Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto TDP-P6 del fabbricante Toshiba
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USER’S GUIDE TDP-P6 For assistance with your T oshiba projector in the United States, please visit www or contact by phone at 800-829-8318. For assistance with your T oshiba projector in Europe, please visit www .toshiba-europe.
Englis h.
3 Declar ation of C onf ormity Manufa cturer: T oshiba Co rpor ation 1-1, Shibaur a 1-Chrome, Minato- ku, T okyo, Japan W e de clare under our so le r esponsibil ity that th e TDP-P6 pr oject or confo.
4 T able of Co nten ts Introduc tion 5 Connecting a c omputer 6 Required computer conne ctions 6 Display ing a c omputer image 7 Firs t-time pro jecto r use w ith Wind ows 98 8 Adjusting t he image 10.
5 Intr oduction Y our new digit al pr ojector packs gr eat performance in to a sha pe and siz e customized for the mob ile prof essional. It fits comfortably in your laptop bag the n trans itions easi ly into your presen tatio n environm ent. It is easy to connect, easy to us e, and easy to maintai n.
6 Connecting a computer Required compute r connection s Connect the black end of the computer cable to the Compute r in connec tor on the pr ojector . Connect the blue end to the video (VGA) port on your com- puter .
7 Displa ying a computer image Remove the lens cap. Pr ess the Po w e r butto n on the top of the projector . The LED fla shes gr een. Wh en the lamp comes on , the st artup scr een is dis- played a nd the LED is stea dy gr een. I t can take a m inute for th e image to achieve full brightn ess.
8 First-time pr ojector use with Windo ws 98 The first time you connect a computer running W indows 9 8 to the projector , the computer recognizes t he pr ojector as “new har dwar e” and th e Add Ne w H a rd wa re Wiza rd ap p e a rs .
9 Skip this pag e if y ou did n ot co nnec t th e USB p ortion of the c omput er cable . The US B conn ecti on enables slid e adva nce dur ing present ations and projec tor co ntrol so ftwa re. F or W indo ws 98: • If you connected the USB cable, the Add New Har dwar e W izard appears a gain.
10 Adjusting the imag e Adjust the heigh t of the pr ojector , if nece ssary , by pres sing t he rel ease but- ton to extend the elevator foot. Position the projector t he desir ed dista nce from t he scree n at a 90 degree angle to the screen. See pa ge 38 for a tab le li sting scre en s izes and d istan ces.
11 Connecting a video de vice Standard v ideo co nnect ions Plug the S -vi deo ca ble’s c onne cto r into the S -video -out conn ector on th e video dev ice.
12 Displaying a video image Remove the lens cap. Pr ess the Po w e r butto n on the top of the projector . The LED fla shes gr een. Wh en the lamp comes on , the st artup scr een is dis- played a nd the LED is stea dy gr een. I t can take a m inute for th e image to achieve full brightn ess.
13 Adjust the zoom usi ng the tab or the fo cus usi ng the dial by rotating them until the desir ed image size and sharpness ar e produced. If the image is not sq uare, a djust th e keystone us ing the b uttons on the key- pad.
14 Shutting do wn the pr ojector By def ault, the pro jector a utoma tically display s a blan k scr een a fter no active sour ce is de tected for 30 minute s. This blank screen helps pr eserve the life of the pr ojector . The image ret urns whe n an active source is detected or a r emote or keypad bu tton is pr essed.
15 Sour ce T r oubleshoot ing Problem Solution Result No startup screen Plug po wer c able in and pr ess the po w er button . Remo ve lens ca p . Co rre c t i ma ge Only startup scr een appears Pr ess.
16 No comput er image, ju st the words “Signal o ut of range” Adjust c ompute r r efr esh r ate in Contr ol Panel>Displa y>Setting s>Advanced > Adapte r (lo cati on vari es by oper ati.
17 Ima ge fuzzy or c rop ped Set your com puter’ s displa y resolution to the na tive resoluti on of th e projector (Start>Settings> Contr o l Panel>Display>Setting s tab, select10 24x76.
18 Pr oj ecto r tr oub le shoot ing Problem Solution Result Image not sq uare A d j u s t ke y s t o n e o n key p a d Square image Edges of video imag e distorted T urn Oversca n on i n the Pic ture&.
19 Image does not fit 16:9 screen Chan ge asp ec t rat io to 1 6:9 in Picture >Aspe ct r atio menu Correct i mage Image re versed lef t to rig ht T u rn off Re ar in S ettin gs>Syst em men u Cor.
20 Pr ojec ted co lors don’ t match sour ce Adju st co lor t em pera tur e, c olo r spa ce, color contr ol, brightness, and co ntrast i n the Pict ure and Adva nced menus .
21 Still need assistance? If you still need assit ance, please contac t your a uthori zed T oshiba dealer . Lamp wo n’ t turn on, LED blinking red (pag e 14) Lamp m ust be r eplaced (pag e 35) Lamp .
22 Using the k eypad buttons Most bu ttons a r e describe d in det ail in ot her sect ions, bu t her e is an over- view of the ir func tions: Po w e r –turns the pro jector on (page 7 ) and of f (page 14). Menu –di spl ays the on-s creen menu s (pag e 27).
23 Using the remote contr ol The r emote uses tw o (2) pr ovided AAA batteries . They ar e easily installed by slidi ng th e cover of f the remot e’s ba ck, ali gning the + and - ends of the batteries , slidin g them into plac e, and th en r eplacin g the cover .
24 Using the audio T o pla y sound f rom the projecto r , conne ct your source to th e Audio In con- nector on the pr oj ector . T o adjust the v olume, use t he buttons on the keypad. T roubleshoot ing au dio If there is no soun d, check t he following : • Make sur e the audio cable is co nnected.
25 Optimizing computer images After your comput er is connected properly and the computer ’s image is on the scre en, you can optimize the i mage using t he onscr een menus. For gen- eral info rmation on using the men us, see page 27. • Adju st t he Key ston e, Cont ras t, or Bri ght ness in the Pi cture me nu.
26 Optimizi ng video im ag es After the video device is con nected pr operly and the image is on t he scr een, you can optimize the image using the onscreen menus. For general informa- tion regarding menu usage, see page 27. • Adjust the K eystone , Con trast, Brig htness , Colo r , or T int in the Pic tur e menu.
27 Using the menus T o open the menus, pr ess the Menu button on the keypa d. (The menus a uto- matica lly close a fter 60 seconds if no bu ttons ar e pressed.) The Ma in menu appears. Use the arrow butto ns to move up and do wn to h ighl ight the desir ed su bmenu, then pre ss the Se le ct button.
28 Picture menu T o adjust the fol lowing five sett ings, hi ghlight the sett ing, pr ess Select , use the up and down arro ws to adjust the values, then press Selec t to con firm the c hange s. Ke y s t o n e : adju sts t he imag e vert ical ly and make s a square r imag e.
29 Presets : The pr ovide d Pr esets optimize the pr ojector for displaying com- puter pr esent ations, fi lm images, and vide o images. (Film inpu t is mat erial original ly captu r ed on a fi lm camer a, like a movi e; video input is materi al original ly captu red on a v ideo camer a, like a TV sh ow or s porting ev ent.
30 Advanced menu Sharpness : (video sources only) cha nges the clarity of the edges of a video image. Select a sharpne ss sett ing. Color S pace.
31 Settings menu Audio : allow s volum e adjus tments. Y ou can also adjust volume fr om the keyp ad..
32 Screen Sav e : auto matical ly bla nks the screen wi th a bl ack col or aft er no si g- nals are detected for a preset number of minutes (th e default is 30 minutes). The image return s when an a ctive source i s detected or a r emote or keypa d button is pr essed.
33 Languag e : allow s yo u to s elec t a la ngu age f or t he on screen dis pla y of menus and messages. Ser vice : to use these fe atures , highligh t them and pr ess Select . Fa c t o r y R e s e t : restor es all settings (except La mp Ho urs) to their defa ult after di splayin g a confi rmation dialog b ox.
34 Maintenance Cleaning the lens 1 Apply a non -abrasiv e camer a lens cleaner to a soft, dr y cloth . A void using an exce ssive a mount of c leaner , and don’t apply the cleaner dire ctly to the len s. Abra sive clea ners, solvents or othe r harsh chemic als might sc ra tch the lens.
35 Replacing the projection lamp The lamp hour timer in the About menu counts the number of hours the lamp has been in use. Fifty h ours befor e the specified end of the la mp’s life, the message “ Chang e lamp” briefly appears on the scr een at ea ch startup.
36 W ARNINGS : • T o avoid bu rns, allow the pr ojector to cool for at least 60 minutes befor e you r eplace the lamp . • Do not dr op the lamp modu le. The g lass ma y shatter and c ause inj ury . • Do not touch the glass lamp screen. Fingerprin ts can obscure proje ction sharpnes s.
37 Appendix Accessories F or assistance with this pr ojector For assi stance wit h your T oshiba pr ojector in t he United S tates, please visit www .toshiba .com /tac p or contac t by pho ne at 80 0-84 6-667 2. For assi stance w ith y our T oshiba pr ojector i n Eur ope, plea se vis it www .
38 Red LE D Beh a vior an d Projector Errors If the pr ojector is not function ing prope rly and the r ed LED is blin king, con- sult Ta b l e 2 to determine a possible cause.
39 A About 32 Aspect Ratio 32 audio 24 Audio In co nnect or 6, 11 audio vo lume 13 Auto Im age 3 2 Auto Pow er 31 B Blan k 32 blinkin g green 1 4 blinkin g red 14 Brightn ess 10 C cleaning the lens 34.
40 M Main menu 27 menu system 27 Mute 32 N no computer image 16 no star tup screen 15 O only sta rtup scre en appea rs 15 P Picture menu 28 Power button 12 power cable 6, 11 Power Save 31 presentatio .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Toshiba TDP-P6 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Toshiba TDP-P6 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Toshiba TDP-P6 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Toshiba TDP-P6 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Toshiba TDP-P6, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Toshiba TDP-P6.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Toshiba TDP-P6. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Toshiba TDP-P6 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.