Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto NL-507ETTL del fabbricante Tragant
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Abstra ct This docu ment guide s you to an effic ient use of the u-cent er ANTARIS™ Edit ion GPS Eval uation softw are, an efficient and easy to us e tool for t he evaluation and test of G PS r eceivers . u-bl ox AG Zürcher strasse 68 8800 T halwil Switzerl and www.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide GPS-SW -02001-1 This software uses parts of source code developed by other companies or g roups. JPG and J PEG grap hic s import filter : Copyright © .
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Content GPS-SW -02001-1 Contents 1 Preface .......... ...... ...... .......... ...... ......... ...... ....... ......... ...... ....... ......... ...... .......... ...... ...... . .. 5 1.1 Intended Au dience .
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Content GPS-SW -02001-1 4.5.8 Histog ram View ... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ...... ........ ........ ....... ........ .. ... ....... 28 4.5.9 Devia tion Map .
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Preface GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 5 1 Preface 1.1 Intended Audience This user’s gu ide prov ides a descr iption of t he features of the u-center G PS evaluatio n software. It wil l allow GPS end us ers t o evaluate and test u-blox GPS r eceiver s for navigat ion and po sitioni ng p erform ance.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Getting Started GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 6 2 Getting Started 2.1 General Information about displayed values • Longitude and latitud e are displayed acc ording to the datum selected in th e GPS receiver (usually: WGS-84) .
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Getting Started GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 7 2.5 Configuring the Serial Co nnection u-cent er stor es th e seri al setting s wi ll us e the la st c onfig uration w hen started . How ever, w hen u-c ent er is started the first tim e, the COM port needs to be in itialized.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Getting Started GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 8 the same value, t he “C ommun icat ion Info rmatio n” ic on ch anges to r ed. Pl ease r efer to section 4 for f urther inform ation. Fig ure 3: C OM-Po rt an d Baud rate succe ssful ly d etected 2.
u-center ANTARIS™ Edition - User’s Guide Concept and Philosophy GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 9 3 Concept and Philosoph y Underst and ing th e bas ic co ncept behin d u-c enter is im port ant in order to get the high est be nefit ou t of th is powerful GPS evaluati on software.
u-center ANTARIS™ Edition - User’s Guide Concept and Philosophy GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 10 • Graphica l Views Dis play pa rame ters from the dat abas e in graphic al a form. Chart s, Hist ogr ams and eve n a Map Overlay ca n be created. Th ere are two more vie ws that m ay be us ed for st atistical perfo rmance an d an tenna pat tern a nalysis.
u-center ANTARIS™ Edition - User’s Guide Concept and Philosophy GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 11 3.2 Operating Modes u-cent er has dif ferent opera ting mode s. The m ode chan ges when yo u open or cl ose a log fil e or when you m ake an action i n the p layer.
u-center ANTARIS™ Edition - User’s Guide Concept and Philosophy GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 12 12:00:01 24 47 5 0 56 54 47 2C 30 2E 30 30 2C 54 2C 2C 4D 2C 30 2E 30 30 30 2C 4E 12:00:02 24 47 5 0 56 54 4.
u-center ANTARIS™ Edition - User’s Guide Concept and Philosophy GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 13 The example belo w shows the Run-Wind ow for a databa se limit ation of 1 hou r at an upda te rate of 1Hz (36 00 ep ochs): . ! Note For long-term observation s, it’s recommended to start re cording a log file before ana lysis begins.
u-center ANTARIS™ Edition - User’s Guide Concept and Philosophy GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 14 Sto p Re cor di ng N o F ile Ope n Stop ( Pause d ) Rec o rd (Paus ed) Pl ay (Pau s e d ) Step Pl ay Scan (P.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 15 4 Menu Struct ure 4.1 The Main F rame The Main Frame is the pr imary display screen of u- center. It disp lays all tool bar s and some of the information provided by the GPS receiv er.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 16 • Operati ng T ime: The time el apsed s ince yo u star ted u-c enter • UTC Ti me: The curre nt time sent by th e GPS receiver • Communi cation Information: Shows the acti ve COM port and baudra te.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 17 N ew… u-cente r can capture receiver o utput da ta into a logfile . Howeve r, loggi ng wil l only sta rt after Record in t he Player Menu has been sel ected. The elapse d logging time is d isplay ed in the field operat ing time .
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 18 Elemen t Name Descr iption Loc k Pr eve nts the Te xt Con sole fro m bein g upd ate d wi th ne w da t a when lo c ked . Clear All Erases all da ta in the Text Console Filter On/Off Filter unwant ed data from the data stream.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 19 Chara cter Descri pti on ^ Beginnin g of th e str ing. The ex press ion "^ A" will m atch an ‘A’ only at th e beg inning of th e string.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 20 Exampl e 2 : Sea rchi ng fo r al l GSV with the messa ge inde x of ‘ 2’ o r ‘3’ “ GSV,.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 21 Figure 19 : Binar y Console Re fer to sectio n 4.5. 1 for an explanat ion of t he icons an d text fields. 4. 5.4 M es sa ge Vi ew The Me ssage Vie w is utili zed to com munica te with t he GPS re ceive r.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 22 Elemen t Name Descr iption Lock P revents the Message View from being updated with new da t a when lo c ked . Clear All Erases the entire Mess age View. Sen d Sen ds th e c ur re nt m ess ag e t o th e GP S r ece iv er.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 23 Figure 22 : Mess age Dis play of an inp ut mes sage ! Note u-center performs some range checks on input messag es.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 24 4. 5.5 St ati s t ic Vie w All availab le GPS v alues (t ransmitte d from the G PS r eceiver or c alculat ed by u-center ) ar e d i sp lay ed .
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 25 Figure 26: Sele ct in g a new value ! Note The nu mber of d ispl ayed epochs is li mit ed to 1800 by defau lt (3 .2.5 Data base Lim ita tion). ! Note Choos ing Database E mpt y in the F ile M enu or pr essin g the But ton deletes the Table View.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 26 The exampl es b elow illu strat e 3 differ ent ty pical applicat ions Figure 28: Alt itud e as a f un ction of.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 27 Elemen t Name Descr iption Cursor The cur sor posit ion is sh own in t he low er left edge of t he u- center w indows. Clic k the right butto n mouse and hold the button d own to measur e dif ferenc es.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 28 4.5.8 His togram View Histogra m Vi ews all ow t he user t o view GPS- Data an d probab ility distri buti ons (F igur e 31) and print th e entire histogr am if des ired.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 29 Elemen t Name Descr iption Cursor The cur sor posit ion is sh own in t he low er left edge of t he u- center w indows. Clic k the right butto n mouse and hold the button d own to measur e dif ferenc es.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 30 4.5.9 Deviati on Map The Deviati on Map di splays positi ons in longi tude and latitud e rela t ive to a de f ine d refere nce pos ition .
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 31 Figure 34 : Disp layin g a posit ion 4.5. 10.1 Using Map View You can access the v iew spec ific co mmand s in tw o diff erent ways: • Using th e comm and in th e Tool Bar below the Map V iew.
u-center ANTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 32 Elemen t Name Descr iption Cursor The position of th e cursor is show n on th e lower l eft edg e of the u-center screen (Longitude, Lati tude and Pixel-Positio n).
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 33 Figure 35 : Logf ile f rom a r oad te st 4.5. 10.3 Map Calibrati on To creat e your own ma p yo u will n eed a digit ized ma p or pict ur es with orthog ona l project ion in o ne of t he fol lowing pi xel graphi cs forma ts.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 34 Exampl es: As an example we will have a clos er look at the provide d map 'world.png' an d its calibr ation file 'world .mcf'. Digital Ma p File: world.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 35 ; I N F O ; ------- ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ --- ; File: world.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 36 Figure 36: Sky Vie w Elem ent Name Descri ption Lin e ar Sel ec ts a l in ear pro je ct i on of t he Sky Vi ew.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 37 4.7 Pla yer Menu and Player Toolbar Goto Positi on The primary functio n of the Player is to d isplay previously recorded G PS data from a file. Refer to Sec t ion 4.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 38 4.8 View Menu: Docking Wind ows The Docking Windows are gra phic di splays , which p rovid e real-ti me information about the G PS receiver. These are the mos t comm only u sed win dows for u-cent er user s.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 39 Satell ite Position Displa ys th e p osition of s atelli tes in the sky Satellite Level Displays Elevation, Az.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 40 7. If ‘Pro duct ion Mod e’ is s et t o ‘seria l port with U BX pr otocol’ , chec k th e UBX pr ot ocol bau drate ( u-c enter automatica lly initia lize s it with the u-center b audrate .
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 41 4.9.2 GPS Configu ration u-cent er AE is capab le to ge t the actu al config uratio n of an ANTARIS™ based G PS re ceiver and stor e it to an ASCII text file cont aining he xadeci mal recor ds.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Menu Str uctur e GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 42 Figure 41 : Conte nt Conf igurat ion File When cl icking the “ Edit” b utto n in the GPS Conf igur ation di alog, t he Notepad edit or ope ns (st andard Windo ws softw are).
u-center ANTARIS™ Edition - User’s Guide Troubleshoo ting GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 43 5 Troubleshoo ting NMEA or UBX protocol is not av ailable i n the Message View u-center uses dy na mic link lib raries (DLL) . The installat ion prog ram will auto matically inst all the r equired DLL’ s into the u-cent er pr ogram di recto ry.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Index GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 44 A Index A Antenna Perf ormance Analysis, 35 ASCII, 5, 20, 23, 34, 41 Autobaudin g, 7, 8 Average, 9, 24, 27 B Batt ery Bac.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Lists GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 45 B Lists B.1 L i st of Fi gur es Figure 1: Start Dis play ..................... ...................................... ..................................... ................
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Lists GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 46 Figure 39 : Scre ens hot, u-cen ter GPS c onfi guration ............. ...................................... ........................... ...................................
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide Gloss ary GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 47 C Glossary MSL Hei gh t abo ve Me an Se a L ev el or Or th om et ric H eig h t HAE Height Ab ove WGS-84- Ellips oid NMEA 01 83 ASCII based standa rd data comm unica tion pro tocol used b y GPS re c ei vers.
u-center A NTAR IS™ Editi on - U ser’s Guide GPS-SW -02001-1 Page 48 Rel ated Do cum ents [1] ANTARIS™ EvalKit – Users Gu ide, Doc No GPS.G3-EK-020 01 [2] u -blox’ GPS Dict ionary - Doc No G.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Tragant NL-507ETTL è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Tragant NL-507ETTL - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Tragant NL-507ETTL imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Tragant NL-507ETTL ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Tragant NL-507ETTL, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Tragant NL-507ETTL.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Tragant NL-507ETTL. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Tragant NL-507ETTL insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.