Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DVA-12T del fabbricante Bosch Appliances
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RAID Subsystem DVA-12T DVA-12T iSCSI Premium Series en Installation Manual.
RAID Subsystem DVA-12 T | Inst allati on Manu al T able of Co ntents | en 3 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 T able of Contents 1 Warni n gs and Certif ication s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 en | T a ble of Contents RA ID Subsystem DVA-1 2T | Instal lation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms 5.2.1 D irect-Attached, Single Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
RAID Subsyst em DV A-12T | Installation Manual Warnings an d Cer tifications | en 5 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 1 W ar nings and Cer tifications 1.1 W arning A shielded power cord is required in order to meet FC C emission limits and also to prevent interference with nearby radi o and tele vision reception.
6 en | Warnings and Certifications RAID Subsyst em DV A-12T | Installation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms this us er’s gu ide, ma y cause harmful in terfere nce to radi o commun icati ons. How ever, th ere is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
RAID Subsystem DVA-12T | Instal lation M anual Introd uction | en 7 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 2 Introduction This hardware manual briefly intr oduces the DVA 12 T iSC SI-to-SATA-II storage subsystem shown in Figur e 2.
8 en | Intr oducti on RAID Subsystem DVA-12T | I nstallation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms identical with connecting Etherne t network devices either point-to- point to iSCSI initiators or using Ethernet switches.
RAID Subsystem DVA-12T | Instal lation M anual Introd uction | en 9 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 2.2.2 Front Panel Overview The front section of the subsystem features a 4x3 layo ut for twelve (12) 3.
10 en | Intr oducti on RAID Subsystem DVA-12T | I nstallation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms The rear panel shown in Figure 2.
RAID Subsystem DVA-12T | Instal lation M anual Introd uction | en 11 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 Fig. 2.7 Openi ng One of t he F ront Han dles 2.3.2 Drive Trays Fig. 2.8 Drive T ray F ront View The RAID subsystem comes wi th twelve ( 12) drive trays (see Figure 2.
12 en | Intr oducti on RAID Subsystem DVA-12T | I nstallation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms 2.3.4 Controller Module Interfaces All external interfaces that connect to external devices are located on the contr oller module rear panel shown below.
RAID Subsystem DVA-12T | Instal lation M anual Introd uction | en 13 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 ies to their full capacity.
14 en | Intr oducti on RAID Subsystem DVA-12T | I nstallation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms their rotation speed to generate more cooling air to ex tract the heat generated by the hard drives. Fig. 2. 12 Cooling Mod ule 2.
RAID Subsystem DVA-12T | Instal lation M anual Introd uction | en 15 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 Event notification messages indicate the comple tion or statu s of array configuration tas ks and are always accompanied by two (2) o r th ree (3) successive and prolonged beeps.
16 en | Hard ware Inst all atio n RA ID Su bsys tem DVA -12T | I nsta llat ion Man ual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms 3 Hardware Installation 3.1 Introduction This chapter gives detailed instructions on how to install the subsystem.
RAID Subsystem DVA-12 T | Instal lation M anual Har dware Insta llation | en 17 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 5. Handle the system mo dules by the rete ntio n sc rews, eject levers, or the modules metal frames/face plates only.
18 en | Hard ware Inst all atio n RA ID Su bsys tem DVA -12T | I nsta llat ion Man ual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms Installation Procedure Flowchart Table 3.1 shows a flowchart of the installation proc edure. As you compl ete each step, chec k off the “D one” box on the right.
RAID Subsystem DVA-12 T | Instal lation M anual Har dware Insta llation | en 19 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 Fig. 3.1 F ront View of an I ndividua l Drive T ray 2. Open th e front f l ap on the dr ive tray. (See Figure 3.
20 en | Hard ware Inst all atio n RA ID Su bsys tem DVA -12T | I nsta llat ion Man ual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms Fig. 3.4 Drive T ray Ke y-lock Rotatio n 6. Once the drive tray is inserted, the RAID su bsystem wi ll reco gnize the drive and scan it in automatically.
RA I D Su b sys tem D VA -1 2 T | In s ta l la ti o n M a nu al Su b sys te m M on ito r in g | en 21 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.
22 en | Sub sys te m Monit oring RAID Su bsy ste m DVA-12T | Inst allation Manu al F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms 4.2 Status-indicating LEDs 4.
RA I D Su b sys tem D VA -1 2 T | In s ta l la ti o n M a nu al Su b sys te m M on ito r in g | en 23 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 4.2.3 Controller Module LEDs The rear panel of the contro ller module is shown in Figure 4.
24 en | Sub sys te m Monit oring RAID Su bsy ste m DVA-12T | Inst allation Manu al F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms 4.2.5 BBU Module LED The BBU module has an LED on the right side of the rear panel. (See Figure 4.4 ) The funct ion is the same as the sixth LED on the controller modu le.
RA I D Su b sys tem D VA -1 2 T | In s ta l la ti o n M a nu al Su b sys te m M on ito r in g | en 25 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 4.2.7 Cooling Module LEDs Each cooling module has one (1) red LED on th e back. Th e LED c orresponds to the single fan in the cooling module.
26 en | Sub sys te m Monit oring RAID Su bsy ste m DVA-12T | Inst allation Manu al F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms The thres holds in Table 4.
RAID Subsyst em DV A-12T | Inst allation Manual Subsy st em Connec tion a nd Opera tion | en 27 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.
28 en | Subsystem Connection and Operation RAID Subsystem DV A-12T | Installation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms 5.2.1 Direct- Attache d, S ingle C onnec tion In the configuration shown in Figure 5.1 , the iSCSI drive is attached directly to the VIP X1600 encoder unit.
RAID Subsyst em DV A-12T | Inst allation Manual Subsy st em Connec tion a nd Opera tion | en 29 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 5.2.2 Conn ectio n throug h an Ethe rnet Switc hes In the configuration shown in Fig ure 5.2 all codecs and cameras are connected via an Ethernet Switch.
30 en | Subsystem Connection and Operation RAID Subsystem DV A-12T | Installation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms 5.3 P ower On Once all the components have been instal.
RAID Subsyst em DV A-12T | Inst allation Manual Subsy st em Connec tion a nd Opera tion | en 31 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.
32 en | Subsystem Maintenance and Upgrading RAID Subsystem DV A-12T | Installation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms 6 Subsy stem Maintenance and Upgrading 6.
RAID Subsystem DV A -12T | Installation Manual Sub syst em Maintenance and Upgrading | e n 33 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 6.
34 en | Subsystem Maintenance and Upgrading RAID Subsystem DV A-12T | Installation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms 6.2.3 Repl acing the Con troller Mod ule If the controller module has failed, it must be replaced. To replace a fa iled contro ller module: 1.
RAID Subsystem DV A -12T | Installation Manual Sub syst em Maintenance and Upgrading | e n 35 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 6.3.2 DIMM Mo dule Re pla c emen t Procedure If a DIMM m odule fails or if a DIMM mod ule with a high er memor y capacit y is require d, the onboard DIMM module must be replaced.
36 en | Subsystem Maintenance and Upgrading RAID Subsystem DV A-12T | Installation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms 6.4 Repla cing a F aul ty BBU M odule The BBU module is installe d in the rear panel of the subsystem above the controller module.
RAID Subsystem DV A -12T | Installation Manual Sub syst em Maintenance and Upgrading | e n 37 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 Fig. 6.5 Install the BBU Module 3. Secure the BBU mod ule to the enclosure. Ti ghten the two (2) retention sc rews as shown above on the back of the BBU module.
38 en | Subsystem Maintenance and Upgrading RAID Subsystem DV A-12T | Installation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms Fig. 6.6 PSU Par ts Identification Fig. 6.7 Removing the PSU Retention Scr ew 2. Onc e the power switch has bee n turned off, remove the power cable that connects the RAID subsys tem to the m ain power .
RAID Subsystem DV A -12T | Installation Manual Sub syst em Maintenance and Upgrading | e n 39 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 Fig.
40 en | Subsystem Maintenance and Upgrading RAID Subsystem DV A-12T | Installation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms To replace a cooling module, please follow these instructions: 1. Remove the cooling mod ule. Two (2) clips secure the coolin g module to the su bsystem.
RAID Subsystem DV A -12T | Installation Manual Sub syst em Maintenance and Upgrading | e n 41 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 • Remove drives slowly: When r emoving a drive tray, withdraw it fro m the enclosure slowly. If the drive tr ay is removed too quickly a drive I/O timeout might occu r.
42 en | Subsystem Maintenance and Upgrading RAID Subsystem DV A-12T | Installation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms Fig.
RAID Subsystem DV A- 12T | Installation Manual Specifications | en 43 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 7 Speci fications 7.1 T echnica l Speci fic ations Environmental Specif.
44 en | Specif ications RAID Subsyst em DVA-12T | Installation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms 7.2 Co ntrol ler Spec ification s Warning Alarms • Audible alarms • S.
RAID Subsystem DV A- 12T | Installation Manual Specifications | en 45 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 7.3 Drive T ray Spe cificati ons 7.4 Power Sup ply S pecif icat ions 7.5 Co oling M odule Speci ficat ions 7.6 RAID Management Specif ication Height 28mm Width 110mm Depth 218.
46 en | Specif ications RAID Subsyst em DVA-12T | Installation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms 7.7 F ault T olerance Manag ement Event Broad cast/Alert Yes (via RAIDWat.
RAID Subsystem DV A -12T | Installation Man ual Spare Parts and Accessories | en 47 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 8 Spa re Parts and Ac cesso r ies 8.1 Spare Par ts Spare parts that come with th e subsyste m are listed in Table 8 .
48 en | P in Outs RAID Sub syst em DV A -12T | Installation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms 9P i n O u t s 9.1 COM1 Cable: DB9 and Au dio Ja ck Pi n Out s Ta b l e 9 . 1 RS-232C (Audio Jack) Pin Outs COM 1 Cable : C onnects a PC running a terminal emulation program 9.
RAID Subsystem DVA-12T | Instal lation M anual Pin Outs | e n 49 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 Fig. 9.1 LAN Po r t P in Ou t s 9.3 Main P ow e r IEC-type receptacle. Pin Pin Name Pin Pin Name 1 LAN_TXP 5 N2 2 LAN_TXN 6 LA N_RXN 3 LAN_RXP 7 N1 4 N2 8 N1 Ta b l e 9 .
50 en | P in Outs RAID Sub syst em DV A -12T | Installation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms.
RAID Subsystem DVA-12T | Instal lation M anual Index | en 51 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 10 Inde x Numerics 2U bracket 13 A Accessories 47 Air Flow 45 Airflow 16 airflow.
52 en | In dex RAID Subsyste m DVA-12T | Installation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms I I/O timeout 41 I2C 21 , 26 I2C bu s 14 Input Voltage 43 internal airflow 37 inte.
RAID Subsystem DVA-12T | Instal lation M anual Index | en 53 Bosch Securit y Syst em s F .01U .027. 798 | V1 | 200 6.06 W Warni ng Al arms 44 working integrity 32 , 39 X XOR 44.
54 en | In dex RAID Subsyste m DVA-12T | Installation Manual F .01U.027. 798 | V1 | 2006.0 6 Bosch Security Syst e ms.
Bosch Sec urity Systems Robert-Koch-Straße 100 D-8552 1 Ottob runn Germany Telefo n +49 (8 9) 6290-0 Fax +49 (8 9) 6290-10 20 www. bosch- secur itysys tems.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Bosch Appliances DVA-12T è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Bosch Appliances DVA-12T - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Bosch Appliances DVA-12T imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Bosch Appliances DVA-12T ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Bosch Appliances DVA-12T, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Bosch Appliances DVA-12T.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Bosch Appliances DVA-12T. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Bosch Appliances DVA-12T insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.