Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto LCD+M del fabbricante ZyXEL Communications
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T echni cal Refere nce f or ZyXEL series LCD LCD+M Plu s D ISDN T erminal Adapters ZyXEL T OTAL I NT ERN ET A CCESS S OLUTIONS ZyXEL Communications Corpora.
ii Zy XE L ISDN Terminal Adapters LCD LCD +M Plu s D Tradem arks : Pr odu c t an d co r po rat e nam es m entioned in this publi cat ion are u s e d f o r i dentifi cat ion pu rp os e s only and m ay be p r op erti es of th ei r r esp ect i v e ow ners.
iii Limited W arrant y ZyXEL seri es ISDN T ermin al A da pters Condi ti ons o f Z yXEL Lim ited W arranty : ZyXEL warrants t o the orig in al en d use r ( purch ase r) that this p rodu ct is fr ee f rom any defec ts i n m aterials o r w orkm an s h ip f or a pe ri od of u p t o tw o (2) ye a rs f rom th e da te of pu rch ase.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series v Content s P ART I INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCT ION Key Features ............................................................................................................................... 1-1 S pe ed and C ompatibilit y .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omni.n et series vi LCD Panel O peration Ke y s ....................................................................................................... .3 -3 LCD Panel D ispla y .......................................
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series vii Answering a Call Us ing MS N ............................................................................................ 4-8 Data Over S peech Channe l ( for Z yXEL LCD/LC D+M/Plus ) ...
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omni.n et series viii Call Waiting ................................................................................................................... ............... 6-3 Receiving a Second C all......................
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series ix V .120 Ou tgoing Prot ocol .................................................................................................... 8-4 X.75 Outgoin g Pr otocol ........................................
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omni.n et series x Dialing O ut for Int ernal Fax/ Modem ........................................................................................... 9- 4 Manuall y Switching Comm unication Mod es .....................
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series xi APPE NDIX A A T COM M AND SET REFERENC E Operation M odes of the DT E Interf ace ..................................................................................... A-1 Simplex m ode ............
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omni.n et series xii APPENDIX D SERI AL PORT INTERF A C E EIA-232D 25 Pin S erial Port Interf ace ...................................................................................... D-1 Async. Har dware Flo w Control C able Co nnection .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series xiii Content of T ables T able 1. S pecif icat ions ....................................................................................................... 1 -2 Table 2. Key Features S umm ary .......
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omni.n et series xiv T able 30. Global Call A T Comm and ................................................................................... 4-12 T able 31. Call Waiting S Reg ister....................................
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series xv T able 63. EP A-Captur e A T Comm ands (1) ....................................................................... 10-6 T able 64. EP A-Captur e A T Comm ands (2) ..................................
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series xvii Content of Fi gures Figure 1. Z y XEL ISDN Conf igurati on Mana ger icon ........................................................... 2-2 Figure 2. The Com Port Sett ing of ZyXEL ISDN Conf igurati on Mangaer .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omni.n et series xviii Preface Thank y ou for purcha sing ou r Zy XEL om IS DN Terminal Adapt er (TA). Abou t Zy XEL se ries ISDN T erminal Ad apters This m anual des cribes th e fe atures and prov ides in stall ation and config uration in struct ions for the ZyXEL om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series xix an inte rnal fax/m odem . How to Use This Manual In the fol lowing m anual, “ZyXEL om I SDN TA” or “Zy XEL LCD/LCD+M/Plus/D” is use d to ref er to these fo ur Z yXEL om ni.
Part I Introduction.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 1-1 Chapter 1 Introduction This chap ter in troduce s the featu res and speci fications fo r the Z yXEL om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 1-2 ! Two applicati on program int erfaces in cluding Zy XEL ISDN AT Commands and CA PI 2.0. ! Built- in 56K modem that c an com municate w ith other analog Modem /Fax through an ISDN line (fo r omni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 1-3 In the fol lowing ta ble, y ou will find a summ ary of the k ey fea tures that apply to your m odel LCD/P lus/D new ISDN TA. Ke y Features Summary Feature D Plus LCD omni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 1-4 Insta lling Y our ZyXEL ISDN T A For detail ed instruc tions o n how to i nstall an d config ure y our Zy XEL I SDN TA with the ZyXEL I SDN Configuration Manager (Zy XEL ICM), pl ease refer to the Qu ick Start Gu ide particula r to y our devic e that comes with y our om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 2-1 Chapter 2 Using ZyXEL ® ISDN Configuration Manager This chap ter shows y ou how to us e the Z yXEL IS DN Configuratio n Manag er (I CM).
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 2-2 St art using Z y XEL ISDN Configur ation Ma nager Follow these s teps t o use th e Z yXEL ISD N Config uratio n Manag er: Step 1. To displ ay the Z yXEL I SDN Configuration Mana ger m ain m enu Double-click on the ZyXEL ISDN Config uration Manag er icon to start th e Configuratio n Manag er.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 2-3 Step 2. Afte r check ing al l act ive seria l com municatio n po rts, the Z y XEL ISDN Configura tion Manager autom atically detec ts which com m unication po rt is conne cted to y our Z y XEL omni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 2-4 Setp 3. Zy XEL ISDN Config uration Ma nager Main Men u Figure 3. ZyXEL ISDN Configuration Manager Main Menu Model nam e of the Z yXEL omni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 2-5 Step 4. Config uration S ettin gs Figure 4. Configuration Settings # Outgoing Protoc ol Control # Multilink or Multip le link # ST AC or V .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 2-6 Follow the guideli nes in the t able below d esigned to assist y ou in config uring the I SDN paramete rs of your Z yXEL om ISDN TA. Configuri ng ISDN Parameters ISDN Parameter Description Outgoing Protocol Control Sets the ca llin g prot ocol f or the you r Z yXEL omni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-1 Chapter 3 LCD Panel Operation (fo r ZyXEL LCD/LCD+M) This cha pter explai ns LCD panel r eadings and p rovides a detailed des cription on how to operate the menu- tree for the Z yXEL om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-2 Moreover to help f ilter und esire d phone ca lls, y our omni.n et LCD suppor ts Call er I D when connected to a cal ler ID box. The LCD pane l disp lays th e cal ling pa rty' s phone num ber.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-3 LCD Panel Operation Ke ys R ight key: Nex t menu option selec tio n Nex t item selec tion (s hift righ t one dig it) Left key : Previous me nu op.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-4 The foll owing screen s repre sent the LCD disp lay as s een on y our Z yXEL om LCD/LCD+M front panel , for v arious status of I SDN TA. Idle Sc reen LCD Display Description LCD V 1.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-5 Dial In Log LCD Display Description << Dial In Log >> ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ! Dial In Lo g sub-men u #01: T EL1 00: 01:02 Fm:03578 3942 *nn.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-6 Dial Out Log LCD Display Description << Dial Out Log >> ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ! Dial Out Log sub-men u #01: T EL1 $1 02 To: 5783942 OR # nn TEL1 $102 5783942 : record number nn (nn=01-20) of an outgoing call : active device or protocol (TEL1, TEL2, X.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-7 Ac t i ve Sta t u s When the om LCD i s idle, an incom ing call or outg oing cal l will cause it to a uto- chang e the screen to ac tiv e status, as sho wn in the ex am ples below : B1 detail info rm a tion : B1 TEL2 Fm:035783942 B2 Idle One incom ing ca ll has been an sw ered.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-8 Clock Options Display Clock Operation LCD Display Description LCD V 1.0 0 02-02-1998 08: 12 Idle screen. << Clock Options >> ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1. press button. Enter "Cloc k Option s" men u.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-9 Update Clock Operation LCD Display Description Set Clock Year 1998 Display origina l cloc k parameter. Set Clock Year _ 1. press button. Set cloc k param eter. Set Clock Year _ 2. press or button.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-10 Set Dis pla y Mode Operation LCD Display Description << Clock Options >> ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Set Clock Year 1998 1. press button. Display set cl ock s ub-menu . Set Display Mode [ 24Hr ] 2.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-1 1 Dial In Log Options Dial In Log Records Operation LCD Display Description LCD V 1.0 0 02-03-1998 08: 12 Idle screen. << Dial In Log >> ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1. press button. Enter "Dial In Log" menu.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-12 Stored Phone List Options Stored Phone List Records Operation LCD Display Description LCD V 1.00 02-03-1998 08: 12 Idle screen. <<Stored P hone Lis t>> ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1. Press button.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 3-13 Dial Out Log Options Records of Outgoing Calls Operation LCD Display Description LCD V 1.00 02-03-1998 08: 12 Idle screen. << Dial Out Log >> ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1. Press button.
Part II ISDN Function.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-1 Chapter 4 ISDN Comm unication Basics This chap ter cov ers how to init iate a nd rece ive ca lls ov er dig ita l lines us ing y our Z yXEL ISDN TA. Understanding A T Commands AT comm ands are used to config ure and control the omni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-2 and the ch aracter s sent from your com puter (throug h the TA) ar e transm itted to the rem ote dev ice. In order to issue a n AT com m and statem ent, you fi rst ne ed to run y our com municat ions so ftware and configur e it to th e po rt c onnected to y our om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-3 Supported A T Command T y pes Type of A T Command Suppor ted Example Basic AT (H ayes comp atible) ATA Basic AT$ (on lin e help) AT$ (Browse the lis t of AT commands) Extended AT& AT&F Extended AT * comm and AT*D0 S-Register c ommand ATS0=1 S-Register b it-mapp ed com mand ATS13.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-4 Outgoing Call s After you hav e conn ected your om to the I SDN line, your com puter, and a nalog phone ( LCD/P lus only ), the n you are a ble to place ou tgoing data and v oic e calls.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-5 & To enable Speec h Bearer Serv ice, type: ATS83.7=1<en ter> & To disable th is fun ction, ty pe: ATS83.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-6 Manuall y Switching Communication Mode (for Z y XEL LCD/LCD+M /Plus) The m anual switc hing fun cti ons will o nly be n ecessa ry if your com m unication s oftware does not allow you to ch ange y our dia l-up stri ng.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-7 Placing a Dat a Call While placing a v oice call ca n be as simple as d ialing out with your analog phone, initiating a data call requ ires pr ior se lect ion of a p roper B- channel pro tocol. Her e are som e sim ple com m ands that will be u seful wh en p lacing a call.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-8 The Z yXE L Multi- A uto feat ure allow s your om t to a utom atic ally detect calls , to i dentify calls as analog or dig ital and to route them according ly. When an an alog ca ll com es in, the om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-9 If an incom ing SETUP messag e is o ffered w ith add ressin g informatio n (i.e. the app ropria te par t of the called _party_num ber), this ad dress w ill be comp ared with the MSN num bers ass igned by the [ AT&ZIn=s ] c omm ands.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-10 Dat a Ov er S peech Channel (for Zy XEL LCD/LCD+M /Plus) If you are ex pecting I SDN data calls throug h the Spee ch (Voice ) channe l, you nee d to setu p MSN for that pu rpose. To the om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-1 1 phone number ' s' . In cases when the om is unabl e to dist inguish wh ich POTS port to rou te the incom ing v oice call to, y our I SDN TA will alert both P OTS ports by defau lt [ ATS120.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 4-12 The defau lt MSN sub- addre ss (o r EAZ) for 1 TR6 (Ol d Germ an I SDN) of the a /b adap ters a re as follows: & Phone 1: EAZ = 4 (&ZI 7.
Part III Voice Features.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 5-1 Chapter 5 Supplementary Serv ice (for ZyXEL LCD/LCD+M/Plus) Supplementa ry serv ices s uch as ca ll wai ting, cal ler I D, … are gene rally av ailable f rom y our telecom municatio ns p rovider .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 5-2 can invo ke all the supp lem entary se rvices by using a sing le k ey on y our telephone keypad: the Flash key. To assig n the fl ash key to enable supplem enta ry serv ice, i ssue the comm and [ATS120.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 5-3 Switch back and forth bet ween t wo calle rs After using the call waiting option to answer a second incoming call, press ing the Flash key al l ow s you to switch b ack and forth betwee n call er B and C by putt ing eithe r one on ho ld.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 5-4 Three W a y Conferencing The three way confe rencing featu re allows y ou to add another p arty to an exi sting cal l, and g ives you addition al fl exibi lity in s electing which cal l to drop a t clos ure.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 5-5 Canceling the conference call (fo r DS S1 sw itch o n ly) When you wi sh to can cel th e cur rent con ference c all, s imply pres s th e Flash key .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 5-6 Call Forw arding For DSS1 switch The suppo rts the fo llow ing three c all fo rwarding options wh en connec ted to a DSS1 ty pe of switch: ! Call forw ard ing uncond ition al (CFU ): all in com ing call s are system atic ally forwa rded to th e de si gnat e d nu mber .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 5-7 connected to a PO TS port in order to ac tivate or deact ivat e the CFV func tion. In m ost cases, dia ling [*73<forwarded_number> ] w ill activ ate CF V and dial ing [ *73 ] will disable i t.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 5-8 Step 3. After y ou hear the r ing sig nal, hang- up the ph one witho ut waiting for the sec ond party to answer.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 6-1 Chapter 6 Feature Phone Operation (for LCD/L CD+M/Plus) The om LCD/LCD+M /Plus suppo rts Z yXEL' s powerful and adv anced fe ature phone operation.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 6-2 Flash Key Commands Feature Phone operation Flash Key Commands Descriptio n Hold/Release/C ancel Press the Flash key 1. Put caller on hold. 2. Resume with c aller pre sently on hold. Cancel th e seco nd dial conne cti on attem pt.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 6-3 Please fol low the in struct ions below to opera te the In terCom : Step 1. Pick up th e telephone handse t. Step 2. Press the Flash key , the push 2 on the phone keypad. Step 3. The other local p hone w ill s tart to ring .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 6-4 NOTE: 1: If y ou disable the c all waiting functio n (S79.2=0 o r S79.3=0), the secon d incom ing call w ill be block ed. 2: If y ou configure the PO TS port fo r Mo dem/Fax con nection (S79.4=1 or S 79.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 6-5 Repeat steps 1 and 2 abov e to swit ch back and forth be tw een callers B and C. Call Rejec t The call rejec t opti on allow s y ou to dis connect an activ e c all and return to a ca ll th at is on hold without h aving to hang up y our handse t.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 6-6 Three-W a y Conference Call The confe rence ca ll featu re c an be used in tw o way s: 1. To connect 2 local part ies (2 phones connected to the two POTS ports of y ou om to a rem ote party (1 dia l-out num ber.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 6-7 Last Number Redial This func tions a llows you to red ial the la st num ber ca lled on POTS port Phon e 1 and 2, ev en after the omni.
Part IV Data Function.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 7-1 Chapter 7 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Introduction to PPP Point-To- Point P rotoco l (PPP) is desig ned for s imple l inks, whic h transpor t pack ets be tween two peers.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 7-2 Data wi ll be transm itted only w hen the link is in th e open phase. N egot iation deta ils are describ ed in RFC1661. Feature List A s y nc to Sync Conversion PPP uses HDLC-like fram in g as encap sulation, which can be b it-oriented or charac ter- oriented.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 7-3 in hashed fo rm by CHAP. Som etim es CHAP can not be suppor ted by th e I SP. You m ay set [ S87.2=1 ] to use PAP on ly. I f you do not wa nt to do authentica tion at a ll, se t [ S118.3=1 ] to disable th e conversion.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 7-4 Compression C ontrol A T Commands Description AT&K 00 Disab le CCP n egotiati on ( defaul t). AT&K 44 Enable C CP neg otiation. Table 37. Compression Control AT Commands Mult ilin k PPP There are two B chann els in basic r ate I SD N.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 7-5 under calcul ation. In other w ords, the add/per sist time is c alculated from the time when the tra ffic is above the add-thres hold whe ther or not the phone is on-hook or off- hook. Howev er, it wil l not dial until the p hone has b een on- hook for 10 seconds.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 7-6 Bandwidth On Demand (BOD) The function o f Bandwid th On Dem and (BOD) will m onitor the tra ffic on I SDN links while i n Multilink PPP m ode. If there is light traff ic on the l ink, on e of the channel s will be dr opped automati cally .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 7-7 The second dire ctory num ber is not necessary any more. The BACP/BAP is suppor ted on the client side only , and the serv er side of BACP/BAP wi ll be im plem ented in a n upcom ing release. BACP/BAP AT Commands Description ATB P0 Disable BACP/BAP n egotiat ion.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-1 Chapter 8 V.110, V.120, X.75 and Synchronous Mode ISDN Communication s This chap ter describes how to set- up and configure y our om ISDN TA with the V.110, V.120, and X.75 protoco ls. Th e foll owing tab le sum mariz es the spec ifica tions of t hose I SDN protocols.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-2 About V .1 10, V .120 and X.75 ISDN Protocols ISDN Protocols Description V.110 V.110 is most p opul ar in Japan .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-3 V . 1 10 Outgoing Protocol Use the fo llowing comma nds to configur e V.110 o utgo ing ca lls. AT Command Description ATB10 User rate follow s DT E speed (s ee not e below ).
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-4 V .120 Outgoing Protocol Some sw itches tra nsmit all netw ork sign als thr ough the D- chann el (out-of-b and si gnalin g), allow ing bo th B-channels to be used ex clusively for y our communicati on purposes.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-5 X.75 Outgoing Protocol The X .75 protocol can be chose n using the foll ow ing AT com mands: AT Command Description ATB00 X.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-6 NOTE: The LCD/LCD+M doe s not sup port network independen t clock com pensa tion. The synchrono us tim ing sour ce must be supp lied by the om LCD/LCD+M , which i s phase locked to the ne twork sy nchronous c lock.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-7 Making V .120 and X.75 Bundled Calls Sp eeds of 128Kbp s BRI IS DN consists of three (2B+D) log ical channel s. Eac h B-channel ca n be u sed ind ependen tly for a dial- up conne ction runn ing at 56Kbp s or 64Kbps (Kbps = Kilo (100 0) bit s per se cond).
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-8 available f or more f lex ibility, as s how n below: AT&J0 Disables B-chann el bund ling. AT&J1 Enables B- channe l bundl ing in a nsw er mode on ly. AT&J2 Enables B-cha nnel bundling in call mod e only.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-9 X.75 Bundled Call A bundle con nection is in itiated at the calli ng site by se nding tw o conse cutive SET UP me ssage s to the network. T he two SET UP mess ages are all the same ex cept for the C all Ref erence v alues .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-10 Dialing Pr e-stored Phone Numbers The 40 ph one number s st ored i n the NVRA M can also be use d to pl ace a b undled call w ith V.1 20 or X .75, by using the [AT DSn] co mmand : ATD Sn n=0-39 D ial the (n)t h phone number tw ice for both bundle conne ctions.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-1 1 serial port uns uitable f or bundle appl ications. A speci al I/O card on the c omputer s ide is requir ed in this situ ation.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-12 Error Corr ection and Dat a Compression with V .120 With V.120, the defau lt setting is for LAPD erro r correction on ly . No data com pression w ill be negotia ted unless V.42bi s is enabled by sett ing [A T&K44 ].
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-13 It tak es about 2 se conds fo r the ca lling I SDN TA to send XID and wait u ntil tim e out. I f you know in advanc e that the ca lled sit e has no V.42bis ca pabil ity, i t is adv isab le to issue the A T& K00 comm and beforehand in ord er to g et a quick con nectio n.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-14 password for m atch ing with the lo cal om pre- stor ed passwo rd list. With a Ty pe 2 conn ec tion, th e rem ote term ina l will be p rom pted to en ter th e passw ord at the initia l connection an d the l ocal om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-15 The th ree lev els o f secur ity u sed in con junct ion wi th the security ty pes are descr ibed in the foll owi ng ta ble. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Password Check Yes Yes Yes CPN Check O K and S119.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-16 Setting and Modifying Passwords Up to 40 user pa sswords c an be defin ed using the [A T*Hn] com m and, where ' n' represe nts the index to the entry (n=0- 39).
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-17 Modify ing the User Pass words Use comm and [AT*Hn] to m odify the "n"th use r passw ord ( n=0- 39). The sys tem will ask y ou to enter the s uperv isory pas sword f irst and then the use r password y ou want to m odify .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 8-18 AT*VC Password: ******** (Ente r new super visor y p assw ord) OK.
Part V Fax/Modem Function.
9-1 Chapter 9 Internal Fax/Modem Function (for ZyXEL LCD+M only ) This chap ter is des igned to describe th e inte rnal fax/m odem function dedica ted to Zy XEL LCD+M. Internal Fax/Modem Basics The Zy XEL LCD+M con tains a buil t-in 56K m odem that can com m unicate with other analog m odem through an I SDN line.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 9-2 Standard Speed (bps) Notes V.21 300 V.22 1200 V.22 bis 2400 or 1200 V.32 9600 or 4800 V.32 bis 14400, 12000 , 7200 V.
9-3 Fax and Facsimile Fax is th e abbrev iatio n for f acsim ile. There a re four m a jor parts in a norm al fa csim ile m achine, the scanner, encoding and d ecod ing dev ice, modem , and prin ter.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 9-4 Dialing Out for Internal Fax/Modem Using the “M” comm and fol lowing the “ATD” w ill tel l your om LCD+M to auto m atically switch ca lls to the i nterna l fa x/modem once dial ing is com plete.
9-5 character b efore com pletion of th e ha ndshak e. If +FC LASS=1 is selected, the modem w ill behave as a facsim ile modem and attem pt to connect to a facsim ile m achine. This com mand w ill be abor ted upon receip t of any DTE ch aracter if the modem has not finish ed dial ing .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 9-6 When AT&L1 is set, an inco m ing analog call to pho ne2 w ill al so repo rt a ‘RI N G’ messag e to the DTE. You can a nswer an incom ing analog cal l to the in ternal fax/m odem by the command ‘ATA’.
9-7 Use comm and ATMn (n=0- 3) to se lect when the sp eaker will be on or off. [S2 1b1- 2] AT Command Descr iption ATM0 Speaker is a lway s off. ATM1 Speaker i s on dur ing ca ll esta blishment, but off w hen re ceiv ing c arrier. (Defau lt.) ATM2 Speaker i s alw ays on.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 9-8 The fax m ay achieve a14400 bps tran smissio n spe ed. The charact er form at is 8 b it da ta, no par ity , and 1 stop bi t. Start and stop elem ents are remo ved from the transm it d ata and adde d to the rec eive data.
9-9 [S24b4-5] ATMn (n=0- 3, defau lt: 1): [S 21b1- 2] ATM0: Spea ker alwa ys OFF ATM1: Sp eak er ON un til ca rrie r is de tected . ATM2: Spea ker alwa ys ON. ATM3: Sp eak er ON a fter t he last d igit i s dial ed AT&Kn (n=0- 3, defau lt: 1) [S 27b0-1] AT&K0 Disables d ata com press ion.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 9-10 (For more in format ion on A T Command Set Refer enc e, pleas e refer to Appendi x A, and for the information on Additional Result Code T able f.
Part VI Diagnostics & Firmware Update.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 10-1 Chapter 1 0 Diagnostics The om can p erform its own diagnos tic test s, prov iding you with v aluable in formati on. Th is chapter presen ts diag nostic tables fo r inte rpret ing tes t resu lts.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 10-2 Power-on Self- test At each power- up or af ter res et com m and from the pan el, t he om w ill test th e RO M code checksum , sy stem RAM m emory , EEPROM, digita l cir cuit s and ana log circu it cal ibra tions.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 10-3 Type: AT&ZOI= [your_isdn_n umber] <Enter> t re sponds : OK Type: AT&T11<Enter> t res ponds : OK Dial [your_isd n_nu mber] Loop from B1 to B2 throu gh the switch establi shed! Sending and receiving data.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 10-4 Listen to the dial tone and then dial 1234567890*# in sequence. !! 1234567890*# Dialed digits detected, plea se hang- up the h andset ..!! On-hook action is detected, (Hook Interru pt) ........ OK Resetting Y our omni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 10-5 D-channel and DTE- DCE int erface. The EPA is de sign ed for h obbyis ts as wel l as users with technical b ackgrounds. The EPA enables you to exam ine messages exchang ed between your ISDN TA and th e Centra l Exchang e offic e when m ak ing an I SDN call.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 10-6 used with the Zy XEL CAPI driver. The Zy XEL CAPI driv er comm unicate s with the I S DN TA throug h this in terna l interf ace. I t is not recomm ended th at user s get i nvolv ed in this int ernal interfac e.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 10-7 comm ands are sum mariz ed a s follows : EPA-Analy ze A T Commands Description ATC T Clears buff er and s tarts th e embedded prot ocol a nalyzer. C aptur es data immediately and starts t he timer .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 11 - 1 Chapter 1 1 Firm w are Upgrade This chap ter des cribes how to upgrade the flash EPROM fi rm ware of your om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 11 - 2 NOTE: The American firm ware vers ion suppo rts bo th the S/ T interface and U inter face m odels. Dur ing the pow er- on test, it check s the hardwa re conf ig uration and fo llows the in itia lizat ion p rocedure s of the sp ecif ic inte rface.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 11 - 3 3 of the fla sh upgra ding pro c edure outl ined abov e..
Part VII Appendices.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-1 Appendix A AT Comman d Set Reference Operation Modes of the DTE Interface There ar e two o peration m odes fo r the D TE int erfac e: ! Simplex mod e - used for co nvention al A T Command op eratio n.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-2 The comm ands or dat a are p ackag ed. Each pack et has i ts own destin ation a ddress. A ll the D TE channels can be acce ssed ind ividual ly by way of m ultiple xing.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-3 Basic 'A T' Command Set AT C om . Options Function & Descr iption Reference A/ Re-execute the last comma nd once A> Re-execute the la st command o nce or rep eat the last c all up t o 9 times.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-4 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . O ptions Function & Descri ption Reference B40 PPP asy nc-to-sync c onversion. B41 SLIP to sync H DLC conver sion Multi Auto Dia l Out (val id only if S80.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-5 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . O ptions Function & Descri ption Reference CF(transfer_no.) For USA NI-1 & DM S-100 sw itch, activ ate the call forw arding variable fun ction fr om the sw itch.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-6 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . O ptions Function & Descri ption Reference CS n n=0-3 (0 *) Suspend a ca ll, 'n' is t he cal l ide ntifier (DSS1).
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-7 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . O ptions Function & Descri ption Reference DI s Dial 's' (number and o ptions) that follow s for ISDN d ata cal l.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-8 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . O ptions Function & Descri ption Reference I9 Display M icrosoft P nP code.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-9 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . O ptions Function & Descri ption Reference P4 AT &T custom point- t.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-10 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . O ptions Function & Descri ption Reference UNIT=xxx (0.001 * 65) save the chargi ng fee per uni t to NVRAM . UNIT? View the value of char ging fee p er unit.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-1 1 HDLC Transmit Under-run : 0 Refer to the follow ing table for a d escript ion of th e Output Paramete rs of th e Link Statu s Report. Link Status Report (ATI3) Output Param eters Output Parameter Output Value Descr iption Connect DT E Speed Current on-line DTE sp eed.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-12 Extended 'A T&' Command Set All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . Options Function & Descri ption Refe rence &C n C arrier Detect (CD) opt ions S21b4 &C0 CD alw ays ON (See also S42b7 ).
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-13 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . Options Function & Descri ption Refe rence &Kn S27b0- 1 &K0 D isables data c ompres sion &K1 Autom atic da ta com pression (D efaul t.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-14 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . Options Function & Descri ption Refe rence &V1-4 View the (n-1)th u ser profile setti ngs ( n=1-4). &V5 View factory -set de fault s ettings.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-15 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . Options Function & Descri ption Refe rence &ZF3=s Assign the IOC for M essage W a iting. &ZF4=s Assign the IOC for Call Forwardi ng.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-16 Extended 'A T*' Command Set All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . Options Function & Description Referenc e *C n Character lengt h, incl uding start, stop and parity bit.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series A-17 Fax Command All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix AT C om . Value Function & Descr iption Reference +FCLASS= n Service class s electio n FAX CLASS 1 n=0 Sets to m ode m mode .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-1 Appendix B Status Regis ters & Result Codes S-registe rs (Status Reg isters) contain v alues that de termine and reflect how your om Te rminal Adapter ( TA) ope rates and ex ecutes comm ands.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-2 To view all of the S- register setting s use the ' &Vn' AT comm and: # AT&Vn The foll owing table sum m ariz es the S-reg ister v iewing comm ands. S-register Viewing A T Commands Description ATS r r=0-124 Display the value store d in S-register 'r' .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-3 bits in th e S- registe r sim ultan eously , the seco nd com m and lets you ch ange bi t 'm' without a ffect ing other bits in this S- register. When using ATS r = n , you need t o do a conv ersion to or from the binary number to f ind out which bit s you m anipulate.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-4 4. To set b it 3 to 0 (binary ), you must inv ert the value u sing a logic NOT ope ration and th en do a logic AND oper ation.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-5 Basic S-Registers 'A TSn=x' All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. Function & Descri ption +Definition S0= Set the number of ri ngs on w hich the omni.n et will a nsw er.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-6 Extended S-Registers " A TSn=x" All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. S14= bit dec hex Bit mapped regist er +002 0 0 0 omni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-7 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-8 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. S23= bit dec hex Bit mapped regist er +105 0 0 0 Comma nd echo disabled. E0 1 1 Command echo enabled.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-9 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. S29= 0-39 0-39 Set default dial p hone nu mber p ointer , use 'AT &Z n = s ' to store phone numbers .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-10 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. S41= bit dec hex Bit mapped regist er +000 3 8 8 Enable CCITT signals 14 0 and 141 on EIA-2 32D i nterface.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-1 1 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. 1 1 Can NOT get bu sy tone from Ph one 1. 1 0 0 Can get busy tone from Pho ne 2.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-12 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. 64 40 Sending Low Lay er Compatib ilit y informatio n for ISDN dat a call. 7 0 (*) 0 Not send Low Lay er Compatib ilit y inform ation for POT S port 1.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-13 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. S84= bit dec hex 0-2 Embedded Proto col Analy zer co ntrol. CC n 0 1 1 Capture DTE-DCE inter face pro tocol inform ation.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-14 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. 32 20 Bundle connecti on is e nabled in answ er mo de only . 64 40 Bundle connecti on is enabled in call mode only.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-15 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. SI=2 2 2 Fax G ruppe 3 3 3 (*) Daten Ober M odem 4 4 Btx Ober M odem SI=7 0 0 Daten bertragung 64 K bps (X .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-16 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-17 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. 16 10 Use Speech Bearer s ervice w henev er poss ible for POT S port, Phone 2. 5 0 (*) 0 Use 3.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-18 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. 5 0 (*) 0 Enable normal M SN functio n &ZI n 32 20 Treat the nu mber assigned by ' &ZI= n .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-19 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-20 All the Following Co mmands Require a 'AT' Prefix S Com. bit dec hex Function and description +Def./Ref. 7 Reserved. S123= bit dec hex 0 0-3 0-3 Select Caller ID signal ing met hod. 0 (*) 0 Country default .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-21 'A TXn' Result Code Opti on T able The fo llowing tab le shows th e differen t op tions av aila ble when se tting the ' ATX n ' command. The default v alue for ' n' is 5 when the om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-22 ATV 0 AT V 1 ATX 0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 28 CONNE CT 102400 % % % % @ & 29 CONNE CT 61440 % % % % @ & 30 CONNE CT 51200 % % % % @ &.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-23 Result Code for Inter nal Fax/Modem (for Z y XEL LCD+M onl y) The in terna l fax/m odem will report the conn ect spe ed in th e fo llow ing form at: 1. ATX 1-ATX 4(%): <cr><lf>CONNECT DT E_Speed<cr><lf> 2.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-24 111 CONNECT 41333 % ^ $ * & 110 CONNECT 42666 % ^ $ * & 109 CONNECT 44000 % ^ $ * & 108 CONNECT 45333 % ^ $ * & 107 CONNECT 4666.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-25 Result Code Chart S y mbol Refere nce V Supported % Reporting t he DTE rate a s: <cr> <lf>CONN ECT DT E_Speed<cr ><lf> @.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-26 Result Code Field Descript ions Field Name Possible Valu es Error_Code NONE Error_Control LAPB, LAPD, ARQ (This field w ill not show if n o erro.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series B-27 Connect Strings for Error Corrected Connections Use 'A TS35' bit 7 (' ATS35b7=1' ) to ena ble th e foll owing num erica l resu lt code s when an erro r control connec tion is made.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series C-1 Appendix C Phone Jack Pinout Assignments The LCD /Plu s/D fe atures o ne RJ- 45 phone jack , and i n addition, the om ni.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series C-2 RJ-1 1 POTS Po rt Phone 1&2 (for LCD/LCD+M /Plus) RJ-11 Connector Pin Assignme nt Pin Description 1 Not Connecte d 2 Ring 3 Tip 4 Not Connecte d Table 81.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series D-1 Appendix D Serial Port Interface EIA -232D 25 Pin S eria l Port Inte rface Pin # Description ITU-TSS Signal Name EIA Signal Name Signal Descripti.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series D-2 Pin # Description ITU-TSS Signal Name EIA Signal Name Signal Descriptio n Signal Direction DTE - DCE 24 Clock Source: DTE 113 DA Transmit Clo ck Signa l * 25 TI 142 Test Indicat or. + Table 82. EIA-232D 25 Pin Serial Port Interface A s y nc.
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 1 Index Ambiguity R esolution ............................. 4-10, 4-1 1 A T Commands Des cription ............................... A-2 B1/B2 Loopback w ith Self- T est .......................10-2 BACP/BAP .
T echnical Ref erenc e for Z yXEL omn series 2 Fax operation ................................................... 9-7 MNP Protocols ................................................ 9-2 Xmodem , Ym odem, an d Zmodem ................9-2 Introduction to PPP .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il ZyXEL Communications LCD+M è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del ZyXEL Communications LCD+M - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso ZyXEL Communications LCD+M imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul ZyXEL Communications LCD+M ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il ZyXEL Communications LCD+M, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del ZyXEL Communications LCD+M.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il ZyXEL Communications LCD+M. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo ZyXEL Communications LCD+M insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.