Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PCG-632M del fabbricante Sony
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N Sony Not ebo ok U ser Gu ide PCG-R60 0MF/PCG-R600HFP/ PC G-R6 00HF PKI T.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Re ad t his fi rs t 1 nN Read this first Notice © 2002 Sony C orporation. All rights reserved. This man ual and t he sof twar e de scri bed h ere in, in whole or in part, m ay no t be re prod uced , tr ansla ted, or redu c ed to a ny mac hin e- readable form without prior written approval.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Re ad t his fi rs t 2 nN Symantec Norton AntiVirus is a trademark of Sy mantec Corporation. All other names of systems, pro ducts and services are trademarks o f their respective owners. In the m anual, the ™ or ® m arks are not specified.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Re ad t his fi rs t 3 nN Sa fety infor mati on Own er' s rec or d The seri a l number and model n umber are l o cated on the b ottom of you r S ony notebook. Record the seria l nu m ber in the spac e provi ded her e. Refe r t o the mode l n um ber and s er ial nu mb er i f y ou ca ll VAIO-L ink.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Re ad t his fi rs t 4 nN ❑ TV se ts ❑ Speaker s ❑ Ma gne t s ❑ M agneti c bracelets. Au dio/ vi deo ❑ Aud io and pi ctu re di storti on may oc cu r i f this e quip me nt i s pos ition ed in close prox im ity to an y equipm ent emitti ng electrom agn etic radiati on.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Re ad t his fi rs t 5 nN Reg ulatory informa tion Sony her eby de clare s tha t t he pro duc t i s in com plia nce wit h th e ess ent ial r equi rem en ts an d o ther rele vant prov isi ons o f E urop ea n Dire cti ve 1 999/5 /EC ( ra dio e qui pm ent and t elec omm un icatio ns te rmi nal e quip ment D irect ive ).
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Re ad t his fi rs t 6 nN Di sposin g of lit hium io n batt eries ❑ Do no t han dle da ma ged or le aking l ithiu m io n ba tterie s. D ispos e of pr ompt ly a nd pro per ly at e nd- of-lif e. ❑ Dang er o f ex plosi on if the bat te ry i s inco rrec tly r epl ace d.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Welcome 7 nN We l c o m e Cong ratu lati ons on purc has ing a S o ny VAI O note book . S ony has comb in ed le ading -edg e te chnol og y in aud io, vid eo, com put ing a nd com mu ni cat ions to pr ovi de y ou with state -o f-the -a rt pers ona l com pu ting.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Welcome 8 nN Do cumenta tion pa ck Your Docu m enta tio n Pac k cont ains pa per a nd onl ine use r guides on yo ur comp uter 's har d driv e.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Welcome 9 nN 2 Refe r to your So ftw are Gu id e for inform atio n on the bundl ed softw are and the Son y applicati ons. ❑ A bou t th e So ftw are i s a short des cript ion of th e featur es of the so ftw are pr e-instal led on you r sy ste m.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Welcome 10 nN Y our noteb ook an d its ac cessor ies The followi ng hardw are items are in t he box : 1 mai n u nit 6 pow er c ord 2 re charg eable b attery p ack 7 phon e p .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Welcome 11 nN Erg ono mic cons ider ati ons You w ill be us ing you r no tebo ok as a po rtab le d evic e in a variet y of env iro nm en ts. Wh enev er p ossib le, y ou should attem pt to take acc ount of the follow ing ergonomi c consider ations to both sta tionary and port able environ ment s.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Welcome 12 nN ❑ V ie w i ng an gle o f th e co mputer ’s dis play – Use t he d isplay ’s tilting feature to find the best p os ition. Y o u c an reduce eye str ain an d m uscl e fa tigue by ad justing the tilt o f th e disp lay to the p rop er posi tion .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 13 nN Us i ng y o ur n o t eb oo k This se ctio n des cribes how to start using y ou r c omp ute r and ho w to use yo ur com pute r ’s inter nal an d extern al devic es.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 14 nN Locat i ng contro ls and connectors Rig ht 1 USB c o nnec tor (p age 7 1) 2 He adpho ne conn ect or (p age 7 0) 3 Mic roph one con ne ctor (p age 7 0) 4 S40 0 i.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 15 nN Left 1D C I n (p ag e 1 8) 4 Magic Gate ™ M em ory S tic k™ sl ot (p age 3 7) 2 USB co nne ctor (p ag e 7 1) 5 PC Card slo t (p age 3 4) 3 V ent.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 16 nN Front ✍ T her e is a ve ntil atio n slot l ocate d nea r the po wer sw itch . Do no t cov er t he ven tilati o n slot w hen y o ur co mp uter is on.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 17 nN Bac k Bott om 1 battery connector (p ag e 1 9) 1 b attery lock lever (p ag e 1 9) 3 dock ing conn ector (p age 5 6) 2 b attery release lever (p ag e.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 18 nN C onnect ing a power sour ce You can use eithe r an AC adapter or a rec hargeab le battery pac k as a power sou rce. Using the AC adapter To use the AC adapter , proceed as follows : 1 Plug the cable attac hed to the AC adapte r (1) into the D C In connec tor (2) on th e compute r .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 19 nN To use the AC adapter , proceed as follows : 1 Plug the cable attac hed to the AC adapte r (1) into the D C In connec tor (2) on th e compute r . 2 Plug on e e nd of the po wer cord (3) into th e AC a dapter .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 20 nN Insert ing the ba ttery pac k To insert th e batt ery, proc eed as follow s: 1 Move th e lock lever (1) on the bott om of th e computer to the Unlock p osition .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 21 nN Cha rging the ba tt ery pa ck To ch arg e the ba t tery pack , proce e d as foll ow s: 1 Conne ct the AC adapt er to the comp uter .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 22 nN Remo ving the ba ttery pack To remo ve the batt ery pac k, proce ed as fol low s: 1 T urn o f f th e com pute r a nd clo se t he co ver .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 23 nN Sta rt i n g your noteb ook To st art you r comp ute r, proc eed as foll ow s: 1 Slide the LCD loc k lev er (1) i n the d ire ction o f the arrow , and lift th e co ver . 2 Press th e p ower sw itch (2) of the c omp uter u ntil the g reen p ower indi cator ( 3) li ght t urn s on.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 24 nN Sh uttin g down you r note book I t is im por tant th at you s hut do wn y our co mpute r p rop er ly so y ou d o no t lo se uns ave d da ta. To sh ut down yo ur co mputer, pro ceed as fo llows: 1 Click the St ar t bu tto n.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 25 nN Us in g the ke ybo ar d Your keyboar d is very simi lar to a deskt op com puter’ s, but th e keyboa rd has additi ona l keys that p erfo rm spe cific n otebo ok-rel ated tasks.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 26 nN Keys Descr iptions Esc ape ke y (1) Th e <Esc> (Esc ape) key i s us ed to can cel c ommand s. Function keys (2) The twelve function key s along the top of the keyb oard are used to perfo rm designated tasks.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 27 nN Com binat ion s and functi ons with the <W indo ws> key Combinati ons Functions + F1 Displays Hel p an d Su pp or t Cen te r . + T a b Switches the selected button o n the taskbar . + E Displays My Co mpute r .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 28 nN Ind icato rs Indic ator F uncti ons Powe r Pow er on: light s g ree n. St and by mo de: fla she s um ber . Hibern ate mode: turns off. Battery Indicates th e statu s of the b attery inse rt e d in t he computer .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 29 nN Com binat ion s and functi ons with the <F n> key * First y o u need to connect your external display , th e n you turn o n your notebook. When you connect your external display when the comp ute r is a lre ad y on, you c a nnot use the k ey com binat ion <Fn>+<F7> .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 30 nN Us ing th e touchp ad The key b oard conta ins a cu rso r-poi nt ing dev ice, your to uc hpa d. You can point to , sele ct, drag , an d scr oll objec ts on the scr een us ing the bu ilt-i n touch pad .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 31 nN Us ing the Jo g Dial ™ Your c omputer is equipped with a Jog Dial™ (1) bet wee n the righ t and left touch pad but ton s of your com puter. You can turn (2) or / an d press (3) the Jog Dia l™ to scrol l the wi ndow , select a sof twa re, adjust the i nternal speak er vo lume , etc.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 32 nN The Jog D ial™ w indo w is alw ays displ ayed on the scre en. Thi s windo w h as two mode s: Laun ch er mod e or Guide mo de. The Jo g Dial™ w indow is in Laun cher mod e until you s tart an applicati on o r the Jo g Di al™ w indo w be co mes a ctiv e.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 33 nN To use the Jog Dial™ in Launch er mode, proc eed as follows: 1 Clic k the Jog D ial™ win dow o r pr ess the Jo g Di al™ wh ile p ressing the <Ctrl> ke y to swit ch to La unc her mode. 2 T urn the Jog Di al™ to select an item, t hen p ress th e J og Dial™ .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 34 nN Us ing PC Cards Your comp uter i nclu des a PC Card sl ot. PC Card s allow you to c onn ect port able ex ternal devi ces . In sert ing a PC Card To in sert a PC Card, pro ceed a s f ollows : 1 Insert th e PC Card int o the PC Card sl ot, fron t label facing up (1).
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 35 nN F o r so me P C C ards, i f yo u alt erna te b e twee n Normal pow e r op eration an d Stan dby or Hib e rn at e p ower ma nage me nt mo des wh ile th e card is inse rt ed, y ou ma y fi nd that a dev ice c on nec ted to yo ur s ys tem is not rec og nized .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 36 nN So me PC Car ds or thei r fu ncti on s may not b e comp ati ble w ith this comp ute r . ! D o no t selec t and sto p a USB d i sc driv e, a Sony i.L INK ™ CD-RW/ DVD-R OM driv e or a S ony i.L I NK ™ DVD-ROM d rive .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 37 nN Using Me mor y Stick™ Your VA IO co mput er is d esigned to suppo rt t he M emory S tick ™. The M em ory Sti ck™ is a c omp act, p ortabl e, and ve rsatile d evice esp ecial ly desi gned f or exchan ging and sh aring digital data w ith c ompatib le pro ducts .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 38 nN The main advan tages of the Memory S tick™ are its: ❑ Com p ac tn e ss: with dim ensions of just 21.5 m m (W) x 2.8 m m (H) x 50 mm (D), compat ible products c an also be smal l, light we ight and attrac tive i n the ir design.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 39 nN Ge ner ic Memo ry S tic k™ The original Me mory Stick™, blue in colour, can be used to rec ord image d ata taken w ith digital still came ras, etc. o r data fro m the PC. Wi th it, you can record , play bac k and tra nsfe r var ious kinds of data at any g iven time.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 40 nN MagicGat e Memor y Stick™ The Ma gicGate M emory S tick™, whi te i n co lour, r ecords PC an d image data j ust l ike its blue c ounter part; the d ifferenc e is i t uses th e M agicGa te copyright p rotecti on t echno logy.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 41 nN So that you furth er disting ui sh a Mag icGate Mem o ry Stick ™ from a gen eri c one, look for: ❑ the lo g o p rinted on it ❑ a pr otr udi ng dot loca te d on the ba ck.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 42 nN Copy righ t p rot ection Peopl e w ho creat e artistic works suc h as music are enti tled to a "copyrigh t", meanin g that they have exclusiv e rights to dictate how thei r work is used.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 43 nN Aud io: ❑ MS Wal kman ❑ MS Hi -fi sy stem ❑ Netw ork Walk mans ❑ V oice record ers Othe r: ❑ V A IO n ot ebo oks ❑ VAIO d es kt o ps ❑.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 44 nN Inse r ting a M emory Stick™ To insert a Memo ry Stick™, p roceed as fo llows: 1 Once yo u ha ve store d yo ur dat a from you r digit al devi ce, in sert th e Mem or y Stick™ with the arro w facing up an d toward th e Memo ry S tick™ slot .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 45 nN W rite -pr otec ting a M emory Stic k™ Memo r y Sti cks™ are design ed wit h an erasure preventio n switch t o protec t valuabl e data from ac cidental erasure or over writing. Move t he t ab to the rig ht or l eft* to se t or re lease w rite-pro tec tion.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 46 nN Us ing the mod em Yo ur not ebook i s eq ui pped w it h a n in ter nal mod em. You ne ed to connect to a pho ne line to take advan tage of onlin e services and the Internet, but also to regist er your co mpu ter and soft war e online , and to cont act VA IO-L ink.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 47 nN Us ing po wer savin g modes When you u se a b atte ry as th e sou rce of p ower for you r co mput er, you can tak e a dvant age of p ower ma nage ment set tin gs to cons er ve ba tte ry li fe.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 48 nN Using Hibernate mode The sta te o f the system i s s aved on the h ard d isk an d power is t urn ed off. The pow er i ndica tor l igh t is off in th is mode. To ac tivate Hi bernate mo de, p roceed a s follo ws: Press <Fn> + <F1 2> .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 49 nN Using Wi reless LAN (WLAN) Thanks to Sony ’s Wire less LAN ( WLAN ), all you r digi tal devic es with built-i n WLAN fu nc tional ity comm unicate f reely w ith each other th ro ugh a powerf ul netwo rk.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 50 nN Com munic atin g with out A cces s Point (ad- hoc) An ad-ho c netw ork is a n etw ork in which a local n etwor k is created on ly by the wirel ess devi ces the mselves , with no other ce ntra l contro ller or Acc ess Point.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 51 nN 10 F ill i n t he Networ k ke y* . The netwo rk key should be 5 digit s . Y ou can choo se whatever y ou wan t. 11 Clic k OK . Yo u r Netw ork n ame ap pears in th e Pr efer red ne twor ks box . 12 Clic k Adv an ced .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 52 nN ✍ In Fr anc e and in t he Net herlan ds , o nly a f ew ch annels can be u sed: - France : only channels 10, 11 (indoor as well as outdoor). - the Ne therla nds : channels 9, 10, 11 (only outdoor). Indoor all c h annels ca n be used.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 53 nN 5 Ty p e t h e Ne tw ork Ke y . The ne twork key has the sam e name as the ne tw ork ID , but witho ut th e f irst dig it. For example: - ID o f the netwo rk: 09 316a (6 digits) - Network key: 9316a (5 d i gits) 6 Clic k Connect .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Using your notebook 54 nN Selec t ing a c han n el When usi ng W ireless LA N, radi o frequen cies ar e us ed t o transm it d ata from on e com puter to an ot her. R adio frequen cies are di vided in to several cha nnels (1 to 14).
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 55 nN Connec ting periph eral d evices You ca n add func tion ali ty to yo ur c omp uter by co nn ectin g or us ing a ny of the se pe riph eral s. Before you c onnec t pe riph erals, turn of f t he co mpu ter and a ll p eriph eral s.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 56 nN Conn ect ing a docki ng sta tion You ca n use th e P CGA- DSM 5 CD-R W/ DV D doc king sta tio n* or the PCGA -DS D5 D VD d oc king sta t ion (bo th optio nal) t o conn ect perip her al devi ces su ch a s a p rinter or an exte rnal di splay or to use d iskettes .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 57 nN Left & Bott om 1 i .L INK™ net wor k swi tch (p ag e 7 4) 3 Ventilatio n slot / 2 Rele ase lev er (pag e 6 0) 4 Flopp y disk drive .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 58 nN Bac k 1D C I n (p ag e 1 8) 5 M onit or conn ect or (pag e 65) 2 Ethernet net wo rk con nector (p ag e 79) 6 Prin ter co nne ctor ( page 7 2) 3 USB co nne ctors (p ag e 7 1) 7 Seria l p ort / 4 S40 0 i.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 59 nN At ta ching you r comp uter to the d ock ing s ta tio n To connect your com puter to the docking stat ion, p roceed as follows: 1 Plug the AC adapt er cable into the DC In con nector on the dock ing stati on an d th e other end to an AC out let.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 60 nN Dis con necti ng you r co mputer from the d ockin g sta tion To disc on nec t your co mpu te r from the do cki ng sta tion, proce e d as follo ws : 1 If the note book is off, simpl y follo w steps 3 to 5.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 61 nN ✍ Do n ot undoc k th e n oteb ook wh en t he doc king st atio n indi cat or i s o n. If y ou u ndo ck wh en the do cking s tati on i ndic ator o n the no te bo ok is on , you may l ose data or m a lf u nctio n may occur .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 62 nN Whe n yo u f inish usi ng a d isc, w ait u nt il th e LE D in dic ato r t urn s of f an d th e n pre ss th e Ej ec t bu tt on to re m ove th e di sc. If th e d isc does not come out when you pres s the eject button, go to My Com pute r .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 63 nN Usi ng th e C D- RW f un ction To bu rn CD s, you can use CD-RW and CD -R discs: ❑ The CD- R W (CD-ReWritable) d isc is a data memo ry m edium that c an be u sed to write , erase and rew rite a prog ram or ot her d ata.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 64 nN ❑ Alway s use the AC ad apte r as th e p owe r sou rce for y our co mpu ter when you w rite d ata to a C D- RW o r CD-R. It is not po ssibl e to bu rn CDs when the CD- R W/DV D- ROM dock ing sta tio n is not co nn ect ed to AC powe r .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 65 nN C onnect ing a n ext erna l dis play You ca n co nne ct an ex ter nal displ ay to yo ur note book .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 66 nN Con necting a comp uter dis play You ca n co nne ct a co m pute r displ ay e ith er di rec tly to you r not ebo ok or v ia the dock ing statio n.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 67 nN To connect a computer di splay to th e docking stat ion, proc eed as follows: 1 Plug the moni tor p lug (1 ) into the do cking station m o nitor co nnect or (2) . 2 Plug the power co rd (3) into an AC ou tlet.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 68 nN Conn e cti ng a pr oje ct or You ca n co nne ct a pro jec tor (su ch a s the Sony LCD proje cto r) dir ectly to your noteb oo k or via the dock ing statio n.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 69 nN To connect a projector to you r docking stat ion, p roceed as follows: 1 Plug the RGB signa l cab le (1) into the doc king stat io n monito r con necto r identi fied by the mon itor symbo l.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 70 nN Con ne cting ext ern al spea ke rs You ca n enh anc e the sound qual it y of your co m pu ter by co nn ecti ng e xterna l spe ake rs. To co nnect exter nal s peakers, proceed as fo llows: 1 Plug the speaker cable into th e noteboo k earphon e conne ctor identi fied by the symbol .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 71 nN Conn ect ing a U ni vers al Ser ial Bus (US B) mous e You c an co nn ect a USB d evic e (e.g . mou se, f lo ppy di sk d rive, printe r…) to yo ur note boo k or to y ou r do cking statio n.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 72 nN To connect a USB mouse to the dockin g station, p roceed as follows: Plug the USB cable (1) into one of th e docking station USB conn ectors (2) identifi ed by the sy mb ol.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 73 nN Conn e cti ng a pr int er us ing th e p rin te r co nne cto r The d ock ing stati on ( opti on al) is e qui pp ed wit h a p rinter c onn ec tor.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 74 nN Conn ect ing a n i.LI NK™ dev ice Your c omputer includes an i.LINK™ (IEEE1394) co nnector, w hich you c an use to connec t to an i.LINK™ d evice such as a di gital video camera rec ord er or to con nect two VAI O note book s in or der to copy, de lete or e dit files.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 75 nN Conn e cti ng a di gi tal vi de o cam er a reco rd er To conn ect a di gital vi deo c amera re co rder to yo ur no tebo ok , pro cee d as fol lows : 1 Plug one en d of th e i.LINK™ cable (1) i nto the i.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 76 nN To conn ect a di gita l vi deo c ame ra re corde r to t he do cki ng sta tion, procee d a s fol lo ws: 1 Plug one end of the i.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 77 nN Con nect ing tw o V A IO not ebooks With Sm art C onn ec t yo u can c opy , edi t or del ete file s o n ano th er VA IO com pu ter ( equip ped wi th Smart Conn ect) conn ecte d to y our c omp ute r wi th an op tion al i.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 78 nN 5 T u rn on th e not ebo ok. 6 Conne ct y our com pute r to a no ther c omp uter w ith the i .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 79 nN Conn ect ing to a netw ork (LA N) You ca n co nne ct you r note bo ok or y ou r dock ing sta tio n to 10B AS E-T/1 00BA SE- TX- typ e netw ork s via a n Ethernet n etw ork cabl e.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Connecting periphera l devices 80 nN To connect your docking st ation to a LAN, p roceed as fo llows: Conn ect th e ne twork cabl e to the Ethe rne t net work conne cto r (1) on the do cki ng stati on.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 81 nN Getting help This sec tio n des cribes how to get he lp and sup po rt fro m Sony , and provide s trou bl esh oot ing tips for you r co mpu te r. So ny suppor t op tions Sony pro v ides se veral sup port opt io ns for your co mpu ter.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 82 nN ❑ Getting help explai ns the s upp or t option s av ailab le to y ou, an d offers bas ic tr ou ble shooti n g tips. ❑ Prec aut ion s provide s fa cts a nd a dvi ce ab ou t using y ou r not ebo ok. ❑ Specifications p r ovides det ails on your compu ter , drive rs and acce ssories.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 83 nN Othe r sources of informat io n ❑ The Online help files tha t accompa ny yo ur pr e-installed softwar e con tain instru ction s on usin g the softwar e. ❑ V A IO-Link we bsite: if y ou h av e a n y p rob le m w it h you r c om p ut er , y ou c a n ac ce ss t h e VAIO - Lin k w eb site.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 84 nN T rou bl es hoo tin g This se ctio n des cribes how to solv e comm on pro bl ems y ou m igh t enc oun ter w hen usi ng you r not ebo ok. Man y prob lems have simp le solut ions. Plea se, try th ese suggest ions be fore cont actin g VAIO-Li nk.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 85 nN Ab out the comput er and s oftw are My c omp ute r does n ot star t ❑ Check th at the compu ter is plugg ed into a power source and that it is turned o n. ❑ Che ck that the po we r indica tor on th e fron t p ane l of th e c omp ute r indica tes that the p ow er is on.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 86 nN 5 Press <Enter> . 6 Press the arrow keys to sel ect Sy stem T ime . 7 Set t he tim e (h our:mi nute: sec ond). 8 Press <Enter> . 9 Press the arrow keys to sel ect the Exit me nu. 10 Press the arro w keys to selec t Ge t Defau lt V alues and then press <Enter> .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 87 nN My co mputer locks up ❑ If you susp ect on e applicat ion is loc kin g your system , you can try to stop it . T o do this, pr ess <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<D e lete> simult aneo usly . If you ha ve not cha nge d the defa ul t setting s, you w ill ente r the Ta s k M a n a g e r .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 88 nN Ab out t he dis pla y My LCD do es not di spl ay an ythi ng ❑ Check th at the compu ter is plugg ed into a power source and that it is turned o n. ❑ Che ck th at t he powe r i nd icato r on th e fr on t pane l of the c omp ute r i s on .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 89 nN I canno t pl ay a CD-R OM ❑ After inser ting the CD , wait for a fe w sec on ds for the sy stem to de tect i t befo re you try to ac ces s it.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 90 nN ❑ A dirty or damag ed disc may cau se the compu ter to ' hang' wh ile it tries to read the disc . If n e cess ary , reboot th e comp ute r , rem ove the disc and the n check th at it is not dirty or dam aged .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 91 nN ❑ Make sure you pl ace the disc in the tray w ith the label si de faci ng up. The disc tray does not eject even when the eject butto n is pressed ❑ Che ck tha t t he note book i s t urn ed on. ❑ The CD- wri ting ap pl icati on softw are may be sto pping the disc from being ejec ted.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 92 nN 5 Se le c t th e H ard wa re tab , then cl ick D evic e M an a ger . 6 Se le c t Univ er s al Se rial Bu s co ntro lle rs , then Y - E Data USB Floppy . 7 Fr om t he Acti on men u , clic k Uninstall . 8 Keep clicking OK unti l th e Confirm ation of deleti on of device m essage appe ars.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 93 nN ❑ The spea ker vo lum e may b e tu rned t o th e mini mum. Pr ess <F n>+<F4> , and th en pres s or to increase the volume . ❑ If yo ur com pute r is p ow ered by bat tery , c he ck th at th e bat tery is in serte d pr ope rly an d th at it is cha rged .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 94 nN 5 T u rn on yo ur no teb ook. Y o u can now ope rate th e CD -RW /DVD -R OM dr ive or th e DVD -RO M dri ve. ✍ Do not set t he i .LINK ™ net wor k swi tch w hen t he no tebo ok i s on . It ca uses m alf unc tion.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 95 nN ❑ Che ck th at the ph on e num be r the pr og ram is di alin g, is co rrec t. ❑ In the Phon e and Modem Opti ons dial og box ( Cont rol P anel / Phone .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 96 nN ❑ If you are us ing multip le i.LI NK™ devi ces, th e co m bina tion of the conne cted devic es may cause unst able ope ration . In thi s c ase, tu rn o ff the pow er of all co nn ect ed d evic es a nd disco nn ect un used de vice s.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 97 nN Ab out d igital video capt ures and DV gate While I am reco rd ing imag es to a digi tal video device usi ng DVga te, m y system displ ays the mess age 'Recordin g to DV device failed . Check the power and c ab le c o nnect ions to the DV device an d try the operati on a gain.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 98 nN ❑ Ch e ck if t h e Ac cess P oint is disp layed in the Av ail a ble networ k s wind ow . ❑ T o ch e ck t h is, cl ic k Star t and then Co n t rol P a ne l . ❑ D oub le-c lic k t he Netw ork Co nnectio ns ic on .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Getting help 99 nN The maximum c o mmuni cation speed is not r eached The maxi mum com mun ication sp eed is 11 Mbps, bu t t his can never be reached . The normal speed is 4 to 5 Mbps. Th e c ommu nicat ion spee d slows dow n when tr ansf erring M PEG2 dat a.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Preca utions 100 nN Pr ec au ti o ns This se ctio n des cribes safety guide li nes a nd pre cau tio ns to help you pro tec t your co m pute r from pot ential dama ge . Your n oteb oo k a nd mem o ry mo du les u se h igh pr ecisi on com po nen ts a nd e lec tro nic co nn ectors tec hn ology .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Preca utions 101 nN ❑ Discon nec t the syste m from its pow er sourc e and fro m any t elec ommu ni catio n link s, netwo rks, or modems b efor e you open the syste m. Failure to do so may result in per sonal inju ry or equipme n t dama ge .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Preca utions 102 nN 4 Unscrew the tw o screws at the bot tom of your co mput er . 5 S lide th e LC D lock lever a nd lift the cover . 6 Slide the keyboar d toward the LCD display , then lift it away sligh tly . 7 Lift th e k eyboa rd fro m th e LCD d i splay sid e.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Preca utions 103 nN 11 Gently repla ce t he keyb oard, the n press i t int o you r comp uter . Be carefu l no t to deta ch the cab le wh en lifting the keybo ard. 12 Close th e comp ute r c over , then tighte n the sc rew s on the bott om of th e comp ute r .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Preca utions 104 nN 7 Lift the ke yboa rd from the LCD di splay si d e, then gen tly turn it over the tou chpad . Be car eful not to d etac h th e c able (1) when li fting th e k eyboa rd. 8 Remov e the exi sting memory mo dule.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Preca utions 105 nN ❑ Sn ap the connec tors into place when the board is correct ly seated. 11 Gently r eplace the keybo ard, then p ress it into y our c omputer . Be careful not to detach th e cable when lift ing the keyb oard.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Preca utions 106 nN 12 Close th e comp ute r c over , then tighte n the sc rew s on the bott om of th e comp ute r . V iewing the amou nt of memory To vi ew th e amou nt of mem or y, proc ee d as f ollow s: 1 T urn o n the c omp uter .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Preca utions 107 nN Althou gh the hard di sk has the sa fety devi ce in itself to prevent losing data du e to m echani cal vibrati on, sh ock or du st, yo u sho uld be car eful when ha ndl ing you r comp ute r. To avoi d da ma ging your ha rd di sk: ❑ Do not gi ve a sh ock to yo ur c omput er .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Preca utions 108 nN On us ing power s ource ❑ Y o ur com puter operat es on 100V-240V AC 5 0/60 Hz. ❑ Do n ot share th e AC o ut let with o the r po wer-consu m ing eq uipmen t, such as a pho to copi er or shred der . ❑ Y o u can purcha se a powe r strip w ith a surge prot ector .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Preca utions 109 nN ❑ Str ong magn ets or speakers that are no t magn etically shiel ded, ❑ A mbient temp eratu re of mo re t han 35 ºC o r less th an 10º C, ❑ H igh hum id ity . ❑ Do not plac e electroni c equipme nt n ear your co mpu ter .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Preca utions 110 nN On ha n dling C D-ROMs ❑ Do no t touch th e surfa ce of the d is c. ❑ Do not dr op or b end th e dis c.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Preca utions 111 nN ❑ While the bat tery is in u se or being di schar ged, the battery pac k heats up. This is normal and is n o t cause for conc ern . ❑ Keep the battery pack aw ay from all s ources of heat. ❑ Keep the battery pack dry .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Preca utions 112 nN ❑ Do not d is assemb le or m odi fy M em or y Sti cks™ . ❑ Do no t l et Mem ory Stick s™ get w et.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Notebook specificat i ons: PCG-R60 0M F / PCG-R600HFP / PCG-R600HFPKIT 113 nN Notebook spec ifications: PCG -R600MF / PCG-R600 HFP / PCG -R600 H FPKIT Model name PCG-R600MF P.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Notebook specificat i ons: PCG-R60 0M F / PCG-R600HFP / PCG-R600HFPKIT 114 nN T elecommunic ation ca pab i litie s Ethernet network, PSTN d ata connectivity Expansi on capabi.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Notebook specificat i ons: PCG-R60 0M F / PCG-R600HFP / PCG-R600HFPKIT 115 nN Weight W ith b att e ry W ith batter y & option al docking station 1.98 kg No t ava ila ble PCG - R6 00H FP: 1. 98kg /PCG -R600 HFP K IT :1. 98kg PCG-R600HFP: Not a vailable/ PC G-R6 00HF PKIT : 3.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Notebook specificat i ons: PCG-R60 0M F / PCG-R600HFP / PCG-R600HFPKIT 116 nN ‡ See our special Guarante e extension conditions. S peci ficat ions are s ubjec t to c hange w itho ut no tice. (1) The m axim um comm unic atio n sp eed of th e IEEE 802 .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide (optional) Docki ng station speci fications 117 nN (optional ) Docking s tati on specifications * PCG-DSM5 is bu ndled with PCG-R600HFPKIT . S peci ficat ions are s ubjec t to c hange w itho ut no tice. Model name CD-RW/DVD Docking stat i on (PCGA-DSM5)* DVD Doc king station (PCGA-DSD5) Op tic a l dr iv e up to 24x max.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Glossary 118 nN Glossary This s ectio n r efers to terms us ed in th is manu al. T hese terms an d d efini tions ha ve be en c omp iled to prov ide you w ith a better unde rstandi ng of your V AIO comput er. T erm Defi niti on <F1> key The <F1> key g ives you access to th e online help of most so ftware.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Glossary 119 nN CD-ROM Ab brev iat ion f or Compa c t Disc R ead-O nly Me mory . A high -c apac ity opt ical disc, usua lly 650 M B in size, capable of being re ad from but not w ritten to. CD-RW Short for C ompact Disc-ReWriteable.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Glossary 120 nN EULA EULA (En d-User License Agreement) is the name g iven to a license g overning the software on y ou r c omput er . The EUL A ca n b e fo un d in t he R e a d th i s fi rs t sec tio n at the begi nni ng of the software g uide or directly on the VAIO desktop.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Glossary 121 nN MAP I Short for Messaging Applicatio n Program Interface. A Microso ft Windows i nterface enabling you to send e-mail messages. It a llows e-mail access and distribution amo ng appl ic ati ons. M API- comp atib le a ppl icatio ns inc lu de a Se nd M ail or S en d in the F il e menu of th e a pp lic ati on .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Glossary 122 nN PC Card A PCMCI A card. T he t erm P C Ca rd is m ore wide ly us ed t h an PC MCI A. S ee P CM CIA. PCMCIA PCMCIA (Personal Computer Mem ory Card International Association) is the na me of the group that pro duced the specification for the credit card-sized plug-in boards for lapto p computers.
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Glossary 123 nN RAM Short for Ran dom Access Memory , the memory u sed to run programs and store data in current use. R AM is the fa stest kin d of me mory to re a d from a nd write to. Information stored in RAM is lo st when you turn of f the computer .
Sony Notebook Us er Guide Glossary 124 nN UPS A UPS ( Un inte rrupti ble Po wer S up ply) i s a devic e incl udi ng a b atte ry that prot ec ts yo ur computer from d ata loss in the event of a po wer failure. The battery takes over as so on as a po we r i nterru ptio n is de tect ed.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony PCG-632M è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony PCG-632M - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony PCG-632M imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony PCG-632M ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony PCG-632M, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony PCG-632M.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony PCG-632M. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony PCG-632M insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.