Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CHB1-50N del fabbricante Thermo Products
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i I. SAFETY INFORMATION This and the following pag e contain repr oductions of the various warning and instruction labels placed on the Thermo Pride Condensing Gas Furna ces.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. ii This and the previous pag e contain reproduc tions of the various warning a nd instruction labels placed on the Thermo Pride Condensing Gas Furna ces. Please rea d and comply with the contents of these l abels.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. iii The following saf ety i nfor ma tion shou ld be rea d, un derstood, and f ollow ed by t he in sta ller. 1. Use only w ith ty pe of gas approved for th is fu rnace.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. iv : The CH B1/CDB1 f ur na ce m o dels are sealed combusti on desi gn, wh ich does not r equir e an ai r shutter a d justme nt ( air shutters a re not used ) for pro per fla me cha racteristi c s.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. v INDEX SECTION BEGINNING PAG E I. SAFETY INFORMATION i II. FURNA CE SPEC IFICA TIONS 1 III. GENERAL INSTAL LA TION 5 A. CODES A ND CLEA RANCES 5 B. FURNACE LOC ATION 6 B1.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 1 II. FURNACE SPECIFICAT IONS CHB 1 SERIES MO DEL NO. CHB1 - 50 CHB1 - 75 CHB1 - 100 C HB1 - 125 BTU/HR INPUT 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 BTU/HR OUTPUT 47,000 72,000 94,000 116,000 HT.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 2 CDB1 SERIES MO DEL NO. CDB1 - 50 CDB1 - 75 CDB1 - 100 CDB1 - 125 BTU/HR INPUT 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 BTU/HR OUTPUT 47,000 70,000 94,000 116,000 HT.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 3 INSTALLAT ION PARTS PACKAGES - CHB1 - 50/75 PARTS PACKAGE #S00S4405/4406 DESCRIPTIO N PART # QUANTITY 2- 3/8.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 4 Drai n hose gro mm et 350446 1 Sprin g cla m p, 11/16” 300299 3 Installation notice MG - 987 1 PVC tee assem bly , 2 x 3” dia.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 5 #8 x ½ TEK screw s f or mounting 2 x 4 J - box 300208 2 #10 - 32 x ½ gr een gro und screw 300109 1 #10 - 32 hex nut 300110 1 3/16” dia.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 6 2. The BT U output capacity of the furn ace proposed for installation should be based on a h eat loss calcu lation made according to the m anuals provid ed by the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) or ASHRA E.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 7 4. This furn ace mu st be connected to a drain i n accordance w ith th ese ins tructions. If it is n ot practical to connect the un it to a drain, a condensate pu mp m us t be used and can be ordered as an acc essor y, part nu m ber 350225.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 8 Figure 1 The horizontal fu rnace inst allation sh ould be on a service platf orm larg e enough to allow for proper clearances on all sides and serv ice access to the f ront of th e furnace (See Ta ble 1).
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 9 D. General Requirem en ts For Venting Models CHB1 / CDB1 The CHB1 / CDB1 furnace ven ting sy stem mu st be inst alled by a qual ified servi ce person in accordance w ith l ocal install ation codes and thes e instru ctions.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 10 intake s yst ems mu st be considered. T his includes all elbow s, or equivalen t pipefittings , used inside the furnace jacket in addition to thos e used to constru ct the terminati o n.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 11 NOTICE: The fu rnace m o del seri es CHB 1 / CDB1 m ay be vented either through the sidewall or the roof. For sidewall instructions, continue to the following s ection.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 12 Figure 3: Typi cal Rel ative Loc ations of Direct Ve nt Term ina tions When Sidew all Venting 3.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 13 Figure 4: NFGC Minim um Cleara nces Betw een the Vent Term inal and Various Buildi ng Features 4 .
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 14 : Bus hes, shr ubs, or any vege tation that may restr ict the flow of flue produc ts must be kept away fr om vent and air intake ter m inat ions.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 15 2. Measure and cut two (2), 2 - inch diameter thermoplastic pipes 1 - 1 /2 inches l onger tha n the dep th of the wall. (Cuttin g the pipe longer leaves a ¾ i nch connection allow ance at both ends of th e pipe.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 16 Figure 6: Optional Direct Vent Kits for the CHB1 / CDB1 M odel Series of Furnac es G.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 17 H. Exhaust / Inta ke Piping And Condensat e Drain Connec t ions At Furnace 1.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 18 Figure 7: Required Exhaust V e nt and Air Intake Piping f or CDB1 F urnace in Dow nflow Appl ic a tions.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 19 Figure 8: Required Exhaust V e nt and Air Intake Piping f or CDB1 F urnace in Hor iz ontal Applica t ions. 2. Connec ting The E xhaust Vent T o T he Induc er a.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 20 NOTICE: F or models CDB 1 - 100 and C DB1 - 125 used in h orizontal app licati ons, im mediately transition from 2 - inch to 3 - inch diameter pipe by installing the 3 - inch x 2 - inch diam eter P VC reducer just outside th e furnace casing .
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 21 PVC tee). Couple the drain t ee assem bly to the pre - cut 2 - inch diam eter P VC pipe using the rein forced rubber h ose and th e two (2) ban d clamps supplied.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 22 DO NOT! SILICONE OR SEAL THIS CONNECTION IN ANYWAY. MUST BE LOOSE FIT WITH LEAKAGE BETWEEN PVC AND METAL COLLAR. Figure 12: Typical Internal Air Intak e Piping Arrangement for All Furnace Models d.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 23 Figure 1 5. Condensat e Trap Assembly Mounted O n the Mo del Series CDB1 In a Downf lo w Applicat i o n Figure 16. Conde nsate T rap Assembly Mo unt ed On The Mo del Series CDB1 In RH Side Horizo ntal Application 2.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 24 NOTICE: On t he m o d el series CHB1 / CDB1 the condensate disposal line must be on the sam e s ide as the flue outlet or, in the case of a horizo ntal application, the bo tto m o f un it.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 25 6. A condens ate pump may be required when, • a suitable drain is not p r e se nt, • the drain is above t he trap outlet lev el on the furnace, or • the drain line cannot be slop ed downw ard its full len gth to the drain.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 26 Figure 18 2. A drip leg must be used on both LP and natural gas installations prior to the furnace in order to tra p oil, condensate and o ther impurities which m ight otherwise lodge in the gas va lve or p lug the bur ner or ifice.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 27 4. If the fu rnace is used in conn ection w ith an air condition ing evaporator coil, the f urnace m ust b e in stalled parallel wi th or on the upstream side of the coil, to prevent condens ation in the heat ex changer.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 28 DUCT SIZES FOR HO MES, QU IET O FFICES, O R SIMILAR INSTALLATIONS TAB LE 2 A Each of the sy s tem compone nts.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 29 K. FILTER S 1. CHB1 MODELS: HIG HBOYS It is necess ar y to cut the return air openin g in the bottom or si de casing dependi ng upon the needs o f the specific installation.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 30 Figure 20 3. USE OF NON - THERM O PR ID E F ILTER RETENTION M EANS If a m ethod other than the Therm o Pride .
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 31 FORMULA : (tons of cooling ) x (400 CFM per t on) (144 square i nches per foot) = f ilter area sq.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 32 Anticipators for the heating opera tion are o f two types, pre - set and adjustable. Those that ar e pre - set will not have an adjustmen t scale and are generally marked accordingly .
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 33 BLOWER DELAY SETTINGS To del ay fan turn - on by : Set Swi t ch #1 #2 15 sec. 30 sec. *45 sec. 60 sec, Off Off Off On On Off On On To del ay fan turn - off by: Set Swi t ch #3 #4 60 sec.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 34 START TRIA L FOR IGNIT ION START CONTINUOUS SAFE OPE RATION CHECK IF FL A M E SIM U LATIO N CO N D ITION PRES.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 35 MAI N BURNER OPERATION END OF CY CL E C ALL FOR H EAT SATISF IED AF TER DELAY - TO-FAN-ON PER IOD ENDS, CIRCUL ATING AI R FAN IS ENERGI ZED AT HEA T ING SPEED .
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 36 B. INI TIA L START UP: This furnace does not have a pilot. It is eq uipped with a hot surface ign iter, which autom a tic a lly lights the burner . Do not attempt to light the burner by hand.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 37 FORMULA : B TU/CU FT X NUMBER OF CU FT X 360 0 SECONDS = INPUT BT U/HR EAMPL E: 1025 BTU/CU FT X 2 CU FT X 3600 = 98,633 BTU INPUT 74.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 38 Figure 22 : The CH B1/CDB1 f ur na ce m o dels are a n in - shot burne r design, w hich does not require an ai r shutter a d justme nt ( air shutters a re not used ) for pro per fla me cha racteristi c s.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 39 V. INSTALLER 'S INSTRUCTION S TO USER: After completing the ins tallation, the installer shall inform and/or demonstrate to the homeowner: 1.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 41 T R OUB LES H OOT I N G GU I DE T HE S YSTEM I S ST A RT E D BY SETTI NG T HE THERMOSTA T TO C A L L FOR HEA T . THE FO L LOW I NG SHOULD HELP ESTA BL I SH THE T Y PE OF MA LFUNCTI O N OR DEV IA T I O N FRO M THE NORMA L OP ERA TI ON.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 42 CH ECK W IR ING T O IND UCE R AN D IF O K, RE PLACE INDUC ER ASS EM BLY. AFTE R HOT SU RFACE IGNI TOR W AR M-UP, DO ES GAS VA LVE OPEN ? CH ECK W IR ING T O HO T S URFACE IGNIT OR AN D IF O K, RE PLACE HO T SURFA CE IGNIT OR ASS EMBLY.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 43 CH ECK FO R PRO PER MANIFOLD P RESSU RE. No Yes Yes Yes AFTER G AS VALVE O PENS, DO T HE BUR NER S I G NIT E? ADJUS T T O 3.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 44 DOES SYST EM RUN UNT I L T HERMOST AT I S SATISFIED? CH ECK AL L W IRIN G FOR LOOSE C O NNEC T I ONS . CH ECK FOR SHORT I N W I RE T O TH ERMOST A T AND CORRE CT IF NECESSARY.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 45 Y es TR OU BLESHO OTIN G C OM PLETE. Y es IF LED LIGH T FLA SHES: 1 FLASH , TH EN PAUSE SYSTEM L OCKO UT 2 FL.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 46 Appen dix – A Replacem ent Parts List 1. Replacem ent parts list for CHB1 - 50, CHB1 - 75, CHB1 - 100 and CHB1 - 125.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 47.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 48 2. Replacem ent parts list for CDB1 - 50, CD B1 - 75, CDB1 - 100 and CDB1 - 125.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 49.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 50 Appen dix – B W iring Di a grams.
All in stallati ons and services must b e performed b y quali fied serv ice personn el. 51.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Thermo Products CHB1-50N è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Thermo Products CHB1-50N - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Thermo Products CHB1-50N imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Thermo Products CHB1-50N ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Thermo Products CHB1-50N, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Thermo Products CHB1-50N.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Thermo Products CHB1-50N. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Thermo Products CHB1-50N insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.