Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto RDR-GX700 del fabbricante Sony
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2-102-792- 61 (2) © 2004 Sony Corporation D VD Recorder Operatin g Instructi ons RDR-GX300/RDR-GX700.
2 WARNIN G To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabin et. Refer servi cing to qualif ied personnel only. The mains lead m ust only be changed at a qualified se rvice shop.
3 On recording • N ote th at the cont en t s of the recording c a nnot be compensated for under any and all conditio ns, including co nditions that ma y arise due to a m alfunctio n of this unit. • Make trial reco rdin gs b efore making the ac tual r ecord ing.
4 Table of Contents WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 DV Dubbing ( RDR-GX700 on ly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Before DV Dubbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Available DV Dubbing Fu nctions .
6 Ways t o Use Y our DVD Re cord er Quick access to recorded titles – T itle Lis t , Display the Title List to see all o f the titles on the disc, in cludin g recor ding date , channel , recording mode an d thumb nail image (page 33 ) .
7 Creating your own pr ogramme – Playlist , Record a programme o n a DVD-RW (VR mode), then del ete, mov e and add scenes at will to create your own, orig in al prog ramme (pag e 66).
8 Compatibility with other D VD play ers (finalizing) Playable only on VR mode compatible players (finalization unnecessary) Playable on most D VD players (finalization necessary) (page 37) Playable o.
9 Ye s Ye s Ye s No No Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s No No No No Ye s Y es * 2 No Y es * 2 No Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s Y es * 3 Y es * 3 Ye s No Ye s No No Ye s No No No No Recording Fe.
10 Playable dis cs Discs tha t cannot be played • All CD-ROMs (inclu ding PHOTO CDs) • CD- R s /CD- R W s, othe r t han those re cord ed in musi c CD f or mat, MP 3 fo rmat , or V i deo CD format .
11 Note o n playba ck opera tions of DV D VIDE Os/ VIDEO CDs Some playback operations of DVD VIDEOs/ VIDEO CDs may be in tentionally set by softwa re producers. S ince this r e corder plays DVD VIDEOs/VIDEO CDs acc ording to the disc conten ts the sof tware pr oducers design ed, so me playba ck feat ures ma y not be available.
12 Hookups and Settings Hooki ng Up t he Reco rder Follow steps 1 to 7 to hoo k up and adj us t the sett i ngs of the reco rd er. Notes • Plug cord s securel y to prev ent unw anted n oise. • Refer to the i nstruction s supplied with the component s to be c onnected.
13 Hookup s and Settings Step 2 : Conn ectin g the A erial Cable Conne ct the aeri al cable by following the step s below. Do not conne ct the mai ns lead unt il you reac h “Step 5: Con ne cting the Ma ins Lead ” (p age 19). 1 Disco nnect the aeria l cable f rom you r TV and c onnec t it to A ERIAL I N on th e rear p anel of the recorder.
14 Ste p 3: Conne cting the Vi deo Cord s Select one of the fo llow ing patt er ns A through D , accor ding to the input jack on your TV monito r, projector, or AV amplifier (rec eiver). This will enable you to view pictures. Audi o connecti ons are explai ne d in “Step 4: Con necting t he Audio Cord s” (page 17).
15 Hookup s and Settings A Connecting to a SCART input jack Conn ect usin g a SCART cord (not supp lied ) to the L I N E 1 - T V j a c k a n d y o u r T V . B e s u r e t o m a k e t h e connectio ns firmly to avoid hum and noise. See the operating instr uctio n s supplie d with the TV to be co nn ected.
16 •T V D i r e c t R e c You ca n easi ly re cord wha t you a re wat chi ng on your TV (p age 47). • One Touc h Pla y You ca n tu rn on the rec or der and TV , se t the TV’s inp ut to the re corder , and start pl ay back with on e touch of th e H (p lay) bu tton (page 5 3).
17 Hookup s and Settings Step 4 : Conn ectin g the A udio C ords Select one of th e following p atterns A or B , according to the input jack on your TV monitor, projecto r, or AV a mplifier (rec eiver) .
18 A Connecting to audio L /R input jacks This con nection wi ll use your TV ’s or stereo ampli fier’s (re ceive r’s) two spea kers for so und. Connect using the a udio/video cord (sup plied).
19 Hookup s and Settings Step 5 : Conn ecting t he Mains Le ad Connect the su pplied main s lead to the AC IN termin al of the re corder . Then plu g t h e recorde r and TV mains leads (powe r cords) int o the mains. Afte r yo u co nnec t th e main s le ad, you mu st w ait for a short w hile b efore o perati ng the recorde r.
20 Controlling TVs w ith the remote You can ad just the r emote’s signal to contro l your TV. If you co nnected the reco rder to an A V am p lifier (recei ve r), you can use the su pplied re mote to control the AV amplif ier ’s (rec e ive r’ s) volume.
21 Hookup s and Settings Controlling the v olume of your AV amplifier (rece iver) with the remote 1 Slide th e TV/ DVD sw itch to D VD. 2 Hold down [ / 1 , an d enter the manufac turer c ode (s ee the table b elow) for yo ur AV ampl ifier (re ceiver) using the number buttons .
22 3 Selec t “Optio ns,” an d press ENT ER. 4 Selec t “Command Mode,” and p ress ENTER . 5 Selec t the Com mand mo de (DVD1 , DVD2, or DVD3), and pres s ENTER . 6 Slide th e COMM AND MODE switch on the remot e so it matc hes th e mode you select ed above .
23 Hookup s and Settings 3 Switch the input se lector on your TV so tha t the si gnal fro m the recor der appe ars on your TV scre en. “Initial s ettings necessary to operate the DVD recor der will be ma de . You can ch ange the m later us ing Setup.
24 10 Select the s ettin g that m atches your T V type. “16:9” : For wide -screen T Vs or standar d TVs with a wide screen mode . “4:3 Letter Box”: For standard TVs. Disp lays “w ide scr een” p ictures with bands on the upper and lower s ec tio ns of the scree n.
25 Hookup s and Settings 20 Press EN TER. The Setu p Displa y for the DTS signal appears . 21 Sel ect whethe r or not yo u wish to send a DTS signa l to your amplifier (receiver) , and pr ess ENTE R. If your A V am plifie r (r ec eiver ) ha s a DTS deco der, sele ct “On.
26 Connec ting a VCR or Simi lar De vice After disco nnecting the recorder ’s mains lead from th e ma ins , connect a VCR or similar recordi ng device to the LINE I N jacks of this re corder. For RDR- G X 7 00, use the DV IN jack on the fron t panel if the equ ipmen t ha s a D V out pu t jack (i.
27 Hookup s and Settings Connecting to the LINE 2 IN or LINE 4 IN jacks Connect a VCR or similar recording de vice to the LINE 2 IN or LINE 4 IN jacks of this rec order. If the equipm e nt has an S-v ideo jack, yo u can use an S-video cor d i ns tead of an au dio/vide o co rd.
28 Connec ting t o a Sa telli te or Di gital Tuner Connect a sat ellite or d igital tu ner to this recorder u sing the LINE 3/DECODER jack. Disconnect t he reco rd er’s m ai n s le ad from th e main s w he n conn ec ting th e tu ne r. To us e the Sy nchro- Rec func tion , see bel ow.
29 Hookup s and Settings Connec ting a P AY-TV/C anal Plu s Decode r You c an watch or recor d PAY-T V/Can al Plus p rogramm es if yo u connec t a dec oder (n ot suppl ied) to the record er. Dis co nnect th e r ecorder ’s mains lead fr om th e mains w hen conn ecting th e de coder.
30 Setting PAY-TV/Canal Plus chan nels To watch o r record PAY-TV/ Canal Pl us programmes, set your record er to recei ve the chan nel s using the on -scree n display. In order to set the c hannels co rrectl y, be sure to fol lo w al l o f the s teps below .
31 Hookup s and Settings 10 Select “System, ” and press ENTER. 11 Press M / m to sele ct an avail able TV system, BG, DK, L, o r I, and pres s ENTER. To rece ive bro ad casts in Fr an ce, se l e ct “L.” 12 Sel ect “Nor mal/CAT V,” an d press ENTE R.
32 Guide to Dis plays Using the On-S creen Me nus This se ction introd uces the System Me nu, TOO LS menu, a nd sub- menu. B y usin g these d isplays , you can perf orm mos t o f the recor d er ’ s operati ons .
33 Guide t o Disp lays TOOLS The TOOL S menu ap pears whe n you pres s TOO LS, a n d disp lays opti ons a p plic able to th e entire d isc (e.g. d isc protection ), record er (e.g. audio s ettings during record ing), or multip le item s on a list menu (e.
34 Standard Title List (Example: DVD-RW in VR mode) “Zoom ed” Title List A Title type (DVD-RW in VR mode only): Displays t he title t ype, Original or Playlis t. B Sort but t ons: Sorts the titl e or der (se e belo w). C Zoomin g ind ic a tor : Shows th e cu rrent z oom status .
35 Guide t o Disp lays z Hin t After record ing, the fi rst scen e of the recording (t he title) is aut omatical ly set as the thum bnail pict ure. Notes • Th e Title List may no t appear for disc s created on othe r DVD recorders. • Letter s that cannot be displayed are replac ed with a n “ * .
36 Exampl e: DVD-RW (V R mode ) A “Disc Na me” B “Media”: Disc type C “Format”: Recording fo rmat type (DVD- RW only) D “Title no.”: Total n umber of titles E “Protecte d”: Indicat.
37 Guide t o Disp lays Finalizi ng a disc (prepari ng a disc for playback on o ther equipment) Final iz in g i s ne cessar y w he n you pla y discs recorded with this recorder o n other DVD equipm ent.
38 Check ing the Play Inform ation an d Playing Time You can chec k the playing ti me and remaining time of the current title, ch apte r, or track. Also, you can ch eck the d isc name r ecorded on the disc .
39 Guide t o Disp lays z Hin ts • If “D TS” is set to “Off” in Au dio Setup, the DTS track selection option wil l not appe ar on the screen eve n if the di sc contains DTS tracks ( page 90).
40 How to Enter Charac ters You can label a titl e, disc , or prog ram by ente ring charac ters. Yo u can ent er up to 64 c haracter s for a title or disc name, but the actual number of charac ters dis played in the me nus such as the Titl e List wi ll va ry.
41 Record ing Recording Before Recording Before you start recording… • Thi s recor der can rec ord on va rious d iscs. Sel ect the disc type accordi ng to your needs (p age 8 ). • Chec k that t he d isc has en ou gh ava ilab le spac e for the re cording (pa ge 35) .
42 z Hint You can select th e audio (main or sub) while rec or din g bilingua l programm es using the (aud io) button. This does not affect t he record ed sound. Unrecordable pictur es Picture s with cop y protec t io n cannot be re cord ed on this record er.
43 Record ing 2 Press Z (open/clo se) to close t he disc tray. Wait until “ LOAD” disappears from the fro nt panel di splay. Unus ed D V D s are fo r m at ted autom atical ly . 3 Press [TI MER] . • If the Timer programmin g (VIDEO Plus+) menu ap pe ars, pres s < to s w itc h th e disp lay t o “St andar d.
44 To co nfirm, change, or canc el timer recording See “Checking/ Changing/Cancelling Timer Set tings (Tim er List )” (page 45). To ex tend the r ecording durati on time while recording 1 Press TO OLS dur in g re co rding. The TOOL S menu ap pears.
45 Record ing 3 Press the number buttons t o enter the PlusC ode number , and pre ss SET. • If yo u make a m istake, press C LEAR and r e- enter the corr ec t numb er. 4 Select “O K,” and press ENT ER. The date , start and s top time s, pr og ramm e posit i on, re cordin g m ode, an d PD C/ V P S settin g (page 43) ap pear.
46 4 Select one of th e option s, and pres s ENTER . “Modify”: Chan ges the timer setting. Select an item u sing < / , an d ad just usin g M / m . Select “O K ” and pr es s EN T ER. “Era se”: Era ses the tim er setti ng. Select “OK” and pres s EN TER.
47 Record ing Record ing Withou t the Timer 1 Insert a recordable disc. 2 Press PROG +/– to selec t th e progr amme positio n or inp ut sour ce you wa nt to record.
48 Notes • After pressin g z REC, it may tak e a short whil e to star t recording. • You cannot change the rec ording mode while recording or dur ing recording pause. • If ther e is a power fail ure, t he progr amme you a re recording m ay be erased.
49 Record ing This function work s wit h DVD-Rs and DVD- RWs (V ideo m ode) w hen the re cordin g mode is set to HQ, HSP, or S P. For al l other recor ding m odes, the screen size is fi xed at “4:3 .” For D VD-RWs ( VR mod e), t he ac tual pict ure size is recorded regardle ss of the setting.
50 Recor ding From Conn ecte d Equip ment Wi th a Ti mer (Synch ro Rec) You can set the r ec order t o au tomati cal ly reco rd progr ammes fro m connecte d equipme nt that has a timer functi o n (suc h as a sate lli te tuner ). Conn ect the equipm ent to the LI N E 3/ DE C ODER jac k of the rec order (p age 28).
51 Record ing Record ing Fr om Conn ected Equip ment Wi thout a Timer You can record fr om a connected VCR or s imil a r device. To conn ect a VCR or simila r device, s ee “Connecting a VCR or Similar Device” (page 26) . For R DR-G X700, use the DV IN j ack on the fron t panel if the eq uipment has a DV ou tput jack (i.
52 Playback Playi ng 1 Press Z (open/clo se), an d place a disc on the disc tray . 2 Press Z (ope n/close) t o close the disc tray. If you i nserted a DVD VIDEO, VIDEO CD, CD, or DATA CD, press H . Pl ay ba ck st ar ts . 3 Pres s TITLE LIS T. For details a bout the Title List, see “Using the Titl e Lis t” (page 33).
53 Playback The po in t wh ere you st o pped play i ng i s c le ar ed when: – y ou o pen the di sc tray. – y ou p lay anot he r title. – you switch the Titl e List menu to Original or Playlist (DVD-RW in VR mode only). – you edit the title afte r stopping playback.
54 Playback options Buttons Operations Discs Z (open/close ) Stops play and ope ns the disc tray. All discs (audio) Selects on e of the audi o tr acks record ed on the disc when pre s sed re peated ly . : Selects th e languag e. : Selects t he main or sub sound .
55 Playback To resume normal pla yback, pre ss H . SUR (su rrou nd) Selects one of t he TVS effects when pre ssed repe atedly. TVS* (TV Virtual Surro und) lets you enjoy vi rtual surround so und effects cre ated from the front left and right spea kers.
56 Notes • To e njoy the TVS func tion, set “ Digital Output” to “On” and “Dolby Digital” t o “D-PCM” in Audio Setup. • When the playback sig nal does not contain a si gnal for the rea r speakers, the surroun d effects will be diff icult to hear.
57 Playback 4 Press < / , to adjust the set ting, an d pres s ENTE R. The defa ult settin gs are un der l ined. “ Y NR ” : (weak) O ff 1 2 3 (str ong) “ C NR ” : (weak) Of f 1 2 3 (strong ).
58 Chasin g Play back/ Simult aneous Rec an d Play “Chas i ng p layback ” al lows yo u to view the beginn ing of a prog ramme w h ile it is bei ng reco rded. “Simu l ta ne ous Rec and Pla y” al l ow s you to view a previous ly recorded p rogramme while recording anothe r on the sa m e disc.
59 Playback Search ing for a T itle/ Chapt er/Tr ack, etc . You ca n search a D V D by title or ch apter, and VIDEO CD/CD/DATA-CD by track or scene. As tit le s and tracks ar e assigned in di vidual num b ers on the dis c , select the title o r track by entering its numbe r.
60 Playi ng MP3 Audio Tr acks You can pl ay MP3 audi o tr a cks on DAT A CDs (CD-ROMs/CD-Rs/CD-RWs). 1 Inser t a DATA CD on th e disc tr ay. 2 Press H . Playba ck starts fr om the firs t MP3 aud io track s on the disc. No te that th e pl ayback order may be di fferent from th e edite d order.
61 Playback Notes • Dependi ng on the sof tware you use t o create the DATA CD, the playba ck orde r ma y diff er f rom the ab ove illu stration. • Proc eeding to the next or anothe r album m ay take som e time . • The recorder may not be ab le to play some DATA C Ds crea ted in th e Pack et W rite forma t.
62 Editing Befo re Edi ting This record er offe rs various edit option s for variou s disc types. Before you ed it, chec k the disc type in the fr on t panel d isp l ay , and selec t t he option ava ilable f o r yo u r disc (p ag e 8) . Note You may lose the edit e d contents if you remov e the disc or a timer r ecording start s whil e editi ng.
63 Edit ing z Hin t You can d ispl a y the disc’s Pl aylist tit les in the Tit le Li st (Playlis t), or t he origina l titles i n the Tit le List (Original ). To swit ch th e two T itle List s, press TOOLS w hile a Title List is displa ye d, and select “Origi na l” or “Pl ay lis t.
64 “Pr otect”: Protec ts the t itl e. Sele ct “On” w hen the Pr ot ection di sp l a y appears. “ ” appear s next to th e protecte d t itl e. To cancel th e protecti on, select “ Off.” “Title Name”: Allows y ou to e nter or re-ent er a title name (page 40).
65 Edit ing 3 Select a title, a nd press ENTER. A chec k mark ap pears in t he ch eck box nex t to the sele cted title . To clear t he check mark , pres s ENT ER agai n. To cl ear a ll of ch eck marks, selec t “Reset All. ” • When the title is protecte d, the displ ay asks for confirma tion.
66 Creating chapters man ually You can manua lly insert a chapter ma rk at any point y ou l ike duri n g playba ck o r record ing. Press CHAP TER MA RK at the point where you want to divide the title into chap ters. Each time you p ress the butt on, “Marking.
67 Edit ing 3 Select the title you want to include in the Playlist ti tle, and press EN TER. A chec k mark ap pears in t he ch eck box nex t to the sele cted title . To clear t he check mark , press ENTER again. To se lect all of t he ti tles, select “S elect All.
68 To add mor e sce nes , sel e ct “Add” and go to step 6. To prev iew al l of the captu red scen es in the listed order, se lect “Preview.” 13 When you fin ish ed iting the Sc ene Lis t, select “OK,” an d press ENT ER. The display for enterin g the titl e name appea rs.
69 Edit ing Combining multiple P layl ist titles (Combine) 1 Press TITLE LIST to turn on the Tit le List (Playlist) m enu. If the Title List (Original) m enu ap pears, pr ess TOOLS and select “ Playlist.” 2 Press TOOLS to se lect “Com bine, ” and pres s ENTE R.
70 DV Dubbing (RDR-GX7 00 only) Befo re DV Dubbin g This se ction ex plains du bbing wit h a digit al video camer a vi a the DV IN j ac k on the fr ont pa nel (RDR-G X700 onl y). If yo u want to du b by way o f the LINE I N jacks, see “R e cording Fr om Conne ct ed Equip m en t Withou t a Timer” (pa ge 51).
71 DV Dubbi ng (RDR-GX7 00 only) 1 Press Z (open/clo se), and p lace a recor dable di sc on the t ray. Make sure th at the disc has enou gh free sp ace to reco rd the co ntents of yo u r tape. 2 Press Z (open/clo se) to close t he disc tray. Wait until “ LOAD” disappears from the fro nt panel di splay.
72 Avail able D V Dubb ing Functi ons ◆ One T ouch Dubb ing (page 73 ) Recor ds the en tire co ntents o f a DV f ormat ta pe to a disc of you r choice w ith a single tou ch of the ONE TOUCH DUBBING button.
73 DV Dubbi ng (RDR-GX7 00 only) Record ing an En tire DV Format Tape ( One To uch Dubbi ng) You can re cord the ent ire cont ents of a DV fo rmat tape onto a disc with a single p ress of th e ONE TOUCH DUBBING button. The record er controls the digit al vid eo c amera fo r the whole proces s, and completes th e record ing.
74 Progr am Edit You ca n select sc enes from a DV form at tape, an d then au tomatically rec ord selected scenes to a d isc of your c hoice. To use this f unction, you w ill do t he fo llowing: m Using t he record er’s r emote con trol, fa st forwa rd or rew in d the tap e t o select th e s cenes.
75 DV Dubbi ng (RDR-GX7 00 only) 5 Select the IN p oint by pre ssing m / M , and pr ess ENTE R. The dis play for setting th e OUT po int (end o f the sc ene) app ears. The s cene star ts to play in the bac kgr ound from the IN point . 6 Select the OUT poin t by pres sing m / M , and pr ess ENTE R.
76 To s top dur ing re cording Open t he remo te’s c over and press x REC STOP . Note that it may take a f e w seconds f or the reco rder to stop record ing. Notes • The dis c may not be recorded a s programmed if the tape’s time cod e is no t sequenti al or th ere are blanks between t he reco rdings o n the tap e.
77 DV Dubbi ng (RDR-GX7 00 only) ◆ How chapt ers are create d The dubb ed cont ents on th e disc beco me one title, and the tit le is divided into chapters. Fo r a DVD- RW (V R m ode ), ever y sh ooting on t he tape and each se lect ed scen e bec omes a ch apte r on the di sc (Auto Sc ene Chapt er i ng function) .
78 Notes • The dis c m ay not be re co rd ed a s progr a mm ed if the tape’s time cod e is no t sequenti al or th ere are blanks between t he recordi ngs on the t ape. In t his case, follow the instr uc ti ons of “R e co rd ing F r om C onnected Equipme nt W ith out a Timer” (pag e 51) .
79 DV Dubbi ng (RDR-GX7 00 only) 1 Foll ow steps 1 to 6 o f “Prepari ng for recor ding u sing t he DV I N jack” ( page 70), and pr ess SYSTEM ME NU. Be sure to insert the orig inal DV format tap e that co rr espond s to the pr og ram in th e D V Edit List.
80 1 Foll ow steps 1 to 4 of “Prepari ng for recording using the DV IN jack” (pag e 7 0), then p ress SY STEM ME NU. Be sure to use t he original DV format tape and the DV D-RW (VR mo de) that co rrespo nds to the program in the DV Edit List. 2 Select “DV EDIT ,” and pre ss ENTER .
81 DV Dubbi ng (RDR-GX7 00 only) 7 When you finis h editi ng the Sce ne List , select “O K,” and pr ess ENTER . The program is save d in the DV Edit Li st. Once you edi t a progra m, the or igin al progra m will be er as ed. • If you select “Q uit” afte r makin g change s in step 6, th e displa y asks whether to save the prog ram.
82 Settings and Adjustmen ts Using the Setup Di splay s By using th e Set u p Disp lays , you can ma ke variou s adjus tm e nts to ite m s such as pi ct ur e and soun d, as w e ll as sele ct a la ng uage for the subtit les. The Setup Displays are used in the following way.
83 Settings a nd Adjustm ents 5 Select an opti on, and pr ess EN TER. The currentl y selected option is d isplayed next to th e se tup item . Example: when “4:3 Lett er Box” is set.
84 4 Select “S ystem, ” an d press ENT ER. 5 Select an available TV system, B G, DK, L, or I, and pres s EN TER ( see page 85). 6 Select “N o rmal/CA TV , ” an d press EN TER. 7 Sel ec t “Nor mal,” and pr ess ENTER . To set CATV (Cable Television ) chan ne ls, select “ CATV.
85 Settings a nd Adjustm ents ◆ Receiva ble channel s Stat ion Name Changes or enters a new s ta tio n name (u p t o 5 charac ters) . The record er must re ceive ch annel informatio n (for instan ce, SMARTLI NK infor m at ion) fo r s ta tion nam es to appe ar automatical ly.
86 4 Press M / m until the se lecte d cha nnel ro w moves to the de si re d progra mme p os ition. The se l ect e d chann el is in se rted at the ne w progra mme p os it i on. 5 Press ENTER to confirm th e setting. 6 To ch ange or di sable th e progr amme po sition of anot he r station , repeat fr om step 3.
87 Settings a nd Adjustm ents Language OSD (On-Sc reen Di splay) Switch es the disp la y l anguage on t he screen. DVD Menu (DVD VID EO only) Switches the language for the DVD me nu. Audio ( DVD VIDEO only ) Switch es the langua ge of the soun d track.
88 Note Depending on the disc, “4:3 Letter Box” may be selected automat ically inste ad of “4:3 P an Scan ” or vic e versa. Paus e Mode (DV Ds only) Selects the p icture qu ality i n paus e mode . Compon ent Out Select s wh et he r or not to ou tput vide o signals from the COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks.
89 Settings a nd Adjustm ents ◆ Line1 Outpu t Sel ec ts a method of ou tp utting vi de o signals for the LI NE 1-TV ja ck . Notes • If your TV does not a ccept S-vide o or RGB signals, n o picture a ppe ars on the TV scree n ev en if y ou s el ect “S Video” or “RGB.
90 Audio DRC (D ynamic Rang e Contro l) (DVDs only) Makes the soun d clear when the volu me is turne d down when playi ng a DVD t hat co nforms t o “Aud io DRC.
91 Settings a nd Adjustm ents • MPEG (DVD V IDEO only) Sel ec ts the type of MPEG au dio si g nal. • DTS (D VD VI DEO on ly ) Selects whether o r not to outp ut DTS signa ls.
92 Notes • Depe nding upon the si ze of the recordin g being made , the ac tual in terval may va ry from the interval selec ted in “Auto Ch apter.” The selected interva l should only be used as an appro xima t ion t o crea te chapters. • This fu nc tio n is not available when dubbi ng DV ta pes to DVD-RWs (VR m ode) (RDR-GX700 onl y).
93 Settings a nd Adjustm ents Parental C ontrol (DVD VI DEO only) Playback of some DVD VIDEOs can be l imited accord ing to a predeter mined le vel, such as the a ge of the us er s . Scenes ma y be blocked or rep laced with di fferen t s ce nes. 1 After step 3 abo ve, select “Paren tal Cont rol,” and pre ss EN TER .
94 ◆ Area code One To uch Dubb ing (R DR-GX 700 only ) Displ ays the follow ing options for the One Touc h Dubb ing func ti o n. ◆ Finaliz e Disc ( for all rec ordable di s cs e xcept DVD-RW in VR mode ) Selects whether or not to finaliz e the disc autom a tically fo llowing O n e Touch Du bbi ng (page 7 3).
95 Settings a nd Adjustm ents Disc and Rem ote Cont rol Settin gs/Fact ory Sett ings (Option s) The Options Set up allows yo u to set up other operatio nal se ttings. 1 Pres s SYSTE M MENU whi le the reco rder is in stop mo de. 2 Selec t “SETUP ,” and pre ss ENTER.
96 Easy S etup (Rese tting the Re corder ) Sele ct th is to ru n th e E asy S e t up pro gra m me. 1 Press SYSTEM MENU while the re corder is in sto p mode. 2 Selec t “SETUP,” and press EN TER. 3 Selec t “Easy Se tup,” an d press ENTE R. 4 Pres s ENTER.
97 Additional I nformation Additional Inform ation Troubl eshooting If yo u expe rienc e any o f the f ollow ing diffi culti es while u sing the r ecorder, use this tr oublesho oting guide t o he lp remed y the prob lem be fo re reque sting rep airs. S hould any pr oblem pers ist, consul t you r neares t S ony dealer .
98 If the eq uipment is connecte d to the DV IN jack, (this is usu al ly f or a di gi tal video cam era connec tion) , select “DV” in th e fro nt panel display by pre ssing PRO G +/ – or IN PUT SELECT.
99 Additional I nformation The rec order star ts playi ng the disc automatica lly. , The DVD VIDE O feat ures an au to pla yback function. Playba ck stops auto matica lly. , If the di sc has an auto pa use s ig n al, th e r ecord er stops playb ac k a t th e au to pause signal .
100 Timer rec ording is no t complet e or did no t start from th e beginni ng. , There was a powe r fai l ure during reco rding. If the p ower r ecovers when t here is a t imer recordi ng, the rec or der resume s rec ord ing. Should t he power fail ure continue for m ore than 1 hour, reset th e c loc k (pa ge 86).
101 Additional I nformation Others The rec order do es not oper ate prope rly. , Resta rt the re corde r. Pr ess do wn [ / 1 on t h e recorde r for m ore than ten seco nds until “WELCO ME” appear s in the front pane l display. , When st atic electr icity, etc.
102 Self- diagn osis F unctio n (When let ters/ number s appear in the disp lay) When the se lf-diagnos is functi on is act ivated to prevent th e recorder from malfunc tioning, a f ive- charac ter s ervice n umber (e.g ., C 13 50) w ith a combinat ion of a lette r and four numbers appe ar s in the front panel displ ay .
103 Additional I nformation • After playin g, store the d isc i n its ca se. • Cle an t he disc wit h a cl e aning clot h. Wipe t he disc from the cen tre out. • Do not u s e solv ents such as be nz ine, thin ner, commercially avai labl e clean er s, or anti -s tat ic spray in ten ded for vi ny l LPs.
104 LINE 1 -TV: 21-pi n CVBS IN/OUT S-Video/RGB OUT (upstre am) LINE 3/DECODER: 21-pin CVBS IN/OUT S-Video/ RG B I N S-Vide o OUT (dow nstream ) Decoder DV IN (RDR-GX700 only): 4- pi n/i.LINK S100 DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL): Optical output jack/–18 dBm (w ave le ngt h: 660 nm) DIGITAL OUT (COAXIAL): Phono jack /0.
105 Additional I nformation i.LINK baud rate i.LINK’s maximum bau d rat e v ar ie s acc or di ng to the equipme nt. Three maxi mum baud rates a re defin ed: S100 (a pprox. 1 00 Mb ps *) S200 (a pprox. 2 00 Mb ps ) S400 (a pprox. 4 00 Mb ps ) The baud rate is listed under “Spe ci f ications” i n the ins t ructio n m a nual of ea ch equipm ent.
106 Guide t o Part s and Controls For more inform a tion, see the pa ges in parent he ses. Front panel Butt ons o n the recor der have the sa me functio n as the butt ons on the remot e if they have the sa me or similar names .
107 Additional I nformation Remote Butt ons on the remo te have the same function as the butt ons on the recorder if they ha ve the sa me or si milar nam es. But tons wit h an oran ge dot next to them c an b e used wit h yo ur TV whe n th e TV / DVD switch is s et to TV.
108 wj m / M (search) buttons (54) wk H (pla y) butto n* (52) The butt on has a tactile dot . X (pause ) bu tto n (54) x (sto p) but ton (52 ) wl CHAPTER MARK/ERASE buttons (66) e; INPUT SELEC T butto.
109 Additional I nformation Rear panel A AERIAL IN/OUT jacks (13) B LINE 1 – TV jack (1 4) C LINE 3/DECODER jack (26) D COMPONENT VIDEO OUT (Y, P B /C B , P R /C R ) jacks (14) E AC IN terminal (19).
110 Glos sary Chapter (page 59) Secti ons of a picture or a m u s ic fe ature tha t are smaller than titles. A title is compo sed of severa l chapt er s. D epe nd ing on the di sc , no ch apte rs may be reco rd ed. Copy protec tion si gnals (pag e 42) Copy res tr i ct io n set by co py right ow ne rs, etc.
111 Additional Info rmation Inte rlace form at (pag e 16) Inter la ce format s how s ever y ot he r line of an imag e as a single “f ield” and i s t h e s ta nd ard meth od for d isplayi ng ima ges on t elevisi on.
112 Langua ge Cod e List For de tails, see pag e 87 . The lang ua ge spelli ngs co nform to t he ISO 639: 1988 (E/F) stan dar d. Code Lan guage Cod e Languag e Code L anguage Code Language 1027 Afar 1.
113 Index Words in quotations a ppear in the on - s c r ee n dis pl a y s. Numerics 16:9 24 , 87 4:3 Letter Box 24 , 87 4:3 Pan Sc an 24 , 87 A “A-B Erase” 64 “Add to Edit List” 94 Adjusting p.
114 E Easy Setu p 22 , 96 “Edit” 80 Editing 62 , 66 DV Edit 70 Enter characters 40 “Erase” 46 , 63 , 67 , 75 , 80 “Erase All” 36 “Erase Titles” 64 “Extend Rec” 44 F “Factory Se t.
115 Remote 19 , 10 7 Resetting the reco rder 96 Resume Play 52 “RGB” 24 , 89 S S VIDEO 15 “S Video” 24 , 89 “Scart Se tting” 88 Scene List 67 , 72 Screen Saver 88 “Search” 59 Searching.
Sony Corporation Printed in Hungary Printed on 100% r ecycled paper. 2-102-792- 61 (2).
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony RDR-GX700 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony RDR-GX700 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony RDR-GX700 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony RDR-GX700 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony RDR-GX700, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony RDR-GX700.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony RDR-GX700. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony RDR-GX700 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.