Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto TVP-224HR del fabbricante TRENDnet
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FCC Notice This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the lim its for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a comm ercial environment.
Setup How to Use This Manual This manual was designed for the non-technical users of the VoIP Gateway (TVP- 224HR). It contains information about the functions of the TVP-224HR and instructions for its installation, basic configuration and operation. Read this section carefully for important information about the manual’s organization.
Documentation Abbr eviations Throughout this guide, the user will come across a number of abbreviations that are common throughout the industry. The user should be familiar with the following abbrevia.
Setup Notation Conventions Throughout this guide, different type styles and characters are used. These serve a variety of purposes as described below: Convention Description boldface Commands and keywords are in boldface. italic Arguments for which you supply values are in italics.
Table of Contents How to Use This Manual .......................................................................................................... 3 Important Safety Instructions .......................................................................
Setup CHAPTER 3 ......................................................................................... 20 ROUTER SETUP ................................................................................... 20 Overview .................................
Virtual Servers / Port Forwarding ........................................................................................ 47 IP Address seen by Internet Users ......................................................................................... 47 Virtual Servers Screen .
Setup 9.2 H.323 Configuration ................................................................................................... 67 H.323 Status Page ....................................................................................................
10.5 Making a call between Ga teway A and Gateway B .................................................. 90 Case 1: Gateway Phone t o Gateway Phone.......................................................................... 90 Case 2: Gateway Phone t o PSTN Phone .
Setup Appendix F - Worksheets ..................................................................................................... 122 IP Parameters .....................................................................................................
1 Chapter 1 Overview This chapter gi ves an overview of the 4 por ts desktop version VoIP Gateway Router (TVP- 224HR) and a detaile d description of its front panel and rear panel.
Setup Internet Access Features • Shared Internet Access. All users on the LAN or WLAN can access the Internet through the TVP-224HR, using only a si ngle external IP Address. The local (invali d) IP Addresses are hidden from external sources. This process is called NAT (Network Address Translation).
1.2 Networking Protocols The TVP-224HR supports several industr y-standard networking protocols required for voice communication. The following table describes these protocols. Networking Protocol Description Internet Protocol (IP) IP is a messaging protocol that addresses and sends packets across the network.
Setup LED Indicators The LED indicators on the front panel display the current status of the TVP-224HR as described in the following table: Indicator Color Activity Indication PWR Green On Power is supplied to the gateway . SYSTEM Green Blinking The system is running.
4-port TVP-224HR Rear Panel WAN / LAN / Console Ports The TVP-224HR is equipped with 1 WAN and 4 LAN Ethernet interfaces with 10/100 Mbps auto-negotiation, auto MDIX capability. The Ethernet ports are located on the rear panel. Console There is a 9-pin RS-232 interface port on the front panel.
Setup 2 Chapter 2 Installing the TVP-224HR This chapter gives informati on on how to install the TVP-224HR. 2.1 Network Requirement s For the TVP-224HR to successfully operate in your network, your network must meet the following requirements: 1. A working 10/100 Base-T Ethernet.
2.5 Assigning an IP address to the TVP-224HR The IP address is the unique logical address identifying each IP node, such as the TVP-224HR, on an IP network. An IP address is a 32-bit number expressed as four decimal numbers from 0 to 255 separated by periods.
Setup 5. Check the LEDs • The Power LED should be ON. • The Systems LED should be blinking. • For each LAN (PC) connection, the LAN Link/Act LED should be ON (provided the PC is also ON.
3 Chapter 3 Router Setup This Chapter provides Setup detai ls of the TVP-224HR. Overview This chapter describes the setup procedure for: • Internet Access • LAN configuration PCs on your local LAN m ay also require configuration. For deta ils, see Chapter 4 - PC Configurati on .
Setup Configuration Program The TVP-224HR contains an HTTP server. This enables y ou to connect to it, and configure it, using your Web Browser. Your Browser must support JavaScript . The configurati on program has been tested on t he following browsers: • Netscape V4.
Figure 2: Password Dialog • Enter Username and Password. Defaul t Us er Name and Password are “adm in” and “123” respectively. • These are the default values. Both the nam e and password can (and should) be changed, using the Administrat ionPassword page .
Setup Figure 3: Home Screen Navigation & Data Input • Use the menu bar on the top of t he screen, and the "Back" button on your Browser, for navigation. • Changing to another screen without clicki ng "Save" does NOT save any changes y ou may have made.
LAN Configuration From the m ain menu, navigate to Router Configuration. C lick on the LAN sub menu. The LAN screen will appear as below. Figure 4: LAN Screen Data - LAN Screen TCP/IP IP Address IP address for the TVP-224HR, as seen from the local LAN.
Setup DHCP What does DHCP do? A DHCP (Dynami c Host Configuration Protocol) Server allocates a valid IP address to a DHCP Client (PC or device) upon request. • The client request is m ade when the client device starts up (boots). • The DHCP Server provides the Gateway and DNS addresses to the client, as well as allocating an IP Address.
Chapter 4 PC Configuration 4 This Chapter detail s the PC Configuration required on t he local ("Internal") LAN. Overview For each PC, the following may need to be configured: • TCP/IP net.
PC Configuration Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windows 9x/ME: 1. Select Control Panel - Net work . You should see a screen like the followi ng: Figure 5: Network Configuration 2. Select the TCP/IP protocol for your net work card. 3. Click on the Properti es button.
• On the Gateway tab, enter the TVP-224HR ' s IP address in the New Gateway field and click Add , as shown below. Your LAN administrator can advi se you of the IP Address they assigned to the TVP-224HR. Figure 7: Gateway Tab (Win 95/98) • On the DNS Configurati on tab, ensure Enable DNS is selected.
PC Configuration Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windows NT4.0 1. Select Control Panel - Net work , and, on the Protocols ta b, select the TCP/IP protocol, as shown below. Figure 9: Windows NT4.0 - TCP/IP 2. Click the Properties button to see a screen like the one below.
3. Select the network card for your LAN. 4. Select the appropriate radio button - Obtain an IP address from a DHCP Server or Specify an IP Address , as explained below. Obtain an IP address from a DHCP Server This is the default Windows setting. Using this is recommended .
PC Configuration Figure 12: Windows NT4.0 – DNS 31.
Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windows 2000: 1. Select Control Panel - Net work and Dial-up Connection . 2. Right - click t he Local Area Connection icon and select Properties . You should see a screen like the following : Figure 13: Network Configuration (Win 2000) 3.
PC Configuration 5. Ensure your TCP/IP setti ngs are correct, as described below. Using DHCP To use DHCP, select the radio butt on Obtain an IP Address automatically . This is the default Windows setting. Using this is recommended . By default, the TVP-224HR will act as a DHCP Server.
Checking TCP/IP Settings - Windows XP 1. Select Control Panel - Net work Connection . 2. Right click t he Local Area Connection and choose Properties . You should see a screen like the following: Figure 15: Network Configuration (Windows XP) 3. Select the TCP/IP protocol for your net work card.
PC Configuration Figure 16: TCP/IP Properties (Windows XP) 5. Ensure your TCP/IP settings are correct. Using DHCP To use DHCP, select the radio butt on Obtain an IP Address automatically . This is the default Windows setting. Using this is recommended .
Internet Access To configure your PCs to use the TVP-224HR for Internet access: 1. Ensure that the DSL modem , Cable modem, or other perm anent connection is functional . 2. Use the following procedure to configure y our Browser to access the Internet via the LAN, rather than by a Dial-up connection.
PC Configuration Macintosh Client s From your Macintosh, you can access the Internet via the TV P-224HR. The procedure is as follows. 1. Open the TCP/IP Control Panel. 2. Select Ethernet from the Connect via pop-up m enu. 3. Select Using DHCP Server from the Confi gure pop-up menu.
5 Chapter 5 Operation and Status This Chapter details t he operation of the TVP-224HR, the system status screen as well as t he channel status screen Operation Once both the TVP-224HR and the PCs are configured, operation is automatic.
Operation and Status Data – System Status Screen Wan Interface Parameters MAC Address The hardware address of this device, as seen by remote devices on the Internet. (This is di fferent to the hardware address seen by devices on the local LAN.) Dynamic DNS Enabled / Disabled Access Mode This indicat es the current connection met hod.
Chapter 6 Internet Features This Chapter explains when and how to use the TVP-224HR's "Internet" Features. Overview The following advanced features are provided.
Figure 19: Connection Details - Fixed/Dynamic IP Address Data - Fixed/Dynamic IP address Screen Internet IP Address The IP Address of this device, as s een by Internet users. This address is allocated by your ISP (Internet Service Provider). Subnet Mask The Network Mask associated wit h the IP Address above.
Microsoft VPN PPPoE Configuration If using PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet), a screen like the following example will be displayed when the "PPPoE" button is clicked.
Special Applications If you use Internet applicat ions which use non- standard connections or port num bers, you may find that they do not function correctly because they are blocked by the TVP-224HR 's firewall. In this case, you can define th e application as a "Special Application".
Microsoft VPN Outgoing Ports Type - Select the protocol (TCP or UDP) used when y ou send data to the remote system or service. From - Enter the beginning of t he range of port numbers used by the application server, for data y ou send to it.
3. Enter your DDNS data on the TVP-224HR' s DDNS screen (shown below). 4. The TVP-224HR will then au tomatically ensure that your cu rrent IP Address is recorded and updated at the DDNS server.
Microsoft VPN johnsmith DDNS Status This message is returned by the DDNS Server Normally , this message should be som ething like "Update successful" or "IP address updated". If the message indi cates some probl em , you need to connect to the DDNS Service provider and correct this problem.
This address should be static, rat her than dynamic, to m ake it easier for Internet users t o connect to your Servers. However, you can use the DDNS (Dynamic DNS) feature to allow users to connect to your Virtual Servers using a URL, inst ead of an IP Address.
Microsoft VPN It is more conveni ent if you are using a Fixed IP Address from y our ISP, rather than Dynamic. However, you can use the Dynamic DNS feature, described in the followi ng section, to allow users to connect to your Virtual Servers usi ng a URL, rather than an IP Address.
Maximum Uplink Bandwidth allowed (kbits/sec) In the Field you will first have to fin d your ISP’s speed in your contract or on the ISP’s webpage. The values for speed are usually given in kil o Bits per second [kb/s] as are the values to be entered i nto TVP-224HR.
Chapter 7 Administration This Chapter explains Password set up, remote Administration via Tel net or Web Browser firmware Upgrade using TFT as well as Access Control using Packet filters Overview 51 Normally, it is not necessary to use these scr eens, or change any settings.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide Data – Administration Password Setup Admin Login Old Password Enter the old password New password Enter the new password here. If no password is required, leave t his blank. If a password is set, the passwo rd will be required in order to change the configuration.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 53 Figure 27: Remote Administration Screen Data - Remote Administration Screen Information Information To establish a connection from the Internet: 6. Enable Rem ote Administrat ion and configure this screen. 7. From a rem ote location, start your Browser.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide Domain Nam e, rather than an IP address. |Trusted Telnet Clients This allows you to restrict remote access by IP address. To enable, enter the IP address of the tru sted client. Ping Reply If enabled, this service allows the TVP-224HR to reply when pinged.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide Update Click this but ton to start the Firm ware upgrade. Note than any users accessing the Internet via the TVP- 224HR will lose their connection. When the upgrade is finished, the TVP-224HR will restart, and this management connection will be unavailab le during the restart.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 56 Access Control Screen To view this screen, select the Access Contro/Groups link from the m ain menu. Figure 29: Access Control Screen Data - Access Control Screen Group Workgroup Number Select the desired Group.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 57 Packet Filter Workgroup Number Select the group you wish to apply the filter too Add/Delete/List Pick the operation you would l ike to perform to the IP or MAC address TCP/UDP/Both Choose the protocol you would like to filter Block Range Port Enter the port you would like to block.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 58 ICQ Fo r file transfer: ICQ -> Preference > Connections > Firewall . Set timeout to 80 seconds. None for chat IPTV Cisco IPTV 2.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 59 13139 27900 28900 29900 29901 Dark Reign 2 26214 3100 3568 Delta Force 3999 1140 - 1234 Dune 2000 4000 Dungeon Siege 19271 26000 27500 27910 Elite Force 27960 1024 - 6000 E.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide Quake III Each computer uses a different port number. Add 1 for each player starting with 27660. 27660 (+1 for each player) Rainbow Six 2346 Rogue Spear 2346 StarCraft 6112 11.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 8 Chapter 8 TVP-224HR Telephony Concepts The TVP-224HR enables the transmission of voi ce and fax traffic over any IP network by digitizing voice and fax signals, encapsulating the information within IP packets, and then sending the packets across the IP network 8.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 62 destination for the call is the telephony port where the call terminated. For calls initiated from telephony ports, the TVP-224H R forwards the call to a remote TVP-224HR/TVP-224HR via IP network, and the remote TVP-221H/TVP-224HR terminates the call.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 63 • Address table sample: Address Entry Hunt Grp_Id Min. Digits Max. Digits Prefix strip Prefix Address 201 3 3 3 3 None 301 4 3 3 3 None 8 1 3 3 0 None 0 1 1 1 0 None 20 11 5 5 2 None Hunt Group Table The hunt group table maps a hunt group to a list of destinations.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 64 tone to the PSTN. This method in which the TVP-224HR handles DTMF tone is so called DTMF relay. The TVP-224HR handles DTMF relay per H.323 specifications. Certain third party VoIP devices may handle DTMF relay per IMTC standard.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 65 Chapter 9 Configuring VoIP from a Web Browser 9 This chapter explains procedures for configuri ng the TVP-224HR from a web browser. 9.1 HTTP setting mode This section describes the processes for setti ng up the VoIP Gateway once it has been installed.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide Main Menu Function Briefings Home View System Status H.323 Configuration Set H.323 Parameters Dial Plan Settings Links to dial plan setting / entry / store / clear / restore pages. You should complete the dial Plan work sheets before working in this menu.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 67 user manual and support materials. System Status Select Home In order to view the System Status page, please navigate to Home. The System Status page will display the following parameters: Firmware Version • TVP-224HR VoIP Gateway Version: • Boot Loader Version: • RTOS Version: • H.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 68 H.323 Parameters For the most part end users will not be using these functions / features and / or should use the default settings. For more information please see the Advanced User Manuals or consult with your Systems Integrator 1.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 69 4. Outgoing Fast Start : The default setting is off. This field is to enable or disable the Fast start mode on the outgoing side of the link. 5. Incoming Fast Start : The default setting is off. This field is to enable or disable the Fast start mode on the incoming side of the link.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 70 1. Gate Keeper Mode: The default setting is off. This field is to select the co-operation mode with some other gatekeeper(s). Three options are available: i. Off: Disables gatekeeper co-operation, ii. Auto: Enables auto-discove ry of the gatekeeper iii.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 9. GateKeeper ID : To specify Gate Keeper’s ID. You'll have to reboot the system to make your changes take effect! Aliases For the most part end users will not be using these functions / features and / or should use the default settings.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 72.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 9.3 Dial Plan Settings Dial Plan Setup Using the function scroll bar on the right, you are able to Add, Delete, Find or List data to/from one of 3 tables (While it may appear that there are 5 tables, Remote Destination IP, Remote_Host_ Nam e, and Local_Destination Channel are all part of the Destination Table).
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 74 From this window, we can Add / Dele te / Find or List desired telephone numbers and map them to a hunt group. Parameter Description Telephone Number Telephone number to match. This is only part of the total dialed string. Hunt Group ID For each hunt group ID, y ou need to assign it a unique identifier between 0 and 99.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 75 From this window, we can Add / Delete / Find or List the desired hunt group ID and map it to a destination ID. Destination ID Table 1. From Navigat ion Bar, Select Dial Plan Settings / Di al Plan Table Setup. 2. The default values are Add and Telephone .
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 76 Each telephony port of the TVP-224HR mu st be assigned a unique destination ID. Fill out the worksheet for local destinations by designating each port a unique destination ID, 9.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 77 and a remote phone rings without digits be ing dialed. This is a useful tool for customer requirements such as: • The provision of an Off-Premises eXtension (OPX) from a private branch exchange (PBX).
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 78 DRAM – Everytime you make an entry into the Address Table, Hunt Group Table or Destination ID table, you have to Click on Complete.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 79 Total Time The total amount of time you have to enter a telephone number (Default 30000ms) First Digit Wait Time The amount of time you have to enter your first digit (Defa.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 80 3. Retype New Password Telnet Access 1. Select On or Off 2. Click on OK 3. Reboot Interface Speed 1. Select AUTO, 10 MB Full-Duplex or 100 MB Full-Duplex 2. Click on OK 3. Reboot 9.1 1 Channel S t atus System status on all Channels in Table format 9.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 10 Chapter 10 Making Calls with TVP-224HR This chapters shows how to make phone call s from telephony devices connected to the TVP-224HR directly through or indi rectly. 10.1 Configuration Examples Default Dial Plan Before any configuration set up, y our TVP-224HR should have the following basic default information.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 82 Hint You may also check t he LED indicators on the TVP-224HR. When it rings, the related LED should fl ash. After you pick up the handset, it shoul d remain on and off when t he phone is on hook. Now let’ s test your TVP-224HR that is equipped with 2 FXO interfaces.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide Operation: 1. Pick up this analogue telephone set. You should be able to hear the dial tone provided by the TVP-224HR. 2. The corresponding green LED will light up when the telephone set is picked up. For Example: If the telephone set is connected to the second port of FXS.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide Draw an application diagram to illustrate / clarify application including: 1. Local gateway: IP setup 2. Local gateway: local telephone number setup 3.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 85 in Taiwan (Local Area Code have 2 digits) and GW B is in the US (Local Area Codes have 3 digits). Gatew ay A, 4 ports, is configured as follows: 1. Gateway A IP:, mask IP: 255. 255.255.0, gateway IP (virtual IP) 2.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide The following screen shots show an example for entering a dial plan for a single number. This example should give you the nec essary insight as to how to enter the rest of the Dial Plan. If you still have di fficulty understanding the dial plan and entering data, please reference the User Manual for more examples.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 87 1. Continue entering the Gateway A Dial Plan as laid out in the tables below (Telephone Table, Hunt Group Table and Destination Table) following the above procedures. 2. After you have entered the Dial Plan, make sure you Store Dial Plan to flash memory.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 88 3 800 4 3 3 0 None Dialing “800” calls PBX on FXO Port 0, which then dials “800”. This is an example only. Please substitute your ext# on PBX if applicable 801 5 3 3 0 None Dialing “801” calls PBX on FXO Port 0, which then dials “801”.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 89 22 2 1 22 Gateway A - Destination Table Dest ID Mode Destination 2 Local Port = 2 3 Local Port = 3 4 Local Port = 0 22 Remote Dest = TCP L The above destination table has both local destinations and remote destinations.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 90 Gateway B - Hunt Group Table Hunt Group ID Hunt Type # of Dest ID(s) Dest. ID(s) 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 3 4 2 1 4 5 2 1 4 11 2 1 11 Gateway B - Destination table Dest ID Mode Destination 2 Local Port = 2 3 Local Port = 3 4 Local Port = 0 11 H.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 91 2. GW B Line 3 LED “ON” Dial 11203 (11204, 11800, 11801) 1. Du Du is heard 2. VoIP call processing Ring back tone is heard 1.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 92 Case 3: PSTN Phone to Gateway Phone • Phone A, number 7777-1234 calling Gatew ay B phone 203 Caller Operation at Phone A Equipment Operation Receiv er Operation at GW B phone 203 Pick up phone A 1. PSTN dial tone is heard.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 93 The previous section dealt with the TVP-222H in and its configuration in a static IP environment. The following section will address the issue of Dynamic IP and the TVP-224HR deployment in such an environm ent.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide Register DDNS name for both Dynamic IPs (See Chapter 6) • is applied for TVP-224HR on site A • is applied for TVP-224HR on site B Clients used on this topology : • TVP-224HR on site A has PPPoE , and DDNS clients enabled • TVP-224HR on site B has DHCP , and DDNS clients enabled.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 95 TVP-221HTVP-224HR configuration ( ADSL PPPoE connection) on site A Web Configuration Telnet / Console Local (from a PC in same Segment ) From the Logon to the Web Configuration by Open opening your browser 1. Enter 192.168.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide Web Configuration of Dial Plan Dial Plan Settings / Dial plan Table Setup 7. Select “Add” and “Telephone 8. Enter following fields a. Telephone Number:22 b. Hunt Group ID: 22 c. Min. Digits: 2 d. Max. Digits: 5 e. Strip Length: 2 f.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 11. Enter following fields a. Hunt Group ID: 22 b. Destination ID 0: 22 12. Click on “OK” Dial Plan Settings / Dial plan Table Setup 13. Select “Add” and “DestinationID” 14. Enter the following fields a. Destination ID: 22 b.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide Default Username and Password are “admin” and “123” respectively. Web Configuration of Internet Access Internet Access / DHCP Client 3. Select “Yes” 4. Click on “Save” Router Configuration / Dynamic DNS 5. Select “Enable” 6.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide Dial Plan Settings / Dialplan Table Setup atpm req 8. Select “Add” and “Telephone atpm aadd 11 2 5 11 2 9. Enter following fields a. Telephone Number: 11 b. Hunt Group ID: 11 c. Min. Digits: 2 d. Max. Digits: 5 e. Strip Length: 2 f.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 100 10.8 Dial in PLAR (Hotline) – TVP-224HR / TVP-224HR Trendware VoIP Gateways are capable of automatically calling or forwarding an incoming call from the Internet or PSTN line onward to another rem ote destination. The following three examples illustrate these topographies: 1.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 101 Case Scenario: Outside PSTN caller near Site A wants calls automatically forwarded to extension 203 on Site B. Definition - PLAR – Private Line Auto Ring – Bat phone / Hotline which allows you to pick up phone and automatically be connected to pre-determined rem ote destination.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 102 Site A TVP Gateway configuration - FXO to FXS PLAR Telnet / Console Web Configuration Login in to Site A TVP Gateway From Console Logon to the Web Configurati on by opening your browser Enter Username “admin” Enter Password “123” 1.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide Case 6: PLAR (Hotline) FXS to FXO example 103 Site A Site B Caller on Site B could dial any Site A local PSTN numbe r FXO 201 Case Scenario: Caller on Site B FXS 203 wants to be able to pick up phone and imme diately have dial tone to Site A local PSTN.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 104 Site B TVP Gateway Configuration - FXS to FXO PLAR Telnet / Console Web Configuration Login to Site A TVP Gateway From Console 1. Logon to the Web Configurati on by opening your browser Enter Username “admin” Enter Password “123” 2.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 105 Case 7: PLAR (Hotline) FXO to FXO example FXO (201) FXO (201) Site A Site B Caller on Site A PBX could pick up any PBX extension Case Scenario: Site A PBX Extension Caller 316 wants to be able to pick up phone, dial a number and immediately have dial tone on Site B PBX, and then be able to call any Site B PBX extension.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 106 Site A TVP Gateway Configuration - FXO to FXO PLAR Telnet / Console Web Configuration Login to Site A TVP Gateway From Console 1. Logon to the Web Configurati on by opening your browser Enter Username “admin” Enter Password “123” Enter 192.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 11 Chapter 11 Telephony Connections This section discusses the special connection consideration for various environment s and situations where you can use the VoIP Gate way. 1 1.1 Port Configuration V oIP Gateway supports FXS and FXO ports.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 108 Application 1: Special FXS Connections The following diagram illustrates two dif ferent types of connections. The SITE A FXS Connection shows the normal connec tion between a gateway and telephone set (POTS) or F AX machine.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide Chapter 12 Troubleshooting Tips This section provides soluti ons for problems you may possibly encounter while instal ling and connecting your VoIP Gateway. 109 Overview This chapter covers some common problem s that may be encountered while using the TVP- 224HR and some possibl e solutions to them.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 110 Solution 2: The TVP-224HR processes the data passing through it , so it is not transparent. 1. Use the Special Applicati ons feature to allow the use of Internet applications which do not function correctly. 2. If this does solve the problem you can use the DMZ function.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide Appendix A - T echnical Specifications TVP-224HR Technical Specifications Telephony Interface Physical interface Desktop with 4 Analog Ports • Loop start 2 x FXO (RJ-11) • Loop start 2 x FXS (RJ-11) Programmable line interfaces Complex line impedance Protocols H.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 112 LED Indicators System: 2 PWR, CPU WAN: 1, LNK/ACT LAN: 4, LNK/ACT Voice: 4 In-Use/Ringing Interoperability† Microsof t NetMeeting*; Cisco AS5300, 3600; RADVISION gatekeeper; Cisco gatekeeper Input Voltage, A C 90-260 VAC, auto rang ing, 50-60 Hz Pow er Requirement 12V DC, 2.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide Console Port The console port uses a DB-9 RS-232 connector. The supplied straight through RS-232 cable connects the console port of the TVP-224HR to a console PC or terminal. Pin assignment for the port is described in the following table.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide FXO Port Pin Assignments The FXO Telephony Interface Module has 2 RJ11C/W modular jacks. The following diagram and table show the assignments of the pin for the RJ11 port.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 115 Appendix B - Connecting through Console The console port uses a DB-9 RS-232 connec tor. The supplied straight through RS- 232 cable connects the console port of the T VP-224HR to a console PC or terminal.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 116 ping 1 out of 1 pings succeeded. Console> If the ping times out, you do not have Internet Access. Please refer to the trouble shooting section of the User Manual or consult your ISP to make sure your Internet Access Dat a is correct and accurately entered into the TVP-224HR.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 117 The password can be changed from the Web Browser Administration / Password submenu page. Type in “ping”, where is your ISP provided DNS Server IP or any known Public Internet Address. The following dialogue confirms Internet Access Console>ping 168.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 118 Appendix D - CLI Commands Normal Mode Commands Command Description atpm aadd Add an entry to the address table atpm adel Delete an entry from the address table atpm afind .
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 119 net set http Turn on/off HTTP server net set wan ip Set IP address net set ip_preced Set IP precedence bits net set wan mask Set IP subnet mask net set wan speed Select Et.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 120 Appendix E - Factory Default Settings The following table lists the settings of certain parameters before the TVP-224HR is shipped. Parameter Default Setting Network PPPoe disabled DYN DNS disabled DHCP Server enabled Configured IP address 192.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 121 h323 in_fast_start Off h323 h245_tunneling Off h323 cisco_t38 Off h323 callSignalPort 1720 h323 call_name None h323 local_alert Off h323 default_dtmf H323 V2 Signal h323 gk_mode Off h323 h245_timeout 30000 h323 term_id None 1 Voice codec Preferred voice codec G.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 122 Appendix F - Wo rksheet s IP Parameters Consult your network manager to obtain a static IP address for the TVP-224HR, and the information about the IP subnet mask and the default gateway for your network. Fill out the following work sheet before configuring the TVP-224HR.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 123 Remote Destinations Each remote TVP-224HR to be reached mu st be assigned a unique destination ID. Obtain the IP addresses of the TVP-224HR at remote sites and fill out th.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 124 ATPM Hunt Group Table Several destinations may be groupe d together to form a hunt group. When an incoming phone num ber matches the phone number of the hunt group, the TVP- 224HR attempts to terminate the call at each of the destinations in the hunt group one at a tim e until a call is successfully completed.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 125 ATPM Address Table Each phone number to be recognized by th e TVP-224HR must have its first digits match an entry in the address table.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 126 Index A Address Table............................. 62 Administration............................ 78 Aliases ........................................ 70 Append Prefix ............................ 73 ATPM....................
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 127 Line Settings ............................... 77 M Max Registration Retries ............ 70 Max. Digits ................................. 73 Min. Digits ................................. 73 N NAT Call Mode.................
TVP-224HR User’s Guide Limited Warranty TRENDware warrants its products against defect s in material and workmanship, under norm al use and service, for the following lengt hs of time from the date of purchase.
TVP-224HR User’s Guide 130.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il TRENDnet TVP-224HR è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del TRENDnet TVP-224HR - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso TRENDnet TVP-224HR imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul TRENDnet TVP-224HR ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il TRENDnet TVP-224HR, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del TRENDnet TVP-224HR.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il TRENDnet TVP-224HR. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo TRENDnet TVP-224HR insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.