Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Link 1000 del fabbricante Xantrex
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Link 1000 Owner’s Guide.
Abo ut X ant re x Xantr ex T echnolog y develop s, manufact ures, an d markets advanced p ower electronic produ cts. The company ’ s products convert raw electrical p ower from any source into high-quality power required by electronic and electrical equipmen t.
iii Contents 1 Introducing Link 1000 Int roduci ng the Li nk 1000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Inv er ter /Ch ar ger Co nt rol Fun c tion s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
Contents iv Main t ena nce - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 8 Disco nnecti ng the Invert er/Ch arg er - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 3 Setting up the L.
Contents v F10 S ele ct Bat ter y Ty pe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33 F11 T urn on Se con d Ba tter y Vo lta ge Se nse - - - - - - - - - - - - 33 F12 Number of Over load Con dit.
Contents vi A Specifications Cont rol Pan el : El ectr ica l Sp ec ific ati ons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 52 Cont rol Pan el: P h ysi cal Speci fi ca tio ns - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
vii Link 1000 Control Pa nel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 System Ove rview (Wiri ng) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 Display Panel and Mounting Plate - .
1 Intr oducing Link 1000 Cha pter 1 de scribes: • The Link 1000’ s control and monitoring functions • The features on its control panel.
Introducing the Link 1000 2 Introduci ng the Link 1000 The Li nk 1000 gi ves you complete r emote co ntrol of the Freedom 458 , Freedom, a nd Free dom Marine Inverter / Char ger s. It al so let s you moni tor t he perfor mance of your batt ery po wer syst em.
Introducing the Link 1000 3 • The ti me remainin g in your batt ery bef ore i t is comp lete ly dis char ged • Which ch ar ging s tage t he bat teri es are in (Bul k, Acceptanc e, Floa t, or Eq ua.
Re ading the Link 1 000 Contro l P a nel 4 Reading the Link 1000 Control P anel The Li nk 1000 co ntrol panel lets you monit or the batte ry syst em and con trol the in verte r/char ger . Its featu res ar e desc ribed b elow . Further d etail s are provi ded as y ou need them thro ughout the gui de.
Re ading the Link 1000 Control P anel 5 2 , 3 Numeri c displ ay and d isplay un its. Y ou can cho ose from four di splay units depen ding on the type of infor mation you want to see: • V olts •A m.
Re ading the Link 1 000 Contro l P a nel 6 Where to go Fr om He re • T o in stall the Li nk 1000, see pag e 7 . • T o se t up the Link 10 00, see p age 19 . • T o use the Li nk 1000, s ee page 35 . • T o ca ll f or te ch nica l su ppor t, se e page 56 .
7 Installing the Link 1000 Cha pter 2 gives: • An overview of the installation process • A list of installation too ls and equipment • Installation procedures W e recommend that you read the e ntire chapter so you can plan the installation and obtain all the materials you need before star ting t he instal lat ion.
Planning the Installation 8 Plan ning t he Ins tallation Supplied Part s ❐ Link 1 000 cont rol panel and 4 moun ting screws ❐ 500 amp p recis ion sh unt ❐ 25 fo ot RJ1 1 phon e cable ❐ Owner ’ s gui de Material s You Need to Supply Refer to Figure 2 on pag e 12 .
Planning the Installation 9 ❐ 2 strain relie fs (ca b l e clamps ) for the wires and phone cabl e coming out the back of the c ontrol pa nel ❐ Anti -cor ros ive spr ay ❐ High c urrent shunt .
Planning the Installation 10 • The shu nt sens e lead s must be 18A WG twis ted pai r wire s. • Instal l fuse s within s even in ches ( 18cm) of the bat tery . Color-C od ed W iring T o avoid c onfusion d uring insta llatio n, Xantr ex recommends that you buy wires that have the same color coding as s hown in Figure 2 .
Installing the Link 1000 11 Installing the Link 1000 Overview of Installation Steps Com ple te the inst alla tio n in t h is or der . R efer to Figure 2 . 1. Mount the c ontrol panel ( page 13 ). 2. Mount th e shunt , and ca ble it to th e negat ive ba ttery termi nal.
Installing the Link 1000 12 Figure 2 System Overv iew (W i ring) Cabl e Jack et Phone Cable Gre en Black Load Side Batte ry Side System Ne gativ e Red Bl ue Oran ge Rear of L ink 100 0 Contro l Panel 12345 Gnd. Stud 678 Ba tt ery Neg. Distribu tion 2 Amp Fuses Pos .
Installing the Link 1000 13 Mounting the Link 1 000 Cont rol Panel The Li nk 1000 co ntrol panel c onsist s o f a disp lay panel and a mounti ng plat e. T o mount the contr ol panel: 1. Separ ate the d i splay panel and the mountin g plate. Figure 3 Display Panel and Mounting Plat e 2.
Installing the Link 1000 14 Figure 4 Link 1 000 Mounting Plate Mounting and Cabling the Shunt T o mount and cable the shunt: 1. Scre w the shu nt to a suit able moun ting s urface .
Installing the Link 1000 15 Wiring the Terminal B lock Prepa re for wi ring by foll owing th ese gui delin es: • Pull t he wires a nd the phone c able thro ugh the op ening in the mou nting plate (unle ss you a re runn ing th em down from the bottom of the moun ting p late) .
Installing the Link 1000 16 Connecting Terminal Block W ires to Shu nt and Battery T o connect th e termi nal bloc k wir es: 1. Connec t the b lack DC po wer wire (ter minal 1 ) to the lar ge bol t on t he loa d side o f the shunt. Th is wir e shoul d be on t he top of the stack of la r ge cables on the l oad si de of the s hunt.
Installing the Link 1000 17 Installing Fuses T o ins tal l f u ses: 1. Inst all a 2 a mp fus e in t he fuse hol der i n the bl ue wir e. 2. If yo u are us ing a s tarting batte ry , insert a 2 amp fus e in the f use holde r in t he viol et wir e. 3. Inst all a 2 amp f use in th e fuse holder in the red wir e.
Installing the Link 1000 18 3. T urn the char ger off . 4. T urn on a l oad (f or exa mple, a light b ulb). 5. Make a note of the Amps reading. It shoul d be l ess th an the r eadin g you to ok in st ep 2.
19 Setting up the Link 1000 Cha pter 3 e xplains: • How to set up the Link 1000 to best suit your battery system • Each setting as well as the options for each setting • Whether you should chang.
About Link 1000 Settings 20 About L ink 1000 Setti ngs The Li nk 1000 i s designed to operate o ut of t he box, a nd excep t when no ted, you shou ldn’ t need to cha nge the defaul t set tings.
About Link 1000 Setting s 21 Locking Your Setup Values Afte r you have set up th e Link 1000 , you can lock the se ttings to preve nt anyo ne fro m inadver tent ly chan ging th em. T o lock the s etup: 1. Hold down SET unt il SEL appea rs. 2. Press SEL unt il th e LOCK LED comes on.
About Link 1000 Settings 22 Batt ery Ca pacity The de fault sett ing is for a batte ry with a 200Ah ca pacit y . Change this s etting i f your batte ry has a dif fer ent cap acity . Y ou can te st bat tery capaci ty by f ollowing t he proc edu re on page 4 2 .
About Link 1000 Setting s 23 Series Con nection If yo u are us ing a s ingle batte ry bank t hat con s ists of tw o o r m or e ba tt er ie s co nne cte d in seri es, us e th e Ah capac ity of one ba tter y .
About Link 1000 Settings 24 Chang ing th e Ambien t Tempe r atu re Se tti ng When you have a bat tery temperat ure sensor: If you hav e a batt ery t emperature sensor : 1. Leave the def ault Ambient T emperat ure s etting as is. 2. T urn on Active T emper ature Compens ation (F16).
About Link 1000 Setting s 25 Charged Parameters There are t wo char ged parameter s: Char ged V o ltage and Char ged Current Pe rcent age (%). During a char ging cycle, when t he batt ery vo ltage exc.
About Link 1000 Settings 26 T o change the Cha rged Curr ent Per centage : 1. Pres s and hol d SET unt il SEL appe ars. 2. Press SEL twic e. The LED comes on and 00 2 is disp layed. 3. Press and hol d SET . The di splay mo ves up i n one pe rcent steps until 7 percent is displ ayed.
About Link 1000 Setting s 27 Cha ngi ng t he Pow er Shar e Sett ing Power Sh are i s a loa d managemen t feat ure t hat he lps to prev ent exter nal so urce AC br eaker s from tri pping whe n the char ger and a numbe r of ot her l oads al l come on at onc e.
About Link 1000 Settings 28 Cha nging th e I dle Mode Set ting The Id le mo de set ting d etermi nes the si ze of AC l oad th at is neede d to wake the i nverter f rom it s Idle (or s tandby) mode. The s et ti ngs ar e 0 W , 4 W , 6 W , and 15 W . The de fa ult i s 4 W .
About Link 1000 Setting s 29 Advanced Function Value s The Li nk 1000 ha s sixt een adv anced func tions . The d efault set ting is a ppropri ate f or most , and you shou ld not change a valu e unles s you und ersta nd the consequ e nce of the ch ange .
About Link 1000 Settings 30 F03 S et or Di splay Ambien t B attery Temper atures Default: If F16 ( Active T emper ature Compens ation ) is On, the p resent batter y temper ature is di splaye d in °F . If F16 is Of f, t he decl ared ba tter y temperat ure is displ ayed.
About Link 1000 Setting s 31 F05 Turn on Alternative E nergy Mode Default: Of f Range: Of f an d On. On = use al tern ative ener gy defaults. T urn Alt ernat ive Ener gy mode on if t he Lin k 1000 is used i n an al terna tive ener gy system.
About Link 1000 Settings 32 F08 Set Peu ke r t’s E xpone nt Default: 1.25 fo r li quid l ead -acid batt eries . ( Batte ry T ype s et to T ype 0.) The Peu kert e xponent refe rs to t he “shri nk rate” o f y our batt ery ba nk. The mor e rapidly you dis char ge the bat teries, the mor e the ir ef fect ive s ize sh rinks.
About Link 1000 Setting s 33 F10 Select Batte ry Type Default: 0 (Liqu id Cell ) Range: 0 = Liquid Cell ; 1 = Ge l Cell ( standard) ; 2 = Gel Cell (fast char ge); 3 = AGM (Absor bed Glass Mat ) This functi on set s the appropr iate char ge and float volta ges for the Fre edom char ger and sets a n appro priat e Peuker t expone nt.
About Link 1000 Settings 34 F14 Test C ontrol Pa nel Displa y Default: Of f Range: On whil e the SET bu tton i s pres sed when this func tion is a ctive . Of f when SET is re lease d. This functi on let s you c onfir m that t he Link 1000 cont rol panel display is oper atin g proper ly .
35 Using the Link 1000 Cha pter 4 tells you how to: • Read the battery’ s state-of-charge • T urn on the invert function • Change the Idle mode setting • Char ge and equalize the ba tteries .
Monitoring Fun ctions 36 Monitorin g Functio ns Choosing a Display Unit: Volts, Amps, Ah, or Time By def ault, the numeric displ ay shows V olts , but it ca n also sho w Amps, Ah, and T i me Remaining. T o change the d isplay unit: •P r e s s SEL until the , , or LED comes on .
Monitoring Fun ctions 37 Reading the Batte ry State-of-C harge The BAT TERY STATUS ligh t bar ( see Fi gure 5 ) sh ows the batt ery’ s state-of- char ge.
In v erter Func tions 38 Inverter Fu nctions Turn ing on the Invert F unction When the inver ter is o perat ing, power is t aken from t he batt erie s and co nverte d to AC cu rrent to power your l oads. T o turn on the invert functi on: •P r e s s INV ERT .
Charging Fun ctions 39 Charging Fu nctions Charge you r batterie s when two yello w LEDs are l it on the BATTERY STATUS ligh t b ar (i f you a re usi ng the defau lt se ttin g for F09: Low Batte ry Disc har ge Floor). The t wo yell ow LEDs ind icate t hat 50% of batt ery cap acity has bee n used.
Charging Fun ctions 40 Chargi ng the Ba tteries T o start a ch arge cy cle: •P r e s s t h e CHARGE butt on. (Y ou can also l eave t he CHARGE b utton o n, and t he cycl e will star t auto mati call y .) The CHG LED a nd the C HARGE but to n LED co me on.
Charging Fun ctions 41 • Check t he ele ctrol yte level of al l bat teri es bef ore and after equa liza tion. Make su re the elect rolyt e is a t the corr ect l evel, b ut do not overf ill becaus e the e lectr olyte may expa nd and ov erfl ow .
Charging Fun ctions 42 Equalizing Gel Cell Batteries Y ou don’ t normally equali ze gel cell batt eries . If t hey have been sev er ely di sc har ged, howeve r , this may be t he only way to ge t them to begin ac cepti ng a cha r ge. T he volt age is limite d to the Acc eptanc e char ging level, but th e cy cle l asts for eig ht hour s.
Charging Fun ctions 43 T o test bat tery ca pacity : 1. Char ge the batte ry unt il th e char ged parame ters are met. This rese ts A h to ze ro. 2. T urn on a l oad th at dra ws appro ximately 5% of t he expec ted ba ttery capaci ty . 3. Check t he curr ent by looki ng at t he Amps dis play .
Charging Fun ctions 44 Sync hro nizi n g the Link 100 0 to the Batter y When the batt ery is full y char ged, the Link 1 000 dis plays 0 Ah. This indi cat es that no ene r gy has been removed fr om the batt ery . (The dis play ca n also show a pos itiv e number; this chang es to 0 as soon as you pl ace a load on the bat tery .
Charging Fun ctions 45 Over - c h arg e Ah (Accu mula t ion of Posi ti ve Ah) If the batte ry is 100% ch ar ged, an d the Li nk 1000 i s synch ronize d with the batte ry , over -char ge Ah a re dis played as a positive Ah number . Some accumul ation of over -char ge Ah is no rmal with sy stems that are con tinuously connected t o a cha r ger .
Battery H istory 46 Battery Hist ory The Li nk 1000 s tores four kinds of in form ation about t he batt ery . T o access batte ry histor y: 1. Hold down SET unt il SEL appea rs. 2. Press SEL unt il th e DAT A LED comes on. E99 is displa yed. Thi s is t he Char ging Ef fici ency Fac tor (CEF ).
Battery History 47 Par am et ers ha ve b een m et) sin ce th e last tim e it w a s res et to the fac tory de fault s. A dis char ge of less t han 10% of battery capac ity is n ot count ed as a “cycl e”. –999: Deepest Dis charge This is th e d eepes t di sch arge in A h sinc e the las t time the Li nk 1000 was reset to th e factor y defa ults.
Rea d i n g E r ro r C o d e s 48 Re adi ng Erro r C ode s When the Li nk 1000 detect s a problem, an err or code appea rs in t he numeri c dis play . The displ ay alt ernates betw een showin g the moni tori ng func tion y ou have s elected and the err or code .
Reading Error Codes 49 E05 AC backfeed (Inv erter/char ger erro r) AC power fr om an ou tside source h as been fed to th e AC ou tput of t he inverter . This could damage the inverter . Disconnect inco ming AC po wer and corr ect the fault immediately .
Rea d i n g E r ro r C o d e s 50 E012 Battery v oltage sense lead open (Li nk 100 0) Check the f use or any o ther connectio ns in the voltage sense lead (blue wire) to the battery .
51 Specifications Appendix A lists: • Electrical and physical specifications for the Link 1000 • Default settings Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Control Panel: Electrical Specific ations 52 Contro l Panel: El ectrical Speci f ications Contro l Panel: Phys ical Specificat ions DC Power supply voltage 8–40 VD C.
Default Sett ing s 53 Default Settings Inverter/Charg er Controls CHAR GE On INV ERT Of f Idle Mode 4 W atts (5 W atts on Series 458 units) Power Sharing 30 amps (Of f for Freedom 2 5 units) Monitoring F unctions Char ged V oltage 13.2 vo lts for 1 2 vol t syst ems 26.
55 Product and System Info rmation Appendix B contains: • The warranty for your Link 1000 • Instructions for returning the product for ser vic in g • A table (see page 61 ) whe re you can record.
Wa r r a n t y 56 Warranty What does this warranty cover? Th i s war ra nty i s pr ovid ed b y Xantr ex T echnolog y Inc. (“Xan trex”) and covers d efects i n work ma nshi p an d ma ter ial s i n y our Xant r ex Link 100 0 B a tte r y Monit or .
Wa r ra n t y 57 Direct returns may be perfo rmed accord ing to the Xantr ex Return Material A uthorizat ion Po licy descri bed in y our pro duct manu al. For so me produ cts, Xantrex m aintai ns a networ k of regional Authorized Service Centers. Call Xantrex o r check ou r website to see if your product can be repaired at one of these facilities.
Re turn Material Authorization Policy 59 W a rranty . Some states and provin ces d o not allow limitations or exclusio ns on implie d warrant ies or on the duratio n of an implie d warranty or on the limitation or exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above lim itati on(s) or exclusion(s) may no t apply t o you.
Product Information 60 1. Package the u nit safely , preferably using the orig inal box and packing materials. Please ensure that yo ur pro duct is shipped fully insured in the original packaging or equivalent. This warranty will not apply where the product is damaged due to improper pack aging.
Record o f Syst em Se ttings 61 Record of System Set tings Setting Def ault Yo u r Settin g or Recorded Data Battery V olts (char ged) 13.2 Battery Amp s (char ged) 2% Batter y Capacit y 200Ah Power S.
Re cor d of Sys tem Settings 62 T emperature Coe ff icient (F07) 0.5 Peuk ert Exponen t (F08 ) 1.25 Low Batt ery Dischar ge Floor (F09) 100 % Batter y T ype (F10 ) 000 (li quid l ead- acid) Second Bat.
63 Symbols +I999 46 Numeri cs 0L, Err or Code 50 20 ho ur rat ing 22 , 42 –999 47 A AC IN LED 6 , 39 ACCEP T LED 6 , 39 active temperatur e compensation 34 Ah Ah LED described 36 displ ayin g 36 ove.
Ind ex 64 battery temp erature sens or , effect o n settings 20 battery type setting 23 , 33 C cable clamp 9 CCC 36 CEF recalculation 46 CHARGE b utton L ED 5 charg ed curren t percentage setting 25 c.
Index 65 F12 Number of Overload Cond itio ns 33 F13 Numb er of Inverter Low Battery Shu tdowns 33 F14 Dis pl a y T est 34 F15 D isplay Softw are Revi sion Number 34 F16 Active T emperature Compe nsati.
Ind ex 66 retu rning pr oduct s how to package 60 policy 59 procedure 59 revers e polari ty 50 S second battery voltage sens e 33 serial number 60 setup val ues changing 20 defa ult 53 locking 21 rese.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Xantrex Link 1000 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Xantrex Link 1000 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Xantrex Link 1000 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Xantrex Link 1000 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Xantrex Link 1000, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Xantrex Link 1000.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Xantrex Link 1000. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Xantrex Link 1000 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.