Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MT5634SMI-92 del fabbricante Technics
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Embedd ed Data/Fa x Glob al Modem MT5634SMI-34 MT5634SMI-92 Serial Build Parallel Build Medical Device Build Industrial Temperature Build Developer’s Guide.
SocketModem Developer’s Guide Serial: M T5634SM I- 34, MT 5634SM I-92 Parallel: MT 5634SM I-P-92 Med ical Device: M T 5634SM I-HV-92, M T5634SM I-P- HV-92 Industrial Temperature: M T 5634SMI-ITP-92,.
SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 3 Table of Contents Chapter 1 – Product D escrip tion and Speci ficati ons ............................................................................. .6 Introduction ........................
SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 4 Sample Rat e Sel ectio n and Su ggested Compre ssion Metho d ........................................................... 62 Answer Pho ne, Play Greetin g Mess age , an d Record Me ssage Example .
SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 5 EMC, Safet y, and R &TTE Direct ive Comp lian ce .................................................................................... .8 8 New Zealand Te lecom W arning N otice ............
Chapter 1 – Pro duct Des cripti on and Specif icatio ns SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 6 Chapter 1 – P r oduct Descript ion and Specif icat ions Introduction Multi-T ech’s Socke tModem cre ates commun ication-r eady dev ices by in tegrating dat a/fax/ voice funct ionality i nto a single pro duct de sign.
Chapter 1 – Pro duct Des cripti on and Specif icatio ns SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 7 Features Matrix Model Build Option Serial Interface Parallel Interface (16C5 50) v.92/56K Max. D ata Speed V.34/33.6K Max. D ata Speed V.
Chapter 1 – Pro duct Des cripti on and Specif icatio ns SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 8 Technica l Specificatio ns a nd Featur es The Socke tModem me ets the fol lowing spec ification s: Client-to-Ser ver Data Rates Supports V.
Chapter 1 – Pro duct Des cripti on and Specif icatio ns SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 9 Power Consum ption Standard Typical: 24 5 mA (1.25 W @ 5V DC) Standby or Slee p Mode: 148 mA Max imum: 420 mA (2.1 W @ 5.25V DC) MT5634SMI-IT-92 (Industrial T emperature {3.
Chapter 2 – Mech anical Spec ificati ons SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 10 Chapter 2 – Mechanic al Specif ications Physical Dimensions – All Model s Figure 2–1.
Chapter 2 – Mech anical Spec ificati ons SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 11 Pin Configurations The MT 5634SMI SocketM odem use s a 20-pin interf ace to provide an o n-board DAA with ti p and ring connect ions, audio circuit for call-pr ogress mon itoring, LED driver for call st atus annun ciation, and serial interface.
Chapter 2 – Mech anical Spec ificati ons SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 12 indicates t o the DT E that it should not tran sfer data acr oss the int erface on TXD. 39 –DCD O Data Carrier Detect. –DCD output is ON (l ow) w hen a carrier is detect ed on the telephone line or OFF (high) w hen carrier is n ot detecte d.
Chapter 2 – Mech anical Spec ificati ons SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 13 The MT 5634SMI-P (Parallel) SocketModem uses a 22-p in interfac e to provide an on-board DAA w ith tip an d ring connect ions, audio circuit for call-pr ogress mon itoring, and paralle l interface.
Chapter 3 – Electric al Ch aracterist ics SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 14 Chapter 3 – Electr ical Character ist ic s Introduction Electrica l characterist ics for the 5V Serial So cketM odem, 3. 3V Serial Sock etModem, 5V Parallel Soc ketModem , and the 3.
Chapter 3 – Electric al Ch aracterist ics SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 15 3.3V Parallel – Standard (SMI) and Industr ial Temperature (SMI- ITP) Build Options Electrica l character istics for Pa rallel MT 5634SMI SocketModem devi ces are pres ented below .
Chapter 4 – Sock etModem Paral lel Inter face – A Program m er’s Desc ription SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 16 C ha p te r 4 – S oc ke t M o d e m P ara l le l Inter .
Chapter 4 – Sock etModem Paral lel Inter face – A Program m er’s Desc ription SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 17 FIFO Operation The 16-byte tra nsmit and r eceive dat a FIFOs are enable d by the FIFO C ontrol Regis ter (FCR) bit-0.
Chapter 4 – Sock etModem Paral lel Inter face – A Program m er’s Desc ription SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 18 Time Out Interrupts The interrupts are enab led by IER bit s 0-3. Care must be ta ken when handling th ese interrupt s.
Chapter 4 – Sock etModem Paral lel Inter face – A Program m er’s Desc ription SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 19 RBR Receive Buffer (RX FIFO) All eight bit s are used for receive channel data (host read/d ata in; host write/data out).
Chapter 4 – Sock etModem Paral lel Inter face – A Program m er’s Desc ription SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 20 FCR FIFO Control Bits 6–7: Used t o determine RX FIFO trigger levels. Bit 5: Used to detect a c hange in th e FCR.
Chapter 4 – Sock etModem Paral lel Inter face – A Program m er’s Desc ription SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 21 LSR Line Status Bit 7: Error in RX FIFO. This bit i s alway s set to 1 if at lea st one data byte in the RX FIFO has a n error.
Chapter 4 – Sock etModem Paral lel Inter face – A Program m er’s Desc ription SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 22 SCR Scratch The host progra mmer use s this regi ster for tempor ary data sto rage. DLL Divisor Latch (LSByte) This register contai ns low- order byte for th e 16-bit clo ck di vider.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 23 Chapt er 5 – A T Com m ands , S -R egisters , and R esult Codes Introduction The AT commands are used to co ntrol the oper ation of your mode m.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 24 N n Modulation H andshak e O n Return Online to Data M ode P Pulse Dial ing Q n .
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 25 AT Commands Command: A T A ttention Code Values: n/a Descripti on: T he attention code precedes all command lines ex cept A/ , A: and escape sequen ces.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 26 Command: E n Echo Comm and Mode Charact ers Values: n = 0 or 1 Default: 1 Description: E0 Do not echo key board inpu t to the t erminal.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 27 Default: 0 Descripti on: Q0 Enable result codes. Q1 Disable re sult c odes. Q2 Returns an OK for ba ckward co mpatibili ty with som e software.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 28 Command: &D n Data Termi nal Ready (DTR) Control Values: n = 0, 1, 2, or 3 Default: 2 Descripti on: &D0 M odem ignores t he true status of the DTR signa l and re sponds as if it is alw ays on.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 29 Command: &S n Data Set Rea dy (DSR) Control Values: n = 0 or 1 Default: 0 Description: &S0 DSR is alw ays high (on). &S1 DSR goes high only during a con nection.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 30 Command: K n Break Control Values: n = 0–5 Default: 5 Descripti on: Control s the respon se of the mode m to a br eak received fr om the computer, th e remote modem, or the B command .
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 31 Command: X n XO N/XOFF Pass-Through Values: n = 0 or 1 Default: 0 Descripti on: X0 Modem respo nds to and discard s XON/XO FF characters.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 32 Command: %S n Command Speed R esponse Values: n = 0, 1 Default: 0 Descripti on: %S0 Sets mode m to respon d to AT co mmands a t all nor mal speeds .
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 33 Command: +VDR=x, y Distinctive Ring Report Values: x = 0, 1 D istinctiv e Ring report c ontrol. See de scripti on. y = 0–255 M inimum rin g interval in 100 ms u nits.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 34 Command: #C BRy Callback Security Reset Values: y = 0–29 Default: None Descripti on: Clears the passw ord and pho ne number i n the y me mory locati on.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 35 V.92 Commands Command: +MS= Modulation Selection Values: See descr iption.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 36 automode An optiona l numer ic value t hat enables or disable s automati c modulati on negot iation usi ng V.8 bis/V.8 or V.3 2 bis Annex A.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 37 Command: +PMHF V.92 Modem Hook Fl ash Values: n/a Default: n/a Descripti on: Cause s the DCE to go on- hook for a specifi ed period of time, and t hen return off-ho ok for at least a spe cified peri od of ti me.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 38 Command: +PQ C=n Quick Connect Control Values: n = 0, 1, 2, or 3 Default: 3 Descripti on: Controls th e V.92 shorten ed Phase 1 a nd Phase 2 startup pro cedures (Qui ck Connect).
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 39 Command: #CBF? Callback Fail ed Attempts Display Values: n/a Default: n/a Descripti on: Reques ts the num ber of failed c allbac k passw ords since r eset or pow er-up.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 40 S-Registers Certain modem value s, or parameters, are stored in me mory lo cations called S-re gister s. Use the S command to read or to a lter the cont ents of S-r egisters ( see previou s section).
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 41 18 = 31200 bp s 19 = 33600 bp s S38 decimal 0–23 1 Sets “ downstrea m” data rate w here V.90 provid es rate s of 28,000 t o 56,000 bps i n incre ments of 1,3 33 bps.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 42 Result Codes In command mode y our modem can send re sponse s called R esult Codes to your computer. Result cod es are used by co mmunicati ons pro grams and can also appear on your monitor.
Chapter 5 – AT Com m ands, S-Regist ers, and Resu lt Codes SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 43 111 CONN ECT 49333 Connected at 4 9333 bp s 112 CONN ECT 50666 Connected at 5 06.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 44 Chapter 6 - V oic e Command s Introduction This ch apter descri bes +V com mand suppor t. The +V Comma nd standard IS-101 Voice C ontrol Int erim Standard for Asynchron ous DCE (prepar ed by the TIA Techni cal Subcom mittee TR29.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 45 Voice S-Register Summary Voice mode S-R egister c hanges are outlined be low. S-Register Description S0 Automatic an swer is d isallowed i n Voice mod e. S7 Wait for Carrier After Dial.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 46 Voice +V Commands Summary These co mmands supp ort Voice mode.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 47 Command: +FCLA SS=8 DTMF Detect Detect and Control DTMF Values: 8 ch aracters, case sen sitiv e Description: The +FCLASS=8 c ommand i s used to detec t and contro l DTM F using the procedur e below : 1.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 48 Command: +VNH=<hook><E nter> Automatic Hang-Up Contro l Values: 0, 1, 2, 3–255 Result Code s: OK if co mmand ac cepted; ERRO R if parameter out of range.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 49 Command: +VR X Enter Voice Receiv e State Values: 0, 1, 2–127, 1 28–255 Result Code s: Values (ab ove) if the modem accepts th e command; ER ROR if th e modem i s not conne cted to an off-hook Telc o line, or on e non-T elco input d evice.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 50 generates a d ual tone at 3 000 and 3300 Hz for th e default dur ation. [, 3300] mean s that the mode m generates a s ingle tone at 3300 Hz for the defa ult duration.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 51 Command: +VG T=<level> Set the Volume f or Transmitted V oice Samples Result Code s: OK if the modem accepts t he command; ER ROR if th e parameter i s out of rang e.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 52 3 LT M odem off-hook. Loc al phone c onnected to T elco. M odem conne cted to Tel co . 4 S Internal spea ker connec ted to the m odem. M odem is on-ho ok. Local p hone connect ed to Telco.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 53 Command: +VRN=<interv al> Set Ring Back Never A ppeared Timer Values: 0–10 (in 1 .0 second increments) Default: 10 Result Code s: OK if modem accep ts the command; ERR OR if the <i nterval> par ameter entere d is out of range.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 54 <cml> is u sed by the PC to select a compres sion method . The valid range of v alues is fro m 128– 256. The range of values from 0–127 i s reserved for future sta ndards.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 55 MP-LPC/Author Multi-pulse LPC LSLTCQ Least Squares Lattice Trelli s Coded Quan tization IS-101 does not make any provision s for standar d compres sion modif iers.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 56 The report f ormat is on e line per s ilence per iod, and one line per ring period. The len gth of the silence per iod is in the form C POF=<number i n units of 0 .
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 57 Interface Configuration Commands The comman ds in this section ar e used t o define the interface b etween the PC and the modem.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 58 Command: +VPR =<rate> Select DTE/DCE Int erface Rate (Tur n Off Autobaud) Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Result Code s: OK if the modem accepts t he command; ER ROR if th e <rate> val ue is out of r ange.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 59 29 Stuttered Dial T one 30 Invalid Voic e Data Format 31 Lost Data Det ected Event 32 Facsimile A nswer 33-63 Reserved f or future stan dard above 63 M anufacturer specific _____ * Further stu dy required f or final spe cificatio n.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 60 Voice Mode Shielded Codes These code s can b e sent in ei ther Command mode or Data mode. T he DCE may re turn the eve nt detectio n reports after th e OK result code from th e +FCLASS command.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 61 d (64) Event Numb er 20 (DIALT ONE). May be repeatedly sent. K (4B) Event Number 21 (Reorder/Fast Bu sy). F (46) Event Number 22 (V.21 Chann el 2 7E flag s). u (75) Event Numb er 23 (T ransmit Buffer Und er run).
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 62 Sample Sessions This section pr ovides voic e m ode Send/R eceive hands haking ex am ples. Sample Rate Selection and Suggested Compress ion Method Command Response AT+VSM =? The PC inquires abo ut the compr ession me thods a nd bits-per-sa mple opt ions.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 63 AT+VLS=4 The modem select s the sp eaker. The modem had e arlier re ported that a speaker was available. OK The mode m agrees. AT+VTX The PC sele cts the Voi ce Transmit mode.
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 64 AT+VLS=2 The DCE answ ers the pho ne. OK The DCE indicates th at it is in V oice Co mmand mode . AT+VTX The DT E selects Voice T ransmi t mode. CONNE CT The DCE agrees .
Chapter 6 – Voice C omm ands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 65 DTE/DCE In terface Rate s The table belo w indicat es the antici pated m odem -to- computer interfac e rates f or both the 7.2 bits- per- sample rate and the 8 bits-per-sam ple rate.
Chapter 7 – Fax Com mands SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 66 Chapter 7 – F ax C omm a nds Fax comma nds have b een plac ed in two se parate do cuments: · Fax Commands Class 1 and C lass 1.0 D eveloper’s R eference Guid e · Fax Commands Class 2, 2.
Chapter 8 – Rem ote Conf iguration and Co untr y Code Configur atio n SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 67 Chapter 8 - R emote Conf ig uration a nd Cou n t r y Cod e Co nf i g .
Chapter 8 – Rem ote Conf iguration and Co untr y Code Configur atio n SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 68 Changing the Remote Escape Character To further improv e security , you ca n change a r emote modem ’s remote configurat ion escape character.
Chapter 9 – Firm ware Upgr ade Pr ocedure SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 69 Chapter 9 – Firmw are Upg rade P roc edure Introduction Flash Upgrade Firmware Your mode m is controlle d by semi-p ermanent s oftware, c alled firmw are, which i s stored in flash me mory.
Chapter 9 – Firm ware Upgr ade Pr ocedure SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 70 Step 2: Identify t he Current Versi on of the Firm ware Identify the current vers ion of the fir mware availa ble for your m odem on t he Multi-T ech web s ite.
Chapter 9 – Firm ware Upgr ade Pr ocedure SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 71 Step 7: Upgrade th e Modem’s Firmware CAUTION: If you are usin g Window s NT, you mu st disable W indows RAS and M icrosoft F ax Serv ice before upgrading the modem’s f irmware.
Chapter 9 – Firm ware Upgr ade Pr ocedure SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 72 Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Flash Programming Prot ocol Important: When inter acting w ith the boot code, it is possi ble to mak e the mode m inoper able.
Chapter 9 – Firm ware Upgr ade Pr ocedure SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 73 2. Other Supported Boot Code Commands 2.1 ATI0 - returns 000 2.
Chapter 9 – Firm ware Upgr ade Pr ocedure SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 74 Intel Hex Format An Intel For mat Hex File is a tex t file consi sting of “re cords”, one p er line, that start w ith a “:” charact er and include only digits 0- 9 and le tters A-F.
Chapter 9 – Firm ware Upgr ade Pr ocedure SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 75 2-3 Data Byte C ount “ 00” Alw ays 2 bytes for this record ty pe 4-7 Address “0000” Trans.
Append ix A – M echan ical Det ails SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 76 Appendix A – Mech anical De tail s Serial Test/Demo Bo ard Components Figure A–1.
Append ix A – M echan ical Det ails SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 77 5V / 3. 3V J um per – JP 1 This JP1 Jumper prov ides for s election of either 5 vo lt or 3.3-volt operation. Warning – Be sure t o set the 5V/ 3.3V jumper t o match the require ments of y our SocketM odem.
Append ix A – M echan ical Det ails SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 78 Parallel Test/Demo Board Component s Figure A–4. Par allel Test/Dem o Board Interrupt (IRQ) Sele ct Jumper – JP1 This JP1 Jumper is use d to define the modem’s IRQ valu e by shorting a pair of pins tog ether.
Append ix A – M echan ical Det ails SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 79 Parallel Test/Demo Board Blo ck Diagram S peaker DS1 Modem Module RJ-1 1 Connector ISA Bus V olume Control T ip/Ring Fuse Address Decoding Figure A–4.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 80 Appendix B - P roduct Appr o v al s , Desig n Conside.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 81 Regulatory Design Considerations This se ction dis cusses har dware consid eration s, PC board lay out consid erations, and Tele com labeli ng requireme nts.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 82 EMC Surface mount ferrites are u sed on T& R (Tip and R ing) to mitig ate emis sion levels o ut the RJ-11 cable.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 83 5V Tole rant In puts for 3.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 84 FCC Part 15 Regulation This equipm ent has bee n tested an d found t o comply with the lim its for a Class B d igital dev ice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC r ules.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 85 FCC Part 68 Telecom 1. This equ ipment co mplies w ith part 68 of the Federal C ommuni cations Co mmiss ion Rules.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 86 From FCC PAR T 68 Subpart D – Conditions for Registration Complete d ocument avai lable from US Government Printing Off ice: http://www.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 87 Fax Branding Stateme nt The T elephone Consum er Prot.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 88 Industry Canada C S-03 Canadian re gulations r equire that certified equipment bear an iden tifying cer tificat ion label, w hich is obtai ned from Indu stry Canada.
Appendix B – Product Approv als, D esign Co nsid erations, R egulat or y Inform ation SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 89 New Zeala nd Tele com W arning No tice 1.
Appendix C – Cou ntry Conf igurat ion and Result Co des SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 90 Appendix C – Count r y C onf ig urat ion and R esult Codes This inf ormation is supplied t o illu strate M ulti-Tech’s co untry configura tions.
Appendix C – Cou ntry Conf igurat ion and Result Co des SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 91 Country Country Config. (hex) ATI9 Response Cote D'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus .
Appendix C – Cou ntry Conf igurat ion and Result Co des SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 92 Country Country Config. (hex) ATI9 Response Lao People' s Democr atic Republi .
Appendix C – Cou ntry Conf igurat ion and Result Co des SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 93 Country Country Config. (hex) ATI9 Response Saint Lucia St.
Appendix D – Soc ketMod em and the New Seria lModule SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 94.
Appendix D – Soc ketMod em and the New Seria lModule SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 95 Inde x 5 56K operation digital los s when used w ith PBX, 41 A Abort timer, 40 Adaptiv.
Index SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 96 K, 30 M, 26 N, 30 N, 26 O, 26, 67, 68 P, 26 Q, 30 Q, 26 Sr?, 27 Sr=, 27 T, 30 T, 27 V, 30, 31 V, 27 VIP, 48 W, 27 X, 27 Z, 27 Attention.
Index SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 97 F Fallback , 26 Fallback and Fall Forw ard command, 31 Fax Branding St atement, 87 Fax com mands, 66 FCC Regula tions, 85 Features M at.
Index SocketM odem G loba l MT5634 SMI De velop er’s G uide 98 Select DTE/DCE Int erface Rate (Turn Off Autobau d) comm and, 58 Select Flow C ontrol Meth od command, 4 8 Select Max imum MNP Bloc k S.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Technics MT5634SMI-92 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Technics MT5634SMI-92 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Technics MT5634SMI-92 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Technics MT5634SMI-92 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Technics MT5634SMI-92, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Technics MT5634SMI-92.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Technics MT5634SMI-92. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Technics MT5634SMI-92 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.