Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 630 del fabbricante The First Years
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INSTRUCTION MANUAL W ARNING • Failure to use this Convertible Seat properly increases the risk of serious injury or death in a sudden stop or crash. • Do no t ins tall or us e thi s Con verti ble S eat u ntil you h ave read and understood the instructions in this manual.
Dear Parents, Thank you for p urcha sing T he Fi rst Y ears C630 True Fit . We hope that it will make your baby’s travel safer , easier , and more comfortable. We believe the True Fit is the easiest Convertible Seat to use. We do more testing than most companies to make it as safe as possible.
2 Section 2 - T able Of Contents Section 1 Introduction ................................................ 1 Section 2 T able Of Contents ..................................... 2 Section 5 Convertible Seat Parts .............................. 9 Section 4 Use Recommendations .
3 Section 2 - T able Of Contents Section 9 Additional Information ............................ 50 Section 8 Safety Checklist/Safe Practices ............. 48 Section 7 Installation and Use 7.14 Seat Insert Use..................................... 7.15 Harness Length Adjustment.
• Failure to follow these instructions and Convertible Seat labels can result in injury or death to a child from striking the vehicle’ s interior during a sudden stop or crash.
• Direct sunlight can make Convertible Seat surfaces hot enough to burn your child. Use caution and check the vehicle and Convertible Seat on hot, sunny days. • NEVER leave child unattended under any circumstance • DO NOT use this Convertible Seat if it has been in a crash.
Section 4 - Use Recommendations The First Years advises parents that children should use a child restraint with a built-in harness system until they exceed the weight or height limits specified by the manufacturer .
Section 4 - Use Recommendations C630 True Fit Convertible Seat R e a r F a c i n g Use Requirements: This child restraint, with the upper seatback installed in a rear facing position, is designed for use by children whose: - Weight is between 5 and 35 lbs (2,3 and 15,88 kg), and - Head is 1 inch below the top o f the seat .
Section 4 - Use Recommendations C630 True Fit Convertible Seat F o r w a r d F a c i n g Use Requirements: This child restraint, with the upper seatback installed in a forward facing position, is designed for use by children whose: - Weight is between 23 and 65 lbs (10,43 and 29 kg), and - Heig ht is 50 i nches (127 cm) or le ss.
Section 5 - Convertible Seat Parts Removable Upper Seat Back Head Bolster Harness P ads Chest clip Seat/Lumbar P ad 5pt Buckle Harness T ension Adjuster Drink Holder 9 Lower Anchor Connectors.
Section 5 - Convertible Seat Parts Recline F oot Drink Holder Instructions Holder Upper Seat Back Release Harness Height Adjustment Release Removable U pper Seat Back T op T ether 10 Lower Anchor Conn.
S e c t i o n 6 - S e l e c t i n g A V e h i c l e S e a t i n g L o c a t i o n W ARNING DEA TH or SERIOUS INJURY can occur 11 • O n l y use this Convertible Seat with the vehicle’s seat belts or LA TCH System. • DO NOT use this Convertible Seat with vehicle seat belts mounted to the vehicle door o r door frame.
12 Use Of T rue Fit Convertible Seat Child Restraint In Conjunction With Side Airbags T o determine the types of side impact air bag(s) your vehicle may have for individual seating positions, please refer to your own er ’s manual .
S e c t i o n 6 - S e l e c t i n g A V e h i c l e S e a t i n g L o c a t i o n 3 . V ehicle Seats: DO NOT use th is Converti ble Se at with the following v ehicle seats: Seats Which Face Sides Of V ehicle Seats Which Face Rear Of V ehicle Rear Seats Of Small Extended Cab Pickup T rucks NO NO NO 4 .
4 . V ehicle Seat Belt Systems: 14 S e c t i o n 6 - S e l e c t i n g A V e h i c l e S e a t i n g L o c a t i o n Pa ss iv e R es tr ai nt s Mo to ri ze d Sh ou ld er Be lt Pa ss iv e R es tr ai nt s La p O r S ho ul de r Be lt Mo un te d O n Fr on t D oo r NO NO DO NOT use t his Co nvertible seat with the following vehicle seat belts.
S e c t i o n 6 - S e l e c t i n g A V e h i c l e S e a t i n g L o c a t i o n What is LA TCH? LA TCH is a new system for attaching the child restraint to your vehicle seat. LATCH connects a child restraint to your automobile without using a seat belt.
S e c t i o n 6 - S e l e c t i n g A V e h i c l e S e a t i n g L o c a t i o n 16 Ceiling mount Rear Package Shelf Pick up T ruck Floor Mounts V ehicle With Reinforced Seats LA TCH - T op T ether Anchor Locations LA TCH - Lower Anchor Attachment Points This child restraint is equipped with lower anchor and top tether connectors.
S e c t i o n 6 - S e l e c t i n g A V e h i c l e S e a t i n g L o c a t i o n Lower Anchor T o p T ether Maximum Child Weight for LA TCH Lo wer Anchor 48lbs (21kg) T op T ether 48lbs (21kg) Use the vehicle’s seat belt for children weighing more than 48 lbs.
• • • Snugly adjust the b elts (Harness) provided with thi s chi ld re strai nt ar oun d you r chi ld. S nug m ean s you can not pinch webbing once buckled.
Section 7 - Installation and Use -Ensure vehicle is level. -Place this restraint in a rear seating position. T o p T ether 19 7.1 - Forward Facing Installation with Seat Belt and Top Tethe.
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7 . 1 F o r w a r d F a c i n g w i t h S e a t B e l t a n d T e t h e r I n s t a l l a t i o n L ift b ack f lap a nd pl ace har ness to si de. U nlock and lower forw ard fac ing l ock o ff. R o u t e a u t o b e l t t h r o u g h f o r w a r d f a c i n g b e l t p a t h .
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7 . 1 F o r w a r d F a c i n g w i t h S e a t B e l t a n d T o p T e t h e r I n s t a l l a tion C ont. - Enga ge th e red lock tab and p r e s s d o w n t o l o c k . L o w e r f l a p a n d s e c u r e h o o k a n d l o o p f a s t e n e r s .
Section 7 - Installation and Use Lower Anchor T o p T ether Ensure vehicle is level. Place this restraint in a rear seating position designated as lower anchor compatible. Refer to your automobile’s owner’s manual for LA TCH locations. 7.
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7.2 LA TC H - For ward Facin g Low er Anch or wi th T op T ether L ift b ack f lap a nd pl ace har ness to si de. U nlock and lower forw ard fac ing l ock o ff. R o u t e l o w e r a n c h o r s t h r o u g h f o r w a r d f a c i n g b e l t p a t h .
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7.2 LA TC H - For ward Facin g Low er Anch or wi th T op T ether R a i s e f o r w a r d l o c k o f f o v e r t h e L A T C H b e l t . Engag e the red loc k tab and p r e s s d o w n t o l o c k . L o w e r f l a p a n d s e c u r e h o o k a n d l o o p f a s t e n e r s .
Section 7 - Installation and Use T h e T r u e F i t , i n a R ea r Fa c i ng i ns t a l l a t i on w as d es i g ne d wi t h a r e m o va b l e u p pe r se a t ba c k t o a ll o w f o r a p ro p e r i n st a l l a t i o n w h en t h e up p e r s e at b a ck c om e s i n c on t a ct w it h th e fr o n t s e a t .
Section 7 - Installation and Use Ensure vehicle is level. Move recline foot to the reclined position and place this restraint in a rear seating position. Note: If needed a towel or pool noodle can be used for extra elevation and angle adjustment.
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7 . 3 R e a r F a c i n g i n s t a l l a t i o n w i t h S e a t B e l t . U nsnap the 4 fro nt sn aps a nd th e 2 s ide s naps. Li ft an d fol d ba ck pa dding . R otate red rear facin g loc k of f tow ard t he ce nter of the res train t.
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7 . 3 R e a r F a c i n g I n s t a l l a t i o n w i t h S e a t B e l t . R oute seat belt throu gh th e r e a r f a c i n g s a f e t y b e l t p a t h . P r e s s d o w n o n s e a t w i t h h a n d t o c o m p r e s s t h e a u t o m o b i l e s e a t c u s h i o n .
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7.4 Rea r Fa cing Inst alla tion wit h Low er Anch or T h e T r u e Fi t , i n a R e ar F ac i n g i n s t a l l at i o n, w as d es i g ne d wi t h a r e m o va b l e.
Section 7 - Installation and Use Ensure vehicle is level. Move recline foot to the reclined position and place this restraint in a rear seating position designated as lower anchor compatible.Refer to your automobile’s owner’s manual for LA TCH locations.
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7 . 4 - R e a r F a c i n g I n s t a l l a t i o n w / L o w e r A n c h o r U nsnap the 4 fro nt sn aps a nd th e 2 s ide s naps. Li ft an d fol d ba ck pa dding . R otate red rear facin g loc k of f, loc k tow ard t he ce nte r of the res train t.
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7 . 4 - R e a r F a c i n g I n s t a l l a t i o n w / L o w e r A n c h o r . R oute lower anch or co nnect or con necto rs th rough re ar f a c i n g s a f e t y b e l t p a t h .
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7 . 4 - R e a r F a c i n g I n s t a l l a t i o n w / L o w e r A n c h o r P r e s s y e l l o w a r m i n t o p l a c e a n d h o l d . R o t a t e r e d l o c k t o t h e l o c k e d p o s i t i o n . Y o u w i l l f e e l t h e r e d l o c k , s n a p i n t o p o s i t i o n .
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7.6 Child Placement in Restraint Place child in the restraint with the child’s back flat against the back of the restraint and the child’s bottom touching the seat. Place harness straps over the child’s shoulders.
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7.7 Selecting the Harness Height Location Rear Facing Harness Strap Height -Harness straps should be located in the nearest position at or below the shoulder . The T rue Fit has been safety tested with the height insert and head pillows that are included with this restraint.
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7.8 Shoulder Height Adjustment Shoulder Height Positions Facing Direction Position Rear 1,2 & 3 Forward 2,3 & 4 Height Adjustment Pull on yellow release handles Raise or lower to the appropriate position.
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7.10 - 5 Point Buckle T o Unlock the 5 Point Buckle Press the red button until 5 point buckle releases. Pull buckle tongues up to remove. T o Lock the 5 Point Buckle Align and insert the silver buckle tongues one at a time until the tongues lock in place.
Section 7- Installation and Use 7.1 1 Chest Clip T o Unlock the Chest Clip Squeeze center locking tabs . Pull Chest clip apart . T o Lock the Chest Clip Align locking tabs and press Chest Clip together until tabs snap into place. Note: Gently pull on Chest Clip to ensure Chest Clip is secure.
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7.12 Adjusting Harness T ension 39 T o Tighten Harness System T ension Pull on the harness tension adjuster to tighten harness straps. T ension T ip! A snug strap should not allow any slack. It lies in a relatively straight line with out sagging.
7.13 2 Position Crotch Buckle Adjustment T o change position Press the crotch buckle plunger down with fingers and move position. Fit Note: The crotch buckle should be at the crotch but not under . 7.14 Seat Insert Use The T rue Fit has been safety tested with the height insert and head pillows that are included with this restraint.
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7.15 Harness Length Adjustment T o Adjust Harness Length Unhook the harness straps from the metal plate and move to the desired adjustment.
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7.16 Recline Foot Adjustment The Recline foot has two positions. Forward Facing Upright Rear Facing Recline T o change to position of the rear facing recline foot, grasp the recline foot and move toward the desired location.
Section 7 - Installation and Use Remove the upper seat back by lifting the yellow release tab and pulling up on the upper seat back . NOTE: DO NOT store the upper seat back in the passenger compartment. Store the upper seat back in a secure location like your trunk or garage.
Section 7 - Installation and Use Installation Align the upper seat back rods and push rods into the openings until you hear or feel a click. Pull up on the upper seat back to ensure the removeable upper seat back is locked in position.
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7.19 Pad Removal & Laundering Pad Removal Unfasten the 4 elastic loops located on the bottom of the T rue Fit. Unfasten the 10 snaps located on the edge of the pad. Lift the seatback flap. Remove the upper seat back.
Section 7 - Installation and Use 46.
Section 7 - Installation and Use 7.20 Installation Pictograms Lap Belt Lap Belt Lap Belt/ T op T ether Lap / Shoulder Lap / Shoulder Lap / Shoulder w/ T op T ether Lower Anchor Lower Anchor LA TCH Low.
Section 8 - Safety Checklist/Safe Practices For assistance with installation or use, contact one of the following sources: - Learning Curve at: Phone: 1-888-899-2229 Email: - A certified Child Passenger Safety (CPS) T echnician in your area.
Section 8 - Safety Checklist/Safe Practices √ Did you read and understand these instructions and labels on the convertible car seat? √ Is the child the proper weight and height for the seat in the.
Section 9 - Additional Information Certification: This child restraint system conforms to all applicable Federal Motor V ehicle Safety Standards for use in motor vehicles. This Convertible Seat is certified for use in motor vehicles. Aircraft Use: This Restraint is Certified for Aircraft Use.
Section 10 - Care and Cleaning Removing Seat Pad: - Follow directions on page 45. Cleaning Seat Pad, Head Bolster and Height Insert: - Hand wash in cool water and mild soap. - Air dry . Cleaning Shell: - Wipe with mild solution of soap and water . A void wetting labels.
52 True Fit Notes Blank page for notes..
Keep this instruction manual for future use. Store in pocket on back of the Convertible Seat. © 2008 Learning Curve Brands 4000000630 3 08 Learning Curve Brands Attn: Consumer Services Dyersville, IA 52040 or call 1-888-899-2229 or log onto www .learningcurve.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il The First Years 630 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del The First Years 630 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso The First Years 630 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul The First Years 630 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il The First Years 630, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del The First Years 630.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il The First Years 630. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo The First Years 630 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.