Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto VX-HDMI-POE-UTX del fabbricante Black Box
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B LAC K BO X ® Extend audio and video signals via an existing LAN. Distribute HDMI video to an unlimited number of displays using IP multicast, or make eye-catching video walls of up to 8 x 8 displays. MediaCento ™ IPX with PoE VX-HDMI-POE-MTX VX-HDMI-POE-UTX VX-HDMI-POE-VTX .
724-746-5500 | Page 2 T rade mark s U se d in this Ma nual T rad em ark s U se d in t his M anua l Bla ck Box a nd th e Do ubl e Dia mon d lo go a re reg is tere d tra de mark s , and Me dia Cento is a t rad emar k, of B B Techn olo gi es, I nc .
724-746-5500 | Page 3 FCC R FI St a te me nt FED ER AL COMMUNICA TIONS COMMISSION AND INDUSTRY C A NA DA R A DI O FREQU ENC Y IN TE RFER ENC E STA TEM EN T S Thi s equ ipm ent g ene rate .
724-746-5500 | Page 4 NOM S tatement 4. Todas las i nst ruc cio nes d e op er aci ón y us o de be n ser s eg uid as. 5. E l aparato eléctrico no deberá ser usado cerca del ag ua — por ejemplo, cerca de la t ina d e bañ o, lava bo, só ta no mo jad o o cerc a d e una al ber ca, e tc.
724-746-5500 | Page 5 NOM S tatement 16. El ca ble d e cor ri ente d eb erá s er d es cone c ta do d el c uand o el e quip o no s ea usa do p or u n larg o pe rio do d e ti emp o.
724-746-5500 | Page 6 T able of Contents T able of Contents 1 . Specifications .................................................................................................. 8 2. Ov er vi ew ...........................................
724-746-5500 | Page 7 T able of Contents 7 . V id eo Wall F ea ture s ...................................................................................... 36 8. T ro ublesh ooting ........................................................
724-746-5500 | Page 8 Chapter 1: Specifications 1 . Speci ficati ons T echnical Specifications Approva ls F CC , T U V, C E , UL ® , CSA , Ro HS , W EEE Bandwidth 120 Mbps ma xi mum De fau lt I P Ad dre s s 169.
724-746-5500 | Page 9 Chapter 1: Specifications T echnical Specifications (continued ) Connectors (1) H DM I fema le, (1 ) R J- 45 inter connect / L AN connection, (1) 2. 1-mm ba rre l conn ec to r for p owe r , (2) R J - 1 2 6 P 6C† †NOTE : Onl y 4 cent er pi ns ar e use d at this ti me.
724-746-5500 | Page 10 Chap ter 2 : O ver view 2. Over view 2. 1 Introduc tion Th e Me dia Cento I PX wi th P oE is a p er fe c t so lut ion f or aud io an d vi de o sig nal ex te nsio n vi a an ex is ting L oc al A rea N e t wor k ( L A N ) s y st em.
724-746-5500 | Page 11 Chap ter 2 : O ver view • Provide automatic EDI D configuration. • Use w ell - de vel op ed Et her net t ech nol og y an d TCP/ I P comm uni cat ion p roto col . • T r ansm it ter s an d Re cei ver s are H DCP - com pli ant an d Blu -r ay rea dy.
724-746-5500 | Page 12 Chap ter 2 : O ver view • (1) DB9 F to R J -1 1 adap ter • (1) RJ -1 1 to R J -1 1 cable VX-HDMI- POE-VRX also has : • (1) Med iaCento I P X Vi de o Wall Re cei ver 2.
724-746-5500 | Page 13 Chap ter 2 : O ver view 10 Fig ure 2-3. T r ansm it ter to p pa nel..
724-746-5500 | Page 14 Chap ter 2 : O ver view T a bl e 2- 1. Compon ent s of t he Transmi tt er s. Number Component De scrip tion 1 F2 bu t ton See Section 2.
724-746-5500 | Page 15 Chap ter 2 : O ver view 2.6 . 2 Re ce ive rs 1 2 3 4 5 Fig ure 2- 4. R ece iv er fro nt pa nel. 6 7 8 9 Fig ure 2-5.
724-746-5500 | Page 16 Chap ter 2 : O ver view 10 Fig ure 2- 6. R ece ive r top p an el..
724-746-5500 | Page 17 Chap ter 2 : O ver view T able 2- 2. C omp onents of the Receivers. Number Component De scrip tion 1 F2 bu t ton See Section 2.
724-746-5500 | Page 18 Chap ter 2 : O ver view 2.6. 3 Indicators Th e LED s on t he ex t end er un it s sho w the r eal -t ime s ta tus in dic at ing th e link ing a nd communication between the T ransmitter/S ender unit an d the Receiver unit.
724-746-5500 | Page 19 Chap ter 2 : O ver view T a bl e 2-3. Func tio n bu tt ons ( cont inu ed ) . But ton Ac tion De scr iption F1 1. Pre ss a nd ho ld th e F1 but ton. 2. A pp ly p owe r to the u nit . 3. Release right after the Ne t wor k Stat us LE D st ar t s blinking.
724-746-5500 | Page 20 Chap ter 3 : I ns t allation 3. In s t allati on WA R N I N GS : Make sur e that al l dev ices a re p owe re d of f bef ore co nne c tin g to the u nit. Make sur e all de vi ces yo u wil l conn ec t ar e pro pe rly g ro unde d.
724-746-5500 | Page 21 Chap ter 3 : I ns t allation PC Blu- ray DVD player TX TX TX RX RX RX RX RX RX RX Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Layer 2/ 3 sw itch with IGMP Figure 3- 1.
724-746-5500 | Page 22 Chapter 4 : Configurat ion 4. Configurati on 4. 1 B asi c Co nfig urati on Th e rot ar y s wi tch on e ach d ev ice d eci de s the c hann el of t he d evi ce wh en b oot ing . Fo r a rece iv er or re ce ive rs to c onn ec t to a tr ansm it ter, they mu st b e on t he s ame chan nel.
724-746-5500 | Page 23 Chapter 4 : Configurat ion 4. 2 . 1 Acc es sin g thr oug h Se rial 1. Using th e clie nt, s el ec t “ser ial” an d ente r “ 1 1 520 0” fo r the s pe ed ( ba ud rat e) . Fig ure 4 -1 . P u T T Y c onfi gura tio n sc ree n usi ng se ria l.
724-746-5500 | Page 24 Chapter 4 : Configurat ion Fig ure 4 -2. PuT T Y co nfig urat io n scr een u sing Teln et. 3. Th e de fault p as sw ord i s roo t.
724-746-5500 | Page 25 Chap ter 5 : Ad vance d Com man ds 5. Advanced Commands Th es e are ad va nced c onf igur ati ons an d req uire k now le dg e of I P net w or king proto co ls and m ult ica st ing .
724-746-5500 | Page 26 Chap ter 5 : Ad vance d Com man ds Fig ure 5 -2. Current c onfi gure d pa ram eter s li st. To reset to fa c tor y d efau lt, s et tin g th e IP m od e to aut oip a nd rem ov ing any over ri de s, t yp e in : reset _to_default.
724-746-5500 | Page 27 Chap ter 5 : Ad vance d Com man ds 2. DHCP cl ien t get s a n add res s fro m the l oc al D HCP s er ve r . C AUT I ON : M ake sure a D HCP c lie nt is con ne ct ed o r pro ble ms w ill o ccur. 3. Stat ic all ow s you t o manu ally c hang e th e IP a dd res s and n et mask o f the d ev ice.
724-746-5500 | Page 28 Chap ter 5 : Ad vance d Com man ds T a bl e 5 - 1. Channe l lis tin g for mu lti cas t ad dre ss . Multicas t Addres s Channel IDs B0 B1 B2 B3 ID 225.0. 0. 0000 225.0. 1. 0001 225.0. 0. 1002 225.0. 1. 1003 225.0. 0.
724-746-5500 | Page 29 Chap ter 5 : Ad vance d Com man ds 5. 2 . 1 T ran sm it te r To change t he mul tic as t gro up I P , t yp e in : astparam s multic ast _ ip 225.
724-746-5500 | Page 30 Chap ter 5 : Ad vance d Com man ds Figure 5 - 4. Optio ns controlling loc al serial lines . Fo r bot h tran smit te r and r ece ive r uni ts , the a dd ed R J - 1 1 to D B9 s er ial c abl e ne ed s to be co nne c ted to t he s eco nd s eri al po r t on t he de vi ces .
724-746-5500 | Page 31 Chap ter 5 : Ad vance d Com man ds To set up a Telnet e x tens ion : 1. Using a Telnet p roto col, us e Po r t 6752.
724-746-5500 | Page 32 Chap ter 5 : Ad vance d Com man ds 2. T u rn of f lin e ec ho an d lo cal l ine e dit ing. Fig ure 5 - 6 . Turning of f l ine e cho a nd lo ca l lin e edi tin g.
724-746-5500 | Page 33 Chap ter 6 : Acces sin g the Web Int er face 6. A cce ss ing th e Web I nte r face Th e Web int er fac e can b e us ed to v ie w infor mat ion a bo ut th e de vic e, upl oad a fir mwar e fil e to the d ev ice, an d for v id eo wa ll tra nsf orm er s conf igu rati on.
724-746-5500 | Page 34 Chap ter 6 : Acces sin g the Web Int er face T a bl e 6 -1 . Rot ar y Sw itch p os iti on s et tin gs. Posi tion Four - digit setting Positio n Four - digit setting 0 0000 8 000 1 1 1 000 9 10 0 1 2 010 0 A 0101 3 11 0 0 B 11 0 1 4 0 010 C 0 0 11 5 1010 D 1 0 11 6 0 11 0 E 0 111 7 111 0 F 1111 Fig ure 6 -1 .
724-746-5500 | Page 35 Chap ter 6 : Acces sin g the Web Int er face 6. 2 A cce ss ing t he Web I nte r fac e for a Transmi t ter o r Re cei ver wit h an IP A dd res s 1. Config ure th e con trol P C’s net wo rk s et tin g as 169.25 4. x x x.
724-746-5500 | Page 36 Chap ter 7: Vid eo Wall Featur es 7 . Vid eo Wall F eatu re s Usin g the V id eo Wa ll feat ure s, yo u can s en d vid eo a nd au dio to u nlim ite d oup ut s thro ugh I P . F orm at th e vid eo w all s o tha t se para te se c tio ns of t he v ide o ca n be s ent to different output s.
724-746-5500 | Page 37 Chap ter 7: Vid eo Wall Featur es Fig ure 7-2. Basic S etu p scr ee n..
724-746-5500 | Page 38 Chap ter 7: Vid eo Wall Featur es T able 7- 1 . Basic Setup screen component s. Component Des cripti on Bezel and Gap Compensation Dim ens ion s of sc ree n (i nsid e an d out si de w id th and height).
724-746-5500 | Page 39 Chap ter 7: Vid eo Wall Featur es Fig ure 7-3 show s th e Adv ance d Se tup s cre en. Table 7-2 des cr ibe s it s co mp one nt s.
724-746-5500 | Page 40 Chap ter 7: Vid eo Wall Featur es T a bl e 7- 2. Adva nce d Se tup s cre en co mpo ne nt s. Component Des cripti on Step 1: Cho os e cont rol target Click on t he a rrow s an d but to ns to s ele c t a cont rol target.
724-746-5500 | Page 41 Chap ter 7: Vid eo Wall Featur es Fig ure 7- 4 sho ws t he Ad va nced Com man ds sc ree n. Table 7-3 des cri be s it s components.
724-746-5500 | Page 42 Chap ter 7: Vid eo Wall Featur es T a bl e 7-3. Advan ced Comm and s scr ee n comp on ent s . Component Des cripti on Screen Layout ( Row x Col umn ) Sel ec t t he nu mbe r of row s an d col umns f rom th e dro p - dow n me nu, th en cl ick o n the “ A p ply” b ut ton .
724-746-5500 | Page 43 Chap ter 8 : T roub les hoo ting 8. T roubleshooting 8. 1 Pro blem / S olutio ns Problem: No v id eo o n mo nito r at bo otu p. Soluti ons : 1. C h eck t he d evi ce p ower u sin g the L ink / Powe r LE D. 2. Check t he ne t wor k con nec t io n usin g the N et w ork L ED.
724-746-5500 | Page 44 Chap ter 8 : T roub les hoo ting • the co mp on ent s invo lve d in t he pro bl em. • a ny par t icu lar a ppl ic ati on tha t, w hen u se d, ap pea rs to c rea te the p ro ble m or ma ke it w or se.
724-746-5500 | Page 45 Appe ndix : Connec tor Pinouts Appen dix. Connec tor Pinouts Fig ure A -1 shows t he D B9 to R J -1 2 or R J -1 1 conn ec to r pin out s . Fig ure A -1 . DB 9 to R J -1 2 6P 6 C or R J -1 1 ( 4P4 C) c abl e pin out .
724-746-5500 | Page 46 NOT ES.
724-746-5500 | Page 47 NOT ES.
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Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Black Box VX-HDMI-POE-UTX è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Black Box VX-HDMI-POE-UTX - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Black Box VX-HDMI-POE-UTX imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Black Box VX-HDMI-POE-UTX ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Black Box VX-HDMI-POE-UTX, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Black Box VX-HDMI-POE-UTX.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Black Box VX-HDMI-POE-UTX. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Black Box VX-HDMI-POE-UTX insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.