Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto B064-032-02-IP del fabbricante Tripp Lite
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1 Owner’ s Man ual W arranty Registration: register online today f or a chance to win a FREE T ripp Lite product—www anty NetDirector Cat5 IP KVM Switches Models: B064-016-04-IP , B064-016-02-IP , B064-032-02-IP , B064-032-04-IP FCC Information This is an FCC Class A product.
2 T able of Con tents T able of Contents ........................................ 2 Introduction ............................................ 4 Overvie w ............................................... 4 Features ......................................
3 T able of Con tents RADIUS Settings ........................................ 47 LD AP / LD APS Authentication and Authorization Settings ....... 47 LD AP Configuration — Active Directory ..................... 47 Create a Start Menu Shortcut Entry .
4 Introduc tion Overvie w Feature s Th e NetDi rec tor Matr i x KV M Switch with Multi-User IP Access a l lo ws both loca l a nd remote ope rators to mon itor a nd access mu ltiple computer s from a single con sole . For example, a single B06 4 -032- 04 -I P can c ontrol up to 32 computers.
5 Introduc tion Remote Console Co mputers Connec ted Computer / S er vers Video Ser ver Inter face Units ( SI Us) Ope rating Systems • Bro wsersmustsupp ort128-bitSSLencr ypt ion.
1 4 5 6 2 3 6 Introduc tion Brows er s Components Suppor te d brow sers for user s that r emotely l og into t he B06 4 -Ser ies KV M Switches include the follo wi ng: Bro wser V ersion Internet Explorer 6 and higher Firefo x 1.5 and higher Mozilla 1.7 and higher Safari 2.
1 2 3 4 6 7 8 5 7 Introduc tion Compone nts (continued) Rea r View No. Comp onent D es criptio n 1 Po wer Socket Th e included pow er cord c onne cts her e. 2 Po wer Swi tch Press t o tu rn t he KV M switch On / Of f. 3 Second a ry L AN Por t (L AN 2 ) Th e cable that con nect s the K VM switch to t he back up network plu gs in he re.
8 Hardware Setu p Before Y ou Begin Gen eral Safet y Instructions • Reada llofth eseinst r uctions.Sav ethemforfut ur ereference. • Follo wal lwar n ingsa ndinst ruct ionsma rkedont hedevice.
Use the M3x8 Phillips head hex scre ws provided with the rack mount kit Use user supplied hardware to attach to the rack 9 Hardware Setu p Rac k Mount ing Sa fet y Ins truc tions • Bef orew.
2 4 6 9 8 5 7 2 3 3 10 6. O ptional: Conne ct a second C at5e cable f rom the net work into the K VM sw itch ’ s back up (second ar y) network por t (LA N 2) .
11 Th eB06 4- Ser iesKVMSwitchessupp or thotpl uggi ng;component scanb eremov eda ndadde dbackintot heinst al lationbyunplugginga ndre- plu gg ing th eir cables f rom the p ort s without t he nee d to shut the u nit down.
12 Th e B06 4- Ser ies KVM Switches supp or ts th re e ty pes of user s, as shown in t he ta ble bel ow: User T ype Description Super Administrator Super Administrators hav e full access to all P or ts and Devices in the KVM installation. The y can manage all aspects of the installation.
Super Ad min istrat or Setup NIC S ett ings 13 Th e B06 4- Ser ies KVM Switch is designe d with t wo network inte rfac es. The N IC Sett ing se ction of the Network t ab al lo ws y ou to assign a single I P Addr ess and DNS Ser ver f or bot h network inte rfac es, or to assign a sepa ra te add ress for each.
14 Super Ad min istrat or Setup NIC S ett ings Changing the Supe r Admi nistrator Login Moving On AP Win dows Cli ent For computers r u nn ing Wi ndo ws, the B0 64 -Se ries K VM Switch ’ s I P add ress ca n be det er mi ned usi ng the A P Windows Client th at comes on the B0 64 - Series K VM Switch CD.
15 A ccessing the B06 4 - Series K VM Switc h Local Console Login Browser Login Th e B06 4- Ser ies KVM Switches ca n be a ccesse d in t he follo wing way s : via loca l console, an i nter net brow ser, the A P Windows Client and / or the A P Jav a Cl ient.
16 A ccessing the B06 4 - Series K VM Switc h AP Windows Cl ient Login The Conne ction Scre en The File Me nu In some c ases, t he Adm in istr ator may not want the B0 64 - Series K VM Switches to be availa ble via bro wser .
17 A ccessing the B06 4 - Series K VM Switc h The T ools Menu AP Jav a Client Login T ools Menu opera tions a re per forme d af ter you con nect to t he B06 4 -Ser ies KV M Switch, but bef ore you switch to remote v ie w . T here is on ly one optionint heT oolsMenu;Hot keySetup.
18 The OSD Main P age The OSD M ain Page OSD Icon Bar W hen the OSD Ma in Page app ea rs, t he Port Acce ss page is display ed. Th ere is a n icon bar a cross t he top of the page, as well as a h idde.
19 The OSD Main P age The Control Panel Th e Control Pan el consists of th ree r o ws: a row of icons at the top, with t w o text rows bel ow . Th e Control Pan el is only a vai lable when acc essing the K VM switch r emotely , a nd wi ll not be a ccessible via the loca l console.
20 The OSD Main P age Hotkey Setup (continued) Video Op tions Th e f ollowing steps w ill en able y ou to rec onfigu re t he default Hotkey combinat ions: 1 . High light t he Action y ou wish to cha nge and click Star t . 2. Key in th e Function keys (one at a time) .
21 The OSD Main P age Video Op tions (continued) Gamma Adjustment Th e sett ings in t he Vid eo Opt ion s scre en ar e giv en i n the t able belo w: Action Description Screen P osition Adjust the horizontal and vertical position of the remote computer window by clic king the Arrow buttons .
22 The OSD Main P age The M essage Board The But ton Bar User List Panel Compose Panel Mes sage Display Panel Th e B06 4- Ser ies KVM Switch suppo rt s multiple user logins, wh ich ca n possibl y give rise to a ccess con flicts.
23 The OSD Main P age The On - Scre en Ke yboard Mouse Pointer T ype Mouse Sync Mo de Manual Mous e Synchronization Th e B06 4- Ser ies KVM Switch suppo rt s an on-s cre en key boa rd, av a ilable in mult ip le la nguages, wit h al l the st and a rd key s for each suppor te d lang uage.
24 The OSD Main P age Manual Mous e Synchronization (continued ) Wind ows Note : In order for th e loca l an d remote m ice to s ynch ronize, y ou mu st use t he gener ic mou se dr iver suppli ed with th e MS operat ing sys tem .
25 Po r t A ccess The Port S elec tion Panel W hen you l og in to t he KV M Switch, the OSD comes up w ith th e Port Access page d ispla yed. Th e page is organ ize d into t w o ma in a re as. Al l the p or ts t hat a user is per m itte d to acc ess a re list ed in t he Por t Selection pa nel at the left of the page.
26 Po r t A ccess Port Confi guration Port N aming T o config ure a switch or p ort , r ight c l ick i ts icon. A l ist with var ious options pop s up . T he items in t he l ist var y depend ing on your user ty pe a nd whether you selecte d a casca ded K VM switch or a compute r/ ser ver por t.
27 Po r t A ccess Port N aming (continued) Port Prope rti es 2. Key in a na me for the p ort (or cha nge /delete a p revious one). T he ma xi mum numbe r of chara cters a llow ed for a por t na me is 19 . Y ou ca n use any combin ation of letter s, number s, and sy mbols on the t yp ewrite r key s of key boa rds w ith PC US Engl ish lay out.
28 Po r t A ccess Scan Panel Array Mode History Filter The Information and Confi guration Notebook Th e Scan f unct ion automatica lly switches a mong all t he por t s that a re a ccessible to the cu r rently logg ed on u ser at regu la r inter vals, a llowing thei r act ivity to be mon itored automa tical ly .
29 Po r t A ccess Fa vorites Adding a F av orite Modif ying a F av orite Th is is sim i lar t o a Bookm a rks featu re. Por ts th at y ou f requent ly visi t ca n be sav ed i n a list on t h is page. S imply open t his pa ge and select t he por t inst ead of hunt ing for i t in t he t ree v ie w .
30 Po r t A ccess User Se ttings Log Th e U ser Set ti ngs page allows users to set up t heir own i ndividual worki ng en vi ron ments. T he B06 4- Ser ies KV M Swi tch stor es a sepa rat e record for each us er profile, a nd sets up t he worki ng environ ment ac cordi ng to the User na me tha t was used to ac cess t he KV M switch.
31 Po r t A ccess Filter Ses sions Acc es s Filter a llow s you to sea rch for par ticu lar events by date or by spe cific words or str ings. W hen you access t hi s fu nction, the log filter d ia l.
32 Po r t A ccess The Main Panel – S witches The Main Panel – C omputers / Se rvers If a switch is chosen i n th e Port Select ion List, the M ai n panel looks sim ila r to t he one shown belo w: .
33 Po r t A ccess The St atus Panel The Proper tie s Panel Th e Stat us panel provides i nfor mation about t he onl in e stat us of a selecte d por t, a nd the Se rver Int er face Unit being use d to con nect it to a computer /se rver: Note : T his pa nel is i nac tive whe n a K VM s witch is s elected i n the Port Sel ectio n list .
34 User Management The User M anagem ent Main Page Th e U ser Ma nagement page al lo ws Sup er Adm inis trators a nd Admi nistrators to creat e, modi fy a nd delete user s and g roups, as well as a ssign att r ibutes to th em. The User Ma nagement icon wil l not show up in Use r’ s OSD scr eens, a s they do not hav e acc ess to t his feat ure.
35 User Management Users - Adding Users (continued ) 3. Enter the i nfor mat ion f or the u ser tha t y ou a re add ing. A descr iption of each of th e fie lds is g iv en in t he table below : Field Description Username Enter a username with a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 16 characters.
36 User Management Users - Adding Users (continued ) Users – Mo difying Users Users – D eleting Users Groups Groups – Cre ating Groups At th is point you can do a ny of the follo wi ng: • Assignt henewusertoagro upb yselect ingth e Grou ps tab i n the user’ s notebo ok.
37 User Management Groups – Cre ating Groups (continued) Groups – Modif ying Groups Groups – De leting Groups Assigning Users to Groups 3. E nter t he in format ion f or t he Group t hat you are a ddi ng.
38 User Management Assigning Users to a Group via the User ’ s Noteb ook Removing Users F rom a Group via the Use r’ s N otebook T o assign a user t o a group f rom th e U ser’ s noteb ook, do t he f oll owin g: 1 . Select the use r’ s na me fr om the User List or select t he user’ s na me fr om the Ma in Pa nel and click Mod if y .
39 User Management Assigning Users to a Group via the Group’ s Noteb ook Removing Users F rom a Group via the G roup ’ s N otebook T o assign a user t o a group f rom th e Group noteb ook, do t he f oll owin g: 1 . Select the g roup’ s na me in t he Group l ist or select t he group’ s na me in t he Ma in Pa nel and click Modi f y .
40 User Management Device Assignment Assigning Device Permissions Filters W hen a user logs into th e B06 4- Ser ies KVM Switch, t he OSD comes up with t he Por t Access page di spla yed. Al l the p or ts t hat the u ser is per m itte d to acc ess a re list ed in t he Por t Selection list on t he left side of the page.
41 Dev ice Management The Main Page General N et wor k Th e Device Ma nagement page allows Super Ad min istra tors and A dm in ist rators / Users who hav e be en giv en p erm ission to con figure a nd cont rol ov era ll B0 64 -Ser ies KV M Switch operat ions.
42 Dev ice Management IP Installe r NIC S ett ings Redundant N IC IP Address DNS S er ver Net work T ransfer Rate Th e IP I nsta ller is a n exter na l Windows-based uti lit y f or assign ing I P add resse s to the B0 64 -Ser ies K VM Switch.
43 Dev ice Management Se curity Filtering IP Filtering Th e Secur ity pa ge contai ns set ti ngs that a llow y ou to contr ol access to the B0 64 - Series K VM Switch. • IP a nd MAC Filters control ac cess to t he B06 4 -Ser ies KV M Switch base d on the I P a nd /or M A C add ress es of the compute rs att empti ng to acc ess the system.
44 MAC F iltering Customization Login Fai lures W orking Mode T o ad d a MAC filte r: 1 . Click Add . A d ialog box simi la r to the one b elo w appea r s: Th e Custom izat ion page is group ed into t h ree se ctions : Logi n Failu re, W ork i ng Mode, and M iscella ne ous.
45 Miscella neous • Th e Clear Port N am es button wi ll delete a ll of t he nam es that hav e be en crea ted for the p or ts of the B0 64 -Se ries K VM Switch. Cl ic k ing on t his but ton wi ll fi rst display a prompt t hat asks you if you are su re you w ant to clea r a ll t he por t na mes.
46 Se rvic e Access Ports Log Ser ver ANMS Th e Serv ice page is compose d of two panels: Acc ess Port s and L og Server: If a fi rewall is b eing use d, th e Adm in istrat or can sp eci fy t he por t numb ers t hat the fi rewall w ill a l lo w .
47 RAD IUS Set tings LD AP / LD APS Authentication a nd A uthoriz ation Set tings LD AP Configuration — Active Direc tory T o al lo w auth entication a nd author iza tion f or t he B06 4 -Ser ies KV M Switch th rough a R A DIUS ser v er, do the follo wi ng: 1 .
48 LD AP Configuration — Active Direc tory (continued ) Create a S tar t Menu Shor tcut Entr y Ex tend and Upd ate the Active Director y Schema Dev ice Management Ins tall t he Win dows 20 0 3 Sup por t T o ols 1 . On your Windows Server CD, open th e Support T ools folder .
49 Ex tend and Upd ate the Active Director y Schema (co ntinued) Dev ice Management Step 2 - Ext end the Obje ct Class With t he New Attr ibute: a ) Open C ontrol Panel Admi nist rative T ool s A ct iv e Dire ctor y Schema . b) In t he left pa nel of the scr een t hat comes up, select Cla sses .
50 Ex tend and Upd ate the Active Director y Schema (co ntinued) Dev ice Management d) Right-click on t he user’ s na me and select P roper t ies . e) On t he Att ribu te Ed itor page of the d ialog box that ap pea rs, select Pe rm ission from t he list .
51 Ex tend and Upd ate the Active Director y Schema (co ntinued) Ope nLD AP Ser ver Ope nLD AP Ser ver Installation Dev ice Management h) Click OK . Wh en y ou ret ur n to t he Att rib ute E ditor page, t he per missi on entr y now reflects t he new per m issions: Op enL D A P is a n Op en sourc e LD AP s erver designe d for UN IX plat forms.
52 Ope nLD AP Ser ver Configuration Th e mai n Op en LD AP con figu ration file, slapd .conf, has to b e custom ize d before launch ing the s erver . T he mod ifications to t he config ura tion file wi ll do t he f ollowing: • Spec ifyt heUnicod edat adi rect ory .
53 DIT Cr eation Th e LD AP Dat a I ntercha nge F or mat ( LDIF ) is use d to repre sent LD A P entr ies in a sim pl e text form at (please refer to RF C 2849). T he figu re belo w il lustrat es an L DIF fi le that cr eates t he DIT for th e B06 4- Ser ies KV M Swi tch d ir ector y t ree (shown in t he figu re, abov e).
54 Date / Time Th e Date / Ti me dia log pag e set s the B0 64 -Ser ies KV M Switch ’ s t ime pa ram eters : Dev ice Management Set the p ar amet ers ac cordi ng to the i nfor mat ion bel ow .
55 OOBC (continu ed) Dev ice Management Con nec tion S etu p Exam ple ( Win dows XP ) T o set up a dia l-in con nect ion to the B0 64 -Ser ies KV M Switch under Wi ndow s X P , do t he fo llowing: 1 . From the St ar t menu, s el ec t Control Panel Network Connec tions Cre ate a New Connect ion .
56 The Main S creen Firmw are File Options The Main Panel W hen you c lick th e Mai ntena nce ta b, a dialog box simi la r to the one belo w app ea rs: As new versi ons of t he B06 4- Ser ies KVM Swit.
57 Maintenance Upgrading the Firmware Follo w th e proce dur e belo w to upgra de the B0 64 - Series K VM Switch fi rmware a nd t he ser ver inter face un its con nect ed to its por t s.
58 Maintenance Download B0 64 - S eries K VM switch Fir mware Upgrad e Recov er y Ser ver Inter face Unit Firmw are Up grade Recovery Should the B0 64 -Se ries K VM Switch fi rmware upg rade pr oce dure fa il, a nd the switch b ecomes u nusable, the follo wing fi r mw a re upgra de rec o very p roce dure w ill r esolv e the pr obl em : 1 .
59 Po r t Operation Af ter you hav e successf ul ly l ogged i n (see Logg ing I n, begi nn ing on page 15 ), t he B0 64 -Ser ies KV M Switch OSD Mai n Page appea rs wit h the Por t Access t ab select ed : Al l th e por ts t hat a user is p erm itt ed to ac cess a re l isted i n the Por t Selection pa nel at the left of t he page.
60 Po r t Operation Panel Array Mode Panel Array T oolbar Cl ic k ing t he Panel A r ray icon on the OSD T oolba r inv okes Panel A r ray Mode. U nder t his mo de, the OSD d i vides your s creen i nto.
61 Po r t Operation Multiuser Op eration Auto Scanning Set ting the Sca n Interval Inv oking Aut o Scan Pausing A uto Scan Exiting Auto Scan Th e B06 4- Ser ies KVM Switches a re de si g ned to a llow multipl e user s to simult ane ously access t he conn ecte d computers /s ervers.
62 Po r t Operation Skip Mod e Skip Mode a llows y ou to switch por ts i n order to mon itor the comput ers via t he keyboar d. As oppos ed to Auto Scan Mo de, y ou ca n dw ell on a pa rt icula r por t for as long or as lit tle as you li ke.
63 The Log Ser v er Installation Star ting Up The M enu Bar Th e Window s-ba sed L og Server is an a dm in ist rative util ity tha t record s al l the events that t a ke place on selecte d B06 4 -Ser ies KV M Switch units and w r ites them to a s ea rchable data base.
64 The Log Ser v er Configur e Edit Del ete E vents Th e Configur e menuconsistsofth re efu nctions; A dd , E dit a nd Delete. Add Select the Ad d fu nction when y ou ne ed to ad d a new B064 -Ser ies KV M Switch to the l ist of un its that t he Log Ser ver recor ds ev ents for .
65 Maintenance Search Th is f unct ion allow s t he ad mi nist rator t o remo ve al l record s tha t hav e passe d thei r expirat ion lim it. (Se e page 64 for li mit det ai ls) In orde r to delete old files fr om the log ser v er, the ma int enanc e fu nction must be pe rfor med.
66 Options Help Conte nts About Log Se rver The Log S erver M ain Screen — O verview Th e Option s menuconsistsofonlyonef unct ion; Net work Retr y.
67 The List Panel The Ev ent Panel Th e List pan el contai ns t he fo llowing fields: Field Description Recording Determines whether the Log Ser ver records log e vents f or the corresponding B064-Series KVM Switch. If the Recording check bo x is check ed, the field displays Recording , and log e vents are recorded.
68 Gen eral Ope ration T roubl eshooting Admin istration T rouble shooting AP Windows Cl ient T roublesho oting Problem Action Erratic Operation Reset the unit by pressing and holding the Reset b utton on the front of the unit for longer than three seconds.
69 Panel Array Mode T roubleshooting The Log S erver T roubleshooting Sun Systems T roubl eshooting AP Jav a Client T r oubleshooting Problem Action The video resolution is of low quality . The video quality decreases as you decrease the number of panels .
70 OSD Factory D efault Set tings Problem Action OSD Hotke y [Scroll Lock] [Scroll Loc k] P or t ID Displa y P or t Number + Name P or t ID Displa y Duration 3 Seconds Scan/Skip Mode All Scan Duration.
71 W A R R AN T Y RE GISTR A T ION Visit www .tr /war r ant y today to regi ster th e w a r ra nty for y ou r new T r ipp Lite pro duct. Y ou’ ll b e automatica lly enter ed into a d rawing for a chance to w in a F R EE T r ipp Lite pro duct!* * No purchase necessa r y .
72 T ripp Lite W orld Headquar ters 1111 W . 35th Street, Chicago, IL 60609 USA (773) 869-1234 • www .tr 200811137 93-2852.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Tripp Lite B064-032-02-IP è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Tripp Lite B064-032-02-IP - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Tripp Lite B064-032-02-IP imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Tripp Lite B064-032-02-IP ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Tripp Lite B064-032-02-IP, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Tripp Lite B064-032-02-IP.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Tripp Lite B064-032-02-IP. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Tripp Lite B064-032-02-IP insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.