Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto D4403S*F(BN del fabbricante Bradford White
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Save this manual for future reference Manual 238-48385-00A SERVICE MANUAL Troubleshooting Guide and Instructions for Service (To be performed ONLY by qua lified servi ce providers) Models Covered by T.
Page 2 Table of Contents Section Page Introduction ______________________________________________5 How to Use this Manual _____________________________________6 Tools Required for Service ____________.
WARNING If the information in these in structions is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may re- sult causing property damage, personal injury, or death.
Page 4 WARNING Water heaters are heat producing appliances. To avoid damage or injury, do not store materials against the water heater or a ny of its components. Use proper care to avoid un- necessary contact, especially by children, wi th the water heater and its components.
Page 5 The Bradford White DEFENDER Safety System ® The Bradford White DEFENDER Safety System was designed to resist the ign ition of flamma- ble vapors that can occur outside of the water heater. Use an d installation are nearly identical to previous versions of atmospherically fired and vented water heaters.
Page 6 combustion chamber, the vapors are harm lessly ignited by the burner. If flammable vapors are in sufficient quantity to prevent normal combustion, the flammable vapor sensor recognizes this and shuts down the pilot and main burner.
Page 7 Power Supply Dedicated 120VAC, 60 Hz, 15A Gas Supply Pipe Minimum 1/2” NPT (Schedule 40 black iron pipe recommended) Approved Gas Type Natural or Propane; unit must match gas type supplied Gas Pressure 5” w.c. minimum for Natural Gas; 11” w.
Page 8 Ignition State Timing Adjust Damper Position and Verify (Open Posi- tion) 1 5 seconds Trial for Ignition 90 seconds Flame Stabilization Period 3 seconds Re-adjust Damper Position and Verify 15 seconds Flame Failure Response Time 1.
Page 9 Power Up Sequence 1. Start-up: Upon power up, the gas control runs a safe start check with a typical de- lay of 5 seconds. 2. Flammable Vapor Verification: The gas control verifies that the Flammable Vapor Sensor is in the proper operating range prior to energizing any components.
Page 10 Normal Heating Sequence (cont’d) 7. Steady State Operation: During steady state operation, the gas control monitors: Thermostat Temperature Sensor: When the setpoint temperature is satisfied, the gas control is shutdown, and the damper is powered closed.
Page 11 Abnormal Operation (cont’d) 2. Temperature Sensor Fault: A) Temperature Sensor Open Circuit: The gas control immediately turns off all out- puts and proceeds to flash 8 times then 3 times with a three second pause. The error self clears if the fault clears for at least 15 seconds.
Page 12 Abnormal Operation (cont’d) 5. Flame Sensing Fault: A) Flame Lost During Run: The gas control turns off pilot and main valves. The gas control increments the recycle count, if the recycle count has not reached its limit (4), another trial for ignition begins.
Page 13 L E D S ta t us C o ntr ol S ta t us P r o ba bl e C a us e S e r v i c e P r o c e dur e No ne (LE D n ot on or f la s h in g ) E le ct r ica l p o w e r n o t pr es e nt Cont r ol pow er sw i tc h i n " OF F " posi t i on. Su p p l y v ol t a g e in t e r ru p t ed .
Page 14 L ED St at u s Con t ro l Stat us Prob ab le Cau se S ervice Proced ure Six fl a s h e s , t w o f l ashes, t h r ee s ec on d p ause ( S of t Lo c k out) D am p er test c i r c ui t no t w o rk i ng p ro p e rly d u rin g burner ope r ati o n, sy stem aut o r esets a f t e r (5 ) m in u t e s 1.
Page 15 Burner Inspection At periodic intervals (every 6 months), a visual inspection should be made of the pilot and main burner for proper operation and to assure no debris is accumulating. The pilot flame should be stable. Some causes for an unstable pilot flame are: a) Gas pressure is out of specification.
Page 16 Burner Cleaning Procedure (cont’d) Step 5. Remove the (4) 1/4” hex drive screws holding the right side inner door in place. Step 6. Disconnect the pilot tube using a 7/16” wrench and the main burner feedline with a 3/4” wrench from the gas control.
Page 17 Burner Cleaning Procedure (cont’d) Step 12. Reassemble the burner assembly and reinstall into the water heater. Restore gas supply and check for gas leaks. Step 13. To resume operation, follow the instructions located on the water heater lighting instruction label.
Page 18 Pilot Inspection, Testing and Replacement (cont’d) Step 7. Disconnect the spark igniter/flame sensor wire from gas control. Step 8. Remove the burner assembly from the combustion chamber. Step 9. Remove the pilot assembly from the main feedline using a 1/4" nut driver.
Page 19 Pilot Inspection, Testing and Replacement (cont’d) Step 14. Visually ins pect the pilot tubing for kinks or cracks. If damage is found, replace the pilot assembly. Step 15. Inspect the pilot tubing and pilot orifice for blockages: a) Remove ferrule nut from the bottom of the pilot assembly using a 7/16" wrench.
Page 20 Damper Removal & Installation (cont’d) Step 3. Disconnect the vent system from the draft hood that is mounted on top of the damper. Step 4. Remove the draft hood from the damper and retain it for use on the new damper. Step 5. Unplug the cord sets from the damper.
Page 21 Damper Removal & Installation (cont’d) Step 13. Reconnect the cord sets from Step 5. Step 14. Plug the water heater into the wall outlet. Step 15. Move the gas control power switch to the “ON” position. Step 16. Verify proper damper operation.
Page 22 Thermal Well Testing (cont’d) Determine the correct resistance values using the Determine the Water Temperature Inside the Tank procedure on page 23.
Page 23 Sensor Resistance at Various Temperatures Gas Control & Thermal Well Removal From Water Heater Step 1. Move the gas control power switch to the “OFF” position. Step 2. Unplug the water heater from the wall outlet. Step 3. Drain the water heater to a point below the gas control level.
Page 24 Gas Control & Thermal Well Removal From Water Heater (cont’d) Step 4. Disconnect the pilot tube using a 7/16” wrench and the main burner feedline with a 3/4” wrench from the gas control. Step 5. Disconnect the wire harnesses and spark igniter/ flame sense wire from the gas control.
Page 25 Gas Control Removal From Thermal Well (cont’d) Step 3. Turn off the gas supply to the water heater and disconnect the gas piping from the gas control. Step 4. Disconnect the pilot tube using a 7/16” wrench and the main burner feedline with a 3/4” wrench from the gas control.
Page 26 Gas Control Assembly to the Thermal Well (cont’d) Step 2. Route the wire leads back into relief opening. Step 3. Align the slots located on the thermal well flange with the tabs located on the back of the gas control. Step 4. Carefully push the gas control back onto the thermal well flange as far as possible towards the water heater.
Page 27 Gas Control Assembly to the Thermal Well (cont’d) Step 8. To resume operation, follow the instructions located on the water heater lighting instruction label. Or, use the lighting instructions located in the water heater installation and operating manual.
Page 28 Dip Tube Inspection and Replacement Step 1. Move the gas control power switch to the “OFF” position Step 2. Unplug the water heater from the wall outlet. Step 3. Turn off the cold water supply to the water heater. Connect a hose to the drain valve of the water heater and route to an open drain.
Page 29 Anode Inspection and Replacement Step 1. Move the gas control power switch to the “OFF” position Step 2. Unplug the water heater from the wall outlet. Step 3. Turn off the cold water supply to the water heater. Connect a hose to the drain valve of the water heater and route to an open drain.
Page 30 Remove the Damper to Gain Access to the Flue Baffle Step 1. Move the gas control power switch to the “OFF” position. Step 2. Unplug the water heater from the wall outlet. Step 3. Disconnect the vent system from the draft hood that is mounted on top of the damper.
Page 31 Remove the Damper to Gain Access to the Flue Baffle (cont’d) Step 6. Remove the damper from the top of the water heater. Step 7. Remove the flue baffle from the water heater. Step 8. Inspect the baffle for deterioration and missing restrictors.
Page 32 Inner Door Removal Procedure Step 1. Move the gas control power switch to the “OFF” position. Step 2. Unplug the water heater from the wall outlet. Step 3. Remove the outer door. Step 4. Remove (4) 1/4” hex drive screws from the right side inner door.
Page 33 Inner Door Removal Procedure (cont’d) Step 7. Inspect both inner doors for any of the following imperfections: tears, missing material, cracks, dirt or debris, lack of adhesion to the inner door, material left on combustion chamber, or any other imperfections that will inhibit a proper seal.
Page 34 Inner Door Installation with Gasket Step 1. Clean any residual gasket residue or other debris from the combustion chamber surface before installing the inner door/gasket assembly. Step 2. Place the left side inner door into position first, being sure to firmly position the concave channel of the inner door around the feedline.
Page 35 ScreenLok ® Flame Arrestor Cleaning Procedure Step 1. Move the gas control power switch to the “OFF” position and unplug the water heater from the wall outlet. Step 2. Remove the outer door. Step 3. Remove the right side inner door per the Inner Door Removal Procedure on page 32.
Page 36 Damper Relay Installation (cont’d) Step 2. Unplug the water heater from the wall outlet. Step 3. Disconnect the vent system from the draft hood that is mounted on top of the damper. Step 4. Remove the draft hood from the damper and retain it for use on the new damper.
Page 37 Damper Relay Installation (cont’d) Step 9. Turn the damper on its side and lay it on top of the water heater. Step 1 0. Remove the Red wire in the damper housing from its location. Connect the 1/4” Red female connector on the relay harness in its place.
Page 38 Common Terms BTU British Thermal Units ECO Energy Cut Off GPM Gallons per Minute Hz Hertz KWh Kilowatts per hour LED Light Emitting Diode NPT National Pipe Thread Ohms Ohms of resistance PSI Pounds per Square Inch RPM Revolutions per Minute VAC Volts Alternating Current W.
Page 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 15A 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 11 25 PART NAME AND DESCRIPTION 1. Draft Hood 15. Inner Door (Right) 2. Damper 15A. Resettable Thermal Switch 3. Jacket Head Pan 16. Inner Door (Left) 4. Jacket 17. Damper Wire Harness 5.
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Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Bradford White D4403S*F(BN è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Bradford White D4403S*F(BN - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Bradford White D4403S*F(BN imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Bradford White D4403S*F(BN ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Bradford White D4403S*F(BN, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Bradford White D4403S*F(BN.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Bradford White D4403S*F(BN. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Bradford White D4403S*F(BN insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.