Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto COMPACT T1 del fabbricante Black Box
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Compact T1 QUICK S T ART GUIDE CUSTOMER SUPPOR T INFORMATION Order toll-free in the U.S.: Call 877-8 77-B BOX (outsi d e the U.S. call 72 4-74 6-550 0 ) FREE techn ical su pport, 24 ho urs a d ay, 7 d.
Supporting Software Version: Contro ller 6.1 IP Router 1.6 CMG R outer 2 .0.
4 Compact T1 - Release 6.1 Preface Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Pr ecautions Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Precautions ESD can damage processors, circuit car ds, and oth er electro nic components. Al ways observe the foll owing preca utions befor e installi ng a syste m component.
Q UI CK S TART Quick St art In this Gu ide n Unpacking an d Inspection n Installat ion Environm ent n Assemb ly of Co mpa ct T1 n Wall Mo unt ing n Rack Mounting (Opt ional Feature) n Comp liant I nst.
2 Compact T1 - Release 6.1 Quick Start Unpacking and Inspectio n Unpacki ng and I ns pection W ARNING! O BSERVE PRECAUT IONS FOR HANDLING ELECTROSTAT IC DEVICES . 1. Inspect containers for damage d uring shipment . Report any damage to the freigh t carrie r for pos sible in surance clai ms.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 3 Quick Start Assembly of Compact T1 Assembly of Compact T1 The cards should be p ositione d in the chas sis as fo llows: Note: Sl ots are labe led on the top and the bottom of t he chassis. l Power Suppl y in the POWER Slo t l T1 Control ler in Slot A l Service Cards can be i n any slot 1 through 6.
4 Compact T1 - Release 6.1 Quick Start Wall Mounti ng Wall Mounting Before be ginning the mou nting proc ess, veri fy that the area meets the followin g requir ements: l A stable environment, cl ean a.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 5 Quick Start Rack Moun ting (Optional F eature) Rack Mounting (O ptional Fe ature) Rack mounti ng kits are a vailabl e for both 19 and 23 inch r acks. To rack mount the Unit, follow the instruct ions below: 1. Attach bra cket ear s to rack mo unting bracket using four #8-32 x 3/16" scr ews on each s ide.
6 Compact T1 - Release 6.1 Quick Start Rack Moun ting (Optional F eature) 2. Attach he at baffl e to bra cket ears using two # 8-32 x 5 /16" screws o n each s ide. 3. Attach r ack mountin g bracket ear s to rack using two #12-2 4 x 5/8" rack mounting s crews on each s ide.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 7 Quick Start Rack Moun ting (Optional F eature) 4. Remove wall mount and screws from Unit. 5. Slide t he Unit into r ack mountin g bracket.
8 Compact T1 - Release 6.1 Quick Start Rack Moun ting (Optional F eature) As many as 20 Units can be mounted on a sing le 7 foot rack, as shown in the following illust ration (2 Adi ts are mounte d side-by side and 10 high). Compact T1 Chassi s = 2 RUs (3.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 9 Quick Start Complian t I nstallation Compliant Installation 1. Connect all of the signal cables as shown in the ill ustration above, an d secure them with a pla s tic ti e. Dr ess th e sig n al c abl es towa rd th e left of th e un i t.
10 Com p act T1 - R ele a se 6. 1 Quick Start Compliant Installa tion Ferrite Beads To be com pliant with Part 15A of t he FCC and for NEBS co mpliant fa cilities , the followi ng beads are i ncluded with e ach chassi s, as well as additional ferrite be ad(s) with the S e rvi ce ca rds li sted bel ow.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 11 Quick Start Chass is Connector s and Butt ons Chassis Conn ectors and Buttons The foll owing ill ustrations show all co nnectors on the back of the unit.
12 Com p act T1 - R ele a se 6. 1 Quick Start Interface Connector s Chassis Ground Con nector 1. Route wir e (#6 or #8 AWG copper ) from buildi ng ground to lug on Unit. 2. Strip i nsu lati o n off wire end , if ne c ess ary . 3. Loosen compr ession scre w until ope ning is larg e enough to accept ground wire.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 13 Quick Start Interface Conn ectors Power Reset This is a reset abl e ci rcuit brea ke r. If a t an y tim e th ere i s a s hor t or p ower surge on the incomin g AC/DC line, t he breaker wi ll trip to protect t he Power suppl y from damage.
14 Com p act T1 - R ele a se 6. 1 Quick Start Interface Connector s To connect -48 VDC power: 1. Ensure t hat no power is present o n the two wires to be conne cted. 2. Strip t he two wires f rom the power source so tha t approximate ly 5/16 in ch of bare wir e i s e xpos ed.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 15 Quick Start Interface Conn ectors External Alarm Connector The exte rnal alarm 6 -pin conn ector with o ne inpu t pai r (pi ns 5 a nd 6) and two out put pairs (pin s 1 and 2 - major al arms; pins 3 and 4 - minor alarm s).
16 Com p act T1 - R ele a se 6. 1 Quick Start Interface Connector s 25-Pair Telc o Connectors Tip and Ri ng Analog Inter faces equipp ed with standa rd 25-pai r Telco Connect ors (fem ale) for conne cti on t o key s yst em s, fax m ach i nes , mod ems , and PB Xs.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 17 Quick Start Interface Conn ectors Pair Pin Locati on Function Color Code 11 36 11 Ti p C han nel 11 Ring Ch annel 11 Black/Blue Blue/Black 12 37 12 Ti p C han nel 12 Ri.
18 Com p act T1 - R ele a se 6. 1 Quick Start Interface Connector s RS-232 Craft Port (Female DB-9) The RS-232 craft port co nnector (female) is for connect ion to an exter nal PC or Hayes- compatibl e modem for loca l or remote co nfiguratio n, management, a nd performance mon ito rin g usin g th e Co mma nd Lin e Int erfa ce (C LI).
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 19 Quick Start Interface Conn ectors T1 Connection Ports The T1 conne ction por ts are each e quipped with a standard RJ-48C (fem ale) on the Un it .
20 Com p act T1 - R ele a se 6. 1 Quick Start Local and Remote Managemen t Option Local an d Remo te Manage ment Op tion This Quic k Start Gui de will focu s on CLI and DIP swi tches. If you need furt her informa tion on other management opti ons, please refer to t he Compact T1 Us er Manual.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 21 Quick Start Configur ation Configuration The foll owing basi c setups and up grades for the Compact T1 a re shown below usi ng CLI. For more inf ormation on CLI commands an d configurations , see the Compact T1 User Manual .
22 Com p act T1 - R ele a se 6. 1 Quick Start Conf igur ati on Initia l S etup Use th e fol lowin g com man ds f o r yo ur init ial se tup , for fu rthe r inf orma tio n s ee th e speci fic comm a nd l is ted in this cha p ter. Set Up Securi ty Use the following c ommands to s et up the sec urity on t he Compact T1.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 23 Quick Start Configur ation Set Up a DS1/T1 Use the f ollowing commands to set up a DS1. Se e the set (ds 1) command for more detail s. Set Up a DS0/Channel Use the f ollowing commands to set up a DS0. Se e the set (ds 0) command for de tails.
24 Com p act T1 - R ele a se 6. 1 Quick Start Conf igur ati on Set Up an Analog Port Use the f ollowing comma nds to set up a n analog po rt. Command Descript ion set {slot:port} up Activate the port. See set (d s1) command for details. set {slot:port} signal {dpt|gs| gsrb|gsw|gswrb|ls|lscpd|lsrb} Set the signaling option for the po rt.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 25 Quick Start Configur ation Set Up the Router (IP or CMG) Cards See th e Ro ute r (IP or CMG ) Qu ick Start Gui des fo r de tai led in form atio n.
26 Com p act T1 - R ele a se 6. 1 Quick Start Conf igur ati on Establish a Static Channel Connection Use the f ollowing comma nds to establ ish a st atic channel connecti on. Set Up a ISDN BRI Service Use th e foll ow ing co mma nds to set up a ISDN BRI Servi ce.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 27 Quick Start Configur ation Set Up the OCU-DP Card The foll owing is a basic setup f or the OCU-DP card . Command De scr ipti on set {ocudp-addr} baud {2400|4800|9600|19200|38400| 56000*|64000} Set the OCU-DP Baud rate. Where ocudp-a ddr = {slot :port} of the OCU-DP card to apply settin gs to.
28 Com p act T1 - R ele a se 6. 1 Quick Start Conf igur ati on Set Up a V. 35 Port Use the f ollowing commands to set up a V .35 port. See the set (v3 5 ) comman d for detail s. Change the IP Addres s of the DS0 Manageme nt Channel Use the f ollowi ng commands to cha nge the IP over DS0 Manageme nt Channe l for the Compact T1.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 29 Quick Start Configur ation Upgrade the Controller Software Use the f ollowing co mmands to d etermine t he system s oftware l evel, then upgrade th e softw are to the lates t ver sion .
30 Com p act T1 - R ele a se 6. 1 Quick Start Contro ller C ards Controller Cards T1 Controller Card Dip Switches On th e fr ont o f th e T1 C ontr olle r ca rd on the C omp act T1 ar e D IP sw itche s us ed to configu re the Compac t T1 locally.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 31 Quick Start Contro ller C ards LEDs The T1 Contro ller has a se t of six LEDs you ca n use to troubl eshoot your Compac t T1.
32 Com p act T1 - R ele a se 6. 1 Quick Start Power Su pplies Power Supplies 115 VAC/-48 VDC Power Supply The power supply car d has two LEDs, as des cribed in the table below.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 33 Quick Start Servi ce C ards Service Cards FXO Card DIP Switc h Settings The DIP swit ches on th e FXO card cont rol all ei ght channels . In order to apply differ ent settin gs to chann els on the same card, use the CLI.
34 Com p act T1 - R ele a se 6. 1 Quick Start Service Cards FXS Card DIP Switc h Settings Each FXS car d contains t en DIP switches tha t can be used t o select si gnaling options for all eight cha nnels. LEDs Each port on the FXS ca rd has its own LED, as describe d in the t able below.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 35 Quick Start Servi ce C ards ISDN BRI Card Ther e is a n LED for e ach ISDN BRI on a ca rd, a s de scri b ed in the ta ble belo w : OCU-DP Card There are two LEDs for each cha nnel on the OCU-DP card.
36 Com p act T1 - R ele a se 6. 1 Quick Start Service Cards Quad T1 Card Each chann el on the Quad T1 card has t wo LEDs. The desc ription of t he top LED is shown belo w, the bott om LED is not used wi th this appl ication. V.35/V. 54 Card Each V.35 por t has it s own LED, as shown in the tabl e below.
Compa ct T1 - Re l eas e 6.1 37 Quick Start Servi ce C ards CMG Router Card The foll owing chart describes each LED, and i t’s state, of t he CMG Router ca rd. LED State Descri ption CRD Off Loss of power Green No current alarms Red Alarm state active.
38 Comp act T1 - R ele a se 6. 1 Quick Start Service Cards IP Rout er Card The foll owing chart describes each LED, and i t’s state, of the Router card .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Black Box COMPACT T1 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Black Box COMPACT T1 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Black Box COMPACT T1 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Black Box COMPACT T1 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Black Box COMPACT T1, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Black Box COMPACT T1.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Black Box COMPACT T1. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Black Box COMPACT T1 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.