri al N umb er : 1 Dat e o f Pur c h a se : Pl ac e o f P u r ch as e : 1 The se rial n umb er is on th e back of th e un it.
i Yo u can use the follow ing fe atures! M obile C onne ct Use Brother iPri nt&Scan to print and scan images a nd f il es fr om mobil e d evic es. Web Connec t / Br other Apps Add Sho rtcuts If your An droid™ devic e supports Near Field Comm unication ( NFC), print and scan jus t by touching your devic e to the NFC logo on the contro l panel.
ii User' s Guide s and w here to find the m 1 Vi si t s ol ut i on s. br ot h er. co m/m anua ls . Which Gu id e? What's in it ? Where is it ? Pr od uct Sa f ety G u ide Read th is Gui de first. Pl ease re ad the Sa fety Instruc tions before y ou set up your machi ne.
iii T he Online User’s Guide helps you get the mos t o ut of yo ur mac hine. Quick er navigati on! • S ea r c h b o x • Nav igation index in a separat e pane Comprehe nsive! • Al l top.
iv If you hav e que stions or proble ms, plea se take a look at yo ur model’s FAQs. Provides severa l ways to search Displays related ques tions for additio nal informatio n Receives regula r updates based on custom er feedbac k * The F AQ home pa ge will vary depending on y our model.
v Table of Conte nts 1 Genera l informat ion ....... ..... 1 How t o use t he documenta tion ... .... 1 Sym bo ls and c onv ent io ns .. .. .. ..... . 1 About Brot her Utilities (Windows ® ) .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. . 1 Control pane l ove r view .
vi 11 Receiving a f ax ......... ......... 30 Recei v e Modes ... . ..... ........ . ...... ..... 30 Choose the Receive Mode ....... ..... 30 Using Receive M odes ... ........ . .... 31 Recei v e Mode settings...... . ..... ...... 32 Ri ng D elay . ..
1 1 1 How to use the d ocumentation 1 Thank you for buying a Bro ther product ! Reading t he docum entation w ill help you make t he most o f yo ur machin e. Symb ols a nd c onve ntio ns 1 The followi ng s ymbols and convent ions are used thr oughout t he documentat ion.
Chapter 1 2 Contro l panel ov ervie w 1 The M F C-J4 62 0D W an d MF C- J4 625D W ha ve the sa m e 3 . 7"( 9 3. 4 m m) T ou ch sc re en LCD and To uc hpa ne l. 1 NOTE Most of the i llustrati ons in this User’s Guide show the MF C-J4620DW. 1 3. 7"(9 3.
Gener al i nfo rmation 3 1 2 T ouch panel: Back Pres s to go ba ck to th e previous men u level. Hom e Pres s to ret urn to the H ome sc reen. B y defaul t it display s the dat e and time, but you can cha nge the default setti ngs. Cancel Pres s to c ancel an oper ation wh en l it.
Chapter 1 4 3.7 "(9 3.4 m m) To uc hs cr een LCD 1 Sel ect f rom three types of screens to set the Home screen: Bas ic Functions screen, More screens and Shortcuts screens. When the Basic Fun c tion s screen is display ed, swipe left or right or pres s d or c to displ ay the More screens .
Gener al i nfo rmation 5 1 1 Wireless S tatus A four -level i ndicator o n the Ready M ode screen di splays t he current wirel es s s ignal stre ngt h whe n usin g a wir eless conne c tion. When appears on the Touchscreen, press it to conf igure your wireless settings.
Chapter 1 6 8 Stored Faxes : Whe n Fax Preview i s set to Off , Stored Faxes dis plays how many received fa x es are in the machine’s memory . Press Print t o p ri nt t h e fa x es . 9 New Fax(es): Whe n Fax Preview i s set to On , New Fax(es) dis plays how many new faxes you have r eceived and stored in the machin e’s memo ry.
Gener al i nfo rmation 7 1 S ett in gs sc re en 1 When you pre s s , th e T ouchscreen LCD displ ays the machine’s stat us. This screen pr ovides access to all the machine’s s et tings. 1 Maintenan ce Press to access the Maintenance menu. Check and impr ove the print qualit y, clean the print head and chec k the availa ble ink volu m e.
Chapter 1 8 Entering Te xt 1 When you must ent er text into th e machine, a keybo ard appears on the Touchscreen. Press to cycle between let t ers, numb ers and special character s. NOTE To chang e between lowercas e or uppercase, press . In se rti ng sp ac es 1 To ente r a space, press Space or y ou can pr es s c to move the curs or.
9 2 2 Before loa ding paper 2 Load only one size of paper and one type of paper in the pape r tray at a t ime. When l oading a d if ferent paper siz e in the tray , you must also change t he paper size setti ng in the machine. (See Set Paper Size and Type on page 14.
Chapter 2 10 When u sing A4, Letter or Executiv e size pape r: 2 a Pull t he pape r tray completely o ut of t he machine. b Open the output paper tra y cover (1).
Loading pa per 11 2 g Chec k that the paper is flat in the tray and below the max i mum paper mark (1 ). Overfill ing th e paper t ray may cause paper jams. h Clo se the output paper tray cov er. i Slowly push the pa per tray com pletely into the machine.
Chapter 2 12 Whe n us in g A3 or Led ger siz e pap e r: 2 a Open the manual fee d slot cover. b Slide t he m anual feed slo t paper gu ides to f it t he paper width that you are using. c Load only one sheet of paper in the manual feed slo t with the print ing surface face up .
Loading pa per 13 2 e Us ing both hands, lo ad one she et of paper in the manu al f eed slot unti l t he front edge t ouches the paper fe ed roll ers . Let go of the paper when you hear t he m achine pu ll it in a s hort distanc e. The Touchscr een displ ays Manual Feed Slot ready .
Chapter 2 14 Paper settings 2 Set Paper Size and Type 2 Paper Ty pe 2 To get the best print quality, s et the machine for the t y pe of paper you are using . a Pres s ( Settings ). b Pres s Tray Setting . c Pres s Paper Type . d Pres s P lain Paper , Inkjet Paper , Brother BP71 or Other Glossy .
Loading pa per 15 2 Check Paper setting 2 If the Check Pape r settin g is s et to On , the machine display s a message asking if you want t o change the pa per ty pe and pap er size setting. This messag e will appea r each time you pu ll the t ray out of the m achine.
16 3 How t o lo ad documents 3 You can send a fax, mak e cop ies, or s can from the automati c document feeder (A DF ) and f rom the scanner glass. Using the ADF 3 The ADF can hold up to 20 pages and feed eac h sheet individuall y . Use paper t hat is with in the sizes and w eights s hown in t he tabl e.
Loadi ng documen ts 17 3 Us ing the scann er glass 3 Use the scanner g lass to fax, copy, or scan single page s or pages of a book. Docu men t Size s Su ppor ted 3 How to lo ad docu ments 3 NOTE To use the scann er glass, the ADF must be empty. a Lif t the document cover.
18 4 How to print a document 4 The mac hine can recei ve and pri nt data from you r computer. Before y ou can print fr om a comput er, you must install th e printer driv er. (See On line User’s Guide.) a Install the Brother pri nter driv er from the CD-ROM or Brother Solutions Center.
19 5 5 How to c opy 5 a Do one of the following to load your document : Pl ace the document face d own in the ADF. (See Using the A DF o n page 1 6. ) Pl ace the document face d own on the sc anner glass. (See Using t he scann er gl ass on pa ge 17.
Chapter 5 20 Pa pe r Ty pe 5 If you are copyi ng on a special t ype of paper , set t he machine for t he type of pap er you are usi ng t o get the best print qualit y. a Load your docum ent . b Pres s ( Copy ). c Enter t he nu mber of c opies you want.
21 6 6 Be fore sc annin g 6 To use t he machine as a scanner, instal l a scanner dri ver. I f the machine is on a network, co nf igure it wit h a TCP/IP address. Instal l the s canner driv ers from t he CD-ROM . (See Quick Setup Guid e.) Configu re the mach ine with a TCP/I P addre s s if network sca nning does not work.
Chapter 6 22 1S e l e c t PD F ( * .p df) from the File T y pe drop-down list. 2 Ty pe a file name for the docume nt . 3 Click Fo lder . Yo u ca n save th e f il e t o the def ault folde r , or sele ct your prefer red folder by clicki ng the ( Browse ) button.
23 7 7 How to print with NFC 7 If your Android™ dev ice supports the NFC feature, you can print ph ot os, P DF fil es, text files, web pages and em ail messages from your devic e by t ouching it t o the NF C logo on the right side of th e control panel .
24 8 PhotoCapture Center operations (PHOTO mod e) 8 Even if your machine is not connect ed to a comput er, you can print photos direct ly from digit al camera media or a USB flash driv e. How to print images 8 View Photos 8 You can prev iew your photo s on the Touchs creen before you prin t them.
Printing pho tos from a memory card or US B flas h drive 25 8 l Press Print Settings to change t he paper type an d paper size. Swi pe up or down or press a or b to display Paper Type an d pr es s it , and then pres s the option you want .
26 9 Telephone serv ices overv iew 9 You can use a range of services and con nections wi t h y our Brother m ach ine. For more inf ormation or advice on setup, see Online Us er’s Guide.
27 10 10 How to send a fax 10 a Do one of the following : Pl ace the document face d own in the ADF. (See Us ing the ADF on pa ge 16.) Pl ace your doc ument face d ow n on the sc anner glass. (See Using the scann er glass on page 17.) NOTE • To send f axes with m ultiple pages, u s e the ADF.
Chapter 1 0 28 d En ter th e fax numb er. Us in g the dia l pa d on the Touchscree n Using ( Address Book ) Address Book Using ( Call History ) Redial Outgoing Call Caller ID history NOTE • T o prev iew a fax message before sendi ng it , set Preview to On .
Sending a f ax 29 10 b Press ( Address Book ). c Press Edit . d Press Add New Address . e Press Name . f E nt er the name ( up to 16 charact ers) using the Touchsc reen. Press OK . (See Ent eri ng Te xt on page 8.) g Press Address 1 . h E nt er the first fax o r t elephone n umber (up to 20 digits) using t he Touchs cr een.
30 11 Recei ve M ode s 11 You must choos e a Receive Mode depending on the external dev ices and tel ephone services you hav e on your line. Choose the Rec eiv e Mode 11 By defau lt , your machine will automat ically receive any faxes that are sent to it.
Rec eiving a f ax 31 11 h Press Receive Mode . NOTE If the opt ion to change the recei v e mode is una v ailabl e, make sure the BT Call S i gn featu re is set to Off . (S ee Online User’s Gui de.) i Press Fax Only , Fax/Tel , External TAD or Manual .
Chapter 1 1 32 Recei ve Mode settin gs 11 Rin g De l a y 11 Ring Delay sets t he number of times the machi ne rings befo re it answers in Fax Only or Fax/Tel m ode. If you have exter nal or extens ion teleph ones on t he same li ne as the machi ne, choose the maximum number of ri ngs.
33 A A How to c lea n and che ck t he ma chi ne A Clea ning the scan ner glass A a Unpl ug the machine from the elec t rical socket . b Lif t the document cover (1). Clean th e scanner glas s ( 2) and the whit e plastic (3) with a soft lint-free c l oth moist ened with a non-flamm able glas s clean er.
34 f The T ouchscreen d isplays a m essage asking about the print qualit y. Do one of the following: If all line s are clea r and visi ble, press No to finish t he Print Qual it y check , and then go to ste p j . If you can se e missing short lines as show n in the illustrat ion, pre s s Yes .
Routine maintenan ce 35 A Check ing t he pri nt al ignmen t A If your printed te x t becomes blurred or images b ecome faded, you may n eed to adjust t he print alignment a fter tr ansporting the machine. a Press . NOTE You can also pre s s and then Maintenance .
36 B Identifying th e proble m B Firs t, c heck the fol low i ng. T he mac hine’s power c ord is connected c orrect ly and th e machine’s power switch is turned on . All of the protect ive parts have been removed. Paper is loaded c orrectly in the paper tray.
Troubleshooti ng 37 B Error Message Cause Act ion B &W 1-s ided P rint O nly Replace ink. One or more of the colour i nk cartridges have re ached the e nd of their life. You can use t he mac hine in monochrome mo de for a pproximatel y four weeks depending on the numbe r of pages you print.
38 Cannot Detect You instal led a new ink car tridge too quickly and t he mac hine did not detect it. Take ou t the new i nk cartridge and reinstall it slo wly and fi rmly unti l the c art ri dge l ever l ifts. (See Onli ne User ’s Guide.) An ink cartridge i s not insta lled cor r ectl y.
Troubleshooti ng 39 B Data Remaining in Memory Print da ta is left in the mac hine's memory. Pres s . The mac hine w ill cance l the job and clear it from the memory. Try to p rint aga in. Disconnected The other perso n or other person's fax machi ne stoppe d the cal l.
40 Ink Abso rber Pad Full The ink absorbe r box or fl ushing box is full. T hese compon ents are periodic ma intenanc e items that may require r eplacement a fter a period o f time to ensure opt imum performanc e from your Broth er mach ine.
Troubleshooti ng 41 B Low Temperature The roo m tempe rature is too low. Afte r increasing the room temper ature , allow the ma chine t o warm up to r oom temper ature . Try again whe n the machine has w armed up. Media Error T he mem or y c ar d i s eit her c orr upt ed , incorrectly formatted, or the re is a problem wi th the memor y card.
42 No Paper Fed The ma chine is out of pape r, o r paper is not c orrectly loaded in the pape r tray. Do one of the f ollowi ng: Refill the pap er tray, and th en press OK on the Touc hsc reen. Remov e and rel oad the paper, then press OK on the Touc hscreen.
Troubleshooti ng 43 B Out of Memory The machi ne's mem ory is full. If a fax-send ing or copy o peration is in p roce ss: Pre ss or Quit or Close and wait un til the other oper ations that are in pr ocess fi nish, and then try again. Pre ss Send Now to s end the pages scanned so far.
44 Unable to Clean XX Unabl e to Ini tialize XX Unable to Print XX The machi ne ha s a mechani cal problem. — OR — A foreig n object, such as a paper clip or a piec e of ripp ed pape r, is in the machine. Open the scanne r cover and remov e any forei gn ob jects a nd p aper s craps from inside the mac hine.
Troubleshooti ng 45 B Wrong Paper T h e paper size setti ng do es not match the size of pa per in th e tray. 1 Check that the pap er size you choose on th e To uchscre en matches the size of the paper in the tray. (See Set Paper Si ze and T ype on page 14.
46 Erro r an im at ions B Error animations display s tep-by-st ep ins t ructions when paper gets jammed. You can read t he steps at your own pac e by pr es sin g c to see the next step and d to g o bac k a step.
Troubleshooti ng 47 B c M ake sure you have set PC- F ax Recei v e on the machin e. (See Online U s er’s Guide.) If faxes are in the mac hine’s memory when you set up PC-Fax Receiv e, the Touchs c reen di splays a message asking if you want to transfer the faxes to your PC.
48 c Pull the jammed docum ent out to the left. 1 Documen t Cover d Close the docum ent cover. e Pres s . Sm all docume nt is jammed in th e ADF B a Lift the docu m ent cover. b Insert a piec e of stiff paper , such as cardst ock, into the ADF to p ush any small paper s c raps thr ough.
Troubleshooti ng 49 B d Lift the J am Clear F lap, and re m ove the jammed paper. e Make sure you look ca ref ully inside t he machine above and bel ow the Jam Clear Flap for scraps of paper.
50 IMPORTANT • I f paper is j ammed und er the pr int head, unplug the mac hine f rom the power source, and then move t he pr int head t o reach the paper. • I f the prin t head is in the right corne r as shown in the illustr ation, you cannot move the print head.
Troubleshooti ng 51 B n Close t he inside cover an d Jam Clear Cover. Make sure the co vers are cl osed complet ely. o Pull out the paper support (1) until it locks into place, and then unfold the paper support flap (2).
52 f Using both hands , use the finger hold s on eac h side o f the machine to l ift the scanner c over (1) i nt o the open positio n. g Slowly pul l the jammed paper (1) out of the mac hine. h Move t he print he ad (i f neces sary) to reach any paper remaining in t his area.
Troubleshooti ng 53 B NOTE If ther e is a repeat paper jam, a small scrap of paper m ay be stuck in the machin e. (See Additi onal paper jam cle ar opera t ions on page 53.
54 Troubleshooting for Wirele ss LAN setup B W ire les s LAN re por t B After you conf igure the wir eless LAN s ettings of the machi ne, a wi reless LA N report will be p rinted automatica lly. If the printed repor t shows that the connect ion f ailed, check th e error code on the printed r eport and refer t o the foll owing instr uctions.
Troubleshooti ng 55 B I f you ar e having difficu lty w ith your ma chine B IMPORTANT Using non-Bro ther suppl ies may aff ect the print qualit y, hardware perfo r mance, and m achine reli ability. If you think there is a pro blem with your machine, check the follo wing t ables o f troubleshoot ing tips.
56 Pri nt Quality Diffi culties Dif fic ulty Su gges tion s Po or pr i nt qu alit y. Ch eck t he p rin t q ual ity . (S ee Ch ecki ng th e print qual ity o n pa ge 33 .) Make sure th a t th e Media Type set tin g in the p rin ter dr iv er or the Paper Ty pe set ti ng in the m ach in e’s m enu mat ches the ty pe of pap er yo u ar e usi ng .
Troubleshooti ng 57 B T he m achi ne p rint s bl ank page s. Ch eck t he pri nt qual ity . ( See Ch eck ing t he pr int qual it y on page 3 3.) Ma ke s ure y ou a re us ing B rot her Orig inal In nobe lla i nk.
58 The pri ntou ts ar e wri nkl ed. (Win d ows ® ) In th e pri n ter driv er Advance d tab, clic k Colour Set tings an d cl ear Bi-Directio nal Printing . (M aci ntos h) In th e pri n ter driv er, choo se Print Settin g s , cl ick Ad vanc ed , ch oo se Ot he r Prin t O pt i on s and cl ea r Bi- Dire ctional Pri n ting .
Troubleshooti ng 59 B Print ing Rec e i ved Fax e s Diffic u lty S ugges tio ns Co nd en sed pri nt Ho rizo nta l str eaks Top and bo tto m sent en ces are cu t of f Miss in g l ines T hi s is us uall y cau sed by a poor te le phon e con nect ion .
60 Re ceivin g Faxe s Dif fic ulty Su gges tion s Ca nnot rec eiv e a fax . Ch eck all lin e cor d con nec tio ns. M ake sur e th e tel eph one lin e co rd i s pl ugge d int o the te lepho ne wall socket and the LINE s o cket inside th e machin e .
Troubleshooti ng 61 B Ca nnot re cei ve a f ax. (c onti nued ) If you ar e using a t elep ho ne ans wer ing m a ch ine ( Exte rnal TAD mode) on the sam e lin e as the B rot he r ma chin e, ma ke su re yo ur an sw e rin g mac hi ne is s et up corre ct ly.
62 Tra ns mis sion V e rific at ion R e por t says RES ULT : ERROR . Ther e is pr o ba bly te mp or ary n ois e or sta tic on t h e line . T r y sen ding t he f ax ag ain. If you se nd a P C FAX me ss ag e an d ge t R ESULT : E RROR o n the T ran smi ssi on Verific a tion Report, y our machi n e may be out o f me mory.
Troubleshooti ng 63 B Copy in g Dif fic ulti es Diffic u lty Sugg estio ns V erti cal bl ack l ine s or st rea ks appe ar in cop ie s. Blac k vert ical line s on cop ie s are ty pica lly ca us ed b y dirt or corr e ctio n flu id on t he glass st rip .
64 Netwo r k Di ffi cul tie s Dif fic ulty Sugges tion s Ca nnot pri nt ove r the net work . Make sure tha t you r mac hine is p ower ed on and i s on lin e and in th e Re ady mode . Pr int a Net work Conf ig urat io n Rep ort (see Onl ine User ’s Gu id e) and c heck the curr e nt Netwo rk setting s printed in this l ist.
Troubleshooti ng 65 B Dia l Tone detect ion B When sending a fax, by d efault yo ur machine will wait fo r a fixed amount of time before it starts to dial the number. By changin g the Dial Tone sett ing t o Detection , you can make your machine dial as soon as it detects a dial tone.
66 M achi ne In for mati on B C h e cking the seri al nu mber B You can see the machi ne’s serial number on the Tou c hscreen . a Pres s ( Settings ). b Pres s All Settings . c Swipe up or down or press a or b to displa y Machine Info . d Pres s Machine Info .
Troubleshooti ng 67 B NOTE Unplug the int erface cable before you choose Network or All Settings . How t o res et th e mach ine B a Press ( Settings ). b Press All Settings . c Swipe up or down or press a or b to display Initial Setup . d Press Initial Setup .
Index 68 C A Addre s s Book setti ng up .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 28 ADF ( automatic d ocument fe eder) .... ... .. .. 16 Auto ma ti c fax receive . .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. 30 C Cleani ng scanne r .
69 C P Paper Check Paper setting .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... . 1 5 loading .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... ... 9 si ze of d oc ume nt . .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... . 16 typ e .. ... ...
71 Supplies Ink The mac hine uses individual B lack, Yellow, Cyan and Magenta ink cart ridges that are separat e from the print hea d assembly . Serv i ce Life of Ink Cart ri dge The f irst time you ins tall a s et of ink cartridges t he ma chine wil l use an amoun t of ink to fill the ink delivery tubes fo r high qualit y pri nt outs.
www.brothe Visi t us on t h e Wo rld Wide We b http ://ww w.broth These machines are appro ved for use in the coun try of purchase onl y. Local Br other com panies or their dealer s wi ll support onl y mac hines purchas ed in their own countries .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Brother MFC-J4620DW è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Brother MFC-J4620DW - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Brother MFC-J4620DW imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Brother MFC-J4620DW ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Brother MFC-J4620DW, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Brother MFC-J4620DW.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Brother MFC-J4620DW. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Brother MFC-J4620DW insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.