Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto MF-380 del fabbricante Acer
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Acer Multi-Functional MP3/Storage Drive MF-380 Series User’s Guide.
1 Table of Contents Chapter 1. In tr oducti on ......................................................................... 3 How to Use This Guide ..................................................................... 6 Unpack ...........................
2 FM Radio Mode ............................................................................... 38 Select FM Radio Mode ........................................................... 38 Select FM Station ..................................................
3 Chap ter 1. Introduction.
4 C ongratul atio ns on bec omin g a new us er of Ac er M ult i-funct ion al MP3/S torage D rive , the f inely desig ned p ortab le digita l a udio pl ayer . Your new Ac er Multi -func tional MP3/ Storag e Drive will impr ove t he conv en ienc e of stor ing yo ur per sonal da ta and t he enjoym ent of u sing var iou s aud io function s.
5 USB Fla sh Disk – allows user s t o st or e per son al d ata in Ac er Mu lti- funct iona l M P3/St ora ge Driv e ’s memory. Than k yo u for cho osing A c er M ult i- funct io nal M P3 /St orag e Dr iv e . We hope you will c onti nue to t urn to us f or add itio nal qua lity product s as y our person al need s and int erest s grow.
6 How to Use This Guid e This U ser ’s Guid e prov ides instr uctions and i llust rati ons on how t o inst al l and oper at e yo ur Ac er Multi- f unction al MP 3/St orag e Dri ve .
7 Unpack 1. Multi-Fu nctio nal M P3/St orag e Dr ive 2. Earp hone w ith N eck st r ap 3. Driv er Dis k 4. USB Cab le 5. Quick Guide 6. Li-i on Batte ry Not e: Th e L i-ion b attery is loc ate d in t he Mu lti- Funct ion al M P3/St or age Drive.
8 Chap ter 2. Ge tting St arte d.
9 Functi on Keys 2 1 4 8 11 1 2 3 5 67 9 10 1. Batte ry Sli de open to in sert an Li-ion ba ttery he re. 2. Hol d Sw itch Switch t o ho ld pos itio n to pr event a ny mis s touchi ng wh ile th is M P3/St or age Dr ive is recording or playing. 3. US B Conn ector Cap Remove the ca p when co nnect ing th e MP3/ Stora ge Dr ive t o t he c omput er .
10 righ t or to the left to make va rious adjust ment . 8. Fn Press t o se lect FM st atio n mode . 9. RE C Press t o st art or stop t he FM or voic e recording. 10. MIC Microphon e 11. Earp hone jac k Plug th e s uppli ed e arph one here . 12. Line-in jack Accepts i nput fr om ext ern al microp hones , or other au dio l ine-in dev ice s (e.
11 LCD Display 8 12 3 4 56 7 1. Hold (Loc k) Switc h Indicat es w hen t he H old f unct ion is enab led. 2. Play bac k St atus Displays the mu sic or voic e f ile s play bac k status . 3. Volume Displays the volume status. 4. A to B Rep eat Indicat es w hen A t o B Repea t funct ion is enab led.
12 Replacement of Batter y 1. Remove the U SB conn ector cap 2. S lide open th e battery co ver. 3. I nse rt a new ba ttery and mak e sure the battery is inse rted in to the correct al ignment. 4. Slid e b ack t he b at tery cov er. 5. Pre ss th e Play/Pause 「 」 but ton to ch eck th e capac ity of the bat t ery.
13 Bat tery Co ns umin g Refe ren ce Categor y of Batter y Record ing Playing Li-ion b attery 42 0m A/hr Max 16 ho urs for voic e or FM radio r ecord ing Max 16 ho urs for aud io playb ack Note : 1. Us e only bat tery of the sam e kind as r eplac em ent.
14 Battery Char ging The b att ery i s rec har ge d wh enev er th e M P3/ Stor ag e Dr ive c onn ect s to t he USB port on th e p ower-on Des ktop or La ptop. The scree n will b e cha nged to char gin g mo de unt il bat ter y is fu lly c harg ed. Not e: It tak es ar ou nd 2.
15 Hold Switch This M P3/ Stor ag e Dr ive pr ovi des a Hold Swit ch , whic h i s l ocate d on th e sid e of the Drive for pr event ing any mi ss touchi ng wh ile t he Driv e is r ecordin g or playin g. Once th e ho ld swit ch is slid e to t he lock posit i on, a ll funct ion key s on th e Dr ive w ill b e dis ab led inst antly .
17 Chapter 3. Basic Us age.
18 Connecti ng the MP3/Storage Dr ive to Your Comput er 1. Remove the U SB conn ector cap. 2. Plug o ne end of th e sup plied U SB cab le to yo ur com puter , and plug th e other end to th e MP 3/St orag e Dr ive t o st art c onnec tion. 3. And the M P3/St orag e Driv e should b e detec ted by t he o perat ion sy st em automa ticall y.
19 Hardware Install ation f or Micr osoft® Wi ndows® 98SE onl y For Microsoft ® Windows ® 98SE op erati on system , it will automat ically detect th e new har dw are w hen the MP 3/Stor ag e Dr ive i s fir st co nn ected to your c omput er.
20 3. Insert the provi ded d isk, an d se lect CD-ROM to continue. 4. Click Next to continue..
21 5. Click Finis h , and the dr iver is instal led s uccessfu l..
22 Utili ty Installa tion The Ac er M ult i-fu nct ion al MP 3/St or age Dr iv e provides a usef ul util ity for upgradi ng th e lat est f irmw ar e prov ided by Ac er via t he In ternet. To insta ll this utilit y, simply in sert t he supp li ed di sc int o th e co mput er, th en fo llow th e on-s creen i nstructi ons.
23 2. Click Yes to continue. 3. Click Next to continue..
24 4. Click Next to continue. 5. Inst allat ion is on going..
25 6. Click Finis h to com ple te in talla tion ..
26 Firmware update 1. Hold down the play button and do NOT release and then connect the drive to the host mac hine via the USB cabl e. 2. The drive will enter reco very mode. 3. A new drive c alled Player Recovery Devic e Class will appe ar in the Devic e Manager.
27 4. Release the play butt on. 5. Run the Update program from the Start menu ( Start -> Programs -> Acer M F-380 M P3 USB Storage Drive -> Update ) . This wil l load the firmware to upd ate. . 6. After loading firmwa re, you will see an update dialog.
28 7. If you choose quick download, it will form at the MP3 drive first th en d o wnload the firmwar e, otherwise it will download the fir mware only. 8. Press the Star t button to start the downloa d. 9. If you delete the settings.dat , all of your M P3 player settings will be c leared.
29 Power On and Off 1. Pre ss the Play/Pause 「 」 button once t o turn t he pow er on. 2. To power off the US B Device , press and hold th e Play/Pau se 「 」 button u ntil the pow er is swi tched off.
30 Editing Sound Tracks (Files) 1. Pre ss th e Play/Pause 「 」 button t o pow er on th e MP3 /Stor age Driv e. If ther e i s no so und t rack a dded in t he m emory of this dr ive, you w ill read the mass ag e as below on t he scr ee n.
31 6. Under th e M P3/St orage Driv e, y ou are allow ed to ad d, del ete, or edit a fold er as w hat you w ill do u nder a d isk as usua l. In an other word, thi s MP 3/S tor age D ri ve wo rks as ano the r port abl e hard di sk of yo urs .
32 Music Playba ck Nor m al Pl aybac k 1. Pre ss the Play/Pause 「 」 button to play t he c urrent se lected f il e. 2. During p lay back, pr ess th e Play/Pause 「 」 button ag ain t o paus e the playb ack. Se lec t th e Next or Pr evi ous Tr ac k (F ile) 1.
33 Fast-Forward or Re wind 1. During p layb ack, pu sh th e Menu button to t he ri ght an d ho ld the positi on to fast-fo rward the current tra ck. 2. Or, push t he Menu button to t he l eft an d hold t he positi on to r ewin d the cu rrent track. Vo lum e Adju stin g 1.
34 De let e a Tr ac k (F ile ) 1. Pre ss dow n th e Menu button once, and t hen p ush t he Menu button to the ri ght four time s, an d now you shou ld r ead th e mes sag e of DEL ETE FILE appe ari ng on t he D ispl ay . 2. Pre ss dow n th e Menu button once and t hen pu sh th e Menu button to select DEL MUSIC.
35 De let e A ll Tr ac ks (F il es) 1. Pre ss dow n th e Menu button once, and t hen p ush t he Menu button to the ri ght four time s, an d now you shou ld r ead th e mes sag e of DEL ETE FILE appe ari ng on t he D ispl ay . 2. Pre ss dow n th e Menu button once and t hen pu sh th e Menu button to the rig ht twice to sele ct DEL ALL MUSIC.
36 EQ Settings Whil e you ar e l ist ening to t he m usic , you ar e a llow ed t o choos e a d esir ed EQ mode to meet your per son al ne ed or h abit. 1. Pre ss dow n th e Menu button once, and t hen p ush t he Menu button to the ri ght thr ee ti mes, and no w you s hould r ead t he m ess age of SET TING S app ear ing on t he Displ ay.
37 Repeat Settings Whil e yo u ar e play in g music or vo ice f ile s, yo u ar e al low ed t o sel ect a desired playback setting from NORMAL, REPEAT ONE, REPEAT ALL, SHUFFLE, and S HUFFL E REP.
38 FM Radio Mode Selec t FM Radi o Mode 1. Pre ss and hold t he Fn but ton loc ated o n th e sid e of th e MP3/ Stora ge Driv e for on e sec ond t o sel ect FM Mod e. 2. Or, you c an pres s dow n th e Menu button once, a nd th en pu sh the Menu button t o the ri ght tw ice.
39 4. If you do n ot r ead th e me ssa ge of FM R ADIO o n th e Disp lay, pl ease keep pushi ng th e Menu button the t o ri ght unt il FM RAD IO app ears. Se lec t FM St at ion 1. Once th e FM R adio Mo de is se lected, use t he Menu button by pus hing it to th e right o r to the le ft to select the de sire d sta tion.
40 4. Now, pr es s the Menu button again to s ave th e sel ected f requency t o the s elect ed f avor it e stat ion numb er. 5. To set an other fav orit e st atio n, rep eat st ep 1 to 4. Se lect ing t he St ored Fav or ite St at ion 1. To se lect th e st ored f avorit e stat ion, pr es s th e 「 」 button repeat edly .
41 3. Once the REC 「 y 」 button i s long pr essed and t hen rel eas ed, the s electe d statio n freq uency w ill now start be ing r ecord ed. On the Disp lay, us ers sh oul d rea d t hat a r ec ordi ng FM file is gene r at ed and pl ace un der t he folde r of [ /VOIC E/ ].
42 2. Pre ss dow n th e Menu button aga in, an d then u se t he Menu button t o sele ct a desired recorded FM voice file by pushing th e Menu button to the rig ht or to the left. 3. Once t he d esir ed vo ice f ile i s select ed, pr es s the 「 」 but ton to st art playin g th e file.
43 Delete Al l FM Voi ce Files 1. Pre ss dow n th e Menu button once, and t hen p ush t he Menu button to the ri ght four time s, an d now you shou ld r ead th e mes sag e of DEL ETE FILE appe ari ng on t he D ispl ay . 2. Press d own the Menu button onc e and the n push t he Menu button to the rig ht twice to sele ct DEL ALL VOICE.
44 Switch between Music Playback or FM mode Swi tch fr om M us ic P la yba ck mo de to FM mod e Press and hold t he Fn but ton loc ated o n th e sid e of th e MP3/ Stor age Dr iv e for few se conds to select FM Mode.
45 Voice Recording This M P3/St orag e Driv e also wo rks as a synchr oniz ing recor der. You can setup Record Source to MICROPHONE or LINE-IN from SETTI NGS and use it to record y our ow n voic e, an inter view or a sp eech, an d so on. T o do t he voice R ecord ing, pl eas e follo w t he st eps sh own b elow .
46 6. On the Display, u ser s now s hould re ad th at a rec ordi ng f ile is g ener ated and pl ac e und er the fo ld er o f [ /VOICE/ ]. The rec ording file n ame se quence sta rts from [ V001.WA V ], and then [ V002.WA V ], and so forth. No te : Whe n t he re cor d sou rce i s set to LI N E -IN , the rec ordi ng fi le nam e star ts f rom [L001.
47 Pl ay a R ecor de d Vo ic e File 1. To pl ay a recor de d vo ice f ile, pres s d own t he Menu butt on once, an d then p ush the Men u button t o the right once, and now y ou should read the m ess age of VO ICE appe arin g on t he D ispl ay.
48 Delete a Re corded Voi c e File 1. To de lete a rec orde d voice F ile, pre ss dow n th e Menu button once, and then pus h the Menu button to the ri ght four t imes, an d now you should r ead t he m ess age of DEL ETE FILE appear ing on th e D isplay.
49 Delete Al l Voice Files 1. Pre ss dow n th e Menu button once, and t hen p ush t he Menu button to the ri ght four time s, an d now you shou ld r ead th e mes sag e of DEL ETE FILE appe ari ng on t he D ispl ay . 2. Pre ss dow n th e Menu button once and t hen pu sh th e Menu button to the rig ht twice to sele ct DEL ALL VOICE.
50 Language Learni ng Functi on This M P3/ Stor ag e Dr ive en ab les u sers to l ist en to a par tic ul ar limit ed playb ack rep eat edly d uring norm al pl ayback. Wit h th is funct ion, u sers will be ab le to pay more c oncent r ation on th e repe ate d play b ack an d to achi eve the res ult of le arning language .
51 Menu Mode This M P3/ Stor ag e Dr ive pr ovi des a Menu swit ching butt on t hat includ es mos t function desig ned for Ac er Mu lti-f unc tion al MP3/ Stor ag e Driv e .
53 1. Pre ss dow n th e Menu button once, and t hen p ush t he Menu button to the rig ht or to the left to select the des ired func tion. 2. Select MUSI C by pressing do wn the Menu button once t o ent er mus ic pla ybac k m ode.
54 5. Select SETTINGS by pressi ng down t he Menu button to ent er Sett ing mode. In Sett ing mode, yo u are a ble to mak e adj ustme nt for various function s. Note: Adjustment for a ll it ems u nder t he m enu of set tin gs c an be mad e durin g music playb ack or when mus ic playb ack is stop ped.
55 9. Sel ect EXIT t o retu rn to M usi c Pl ayb ack m od e..
56 Other Sett ings Bac kli ght Unde r this Ba ckligh t setting , you are able to se t a time to turn off the backl ight of the L CD D isplay auto mat ically. 1. Pre ss dow n th e Menu button once, and t hen p ush t he Menu button to the ri ght thr ee ti mes, and no w you s hould r ead t he m ess age of SET TING S app ear ing on t he Displ ay.
57 4. When a se lect ion is decid ed, pr ess d own t he Menu button once t o confir m th e select ion . Contras t Unde r this Co ntrast se tting, you are abl e to se t the con trast of the LCD Displ ay. Unde r this Ba cklig ht settin g, you are able to se t a time to turn off th e backl ight of the L CD D isplay auto mat ically.
58 3. Now p ush t he Menu button to th e right or to the l eft t o increa se or decre ase t he Co ntrast v alue. 4. When a se lect ion is decid ed, pr ess d own t he Menu button once t o confir m th e select ion . Power Off Unde r this Po wer Off settin g, you are able to se t a time to turn off th is MP3/ Stora ge Dr ive auto mat ic ally.
59 2. Press dow n t he Menu button agai n, and the n push t he Menu button to the ri ght f our ti mes t o se lect POWE R OFF. Onc e the m ass ag e of POWE R OFF a pp ears on t he screen, pre ss dow n th e Menu butt on ag ain.
60 Reco rd R ate Unde r this Reco rd Rate settin g, you are abl e to set th e Record Rate as your wish . 1. Pre ss dow n th e Menu button once, and t hen p ush t he Menu button to the ri ght thr ee ti mes, and no w you s hould r ead t he m ess age of SET TING S app ear ing on t he Displ ay.
61 Lang uage Under t his L angua ge s etting, you ar e ab le to s elect t he l angu age of the inte rface as you r wish. 1. Pre ss dow n th e Menu button once, and t hen p ush t he Menu button to the ri ght thr ee ti mes, and no w you s hould r ead t he m ess age of SET TING S app ear ing on t he Displ ay.
62 USB Flash Disk This M P3/ Stor ag e Dr ive enab les u sers to sav e p erso nal d at a (fi les) i n v ario us format s to its m emory . If y ou lik e, you c an say t hat th is MP3/ Stor age Dr iv e works as an oth er hard dis k, but a porta ble, sm all and ex quisit e one.
63 Appendix A . Sp ecifications.
64 Acer Mult i-functi onal MP3/Stor age Drive Targ et Di mension 95.7 (W) x 31(D) x 20( H) m m Targ et We ight 29 g w ithout batt ery , 45 g wit h batt ery Oper atio n Tem per atur e 0 °C ~ 45 °C St.
65 Notes __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________.
66 Notes __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Acer MF-380 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Acer MF-380 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Acer MF-380 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Acer MF-380 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Acer MF-380, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Acer MF-380.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Acer MF-380. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Acer MF-380 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.