Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Limitorque MX Device Net Field Unit del fabbricante Thomas & Betts
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Experience In Motion USER INSTRUCTIONS Installation Operation Maintenance Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 2 Li mi to rq ue M X De vi ce Ne t Fi el d Un it I ns ta ll at io n an d Op er at io n Ma nu al ©20 05 C opyr ight Flo wserve .
3 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 Contents Dec lara tion of Devi ceNe t Co nfor manc e – ODV A Cer tific atio n 5 Abb revi atio ns 6 1 Intro duct ion 7 1.1 Pur pose 7 1.2 How to Use this Man ual 7 1.3 Use r Sa fety 7 1.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 4 4.5 .1 Dev ice Shut down Mes sage 32 4.6 Con figur atio n Co nfirm atio n 3 2 4.6 .1 Che ckin g Co nnec tion s 3 2 4.6 .2 Vie w Se ttin gs 3 2 5 View Devi ceNe t St atus 3 3 5.1 Che ckin g th e No rmal Dis play 3 4 5.
5 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 De cl ar at io n of D ev ic eN et C on fo rm an ce – OD V A Ce rt ifi ca ti on Declaration of Conformity to the DeviceNet™ Specification DeviceNet and the DeviceNet CONFORMANCE TESTED logo mark and wor d marks are trademarks of ODVA.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 6 Ab br ev ia ti on s CIP Comm on I ndus tria l Pr otoc ol CAN Cont roll er A rea Netw ork COS Chan ge o f St ate ODV A Ope n De vice Net Ve ndor Ass ocia tion UCM M Unc onne cted Mes sage Man ager NV -RO Non- Vol atil e Re ad O nly .
7 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 1 In tr od uc ti on 1. 1 Pu rpo se Thi s ma nual exp lain s ho w to ins tall and ope rate the Lim itor que MX™/ Devi c.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 8 CAU TION : Di rect s th e us er’ s a tten tion to gene ral prec auti ons that , if not fol lowe d, c ould res ult in per sona l in jury a nd/o r eq uipm ent dama ge.
9 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 T able 1.1 – Ne twor k sp ecifi cati ons Netw ork Size Up t o 63 Node s Netw ork Lengt h Sele ctab le en d-to -end ne.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 10 2 Sy st em C om po ne nt s 2. 1 In tro du cti on Thi s se ctio n gi ves an o vervie w of the com pone nts used in the Devi ceNe t sy stem . Th e fie ld u nit is ins tall ed i n ea ch M X ac tuat or .
11 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 The MX feat ures inc lude : Non -int rusi ve s etup Sep arat ely seal ed t ermi nal cham ber Pat ente d ab solu te e nc.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 12 2.2 .3 Hard war e i nte rface The Dev iceN et L imit orqu e In terfac e is com pris ed o f a mini mum of o ne P CB w ith two inte rfaces - O ne for the Dev iceN et T erm inal Blo ck c onne ctor and one for the SMT Mai n Bo ard.
13 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 T able 2.3 – T otal cabl e le ngth bet ween rep eate rs o r no des: Netw ork Size 125 KBPS 250 KBPS 500 KBPS Thic k T.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 14 Fig ure 3.1 – Ne twor k ca ble conn ecti on t o te rmin al b lock NOT E: R ecom mend ed D evic eNet cab le i s Be lden 308 4A o r eq ual. 121 ohm , ¼ W +/ -1% term inat ion res isto rs m ust be c onne cted at each seg ment end .
15 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 NOTE : Gr ound each segm ent of th e ca bling at only one point to preve nt g round loo ps, w hich can affe ct sy stem perfor manc e. V eri fy th e ac tuato r is prop erly grou nded .
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 16 4 Ob je ct M od el D ia gr am Fig ure 4.1 – Ob ject Mod el o f De vice Net Limi torq ue I nterfa ce 4.
17 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 An outp ut i s a sign al p rodu ced at t he P LC a nd s ent to t he a ctua tor via the net work .
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 18 T able 4.4 – Ou tput Ass embl y In stan ce 1 02 Asse mbly Obje ct Inst ance ID Data Comp onen t Name Clas s .
19 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 T able 4.7 – In put Asse mbly Ins tanc e 10 5 Asse mbly Obje ct Inst ance ID Data Comp onen t Name.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 20 T able 4.9 – In put Asse mbly Ins tanc e 10 7 Asse mbly Obje ct Inst ance ID Data Comp onen t Name Clas s In.
21 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 4.2 .1 DI_P osi tio n_a nd_ Bus _Mo de_ Cha n T able 4.12 Va lue De finiti on 0x21 Remo te + Open ed 0x22 Remo te + Cl.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 22 T able 4.16 – P ossi ble valu es o f DI _Act uato r_Fa ults _1_C han Va lue De finiti on 0x01 Moni tor Relay 0x02 Va lve Jamme d 0x.
23 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 T able 4.20 – P ossi ble valu es o f DI _Act uato r_Al arms _Cha n Va lue De finiti on 0x01 Lo cal E SD A ctive 0x02.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 24 T able 4.25 DO_E SD_ Poll_ Cnxn Attr ibut e 21 Ctrl _Sta tus_C han Attr ibut e 20 Bit 2 DO_E SD_ Bit_ Stro be_Cn xn At.
25 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 4.2 .14 DI_ Act uat or_ Fau lts _3_ Cha n T able 4.30 Bit 7 – Bit 4 Bit 3 B it 2 B it 1 Bi t 0 Rese rved Low Batt ery Indi cati on Inte rboa rd Powe r Fa ult Inte rboa rd Comm unic ation Fau lt Limi guar d Fau lt 4.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 26 T able 4.3 1 – C onti nued Attr ibut e ID Acc ess R ule Na me Data T ype Desc ript ion o f Attr ibut e Seman tics of V alue 21 Get/Se t (V -RW) DO_E SD_ Poll _Cnx n BOOL Comm and emer - genc y sh utdow n from Poll Con necti on Sect ion 4.
27 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 T able 4.3 2 – C onti nued Attr ibut e ID Acc ess R ule Na me Data T ype De scri ption Se manti.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 28 T able 4.3 2 – C onti nued Attr ibut e ID Acc ess R ule Na me Data T ype De scri ption Se manti cs o f V a.
29 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 T able 4.34 Bit 15 - 11 Bit 10 - 9 Bit 3 Unus ed Sca ling 0 = 0 – 100 1 = 0 – 255 2 = 0 -4 095 3 = Rese rved Unus ed 4.4 .1 Iden tit y O bje ct Ins tan ce Att rib ute s T able 4.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 30 Int erna tion al P rodu ct N ame (Att ribu te I D 13 ) Sem apho re ( Attr ibut e ID 14) are not sup port ed b y De vice Net Limi torq ue I nterfa ce.
31 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 Fail edT ests De vice Net L imit orque Int erface O ne o r mor e of the foll owing err ors h ave been dete cted duri ng s elf-t est of th e De viceN et Limi torq ue In terfac e e.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 32 NOT E 1: At boot tim e of the Dev iceN et L imit orqu e In terfac e th e va lues sto red in n on-v olat ile memo ry are use d. T he S MT M ain Boar d co uld at a ny t ime send new val ues via SPI.
33 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 4.4 .5 Disc ret e O utp ut Poi nt Obj ect – Cla ss ID 9 ( 09 he x ) The Dis cret e Ou tput Poi nt O bjec t is use d to pro vide an inte rface to a sub set of t he d iscr ete outp uts of the MX.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 34 T able 4.41 – A nalo g Ou tput Poi nt O bjec t Inst ance ID Cha nnel Inte rfac e Obj ect Sour ce 1 Instan ce A ttrib ute 19 AO_An alog _Outp ut_C HAN 4.4 .8 MAC ID The MX- Devi ceNe t un it m ay h ave the MAC ID s et b y on e of two dif fere nt m etho ds.
35 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 The Dev ice Hear tbea t Me ssag e is tri gger ed b y th e Id enti ty O bjec t In stan ce A ttri bute Hea rtbe at I nterva l (At trib ute ID 1 0).
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 36 4.6 .2 View Se tti ngs Ref er t o Bu llet in L MAIM 1306 /230 6, M X In stal lati on a nd O pera tion Man ual to a cces s th e “V IEW SET TING S” m enu. V erif y th e se ttin gs a s fo llow s: 5 Vi ew D ev ic eN et S ta tu s Fig ure 5.
37 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 The dev ice has not comp lete d th e se lf t est yet. The dev ice may not be p ower ed, look at Modu le S tatu s Di spla y . "ON LINE " = Devi ce i s on -lin e bu t ha s no con nect ions in the esta blis hed stat e.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 38 5. 2 ED S F il e The Dev iceN et L imit orqu e In terfac e ca n be con figur ed u sing Roc kwel l Au toma tion RSN etW orx f or Dev iceN et a nd a n ED S-Fi le. T abl e 5. 1 sh ows a li st o f al l su ppor ted para mete rs.
39 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 7. CLO SE I NHIB IT m ust be c onfig ured for des ired fun ctio n an d pr oper ly w ired . 8. Rem ote cont rol is n ot s elec ted if n ot i n us e. P rope rly wire d if sel ecte d.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 40 Do not touc h th e su rface of t he p rint ed c ir cuit boa rd, the conn ecto rs, or t he c ompo nent s wi th c ondu c- tiv e de vice s or wit h yo ur h ands . Alw ays plac e th e co mpon ent or b oard int o an ant i-st atic pro tect ive bag for tran spor tati on o r st orag e.
41 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 10 W ir in g Di ag ra m Fig ure 10.1 – T ypica l M X De vice Net wiri ng d iagr am ( 18-4 99-0 038- 3) DEVICENET BOAR.
Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05 42.
43 Limitorque MX DeviceNet Field Unit FCD LMENIM2328-00 – 11/05
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Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Thomas & Betts Limitorque MX Device Net Field Unit è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Thomas & Betts Limitorque MX Device Net Field Unit - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Thomas & Betts Limitorque MX Device Net Field Unit imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Thomas & Betts Limitorque MX Device Net Field Unit ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Thomas & Betts Limitorque MX Device Net Field Unit, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Thomas & Betts Limitorque MX Device Net Field Unit.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Thomas & Betts Limitorque MX Device Net Field Unit. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Thomas & Betts Limitorque MX Device Net Field Unit insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.