Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DO80-2 del fabbricante Woods Equipment
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OP E R A TO R ' S M A NU A L R OTAR Y CUTTER 15916 Rev . 5/1 1/2007 T ested. Prove n. Unbeat able . DO80-2 MDO80-2.
2 Introduction Gen’l (Rev . 2/5/2 007) T O THE DEALER: Assemb ly and prop er installati on of this product is the respons ibil ity of the Woods ® dea ler .
Introduction 3 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) T ABLE OF CONTENT S INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SPECIFICA T IONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Introduction 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) SPECIFICATIONS D080-2 (T o wed) MD080-2 (Mounted) Cutting Width 80" 80" Cutting Height 2" - 1 4" 2" (Limi ted by tractor li ft) Over al.
Safe ty 5 Safety V ide o Order Fo rm (8/2/200 5) Free Mower Safety V ideo Fill out and return the o rder form and we will send you a FREE VHS or DVD video outlinin g Industrial and Agricu ltural Mower Safe ty Practices .
6 Sa fety Safety V ideo Ord er Form (Rev . 2/6/2006) Free Mower / Cutter Safety Video Order Form ✔ (Sel ect one) VHS Forma t - V HS01052 Sa fety V ideo DVD Format - DVD 01052 Safety V id eo .
Safety 7 D80 Sa fety Rules (Rev . 3/23/2007) TRAINING Saf ety i nstru cti ons ar e im port a nt! R ead al l att achment and power unit manuals; follow all safety ru les and safety d ecal i nformat ion. (Rep lace- ment manua ls and safety d ecals ar e avai lable f rom your dealer .
8 Safety D80 Safe ty Rules (R ev . 3/23/2007 ) (Safety R ules co ntinued fr om prev ious p age) Air in hyd raulic s ystems can cause erratic oper- ation and allows loads or equipme nt components to drop unexpectedly .
Safety 9 D80 Sa fety Rules (Rev . 3/23/2007) when the eng ine ha s been tur ned off. Hydr aul ic system leak dow n, hydr aulic system failur es, mechanical failures , or movement of cont rol lever s can cause equipment to drop or rotate unexpect- edly and cause se vere injur y or de ath.
10 SAFETY 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) PULL-TYPE ONL Y 9 9 8 11 7 11 PULL-TYPE ONL Y PULL-TYPE ONL Y 12 12 7 MOUNTED DRIVE 4 6 10 5 12 12 6 3 2 1 7 11 CD3841B FRAME FOR MOUNTED & PULL-TYPE 13 1 - SERIAL NUMB ER PLATE 540 RPM W ARNING 18866-D 4 - 188 66 F ALLING OFF CAN RESUL T IN BEING RUN OVER.
SAFETY 11 15916 (R ev . 3/30/ 2007) W ARNING TO A VOID SERIOUS INJUR Y OR DEA TH: Read Operator's Manual (available from dealer) and follow all safety precautions. Keep all shields in place and in good condition. Operate mower from tractor seat only .
12 SAFETY 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) SAFETY & INSTR UCTIONAL DECALS A TTENTION! BECOME ALERT! Y O UR SAFETY IS IN V O L VED! Replace Imme diatel y If Damaged! ROT A TING BLADES AND THROWN OBJECTS Do not put hands or feet under or into mower when engine is running.
Operation 13 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) OPERATION The des igned and tested s afety of this ma chin e depends on i t bei ng ope rated wi thin the lim itations as explain ed in this manual . Be famili ar wit h and follow all safety rul es in the manual , on the cutter a nd on th e tractor .
14 Operation 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) Driveli ne Att achme nt Attach the c utter to the trac tor 3-po int hi tch (or q uick hitch if av aila ble). Do not attach dri veline. Ra ise an d lower c utter to determi ne max imum an d min imum dis- tance between the tr actor PTO shaft and the gearbox input sh aft.
Operation 15 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) 7. Repeat ste p 6 for the other half of the driv e. 8. File an d clean c ut end s of bo th drive halves . Do not use tr actor if p roper dri veline en gagemen t can- not be obtaine d through these m ethods.
16 Operation 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) ATT ACHING CUTTER TO T RACTOR (PULL-T YPE MODELS) The cu tter is shipped with a 1-3/8" PTO spline. T he horizontal d istance be tween t he end of t he trac tor PTO shaft and the drawba r hitch poin t shoul d be 14".
Operation 17 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) OPERA TING TECHNIQUE Proper ground speed will de pend u pon the heigh t, typ e and densi ty of mate rial to b e cut. Normally , ground sp eed wi ll ra nge from 2 to 5 m ph. T all dense mate rial sho uld be cut at a low speed, whi le thin medium- height mat erial c an be cut at a hi gher gr ound speed .
18 Owner Service 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) OWNERS SERVICE On pull-type unit s, a pin is installed to prevent the height adjustment crank from det aching.
Owner Service 19 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) Figure 7 . Lubric ation Points BLADE SERV ICING ( FIGURE 8) On pull-type unit s, a pin is installed to prevent the height adjustment crank from det aching. Do not operate or service unit unless pin is inst alled.
20 Owner Service 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) Figure 8 . Blade R emoval & Installa tion Blade In stallation Always replace both blad es at the sa me time to mai n- ta in b alanc e. Liberally coat bla de pin and crossbar hole with Never - Seez® or equival ent.
Owner Service 21 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) SERVICING TI RES SAFELY Used Aircraft T ires (Figure 10) Do not attemp t to mou nt a tir e unle ss you hav e the proper equ ipment and ex perienc e to pe rform the job. Always maintain the correc t tire pressur e.
22 Dealer Service 15916 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) DEALER SERVICE On pull-type unit s, a pin is installed to prevent the height adjustment crank from det aching.
Dealer Service 23 15916 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) nicks or bumps. If da mage cann ot be repair ed by resur - facing with e mery c loth, rep lace dama ged part. Inspect ho usings fo r damage, payi ng specifi c attentio n where s eals s eat. R eplace housi ng if dama ged are a cannot be resu rfaced wi th eme ry cloth.
24 Dealer Service 15916 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) Grease s pindl e through g rease fi tting (8) unti l a sm all amount of greas e escape s sea l. Install s pindle on unit.
Dealer Service 25 15916 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 2. With snap rings re moved, support dr ive in vi se, hold y oke in hand and tap o n yo ke to dri ve cup up out of yok e. Se e Figure 15 . 3. Clamp cup in v ise as s hown i n Figure 1 6 and ta p on yoke to c omplet ely re move c up from yoke.
26 Dealer Service 15916 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) SERVICING TI RES SAFELY Used Aircraft T ires (Figure 19) Do not attemp t to mou nt a tire u nless y ou hav e the proper equ ipment and ex perienc e to pe rform the job. Always maintain the correct tir e pressur e.
Dealer Service 27 15916 (R ev . 5/1 1/2007) TROUBLE SHOOTING * Check bel t for damage by laying it fl at on floor . If belt does not li e flat (has humps or twists) this indicates br oken or stretch ed cords . Repl ace be lt. PROBLEM P OSSIBLE CAU SE SOLUT ION Does not cut Dull bl ades Sharpe n blades .
28 Assembly 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) ASSEMBLY DEALER SET - UP INSTRUCTIONS The se inst ruct ions are f or t he ass emb ly of t he MD 80 and D80. Ma ny of the proc edures apply to both un its. When an inst ructi on ap plies t o a speci fic u nit, th e sec - tion headi ng wil l indicate which uni t.
Assem bly 29 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) Figure 22 . Chai n Shie lding Assem bly Gearbox Lubrication NOTICE ■ The gearbox was not filled at the factory . It must be serviced before operating cutt er . Failure to service will r esult in damage to the ge arbox.
30 Assembly 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) Figure 23 . Whee l Y ok e Ins tallation Fig ure 24 . T ong ue and H-Frame Assem bly 1. Pi vot l ug 2. Pivot nut 3. 1/4 x 1- 1/2" Cotte r pin 4. 1/4 x 1" S pirol pin 5. Cra nk 6. Wh eel yoke 7. Sleeve 8. 5/16 x 1-3/ 4" S pirol pi n 9.
Assem bly 31 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) T ongue Instal lation for DO80-2 Pull-T ype Cutter (Figure 24) Attach co mpress ion br acket (7 ) to fr ont of ge arbox stand with lock was hers ( 20) and nuts (21).
32 Assembly 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) Figure 26 . Assemb ly of MD80 (Mou nted Mo del) MD80 Assembly (Figure 2 6) Driveline Installation Loose n clamp bolt (36) on rear half of drive. Ins tall key (32) in gearbox keyway a nd slide d rive ont o gear box input sha ft.
Assem bly 33 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) and elasti c stop nuts (21) . Attach tailwheel asse mbly (20) to tailwh eel bra cket (34) with cl evis pi n (33) an d secure with two cotter p ins (31). Attach tailwheel arm bra ckets (19) to tailwheel as sem- bly (20 ) with bol t (18 ) and ela stic st op nut ( 21).
34 Assembly 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) OPTIONAL CHECK CH AIN INST ALLATION ( FIGURE 28) Att ach chain (9) t o cutter mast pl ate (2) with bolt (1), washer (3) and nut (4) as shown. Repeat for op posite mast plate . Attach on e check chain brack et (7) to each si de of th e tractor to p link bracke t (2) with bolt (5) and nut (8) as shown.
Dealer Check List s 35 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) DEALER CH ECK LIST S PRE- DELIVERY CH ECK LIST (DEA LER’S RE SPONSI BIL ITY) Inspect cutte r thor oughly after asse mbly to be certain it is set up properl y before deliver ing it to c ustom er . The following chec k lis t is a r eminder of poi nts to insp ect.
36 Dealer Check Lists 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) NOTES.
Part s 37 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) INDEX TO P A RT S LIST DO80-2 (Pull-T ype) Main Frame Assembly (Pull -T ype) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 38 Main Frame Assembly - Common Parts . . . . . . . . . . .
38 Part s 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) DO80-2 MAIN F RAME ASSEMBLY (PULL-TYPE) 6 28 9 23 10 12 23 39 33 38 35 26 13 22 29 31 32 36 37 32 31 5 22 30 3 2 32 31 27 34 22 1 4 8 24 25 7 CD3844B 40 R E F P ART .
Part s 39 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) MDO80-2 MAIN FRAME ASSE MBLY (MOUNTED MODEL) 3 11 9 36 8 4 39 22 36 13 6 33 5 35 6 31 22 32 24 7 9 22 40 25 36 35 30 34 29 30 43 37 38 22 41 2 46 1 42 45 44 22 10 1.
40 Part s 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) DO80-2 & MDO80-2 MAIN FRAM E ASSEMBLY - COMMON PARTS 15 65 64 63 61 62 27 26 48 25 21 20 40 43 19 52 46 17 16 22 23 24 51 45 14 13 60 44 57 49 47 48 41 10 8 9 50.
Part s 41 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) DO80-2 & MDO80-2 MAIN FRAM E ASSEMBLY - COMMON PARTS R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 ----- 1 Deck (not sold separatel y) 2 19016 1 Rear drive shield 3 15904 1 Rig.
42 Part s 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) DO80-2 FRONT 2/3 OF 3-JOINT DRIVE (SQUARE SHAFT) R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 19054 1 Front 2/ 3 of 3-join t drive 35 N 2 44919 1 Front 2 joints shielde d 35N 3 1 1.
Part s 43 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) DO80-2 FR ONT 2/3 OF 3-JOINT DRIVE (T W O-LOBE SH AFT) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 13 C D 5963 12 12 NOTE: T wo styles of driv eshafts hav e been used on the D80 series cutters . Check your driv eshaft for square or two - - lobe shaft and or der repair par ts from the correct parts lis t.
44 Part s 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) MDO80-2 FR ONT 1/2 OF UNIVER SAL DRIVE DO80-2 & M DO80-2 REAR SECTION OF UNIVER AL DRIVE 5 8 1 1-3/ 8 SPLI N E 7 6 4 3 2 CD3 8 72 Ref Part N o N o N o Used Descr.
Part s 45 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) DO80-2 & MDO80 -2 GEARBOX ASSEMBL Y Ref Part No No No Used Description A 6222 1 1:1 Gearbox assem bly complete 1 213 1 Seal for 1-3/4 shaft 2 2 0 9 1 1-1 / 2 x .
46 Part s 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) DO80-2 & MDO80-2 BL ADE SPINDLE ASSEMBLY DO80-2 & MDO80-2 BLADES 20 10 19 1 8 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 54 3 2 1 CD3 8 31 R E F P ART Q TY DESCRIPTI.
Part s 47 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) DO80-2 & MDO80-2 CHAIN SHIELDING ASSEMBLY CD3849A 1 2 5 6 6 18 18 17 4 3 19 20 1 R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 29085 2 Chain sh ielding c omplete (does not incl.
48 Part s 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) DO80-2 & MDO80-2 IDLER PULLEY ASSEMBLY DO80-2 P ARKING JAC K R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 1745 1 4-Belt idler asse mbly 2 1886 1 Idl er with b earings an d grea.
Part s 49 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) DO80-2 HEIGHT ADJUSTM ENT CRANK DO80-2 SPRING-L OADED WHEEL YOKE DB956A R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 15804 1 Height ad justmen t crank 2 1 1880 1 5/16 x 1-3/ 4 S p.
50 Part s 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) DO80-2 LAMINATED TIRE WITH HUB & AXLE DO80-2 RIM & AXLE ASSEMBLY R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 9373 1 6.00 x 9 Laminate d tire w/hub & axle 2 4984 1 Heav.
Part s 51 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) DO80-2 AIRCRAFT TIRE & HUB 10 9 19 17 1 8 20 21 10 SO L I D T IRE &R I M 27 10 26 20 21 22 10 1 25 24 23 16 15 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 RIM F OR PNEUMAT I C TIRE AIR.
52 Part s 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) MDO80-2 T AILWH EEL ASSEMB LY R E F P AR T Q TY DESCRIPTION 1 15810 1 T ailwheel ar m asy (In cludes 5 & 13) 2 15270 1 T ailwheel cle vis 3 15591 1 Wheel hu b w/cup s ( includes 9 & 13) 4 4676 1 4 .00 x 8 Rim and l aminated tire 5 1 101 1 2 1.
Part s 53 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) DO80-2 PIV OT LINK KIT (OPTIONAL) DO80-2 HYDRAULIC HOSE KIT & FITTINGS (OPTI ONAL) R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPT ION 1 8751 1 Pivot link kit 2 12305 * 1 1/2 x 5-1/2 .
54 Part s 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) DO80-2 3-1/2 X 8" HYDRAULIC CYLINDER #10475 (OPTIONAL) DC1 105 R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 ----- - Not availab le 2 23540 1 Seal kit (include s 2A thr u 2G) 2.
Part s 55 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) DO80-2 & MDO80-2 LEAF MU LC HER ASSEMBL Y (OPTIONAL) MDO80-2 C HECK CHAIN ASSEMBLY (OPTIONAL) R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 8757 1 Le af mulche r complete 2 290.
56 Part s 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007) MDO80-2 CATEGOR Y 2 HITCH PIN OPTIONS MDO80-2 CATEGORY 2 BU SHING KIT R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 13010 1 Cat 2 hitch pin mountin g kit 2 12275 2 Cat 2 mount ing p.
Part s 57 15916 (R ev . 3/30/2007 ) NOTES.
58 Appendix Bolt T orque & Size Charts (R ev . 3/28/2007 ) BOLT T ORQUE CHART Always tighten har dware to these values unles s a different tor que value or ti ghtening p roce dure is li sted for a sp ecific applica tio n. F a stene rs must al wa ys be re placed wi th the s ame grade as specifi ed in t he manual par ts lis t.
Appendix 59 Bolt T orque & Size Ch arts (Rev . 3/28/2007 ) BOLT SIZE CHART NOTE: Chart s hows b olt thr ead s izes an d corr espond ing he ad (wren ch) sizes f or standa rd SA E and metric bolts. ABBREVIATIONS AG ........... .......... ....... ...
60 Index 15916 (Rev . 5/1 1/2007) INDEX ASSEMBLY 28 Dealer Set-Up Instr uctions 28 Blade Ins talla tion 28 Chain Shi elding In stall ation 29 Distributi on Baff le Inst allation 28 Gearbo x Lubri cati.
F-3079 (Rev . 1/16/2007) W oods E quipment Company 260 6 South Illinois Route 2 Post Office Box 1000 Oregon, Il linois 61061 800-319-663 7 tel 800-3 99-6 63 7 fax www .
F-8494 (Rev . 6/23/2005) ©1996 Woods Equipment Company . All rights reserved. WOO DS, the Woods logo, and "T est ed. Proven. Unbeatable." are tradem arks of Woods Equipment Company .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Woods Equipment DO80-2 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Woods Equipment DO80-2 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Woods Equipment DO80-2 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Woods Equipment DO80-2 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Woods Equipment DO80-2, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Woods Equipment DO80-2.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Woods Equipment DO80-2. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Woods Equipment DO80-2 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.