Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PCG-FX290 Primary del fabbricante Sony
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V AIO® Notebook User Guide PC G-FX 290/ FX 290K.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 2 Notice to Users © 2001 Sony Electron ics I nc. All rig hts reserv ed . This m a nua l and th e soft ware descr ibe d he rein, in whole or in par t, may not be rep rodu ced, tra n sl at ed , or redu ce d to any machi ne-re adable form wit hout prior written appro val.
3 auth orize d by Ma cr ovision Corpora tion, an d is inte nde d for hom e a nd ot her limi te d vi ewing uses on ly u nless otherw ise a uthor ized by Macro vi sion Corp orati on. Re verse en gine eri ng or disassembly is proh ibit ed. i.LINK is a SONY trade mar k used on ly to d esignate that a produ ct cont ai ns an IE EE 13 94 c onn ecto r .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 4 ❑ Pour préveni r to ut ris que d’él ectrocuti on, ne pas ou vrir le châssis de cet appareil et ne confier s on entret ien qu’ à une personne qual ifi ée. ❑ Ne jamais effectuer l’installation de fil mo dem ou té léphone du rant un or age électrique.
5 This eq uipm en t has bee n te ste d and fou nd to com p ly with the li mits fo r a Clas s B di git a l device , pursua nt t o Part 15 of the Rule s. Thes e limit s are designe d to provi de reasona ble prote ct ion ag ainst ha rmful in terfe rence in a resi de nt ial i nsta ll a tion.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 6 noti fy you in adva nce th at te mp orary disco nti nuan ce of serv ice m ay be re qui red. But if adv ance notic e is no t pra ctic a l, the te lepho ne compan y wil l not ify th e cu stome r as so on a s possibl e.
7 For the Sony Servi ce C enter n earest yo u, cal l 1- 888-47 6-6972 in the Unite d State s or 1-80 0- 961-76 69 in Can ada. INDUSTR Y CANADA NOTICE NOTICE: The Indu stry Canad a la be l iden ti fies cer tified eq uipm ent.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 8 equi pm ent m ay giv e the te lec omm unica ti on s com pa ny ca use to re que st t hat th e use r disco nnect the equip ment .
9 Notice to Use rs 2 Welcome 13 Features 13 Unpacking Your Notebo ok 14 Manuals 14 Software CDs 15 Recovery CDs 15 Other 15 Ergonom ic Consid erations 16 Notes on Setup 17 Handling Your Notebook 18 Cl.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 10 Using the O ptica l Driv e 45 Playing a DVD 47 Notes on CD and DVD media 49 Writing data to CD-RW/CD-R media 49 Using PC Cards 51 To insert a PC card 51 To remove a PC c.
11 Connecting an Exte rnal Mous e or Keybo ard 70 Connecting a Printer 71 Connecting an Exte rnal Displa y 71 Connecting a TV Displ ay 75 Connecting a Universa l Serial Bus (USB ) Device 76 Connecting an i.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 12 Create a Movie using Shaker 105 Editing Clips and Scenes 106 Saving a Movie 106 Picture Gear™ 107 Managing Your Pictures 107 Creating a Photo Album 107 Using Panorama .
13 We l c o m e Cong ratulati ons o n your purchase of the S ony V AIO® n otebook. Sony has combined leading -edge techno logy in audio, video, comp uting, and commun icatio ns to p rovid e you wit h stat e-of-the-art pers onal compu tin g.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 14 CD-R W drive and DVD-ROM drive, providing increased storage cap acity and a rich multim edia computin g experience. The C D-R W/DVD-ROM drive plays DVD-ROM, CD-ROM, CD-R W , and CD-R discs.
Unpac king Y our Noteboo k 15 Software CDs ❑ Micr osof t® W ord 2000 — Allows you to reinstall Microsoft W ord to the V AIO noteboo k you p urchased . Recovery CDs ❑ System Recovery CD(s) — Allows you to restore the software titles that shipped with y our computer if they become corrupted or are erased.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 16 Ergonom ic Consid erations Y ou will b e using y our notebook computer as a po rtab le device in a variety of environmen ts. Whenever possible, yo u should attempt to apply th e following er gonomi c consi deration s to bo th s tationary and por tab le envir onments.
Ergon om ic Cons id erati on s 17 fatigue by adjus tin g the tilt of the d isplay to the pro per pos itio n. Adjust the brightnes s setting o f the disp lay als o. ❑ Lighti ng — Choose a location where windows and lights do not create glare and ref lectio n on the d isp lay .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 18 ❑ Use only specified p eripheral equipment an d interface cables; otherwise, probl ems may res ult. ❑ Do no t use c ut or da m ag e d conn ectio n cab le s.
Ergon om ic Cons id erati on s 19 ❑ Using the com puter in low temperature con ditions may pro duce a residual image on the screen. This is no t a malfunction. W hen the compu ter returns to normal temperatur e, the screen returns to normal. ❑ The screen b ecomes warm dur ing operation.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 20.
21 Setting Up Y our V AIO® Notebook This section describes all the con trols and con nectors on your computer , how to connect y our comp uter to a power sour ce, and ho w to start and sh ut down y our computer .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 22 4 T ou chp ad 10 Cap s Loc k indi cator 5 Lef t/rig ht bu tto ns 11 Scroll Loc k indi cato r 6 Pow er in dica tor.
Loc ating Co ntrols and Con necto rs 23 Left 1 Vid eo ou t 4 i.L I NK® ( IEE E13 94 ) S4 00 conn ec tor 2 Mic roph one co nnec tor 5 PC car d sl ots 3 Head phon e co nne ctor 6 Ba ttery bay.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 24 Right 1 PPK bu tto ns 2 Po w er bu t ton 3 Optica l drive ( CD-RW/DV D-ROM driv e) 4 Mu ltipurpos e ba y.
Loc ating Co ntrols and Con necto rs 25 Back 1 Mod em j ack 5 Moni t or conn ecto r 2 USB co nn e ctor s 6 Eth e r ne t co nn ec to r 3 Seri al co nnecto r 7 DC In co nnecto r 4 Pri nte r c onnec to r War n i ng : Only conn ect 10BA SE-T a nd 10 0BAS E-T X cab les to t he E thern et n etwor k port .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 26 Bottom 1 Mu ltipurpos e ba y RELE ASE l ever 2 Reset s witc h 3 T ilt st ands.
Connec ting a P ower So urce 27 Connecting a Pow er Source Y ou can use either AC po wer or a rech ar geable battery p ack as a power source. Using the AC Adap te r 1 Plug the cable attach ed to the AC adapter into the DC In connector o n the computer .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 28 ❑ Use only the AC adapter supplied. Do n ot use any other AC adapter . Using Batte r y Po wer Y ou can use one or two battery packs as a sour ce of power . The seco nd battery pack inserts into the multipurpose b ay on the r ight side of the co mputer .
Connec ting a P ower So urce 29 2 Insert the battery pack into the battery bay on the left side of the co mputer . 3 Close the cover of th e battery bay until it clicks. T o charge t he batt ery pack 1 Connect the AC adapter to the computer . 2 Insert the battery pack .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 30 There are t wo ba tte r y in dicato r li ghts on t he com pute r Battery in dicator lig hts Battery Indica tor De scription 1 Indicat es the status of the ba ttery pack in the battery bay on the left side of th e com pute r .
Connec ting a P ower So urce 31 T o rem ove the b a tter y pack 1 Open the ba ttery bay cover . 2 Pull out the bat tery pack. 3 Close the cov er of the b attery bay .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 32 ❑ Y ou can extend battery life by chang ing the po wer- management modes in the PowerPanel u tili ty . See “Power Savi ng Modes” ❑ The battery pack supp lied with your co mputer is a lithium-ion b attery and can be rech ar ged at any time.
Starting Y our Com puter 33 Starting Y our C omputer 1 Slide the LCD lock lev e r in the directio n of the arrow , and lift th e cover . 2 Press the power button on top of the compu ter un til th e green power indicator lig ht turns on .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 34 3 If necessary , adjust the brigh tness controls for the LC D display as follows: ❑ T o decrease brightness, pr ess Fn+F5 then the down or left ar row key . ❑ T o increas e brightnes s, press Fn+F5 t hen the u p or righ t arrow key .
35 Using Y o ur V AIO® Notebook Using the Keyb oard Y our key board is very similar to a typew riter ’ s, but the keyboard has addi tional keys that perform specific computer -related tasks. Keyboard Key Desc riptio n Numeric key pad area Contai n s the keys found on a typical calcu lator .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 36 Combination s and Functions wit h the Wi ndows Key Func tion keys The twelv e fun ctio n keys alo ng t he to p of the k eyboa rd a re used to perform desi g nated ta sks. For exa mple, in man y ap plicati ons, F1 is the Help key .
Using the Key board 37 Indic ators + Ctr l + F Displa ys the W indows Find: Com pute r wi ndow wh ere you can lo cat e othe r comput e rs. T hi s is th e equi va le nt of select ing Fi nd and the n Co mp uter f rom t he Star t menu . + M Minimizes all di splayed win dows.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 38 Indicators ( continued) Lig ht On Off Num Lock The numb er key s in the nu meri c keyp ad are activ e. The al phanumeri c chara cter keys in t he k eypad are a are activ e. Caps Lock The letters appear in up pe rca se as you ty pe.
Using the Key board 39 Combinations an d Functio ns with the Fn Key Combi natio ns/ Feat ure Funct ion Fn+ (ESC ) Stan dby Puts the syste m into Standby mode , a po wer - mana geme nt state. T o return the system to the active state, press any key o r press t he power butto n on you r com pute r .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 40 Using the T ouchpad The keyboard con tains a cursor -pointing device called a touchpad. Y ou can point to, select, drag, and scroll objects on the screen using the built-in touchpad. T ouchpad Action D esc ription Point Sl ide one fing er on th e touc hpa d to plac e the po int er on a n i tem or ob je ct.
Usin g the T ouchpa d 41 ✍ See Mou se Prop erties fo r inf o rmation on touchp ad featu res, suc h as cli cki ng both butto ns simu lta neo usly , adjus ti n g touc hpad sp eed, an d Easy La uncher f un cti ons.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 42 Using the Floppy Disk Dr ive Y our compu ter come s with th e flop py disk driv e in the multipur pose b ay . T o insert a diskette 1 Hold the diskette th e label side facing up. 2 Gently push the disk ette into the drive un til it click s into place.
Usi ng t h e Fl oppy Dis k Dr ive 43 T o remove a diskette ❑ When you finish using th e disk ette, w a it un til the LED indicato r light turns off and then p ress the Eject button to remov e the diskette. T o remove the floppy disk dri ve 1 T urn of f the compu ter .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 44 T o reinsert the flop py disk drive 1 T u rn off the computer . 2 If an othe r de vice is in th e mult ipurpose bay , remove the device. See “T o remove th e second battery pack”. 3 Inser t the fl oppy disk driv e into the m ul t ipu rpo s e b ay with th e V AIO lab el facing up.
Us ing t h e O pti cal Dr ive 45 Using the Optical Drive Y our computer comes with an optical drive (CD-R W /DVD-ROM drive). T o insert a disc 1 T urn on the comp uter . 2 Press the Eject button to open the CD-R W /DVD-R OM drive. The tray slides out.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 46 4 Push the dis c onto the h ub until th e disc clicks securely into pl ace. Insertin g an optic al disc Label s ide fac in g up.
Us ing t h e O pti cal Dr ive 47 5 Close the tray by pus hing it gen tly . Playin g a DVD T o achieve optimum perf ormance when playin g DVDs, it is r ecommended that your computer not be con nected to the port replicator while playing DVD mov ies or using DVD applications.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 48 ❑ Y ou can play DVDs using the DVD-ROM drive and the W inDVD software. See the help file that comes with the W inDVD software for details. If you hav e connected a TV , follow the instructions in “Selecting the Display Mode”.
Us ing t h e O pti cal Dr ive 49 Notes on CD and DVD media ❑ Do not d rop or bend t he disc. ❑ Do not touch the su rface of the disc. Fingerprints and dust on the sur face of a disc may cause read errors. Prop er care of the disc is essential to maintain its reliability .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 50 ✍ For o ptimal writing speed , deact ivate the s creen saver a nd ex it an ti-virus sof tware before wri ting da ta to a disc. For best resu lts, use CD-Rs that are comp atible wit h 4x speed, as DirectCD™ and Easy CD Cre ator ® are preset to that sp eed.
Using PC Cards 51 Using PC Cards Y our computer inclu des two PC card slots. PC cards allow you to co nnect portable external d evices such as another h ard disk drive, or to connect a net work . T o insert a PC card 1 Push the Release button once. Th e Release button pops out.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 52 bottom P C card sl ot prot ectors. 3 Insert the PC card into the PC card slot. Make s ure the front label o f the PC card is facing up. 4 Push the the PC card slot gen tly into the connector . The PC card is automatically detected by y our system.
Using PC Cards 53 1 Double-click in the taskbar . The “Un plug or Eject Hardware” d ialog box appears. 2 Select t he hardware device you wish to remove. 3 Click Stop. In th e “Stop a Hardware device” dialog box, confirm that the device can be safely remov ed from the sy stem.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 54 Using a Second Battery Pack Y ou can purchase a second rechar geable battery pack. W ith two battery p acks, you can extend t he time that you use yo ur comp uter wit h batter y power . When using tw o battery packs , the battery pack you insert first charges first.
Using a Second Battery Pac k 55 T o charge the second battery pack Keep the battery pack in the comp uter while it is connected to AC power . The battery ind icator flashes while the battery is char ging. See also “T o char ge the battery pac k” for mo re information.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 56 T o remove th e seco nd battery p ack If you attach two battery p acks, yo u can remo ve either of them wi thout shutti ng down the computer . When removin g one battery pack , make sure that th e other battery pack’ s indicator li ght i s on.
Using th e W eight Saver 57 Using the W eight Saver The weight saver pro tects t he mult ipurpos e bay when it is em pty . T o attac h the weight saver 1 If ano ther device is in the multipurpose bay , remove the d evice. See “T o remove the s econd batte ry pack”.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 58 T o remove th e W eight Saver 1 There is a release lever o n the bottom of the weight saver . T o remove the weight saver , slide this lever in the direction of arrow 1, then slid e the Release lever on the bo ttom of the co mputer in the direction of arro w 2.
Using Smar t Connec t 59 Using Smart Con nect Windows Me™ Y ou can connect your V AIO® noteboo k to anot her V AIO comput er that has the preinstalled W indows Me operating system or th e Sony Smart Connect 3 .0 software preinstal led. Y ou may use an i .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 60 See Smart Connect online help for m ore information. Power Saving Modes When y ou us e a battery as th e sour ce of power for you r computer , you c an take advantage of power m anagement setti ngs to conserve bat tery l ife.
Power Sav ing Mode s 61 T o re turn t o n ormal mode Press any key to retu rn to normal mode. Hibernate Mode In the Hibe rnate mode, the state o f the system is saved o n the hard dr ive and power is turned off. The power indicato r li gh t is off in this mode.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 62 Connecting a Phone Line Y ou need to co nnect a phone li ne to take advan tage of onl ine ser vices and the Internet. 1 Plug one end o f the phone cable into the modem jack on the compu ter . 2 Plug the o th er end into the wal l jack.
Connec ting to the Lo cal Are a Netw ork (LAN) 63 Connecting to the L ocal Area Network (LAN) Y ou can connect your com puter to 10BAS E-T and 10 0BASE-TX- type netwo rks. For t he detailed setti ngs and de vices needed to co nnect to the network, ask your net w ork a dmin i str ator .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 64 5 Click the Iden tificatio n tab to set the com puter nam e, workg r ou p, and computer des c ript i on. 6 Click the Access Control tab to set the share level or user level access control. Wind ows 20 00 m o dels T o connect to the network 1 Right-click My Network Places and select Properties.
65 Connecting Peripheral Devices Y ou can ad d function ality to your computer by connecti ng a variety of peri pheral s, as d iscuss ed in the fo llo wing s ecti ons: ❑ “Connecting th e Port Repl.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 66 Connecting the Port Repl icator Y our notebo ok support s the us e of an o ptional port r epli cator (PC GA-PRFX1). Attaching a port rep licator enables y ou to connect add itional per ipherals to your computer .
Connec ting t he Port Re plica tor 67 1 T urn of f your co mputer and disconnect all peripheral d evices. 2 On the bo ttom of the compu ter , slide the port replicator connector co ver ope n. 3 Attach the bottom of the computer to the port replicator co nnector until it clicks.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 68 4 Plug the cable attached to th e AC adapter into the DC IN connector on th e port repl icator . Plug the power cord into the AC adapter an d an AC outlet. The power indicator light t urns green . 5 T urn on the com pute r .
Connec ting t he Port Re plica tor 69 T o remove you r comput er fr om the port replic ator w hen t he power is of f 1 T urn of f your co mputer and the connected per ipherals. 2 Pull the levers on each side of the port replicator to disengage the compu ter from th e port replicator .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 70 Connecting an Exte rnal Mouse or Keyboard Y ou can connect an ex ternal mouse or keyboard to th e optional po rt replicator using a PS /2 ® -style p lug or adapt er . T o connect an ex ternal mouse o r keyboa rd ❑ Locate t he mouse/keyboard connector on the port replica t or ident ified by the / symbo ls.
Connec ting a Printer 71 Connecting a Prin ter Y ou can co nnect a W in dows Me/W indows 2000-com p atible printer to yo ur comput er to print docum ents. T o connect a p rinter ❑ Locate the Printer connector iden tified by the s ymbol . Plug the printer cable (supplied wit h the printer) into th is p ort on the comput er .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 72 ❑ Projector (See “T o connect a projector”.) T o connect a compute r display ❑ Locate the Monitor connector identified by the symbol on the back of the computer . Plug the displ ay cable (n ot supp lied) i nto t his conn ector .
Connec ting a n External Displa y 73 T o connect a p rojecto r Y ou can use a projector, such as the Sony LCD Projector , as an extern al display . T o select a display When you connect an ex ternal display to the monitor con nector , you can toggle the output be tween the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), the external monitor , or both de vice s.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 74 T o P ress Resul t Switch to an external displ ay Fn+F7 T oggl es between the LCD, the ext ern al display co nnect ed to the Mo ni tor co nne ctor , or both the LCD and exte rnal disp l ay . ✍ Conn ect th e cab le befor e you turn on th e c ompu ter , otherwise Fn + 7 wil l not w ork.
Conne cti ng a TV Display 75 Connecting a TV Display Y ou can enjoy playin g audio/ video b y connecting A V devices to your computer . See also t he manuals suppl ied with your A V devices. T o Connect a TV ❑ Connect the computer to a TV using au dio/vid eo cables .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 76 Connecting a Universal Serial Bus (USB) Device Y ou can connect USB devices such as an external mouse, ke yboard, speaker , and micropho ne to you r comput er . ✍ See the ma nual tha t came with you r periph eral device for mo re informa tion on instal latio n and us e.
Connec ting an i. LINK® D evice 77 T o connect a USB device ❑ Locate the USB device iden tified by the symbol. Plug one end of th e USB cable into th is p ort and the other end in to the USB dev ice. Y ou can use an opti onal So ny USB mouse PCGA-UMS1 series (n ot s upplie d) with this computer .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 78 T o connect a digital video camera recorde r ❑ Plug o ne end of t he i.LINK cabl e (not s uppli ed) into the i.LI NK connector on the le ft side o f the comp uter an d the other end in to the DV In/ Out connector on the digital vi deo camera reco rder .
Connec ting an i. LINK® D evice 79 ✍ The Sony digita l vi deo camera re corder is p ictu red; yo u may need to connec t yo ur camera di f ferentl y . On Sony digital video came ras, con necto rs la beled “DV In/ O ut” or “i.L INK” are i.L INK- compati ble.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 80 Connecting External Speakers Y ou can en hance the soun d quality of yo u r computer by conn ectin g external speakers. T o connect extern al speake rs ❑ Locate the Headphone con nector identified by the symbol on the side of the comput er .
Connec ting an Externa l Microp hone 81 Connecting an External Micro phon e Y ou can en hance the quality of so und input by using an extern al microphone. T o connect an extern al micr ophone ❑ Locate the Microphone connec tor identified by the symbol on the side of the comp uter .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 82.
83 Customizing Y our V AIO ® Notebook Y ou can cu stomize the se ttin gs of your notebo ok. The following section s briefly describe how to change you r com puter ’ s default settin gs. Y ou can also refer to Sony Notebo ok Setup Help for more detailed inform atio n.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 84 Sony Notebook Setup T abs T ab Description Abou t Th i s Com pute r Displ ay syste m inform at i on, includ ing memor y capaci t y , seria l numb er , an d BIOS ver si on . Print er Sel ec t print er port m ode sett i ngs .
Control ling Po wer Man ageme nt 85 Co n tro l l in g Powe r Ma na gem en t The PowerPanel ut ility allows you to control the power manag ement of your notebo ok compu ter and pr ovides k ey inf ormation abo ut syst em activity an d batt ery li fe. The fo llowin g sect ions b riefly d escr ibe how t o conserve y our computer’ s b attery power .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 86 Y ou can change the p ower management settings, su ch as the system timer and the brig ht nes s of the screen. T o customize power manage ment settings 1 Click the Cu rrent Pro file icon on the Po wer Manag ement tool bar .
Control ling Po wer Man ageme nt 87 AC Power The power ma nagement stat e when AC power is in use. S imilar to the Power Managemen t Of f settin g. Power Ma nagement au tomati cally lo ads th e AC p rofile unl es s yo u di sa bl e thi s fea tu re . Games Disabl es the disp lay an d t he Ha rd Disk Stand by t i m er .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 88 Power Management Commands PowerPanel also provides power manag ement commands that you can use to activate specific power management fu nctions and to control power fo r a specific device. Y ou can use these commands to override a profile settin g or initiate an immediate action.
Display ing Batt ery Inform ation 89 Displaying Batte ry I nformation Y ou can display infor mation for each of the batteries in your com puter . The follow i n g se c tions brief l y des cribe h ow to di spla y yo ur comp ute r ’ s gen era l battery inf ormation.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 90 Displayi ng Detai led Batt ery I nformation Double-click the b attery icon on th e task tray to display th e Battery Informatio n window . The screen appears display ing the Battery tab, wh ich contains information such as the estimated time- to-empty and char ging time.
Sel ec t ing t he Di spl ay Mo de 91 Selec ting the Dis play Mode This noteb ook uses the Intel® vid e o co ntroller , which enables you to select th e desired display wh en the noteb ook is connected to an external mon itor .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 92 4 Click the Inte l® 8281 5 Graphics T echnology tab, th en click th e Graphi cs Prop erties b utton. If you are co nnectin g only t o TV , go to st ep 7. 5 Click the Driv er Configur atio n tab. 6 Make su re that the Synchr onous Disp lay Mod e box is selected, then cli ck Apply .
Sel ec t ing t he Di spl ay Mo de 93 ✍ This fea ture is a vaila ble with UI Design Sel ector-compati ble software onl y ..
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 94.
95 Adding Memory In the future you may wan t to install me m ory mod ules to expand the functi onality of you r comput er . Y ou can increase m emory up to 512 MB (256 MB x 2 ), by installing o ptional m em ory modules. 25 6 MB of memory is pre-ins talle d (256 MB x 1).
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 96 T ypical expansion memory config uration T o remove a memory modu le 1 Shut d own your com puter and disco nnect a ll periph eral dev ices, such as your print er .
Adding Me mo ry 97 5 Remov e the memory module. 6 T ighten the screw on th e memory b ay cover . T o instal l a memory modul e 1 Follow steps 1 to 4 of “T o remove a m e mory m o dule.” 2 Remove the m emory module from its p ackaging. Remov ing memory m odule ✍ Y our co mputer come s with a m emor y module i nstall ed in the me mor y slot .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 98 3 Install the mem o ry modu le. 4 T ighten the s crew on the cover of th e memory bay . T o view the amount of memo ry 1 Restart the computer . 2 Click the Start b utton on th e W in do w s s tatus bar , point to V AIO optio n, and click “S ony Note book S etup.
99 About the Software on Y our Notebook Y our V AIO notebook is ready to hel p y ou work, play , learn, and commun i cate as soon as you tur n it on. Thi s sect ion gi ves you t he followi ng: ❑ An .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 100 Adobe Premier e® LE Adobe Systems Inc orporated Adobe Premier e LE of fers a n inter face a nd editin g too l for p roducin g movi es for v ide o, multim edia, o r the W eb. V ie w source cli ps an d edited foota ge simu ltaneo usly on th e moni t or wind ow .
Overvi ew 101 EarthLink Network T otalAccess® (Windows Me only) EarthLin k Network, Inc . An Internet Se rvice Pr ovider that sup plies ac cess, inform at ion, an d assi stance t o i t s cust omers, in trodu cing th em to the Interne t.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 102 Netscape Communica tor® Netscape Communic a tio ns Netscape Com munica tor is an all-in- one Intern et tool that mak es it ea sy to bro wse the web, send In ternet e-ma il, chat, read newsgrou ps, and com pose grea t web docume nts.
Movi eSha ker™ 103 Sound Forge® XP Soni c F oundr y Sou nd For ge XP allow s you to put po wer ful au dio pro ces sin g tools an d ef fe cts to wo rk on your no tebo ok. S imply cu t, copy , and past e yo ur way to strik ing mu ltime dia fi les for use in e very th ing fr om W eb pag es t o de sktop pres enta tion s.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 104 4 Click Open . The file is ad ded to the Clip tray . ✍ Importi n g files ov er 75 secon ds in l eng th may cause Mov ieShaker S oftware t o stop respon ding .
Movi eSha ker™ 105 Create a Movie using Shaker After addin g clip(s) to the Clip tray , you can create a short mo vie using the Shaker feature. Shak er randomly select clips from the Clip tray to create a 30- second scene. 1 Click the Shake tab. 2 Select a mood by clickin g a face in the Shaker tray .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 106 Editing Clips and Scenes Y ou can edit your m ovie by adding ef fects and text, adjusting the color and contrast, and modifyin g th e length of clips. Adding ef fects to a scene or a clip: 1 Double-click the cli p or scene to move it to th e W o rkin g Pan el.
Pi ctur eGea r™ 107 3 Select the format in which y ou want the document to b e saved. 4 Clic k Ne x t. 5 Locate the folder to which you want the file sav e d.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 108 4 Now add more p ictures, frames, text, and ef fects . 5 When you are f inished, select Create Album in File menu or click the Create Album i con on t he tool bar . 6 Designate the folder you where want to save the Album.
Software Support Informatio n 109 Software Suppor t In form ation Adaptec, Inc. Acr oba t® Reader , Adobe Photo Delux e® Bu sin ess Edit io n, Ado be Pr emiere® LE (Adobe Systems Incorporat ed) America Online® (America Online) CompuServe® 2000 (CompuServe, Inc.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 11 0 Netscape Communicator® (Netscape Communications Corporation) PhotoPri nter™ 200 0 Pr o (A rcS oft, Inc.) Pr odigy I nternet® (Pr odigy Commu nicati ons Corp oratio n) Qui cken® 2001 (I ntui t Inc.) Win d ows ® Operating System, In ternet Explorer ( Microsoft Co rporation) WinDVD ® W eb site http ://www .
Appl icatio n, Syst em, and D rive r Recov ery CDs 111 Sony Service Center For the Sony Service Center nearest you, call 1 -888-4SONYPC (1-888-476- 6972 ) or find Sony Cust omer Servi ce on th e W eb at ht tp://www .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 11 2 Using Y our Recovery C Ds The following sections describe how to use the App lication Recovery and System R ecov ery utilities. Using the Appl ication Rec overy CD(s) The Appl icatio n Recover y CD(s) allows you to rei nstal l indi vidual applicati ons if they become cor rupted or are accidentally erased.
Using Y our Re co very CDs 11 3 Using the System Recovery CD(s) Y ou can reinstall s oftware titles that shipped with your compu ter if they are corrupt ed or erased.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 11 4 3 Press the arrow keys to select the Exit menu. 4 Press the arrow k eys to select “Get Default V al ues” and then pr ess the Enter key . The message “Load d efault configuration n ow?” appears. 5 Check that “Y es” is selected, then press the Enter key .
Using Y our Re co very CDs 11 5 3 When the Driver Recovery menu appears, follow the on-scr een instructions to complete the recovery process. T o repa ir sof tware appli cat ions us ing V AIO Supp ort.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 11 6.
11 7 T roubleshooting This sect io n des c ribes how t o so lv e commo n pro bl ems you may encou nter when using your n otebook. Many problems have si mple solut ions, s o try t hese sugges tio ns before yo u cont act Sony PC Sup port (http:/ /www .sony .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 11 8 My notebook starts, but my system doesn’t sta rt properly ❑ When the intern al back up battery is low on power , it ma y n ot start your system properly . The message “Press <F1> to resum e, <F2> to setup” appears at the bottom o f the screen.
T roubles hootin g 11 9 7 Press the arrow keys to select “Get Default V alues” and then press Enter . The message “Load d efault configu ration now?” a ppears. 8 Select Y es, then press Enter . 9 Use the directio nal arrow keys to select “Ex it” (Save Changes), and then press Enter .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 120 My noteb ook doe s not enter the power saving mod e I se lected. (Windo ws Me onl y) ❑ Click Start, point to Program, point to Accessories, point to System T ools, and then click System Inf ormation. The Help and Supp ort wind ow appears .
T roubles hootin g 121 T roubleshoot ing the LCD screen My LCD screen is blank ❑ Check that the n otebook is plugged into a power source and th at it is turned on. ❑ Check that the p ower indicator o n the notebook is on. ❑ Check that the b attery pac k(s) is inserted properly an d that they are char ged.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 122 T roubleshooting th e mouse and touchpad My mouse does n ot work ❑ If yo u are using an external mo use, check th at the mouse is plugg ed into the mouse connector . See “Connecting an Extern al Display” fo r details.
T roubles hootin g 123 T roubleshoot ing drives, PC card s and peripheral devices My flo ppy disk dr ive can not wri te to a diskette ❑ If the di skette is write-protected, disable the write-protect featu re or use a diskette th at is not write-protected.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 124 ❑ If the Eject button does not work , op en the tray b y inserting a sharp, po in ted object in the hole to the right of the Eject button. I cannot use d igit al vide o (DV) device s. The m essage “D V equ ipmen t seem s to be disco nnecte d or t urned off” a ppears.
T roubles hootin g 125 T roubleshoot ing the modem My modem does not work ❑ Check that the p hone line is plugged into the line jack. See “Conn ecting a Phone Line” for details . ❑ Check that the p hone line is work ing. Y ou can ch eck the line by plugging in an ord inary pho ne and li steni ng for a dial ton e.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 126 1 Double click Sy stem in Control Pan el. 2 Set the sound d evice to enable in Device Manager . ❑ If you r notebook is po wered by batteries, c heck that the battery packs are inserted prop erly and th at they are char ged.
T roubles hootin g 127 ❑ Select Ref resh, t hen clic k OK. The pr inter s hould fu nction properly . Wi n d ows 200 0 Onl y ❑ Double -click My Compu ter icon on t he deskto p, then do uble- click on the Control Pan e l fold er . ❑ Double-click on the Prin ters folder .
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 128.
Spe cif ica tio ns 129 Specifications The follo wing table details the hard ware specifications for yo ur compu ter . Mode l PCG -FX 290/ 290 K Proce ssor Mobil e ® Int el® Pentium ® III 1 GHz * fe.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 130 Driv e Bay • Suppo rts flopp y disk dri ve ( in clu ded) • Suppo rts secon d rechar geab le bat tery (opt ional) Exp ansio n Capab il itie s T ype I/II PC c ard s and T ype III PC ca rd with CardBu s support Conne ctio n Capab il itie s • 2 USB p orts • i.
Spe cif ica tio ns 131 Ope rating T emper ature 40º F to 9 5º F (+5º C to 35º C) t empera ture gradi ent l es s th an 50 º F (10º C) p er h our Ope rating Humidit y 20% to 8 0% (n ot cond ensed).
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 132 NOTE: Specifications are subject to change witho ut notice. †† Maximu m spee d for fa xi ng is 14 .4 kbps. Your 5 6K/V.
133 A About This Computer tab 84 AC adapter 21, 27 AC power 27 AC Profile po wer setting 87 adding hardware 65 memory 95 peripher als 65 printers 71 adjustin g brig htnes s 34, 39 Alt key 36 Applic at.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 134 monitor 71 multimedia co m puter display 72 multiple p hone lin es 62 networ k 51, 66 part y phone lin es 62 PBX 62 phone li n e 62 port repl icator 66 power sour ce 27.
135 Help Mouseware 41 I i.LINK 78 IEEE-13 94 78 indicator lig hts 37 bat tery 30, 37, 54 Caps Lock 38 charge status 30 hard drive 37 Num Lock 38 Scroll Lock 38 input dev ices 5 Inser t key 36 insertin.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 136 Notebo ok Co mputer 21 Notebo ok Setu p tabs 84 Num Lock indi cator light 38 O opening DVD-ROM drive tray 45 operator keys 36 output devi ces 5 adding 71 P part y phone.
137 indicator lig ht 38 second battery pack 28, 54 selecting disp lay 73 LCD 73 monitor 73 powe r so ur ce 28 Serial connector 66 setup scree n About This Computer tab 84 Audio tab 84 Basic/Advanced t.
V AIO No tebook User Guid e 138.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony PCG-FX290 Primary è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony PCG-FX290 Primary - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony PCG-FX290 Primary imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony PCG-FX290 Primary ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony PCG-FX290 Primary, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony PCG-FX290 Primary.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony PCG-FX290 Primary. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony PCG-FX290 Primary insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.