Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MFC-8890DW del fabbricante Brother
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USER’S GU IDE MFC-84 80DN MFC-86 80DN MFC-86 90DW MFC-88 90DW Note: Not all models a re available i n all countries. Ve r si on 0 USA/CAN.
If yo u need to c all Custo mer S ervice Ple ase com plete the fol lowin g inform ation for futu re refere nce: Model Number: MFC-8480DN, MFC-8680DN, MFC-8690DW and MFC-8890DW (Circle your model num ber) Ser ial N umb er: 1 Da te of P u rch a se : P lac e o f P urc h as e: 1 The seria l number is on the back of the unit.
i Brother numbers IMPORTAN T For t echnical help, y ou must call th e country wh ere you bou ght t he machine. Cal ls m ust be made fr om w i thin that country. Re gist er yo ur pr oduct By r e gist ering your produ c t wit h B rother Inter national Corporation , y ou will be r eco rded as the original own er of the product.
ii Ordering a ccesso r i es and s upplies For best qu ali t y results use only genu ine Brother accessories, which are avail able at m ost Brother retailers. If you cannot find the acces sory you need and you have a Visa, MasterCard, Discov er, or American Express credit card, you can order accessories direct l y from Brother.
iv Broth er™ One- Year Limited Warranty and Replacem ent Serv ice (USA Onl y) Who i s cover ed: This limit ed warran ty (“wa rranty ”) is giv en onl y t o the or iginal end-user /reta il pur.
v Br othe r™ On e-Y e ar Limi ted W arra nty and Re plac emen t Ser vi c e (USA Only ) a ref urbis hed or remanuf acture d repl acement Machi ne and/or ac companyi ng Consumabl e and Acces sory Item.
vi BROTHER MULTIFUNCTION CENT ER / FAX MACHINE LIMIT E D WARRANTY (C anada o nly) Pursuan t to the limited warrant y of 1 year f r o m the date of purchase for l abour and pa rts, Brother I nt erna ti o nal Corporation (Canada) Ltd.
vii Tabl e of Co nte n ts Section I Genera l 1 General in f ormation 2 Usi ng the docume ntat ion ... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... . 2 Symb ols and conven tions used in the d ocumentation .
viii 4 Securi ty featur es 30 Secur e Functi on Lock 2.0 . ..... .. ..... ..... .... ........ .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. 30 Set ting th e pa ss w ord for the ad minis trator . ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .
ix 6 Receiving a fa x 48 Choose the corr ect Re ceiv e M ode .... ..... ..... ..... .... ........ .... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ..... .... 48 Using rec ei v e modes .................. .......................... ........................ .........
x Sto ring numbers . .. ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... 65 Sto ring a pause . .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ... .... .... ..... .
xi Section III Copy 12 Making copies 84 How to copy .... .. ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .. 84 Enter in g cop y mode..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .
xii Section VI Appendix es A Safet y and legal 104 Choosing a location ........................................... ............................................. ... 104 To use the mach ine safel y ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ....... ..... .
xiii Machi ne In formati on ... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... 166 Checki n g the S e r ial Nu m b er . ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... .
Section I Genera l I General information 2 Loading paper and docum ents 10 General Setup 22 Security features 30.
2 1 Using the documen tation 1 Thank y ou for bu y ing a Brother m achine! Reading the docu m entation will help you make the mos t of your ma c h ine. Sy mbols an d co nven tion s used in th e docu men tat io n 1 The f ol lowing symbols an d conventions are used throughou t t he document ation.
General i nformat i o n 3 1 Acces sing the Software Use r’s Guide and Netwo r k User ’s Gu ide 1 This User ’ s G uide does not contain all the information about the machine such as ho w to use the adv anced f eatures of Fax, Printer, Scanne r , PC Fax and Net work.
Chapter 1 4 How to f i nd scanning instruc t i ons 1 There are several ways you can scan document s. You c an find the instructions as follo ws: So ftware U ser’ s Guide : 1 S canning a document.
General i nformat i o n 5 1 How to find s c a nni ng instructions 1 There are several way s you can scan docu m en t s. Y ou can f ind the instruction s as follo ws: So ftware Us er’s Guide : 1 .
Chapter 1 6 Control panel over view 1 MFC-848 0DN , MFC-8680DN , MFC-869 0DW and M FC-8890D W have the same keys. 1 One Touch keys These 2 0 keys give you i nstant ac cess t o 40 previ ously store d nu mbers. Shift Lets you acc ess One Touch number s 21 to 40 when held down.
General i nformat i o n 7 1 6 Stop/Exi t Stops a n opera tion or exit s fr om a menu . 7S t a r t Lets you start se nding faxes , makin g cop ies or scannin g. 8 Copy keys: Duplex You can choose Du plex to copy on b ot h s i d es of the paper . Contrast /Quali t y Lets you ch ange the qua lit y or contr ast fo r the next c opy.
Chapter 1 8 10 Fax and teleph one keys: Hook Press bef or e d ialing if you want t o make s ur e a fax machi ne will answer, and t he n press Start . Also, press t his key after you pi ck up t he handset of an externa l te l ep hone during the F/T r i n g (f ast do uble-rin gs).
General i nformat i o n 9 1 Stat us LED in dica tio ns 1 The Sta tu s LED (lig ht em itting diode) w ill flas h and change color depend ing on the machine’s stat u s . Note W hen t h e po wer switch is off or t he machine is in Sleep mode, the LED is off.
10 2 Loading pape r and print medi a 2 The m achine can feed paper from t he standard paper tray, optional lower tray or multi-purpose t r a y . When y ou put pape r into t he paper tray , note the following: I f your a ppl ication s oft ware s upports paper size selection on the print menu, you can select it through the software.
Loading pap er and documents 11 2 Note For Legal and Folio size paper, press the release button (1) in the bottom of the paper tra y and th en pull out the back of the paper t ray. (Lega l o r Folio size paper a re not avail abl e in some regi ons.) c Fan t he stack o f paper well to avoid paper jam s and m i sfeeds.
Chapter 2 12 Load ing pa per in t he mul t i-p urp ose t ray (M P tr ay) 2 You can load up to 3 envelopes or special print medi a in the MP tr ay or up to 50 sheet s of plain pa per. Use this tray t o print or copy o n thick pap er, bond paper, envelopes, labels or transparenc i es.
Loading pap er and documents 13 2 Un print able ar ea 2 Unprintabl e area for fax es and c opies 2 The figures below show unprintable areas. Note This u nprintable area s h own abov e i s for a single copy o r a 1 in 1 copy using Letter size paper. The unprintable are a changes wi t h th e paper size.
Chapter 2 14 Acceptabl e paper an d other print media 2 Print qu ali ty m ay vary acc o rding to the type of paper you are using. You can use t he following t ypes of print media : thin paper, plain paper, thick paper, bond pa per, recycled paper, transparenc i e s , labels o r env elopes.
Loading pap er and documents 15 2 Type and si ze of pa per 2 The ma c h ine loads paper from the i nstalled standard pape r t r a y, optional l ow er tray or multi-purpo s e tray.
Chapter 2 16 Recommended paper s pe cifica tions 2 The f ol l owing pape r specifications are suitable for t his m achine. Hand ling an d us ing spe cial pape r 2 The machine is designed to work well with most types of xerogra phi c a nd bond paper. Howeve r , so m e pap er variables may have an effect on print quality or handling reliability.
Loading pap er and documents 17 2 Types of pa pe r to a void 2 IMPORTAN T Some types of p aper may not p erf orm well or may cause dam age to your mac hi ne. DO NOT use paper: • that is highly textured • that is extreme ly smooth o r s hi ny • that is curled or warped 1 0.
Chapter 2 18 Ty pes of e nvelo pes to avoid 2 IMPORTAN T DO NO T use e nvelopes: • that are damaged , curled, wrink l ed or an unu sual sh ape • that are extremely s hi ny or textured • with cla.
Loading pap er and documents 19 2 Labels 2 The m achine wi ll print on most types of label s designed f or use with a laser m ach i ne. Labels shou l d have an adhesive that is acrylic-based since this material is more st abl e at the high temperat ures in the fuser unit.
Chapter 2 20 Loading docum ents 2 Usi n g the a utoma tic doc ume nt fe eder (A DF) 2 The A DF can h old up to 50 pages and feeds each sheet individu al ly. Use standard 2 0 lb (80 g/m 2 ) paper an d always fan the pag es before putti ng t hem in t he ADF.
Loading pap er and documents 21 2 Us ing the scan ner glas s 2 You can use t he scanner glass to fax, copy or scan page s of a book or o ne p age at a time. Docu m ents c a n be up to 8.5 in. wide and 14 in. long (215.9 mm wide and 355.6 mm long). Note To use the sc a nner glass, th e ADF m ust be em pty.
22 3 Mo de T imer 3 The m achine has three mode key s on the control panel: Fax , Sc an , and Co p y . You can set how much time the ma c h ine takes af t er the last Copy o r S c an operation to return to Fax mode. If you choose Off , the machine will stay i n the m ode you used last.
Gene ral Setup 23 3 Paper S i z e 3 You can use ten sizes of paper for printing copies : Letter, Legal, E x ecutive, A5, A5 L, A6, B5, B6, Folio a nd A4 and four sizes for printing f axes: A4, Letter, Legal or F olio (8 .
Chapter 3 24 Note • Wh en l oading the document s in t he A DF and MP>T1>T2 or T1>T2>MP is se lecte d, the machine looks for the tray with t he most suitable pap er and pulls p aper from that tray. If no tray has suitable paper, t he machine pulls pa per from the higher pr io r i ty tra y.
Gene ral Setup 25 3 Tr ay Use in prin t mod e 3 You c a n change t he default tray t he machine will use for printing f rom y o ur comput er. a Pr ess Me nu , 1 , 6 , 3 . 16.Tray Use 3.Print a MP>T1 b T1>MP Select ab or OK b Pr ess a or b t o choose Tray#1 Only , Tray#2 Only 1 , MP Only , MP>T1>T2 1 or T1>T2 1 >MP .
Chapter 3 26 Sp eaker v olume 3 You can choos e a range of speaker v ol u me le vel s, fr om High to Off . a Pre ss Menu , 1 , 3 , 3 . 13.Volume 3.Speaker a Med b High Select ab or OK b Pre ss a or b to choo se Off , Low , Med or High . Pre ss OK . c Pre ss Sto p/E xit .
Gene ral Setup 27 3 Ecology fe atures 3 Toner Sav e 3 You can s ave t on er using this feature. W hen you set Toner Save to On , p ri nt app ears lighter. The default setting is Off . a Press Menu , 1 , 5 , 1 . 15.Ecology 1.Toner Save a On b Off Select ab or OK b Pr ess a or b t o choose On or Off .
Chapter 3 28 Turning off the scanner lamp 3 The scann er la m p stays on for 16 hours before automatically switc hi ng off t o preserve the life of t he lamp and reduce power consum ption. To turn the scanner lamp off manually press the d an d c keys simultaneo usly.
Gene ral Setup 29 3 Dial Pref ix 3 T he Di al Pref ix se t ting will aut omatica lly d ial a pre def i ned number b efore every fax num ber you dial. For example: If your telepho ne system requires a 9 to dial an outside number use this setting to automatic al ly dial 9 f or every fax you send.
30 4 Secur e Functi on L ock 2. 0 4 Secure F u nct ion Lock le ts yo u r e s trict Publi c access to the follow ing m ac hine functions: PC Pri n t USB Direct Print Cop y Fax Tx Fax Rx Scan This feature also prevents users from chang i ng the Default settings of the machine by limiting acces s to the Me nu set tings.
Securi t y feature s 31 4 Cha nging th e pass word fo r the adm inist rator 4 a Pr ess Me nu , 1 , 8 , 1 . 18.Security 1.Function Lock a Lock Off i On b Set Password Select ab or OK b Pr ess a or b to choos e Set Password . Pr e s s OK . c Enter the regis tered four-digit password.
Chapter 4 32 Se tting up rest rict ed user s 4 You can set up users with restrictions and a password for functi ons that a r e available t o them. You can set up m ore advanced restrictions, s u ch as by page cou nt or PC user l ogin na me, throug h Web B as ed Manage ment.
Securi t y feature s 33 4 Tur ning Sec ure Fu ncti on Lo ck on/o ff 4 If you ent er t he wrong password, t he LCD will show Wrong Password . Re -e nt er t he correct pa s sword. Tur nin g S ecu re Fu nct i on L ock on a Pr ess Me nu , 1 , 8 , 1 . 18.Security 1.
Chapter 4 34 Setting Loc k 4 Setting Lock lets you set a password to stop other p eople from a c c i d entally chan gi ng y o ur machine set t in gs. Make a c areful note of you r password. If you for get it, y o u will ha ve to re set the pass words stored i n the m achine.
Securi t y feature s 35 4 Cha n gi ng yo ur Setti ng Lock pass word 4 a Pr ess Me nu , 1 , 8 , 2 . 18.Security 2.Setting Lock a On b Set Password Select ab or OK b Pr ess a or b to choos e Set Password . Pr e s s OK . c Enter your four-digit password.
Chapter 4 36 Restricting diali ng 4 This feature is to prevent user s from se ndi ng a fax or c all to a wrong number by mistake. You can set the machine t o res trict dialing by using the dial pad, One Touch, Speed Dial or LDAP sear ch 1 . If you choose Off , the machine does not restrict any di al ing m ethod.
Section I I Fax II Sending a fax 38 Receiving a fax 48 Telephone services and external devices 54 Dialing a nd storing numbers 63 Remote Fax Options 71 Polling 78 Printing reports 80.
38 5 How to fax 5 En terin g fa x mode 5 To ente r fax m od e press ( Fax ), and the key will glow blu e. Sen ding a single- side d fax from the ADF 5 Using t he ADF to send y o ur faxes i s the easiest way. To cancel a fax in progress press Sto p/ Exit .
Sending a fa x 39 5 Chang i n g a 2-si d ed fax l a yout You need t o c h oose the duplex scanning format before yo u send a fa x . T he format you choo s e will depend on t he layout of y our 2- si ded docu men t. a Pr ess Me nu , 1 , 9 , 3 . 19.Document Scan 3.
Chapter 5 40 Note When faxing multipl e pages fr om the scanner glass, real t i me t ransmission should b e set t o Off . (S ee Real Ti me Transmis sion on pa ge 45.
Sending a fa x 41 5 Broadcasting 5 Broadcas ting lets y ou send the same fax mess age to m ore than on e fax numb er. You can in cl ude Groups, O ne Touch, Speed D ial numb ers and up to 50 manually dialed numb ers in t h e sam e broadcast. You can broadcas t up t o 390 different numb ers .
Chapter 5 42 Additional send ing opera tions 5 Sen ding f axes us ing mu ltiple set ting s 5 Before y ou send a fax, you can c hange any combination of t hes e settings: c o nt rast , resolution, overs eas mode, delay ed fax timer, polling transmi s s i o n, real t i me transmission or c over page settings .
Sending a fa x 43 5 Composing your ow n comments 5 You can set up two comme nt s of your own. a Make s ure you are in Fax m ode . b Pr ess Me nu , 2 , 2 , 8 . 22.Setup Send 8.Coverpage Msg a 5. b 6. Select ab or OK c Pr ess a or b to choose 5. or 6. to s tore your o wn comment .
Chapter 5 44 Co ntr ast 5 For m ost document s the def ault setting of Auto will give t he bes t res ults. It autom aticall y chooses the s ui table contrast for your document. If your document is very l ight or dark, chang i ng the contrast may improve the quality of the fax.
Sending a fa x 45 5 Du al ac cess 5 You can dia l a number, and start scanning the fax into m emory —even wh en the machine is send i ng from memory, rec ei ving f axes or p r i ntin g PC dat a. The L CD will s how the n ew job n umber. The num ber o f pages you c an scan into the mem ory will vary dependin g on the data t hat is printed on them.
Chapter 5 46 Over seas Mod e 5 If you are having difficulty sending a fax overseas due to a bad connect ion, t hen turning on Overseas Mo de m ay help. This is a t emporar y setting, and will only be active for y our ne xt fax. a Make sure you are in F a x mode .
Sending a fa x 47 5 Ch ecki ng an d ca nceli ng wait ing job s 5 Chec k which job s are still waiting in t he mem ory to be sent. If there are no jo bs, the LCD will show No Jobs Waiting . You can cancel a fax jo b that is st ore d and wa i ti ng in the m em o ry.
48 6 Choose the correct Rece ive Mode 6 The correc t Receive m ode is determined by the external de vices and telephone s u bscriber services (V oi c e Mail, D ist inctive Ring, etc.) you have (or wi l l be u s i ng) on the same line as the Br ot her ma chi ne.
Receivi ng a fax 49 6 Using recei ve m odes 6 Some rec ei ve modes answer autom at i c a lly ( Fax Only and Fax/Tel ). Y ou m ay want to chan ge t he Ring Del ay before using these mode s . (See Ring Delay on pag e 50.) Fax Only 6 Fax Only mode will aut omatically answer every call as a fax.
Chapter 6 50 Rece ive Mode se ttings 6 Ring Del ay 6 The R ing Delay s e tting sets t he n umber of times t he machine r ings b efore it a nswers in Fax Only and Fax/Tel modes. If yo u have external or ext ension telephon es on t he same li n e as t h e machine , keep the Ring De la y setting of 4 .
Receivi ng a fax 51 6 Ea sy Receiv e 6 If Eas y Receive is On : 6 The m achine can receive a f ax aut o m at ically, even i f y o u answ er the ca l l. W hen you see Receiving on the LCD or hear a cli c k on the phone line through the h andset you are using, just replace the handse t .
Chapter 6 52 Additional re ceiving opera tions 6 Pr inting a redu ced inco min g fax 6 If you choose On , the machine autom at i c ally reduces each p age of an incoming fax t o f it on one pag e of A 4 , Letter, L egal or Foli o size paper.
Receivi ng a fax 53 6 Se tting the Fax R eceive Stamp 6 You can set the m achine to print t he received date and tim e in the t op center of each receive d fax page. a Make s ure you are in Fax m ode . b Pr ess Me nu , 2 , 1 , 8 . 21.Setup Receive 8.Fax Rx Stamp a On b Off Select ab or OK c Pr ess a or b t o choose On or Off .
54 7 Tel ephone lin e serv ices 7 Vo ice Ma il 7 If you have Voice Mail on the same telephone line as your B rother machine , Voice M ail an d the Brothe r mach ine w ill conflic t with e ach other when receiving incoming call s .
Telep hone ser vices and e xternal device s 55 7 Note • You m ust pay for your telephone compan y' s Distinctive Ring service before you program the m achi ne t o work with i t. • Ple ase call your telephone com pany for ava i lability and rates.
Chapter 7 56 Before you choose the ring pattern to registe r 7 You can only register one Distinctive Ring pattern with the machine. Some ring patterns canno t b e registered. T he ri ng pat t erns bel ow are supported by your Brother machine. Register t he one y our telephon e company gives you.
Telep hone ser vices and e xternal device s 57 7 Turning off di stinctive ri ng 7 a Pr ess Me nu , 2 , 0 , 2 . 20.Miscellaneous 2.Distinctive a On b Off Select ab or OK b Pr ess a or b t o choose Off . Pr e s s OK . c Pr ess Sto p/Exi t . Note If you do not want to receive faxes on your Distinctive Ring number, you can turn off Distinctive Ring.
Chapter 7 58 Note If y ou have p r o blems recei v i ng faxes, reduce the ring delay setting on your external TAD. Co nnec tion s 7 The e xternal TAD must be plugged into t he back of the machin e, into the ja c k l abeled EXT. Your mach i ne c annot wo r k properly if you p l ug the TAD into a wall jack (unl es s y o u are using Distinctive Ring).
Telep hone ser vices and e xternal device s 59 7 Two-line te le phone system 7 A two-li ne tele phone system i s nothing more than two s eparate telephone num bers on the same wall outlet. The two telephone num bers can be on separate jacks (RJ11 ) or combined into one jack (RJ1 4).
Chapter 7 60 You can keep t wo-line telephones on ot he r wall outlets as always. There are t wo ways to add a two-line t elephone to t he machine ’s wall o ut l et. You c an plug t he telephone line cord from the two-line telephone into the L1+L2 jack o f the tripl ex adapter.
Telep hone ser vices and e xternal device s 61 7 For Fax/ Tel mode only 7 W hen the mac hi ne is in Fax/Tel mode, i t will use the F/T Ring Time (pseudo/doub le- ringing) to alert you to pick up a voice call. Lift the external telephone ’s ha ndset, and then press Hook to a nsw er.
Chapter 7 62 Changing t he Remote Code s 7 Th e pr es et F ax Rec ei veCo de is l 51 . The preset T elephone Answer Code i s #51 . If yo u are always disconnect ed when accessing your E x ternal TAD, t ry changing t h e three- digit remote codes, for exam ple ### and 999 .
63 8 8 How to dia l 8 You can dial i n any of the fol l owing ways. Manua l dial ing 8 Use the dial pad to enter all the d igi t s of the telephone or fax num ber. O n e tou ch di aling 8 Press the One Touch key that s t ores the numb er you want to call.
Chapter 8 64 Search 8 You can search alphabetically f or names you have stored in t he One Touch and S peed Di al mem ori es . (S ee Storing On e Touch Dial numbers on p age 65 and Storing Speed Dial numbers on page 67. ) a Pre ss S e arch/Speed Dial .
Dial i ng and stori ng numbers 65 8 Storing numbe rs 8 You can set up your machin e to do the following types of e asy dialing: O ne Touch, Spee d Di al and Groups f o r Broadcasting faxes. You c an a lso spe cify the default resolution f or each One Tou c h and S peed Dial number.
Chapter 8 66 MF C-869 0DW an d M FC-88 90DW : 8 a Press the One Touch key where you want to st ore the num ber. If a num ber is not sto r e d there, the LCD sh ow s Register Now? Pre ss 1 to choos e Ye s . b Pre ss a or b to se le ct Fax/Tel , E-Mail or IFAX .
Dial i ng and stori ng numbers 67 8 St orin g S peed Dia l num bers 8 You can s tore your f requently used numbers as Spee d Dial numbers, so that when you dial you wi ll o nl y h ave to press a few keys (Hold dow n Sh ift as you press Sear ch /Speed Dial , the three-digit num ber an d Start ).
Chapter 8 68 e If you want to s ave a fax/scan resolution along with the number, c hoose on e of the options below: If yo u selected Fax/Tel in s tep b , press a or b to sel ect Std , Fine , S.
Dial i ng and stori ng numbers 69 8 e Pr ess d or c to pos i tion t he cursor under the charact er you wan t to change , and t hen pres s Clear/Back t o del et e it. Repeat for each character you want to delete. f Follow the directions beginning in ste p d i n Storing One -Touch di al numbers a nd Storing Speed-Dial numbers.
Chapter 8 70 Pre ss OK i f you don’t want to change the defaul t res ol ution. i (MFC-8690DW and M F C-88 90DW) You can save a fax/scan resolution along with the number. D o on e of the fol low ing : If yo u selected Fax/IFAX in step d , press a or b to sel ect Std , Fine , S.
71 9 9 Remote F ax Opti ons l et you receive fax e s while you are away from the machine. You can use onl y one Rem ote Fax Opt i on at a ti me. Fax Forwarding 9 The Fax Forwardi ng f eat ure l et s y ou automat i c al ly forward your received f a xes to ano t her m a ch in e.
Chapter 9 72 Paging 9 When P aging i s chosen, t he machine dials the cell phone or pager number you programm ed. This acti v ates you r cell pho ne or pager s o you will know that you h ave a fax mess age i n the machine’s memory. a Pre ss Menu , 2 , 5 , 1 .
Re mote Fax Opt ions 73 9 PC Fax Receive 9 If you turn on the PC Fax Receive feature your machine will store rece i v e d fa xes i n mem ory and send them to your PC automat ically.
Chapter 9 74 Changing Re mote Fax Options 9 If received faxes are left i n your machine’s mem ory when y ou change to a nother Remote Fax Op ti on, the LCD will ask you the following me s s age: 25.Remote Fax Opt Erase All Fax? a 1. Yes b 2. No Select ab or OK 25.
Re mote Fax Opt ions 75 9 Remote retriev al 9 The rem ote retri eva l fe at ure l ets you retrieve your stored fax messages when y ou are no t at the machine . Yo u can c al l your machine from any touc h tone telephone o r fax machin e, then use t he Remote Ac c ess Co de to retrieve your messages.
Chapter 9 76 Ret rie ving fax me ssa ges 9 a Dial your fax number f rom a t el ephone or anothe r fax m achine using t ouch tone. b When your machine answ ers, immediately ente r your Rem ote Access Code (3 digits followed by l ). I f you hear one long beep, you have messages .
Re mote Fax Opt ions 77 9 Remote fax comman ds 9 Follow the com m ands b el ow to access featu r e s whe n you are awa y f rom the machine. When you call the m achine and e nt er y our Remote A cc ess Code (3 dig it s f ol lowed b y l ), the syst e m w ill g ive two short beep s and y ou m u st e nter a remote command.
78 10 Polling le t s you set up your mac hi ne s o other people can receive faxes from you, but they pay f or t he call. It a l s o l ets you call somebo dy else’s f ax machine and recei v e a fax fr om it, so y o u pay f or the call. T he polling f eature needs t o be set up on both machines f or this to wo rk .
Po lling 79 10 Polled trans mit 10 Pol l ed transm it lets you s et u p your mac hi ne to wait with a document so another fax ma chin e c an ca ll and re triev e it. Se tup fo r polle d tra nsmit 10 a Make s ure you are in Fax m ode . b Load your docum ent .
80 11 Fax reports 11 Some fax reports (transmission verification and fa x journal) can b e printed automatical ly and m anually. Tr an smi ssi on ve rific ati on repo rt 11 This rep ort lists the send.
Printin g report s 81 11 Fax J ourna l 11 You can set the machine to print a fax journal (activity report ) at specific intervals (every 50 faxes, 6, 12 or 24 hours, 2 or 7 day s). The def aul t s ett i n g i s Every 50 Faxes , th is mean s that your m achine will print the journal when the mac hi ne has stored 50 jobs.
Chapter 11 82.
Section II I Copy III Making copies 84.
84 12 How to c opy 12 Ente ring cop y mode 12 Press ( Copy ) to enter Copy m ode. 1 Contrast 2Q u a l i t y 3 Copy rati o 4 T r ay se le ctio n 5 Number of copies 6 Bright ness Maki ng a sing le copy 12 a Make sure you a r e in Copy m ode . b Load y our do c umen t .
Making cop ies 85 12 Copy options (temporary s ettings) 12 W hen you wa nt to qu ick l y chang e the copy settings t emporarily for the next copy, us e the temporary Co p y ke y s.
Chapter 12 86 Impr ovin g copy qua lity 12 You can choos e from a range of qu ality settings . The def ault setting i s Auto . Auto Auto i s the r e commende d mode f or ordinary pri nt outs. S uitable for documents that c ontain both text and p hotographs.
Making cop ies 87 12 Adju sting Con trast a n d Bri ghtnes s 12 Contrast 12 Adj ust the contrast to help an i mage look sharp er and more v ivid. To temporarily change the contrast setting, follow the steps below: a Make s ure you are in Copy mode . b Load your docum ent .
Chapter 12 88 Maki ng N in 1 co pie s (p ag e la yout) 12 You can reduce the am ount of paper used when c opying by using the N in 1 copy feature. T his al lows you to cop y two o r four pages onto one page, which lets y ou sav e paper. IMPORTAN T • Please mak e sure the paper size is se t t o Letter , A4 , Legal or Folio .
Making cop ies 89 12 If you ar e c opying from the s canner gl ass: 12 Insert y our docum ent face down in the direction s hown be l ow: 2 in 1 (P) 2 in 1 (L) 4 in 1 (P) 4 in 1 (L) Duplex (2-s ided) copying 12 If you want to use the duplex copy feature, load your document in t he A DF.
Chapter 12 90 MFC-868 0DN , MFC-8690DW and MFC-889 0DW 1 si ded i 2 sided Portr ait Lands c a pe 2 si ded i 2 sided Portr ait Lands c a pe 2 si ded i 1 sided Portr ait Lands c a pe a Make s ure you are in Copy mode . b Load your docume nt .
Making cop ies 91 12 d Pr ess Dupl ex an d a or b to select 1sided i 2sided S . Duplex a 1sided i 2sided L 1sided i 2sided S b Off Select ab or OK 01 Pr ess OK .
Chapter 12 92 Tray selectio n 12 You can change the T r a y Use only for t he next cop y. a Make s ure you are in Copy mode . b Load your docume nt . c Use the d ial pad to enter th e number of copies (up to 99). d Pre ss T ray Sel ect . e Pre ss d or c t o choose the MP>T1 , T1>MP , #1(XXX) 1 or MP(XXX ) 1 .
Sectio n IV Dir ect p rinting IV Printing data from a USB Flash memory drive or a digital camera supporting mass storage 94.
94 13 With the Direct Print f e ature, you do not need a comput er to print data. You c an pri nt by just plugging your USB Flash mem ory drive into the machine’s USB direct interface. You can also conne c t and pri nt directly from a c amera set to USB mass storage mode.
Print ing dat a fro m a USB Flas h m emor y drive or a di gital ca mera support ing mass storag e 95 13 Printing data direct ly from the USB Fla sh memory drive or digital camera s upporting mass sto rage 13 a Connect your USB Flash memory drive or digital camera to t he US B direct interface (1) on t he f ront of the m achine.
Print ing dat a fro m a USB Flas h m emor y drive or a di gital ca mera support ing mass storag e 97 13 Understandin g the erro r me ssages 13 Once y ou are familiar with the types of errors that can occur whil e you pri nt da t a from the USB Flash memo ry drive with Direct P r int , you can easily identify an d troubleshoot any pr obl ems .
Chapter 13 98.
Section V Software V Software and Network fea tures 100.
100 14 The User’s Guide on the CD-ROM includ es the Software User ’s Guide and Ne tw ork Us er ’s G uid e . The User’s Guide on the CD-ROM includ es the Software User ’s Guide and Ne tw ork Us er ’s G uid e for f e atures available when c onnected to a computer (for ex am p le, printing an d scanning).
Softwar e and Network feat ur e s 101 14 Maci ntos h 14 a Make s ure your Macinto s h is turned on. Insert the Brot h er CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. b Double-click t he Documentation ic on. c Double-click your language folder, and then d ouble-click the t op.
Chapter 14 102.
Sectio n VI Appen dixes VI Safety and legal 104 Options 119 Troubleshooting and routine maintenance 122 Menu and features 170 Specifications 195 Glossary 215.
104 A Choosing a location A Put you r machine on a flat, stable surface that is free of vibration and sho cks, such as a de s k. Put the machine near a telephone wall jack and a standard ground ed AC power outlet. Choose a location whe r e t he temperature remains b et we en 50 ° F and 9 0.
Safet y and l egal 105 A CAUTIO N Avoid placing your machine in a high-traffic area. DO NOT connec t y o ur machine to a n AC power outlet controlled by wall switches or automatic ti mers . DO NOT connec t your machine to an A C power outlet on the same c i rcuit as large app l iances or other equipment that might disrupt the power supply.
106 To use th e machi ne safely A Please keep thes e i nst ructions for later reference and read them before attem pt i ng a ny maintenan c e. I f you do not follow these safety instruc t ion s , there is a possibility of a fire, electrical shock, burn or suffocation.
Safet y and l egal 107 A DO NOT use flamm able substance s , any type of spray, or an organic solvent / li qui d th at contains alcohol or ammonia to clean the inside or outside of the machine. See Ro utine mai nt en ance on page 154 f o r how t o clean the machine.
108 CAUTIO N After you have just used the m achine, some internal parts of the m achine will be e x t remely hot. To prevent in jury, when you open the f ront or back c o ver (back output tr ay) of the machine, DO NOT touch the shaded par ts shown in the illustrat ions.
Safet y and l egal 109 A When you mov e the ma c h ine, grasp the side hand holds tha t are under the scanner. IMPORTAN T The fuser unit is marked with a Caution label.
110 Imp ortan t safe ty in struct ions A 1 Rea d al l of t h ese i n s truc t i ons. 2 Save them for later reference. 3 Follow all warnings a nd instructions m a rked on the product. 4 B e c arefu l no t to in ha le ton e r. 5 Unp l ug this product from the wall outlet bef ore clea ning i ns i d e of the machine.
Safet y and l egal 111 A 17 Ne v e r pus h objects o f any ki nd into this p roduct through cabinet s l ot s, sin c e t hey may t ouch dangerous voltage points or short out parts resulting in the risk of fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.
112 Stan dard t e l epho ne and FCC not ice s A These notic es a re i n effect on mo dels sold and used in the United States only. When programm ing emer gency numb ers or m aking t e st calls to emergency numbers : Rem ain on the line and briefly explain to the dispatcher the reason f or t he call bef ore hanging up.
Safet y and l egal 113 A WARNING For protection against the risk of electrical shock, always disconne c t al l cables from the wall outlet be fore s ervicing, m odify ing or ins tallin g t he equip m en t .
114 IMPORTAN T • Cha nges o r modificat i ons not ex pressly approved by Brother Industries, Ltd. could void the user’s authority to o perat e the equi p m en t. • A shielded interface cable should be used to ensure compliance with the limits for a Cl ass B digital device.
Safet y and l egal 115 A FDA r egulat ions (F or 110 -120V M odels o nly) A U.S. F ood a nd Dru g Administration (FDA) ha s implement ed regulations f or laser produc t s manu fa ctured on and af t er A ugust 2, 1976. Com pli anc e i s mandat ory f or products marketed in the United S tates.
116 LAN co nnec tion A CAUTIO N DO NOT connect this product to a LAN connection that is subject to o ver-voltages. Inte rnatio nal ENER GY S T AR ® Quali ficat ion St atem ent A The p urpose of t he I nternational EN ERGY ST A R ® Program is to promote the develop m ent and popularizat i on of en ergy-efficient office equipment.
Safet y and l egal 117 A Libtiff Copyrigh t and Lice nse A Use and Copyrigh t Copy r i ght© 1988-1997 Sam Leffler Copy r i ght© 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
118 Trade marks A The B rother logo is a registered trademark of Brother Indus tries, Ltd. Brother is a registered trademark of Brother Industries, Ltd. Microsoft, Wi nd ows, Window s Server, Out look and In t ernet Expl orer are registered trademark s of Microsoft Corporation in t he United S t a tes and/or o ther countries.
119 B B Options B This machine has the fol l owin g optional accessories. Y ou can in c rea se the c a pabi li t ies of the machin e with these i tems.
120 Optiona l paper tray (LT-5300 ) B An o pt i onal lower tray c an be installed, and it can hold up to 250 sheets of 20 lb (80 g/m 2 ) paper. When a n optional tray is i nst alled, t he machine can hold up t o 55 0 shee ts of pl ai n paper. For setup, see the Instructions that we have supplied with the lower tray uni t.
Options 121 B I n stal ling ext ra memo ry B a Turn o ff the machi ne’s power switch. Unplug the telephon e line cord. b Disconnect t he interface cab le from the machine, a nd then unplug the power cord from the A C power outlet. Note Be sure to turn off the m achine’s power swi t c h before you inst al l or remove the SO-DI MM.
122 C Troublesh ooting C IMPORTAN T For technical help, you must call the country where you bought the machine. Calls must be made from within that country. If yo u ar e ha ving dif ficu lty wit h yo ur mac hine C If you think there is a prob lem, check the chart be l ow and follow th e t roub leshooting tips.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 123 C Telephone li ne or connections Difficulties S uggestion s Di alin g does n ot wor k. Check f or a dia l ton e. Ch ange Tone/Pulse se tting. (Se e th e Qui ck S etup Guide .) (C anad a only ) Ch eck all lin e cord conn ecti ons .
124 Ca nnot re ceiv e a fax. (co nti nued) An othe r dev ice o r ser vic e at y our lo cati on m ay be ans weri ng the cal l befo re yo ur Br othe r machi ne ans w e rs. To t e st this , lowe r the r ing de lay se tting : If the answer mod e is set to Fax Only or Fax/Tel , r educ e the ring de lay to 1 ri ng.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 125 C Sending fa xes Difficulties S uggestion s Po or send ing qu alit y. Try ch angi ng you r res oluti on to Fine or S.Fine . M ake a co py t o c heck your mac hine ’s s cann er op erati on. If the copy qua lity is n ot go od, cle an t he scanner .
126 Copy difficul ties Difficulties Sugge stion s Ca nnot mak e a copy . Make su re that Copy i s ill umi nated . (S ee En tering co py mod e on page 8 4.) Conta ct your admi nist rator t o chec k your Secu re Func tion Lock se tting s. Ver ti cal bl ack li n e appe ars i n co pies.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 127 C The h eader s or foot ers ap pear whe n t h e docum ent disp lays on the sc ree n but the y do no t show u p wh en it is p rinted . Ther e is an un pri ntable a rea on t he to p and bot tom of the p age.
128 Paper ha ndling di fficultie s Difficulties Sugge stion s Th e ma chin e do es not lo ad pa per. Th e LCD show s No Paper or a Pap e r Jam messa ge. If ther e i s no pape r, loa d a n ew stack of pa per int o the pape r t ray. If th ere is paper in the p aper tr ay, mak e sur e it is strai ght .
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 129 C Th e netwo rk sc anni ng feat ure does not wor k. Th e netw ork PC Fa x Re ceiv e fea ture do es not work . Th e netwo rk pri nting feat ure doe s not wor k. (Windows ® ) Th e fire wall setting on yo ur P C may b e reje ctin g the n ecess ary netw ork co nnecti on.
130 Th e net work scan ning feat ure does not wor k. Th e net work PC Fax Recei ve fe ature does not work . Th e net work p rin ting featu re does not wor k. (co nti nued) (Win dows Vi s ta ® ): a Click th e Start b u tton , Cont rol Panel , N e twork and Inte rnet , Wind ows Fir ewall and clic k Cha nge setti ngs .
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 131 C I mprov in g the pri nt qu ality C Examples of poor pr int quali t y Recommendat i on W hit e li nes acr oss th e pag e Make sur e t hat you use pa per t hat meets our speci fications . A r oug h surfac ed paper o r thick print medi a can cause the probl em.
132 Page skewe d Make sure that the paper or other p rint medi a is l oaded proper l y in the paper tr ay and that t he guides ar e n ot too tight or too loose again st the p aper stac k. Set the paper guides corre ct l y. (See Loa ding paper in the st andard paper tr ay on page 10.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 133 C Envelop e Creases a Open the back co ver. b Pull the blue lever unt il t h e mark ( c ) r e aches bes i d e the mar k ( ) as sh own bel ow. c Resend the pri nt job. Note When you have fini shed print ing, ope n the back c over and reset th e two blue le vers back t o thei r origina l posit ion.
134 Cu rl ed Tur n the pap er over in the paper tray, and print aga in. (Exc ludin g Lette r hea d paper) If the probl em r em ains, switch t h e Anti-Cur l Lever as foll ows: 1 Open the back cov er. 2 Lift the lever (1) a nd slid e t he l ever ( 2) i n the direc tion of the arr ow.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 135 C White Spots on bl ack t ex t and graphics at 3. 7 in . (94 mm) int ervals Black Spot s at 3. 7 in. (94 mm) int ervals Make ten co pi e s of a blank, white sheet o f paper. (See M aking mult iple co pie s on page 84.
136 All black Cle an the co rona wire i nside the d r um un it by sliding t he blue ta b. Be sure t o r et urn the bl ue tab to the home positio n ( a ). (See Cleaning th e corona wi r e on page 157.) The dr um un i t may be damaged. Put in a new dru m unit.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 137 C Poor fixing Open the bac k cover and make sure that t he t wo blue leve rs on the left an d r ight hand sid es are in the up posit ion. Choose Improve Toner Fixi ng mode in the pr inter dr iver.
138 Sett ing Di al Tone d etect ion C Setting t he Dial T one to Detection will shorten the Dial Tone detect pause. a (U SA) Pres s Men u , 0 , 4 . (Canada) Press Me nu , 0 , 5 . 04.Dial Tone a Detection b No Detection Select ab or OK b Pre ss a or b t o choose Detectio n or No Detection .
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 139 C Error and mainte nance m essages C As with any sophisticated office product , errors may oc c ur and consumable items may need to be replaced. If this ha ppens, your machine identifies the error or required routine m aintenance a nd show s t he appropriate mes s a ge.
140 Docu ment Jam Th e document was n ot inse rted or fed proper ly , or the docum ent scanne d from t he ADF was too long . See Do cument jams on p age 145 or Usin g the automat ic document fee der (ADF) on page 20. DR M ode in Us e Th e mac hine i s set to Dist i n ctive Ri ng m ode.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 141 C Out of M emor y The mac hi ne’s memory is full. Fax send ing or copy op er at ion in progress Do one of the foll owing: Pre ss Start to s end or copy the scanned pages. Pre ss Stop/Exi t and wai t unti l the other operat i o ns in progress f i ni sh, and then tr y again.
142 Repl ace Parts Lase r Un it It is tim e to re p la ce t he la ser unit . Call Brot her Customer Se rvice to r eplace t he lase r unit. 1-877- BROTHER (1-877- 276-8437) ( in U.S.A ) 1-877- BROTHER ( in C anad a ) Repl ace Parts PF K it M P It i s time to replac e t he pap er feedi ng kit for the MP tray .
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 143 C Siz e mi smat ch The p aper in the tray i s not t he corre ct size . Load t he cor rect size of paper i n the tray and set the “Paper Size” ( Me nu , 1 , 2 , 2 ( See Paper Size on page 23) .
144 Tr an sf er ri ng yo ur fa xes or Fax Jour nal re port C If the LC D shows: Print Unable XX Scan Unable XX We rec ommend t r ansferring your fax es to another fax machine or to your PC. (See Transferring f axes to another fax machi ne on page 14 4 or Transferring faxes to your PC on page 14 4.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 145 C Docume nt ja ms C If the docum ent is jamme d, follow the steps bel ow . IMPORTAN T Afte r rem oving a j ammed docum ent, che c k t h at no paper sc rap s are l eft in t h e machin e that cou ld cause an other jam.
146 Document i s jammed at t he out put tra y C a Take out any pa per from t h e ADF that is not jammed. b Pull the j amm ed document out to the right. c Pre ss Sto p/E xit . Document i s jammed in t he duple x sl ot C a Take out any pa per from t h e ADF that is not jammed.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 147 C Paper j ams C To clear paper j ams, please f ollow t h e steps in this se ction. IMPORTAN T Ple ase confirm that you have installed both a toner cartridge and a drum unit in the m achine.
148 Paper is jammed i n Paper Tra y 1 or Tray 2 C If the LC D shows Jam Tray 1 or Jam Tray 2 , follow these s teps: a Pull the paper tray c o mpletely out of the machine. For Jam Tray 1 : For Jam Tray 2 : b Use bo t h hands t o slowly pul l out the jammed pa per.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 149 C Paper is jammed inside the machine C a Turn o ff the machi ne’s power switch. Unplug the telephone l ine cord first, disconne c t all cables, and then unplug the po wer cord from t he A C power outlet.
150 f Put the drum unit an d toner c art rid ge assembly back in the machine. g Close the front cover. h Put the pap er tray f i rm ly back in t he machine. i P lug t he ma ch ine ’s pow er c or d bac k in to the AC power out l et first, and reconnec t all cables and the telephone line cord.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 151 C IMPORTAN T W e recom mend that you place the drum unit and toner c a rtridge assem bl y on a clean, flat surface wi t h a s heet of dispos abl e paper or cloth underneath it in case you accidentally s pill or scatter t on er.
152 Paper is jammed at the back of the mach in e C a Turn o ff the machin e ’s p ower switch. Unplug the telephone li ne cord first, disconnect al l cables, and then unplug the power cord from t he AC power outlet. b Press t he front cov er release bu tton and open th e front cover.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 153 C g Close the fuser c over and back c over (back ou t put t r ay). h Put the drum unit and toner cartridge ass emb ly ba ck in th e m achin e. i Close th e front cover. j Plug the machine’s power c ord back i nt o the AC power out l et first, and reconn ect all cables and the telephone line cord.
154 Routine ma intenance C WARNING Use neu t ral detergents. DO NOT use cleaning materials that contain ammonia , alcohol, any type of spray, or a ny t ype of fl amm able substanc e to clean the outsid e or inside of the machine. Doing this may cause a fire or electrical shock.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 155 C Cl eanin g the s cann er C a Turn o ff the machi ne’s power switch. Unplug the telephone l ine cord first, disconne c t a ll cables and then unplug the power cord f rom the A C power outlet. b Lift the doc um ent cover (1).
156 b Open t he front cover and slowly t ake out the drum unit and toner cartri dg e assembly. CAUTIO N HOT SURFACE After you have just used the machi ne, s ome int ernal pa rts of the machi ne will be extremely hot.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 157 C Cl eanin g the c orona wire C If you have print quality problems, clean the co ron a w ire as fo llo ws : a Turn o ff the machi ne’s power switch. Unplug the telephone l ine cord first, disconne c t all cables, and then unplug the power cord f rom the A C power outlet.
158 f P lug t he ma ch ine ’s pow er c or d bac k in to the AC p ower outlet first, and then reconnect al l cabl es and t elephone line cord. Turn on t h e machin e’s po wer swi tc h. IMPORTAN T To a v oid p r i nt qual ity probl ems, DO NO T touch the shade d parts sho wn in the illustrations below.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 159 C d Pu t the p rin t sam ple in fro nt o f the d rum unit, and find the e xact pos it i on of th e poor print.
160 Replacing the cons umable items C You wil l nee d to replace the consum able items when t he machine indicates that t he l if e of the consum abl e is over. IMPORTAN T • We recom mend placing used consum abl e i t ems on a sheet of paper t o prevent accidenta l ly spilling or scattering the material i nside.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 161 C Re plac ing a to ner cart ridg e C The High Yield toner cartridges can print approx i mately 8,000 page s 1 and the Standard t oner cartridges c an pri nt approx i mately 3,000 page s 1 . Ac t u al page coun t will vary d epending on y our average type of document (i .
162 c Push down t he blue lock lever and take the used toner c artridge out of t he drum unit. WARNING DO NOT put a toner cartri dg e into a fire. I t could explode, resulting in injuri es. IMPORTAN T • Han dl e the toner c artridge carefull y. I f toner scatters on your hands or clothes, wipe or wash it off with cold water at once.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 163 C e Pull off t he protective cover. f Put the n ew toner cart rid ge firmly into the drum unit u nt i l you hea r it lock int o place. If you put it in properly, the lock leve r will li f t au tomat ically.
164 Re plac ing th e dru m uni t C The m achine uses a drum unit to c reate print image s on paper. If the LCD show s Replace Parts Drum , t he drum uni t i s near the end of its life and i t is time to buy a new one.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 165 C IMPORTAN T • W e recommend that you put t he drum uni t and toner cartridge assembl y on a clean, flat surface with a sheet of disposable paper o r cloth underneath it i n case y ou a c c identally s p ill or scatte r t oner.
166 Replacing periodic maintena nce parts C The periodic maintenanc e parts wil l need to be replaced regularly to maintain the print quality. The parts listed below will have to be replaced a fter printing a pproximately 50 , 000 pages for PF K i tMP and 100,000 pages fo r PF Kit1, PF Kit2, Fuser and Laser.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 167 C Ch ecki ng the r emain ing li fe of part s C You can see t he remainin g life of the machin e's drum unit and pe r i odic main t ena nce parts on the LCD. a Pr ess Me nu , 8 , 3 . 83.Parts Life 1.Drum 2.
168 How t o re s et C a (U SA) Pres s Men u , 0 , 6 . (Canada) Press Me nu , 0 , 7 . 06.Reset 1.Network 2.Address & Fax 3.All Settings Select ab or OK b Pre ss a or b to choose the reset you want. Pre ss OK . c Pre ss a or b t o choose 1.Reset or 2.
Troubl eshooting and r outine maint enance 169 C f Take out the drum unit and toner cartridge a s sem bly. Leave t he toner cartridge installed in t he drum unit. g Put the drum unit and toner cartridge assemb l y into a plastic bag an d seal th e bag.
170 D On-scre en programmin g D Your machine has been desig ned to be e asy to use. The LCD provides on-screen programm i ng us i ng t he menu k eys. We hav e creat ed step by s tep on-scree n instructions to help you program your machine. Simp ly f ol low the steps as they guide you through the men u sele c tion s and programm i ng options.
Menu and feature s 171 D Ho w to acce ss the me nu mode D a Pr ess Me nu . b Choose an option. Press 1 for General Setup menu. Press 2 for Fax menu. Press 3 for Copy menu. Press 4 for Printer menu. Press 5 for USB Di rect I/F menu.
172 Menu ta ble D The factory settings are shown in Bold with an as terisk. Choose & OK Choose & OK to acc ept to e xit Mai n Menu Subm enu Menu S elec tion s O pt ions Descr ipt io ns Pag e 1.
Menu and feature s 173 D 1.G eneral Setup (Co nti nued) 2.Paper (C onti nued ) 2.P aper Size 1.MP Tray A4 Letter * Legal Executive A5 A5 L A6 B5 B6 Folio Any Se ts th e si ze o f th e pape r in th e MP tray. 23 2.Tray#1 A4 Letter * Legal Executive A5 A5 L A6 B5 B6 Folio Se ts th e si ze o f th e pape r in the pape r tray.
174 1.Gene ral S etup (Con ti nued) 3.Volume (Co nti nued) 2.Beeper Off Low Med * High Adj u st s the vol ume lev el o f th e be eper. 25 3.Speaker Off Low Med * High Adj u st s the spe aker volu me. 26 4. Auto D aylig ht — On Off * Ch ange s fo r D ayli ght Savi ngs Time au toma tica lly.
Menu and feature s 175 D 1.G eneral Setup (Co nti nued) 6.Tray Use (C onti nued ) 3.Print Tray#1 Only Tray#2 Only MP Only MP>T1>T2 * T1>T2>MP (Tray#2 or T2 appe ars onl y i f you inst alle d the opt ion al pa per tray. ) Selects the tr ay that will be us ed for PC pri nt.
176 Ma in Me nu Subm en u Me nu S el ec ti ons Op ti on s Des c rip ti ons Pag e 2.Fax 1.Setup Receive (I n Fax mode on ly ) 1.Ring Delay 00 01 02 03 04 * Se ts the num ber of ri ngs be for e the mach ine an swer s in Fax Only o r Fax/Te l mode . 50 2.
Menu and feature s 177 D 2.Fax (Co nti nued) 2.Setup Send (Co nti nued) 3.Delayed Fax — Se ts the tim e of da y in 24 ho ur fo rma t tha t the dela yed fax es wil l be sen t. 46 4.Batch TX On Off * Com bine s de laye d fax es g oin g to the same f ax num ber at th e sam e t ime of day int o one tra nsmis sion .
178 2.Fax (Con ti nued) 4.Report Setting (Con ti nued) 2 .J our nal Pe rio d Off Every 50 Faxes * Every 6 Hours Every 12 Hours Every 24 Hours Every 2 Days Every 7 Days Sets the int erval fo r auto matic pri nting of the Fax Jour nal. 81 5.Remote Fax Opt 1 .
Menu and feature s 179 D 2.Fax (Co nti nued) 0.Miscellaneous 1.C ompa tibil ity High * Normal Basic(f or VoIP) Ad just s the equ alizati on for tr ansmissi on dif ficu lties . VoIP servi ce pr ovid ers o ffer f ax sup por t usin g vari ous stan dards .
180 4.Printer 1.Emulation — Auto(EPSON) * Auto(IBM) HP LaserJet BR-Script 3 Epson FX-850 IBM Proprinter Ch ooses th e emu lat ion mo de. See Sof tw are Us er ’ s Guid e on the CD- ROM . 2.Print Options 1.Inte rnal Font 1.HP LaserJet 2.BR-Script 3 Prints a li s t o f the mach ine’ s int ernal fonts .
Menu and feature s 181 D 5. USB Dir ect I /F (Co nti nued) 1.Direct Print (Co nti nued) 3.M ulti ple P age 1in1 * 2in1 4in1 9in1 16in1 25in1 1 in 2x2 pages 1 in 3x3 pages 1 in 4x4 pages 1 in 5x5 pages Se ts th e pa ge s tyle wh en p rinti ng m ulti ple page s dir ec tly f rom the USB Flas h memor y d rive.
182 6. Print Rep orts 1.Transmission 1.View on LCD — You can view t he Trans missi o n Verifi cation Report for y our l ast 20 0 out goi ng fa xes and pri nt th e las t r eport . 81 2.Print Report — 2.Help List — — Prints the Help L i st so yo u can se e at-a- gl ance how to quic kly pr ogram yo ur mach ine.
Menu and feature s 183 D Main Menu Subm enu M e nu S elect ions Opt ions De scripti ons Pag e 7.Ne two rk ( MFC- 8480DN and M FC-8680DN) 1.TCP/IP 1.Boot Method Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Chooses t he BOOT meth od that best sui ts yo ur need s. See Netw ork User’s Guide on the CD -R OM.
184 7 .Ne tw or k (MFC -8480DN and M FC-8680D N) (C onti n ued) 1.TCP/IP (Con ti nued) 0.IPv6 On Off * En able o r Di sabl e th e IPv6 pro tocol. If you wa nt to use the IP v6 pr otoc ol, v isit http ://solutio ns.b roth er .c om / for more i nfo rmation.
Menu and feature s 185 D 7.Ne two rk (MFC -8690DW and M FC-8890DW ) (Co nti nu ed) 1. Wired L AN 1.TCP/IP 1.B OOT Me thod Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Chooses t he BOOT meth od that best sui ts yo ur need s. See Netw ork User’s Guide on the CD -R OM.
186 7 .Ne tw or k (MFC -8690DW and MFC-8890D W ) (C onti n ued) 1. Wired LA N (Con ti nued) 2.Ethernet — Auto * 100B-FD 100B-HD 10B-FD 10B-HD Ch ooses the Eth ernet link mod e. See Netwo rk User’s Guide on th e CD -R OM. 3.Set t o Default — 1.Reset 2.
Menu and feature s 187 D 7.Ne two rk (MFC -8690DW and MFC-8890DW ) (Co nti nu ed) 2.WLAN (Co nti nued) 1.TCP/IP (C onti nued ) 9.APIPA On * Off Autom atica lly al loca tes t he IP addr ess from th e li nk-lo cal addre ss ra nge. See Netw ork User’s Guide on the CD -R OM.
188 7 .Ne tw or k (MFC -8690DW and M FC-8890D W) (C onti n ued) 2.WLAN (Con ti nued) 6.Set t o Default — 1.Reset 2.Exit Re store the wire less netwo rk setting to facto ry defa ult. See Netwo rk User’s Guide on th e CD -R OM. 7.WLAN Enabl e — On Off * Ena ble o r disa ble t he wireless LAN m anual ly.
Menu and feature s 189 D 7.Ne two rk (MFC -8690DW and M FC-8890DW ) (Co nti nu ed) 3.E- ma il/IF AX (Co nti nued) 3. Setup Mail RX (C onti nued ) 2. Poll Frequ ency (01-60) 10Min * Sets th e interv al for chec king for new mes sag es o n the POP3 s erver.
190 7 .Ne tw or k (MFC -8690DW and M FC-8890D W) (C onti n ued) 5. Sca n To F T P —— Color 100 dpi * Color 200 dpi Color 300 dpi Color 600 dpi Gray 100 dpi Gray 200 dpi Gray 300 dpi B&W 200 dpi B&W 200x100 dpi Ch ooses the f ile forma t to se nd th e s can ned d ata vi a FTP .
Menu and feature s 191 D Mai n Menu Su bmenu M enu S elections Opti ons Descript ions Page 8.Ma ch in e Inf o. 1.Serial No. — — You ca n ch eck th e ser ial numb er of y our machi ne. 166 2.Page Counter — Total Fax/List Copy Print Yo u can ch eck th e numb er of to tal page s the m achin e has pr inte d dur ing its life .
192 0 .I nit ial Se tup (Con ti nued) 6.Reset (in US A) 7.Reset (i n Cana da) 1.Network 1.Reset 2.Exit Yo u ca n res et the pri nt s erver ba ck t o it s defaul t fact ory sett ings, s uch a s th e pas swo rd and IP addr es s inform atio n 167 2.Address & Fax 1.
Menu and feature s 193 D Entering text D W hen setting c ert a in menu s el ection s , such as the Sta t io n ID, you will need t o type t ext chara c t ers. The dial pad keys have letters printed on them. T he k e ys: 0 , # and l do not have printed le tters because they are used for speci al characters.
194 Spec i al characters and sym b ols Press l , # or 0 , then press d or c to move t he c ursor to the symbol or character you want. Press OK to cho ose i t . The symbols and charact ers belo w wi ll appear depe nding on your menu sele ction. Pr ess l for (spac e) ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) l + , - .
195 E E Ge nera l E Sp eci fi cat ion s E Prin ter Ty p e Laser Print Method El ect rophotogra phy by semiconductor laser beam scanning Memor y Capacity 64 MB LCD (liquid crystal display) 2 2 ch ar ac.
196 Temperatu re Operating: 50 ° F to 90.5 ° F (10 to 32.5 ° C) Storage: 41 ° F to 95 ° F (5 to 3 5 ° C) Humidity O perating: 20 to 80% (without conde nsation) Storage: 10 to 90% (without conden.
Specif i c ations 197 E Print media E 1 For tr ansp are ncie s and labe ls, we re comme nd remov ing pri nte d pages f rom the o utput paper t ray immedi ate l y a fter t hey exit the ma chin e t o avoi d t he p ossi bilit y of smu dgin g. 2 16 t o 28 lb (60 to 10 5 g/m 2 ) fo r dupl ex prin t.
198 Pap er Outp u t Out put Tray: Up t o 150 sheets (face-down prin t de livery to the output pap er tray) Back Output Tray: O ne sheet (face-up print delivery to the ba ck out put t ra y) Dup.
Specif i c ations 199 E Fax E 1 ‘Pag es’ r efe rs to th e ‘Bro ther N o . 1 Ch art ’ (a typ ical bus ines s lett e r, St andar d re solu tion, JBIG cod e). Speci fic ati ons and pr inted mate r i als ar e subj ec t to ch ange wit h o ut pri or no tice .
200 Copy E 1 The c opy spe ed may c hange de pend ing on the t ype of documen t you c opy. 2 1200 × 600 dpi when copy ing with Tex t qua lit y, 10 0% ra ti o an d from sc anne r glas s. 3 T he fir st copy out time may va ry de pend ing o n sc ann er l amp wa rm up time .
Specif i c ations 201 E Scan E 1 For the l atest d river upda tes, vi s it u s at ht tp://sol ution s.broth m/ 2 Max imum 12 00 × 1200 dpi sc anni ng wit h the W IA dr iver in Wi ndow s ® XP/W.
202 Print E 1 Pr in t onl y via ne tw ork. 2 For the la test d riv er upd ates, v isit u s at http:/ /soluti other.c om/ 3 The p rint sp eed ma y change d ependi ng on t he type o f d ocume nt you pr int.
Specif i c ations 203 E Interfa ces E 1 P arall el ca ble is no t su ppor ted for Wind ow V ista ® , Wi ndow s S erver ® 20 03 , Wind ow s Serv er ® 2003 x 64 Edi tion a nd Wind ows Serv er ® 2008 . 2 Y our ma chin e has a Hi-S peed U SB 2.0 in terf ace.
204 Direct Print feature E 1 PD F dat a that i nclu des a JBI G2 imag e file, a JPEG20 00 im age fil e or tr anspa ren cy fil es is n ot su ppor ted. Co mp atib ili ty PD F ve rsio n 1 .
Specif i c ations 205 E Comput er require ment s E Minimum System R e quirements a nd Supported PC Soft ware Funct ions Computer Pla t f or m & Operati ng System Version Processor Minimum Speed Mi.
206 1 Int ernet Expl orer ® 5.5 o r grea ter. 2 For W I A, 120 0x120 0 res olut ion . Brot her sca nner U t i lit y e nabl es to e nhan ce up to 1920 0 x 1920 0 dpi . 3 Thi rd par ty USB/ P a ral lel p orts ar e not supp orted . 4 PC F ax su pport s blac k and wh ite onl y.
Specif i c ations 207 E Consumable items E 1 A pprox . ca rtri dge y ield is d ecl are d in acco rdan ce w ith I SO/I EC 1 9752 . 2 MFC-8 680DN and MFC -8690 DW incl ude a Hi gh-Yi eld To ner Ca r t ridg e. 3 Drum yiel d is ap proxi mate , an d may va ry by typ e of u se.
208 Ethernet w i red n etwork E Network bo ard model name NC-6800h type2 LAN You can connect your machine to a network for Network Printing, Network Scann ing, P C Fa x and Remote Set up.
Specif i c ations 209 E 1 PC Fax S end f or Mac 2 Pri nt only v ia ne twor k 3 Mac OS X 10. 3.9 or great er (mD NS ) 4 For the l atest d river upda tes, vi s it u s at ht tp://sol ution s.broth m/ 5 B RAdm in P rofe ssion al an d W eb BRAd min a re av aila ble as a down loa d fro m http: //s oluti ons.
210 Ethernet w ireless network (MF C-869 0DW and M FC-8890D W) E Network bo ard model name N C- 7 600w type2 LAN You can connect your machine t o a net work for Network P rinting, N et wo rk Scanning, PC Fax and Remote Setup 12 .
Specif i c ations 211 E 1 PC Fax S end f or Mac 2 Pri nt only v ia ne twor k 3 Mac OS X 10. 3.9 or great er (mD NS ) 4 For the l atest d river upda tes, vi s it u s at ht tp://sol ution s.broth m/ 5 B RAdm in P rofe ssion al an d W eb BRAd min a re av aila ble as a down loa d fro m http: //s oluti ons.
212 Aut hent ica tion and en cr yp tion f or wi rel ess u ser s o nly E Auth enti catio n met hod E The Brother machi ne s u pports t he following metho ds: O pen system Wireless devices are allowed to access the netw ork without a ny aut hentication.
Specif i c ations 213 E TKI P TK I P (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) provides per-packet key mixing a m essage integrity che c k and re-k eying m echa ni s m. AES AES (Adva nce d Encry pti o n St andard) is W i -Fi authorized strong e ncr ypt i on s t a ndard.
214 Wir eless one -push conf igurat ion E If your wireless access point s upports either SecureEas ySetup™, Wi-Fi P rotected Set up (P B C 1 ) or AOSS ™ , you can configure the machine eas i ly without knowing your wireless network settings.
215 F This is a comprehensive l ist of feat ures and terms t hat appear in Brot her manuals. Av ai lability of these fe at ures depends on the model you purchased . F Glossar y F ADF (automatic document feed er) The doc ument can be placed in the A DF and s canned o ne page at a time aut oma tic al ly .
216 Easy Receive Enabl es your machi ne t o respond t o CNG tones if you interrupt a f ax call by answe r i ng i t. ECM (Erro r Corre ction Mode) Detects errors during fax transmission and res ends the pages of the fax that ha d an error.
Gl os sar y 217 F On e Tou ch Keys on the m achine’s control panel where you can store numbers f or easy dialing. You can store a second number on ea ch key if y ou press Shif t and t he One Touch k ey t ogether. Out of Paper Recep ti o n Rece i ves fax es into the machine’s mem ory when the machine is out of paper.
218 Tempo rary settings You can choos e cert ai n options for each fax transm i s s i on and c o py wi thou t chang ing t he de fault settings. Tone A form of dialing on the telephone line used for Touch Tone telepho nes. Trans mission The process of sending faxes ov er the teleph one l ines from your m achine to the recei ving fax machine.
I ndex 219 G G A Accessori es and suppli es . .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ii ADF (automatic do c ument feeder) fa xin g .... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... . 38 using ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ...
220 Direct print . ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .. 94 Direct key .. .... ....... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... 95 spe cifica tion .. ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... .....204 Disti nctive Ring choosing ring pattern .
221 G H HELP ..... ... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... . 81 Help List .. ..... ....... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... . 81 LCD messages ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... . 170 Menu Tabl e .... ..... ..... .. ..
222 Paper . ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .. 14 , 197 how to load .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ....10 jam .. ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... .....147 recommende d .. .... ........ ....
223 G S Safety instru ctions .... ... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .... 110 Scanne r glass fa xin g .... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... . 39 using ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... . 21 Scanni ng See Sof tware User’s Gui de on t he CD-ROM.
EQUIPMENT AT T ACHMENT LIMITAT I ONS (Can ada on ly) NOTICE This product meet s t he appl icable Industry Canada techn ical s p ecif ications . NOTICE The Ringer Equivale nce Nu mber is an indication of t he maximum number of devices allow ed to be conn ect ed to a telephone interface.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Brother MFC-8890DW è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Brother MFC-8890DW - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Brother MFC-8890DW imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Brother MFC-8890DW ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Brother MFC-8890DW, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Brother MFC-8890DW.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Brother MFC-8890DW. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Brother MFC-8890DW insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.