Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto P4M80-M7 del fabbricante Biostar
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P4M80-M7 i FCC Information and Copy right This equ ipment h as been tested and f oun d to comply w ith th e limits of a Class B digital device, pursuan t to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reas on able protection a g a in st harm f ul interf erence in a residentia l insta llat io n.
Table of Conten ts ii Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................... 1 1.1 Features .............................................................................................. 1 1.2 Package List ............
P4M80-M7 1 CHA PTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 F EATURES A A . . H H a a r r d d w w a a r r e e CPU Supports Sock et 775. Supports Intel Pentium 4 Presc ott process or up to 3.6GHz. Front side bus at the f ollowing frequency ranges: - 533MT/s ( 133MHz Core Clock) - 800MT/s ( 200MHze Core Clock) Supports Hyper-Threading T echnology .
P4M80-M7 2 Slot 3 PCI bus m aster slots . 1 AGP 4x/8x c om patible slot. 1 CNR slot. Serial ATA Integrated in VT8237R. Supports RAID 0 and RAID 1 func tions. Supports 2 ser ial A T A (SA T A) ports. - Data transfer rates up to 150 MB/s. - Complaints with SA T A V ersion 1.
P4M80-M7 3 Rear Side Connectors 4 USB 2.0 ports. 1 VGA port. 1 serial port. 1 parallel port. 1 RJ-45 LAN jack . 1 PS/2 Mouse & Keyboard port. 1 vertical audio port inc luding 1 line-in connector , 1 line out connector , and 1 MIC in connector .
P4M80-M7 5 1.4 C OMPONENTS A B C D E F G HI J K L M N O P Q R S T U BIOS BA T1 VT8237R P4M800 Codec Super I/O LAN LGA775 CPU1 A. JATX PW R2: AT X pow er connector. L. JCMO S1: Clear CMO S header. B. Back panel connectors (rear side). M. JCI1: Chassis open message header.
P4M80-M7 6 Pin Cap CHA PTER 2: HARDWA RE INSTALLA TION 2.1 C ENTRAL P ROCESSING U NIT (CPU) Special Notice: Remove Pin C ap before ins tallation, and make good preser vation for futur e use. When the CPU i s removed, cover the Pin C ap on the empty socket t o ensure pin legs won’t be damaged.
P4M80-M7 7 Step 2-2: Step 3: Hold the CPU down firm ly , and then close the lever to com plete the installation. Step 4: Put the CPU Fan o n the CP U and buc kle it. Connect t he CPU F AN power cable to the JCF AN1. This c ompletes the installation. 2.
P4M80-M7 8 2.3 M EMORY M ODULE I NSTALLATION 1. Unloc k a DIMM s lot by pressing the retaining clips outward. Align a DIMM on the slot such that the notch on the DIMM m atc hes the break on the Slot. 2. Ins ert the DIMM vertic ally and firmly into the slot until the retaining chip snap back in place and the DIMM is properly seated.
P4M80-M7 9 2.4 C ONNECTORS AND S LOTS F F D D D D 1 1 : : F F l l o o p p p p y y D D i i s s k k C C o o n n n n e e c c t t o o r r The m otherboar d provides a standar d floppy disk connec tor that supports 360K, 720K, 1.2M, 1.44M and 2.88M f loppy disk types.
P4M80-M7 10 CHA PTER 3: HEA DERS & JUMPERS SETUP 3.1 H OW TO S ETUP J UMPERS The illust ration shows how to set up jum pers . W hen the jumper cap is placed on pins, the jum per is “clos e”, if not, that m eans the jum per is “open”. Pin opened Pin closed Pin1-2 closed 3.
P4M80-M7 11 JATXPWR1/PATX PWR2: Power Connector s JATX PW R1: This connec tor allows user to c onnect with 20-pin power connector on the AT X power s upply . JATX PW R2: By connecting this c onnector, it will provide +12V to CPU power circuit. Pin Assignment Pin A ssignment 1 +3.
P4M80-M7 12 JCDIN1: CD-ROM Audi o-in Conne ct or This c onnector allows us er to connect the audio s ource f rom the veriaty devices, lik e CD-ROM, DVD-RO M, PCI sound card, PCI T V turner c ard etc.
P4M80-M7 13 JPANEL1: Fr ont Panel Header This 24- pin connec tor inc ludes Po wer-on, R eset, HDD LED, Po wer LED, Sleep button, speak er and IrDA Connection.
P4M80-M7 14 CHA PTER 4: USEFUL HELP 4.1 A WARD BIOS B EEP C ODE Beep Sound Meaning One long beep followed by two short beeps Video card not found or video card memory bad High-low siren sound CPU ov e.
P4M80-M7 15 B B . . C C P P U U O O v v e e r r h h e e a a t t e e d d If the system shutdown automatic ally after power on sy stem for seconds, that m eans the CPU protection func tion has been activated.
P4M80-M7 16 4.3 T ROUBLESHOOTING Probable Solution 1. N o power to the system at all Power light don’t illuminate, fan inside pow er sup ply doe s not t u rn on. 2. Indicator light on key board does not turn on. 1. M ake sure power cable is securely plugged in.
P4M80-M7 17 CHA PTER 5: WA RPSPEEDER™ 5.1 I NTRODUCTION [War pSpeeder™], a new powerful control utility , features thr ee user-f riendly functions including Over clock Manager , O vervoltage Manager , and Hardware Monitor .
P4M80-M7 18 5.3 I NSTALLATION 1. Execute the setu p exec ution f ile, and th en the f ollo wing dialo g will pop up. Please click “Nex t” button and follow the def ault procedure to install. 2. W hen you see the following dialog in setup procedure, it m eans s etup is com pleted.
P4M80-M7 19 5.4 [W ARP S PEEDER ™] INCLUDES 1 TRAY ICON AND 5 PANELS 1 1 . . T T r r a a y y I I c c o o n n : : W henever the Tray Ic on utility is launched, it will display a little tray icon on the right side of W indows T ask bar . This utility is respo nsible f or c onvenient ly invok ing [W arpSpeeder™ ] Utility .
P4M80-M7 20 2 2 . . M M a a i i n n P P a a n n e e l l If you click the tr ay icon, [WarpSpeeder™] utility will be invoked. Please ref er to the following figur e; the utility ’ s firs t window y ou will see is Main Panel. Main Panel contains features as f ollows: a.
P4M80-M7 21 3 3 . . V V o o l l t t a a g g e e P P a a n n e e l l Click the V oltage button in Main Panel, the button will be highlighted and the V oltage Panel will slide out to up as the f ollowing figure. In this panel, you can decide to increase CPU cor e voltage and Memor y voltage or not.
P4M80-M7 22 4 4 . . O O v v e e r r c c l l o o c c k k P P a a n n e e l l Click the Overclock button in Main Panel, the button will be highlighted and the Overclock Panel will slide out to lef t as the following figure. Overcloc k Panel contains the these features: a.
P4M80-M7 23 c. “Auto-overcloc k button” : User can c lick this button and [War pSpeeder™] will set the best and stable per form ance and frequenc y automatically . [W arpSpeeder™] utility will execute a series of testing until s y stem fail. T hen system will do fail-saf e reboot by using Watchdog f unction.
P4M80-M7 24 6 6 . . A A b b o o u u t t P P a a n n e e l l Click the “about” button in Main Panel, the button will be highlighted and the About Panel will slide out to up as the following figur e. In this pan el, you can get m ode l name and detai l infor m ation in hin ts of all the chips et that are related to overc locking.
P4M80-M7 25 Note: Because the overc lock , overvoltage, and hardware m onitor f eatures are controlled by several separate c hipset, [W arpSpeeder™] divide these featur es to separate panels . If one chips et is not on board, the correlative button in Main panel will be disabled, but will not interf ere other panels’ func tions.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Biostar P4M80-M7 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Biostar P4M80-M7 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Biostar P4M80-M7 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Biostar P4M80-M7 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Biostar P4M80-M7, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Biostar P4M80-M7.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Biostar P4M80-M7. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Biostar P4M80-M7 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.