Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Spectra 12000 del fabbricante Spectra Logic
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Spectra 12000 ™ Library User Guide This Guide This guide describes the insta llation an d operat ion of the Spectra 12000 automate d tap e libr ar y , including troubles ho otin g info r m at ion.
2 Spectra 12000 User Guide Not ices Except as expre ssly stated herein, Spectr a Log ic Corpo ratio n makes available the Spect ra 120 00 li brar y a nd associ ated docu ment ation on an “a s is” .
Not ices 3 Grant of Lic ens e. The SOFTW ARE is licensed on a non-exclusive basis, not sold. This EULA grants you the f ol l ow in g r i gh t s to th e S OF T W ARE: Y ou may use t he SOFTW ARE only on the Spectra 12000 Library . Not Fault T olerant. The SOFTW ARE is not fault tolerant.
4 Spectra 12000 User Guide W arranty The Spectra 12000 library is warr anted for one year from date of shipment from the factory . This wa rran ty in cludes a Next Busine ss Da y (On-S ite ) se rvice .
Not ices 5 AC Po we r W arning: Risk of ele ctrical sh ock. D o not remove the libr ar y co ver. T o re m ove AC p owe r f r o m th e l i br ar y , u n p lu g t h e pow er cord from the po w er inlet. There are no user serviceable parts within the library .
6 Spectra 12000 User Guide.
Co n te n ts 7 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Warran ty . . . . . . . . . .
8 Spectra 12000 User Guide Chapter 2. Inst alling the Spectra 12 000 Library 29 Preparing a Con trolled Environme nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Media and Hardware Environme nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Air Quality .
Co n te n ts 9 Chapter 6. Config uring the Spe ctra 12000 Library F-QIP 55 Displaying the Config urat ion Toolba r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Configuring F-QIPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 Spectra 12000 User Guide Chapter 8. Config uring the Drives 107 Configuring SCSI IDs, Emulation and Dip Switch Settings . . . . . . . . 108 Chapter 9. Using the Spec tra 12000 Library 113 Checking Library Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Co n te n ts 1 1 Chapter 10. Using the Drive 133 Bar Code Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Using AIT Data Cartridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Write-Prote cting and Recording .
12 Spectra 12000 User Guide Appendix A. Fibre Channel Cable Requirements 157 Fibre Chann el Cable Requirem ents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Appendix B. SCS I Cable and Terminator Requi rements 159 SCSI Cable Requiremen ts . .
Co n te n ts 1 3 Appendix E. Using the TAOS ITP Control Panel to View S ettings 171 Opening the TAOS ITP Configuration Cont rol Panel . . . . . . 171 Device Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Installed Devices .
14 Spectra 12000 User Guide.
1I n t r o d u c t i o n This guide is written for Spectra 12000 lib rary users and revie w s the library’ s installa tion and use. This chapter covers: Intr odu ction About th e Gato r Arch.
16 Spectra 12000 User Guide Intr oduc tion The Spectra 12000 librar y provides a combination o f high reliability , speed, lar ge capacity , ease of use, and bui lt-in redundancy to minimize or elimina te downtim e.
Chapter 1. Intr oduction 17 About the Gator Archit ectu re Both the Spectra 1200 0 and Spectra 64000 libraries utilize t he Gator™ architec ture f or robo tic tape libr aries developed by Spe ctr a Logic . Gato r architectur e in the Spectra 12000 library can be configured with 60 to 120 cartridges and fro m tw o to eigh t t ape driv es.
18 Spectra 12000 User Guide Option Enabl ement Spectra Logic has added a new fea ture to the Spectra 12000 libra r y called Option En able ment. Option Ena blement allows the user to a dd several func.
Chapter 1. Intr oduction 19 A T our of the Spec tra 12000 Librar y The illustra ti o n of the front of the Spect ra 12000 library (Figure 1-1) shows the Entry/Exit (E/E) por ts, through which you can insert and remov e cartridges individually or using cartridge packs.
20 Spectra 12000 User Guide The Libra ry Contr o ller Stylus Stylus Use the stylus to navigate th e Li brar y Contr oller . T ouch the screen with the stylus to m ak e a selection. The stylus is designed for safe use with the Librar y Cont roller touchscr een.
Chapter 1. Intr oduction 21 A T our of the Library C ontroller IP Addr ess and User The IP A ddress and User at the bottom of the Library Controller displays the library’ s IP address and the curren t user of the library . Fig u re 1 - 3 Gene ral Sta tus screen.
22 Spectra 12000 User Guide Exc eption Bar The Exce ption Ba r contai n s the Ex c eption, Home, Inv entory and T race Log icons. Exc epti on The Exceptio n icon, a ex clama tion poin t, will appear with a yello w background only if the librar y experiences a p roblem.
Chapter 1. Intr oduction 23 Gener al T oolbar The General toolbar displays commonly used options, including: Invento r y Shows tr anspor t lo cations: Use th is to move tapes betwe en slots and d riv es. Sele ct the Inventory icon to access logical libraries and slot inventory in formation.
24 Spectra 12000 User Guide Conf iguration T oolbar Use the Config ur at ion tool bar to c onfig ure the libr ar y: Part ition Shows par tition status. This lets you set up and alter librar y par titions, assign drives to each partition , assign the number of slots, a nd name the part ition.
Chapter 1. Intr oduction 25 Maint enanc e T oolbar Use th e Mainte nance toolbar to han dle var ious libr ar y upkeep t asks, including: Diagnost ics Fi eld service engineers use diagnostics to identif y possible system problems and r un tests.
26 Spectra 12000 User Guide Security T oolbar Use th e Security toolb ar to h andle various l ibra r y upkeep tasks, including: User s Use the Users button to access the se curi ty scre en. Thi s allow s the user to set up different users wit h different levels of access and delete users.
Chapter 1. Intr oduction 27 Getting Started If y our Spectra 12000 library is already in stalled and configured, re view Using the Spectra 1 2000 Library on page 11 3.
28 Spectra 12000 User Guide V oltage Diffe rential SCSI (L-QIPs), E thernet (E-QIPs), or any combination of the abov e . T o che c k th e sta tus of the F-QI Ps on the ba c k of the QIP . In the upper right-han d corn er of th e F-QIP you can see two lights, l abelled Fib re and QIP , corresponding to the F ibre processor and QIP processor .
2 I nstalling the Spec tra 12000 Librar y This chap ter revi ews: Prepar ing a Co ntroll ed E nviron ment Unpacking the Spectra 12000 Library Connecting the SCSI Cables and T er minators �.
30 Spectra 12000 User Guide Pr eparing a C ontro lled En vironmen t Me di a a nd Ha rdw are Env iro n me nt When plan n ing the Spectra 12000 library installat i on, note that th e library , drives and media must be maintained in a controlled envi ronm ent.
Chapter 2. Installing the S pectra 12 000 Library 31 filter can handle. If y ou exceed th ese lim its, filter th e air in the r oom in which the libra r y is housed. Unpacking the Spec tra 12000 Library Use the Spectr a 12000 Ins tallation and Un pac king Guide , P .
32 Spectra 12000 User Guide C onnec ting the SCSI Cables and T erminat ors After y ou hav e placed th e l ibrary care full y and prepared it for operation, you are re ady to con nect the Sp ectr a 12 000 libr ar y to the host bus.
Chapter 2. Installing the S pectra 12 000 Library 33 C onnect ing the Fibr e Channel Cables Afte r y ou hav e pl ace d t he library care fully and prepared it for operation, you ar e ready to conne ct the Spectra 12000 libra ry to the SAN.
34 Spectra 12000 User Guide T o attac h the Fibr e Ch annel cab les: 1. Consult the documentation for y our host operating sy stems and Fibre Channel ada pter cards for information on adding new devices.
Chapter 2. Installing the S pectra 12 000 Library 35 5. Connect th e A C pow er cord suppli ed with the Spectra 12000 lib rary to the A C connecto r on th e rear of th e libr ar y . C onnec t the o ther end to a 110V A C outlet. 6. Put in the driv e sleds, if they are not alrea dy installed.
36 Spectra 12000 User Guide T urning the Library On and Off The Spectra 12000 lib rary pow er switch is in the lo w er , left corner of the library’ s rear p anel ( Figur e 2-6) .
3U s i n g S e c u r i t y Before you begin to configure your libr ary , you should se t up th e security featur e of the Spe ctra 12000 library. The Spectra 12000 library has a security feature tha t.
38 Spectra 12000 User Guide 2. Ta p Users , to display the Securi ty screen (Figure 3-1 ). 3. Selec t the type of use r you want t o crea te in th e Gr oup Permissio ns box. 4. T ap the white tex t box next to User N ame to displ ay the vir tual key b oa r d .
Chapter 3. Usin g Security 39 7. Ta p t h e Add/Edit Use r arrow , the confirm at ion win dow will confirm that your security settings ha v e been sa ved (F igure 3-2). T ap OK . Note: If this is th e first t ime using your libr ar y , you should delete the default Super User (SU) from y our library before con tinuing .
40 Spectra 12000 User Guide.
4 P ar titioning the Spectra 12000 Library This chapter includes: Displaying the Configuration T oolba r Partitioning the Librar y.
42 Spectra 12000 User Guide Displa ying the Configura tion T ool bar The Library Controller lets y ou configure the library through the Configura tion toolba r . This too lbar provides buttons you can use to configure all aspects of the librar y: Partitioning the physical l ibrar y into logical libraries.
Chapter 4. Pa r titioning the Spec tra 12000 Libra ry 43 P ar titioning the Librar y The Spectra 12000 library pro vides Sh ared Library Serv ices (SLS). Y ou may partition the librar y so that it per forms and looks lik e more than one partition up t o a total of four part itions.
44 Spectra 12000 User Guide 4. Y ou can partition the libr ary by editing t he default partition (Librar y 1), and/or creating a new p ar tition. 5. T o c r e a t e a n e w p a r t i t i o n , t a p New . T o edit an existing par tition, select the l ibr ar y and t ap Edi t .
Chapter 4. Pa r titioning the Spec tra 12000 Libra ry 45 6. Create or edit a partition using this window . Name... Ta p t h e Name... button an d ente r the nam e in the keyboard dialog. Slots Ta p t h e + / - buttons to add/remov e slots in increments of 15.
46 Spectra 12000 User Guide become a vai labl e. This is differe nt w hen D efe r Queu ed Unl oads is check ed. When Defer Queued U nloads is checked, the library waits until you ha v e tapp ed the Eject Queu ed T ape s in the Inv entory screen before moving th e car tr idges you h a ve ejecte d to the E/E por t.
5 Configuring the Spec tra 12000 S-QIP This chapter includes: Displaying the Configuration T oolba r Configuring S-QIPs S-QIP Configure Controller Scree n.
48 Spectra 12000 User Guide Displa ying the Configura tion T ool bar The Library Controller lets you configure the library t hrough the Configuration toolbar . This toolbar provides buttons y ou can use to configur e al l aspects of the li brary: Partitioning the physical librar y into libraries.
Chapter 5. Con figuring the Spec tra 12000 S-QI P 49 C onfiguring S-QIPs The Library Controlle r al lows the user to configure SCSI c ontrollers (S- QIPs) in a number of wa ys. T o configure S-QIPs: 1. From the Configuration toolbar , select the Partit ions icon.
50 Spectra 12000 User Guide 3. Ta p Edit . The Edit Par tition Configur ation window appears (Figure 5-3). 4. In the Driv es section, sele ct th e controller y ou wo uld like t o configure by tapping the driv e it is connected to. T ap Configu re Control ler .
Chapter 5. Con figuring the Spec tra 12000 S-QI P 51 S-QIP C o nfigure C ontroll er Screen S-QIP Default ID Settings Note: Each S-QIP bus must hav e an ID unique to that bus. This allows the S-QIP to initiate com mands to the drive. Each S-QIP use s two SCSI busses, and e ach bus must ha ve a SCSI ID unique to that SCSI bus.
52 Spectra 12000 User Guide Note: When configuring t he Spectra 12 000 library as one logical librar y , one bus on any QIP must hav e the op tion Exp or ts a L og i c al Lib r a r y enab l ed to pr ov i de th e ro b o tic s control in terface to a host.
Chapter 5. Con figuring the Spec tra 12000 S-QI P 53 Y ou can also use the Controller Conf ig uration screen to con figure the QIPs. T o do this, tap Contr ollers on the Configuration T oolbar . This opens the Controller Configuration screen (Figure 5-5).
54 Spectra 12000 User Guide.
6 Configuring the Spec tra 12000 Librar y F-QIP This chapter includes: Displaying the Configuration T oolba r Configuring F-QIPs F-QIP Configure Controller Scree n About Serverless Bac.
56 Spectra 12000 User Guide Displa ying the Configura tion T ool bar The Library Controller lets you configure the library t hrough the Configuration toolbar . This toolbar provides buttons y ou can use to configur e al l aspects of the li brary: Partitioning the physical l ibrar y into logical libraries.
Chapter 6. Configuring the Spectra 12000 Li brary F-QIP 57 2. From Configuration toolbar , select the Part itio ns icon. This brings up the Shared Library Services screen. 3. Select the par tition that cont ains the controller you want to configure. 4.
58 Spectra 12000 User Guide 5. In the Dr ives window , select the controller you want to configure by tapping the drive it is connected to. 6. Ta p Configur e Controller .
Chapter 6. Configuring the Spectra 12000 Li brary F-QIP 59 ID from 0 to 125. Conflicts arise if tw o devices try to use the same loop ID, or if more t han 126 devices and hosts are c onnected to t he loop.
60 Spectra 12000 User Guide GBIC P ort s Ta p GBIC Port s to conf igure the GB IC ports. The Configur e GBIC P orts window a ppears (Figure 6-5) . This determines which driv es and libraries are a vailable from each GBIC. Side A includes Library 1 and you can assign any or all of the four av ailable drive s by checking them.
Chapter 6. Configuring the Spectra 12000 Li brary F-QIP 61 About Ser v erless Backup Serverless Backup is sometimes refer red to as Third Par ty Copy or Ex te nde d Copy (X copy) . Se r verless Ba c kup is a bac kup arc h i te c tu r e in which data flows directly from one sto rage device to another , bypassing the server .
62 Spectra 12000 User Guide Enabling Ser v erless Backup 1. Fr o m the Genera l Status s creen, ta p Roboti cs . The System Setup screen appears. 2. T o en ab l e Ser verless Bac kup , you will need to obtain an activation ke y from Spectra Log ic.
Chapter 6. Configuring the Spectra 12000 Li brary F-QIP 63 1. Open the Configuration toolbar and t ap Contr oller . The Configure Control l er screen appe ars 2. Select the F-QIP you w ant to enable Ser verle ss Backup on. The Configure Controller window appears 3.
64 Spectra 12000 User Guide.
7 Configuring the Spec tra 12000 E-QIP This chapter includes: Abou t T AOS™ T A OS User Interfaces Connect ing to th e Serial P ort Setting Up the E-QIP Setting Up T A OS ITP .
66 Spectra 12000 User Guide Abo ut T AO S ™ The Spectra Logic T A OS operating system architecture is an innovative approa ch to sharin g tape back up resources am ong hosts. The T AOS enabled Sp ectra 12000 E-QIP ha s an ethe rnet interface and th e ability t o enable one of two compon ents: T AOS ITP or T A OS NDMP .
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 67 Sharing T ape Devices TA O S I T P a n d TA O S N D M P b o t h a l l o w a set of t ape resources to be shared betw een multiple hosts. Care m ust be t aken to ensure that multiple requests are not being sent to same tape dr ive at the sa me time .
68 Spectra 12000 User Guide This chap ter will guide you th rough th e inst allation p rocess for T A OS ITP and T A OS NDMP , using bot h interf aces.
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 69 The T A OS Conf igu ratio n menu d ispl a ys: Setting Up the E-QIP Pas s wo r d Co nf i g u ra t io n As shipped, the serial port co nfigura tion menu is not password protected. T o prev ent unauthorize d users from changing th e E-Q IP’ s Fig ure 7- 2 The TAOS Configur ation menu.
70 Spectra 12000 User Guide configuration settings, you should enable a password. T o launch the Passw ord Configur ation menu, se lect 1 . [1] Set Passw ord: Select to set or change the password. If changing the passw ord, you will be prompted to en ter your passw ord, then prompted to enter it agai n.
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 71 these to value s app ropriate to your site befo re a ttachin g the E-QIP to your netw ork. T o launch the Ethernet Configuration menu, select 3 . T o configure the ethe rnet port, use the follo wing commands: [1] D HC P: Either enabled or disabled.
72 Spectra 12000 User Guide [4] I P subnet mask : I P netw ork mas k (s tand a r d IP para meter ). [5] IP g ateway: Gatewa y a ddress (standard IP para meter).
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 73 [2] Ad d se cure d I P ra nge : If you ha ve set ITP secur i ty , use this option to add a secu re d I P rang e. If sec ur ity is t u rne d on , the E- QIP w il l o nl y respond t o hosts in the secured IP address r ange(s).
74 Spectra 12000 User Guide Installing T AOS IT P on Windo ws NT To i n s t a l l TA O S I T P o n W i n d o w s N T : 1. Inser t the T A OS IT P disk into your CD-ROM driv e and browse to the NT fo lde r on you r CD -R O M d ri ve. 2. Double-click on se tup to st art the Insta llShield W izard.
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 75 4. Rea d the Lice nse Agree ment. I f y ou accept the terms of agreem ent, che c k th e bo x la b ele d I accept the te rms in th e license a greement and click Ne xt . (Figure 7-7) Note: Y ou mus t acc ept t he ter ms o f the L icen se Ag reem ent to continue with the installatio n.
76 Spectra 12000 User Guide 5. Click Nex t to install to C:Progr am FilesSpectra LogicT A OS. Click Change to ins tall to a diffe rent dest ination (F igur e 7-8).
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 77 6. Click Ins tall to insta ll the T A OS ITP control panel and driv er . Click Back to review or change installation settings (Figure 7-9 ). Fig ure 7- 9 The I nstall the Control Panel and Dr iver Window, cli ck Install.
78 Spectra 12000 User Guide 7. The T AOS ITP Configurat ion window ap pears (Figure 7-10). Note: Y our library h ost name w ill a ppear inst ead of deneciah. As long y our Windows N T system and T A OS enabled de vice are on the same subnet syst em , the T A OS enabled devic e will be listed on the Device Disco very window .
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 79 8. click on th e squar e box nex t to the T AOS enabled device to c heck- mark each T AOS enabled devi ce y ou want installed (Figure 7-11). 9. Click on the + symbol to displa y all the devices loca te d within the T A OS enabled device and v erify all device s are checked.
80 Spectra 12000 User Guide 13. Click Fi nish to comp let e the insta lla tion (Fig ure 7-1 2). 14. Click Ye s to reb oot the system ( Figure 7-13). Any T A OS devices y ou hav e inst alled are now configured and ready . Figure 7-12 C lic k Finish . Figure 7-13 Click Yes.
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 81 Installing T AOS ITP on Windo ws 2000 1. Insert the T A OS ITP disk into your CD-ROM drive . 2. Click on My Compute r ., and open the 2000 folder on your CD. 3. Double-click on setup . 4. The T A OS ITP InstallShield W iza rd launches.
82 Spectra 12000 User Guide 5. Read the Licens e Ag reem e nt. If you accep t the ter ms of the agreemen t, check th e box labe led I accept th e te r ms i n the li c ens e agre em ent and click Next (Figure 7-15). Note: Y ou mus t acc ept t he ter ms o f the L icen se Ag reem ent to continue with the installatio n.
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 83 6. Click Next to install to C:Pr og r a m File sSpec tra LogicT AOS. Click Change to install to a different destination .
84 Spectra 12000 User Guide 7. Click Instal l to install the T A OS ITP control panel and driver . Click Back to r evie w or change inst allat ion se ttin gs . 8. W ait for the T A OS ITP installation to complete. Figure 7-17 The Install the TAOS ITP control panel and driver Windo w , cl i ck Inst a ll.
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 85 9. The T AOS ITP Configurat ion window ap pears (Figure 7-18). Note: Y our library h ost name w ill a ppear inst ead of deneciah. As long y our Windows N T system and T A OS enabled de vice are on the same subnet syst em , the T A OS enabled devic e will be listed in the Device Disco very window .
86 Spectra 12000 User Guide 10. Click on the squar e box nex t to the T A OS enabled dev ice to check- mark each T AOS enabled devi ce y ou want installed (Figure 7-19). 11. Click on the + symbol to displa y all the devices loca te d within the T A OS enabled device and v erify all device s are checked.
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 87 16. Select Add/T roubl eshoot a de vice and click Nex t (Figure 7-20) . 17. Select Add a new device and click Next (F igure 7-21) . Figure 7-20 Install t he TAOS ITP contr ol panel and dr iver. Figu re 7 - 21 Install the TAOS ITP control panel and driver.
88 Spectra 12000 User Guide 18. Select No, I wa nt to s ele ct th e ha rdwa re from a list and click Ne xt (Figure 7-22 ) . 19. Highlight SCSI and RAID controll er s fr om the li st a nd click Next (Figure 7-23). Figure 7-22 The Find New Har dware Window.
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 89 20. Click the Have Di sk… butt on (Figur e 7-24). 21. Click Br owse . 22. Navigate to the TA OSit p .inf f ile on y our T A OS CD and cl ick Open . 23. Click OK. Figure 7-24 T he Select a De v ice Driv e r w ind o w , cl i c k Have Disk .
90 Spectra 12000 User Guide 24. Highlight T AOS ITP SCSI Adapter an d click Ne xt (Figure 7-2 5). 25. A dialog box ap pe a rs. Clic k OK (Figure 7-26). Figure 7-25 T he Select a De v ice Driv e r Windo w , clic k Next. Figure 7-26 An Add Remove Hardware dia log box, click OK.
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 91 26. Highlight I nput/Output Range a nd click on Change Setting… (Figure 7-27). 27. The Edit Input/Output Range dialog box appears. Loo k in the Conflict infor mation field to see if any device conflicts.
92 Spectra 12000 User Guide 28. If no devices are conflicti ng, click OK . If another device does conflict, press the up ar r ow button to inc reme nt the value until no devices conflict, then click OK ( Figure 7-28). Fig u re 7 - 2 8 The Edit Input/Outpu t Range dialog box, cli ck OK.
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 93 29. The Add New Hardw are Wizard Properties dialog box reappears. Click OK . 30. Click Ye s in the Creating a Forced Configuration dia log box (Figure 7-30). Fig ure 7 -2 9 The Add New Hardware Wizard Properties window, click OK.
94 Spectra 12000 User Guide 31. The Add/Re mov e Hardware Wiza rd is now ready to install the driver . Click Ne xt (Figure 7-3 1). 32. When The Digital Signa ture Not F o und dialog bo x appears, c lick Y es (Figure 7-32). Figure 7-31 The Start Hardware In stallation window, c lick Next.
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 95 33. Click Fi nish to comp let e the insta lla tion (Fig ure 7-3 3). 34. Click Ye s to reb oot the system . Th e T AOS ITP d river will b e loa ded when the system restarts (Figure 7-34) . Fig u re 7 - 3 3 The Completing the Add/Remove Hardware Wizard window, c lick Fin ish.
96 Spectra 12000 User Guide Installing T AOS ITP on Solaris T A OS ITP is suppor ted on Solaris versions 2.6 and later . Cautio n: T AOS ITP must be use d with a soft ware pac kage that provides a Shared Storage Option (SSO) type arbit rat ion be tween mach ines that b ackup t o the libr ar y .
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 97 11. When satisfied with the device list, enter y to accept de vices. After configuring the /devices and /dev directories, links will be create d in th e appropria te directories for the v ar ious target drive rs.
98 Spectra 12000 User Guide Installing T AOS ITP on Linux Cautio n: T AOS ITP must be use d with a soft ware pac kage that provides a Shared Storage Option (SSO) type arbit rat ion be tween mach ines that b ackup t o the libr ar y . If you do not ha ve an SSO type option, the only valid configuratio n is one computer per librar y .
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 99 T o verify connec tivity , load a tape to the drive and use the mt or the tar command. Use th e mtx comman d to verify communica tion with the library . Y ou are now ready to install the back up package of y our choice.
100 Spectra 12000 User Guide Setting Up NDMP Enabled by T AOS Enabling T AOS NDMP The Opti ons Enab lement me nu allo w s yo u to enabl e T A OS NDMP Netw ork Backup .
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 101 Configuring NDMP Enabled by T AOS Y ou will nee d to assign a user name and password which wil l be used to gain access to the backup resources --driv es and/or libraries--under the control of the T AOS NDMP agent.
102 Spectra 12000 User Guide 2. T o modify the password select Login passwor d . The passw or d will not be echoed. Fig ur e 7 -3 7 The TAOS NDMP Configuration menu, select [2] to logi n password.
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 103 3. Enter t he password ag ain to conf irm . 4. Ta p Esc to re turn t o the mai n men u. Figure 7-38 The TAOS NDM P Configuration menu.
104 Spectra 12000 User Guide 5. Select Save changes to sav e the NDMP user name a nd password. Fig ure 7- 39 The T AOS Configur ation menu, select [7] t o save change s.
Chapter 7. Configuring the Spectra 12000 E -QIP 105 6. Ta p y to confirm changes. 7. Ta p y t o r e b o o t . After a reboot the T AOS NDMP ag ent is re ady fo r use.
106 Spectra 12000 User Guide.
8 Configuring the Driv es This chapter includes: Configuring SCSI IDs, Emulation and D ip Switch Settings.
108 Spectra 12000 User Guide C onfiguring SCSI IDs, Emula tion and Dip S witch Settings Note: Setting SCSI IDs applies to S-QIPs and L-QIPs only . F-QIP drive IDs are hard coded and cannot be modified. 1. Select Pa rtitio ns from the Confi gurati on toolbar .
Chapter 8 . Configuring the D rives 109 3. Ta p Edit . The Edit Par tition Configur ation window appears (Figure 8-2). 4. In the Drive Configuration screen, select the drive you wish to configure. T ap Confi gure Dri ves . This brings up the Drive Configuration window ( Figure 8-3).
110 Spectra 12000 User Guide The Drive Configuration screen displays the driv e you selected, as w ell as any ot her dr iv e on the sa me bus. F or exa mple, if Driv e 1 and Driv e 2 are on the same bus, t he Driv e Configurat ion screen displ ays them bo th if you sele ct either one.
Chapter 8 . Configuring the D rives 111 opens the Drive Switches window (F igure 8-5). Y ou can set the driv e switches manually her e. Note: Do not set the driv e switches manually unless one of the pre set drive switch settings doe sn’t work with your operating system.
112 Spectra 12000 User Guide Y ou can also configure the driv es using the Drive Configuration screen. To d o t h i s : 1. Ta p t h e Drives b utton on the Configuratio n T oolbar . This opens the Drive Configuration screen (Figure 8-6). 2. T ap the driv e y ou wa nt to configure and tap C onfigur e .
9 Using the Spectra 12000 Librar y This chap ter revi ews: Checking Lib rar y Status Checking Roboti cs Checking I nventory Checking Driv es Chec king Diag nostics Upd at ing F.
114 Spectra 12000 User Guide Checking Librar y Status The General Status scr een shows details about the librar y’ s robotics, its media and its drives (Figure 9-1).
Chapter 9. Using the Spec tra 12000 Librar y 115 Checking Robotics T o set system time, a ccess key ed enablement, or set IP addresses: 1. Ta p Robot ics , the System Setup scr een appear s (Figur e 9-2). To E n a b l e K e y s T o enable keys, you will first need to obtain an activa tion key from Spectra Logic.
116 Spectra 12000 User Guide NDMP . F or more in formation, see Setting Up N DMP Enabled by TAOS on page 1 00. Server less Backup. F or mor e inf ormation, see Config ur ing the F- QIP for Serverless Backup on pag e 61.
Chapter 9. Using the Spec tra 12000 Librar y 117 Insert New Media To i n s e r t n e w m e d i a : 1. From the Gene r a l Stat us screen, tap Inventory . This brings up the Inv entory screen (Figure 9-3) . 2. Ta p Pa rtit ions in th e upper ri ght- hand c orner of t he screen to displa y the pull-do wn menu (Figure 9-4).
118 Spectra 12000 User Guide 5. Ta p Ope n/Clo se . A window pops up asking Op en En tr y/E xit Por t? Ta p OK . This opens th e E/E po rt. 6. Insert the n e w media i nto an y slot . T a ke note of the slot number . 7. Ta p Ope n/Clo se . A window pops up asking Close Entry /Exit P ort? Ta p OK .
Chapter 9. Using the Spec tra 12000 Librar y 119 T o ej ec t media th roug h the Libr ar y Controlle r: 1. From the Gene r a l Stat us screen, tap Inventory . This brings up the Inv entory screen (Figure 9-5) . 2. Ta p T otal Librar y in the upp er right corner of the screen to display the pull-down menu ( Figure 9-6).
120 Spectra 12000 User Guide 5. Select the slot (from T ape Slots bo x ) that holds t he media y ou wish to eject. Then select a slot in the Ent ry/ Exit P or t bo x. 6. Ta p Move . 7. Ta p Ope n/Clo se . A window pops up asking Op en En tr y/E xit Por t? Ta p OK .
Chapter 9. Using the Spec tra 12000 Librar y 121 Checking Drives T o see more data about drives, and to configure or replace them: From the General status screen, t ap Drives (F igur e 9-7). Checking Drive Sta tu s Select a driv e, then tap Configur e .
122 Spectra 12000 User Guide The Main tenance T oolbar The Mainte nance too lbar icons are: Diagnostics Upda te F/ W (fi rmw are) Tr a c e s Help Fig ure 9 -8 Maintenance Toolbar.
Chapter 9. Using the Spec tra 12000 Librar y 123 Checking Diagnostics Field se r vice engineer s use Diagnost ics t o i d e n t i f y t he s o u rc e of p ro b le m s with the library .
124 Spectra 12000 User Guide 3. Select Local Dire cto r y in the File Locati ons section. This is whe re the firmware files will com e from. 4. Ta p Select Location . Thi s will update the a vailable up dates list from the local firmware directory . 5.
Chapter 9. Using the Spec tra 12000 Librar y 125 Access ing Firmwa re from a R emote S er ver If you do not hav e the specific firmware file you need to update a specific com ponent, you will need to access t he file y ou need from the Spectra Logic server .
126 Spectra 12000 User Guide 9. Select Spectra Logic Form the Fir mware Servers list. 10. Select Select Location . This will updat e the A vailable Updates list from the Re mote Server . 11. Go to Step 5 on page 124, to complet e the update procedur e.
Chapter 9. Using the Spec tra 12000 Librar y 127 5. The Library Cont roller a lerts the user Co nfigu rati on of QIP (X) Bus (X ) Does Not Match Front P anel for each logical li brary . T ap OK . This message will not appea r after all QIPs ha ve been upgraded.
128 Spectra 12000 User Guide 9. Select R un T est . 10. After the test ha s compl eted, r estar t t he libr ar y ..
Chapter 9. Using the Spec tra 12000 Librar y 129 Viewing the F-QIP C onfiguration Y ou can vie w the current F-QIP configurations from the Diagnostics screen. Foll ow these steps: 1. Go to the Libra r y Contr oller . Pull down th e T oolbars menu and sele ct the Main t enan ce toolbar .
130 Spectra 12000 User Guide 3. Use the +/- buttons to select View F-QIP Configurati on and ta p Run T est . This brings up the View Diagnostic T ra ce window , sho wing the F-QIP configurations (Figure 9-13). On this screen you can see the cur ren t set tings for the F-QIP configurations, Loop Address, Disable Initiator settings, etc.
Chapter 9. Using the Spec tra 12000 Librar y 131 3. Select the partition or All P artitio ns , then ta p Reso urc es . 4. The Partition Resources screen ap pears, showing data about dr ive and contro ller cards, and their SCSI IDs. It al so shows information about maga zines i n use.
132 Spectra 12000 User Guide Deleting a P ar tition Configura tion T o delete a configured partition : 1. On the Librar y Controlle r , ta p T oolbars , then tap Configur ation . The Configuration too lbar displa ys. 2. Ta p t h e Part ition icon on the Configurat ion toolbar .
10 U sing the Drive This chap ter revi ews: Bar Co d e L ab e l s Using AIT Da ta Cartridges W rit e-Pr otec ting a nd Record ing Storing Car tridges Outside the Librar y Caring fo.
134 Spectra 12000 User Guide Bar C ode Labels Re view the following informat ion before attaching bar code labe ls to the AIT data cartridges. Note: Spectra Logic bar code labe ls are pr e-appro v ed for use with the Spectra 12000 library; kee p the follo wing information for future r eference .
Chapter 10. Using the Drive 135 of the cartr idge as shown below . Using AIT Data Car tridges The AIT -2 and AIT -3 data car tridges are the onl y car tridge that incorporate the unique Memory In Cassette (MIC) f eature.
136 Spectra 12000 User Guide W rite-P rot ecting and Recording The write-protect tab on the car tridge pr ev ents accident al data erasure. T o use th e writ e prote ct ta b on th e data car trid ge: 1. Move the tab on th e ed g e of th e d ata ca r tr idg e to th e SA FE positio n .
Chapter 10. Using the Drive 137 Storing C ar tridges Outside the Libr ar y F ollow the se guidelines to store data c artridges in a pack outside the library . Attach th e clear pl astic lid to the front of the car tridge p ack to shiel d the data cart ridges from dust and other debris while in storage.
138 Spectra 12000 User Guide A void rapid temperature changes. Cleaning the AIT Drive Heads The Sony AI T dr ives fea ture a bu ilt i n clea ning fun ction to p revent and recover from he ad co ntamin ation. H owe ver , occasio nal c leanin g with approved SONY Cleaning Media may be r equired for excessiv e hea d con ta min at io n.
Chapter 10. Using the Drive 139 sched uled au tom atic he ad c leaning of tap e lib rar ies. Sc hedul ed cleaning should be considered in inst allations having high am ounts of airborne pa rticulat es. Cautio n: Do not use the cleaning car tridg e for mor e than the number of speci fied cleaning cy cles indicated on t he cartridge label.
140 Spectra 12000 User Guide 6. Ta p Move . The Confirm Mov e window appears: 7. Ta p Driv e Cle an . 8. The cleanin g cartridge mov es to the selected driv e, and begins cleaning the heads automa ticall y . The library mov es the cartridge back to the slot you selected for it originally .
11 Maintaining the Spec tra 12000 Librar y Spectra 12000 libra ries a re ea sy t o maintain. This chapter re vie ws: Changing t he Spectra 12000 Library Air Filt ers Adding Driv es Adding .
142 Spectra 12000 User Guide Changing the Spec tra 12000 Librar y Air Filt ers Spectra 12 000 libraries ha v e three replace able fi lters inside the fr ont door . Inspect filters e v ery three to four months and replace as necessary . If a f ilt er is cont ami nat ed, repla ce i t wi th a n e w filt er .
Chapter 11. Maintaining the Spec tra 12000 Li brary 143 7. Slide the filt er assembly up an d out from t he door t o disengage the four metal hooks. 8. Inspect the filt e r and repla ce it if n ecessary . 9. Remo v e the old filter by pulling it out from under the six t abs on the filter brack et.
144 Spectra 12000 User Guide Addin g D rives The Spectra 120 00 library readil y accept s addit ional dri v es up to a maxim um of eight dr ives. Altho ugh roboti c oper ati ons are d isab led wh en the front door is o pen, the librar y continues operation while you add or remov e a driv e.
Chapter 11. Maintaining the Spec tra 12000 Li brary 145 7. Use the door key to open the libr ar y door . 8. Slide the ne w drive into t he appropria te slot for the QIP it wil l be attach ed to . 9. Press th e drive firm ly in ward until th e LED lights an d position it so it is flush with the right side of the library chassis.
146 Spectra 12000 User Guide 13. The Drive Configuration window automatically pops up. The Driv e Configuration screen displa ys the driv e y ou a dded, as w ell as any other dr ive on the sam e bus . From the Driv e Configuration screen, you can set emulation and SCSI IDs.
Chapter 11. Maintaining the Spec tra 12000 Li brary 147 15. Ta p Pr esets to select driv e switch settings and emulation for y our operating system (Figure 1 1-5). Sele ct yo ur operating system and tap OK . If the selections do not include y our operating system, tap Cancel .
148 Spectra 12000 User Guide Note: Do not set the driv e switches manually unless one of the pre set drive switch settings doe sn’t work with your operating system. If y ou need to set driv e switches manu al ly , call Spectra Logic T echnical Support at (800) 227-4637 for help.
Chapter 11. Maintaining the Spec tra 12000 Li brary 149 Addin g QI Ps 1. Make sure you hav e four feet of clea ranc e at the bac k of t he lib rar y . Fig u re 1 1 -7 Spectra 12000 library, rear view.
150 Spectra 12000 User Guide 2. Go to th e re ar pan el of the l ibra ry . H av e the n ew QIP ready . Alig n it to ride inside the top and bottom ra ils. Push fir mly into plac e. 3. Tighten the two captive screws. 4. Connect cabling, as described in Connecting the SCSI Cables and Termi nator s on page 32 .
Chapter 11. Maintaining the Spec tra 12000 Li brary 151 T roubleshooting the Spec tra 12 000 Library The following procedur es solv e many common proble ms: T roubleshooting Librar y Initializatio.
152 Spectra 12000 User Guide 7. Recalcul ate th e length of the SCSI bus incl uding the cables inside the library and ser ver computer . The maximum length specified in SCSI Cable Requi rements on page 159 includes cables inside t he librar y .
Chapter 11. Maintaining the Spec tra 12000 Li brary 153 Pur chasing A dditional Acces sories Spectra Logic accessories are a vaila ble dire ctly from Spectra Logic (includin g bar c ode label s numbere d sequen tially from 0 000000 t o 0000179 and from 0000 000 to 0000719).
154 Spectra 12000 User Guide Pur chasing Cust om Bar C ode Label Sequences Bar codes for custom sequences can be purchased through distribution. For information on the requir ed specifications, refer to Bar Code Labels on page 1 34. The p art number for AIT bar code labe ls is: #1699-26 EDP .
Chapter 11. Maintaining the Spec tra 12000 Li brary 155 To e n a b l e C o D 1. Fr o m the Genera l Status s creen, ta p Roboti cs . The System Setup screen appear s (Figure 11-9). 2. T o enable CoD, y ou will need to obta in an enabl ement k ey from Spectra Logic.
156 Spectra 12000 User Guide.
Appendix A. F ibre Ch annel Cable Requirem ents T o operate correctly , t he Spectra 12000 l ibrary must m eet certain F ibre Channel Cable R eq uirements: Fi bre Channel Cab le Requiremen ts All Fibre Cha nnel cabling sho u ld comply with Fibre Channel Physic al and Signaling In terface - 3 , (Fc-Ph-3), Rev 9.
158 Spectra 12000 User Guide.
Appendix B . SCSI Cable and T e rminat or Requir ements T o operate correctly , t he Spe ctra 12000 l ibrary must me et c ertain requirements which are discussed in the following sections: SCSI Ca.
160 Spectra 12000 User Guide The maximum le ngth of the SCSI cab l e (in cluding the internal an d the exter nal cab le) de pen ds on the SC SI c onfigu ratio n: Differential SCSI Maximum allow abl e bus length is 60 feet (20 meter s) including the eight inches (20 cent imet ers) of cabling inside the library .
Appendix C. Specifications This appendix contains t he following information. Sony AIT T ape Specifications Sony AIT - 2 T ape Drive Specificati ons Sony AIT - 3 T ape Drive Specificati on.
162 Spectra 12000 User Guide Son y AIT-2 T ape Driv e S pecificat io ns The follo w ing table summ arizes th e sp ecifications for the Sony SDX-500C AIT driv e. Parameter Specification Ambient operating temperature a a. The upper lim it applies to the d rives themselves.
Appendix C 163 Son y AIT-3 T ape Driv e S pecificat io ns The follo w ing table summ arizes th e sp ecifications for the Sony SDX-700C AIT driv e. Parameter Specification Ambient operating temperature a a. The upper lim it applies to the d rives themselves.
164 Spectra 12000 User Guide P ow er Requ iremen ts Spectra 12000 Library P ow er require ments for the Spectra 12000 library are list ed in the tab le belo w: Pow e r C a b l e The po w er cable included with the Spect ra 12000 l ibrary is a stand a rd, t hre e conduc t or cord s a fe for 120 v olt use in the Unit ed State s and Canada.
Appendix C 165 Operating E nvi ronment Limits Place th e li b r a r y and me d ia in a re ason abl y con trol l ed e nv ironm ent th at does not ex c eed the environment li mits li sted in th e ta ble be low .
166 Spectra 12000 User Guide Shock and Vibration Specif ications Load Limit Shock (operating , no data loss) 5.0 peak for 3 ms dur ation a a. Half sine, 3 ax is, 3 directio n, 10 seco nd inte rval. Shock (non-operating, no device damage ) 15 G peak 15 ms d urati on a Vibr ation (oper at i n g) 0.
Appendix D . Regula tory and Safet y Standards The Spectra 12000 library complies with t he following re gulatory and safet y st anda rds an d is auth oriz ed to b ear the m ark of t he corre spon ding agen cies.
168 Spectra 12000 User Guide EU Declara tion of C onformity We Spectra Logic Corporation 1700 North 55th Street Boulder , Colorado 80301 USA declare under sole responsibility that Spectra Logic’ s S.
Appendix D 169 The Spectra 12000 library complies with a ll safety re levant provisions referri ng to : Prot ectio n agai nst e lectric al h azards Prot ection again st such hazards as : • M.
170 Spectra 12000 User Guide.
Appendix E . U sing the T A OS ITP Contro l P anel to View S ettings Opening the T AOS ITP Configura tion Con trol P a nel T o ope n the T A OS ITP Configuration Co ntro l Panel: 1. Click on Start , Settings , then Contro l Pane l . 2. Click on the T A OS ITP icon .
172 Spectra 12000 User Guide Device Disc ov ery Use this screen to view the T A OS enabled new devices attached to the network. Installed Devices Use this screen to show installed devices. Eth er ne t Use th is to vi ew the standard IP address, t he IP network ma sk, the I P gatewa y , and whether DHCP has been enabled or disabled.
Appendix F . Using the Serial P or t Inter face Connect a serial ca ble to th e E-QIP diagnostic por t, lab eled DIAG 1, with a serial port term inal emulation application lik e HyperT ermina l runnin g on a host computer .
174 Spectra 12000 User Guide The T A OS Conf igu ratio n menu d ispl a ys: Figure 11-12 The TAOS Configurati on menu..
Appendix F 175 Pas s wo r d Co nf i g u ra t io n The Passw ord Configuration menu a llows y o u to set or change the configuration password. T o launch the Passw ord Configuration menu, select 1 . [1] Set Passw ord: Select to set or change the password.
176 Spectra 12000 User Guide Fibr e C onf iguration The Fibre Configuration menu allo ws you to c onfigure the fibre port. T o launch th e Fib re P ort Configuration menu, select 2 . T o co nf i gur e the fibr e p or t, us e the fol lowi ng com mand s: [1] Loo p ID Type: T oggles betw een hard and soft loop ID.
Appendix F 177 Ethernet Conf iguration The Ethe rnet Conf iguration me nu al l o ws you to configure the ethernet p o rt . T o l aun ch t he Et hern et C onf i gu rat io n me nu, se lec t 3 . T o configure the ethe rnet port, use the follo wing commands: [1] D HC P: Either enabled or disabled.
178 Spectra 12000 User Guide [?] He lp : Displays hel p for this menu. [Esc ] Retu rn s yo u to t he main me nu T AOS ITP C o nfiguration The ITP Configuration menu allows you to set ITP security . T o launch the ITP C onf igurat ion menu, sel ect 4 .
Appendix F 179 [?] He lp : Displays hel p for this menu. [Esc ] Retu rn s yo u to t he main me nu T AOS NDMP C onfiguration T o en able an d config ure T AOS NDMP , ref er to Setting Up NDMP En able d by T A OS o n pa ge 10 0.
180 Spectra 12000 User Guide [1] Change opti on code: Enter the option code from Spectr a Logic to enable options. [?] He lp : Displays hel p for this menu. [Esc ] Retu rn s yo u to t he main me nu Sa v e Ch ange s Select 7 to sav e all changes ma de during the configur ation session.
Glossar y 181 Glossary of Terms 10Base T 10-Mbps baseband E thernet sp ecification using two pairs o f twisted- pair cabl ing, one pair for tr ansmit ting data and the ot he r for receiving data. 10BaseT has a distan ce limit of ap proxi matel y 328 feet or 10 0 meters (see Et her net) .
182 Spectra 12000 User Guide CoD A capacity on demand feature of Spectra Logic libraries that allows the user to p urchase a dditio nal st orage capacity instantaneously. Controller The controll er is the QIP assigned to contr ol each partit i on. See also, Q IP an d Pa rtitio n.
Glossar y 183 GCP See LC . GIG E Gigabit Ethernet. The latest ve rsion of Ethernet, support ing data tra nsfer ra tes of 1 Gigabit pe r second. GUI Grap hical User In terfa ce. Th e GUI f or th e Spec tra 12000 lib r ary and t h e Spectr a 64000 library i s the Library C ontrolle r (LC).
184 Spectra 12000 User Guide LED Light Em itting Dio de. An el ectronic device that light s up when el ectri city is passed t hrough it. Logical Library An in depend ently opera ting su bset of the physica l library.
Glossar y 185 OS Opera ting Syste m. An OS is used to ru n appli cations o n your comp uter int erf ace. Partiti on A proce ss used to ass ign spe c ifi c sl ot addresse s and driv es of th e ph ysica l Spe ctra 12 000 li brary or S pec t ra 64000 lib r ary to o ne or more logi cal libr ari es.
186 Spectra 12000 User Guide SLS Shared Libr a ry Servi ces ™ . A featur e of S pectra Logic libra ri es that al lo ws users to allo ca te the librar ie s resou rc es across various p latform s. TAOS™ TAOS is a ta pe appl iance ope rati on system that share s tape backup resources among a la rge number of users.
Index 187 Index A about TAOS 66 AC powe r 164 warning 5 accessories purcha sing 153 air filter replacing 142 air qual ity 30 AIT dat a ca rtri dges 135 B bar code labels checksums 134 custom sequences.
188 Spectra 12000 User Guide D data ca rtridge caring for 137 insert ing an d ej ectin g 116 movin g 120 purcha sing 153 specif ications 161 write- prot ec t tab 136 data ca rtridge pack bulk lo adin .
Index 189 L labels ordering bar cod e 153 ordering custom 154 require me nt s for bar code 134 LCM loc ation 27 , 36 , 149 librar y trouble shootin g 151 trouble shoot in g ini tial iza tion 151 logic.
190 Spectra 12000 User Guide S SAFE po sition on tape 136 SCSI cable requir ements 159 configure contro ller screen 51 configuri ng dr ive SCSI IDs 108 conn ect ing the cables 32 termi na tor requir e.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Spectra Logic Spectra 12000 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Spectra Logic Spectra 12000 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Spectra Logic Spectra 12000 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Spectra Logic Spectra 12000 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Spectra Logic Spectra 12000, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Spectra Logic Spectra 12000.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Spectra Logic Spectra 12000. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Spectra Logic Spectra 12000 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.