Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SG336-0005A del fabbricante Acer
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T r avel Ma t e 520 Service Gu ide P AR T NO.: 49.41H02. 001 DOC. NO.: SG33 6-0 005A PRIN TE D IN T AI W AN Servic e gui de f ile s and updat es ar e a vaila ble on the AIPG /CSD web; for more i nfor mation, pleas e ref er to http ://cs d.a cer .co m.
II Co pyr ight Copyri ght © 1999 by Acer Inc orporat ed. All righ ts reser ved. No part of thi s publ icat ion may be repro duced , tra nsmitt ed, t ranscr ib ed, st or ed in a r etri e va l sys tem,.
III Co nve nti on s The f ol lowing convent i ons ar e u sed i n thi s manual: Scre en m e ssag es Denotes a ctu al m es sages that appear on sc ree n. NOTE Gives bi ts and pie ces of addit ional inf ormati on relat ed to t he current topi c. W ARNING Al er ts you to any damage that might resul t fro m doing or not doi ng spec ifi c acti ons.
IV Pr ef ac e Befor e using thi s i nformat ion and the pr oduct it suppor ts, pl eas e read the fol lowin g general informat i on. 1. This Ser vi ce Guide prov id es you wit h al l techni cal inform ati on relating to the BASIC CONFIGURA TION deci ded for Acer 's "global " produ ct of fer in g.
V T able of Cont ents Ch apt er 1 Syst em Specif icati on s 1 Fe ature s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Sy stem Bl ock Di agr am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VI T abl e of Conte nts.
Chapte r 1 1 Fe atures This co mputer was desi gned with the user in mind. Here ar e jus t a few of its many feat ur es: Perf orma nce Mobil e Pentium ® II I pr ocess or with 256 KB L2 cache, Mob il .
2 Chapter 1 Display The lar ge graphi cs displ ay of f ers excel lent viewing, displ ay qualit y and des kt op p erf or mance gr aphics. The comp ute r supp ort s a Thin -Fil m T ransis tor (TF T) liq.
Chapte r 1 3 Syst em Bl oc k Diag ram.
4 Chapter 1 Bo ard La yo ut To p V i e w 1. DC-in Port 16. Diske tte Dri ve Co nnecto r 2. PS/ 2 K eyb oa rd an d Mo us e Por t 17. PCMCI A (P C ca r d) C on tr o ll er ( OZ 69 33 ) 3. Serial Po rt 18. Switch 4. Parallel Port 19. BIOS ROM 5. Expansion Port 20.
Chapte r 1 5 Bottom View 1. Nort h Br id ge (AL i M1 62 1) 7. Bat ter y Conn ec tor 2. Po wer Pu s h Switc h 8. South Bri dge (ALi M1535) 3. Audi o C onne ctor 9 . LAN C ontr oll er(I ntel GD82 559) 4. DIMM 1 S ock et 10. Mo de m Card Ca bl e Co nn ecto r 5.
6 Chapter 1 Pane l Port s a llow you t o c onnect periph eral device s t o your computer as yo u would with a deskto p PC. Fr on t P ane l # Ite m Descript ion 1 Di spla y scr een Al so ca lled LC D (L iqui d Crys ta l Displ ay) , disp lays com pu ter out pu t.
Chapte r 1 7 Lef t Pan el # Icon Ite m/ Por t Co nnec ts to... 1 S ecu rit y keyl o ck Ken si ngt o n-co mp atib l e ke y- base d co mpu t er secu rit y lock . 2 PCMC IA (PC card) Port Two T ype I/II or one T ype III 16-b it PC card or 32- bit CardBu s PC Card.
8 Chapter 1 Right Panel Rear Panel # Icon It em/ Po rt Co nnects to... 1 V id eo cap t ure k it sl ot A cc ep t s the vi de o ca pt u re ki t opt io n on t he right side o f the compu ter . 2 B atter y b ay H ouse s th e c omp uter ’ s ba tt er y pa ck.
Chapte r 1 9 Bo tto m Pan el 4 Ex pan si on po rt Ea syPo rt po r t re plic ator 5 USB p orts Uni versal Ser ial Bus d evices (e .g., USB mo use , USB ca mera ) 6 Ex te r na l di sp la y po r t Di spla y de vi ce (e .g . , e xt ern al mon it or , LCD pr oj ec to r) and di spl a ys up to 64 K col ors at 1280 x1 02 4 res o lut io n) .
10 Chapter 1 Indic ators The com put er has six easy -to- read stat us i cons below th e displa y screen. The Power and Sl eep stat us icon s are vi sibl e even when you close t he displ ay cover so y ou can see the st atus of the compute r while t he cover is cl ose d.
Chapte r 1 11 Keyboard The keyboa rd has f ul l-si zed key s and an embedded keypad , separat e cursor keys, two Windows keys and twel ve fun ct ion ke ys. Spe cial keys Lock keys The keyboa rd has t hre e lock keys whi ch you can toggl e on and off .
12 Chapter 1 NOTE: If an external keybo ard or keypad is conne cted to th e com put er , the Num Lock feat ure automat ical ly shift s f rom the int ernal key board to th e external keyboar d or keyp ad. Windows keys The keyboa rd has t w o keys t hat perf orm Windo ws-s pecif ic funct ions.
Chapte r 1 13 The euro sy mbol If you r keyboar d layout i s set to United St ates -Int ernati onal or Unite d Kingdom or if you have a key boar d wit h a European layo ut, you can t ype th e Euro symbol on your keybo ard. NOTE: Fo r US keyboar d us ers: The keyboard la yout is set wh en you fi r st se t up Windo ws.
14 Chapter 1 5. Cli ck on OK . T o type t he Euro sy mbol: 1. Locat e t he Eur o s ymbol o n y our ke yboar d. 2. Open a t ext edit or or wo rd pr ocessor . 3. Hold Alt Gr and pres s the Euro sym bol . NOTE: So me font s and sof tware do not support th e Euro symbol.
Chapte r 1 15 T o uc hpad The bui lt-i n t ouchp ad i s a PS/2-com pa tibl e point ing devi ce t hat senses mo vem ent on its su rface. This m eans that the cursor responds as yo u move your f in ger on the surf ace of the touch pad. The cen tr al locati on on the palmr est provi des op ti mum c omfort and suppor t.
16 Chapter 1 NOTE: Keep yo ur fi nge rs dry and cl ean when using t he touc hpad. Also keep the to uchpa d dry and clean. The touchpa d is sen sit i ve to fin ger move ments . Hence, the ligh ter the t ouch, the bet t er the resp onse. T apping harder wil l not incre ase th e touchpad ’ s responsi ven ess.
Chapte r 1 17 Hard ware S pecifica tions a nd Conf iguratio ns Ma in bo ar d M ajor Ch ips Item Cont roller Syst em cor e lo gi c AL i M1 62 1/ M1 53 5 Super I /O contro ll er ALi M1535 Aud io c on tr.
18 Chapter 1 Above tab le lis ts some syst em memory conf ig ura ti ons. Y ou may combi ne DIMMs wi th var ious capa ci ti es t o for m other comb ina tions .
Chapte r 1 19 Mod em/L AN c onn ecto r lo cati on Re ar S ide Floppy Di sk Drive Interf ace Item Speci fi ca tio n V endor & mod el na me Mi ts um i D353F 3X Fl oppy Disk S peci fica tions Med ia reco gnit io n 2D D(72 0KB) 2H D(1. 2MB , 3-m ode ) 2 HD( 1.
20 Chapter 1 CD-ROM Interface Item Speci fi ca tio n V e ndor & Model Nam e MKE CR-1 76-B/D 24X TEAC CD-22 4E - B26 Per for ma nc e S pec i fi ca t io n T r an sf er r at e CA V Mode: 77 5~18 00 b lock s/se c Mode 1 : 15 50~3 600 kByte s/ sec Mode 2 : 17 68~4 106k Byte s/ sec Burs t: 33.
Chapte r 1 21 No te: (*1) Aver age o f Da ta r ead o ver t he w hole are a fr om 0 0 min . 02 s ec. 0 0 bloc k to 5 9 mi n. 58 se c. 74 bloc k mo re than 2000 ti mes in cl ud in g l aten cy a nd lay er e d er r o r cor r ec tio n t ime . (*2) Fro m 00 min.
22 Chapter 1 V i deo Resoluti ons Mode Resolution Refresh Rate CRT Only L CD/CRT Simultaneous 640x 48 0x2 56 85 60 640x 48 0x6 4K 85 60 640x 48 0x1 6M 85 60 800x 60 0x2 56 85 60 800 X60 0X64 K 85 60 1.
Chapte r 1 23 IrDA Port Item Speci fi ca tio n IrD A FI R po rt cont rol ler AL i M1 535 Number of IrDA FI R port 1 Loca ti on Le f t side IrD A FIR port functio n co ntrol Enab le/d isable by B IOS S.
24 Chapter 1 NOTE: DC-AC inve rter is used t o generate very high AC vol tage , then suppo rt to LCD CCF T backlight user , and is al so respon sible for the c ontrol of LCD bright ness. Av oi d touchi ng the DC-AC in verter area while the s yst em un it is t urned o n.
Chapte r 1 25 Sup pl y vo lt ag e f or LC D b ack ligh t (Vrms) 550 ( typ .) 60 1 (ty p. ) 6 70 (typ .) 6 70 ( typ .) AC Adapter Item S pecif icat ion V en dor & mo del n ame Delta ADT -60 XB D 3P Li teOn P A-160 0-0 2 In put R eq uirem ents Max imu m in pu t curr en t 1.
26 Chapter 1 Power Man agement Powe r Saving M ode Phen omeno n St andb y Mod e W ai tin g t ime spe ci f ie d by th e Sy stem Stan dby val ue or the oper atin g syst em ela pses wi thout any sy st em act iv ity . Clo si ng the di sp lay co ve r When th e co mp ut er i s ab ou t to ent er H iber n atio n mo de (e .
Chapte r 1 27 Mech anic al Specif icati ons Item Speci fi ca tio n Dimensions 3 10 (W) x 255 (D) x 3 6. 6 (H) mm We ig ht 6.1 lbs f o r 1 2. 1 ” TF T 6.
28 Chapter 1 278- 2 7F P ara ll el por t 3 2E 8-2E F L ucen t T e chno logi es So ft Mode m A MR 2F8 -2 FF ALi F a st I n fra red Co nt rol l er 378, 37 F Pr in te r Po rt ( L P T 1) 3B 0-3B B, 3C 0-3.
Chapte r 2 29 BIOS Setu p Util ity The BI OS Se tup Ut ili ty i s a hard ware con figur ation progr am b uilt int o your c omputer ’ s BI OS (B asi c Inp ut/ Output Sy stem). Y our comp uter is al ready pr operly conf igured and opti mized, an d you d o n ot need t o run t his u til ity .
30 Chapter 2 Syst em Inf ormat ion The Syste m Informat io n scre en displ ays a summary of your computer har dware inf ormati on. NOTE: Th e screen ab ove i s a samp le and may not refl ect the actual dat a on your compu ter . “ X ” ma y refe r to a serie s of numbers and/ or charac ters.
Chapte r 2 31 Bas ic Syste m Set tin gs The Basic System Setti ngs scre en all ows you to set the sys tem date and ti m e. The f ol lowing tabl e desc ri bes t he p arameter s in t his s creen.
32 Chapter 2 The f ol lowing tabl e desc ribes t he p arameter s in thi s s creen. Set tings i n boldface are the defau lt a nd sugges ted par amet er sett ings. Set ting th e B oot D ri v e Se que nce The Boot Dri ve Sequ ence sec tion l is ts boot pr ior iti es (1 st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th) f or boot abl e dr iv es in your com pu t er .
Chapte r 2 33 Onbo ar d Devi ce Config ur ation The pa ramet ers in this scre en a re f or adva nced us ers onl y . Y o u d o not need to c hange the val ues i n this scree n b ecause t hes e val ues are al ready opt imize d. The O nboard Dev ice Con figur ation sc reen a ssigns r esources t o basi c computer c ommunic ation hardwar e.
34 Chapter 2 Syst em Secur ity The Syste m Security screen cont ains par amete rs that help saf egua rd and prote ct your comput er fro m unaut horize d u se. The f ol lowing tabl e desc ribes t he p arameter s in thi s s creen. Set tings i n boldface are the de fault a nd sugges ted par amet er sett ings.
Chapte r 2 35 Three pas swor d type s protect your com put er from unaut horiz ed acces s. Setting these pass word s creates sever al dif fer ent l evels of prot ecti on for y our co mputer and dat a: Setup Pass word preven ts unauth orized entr y to t he BIOS Uti lit y .
36 Chapter 2 Load Defa ult Settin gs If y ou want to r estor e all par amet er setti ngs t o their defaul t value s, sel ect thi s menu it em and pr ess Enter .
Chapte r 2 37 BIOS Flash Utility The BI OS f lash memory up date i s re quired f or t he fol lowin g condi tion s: New versi ons of syst em progr am s New featu res or options Use the AFl ash utili ty to updat e the syste m BIOS flash ROM. NOTE: Do not ins tall memor y- relat ed dr ivers (XMS, EMS, DPMI) when you use AFlash.
38 Chapter 2 Syst em Utilit y Disk ette This uti lit y d iskette i s for the Acer T r avelMate 52 0 no tebook machi ne. It pr ovides the f oll owing f unc tions: 1.
Chapte r 2 39 b. W rite UUID by u ser key in - th is fu nctio n is u sed when t he ori ginal UUI D is k ept . User m ay use “ Rea d Main Boar d Data ” functi on fi r st to keep the UUID. 4. W rite MBD serial number - t his fun ction will writ e MBD seria l num ber b y u ser ke yin.
40 Chapter 2 Syst em Di agno stic Disk ette IMPORT ANT : 1 Th e diagnost ics pr ogr am here that we used is call ed PQ A (Pr odu ct Qual ity Assurance ) and is provi ded by Ac er Headquart ers. Y ou ca n u til ize i t as a basic diagn ost ic t ool. T o get t his p rogram, eit her downlo ad it fro m http ://c sd.
Chapte r 2 41 4. T y pe “ Host ” to run H o st serv e r fir st. 5. If the r e is no re fle c t se r ve r, th e te s t p ro gra m w ill s how “ I R F AIL ” . USB Regi ster and C onn ect/ Discon nect T est Thi s fun c tio n will te s t U S B Reg is te r a n d Co nn ec t/D is c onnect of T rav elMat e 520 noteboo k seri es .
42 Chapter 2 Fu ll T est p erf or ms all t est it ems in de tail for your syst em. Quick T est perfo rms al l t est i t ems q uickl y for y our sy st em. The s cre en below ap pears if y ou select Mul ti T est. Speci fy the desi red nu m ber of test s and press Enter .
Chapte r 3 43 This ch apter con tains ste p-by-s tep proced ures on ho w to dis assemble the not ebook co mputer for mainten an ce and troubl esh oo t ing .
44 Chapter 3 Gen eral Info rmatio n Before Y ou Begin Before pro ceeding w ith the d isasse mbly proc edure, ma ke sure t hat yo u do the fo llowing : 1. T urn o ff the p ower to t he sy stem and all perip herals. 2. Unplu g the AC adap ter and all power a nd signa l cables from the s ystem.
Chapte r 3 45 Disassembly Proc edure Flowchar t The flow chart on the suc ceeding pa ge gives you a graphic represen tation on the entire disas sembly seq uence and ins tructs yo u on the c omponen ts that need to be removed during se rvicing.
Chapte r 3 47 Removing the Battery Pack 1. T o remove the battery pa ck, push the ba ttery relea se button inward. 2. Slid e the bat tery pa ck out from th e machi ne. Removing th e Battery C over 1. T o remove the battery c over , press t he cover on this s ide outward carefully , then remo ve the cover .
48 Chapter 3 Removing the CD-ROM Drive Module 1. T o remove the CD-ROM drive m odule, pu sh the release b utton outw ard. 2. Slide it out from th e machin e. Disassembling the CD-ROM Drive Modu le 1. T o disassem ble the CD -ROM driv e modul e, first remove th e four sc rews as shown.
Chapte r 3 49 Removing the Hard Disk Drive Module 1. T o remove the hard disk drive , first rem ove the h ard disk drive cover screw , then remov e the cov er . 2. Remov e the hard disk dri ve modul e out f rom the m achin e carefull y . Disassem bling the Hard Disk Drive Module 1.
50 Chapter 3 Removing the Extended Memory 1. T o remove an extended memo ry from the machine , first remove th e screw from th e memory cover . 2. Push the memo ry cover leftward to l ift the cov er of f, then r emove the memory cover . 3. Push out the la tches on both side s of th e socke t, and pull the mem ory modul e out fr om the so cket.
Chapte r 3 51 Removing the Modem Board 1. T o remove the modem b oard, fi rst remov e the screw from the mod em cove r . 2. Remov e the mo dem cov er from the machi ne. 3. Remov e the two sc rews from th e modem board as shown, use a plast ic bl aded s crewdriv er to re move the modem board fr om the ma in unit.
52 Chapter 3 Disassembling the LCD Removing the Hinge Cap 1. T o remove the hinge ca p, pus h the hing e cap out ward, the n slide th e hinge c ap out from the mai n unit. Removing th e Middl e Cover 1. T o remove the midd le cover , push the middl e cover ri ghtward and lift th e middle cove r away .
Chapte r 3 53 2. At CNX 2, disconnec t the key board cab le from th e main bo ard ca refully , then re move the keyb oard from the mai n board. 3. At CN10, disconne ct the lau nch board cable fro m the main boa rd, then rem ove it. Removing the Ca ble Cov er 1.
54 Chapter 3 2. At CN9, re move the two scr ews from the LCD F PC cable , and t hen disc onnect the LCD FPC cable fro m the mai n board. 3. At CN8, d isconnec t the i nverter ca ble from t he main b oard. 4. Remov e the LCD module from the m ain unit.
Chapte r 3 55 7. Snap of f the LCD beze l careful ly , then rem ove the L CD bezel from the L CD modul e. Removing the Inverte r Board 1. T o remove the inver ter board, re move the two scre ws from the inve rter boar d as shown .
56 Chapter 3 Removing the Speakers 1. Remove the two scre ws from the speakers as sho wn, then rem ove the s peakers f rom the LCD m odule.. 2. Remove the four sc rews from the L CD, then deta ch the LCD di aper from the LCD. 3. Remov e the LCD from the L CD panel .
Chapte r 3 57 Removing the Microphone 1. Remov e the mi cro pho ne from the LCD..
58 Chapter 3 Disassembling the Upper Case Removing the Floppy Dis k Drive Module 1. T o remove the floppy d isk dr ive modu le, first re move the screw from the upper case. 2. At CNX1, di sc on nec t the flopp y di sk driv e ca ble from the ma in un it, th en pu ll the flop py dis k dri ve modu le out fr om the ma in unit c arefull y .
Chapte r 3 59 3. Disc onnect the floppy d isk driv e FPC ca ble from th e driv e. 4. T o remove th e fl oppy dis k driv e bez el , re mo ve the cush ion fro m the driv e, and th en det ac h th e bez el from the dr ive caref ully . Removing the CPU Heat sink Plate 1.
60 Chapter 3 2. Reins tall the R TC ba ttery back into pos ition by pressing it down to secure . Removing the Upper Cas e 1. T o remove the upper case, remov e the eigh t screws fro m the bas e of th e unit as shown. 2. At CN16, disconne ct the touchpad cable fro m the mai n board.
Chapte r 3 61 6. Disconn ect th e touc hpad c able from th e touc hpad b oard, t hen remove the tou chpad board from th e uppe r case. 7. Remov e the tou chpad ca ble from th e uppe r case ca refully .
62 Chapter 3 Disassembling the Lower Case Removing the CPU Heat sink 1. Remove the four sc rews from th e CPU heatsink . 2. Remov e the CP U heatsi nk from t he main u nit. Removing th e CPU 1. T o remove the CPU, us e a flat b laded sc rewdrive r to releas e the sc rew caref ully , then remove th e CPU from the CPU so cket.
Chapte r 3 63 2. At CN1 1, di sconnec t the fan c able from the main board. 3. Pull the battery connect or and a udio jac k out to re move the main board from the lowe r case. Removing the Fan 1. Remove the screw fro m the fan , then remo ve the fan from t he lower ca se.
64 Chapter 3 Removing the PCMCIA Slot 1. Remov e the two s crews fr om the PCMC IA plate to remo ve the pl ate. 2. At CN13, remove the two screws from the PCMCIA s lot, then d etach the PCMCIA slot f rom the main board by hand gen tly . Removing the I/O Bracket 1.
Chapte r 3 65 Removing the Modem Cable 1. At CN21 a nd CN2 2, disconne ct the modem c able fr om the ma in board, then remov e the mod em cabl e from the main boa rd.
66 Chapter 3.
Chapte r 4 67 Use the fo llowi ng pro cedure as a gui de for comput er probl ems. NOTE: Th e diag nost i c tests ar e intende d to test only Acer produ cts . Non-Acer pr oducts, protot ype cards, or modifi ed optio ns can give fa lse err ors and inva lid sys tem response s.
68 Chapter 4 Syst em Ch eck Proce dure s Disk ette D rive C heck Do the fol l owing to isol ate the pro blem to a contr ol ler , driver , cable or disk ette. A write-en abl ed, diagnost ic disk ette is requir ed. NOTE: Mak e sure t hat the d isket te does not have m ore t han on e label att ached to i t.
Chapte r 4 69 The fol lowing auxili ar y inp ut dev ices are sup por ted by t hi s comput er: Numer ic k eypa d Exter nal k eybo ard If any of these devi ces do not work, re conne ct t he cabl e conne cto r and repeat the faili ng oper ati on.
70 Chapter 4 Check th e Battery Pack T o check the bat tery pack , do the fol lo wing : 1. Power of f the comput er . 2. Remov e the bat tery pa ck and measure th e volta ge bet ween batt ery te rminal s 1(+) an d 7(g round). See the fo ll ow i ng f i gu r e 3.
Chapte r 4 71 Ind ex of Erro r Mess age The sym pt om-t o- FRU index l ists the sym pto ms and er ro rs an d th eir poss ible c ause s. Th e most li kel y c ause i s li ste d f i rs t.
72 Chapter 4 Mem ory si ze foun d by PO ST d iffered fro m CM OS Ru n “ Lo ad De fault Se tti ngs ” in BIOS Setup Uti lity . DIMM S ys te m bo ar d Dis ke tte dr iv e A err or Che ck th at the dr iv e is de fin ed wit h the p r oper d is ket t e ty pe in B I OS Se tu p Ut il it y .
Chapte r 4 73 No-Beep Sym pto ms Symp tom / Error Action i n Sequence No bee p, po wer -on indi cato r tu rns off an d LC D is blan k. Po w er so urce ( ba tt e ry pac k an d p ower adap t er) . Power S yste m Che ck. Ensu re ev er y co nn ec tor is c onnec t ed ti gh tly an d co rre ctl y .
74 Chapter 4 Ind ex of Symp tom-t o- FR U Err or Mes sage LCD-Rel ated Symptoms Symp tom / Error Action i n Sequence LC D b acklig ht does n't w ork LCD is t o o dark LCD br i gh t ness ca nn ot .
Chapte r 4 75 Batte ry can ’ t be cha rge d P ower Sys tem C hec k Bat te ry pa ck S ys te m bo ar d PCMCIA -Related Sy mptoms Symp tom / Error Action i n Sequence Sy stem ca nnot det ect the P C Car d (P CMCI A) P CMCI A s lot a sse mbly S ys te m bo ar d PCMC IA sl ot pi n is da ma ge d.
76 Chapter 4 Th e sy ste m do esn' t re sum e from st and by m ode afte r open in g t he LC D. S tandb y M ode LCD co ver sw i t ch S ys te m bo ar d Ba tter y fu el ga uge in Wi ndow s d oes n ’ t go hi gher t ha n 90%. Re move batter y pack and l et it cool fo r 2 ho urs.
Chapte r 4 77 NOTE: If yo u c annot f ind a s ymptom or a n e rror in t his list and the pr oblem remai ns, see “ Und etermi ned Proble ms ” on page 79. Modem- Rela ted Symptoms Symp tom / Error Action i n Sequence Inte rnal m odem does n ot wor k co rrectly .
78 Chapter 4 Int ermi tte nt Pr ob lems Int ermitt ent syst em hang pr oblem s can be cause d by a variet y of reasons that have not hing to do wit h a hardwar e defect , such as: cos mic radi ation , elect ros tati c dischar ge, or sof twar e error s.
Chapte r 4 79 Un dete rmine d Pro ble ms The di agnos tic pr oblems do es not ident ify whi ch adapt er or d evi ce fai led, which ins talled de vi ces are i ncorr ect , whethe r a short ci rcu it is suspected, or whether the system is inoperat i ve. Foll ow the se procedur es to isol at e the fai li ng FRU (do not isola te non- defect ive FRU).
80 Chapter 4 Inde x of AFlash BIO S Err or Me ssage Error Message Acti on in S eq uen ce Hardware Error See “ S ystem D iag no sti c Dis ket te ” on pa ge 40 BI OS U pda te P rogr am Erro r Turn off the p ow er a nd re star t th e syst em. Sy s te m Erro r M ake sur e th is AFl as h BI O S di sk e tte fo r t h is mod el .
Chapte r 4 81 Inde x of PQA D iagn osti c Err or Co de, M essag e Error Code M essag e A ction in Se qu ence 16X XX Backup batt ery e r ror Backup b att ery 01X XX CPU or m ai n bo ard er r or Reloa d BI OS d ef au lt se tt i ng .
82 Chapter 4.
Chapte r 5 83 To p V i e w PCB No. 99206 CN1 PS/2 ke yb oard an d Mou s e Po r t C N12 CD -RO M Conn ec to r CN2 External Display Port CN13 PC MCIA Socket Connector CN3 Parallel Port CN16 T ouc h Pad .
84 Chapter 5 SW-6: Check Passwor d SW6 = OFF , Enable SW-6 = ON , D is a b l e SW-7: Boot Block Boot SW-7 = OFF , Disab le SW-7 = On, Enable SW-4/5 SW -4 SW - 5 Acer OFF OFF.
Chapte r 5 85 Bottom View CN2 1 M od em C ar d Cabl e Co nnect o r CN25 B atte r y C onne ct or CN2 2 M odem C ard Cabl e Conn ect o r CN26 Mod em Co nn ec to r CN23 Power Push Swit c h DM1 DI MM 1 So.
86 Chapter 5.
Chapte r 6 87 1 This chap ter gives you the F RU (Fie ld Replac eable Unit) listin g in glob al con figuration s of T ra velMate 520. Refer to this ch apter whe never orde ring for par ts to repai r or for RM A (Return Merc handise Authoriza tion).
Chapte r 6 89 Picture No. Partname Description Part No. CPU/ Processor NS CPU, PIII-500, INTEL IC CPU COPPERM -500 UPGA2 01.COPRM.50A CPU, PIII -600, INTEL IC CPU COPP600 W/GEY UPGA2 01.COPRM. 60C Memory NS DIMM,64M,PC100 , Siemens SDIMM 64M HYS64V8220GCDL-8B(S I 72.
90 Chapter 6 8 LCD bez el LCD BEZEL ASSY( 12. 1") 60.40G1 1.001 10 LCD pane l LCD P ANEL ASSY(HIT12.1")FL2. 5 60.41H02.001 NS Hing e Bracket Pack HINGE BRACKET P ACK 6K=34.40G 07.001+34. 40G08.001 9 Speaker SPE AKER13.3& 12.1 60.40G12.01 1 NS LCD m odule LCD MODULE(ADT14.
Chapte r 6 91 3 LCD cable C.A LCD(14.1"ADT&UNI)FL2.5 50.41H01.001 7 LCD bez el LCD BEZEL ASSY(14.1") 60.41H03.001 6 LCD pane l LCD PNL ASSY(ADT 14.1")FL2.5 60. 41H02.031 NS Hing e B racket Pack HINGE BRACKET P ACK 6K=34.41H01.001+34.
92 Chapter 6 NS HDD Co nnector CONN CT R ML 22P HH98227-A2(HDD 20.80056.022 NS HDD module ASSY HDD 9. 5" 12GB IBM 6M=65.40G05.021 NS HDD,12G, IBM HDD SM9.5"12G IBM/ DARA212K A51 56.02A24.002 16 HDD B racket HDD ASSY(9.5mm) BRACKE T FALCON2 60.
Chapte r 6 93 10 FDD Cable C.A FDD FPC F ALCON2 50.40G01.001 3 FDD Br acket FDD RE AR BRAKET F ALCON2 33.40G04.001 17 FDD Bezel FDD BEZEL(P ANASONIC) ASSY 60. 40G15.01 1 CD-ROM Drive NS CD-ROM Module,24X,MKE CD/DVD-ROM Module 6M=65. 40G10.001 NS CD-ROM Device,24X,MK E CD ROM 24X MKE/CR176- BAA 56.
94 Chapter 6 NS CD-ROM Module,24X,TEAC ASSY CDROM TEAC F ALCON2 6M=65.40G06.001 NS CD-ROM Device,24X,TEAC CD ROM 24X SLIM TEAC/ CD224EB26 56.10061.21 1 NS CD-ROM Chass is Assembly C D / D V D - R O M A S S Y 6 0 . 4 0 G 1 3 . 0 0 1 NS CD-ROM Board FA LCON-2 CD-ROM BD 55.
Chapte r 6 95 Heatsink NS CPU Heatsink HEA TSINK CPU F ALCON2.5 34.41H04.001 1 CPU Heatsink Plate CPU HEA TSINK PLA TE F ALCON2.5 31.41H02.001 NS PCMCI A Pl a te PCMC I A PLA TE F ALCON 2.5 31.41H03.001 Pointing D evice NS T ouchPad FP C Cable C.A TOUCHP AD F PC F ALCON2 50.
96 Chapter 6 Cab les NS Modem Cable C.A MODEM F ALCON2.5 50.41H04.001 NS Launch Board Cable C.A LAUNCH F ALCON2 50.40G05.001 Main boa rd NS Main board/TM 520 F ALCON 2.5 MB C-500 55.41H01.S01 Boa rds 1 1 Audio Board F ALCON2.5 AUDIO BD 55.41H03.D01 NS Launch Board F ALCON2 LAUNCH BOARD 55.
Chapte r 6 97 Battery NS Battery ASSY BT Y P ACK BTP-34A1 F AL2.5 60.41H01.001 NS RTC Battery , Li BTY LI 3V CR1220 36MAH 23.20004.091 Case/Cover/Bracket Assembly 5 LCD Cable Cover CABLE COVER F ALCON2 42.40G06. 001 NS Middle Cover MIDDLE COVER F ALCON2 42.
98 Chapter 6 15 Modem Cover MODEM COVER ASSY 60.40G06.001 12 Upper Case UPPER CASE ASSEMB L Y 60.40G03.001 NS Lower Case LOWER CASE(F2.5) 60.41H06.001 NS Charger Plat e with Thermal pad AS SY CA RGER PLA TE F ALCON2.5 60.41H13.001 Miscellaneous NS Camera Rubber RUBBER CAMERA TM340 47.
Appendi x A 99 Model Numb er Defini tions Mode l Nu mb e r LCD CPU Memo ry HDD CD Ba ttery 520i T 12 .1 ” TF T Cel ero n-55 0 64 MB 4.8GB 24x Lilon 521TE 13.3 ” TF T P III-600 64MB 6G B 24x Lilo n 521 TX 14.1 TF T P III-6 00 6 4MB 6GB 24x Lilo n 521 TXV 14 .
100 Append ix A.
Appendi x B 101 This co mputer ’ s compat i bi li t y is test ed and verif i ed by Acer ’ s i nter nal t esti ng departmen t. Al l of its syst em funct ions ar e tested und er Wind ows 95, Win dows 98, Windows 200 0 and Windows NT environment .
102 Append ix B.
Appendi x C 103 This se ction des cribe s online t echnica l sup port ser vi ces avail able to hel p you repai r your Acer Systems . If you are a d istr ibuto r , de al er , AS P or T PM, please re fer y our t echn ical que ri es to yo ur l ocal Ac er branch of fice.
104 Append ix C.
Index 105 A AC Adapter 25 ACPI 1 AFLASH Ut ili ty 37 Audio 21 B Ba tte r y 2 3 Ba tte r y C o ver Remov ing 47 Batt ery Pac k Remov ing 47 BIOS 17 BIOS Se tup Utili ty 29 BIOS U til ity 29 – 36 Basi.
106 In dex K Keyboar d 11, 23 Keyboar d or Auxil iary I nput Device Check 68 L LAN 18 Launch Keys 14 LCD 2, 24 Disas sembly 52 M Mach in e Disassem bl y and Replacemen t 43 Ma jo r Ch ip s 17 Mech ani.
Index 107.
108 In dex.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Acer SG336-0005A è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Acer SG336-0005A - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Acer SG336-0005A imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Acer SG336-0005A ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Acer SG336-0005A, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Acer SG336-0005A.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Acer SG336-0005A. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Acer SG336-0005A insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.