Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CB-500AP-360 del fabbricante Brickcom
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Megapixel Cub e Netw ork Camera CB-100 A / CB -500 A Series User ’ s Manua l Quality Ser vice Group.
- - Product name: Network Camera (C B-100A/CB-500A series) Release Date: 2013/7 M anu al Revisi on: V2.3 Web sit e: www .b ri Email: suppor t@brickco m.
- - T able of Contents Before Y ou Use This Product ..... .................... .................. .................... .................. ......... 0 FCC Wa rning . ................... .................. .................... .................. .......
- - EasyLin k TM . .................... .................. .................... .................. ................... ....... 56 Wir e less ............. ................... ................... .................. .................... ................
Before Y ou Us e This Produc t In m any countri es, t he re are l aw s prohibiting or restricting the us e of survei ll ance devi ces . This Network Cam e ra is a h igh-perform a nce, web-read y cam er a w hich can be part of a flexible surveillance system .
- - Regulator y Information Federal C ommunicat ion Co mmiss ion Interference State ment This equipment has been tested and found to comply with t he limit s f or a Class B digit al devic e, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Product Comp a rison Model Name Lens Resolutio n DI/DO WiFi PoE USB port fo r 3G/ 4G CB- 100A Series CB-100Ap Board Le ns 1280x800 - - - - WCB-100Ap Board Le ns - - CB-101Ap V2.
- - Package Cont ent s Please ch eck to m ake sure the product pac kage cont a ins all the accessories listed bel ow . a. Ne twork Camer a b. Product CD c. Came ra S ta nd d. W arranty Card e. T erm in a l I/O Connect or Block (*) f. Easy Insta l lati on Guide g.
- 2 - Cube Netw ork Camera O verview The com pact Bri ckc om CB-100A/CB-500 A ser ies Cube network series offers a high quality, vid eo surveillance solutio n for residences an d sm all businesse s . Unli k e a g en eral webcam, thi s cam er a series is a standalone surveilla nc e system that doe s not need to be connected to a com puter .
- 3 - Pet Monitor – The m otio n detection feat ure can be used t o c reate f o rbidden areas in the hom e w h ich the p et should not enter when the owner i s away. If the cam era records the pet ente ring t he r eg ion, a re c o rded m essa ge can be programm ed to play and the owner will be notified via em ail or MMS.
- 4 - Device A ppea rance Descrip tion CB-100A Series/CB-50 0A Series < Front & Rear view > Ad ju st ab le f o c a l Lens (*) Bu il t-i n Microphon e PIR (*) Il lumination LED Speaker (*.
- 5 - Device A ppea rance Descrip tion CB-500Ap-360p-L < Front & Rear view > Ad ju st ab le f o c a l Lens (*) Bu il t-i n Microphon e PIR (*) Il lumination LED Speaker (*) P ower Conn e.
- 6 - 1. NOT E - T he W PS and Privacy buttons m u st first be e nabled through the w eb GUI in order to work. See p age 37 for detai l s on how to enable the Privacy button and see pa ge 50 for d eta il s on how to enable the WPS Button. 2. (*) These are optio na l f eat ures.
- 7 - LED Behavior Function LED Behavior Descript i o n Remark Power Conti nuous Ill umination Normal Operation T o p (Blue) Power U nl i t Powered of f T op (Blue) S tatus Conti nuous Ill umination 1. Connected to switch by Ethernet or W iFi. Second (Blue) S tatus U nl i t 1.
- 8 - Hardware Reset CB-100A Series CB-500A Series The Reset Button can be us ed to reboo t the cam era or restore i t to factory d efault settings. If the camera e x peri e nces a pr ob lem, r ebooting t he ca m era m ay corr ect th e pr ob le m .
- 9 - Inst allation S y ste m Requireme nt s Opera t i ng System : Microsof t W indow s XP Home Edi t ion SP2 Microso ft W indow s XP Professio na l SP2 Co m pute r: IBM PC /AT Co m p atibl e CPU: Pen.
- 10 - Camera Conn ection W arning Hot – P le ase attach the bracket before using CB-500A Series. T erminal I /O Connector Blo ck Connection Attach the s upplied conn ector b l ock to t he termina l conn ector o n the ca m e ra. Re f er to t h e d iagram below to attach externa l de vices to the conn ector block.
- 11 - CB-500A Series W hen pow e ring up, the p ow er LED will light up and the camera w ill boot up. The st atus LED will turn am b er when the ca m era i s obt ai n ing the IP address. After obta ining t he IP addre ss, t he link LED will flash orang e w hi le t he network conne ct ion is processing.
- 12 - Sof tw are Inst allation In thi s m anual , "User" refer s to whoever has access to the Network Ca m era, a nd "Ad m i nistrator" refe rs t o the pe rson who can configu re the cam era and grant use r access to the camera.
- 13 - 2. I n the Insta ll Shi eld W izard dialog bo x , click < Next> to conti nue. 3. Re ad th e End- Use r L ice ns e Agr e em ent and check the op t i on “I accept the te rm s of the lice nse agreem ent”. Cli ck <Nex t> to continu e.
- 14 - 4. Sel ect either “Com p lete” se t up or “Custom” setup to install the system. a. If COMPLET E S ET UP is selected: i. A ll program f eatures w ill be installed into the default d ir ec tory. Check the option “ C o mplete ” and then click <Next>.
- 15 - iii. The in sta llation inform ati on w ill be displa ye d. Click <Next> to continue . b. If CUSTOM SET UP is selected: i. This o pt ion i s recomm ende d for advan ced us ers. It can be used to i nsta ll the system to a pr eferred directory or to select specific program featur e(s).
- 16 - iii. Sel ect the features to inst a ll. Click <Next> to continue. iv. Cli ck < Change > to change the appo in ted folder where in sta llation and progr am fil es will be stored.
- 17 - v. Select p rogram s to creat e shortcut s. Click <Next> to contin u e. vi. The inst a llation inform ati on w ill be displa ye d. Click <Next> to continue .
- 18 - 5. T o l aunc h EasyConf ig or PC-NVR S t andar d, select the ap p lication and click < Finish >. W hen launching the PC-NVR program, please refer to the PC-NVR user m anual .
- 19 - Eas y Config T o launch EasyConf ig, sele c t EasyConfig from t he start menu. If Co m plet e Setup type w a s used i n t he software installation, an EasyConfig i c on was i nsta lled on the desktop.
- 20 -.
- 21 - 2. Sel ect either “Si m pl e Mode” o r “Profe ss i ona l Mode” to obta in the cam er a’ s IP settings. If “Simple Mode” i s selected, EasyConf ig w ill set up the connection automaticall y . If “Professional Mode” i s selected, the user will need to configure the IP sett i ngs m an ually .
- 22 - 3. T here m ay be many cameras in t he lo ca l network. D i f f erent iate t he cam eras usin g their UPnP nam e. Doubl e c lick o n the cam era f rom t he survey list to connect. 4. Ente r the user nam e and passw ord of the cam era. For first t ime use, the de fault userna m e an d p assword are “ admin/admin .
- 23 - 5. F or configuring th e IP address se t tings, select eit he r <Settin gs r em ai n the sam e>, <Auto m ati ca lly obtain an IP Address ( DHCP )> or <Set IP Address configuration m anual ly>. The DHCP setting is recomm end ed.
- 24 - 6. If the camera supp ort s the EasyLink TM function , the f ollowing p age will be di sp layed. Otherwise, thi s page will not be shown. *If desi red, click <Skip> to skip t his setting.
- 25 - EasyLin k TM is a u n ique Brickcom functi on which allows user s to assign a uniq ue EasyLink nam e to thei r n etw o rk cam era’s IP address. T here is no need to configure the router to ope n up por t s or rem e m ber hard-to-m e m ori ze IP addresses.
- 26 - 7. W hen the IP ad dress settings have b e en configured, the scree n will ei t h er display a successful or failed connection message. If the connection failed, either try again or qui t the installation. a. I f “DHCP IP address settings” w as selected, t h e failure p age w ill be d i sp layed as bel ow : b.
- 27 - c. If the connection w as successful, the user w il l see th e m essage: “Congr at ulations. The installation of the camera is complete.” W hen thi s window i s d isp layed , click < PC-.
- 28 - A c cess ing the Netw ork Camera Check Net work Settings The cam era can be connecte d either befo re or imm edia tely af ter the softw ar e installat ion . The Admini st rator shou l d com pl ete th e netw ork settings on the conf igu r ation p age, i nc l ud ing enterin g the correct subnet m ask and IP ad dress of gateway and DNS.
- 29 - Inst alling the Plug-In For the i n itial access to t he cam era i n W indow s, th e web bro w se r m ay pr om pt the adm in istrator for perm i ssion to i nst all a new pl ug-i n for o n Internet Explore r . Permission reque st depends on the Internet secur ity settings o f the user ’ s P C or n otebook.
- 30 - Live V iew NOT E - (*) T hese a re opt io n al feat ures. Please refer to the Product L ist for the full list of optional fea tures available for the product. Live V iew i s the default p age that opens when accessi n g the camera. Li ve v ideo i s d ispl ay ed di r ectly in the browser window .
- 31 - T CP - T h is protocol gua r antees the complete delivery of st ream i ng da t a a nd provides bett er vid eo qua lity. The d ownside of using this protocol is that the quality o f i ts real-time effect is le ss t han that of the UDP protocol. UDP - Th is pro t ocol allows for more r eal-time au d io a n d video streams.
- 32 - m ode. F u ll Screen - Switch to fu ll screen m od e. Press the “Esc” k ey to r eturn to n o rm al m ode. Moti on Detection Alert - Enab le the m oti on d etection a lert fun ct io n. Mute – Turn off the sound. T a lk( * ) – To comm uni cate through the cam era usin g the com puter M IC.
- 33 - Configuration Click < Config ur ation > on the m ai n page to c hange th e cam era se ttings pages. NOT E - Only Adm i ni st r ators can access the Confi g uration page. Camera/ V ideo/Audio Camera Profile – Up to f iv e profiles ca n be created for d i f ferent lighting envir onment s.
- 34 - Exposu re C ontrol Auto: The c am e ra w i ll automatically control ex posure . Manual: S elect this option to define the exposure m anuall y Mirror and F l ip Mirr or - Enabl e to horizontally reflect the display of the li ve video. Flip - Enab l e to vertically reflect the displa y o f the live video .
- 35 - Schedule – Sele ct Sche dule to schedule specific time periods for different profiles. Digita l I nputs (Only ava il ab le with m odel s w ith a DI term in al)- Se le ct Digital Input to have th e profile managem ent contr olled b y an e x te rn al sensor.
- 36 - Stream 1 & Stream 2 A spe ct Ratio – Select the width to height image aspect ratio. Video Codec - The Network Cam era offe rs three choices of video codec standards for real-ti m e vi ew in g: H.2 64, MPEG-4 and MJPEG. Video Resolution - Select fr om the d rop-down menu to cho ose the best resolution recor d ing settings.
- 37 - RT P with Quantization T a ble Hea d er : Cho ose th is o pt ion to ex plicitly i nclude JPEG quantiza t i on table in the RTP stream [RFC 243 5, sect i on 3.1.8]. HTT P T ran sport: If MJPE G is use d for V ideo Codec, HTT P Transport protocol m ust be ena b led to rem otel y access the v ide o st ream.
- 38 - RT SP Server To ut i lize RTSP authe nt icatio n, the user m u st f irst set a passw ord for t h e camera. RT S P (Real-Ti m e Stre am i ng Protocol) controls the deli ve ry of stream i ng m edi a.
- 39 - Recording folder path - T he dest in at ion for saving the re co rding video files. Click Bro w se to speci fy the saving path. Snapshot folder path - T h e dest i na tion for saving the sn apshot f iles. Click Brow se to sp e cify the saving p ath and select the form at fro m th e drop-down m enu.
- 40 - A dva n ced Set tings Camera Speaker – If th e speaker is enabled, select the volume from the dr op-dow n menu. Echo Cancellatio n Enabled - Enable to avoid an echo.
- 41 - Protocol) con trols the deliver y of stream i ng media. Click “Enab le” to enab l e Multicast stream 1 or Mul ticast stream 2. The default va lue fo r m ul t icast addre ss and p ort ar e 23 4.1.2. 3 an d 1 00 00. U se d ifferent p ort num b er fo r di ffer ent stream s.
- 42 - Enabling De- Wa rp Function For Camera From the cam era sea rch list, select the cam era yo u w ish to add. Enter the usernam e and passw ord for the cam era (the defau lt username is admin and the defau lt passw ord is a dmin ), then click Add .
- 43 - Click a nd choose Settings in the m enu. In Panorama Settings, click Enable a nd select the lens type of the selected cam era..
- 44 - Immervisi on A 8TRT : For th e 360P cam er as (ex: M D-300Np -360P), please select Immerv ision A 8 TRT . In the previ ew window , you can se e an oval image with the black b ackground. If you do not get t he oval image, the de-warp function wi ll not wor k properly .
- 45 - FishE y e: For th e 360C cam eras (e x : M D-300Np-3 60C), please select FishEy e . In the previ ew window , you can see a ci rcular i mage with the black backg round . If you do not get t he circular image, the de-warp function wi ll not work p roperly .
- 46 - Immervisi on A0**V : If you ha ve a CS-m ount I mm erVisi on Panom orph len s a nd want to use it w i th the cam era (ex: CB-502Ap), ple ase s elect Imm ervision A0** V . In the previ e w window , you can see a n ov al image with the black b ackground.
- 47 - On the B RC64 PC-NV R, you ca n use the m o use or the softw are contro l pane l to pe rf orm the PTZ (pan, tilt, zoom ) oper at io ns. For t he m o use-based PT Z contro l, the d ra g operat io n of the m ouse chang es the view ing d irection, and the m o use w heel does the zoom -i n and zoom -out of the image.
- 48 - The BRC64 PC-NVR offers a few di splay m odes for the FishEye / Imm e rvisi o n A0**V / I m m e rvisi o n A8TRT cam eras, such as th e normal PTZ-capab le display , si m ul t aneo us quadr u ple PTZ-cap able display , and the 180° p erimeter d isplay .
- 49 - PTZ Con tr ol Panel: Click the P T Z Setting button (m arked by 1 on the picture) on the control panel to show the PT Z control section (marked by 2 on the picture). The PTZ contro l s ection cons i st s of 8 directions and the Home button at t he center .
- 50 - On the PTZ con t rol section, click the arrow (marked by 3 on the pi ctu re) for the Preset Point and Patrol section to come up. T o set up t he pre-set point(s): 1. Deter m i ne the desired v ie w i ng direction an d zoom level using the PTZ c omm ands.
- 51 - 3. W h en a p atro l rule i s selected, i n the Edit Patrol secti on the user can see which pre-set poi nt s ar e included and put in order for the p atrol rule.
- 52 - Netwo rk IP Settings This se ct ion explains how to con f igure a w ir e d network conn ect ion f or t he cam era . There are several ways to set u p the c am era over the Int erne t: ( 1 ) o btain an ava ilable dynam i c IP address assi gn ed by a DHCP server, (2) use a static IP, or u s e PP PoE (Point-to-point over Ethernet).
- 53 - 3. PPPoE (Poin t-to -poin t ove r Ethe rnet) : Use thi s m od e i f co n necting to the Internet throu gh a DSL L ine. NOT E - T o utili z e this f eatur e, it requires a n accoun t provided by an Internet Service Provider. Enter the user nam e and password prov id ed by the ISP.
- 54 - d. The networ k camera ca n now be accessed over a 3G network. T o access the video feed through the internet, open a web browse r and enter the network ca mer a’ s IP ad dress . A dialog window will p op up requesting a username and password .
- 55 - Click Apply to apply sett ings or Cancel to cancel changes. DDNS (dynamic d omain name s er vi ce) DDNS li nks a dom ai n nam e to an IP addr ess, all ow ing u sers to e asily access their c am era even w i th a changing IP a ddress.
- 56 - No-IP No-IP is a DDNS provi de r which offers DNS servi ces, em a il, network m onit or in g a nd SSL certificate s. Em ai l se rv ices i nc lude POP3 e mail, outbound SMTP email , b ackup m ail services and m ail reflection and filtering. Refer to the No- IP w ebsi te (www .
- 57 - 4. I f M anual m o de is selected, the following page will be displayed. a. Manua lly enter the Public IP Address, HTTP port and RTSP port or leave the default va lues. Click Apply to apply sett ings or Cancel to cancel changes. NOT E - The EasyLink function will not work if the following conditions occur: 1.
- 58 - Wireless These sett ings co ntr ol ho w a Network Ca m e ra in t eracts w i th a wireless network. User s can id en tify the wireless network and enable wireless encrypti o n.
- 59 - Security - Encrypti on protects data transm i t t ed over a wireless network. W i-F i Protected Access ( W PA-Personal/ W PA 2-personal) and W ired Equ ivalent Pr iva cy ( W EP) of fer di f ferent le ve ls of secur ity for wireless comm u nicati on.
- 60 - WEP - W ired Equivalent Privacy ( W EP) is a b asic encryption method which transm i ts netw ork broad cast m essages usi ng radio signa l s. I t is not as secure as WPA. Tx Key - Select a key from the d rop-dow n m enu. WEP En cryptio n - Select a le ve l of W EP encryption: 64 b it s 10 hex digits or 128 b its 26 h ex di g its.
- 61 - WP A-Personal - W iF i Pro t ected Access ( W P A)-Per sona l Encryption - Supp ort s two encrypti on methods with dyn am i c en cryption keys: T em poral Key Integri ty Protocol ( TKIP) and Advan ce d E ncryption S tanda rd (AES). Select the al g orithm type from the drop do w n m enu : TKIP or AES .
- 62 - WP A2-Persona l - W iFi Protected Access ( WP A2-Persona l) Encryption - W PA 2 supports AES encryption m ethod with dynam i c encryption keys. Shared Key - Enter the key share d be tween the Route r and the server keys. Enter a password of 8-6 3 c haracters.
- 63 - A dva n ced Set tings Netwo r k Mode - From the drop-down menu, sele ct the wireless standards r un ning on the network. If ther e ar e W ire l ess - B, W ire le ss-G and W ire less-N (2 .4GHz ) devices on the n etwork, use the def a ult setting, BGN-Mixed .
- 64 - Wi-Fi Protected Setup Use thi s m ethod i f the c lient d ev ice has a W i-Fi Protected Setup PIN number. 1. Ente r the netw ork na m e fro m the devi ce in th e field. 2. Cli ck <Register> to start WPS. 3. Cli ck “Enable” to ena b le the W PS Button.
- 65 - To en a ble HTTPS, users have to create and install a certificate. 1. Cli ck “Continue to this website” to insta l l. 2. Ente r the User nam e and Password of the cam era.
- 66 - 3. Cli ck “Cert i f icate E rror” on the top r ig ht co rner of the window to view the certificate. 4. Cli ck “Insta ll Ce rtificate” and fo ll ow the steps t o fini s h the installation.
- 67 - Event Ev ent Setti n gs W hen an event ( suc h as u naut horize d m o vem ent) occurs, t he cam era ca n be sched uled to perfo rm cer ta in act ions. An Event Ty pe is a set of parameters that de f ines these actions. This se ct ion descri b es how to con f i gure the ca m era to perf orm certain ac tions when events occur.
- 68 - 2. Set E vent Schedul e to def ine w h en the event is activated by select i ng f rom A lways (24 hours) , Schedule or Recurrence pattern. a. If Sched u le is se le cted from the Event Schedule, the fo llo w i ng page will be di sp layed: A Schedul ed Event can be programm ed for certain tim es and day.
- 69 - i. An event schedul e can be programm ed t o recur at differen t times accordin g to the user’s nee ds . Select th e days for the event schedule to occur. Select a start time and specify the durati o n. 3. De fine what w ill tr ig ger an eve nt t o occ ur by selecting an option f rom the Even t drop- d own list.
- 70 - a. W hen <Send to Em ail > is sele ct e d, the fo llowing page will be shown: i. Sender - Ent er the em ail address of the sender. ii. Reci pient - Enter the em ail address o f the recipient. To e nter multiple recipien ts, se parate each using a comm a.
- 71 - Motion Dete c tion Motion can be detected by m easuri ng c h ange s in t he speed or vector of an object o r ob j e ct s i n the m oni tored area. T h is section e x plains how to con figure th e Network Cam era to en able m otion detection. Detect i on Set ting – Use this sett ing to en able a nd de f ine the motion detection w ind ow s.
- 72 - PIR(*) The PIR ( P assive InfraRed) sensor m easure s infrared light radiatin g f rom objects in its f ield of vie w . Thi s can be used to detect a m o ving obj ect, such as a person, in dimly lit areas. Sensiti v i ty – Adj u st the sensitivity of the PIR S e nsor from th e drop down m enu .
- 73 - Notificati o ns Use the too ls i n thi s section to spec ify what type of notification wi ll be sent when an event occurs. The camera can send buffered images to an FTP server, Samba, Em ail , or HTTP.
- 74 - E-mail Settings Select “Prim a ry Email Se rver” optio n fro m the Server Selectio n dr op do w n m enu to sen d m edia files to an email server when an event is triggered. SMTP S erver - Enter the server host nam e of th e em ai l server .
- 75 - HTT P Settings Select th is option to send the media files via a n HTTP noti f i cat ion when an ev ent is triggered. URL –Specify th e URL to send HTTP requests . T he URL i s n orm al ly wr itte n as : http://ip _a ddress/ notification.cgi?param eter ip _a ddress – type the IP address or host name of the H T TP host.
- 76 - Video Cl i p This function is used to determ in e w hen vide o cl ips w ill be recorded and stored afte r an eve nt is trigger e d. Pre-alarm b u ffer - I m ages can b e stored internally on the server from the ti m e immedia t ely precedi ng the trigger.
- 77 - Audio Clip (*) Audio Rec ording – Audio clips can be recording and p layed when an event occurs. Click Brows e t o i m port a f ile f rom a l oca l h a rd drive or network di sk . Select the f il e and click Im port. NOT E – The camera can o n ly pl a y audio clips which are saved as .
- 78 - LED Lig h t(*) Mode – Se lect “Keep a ct ive during event” or “ Keep active for” a specific am ount of t im e w he n an event is tri g gered. LED C ontr o l - The LED o n the f ront of the cam era can be s e t to f lash at a conf igurabl e i n terval w hen a n event i s t riggered.
- 79 - S y ste m Sy stem L og Log – Set up the camera to record a system lo g w hen an e vent i s t r igg e red. This page displays the system’s lo g i n chronological order. The system l og i s stored i n the cam era’s bu ffer area and will be overwritten when the buffer area is full.
- 80 - Remote Logging The user can co n figure th e camera t o send the system l og file to a re m ote se rver as a l og backup. Click to e nable rem ote l og and enter the IP ad dress o f t he remote server. Enter the p ort num ber of th e rem ote serve r .
- 81 - Device Information Sy stem I nformation – Di sp lays t he com ple te system inf orm at ion of t h e cam era. Netwo r k Settings – Displays the com pl ete net w ork setti ngs inform ati on o f the ca m era . Video/Audio S ett in gs – D isplays the complete vide o/aud i o se tt ings i nf ormation of the cam era.
- 82 - Wireless - Displa ys the com plete w ir e less in f o rm at ion of the camera. Client Information- Di sp l ays the RTSP Cli ent .Y ou will see a li st o f RTSP clie nt s with the foll ow ing information: IP Address a nd c hannel.
- 83 - S torage M anagement (*) S tor age Mana gement is used to view all the recorded files on the Micro-SD/SDHC card. Click Rel o ad to refresh the list of recorded files. Click Remove to sa fe ly rem ove the M icr o - SD/S DHC m e m or y card. Click Format to format the Micro- S D/SDHC mem or y card.
- 84 - A dva n ced Set tings Automatic Recycle (*) – Enable to a utom at ically o verw ri t e older files when th e a va ilabl e space rem ai n ing on the Micro-SD/SDHC car d i s less than 1 00MB.
- 85 - thi s f unction. Click Apply to apply sett ings or Cancel to cancel changes..
- 86 - Main t e nance User Management This sectio n explains how to enable password protection and c r eate m ul tiple accounts. The a dm i n istr at or account nam e i s “adm in” , w hich is permanent and cannot be dele t ed. Click Add to c r eate an account.
- 87 - Adm i nistrator - user has access to v iew and change th e Co nfiguration page. User s w i th adm in istrator privilege can change other user’s access rights and delete user accounts. Click Del e te or Update to delete or modify a user’s account.
- 88 - Firmware Upgrad e This fea tur e all ow s the use r to upg r ade the cam era fi rmw are. It wil l ta k e a few m inute s to com ple te the process. NOT E - Do not pow er of f th e cam era o r camera during the upgrade. Upgrad e - Cli ck Br owse … and spec if y the firmw are file .
- 89 - Reset to Default This se ct i on i s used to rest o re the cam era to def au lt factory settings. Che ck the boxes to preser ve the IP, W ire le ss, Date and Tim e, EasyLi nk, o r Language settings. Click A pply to restor e the camera to default factory settings.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Brickcom CB-500AP-360 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Brickcom CB-500AP-360 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Brickcom CB-500AP-360 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Brickcom CB-500AP-360 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Brickcom CB-500AP-360, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Brickcom CB-500AP-360.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Brickcom CB-500AP-360. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Brickcom CB-500AP-360 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.