Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SV441HDIE del fabbricante
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www.c ompatible .eu +31 35 628 14 14 Se r ve r Re mot e Control SV4 4 1HDIE SV8 4 1HDIE SV16 4 1HDIE Instruction Manual Actual product may vary fro m photo.
www.c ompatible .eu +31 35 628 14 14 FCC Complian ce Statement This equipment has been tested and f ound to comply with the limits for a Class B digital devic e, pursua nt to pa r t 15 o f the FCC Ru le s.
Instruction Manual www.c ompatible .eu +31 35 628 14 14 Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Fea tures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Instruction Manual www.c ompatible .eu +31 35 628 14 14 Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Vir tKeys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Instruction Manual 1 Introductio n Thank you for purchasing a Star T ech.c om Se r ver Remote Co ntrol. Using the Inte r net or your TCP/IP ena bled ne t work , you c an n ow re motely mon itor and control cr itica l PC se r vers and wor kstat ion s, using a n indust r y- standard W eb br owser or VNC clie nt.
Instruction Manual 2 Installing the KVM Re mote Cont rol Connecting the Unit to the Host Com puter and Net work *SV841HDIE rear panel shown 1. P ower d own the comput er to which the KVM Remote Contro l will be conne cted ( host computer ).
Instruction Manual 3 Connecting a Local Keyboa rd, M ous e , and M onitor 1 2 3 4 *SV841HDIE rear panel shown 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 DC In 2 Link 3 Se ria l P or t 4 VG A Out 5 R-Por t 6 LAN.
Instruction Manual 4 Disa bli ng Mou se Accelerati on on the Hos t Compu ter Many ope rating systems o ffer a feature c alled m ouse accel e ration, all owing the user to adjust the respon si veness of the cu rsor on the sc reen in relati on t o physical m ovements of the mous e.
Instruction Manual 5 Configuring SVxx4 1HDIE SVxx 41HDIE offers four distinct me thods for configu ri ng the unit for y our net wor k. W hi ch method will wor k best will depe nd on your level of exper ienc e a nd your specifi c n et work configu ration.
Instruction Manual 6 any tim e, you can retu r n to the pr eviou s m e nu by press ing the Page Up ke y . Please note: Although it is not a required ste p, changing the Admin Password adds se cu rity to yo ur configu ration setting s. By default, the Admin Password is set to Admin .
Instruction Manual 7 The eas iest way to identify your SVxx41HDIE on the n et work i s by its MAC ad dres s, a unique hard ware identifier that is specific to your unit. The MAC address of the unit c an be found on a white st icker on the bottom of the SVxx41HDIE.
Instruction Manual 8 T erm inal Configuration Using a Serial Ca ble Configu rin g the SVxx 41HDIE using a se r ial ca ble is the best choic e if you nee d to pre - configu re the unit before a ttachin g it to a ne t work , i.e. when send ing to a b ranch offic e, custom er sit e, etc.
Instruction Manual 9 The Login Sc reen Be fore y ou can a ccess the W eb confi gu ration int er fac e, y ou must ent er a user nam e and pas sword. The de fault u se r nam e and pas sword as shipped from th e facto r y is use r na me admin, with a pas sword of admin .
Instruction Manual 10 Name: At the top of the scre en, th e name of the ma chine bei ng c ontrolled is displ ay ed Main Me nu: At the le ft -mos t sid e of each p ag e, the Main Me nu is di spl ay ed, all owing users to choose functi ons of fered by the W eb Inter fac e.
Instruction Manual 11 Snapshots: The Snap shots scree n all ows you to vi ew and save a screensho t of the controlled computer in its current s tat e. This screenshot will update pe r iodically (automat ically). S av ed imag e files are stored in .PNG for mat.
Instruction Manual 12 Cli cking the Com mit button applie s a ny chang es made o n th is pag e, but l eaves the old settings a cti ve until the next time the unit res ta r ts. Cli cking Mak e chan g es e ffective now app lies the chan ges and res ta r ts SVxx 41HDIE so the new settings ta ke ef fect immed iatel y .
Instruction Manual 13 Security : This me nu all ows you to confi gure a num ber of sett ing s, including changing the de fault pas sw ord for admin (recommended).
Instruction Manual 14 RADIUS: The RADIUS se r ver requi res the IP addres s, the UDP p or t numb er (1812 - d efault or 164 5) and the shared secret. The shared sec ret is used to enc r ypt c om m unicat ions and co rresponds to a shared pas sword for the RADIUS se r ver and the client m achin e .
Instruction Manual 15 Firmw are: The fi r m ware on the Se r ver Remote Control is field up gradea ble. T o up grade to anoth er version, login as admin . A uto Sel f Upgra de: The SVxx 41HDIE unit inc ludes an inn ovative feature all owing it to up grade itself over the Inte r ne t.
Instruction Manual 16 Status: The Status screen displ ays a system sec u r ity log, various syst em s etting s, an d the ab ility to gene rate a copy of the syste m co nfigu ratio n in plain text f or m at. Port Num be rs: Port Num be rs pr ovides a ta ble all owing you to change TCP po r t values for se r vice s av aila ble on the SVxx41HDIE.
Instruction Manual 17 Using the T erminal Interface via Serial Por t The ter minal inte r face you can access via the se r ial po r t pe r mits the co nfigu ratio n of the basic s ettings of t he SVxx41HDIE. W hile not intende d to be a s ubstitu te for t he W eb inter fac e, it do es all ow you to conf igure so me of th e s ame func tion s .
Instruction Manual 18 Native VNC Clie nt This syst em im plemen ts the VNC protoc ol, so a ny off the shelf VNC client ca n be use d. There are o ver 17 dif ferent VNC cli ents available an d th ey shou ld all work with this system.
Instruction Manual 19 Using the V NC Me nu One o f the un ique features of th is p roduct i s the VNC me nu system . W hen ever y ou see a wind ow with a dar k blue ba ck ground and grey edge s, this wind ow has been i nse r ted into the VNC da ta stream so tha t it i s ef fecti vely la id over the ex isting vide o.
Instruction Manual 20 Resy nc: Re- aligns the remot e and loca l mou se poi nts so th ey are on top of eac h othe r . Redr aw : Red raws the entire s creen contents ; occu rs imm ediatel y . PS/2: Resets the PS/2 keyboard and mouse e mul ation. Use ful to re c over failed mouse and/or keyboard c onnecti ons in PS/2 mod e.
Instruction Manual 21 Main Me nu T o access the m ain m e nu, qui ckly press F7 twice qu i ckly . Y ou must pres s th e key twice within on e seco nd. If you press it once or too sl owly , then the F7 key(s) are sent to the host, jus t like any other key .
Instruction Manual 22 work ing. • T ake Cont rol: W hen mu ltiple u sers are connec ted t o the sam e system , us e this button to ta ke con trol away from a nother use r. Only one us er may contro l the keyboard and mouse at a ny tim e. All us ers see the same pict ur e.
Instruction Manual 23 Vir t Key s Men u Cli cking a ny button in the top ha lf of the wind ow simula tes pres sing and releas ing the indicat ed key . In the bottom area of the sc reen, cli cking will si mul ate the i ndicate d Meta key being pressed.
Instruction Manual 24 Chan ge s/frame indicates the number of 16x16 blocks of video that are being sent, on av erag e, for every f rame of vide o. W ith a s tatic ima ge bein g displ ay ed by the ser ver , thi s number will b e zero (sh own as -nil - ).
Instruction Manual 25 Getting Peak Performance Choose the best video mo de • W e recom mend usin g 60Hz refresh rate an d 10 24x768 resolu tion. Using a sma ller resolut i on like this all ows you to fit multiple wind o ws on y our remot e des kto p.
Instruction Manual 26 Using the Advanced Video T uning feature The Adv anced Video T uning me nu all ows y ou to adjust the qu alities o f the video in your VNC s ession s, and can be ac cess ed by cli cking the Advan ced button on the Vi deo T u ning VNC me nu.
Instruction Manual 27 Using the Mo dem feature Ba ckground The mod em feature all ows the SVxx 41HDIE to act a s an In te r net connec tion se r ver f or increas ed sec u r ity and fl ex ibility in connecti ng with the host compu te r.
Instruction Manual 28 in its document ation. The o pposite e nd o f the modem ’s data ca ble sh ould b e a DB9 female se r ial conn ection. Connect that end o f the ca ble to the Se ri al conne ction on the rear p anel of the SVxx 41HDIE.
Instruction Manual 29 5. Select Connect to the Intern et a nd c li ck Next . 6. Select Set up my connec tion ma nual ly and cli ck Next . 7. Select Connect using a dial -up mo dem and cli ck Next . 8. In the spac e pr ovided under I SP Name , type an appro p ri ate name of your choosi ng for the co nnectio n.
Instruction Manual 30 users are conne cted while a PPP sess ion is acti v e, their screens will b e in grayscale as well. W hen PPP in i nacti ve, color is auto matical ly re- ena bled.
Instruction Manual 31 Saw PPP s ta r tup from client A PPP authentication has oc curred an d a session has sta r ted. Phone li ne rings An i ncomin g call has been detec ted by the m odem. Modem an sw e rs: xxxxxx xxx The connec tion speed an d protoco l u sed for a connection, as repo r te d by the mode m.
Instruction Manual 32 # : Y o u can assi gn a value ( 1 ~ 99 ) to eac h attached ser ial remote control modu l e. T his does not affect th e con figu ration o r ope ration of th e device in a ny w ay , but is simp ly a means to s or t this list for ease of m anagem ent.
Instruction Manual 33 Advanced Config uration Using the Inte grated SSH Shell In most c ase s , configu r ing the SVxx41HDIE to the sam e s ettings as the R -Por t devices you are connec t ing should all ow the devices to wor k with a m ini m um a mount of configu ration.
Instruction Manual 34 Operating Notes • If the po wer supply to th e R -P or t modules you h av e connect ed be comes faulty (sho r t, overload ) then the R -P or t LED on the front pane l of the SVxx41HDIE will sh ow red. Under no r ma l op e ration s, this light shou ld rem ain gree n.
Instruction Manual 35 Can I prevent the w arning from occurring? Y es. Y ou h av e two options that m ay prev ent th e war ni ng from occur r ing. Firs t, if the W eb browser you are using o ffers the opti on to ignore the war ning for future vis it s, the browser will no longer gene rate a war ning if that option is selected.
Instruction Manual 36 T rou bleshoot ing Fo rgotten master pa s swo rd. Y ou can reset th e master pas sword using th e se ria l inter face on the uni t. Use the S comma nd, a nd type a n ew pas sword. The ol d pas sword is not required for this procedur e.
Instruction Manual 37 Specification s Maxi mum suppo r ted video mode 1600 x 1200 @85Hz Standa rd video modes suppo rt ed 640x 400 @ 85Hz 720x 400 @ 85Hz 640x 480 @ 60Hz, 72Hz, 75H z, 85Hz 800x 600 @ .
Instruction Manual 38 Se rvice Description Benefit SSH Secure Shell May be us ed to secu r ely “tu nnel” VNC and HTTP protocol s. HTTP W eb re director (to HTTPS) Co nv enience se r ver to redirec t al l web traffic to enc r ypted po r t.
About StarT Star T m is “The Pro fessionals’ Source for Hard -to -Fin d Computer Par ts”. Since 1985 , we hav e been pr oviding IT pro fessio nals with the quality p roducts th ey n eed to com plete th eir solution s.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il SV441HDIE è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del SV441HDIE - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso SV441HDIE imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul SV441HDIE ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il SV441HDIE, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del SV441HDIE.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il SV441HDIE. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo SV441HDIE insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.